Arts and Entertainment => Film, Music, Sports, and more => Topic started by: PickelledEggs on August 26, 2014, 06:28:36 PM

Title: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on August 26, 2014, 06:28:36 PM
I realized we don't really have a dedicated TV series thread and decided to make one.

Post here with your reviews/recommendations/etc. for any TV series you are watching. (put anime in the anime thread)

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on August 26, 2014, 06:30:28 PM
I just started watching the second season of Orphan Black. The first season was amazing and the second season is no less awesome. 11/10 would recommend.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: josephpalazzo on August 26, 2014, 06:49:39 PM
There's already a thread for Game of Thrones ( The reason there hasn't been any posting lately is because the season 5 won't start until Spring 2015.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on August 26, 2014, 06:50:06 PM
I'm not watching any TV-shows currently. (Waiting for the new season of GOT and I should finish watching the last half of Dexter, but I don't really want to...).
But I'm vowing to start rewatching my collection of X-files episodes; that show is awesome. Though, so far the only show I know in which stand-alone episodes are better than the ones relating to the overarching plot.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on August 26, 2014, 07:10:08 PM
lol I don't even watch game of thrones....
It would be silly of me to post other shows in there
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: aitm on August 26, 2014, 08:35:27 PM
i'm a lazy fuck after coming home from work. I play with the dogs for about a half, then I cook dinner for all, then I watch whatever is on that normally produces laughter out of me. Thats my life....yeah.....I know.....yer jealous!  HA!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 26, 2014, 10:28:30 PM
Games of Thrones, Walking Dead, Doctor Who.  Also, Robot Chicken and Rick & Morty.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on August 26, 2014, 10:58:33 PM
oh shit. I forgot that Doctor Who started this past week. WHAT KIND OF WHOVIAN AM I??????
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GrinningYMIR on August 26, 2014, 11:09:00 PM
I've been watching the simpsons marathon recently, that's about it besides the occasional GoT or Hockey game

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Solitary on August 27, 2014, 12:14:17 PM
I've been watching Orphan Black also.  :smile:
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Youssuf Ramadan on August 27, 2014, 05:53:21 PM
I hardly ever watch TV, but my brother in law gave me season 1 of Banshee a while back.  Fuckaroo, that was pretty epic!  No slow intro here, straight in with the action.  I loved it!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Green Bottle on August 27, 2014, 06:26:47 PM
I just got season 5 and 6 of The Shield off my mate to watch, 2 episodes in an its excellent as usual, the best cop show to come out of the us in my opinion, fkn love it.....
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Solitary on August 27, 2014, 11:09:49 PM
I just finished watching the final episode for the season of Tyrant. I thought there was going to be more, and I can't wait until it starts again. I've also been watching Outlander and Hell On Wheels.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 02, 2014, 02:52:13 PM
Gravity Falls:  I actually like it way more than I thought I would.

Plot:  Inquisitive little boy and wacky little girl (fraternal twins) move in with huckster great-uncle and uncover supernatural/paranormal mysteries.  Monster of the week-type stuff.  Nothing amazing but solid popcorn fare.

But it steadily gets better and better.  The jokes get better, supporting characters get fleshed out more, freakier mysteries, plus a couple overarching plots.  Slenderman even makes a cameo in an ostensibly children's cartoon as well as the voice actor for Morty from Rick and Morty.  Plus, dat season 1 finale and season 2 opener.  Now, I can't wait for new episodes.


So cute![/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Notthesun on September 02, 2014, 03:25:06 PM
I watch way too many shows. Game of Thrones, The Good Wife, Breaking Bad, Bob's Burgers, Parks and Rec, and so on.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on September 02, 2014, 04:11:17 PM
Yeah I just finished season 2 of orphan black. AMAZING.

I recommend it
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PJS on September 03, 2014, 07:16:15 PM
Over the summer I watched the entire Six Feet Under series. I thoroughly enjoyed most episodes. Currently watching the first year of The Wire and I am getting hooked.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Desdinova on September 05, 2014, 04:26:07 PM
been watching a lot of soccer lately.  also louie.  football season is here so i will watch that as well.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: josephpalazzo on September 07, 2014, 01:46:23 PM
Lately, I've been watching, Under the Dome. Even though I missed the entire season 1, it's pretty easy to get into. The negative side: I find no particular character interesting; the positive side: Stephen King has kept the tempo just about right to keep up with the intrigue. So I'll be watching for a little while to see if it builds up nicely.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 07, 2014, 02:02:18 PM
Doctor Who's off to a pretty rocky start this season.  I really, really liked David Tennant and Matt Smith.  They were wacky, adventurous Doctors and the actors seemed to have a real yen for the role.  The 12th doctor just seems befuddled and sullen with none of the charm the character is known for.  And the writing has noticeably gone downhill.  I think I'm going to call it quits on the series for a while.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Solitary on September 07, 2014, 02:12:25 PM
Quote from: josephpalazzo on September 07, 2014, 01:46:23 PM
Lately, I've been watching, Under the Dome. Even though I missed the entire season 1, it's pretty easy to get into. The negative side: I find no particular character interesting; the positive side: Stephen King has kept the tempo just about right to keep up with the intrigue. So I'll be watching for a little while to see if it builds up nicely.
It is interesting with intriguing plot twists.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on September 08, 2014, 02:13:33 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on September 07, 2014, 02:02:18 PM
Doctor Who's off to a pretty rocky start this season.  I really, really liked David Tennant and Matt Smith.  They were wacky, adventurous Doctors and the actors seemed to have a real yen for the role.  The 12th doctor just seems befuddled and sullen with none of the charm the character is known for.  And the writing has noticeably gone downhill.  I think I'm going to call it quits on the series for a while.
I only saw the first episode so far this season. I hope the writing picks up...

I'm not sure how I feel about the new Doctor's character yet, so I won't say anything about that. I was a HUGE fan of Matt Smith's character and also a pretty big fan of Tennant's Doctor. I guess we will see how the rest of the season plays out.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: antediluvian on September 08, 2014, 02:34:44 PM
"The Overlander" STARZ.   Checkitout
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Jutter on September 08, 2014, 03:59:32 PM
Breaking Bad lives up to the hype. Great series. Best dramady I've seen since St Elsewhere.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on September 08, 2014, 06:04:16 PM
Seeing Overlander, watching Outlander from Starz. It's pretty good, English woman get's teleported back from 1940s Post-ww2 England into 1740's or so Scotland, right before the Jacobite uprising. It's mostly a culture clash where this strong, independent woman who was a combat medic is now having to blend into this very macho, misogynistic culture that is at war with "her" people.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on September 16, 2014, 03:02:27 AM
I started seeing Brooklyn nine nine.
It's hilarious, but for some reason, I can't watch an entire episode in one go. Perhaps sometimes it's just a bit too ridiculous for my taste.
Would recommend though.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 21, 2014, 01:52:00 AM
So I binged Doctor Who to see if it got any better.

After some really, really horrible episodes...  (Seriously, if I showed a complete newbie the Robots Of Sherwood or Listen, they would probably never watch the show again.  The TARDIS is essentially an infinite adventure seed - you can write whatever conflict you want literally anywhere/anywhen and have the Doctor get caught up in it - practically limitless potential wasted on really underwhelming episodes featuring Robin Hood then the Boogieman.  And really, evolution makes perfect predators and perfect hiders now?!  *Charles Darwin spinning in his grave*)


From Flatline to the finale is golden.  I think my main issue was that it's such a dreadfully cantankerous and unlikable Doctor, underwhelming villains, and complete lack of an overarching plot.  There's no real mystery or epicness, there's just stuff not happening then occasionally happening then it's over.  Woo hoo.  But thankfully, that all changed.

In Flatline, the Doctor is indisposed and Clara Oswald is trying to save the world against some actually pretty strange and unnerving alien invaders.  Then there's an okay episode involving lots and lots of trees.  Then there's the two-part finale, the very first episode this season that actually got me excited:


And what's more, the Cybermen make their grand return.  I've always liked them.  They're very dispassionate and no-nonsense villains.  They destroy and assimilate.  They can curbstomp any army on the world and they're hilariously logical and matter-of-fact.  They're not too bright, but that doesn't matter when they have a good leader.  There's just so much about them that's strangely likeable rather than horrifying.  Sign me up for an upgrade!  *cranks up The Lion Sleeps Tonight and takes his place in the queue, marching in time with the song*
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on January 14, 2015, 07:00:44 PM
Doctor Who and QI.

I really like (or at least want to like) Capaldi, but I'm still far more a fan of Classic Who than I am of New Who.  I haven't seen the last several episodes of this season, but things seemed to be (finally) turning around.

Then again, after 'Kill the Moon', they HAD to get better, since that is a serious contender for the title of the single worst episode in the entire 51 year history of the show.

QI remains strong and just gets better year after year (though I dislike this year's bonus topic).

Outside of those two I stick with my DVDs, and BBC Radio 4.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: _Xenu_ on January 14, 2015, 09:14:05 PM
Just finished rewatching Buffy not too long ago. Now watching Sons of Anarchy on Netflix.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on January 14, 2015, 09:24:22 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on December 21, 2014, 01:52:00 AM
So I binged Doctor Who to see if it got any better.

After some really, really horrible episodes...  (Seriously, if I showed a complete newbie the Robots Of Sherwood or Listen, they would probably never watch the show again.  The TARDIS is essentially an infinite adventure seed - you can write whatever conflict you want literally anywhere/anywhen and have the Doctor get caught up in it - practically limitless potential wasted on really underwhelming episodes featuring Robin Hood then the Boogieman.  And really, evolution makes perfect predators and perfect hiders now?!  *Charles Darwin spinning in his grave*)


From Flatline to the finale is golden.  I think my main issue was that it's such a dreadfully cantankerous and unlikable Doctor, underwhelming villains, and complete lack of an overarching plot.  There's no real mystery or epicness, there's just stuff not happening then occasionally happening then it's over.  Woo hoo.  But thankfully, that all changed.

In Flatline, the Doctor is indisposed and Clara Oswald is trying to save the world against some actually pretty strange and unnerving alien invaders.  Then there's an okay episode involving lots and lots of trees.  Then there's the two-part finale, the very first episode this season that actually got me excited:


And what's more, the Cybermen make their grand return.  I've always liked them.  They're very dispassionate and no-nonsense villains.  They destroy and assimilate.  They can curbstomp any army on the world and they're hilariously logical and matter-of-fact.  They're not too bright, but that doesn't matter when they have a good leader.  There's just so much about them that's strangely likeable rather than horrifying.  Sign me up for an upgrade!  *cranks up The Lion Sleeps Tonight and takes his place in the queue, marching in time with the song*

It's something you have to watch and invest in. Once you get in a groove of watching Doctor Who, it really grows on you. Ironically, that is the reason I don't really care about it anymore. They've taken so long to make new episodes. They do one a week for a few weeks and then the show is MIA for a the rest of the year.

I wonder why that is why I don't like Capaldi....

on another note, I just started binge watching 1992's Batman The Animated Series
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on January 14, 2015, 09:54:52 PM
Quote from: PickelledEggs on January 14, 2015, 09:24:22 PM
I wonder why that is why I don't like Capaldi....

That's the great thing about the show, there's pretty much a Doctor for everyone.  I think Capaldi has great potential... but he hasn't lived up to it yet.  That's more an issue with the scripts than it is the performer -- the scripting was why I came to dislike the Tennant era, not the actor.

I'd like to see the show return to its old system of having a producer and a separate script editor.  We know Moff and Mark Gatiss work well together (Exhibit A: Sherlock) -- that might be a solution.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on January 15, 2015, 12:31:30 AM
Quote from: trdsf on January 14, 2015, 09:54:52 PM
That's the great thing about the show, there's pretty much a Doctor for everyone.  I think Capaldi has great potential... but he hasn't lived up to it yet.  That's more an issue with the scripts than it is the performer -- the scripting was why I came to dislike the Tennant era, not the actor.

I'd like to see the show return to its old system of having a producer and a separate script editor.  We know Moff and Mark Gatiss work well together (Exhibit A: Sherlock) -- that might be a solution.
That is true. Everyone has a different doctor that they have as their favorite. I personally liked Matt Smith's doctor over the popular choice of Tennant's 10th doctor, but hey... lol I do like the new master though. She's pretty nuts as she is supposed to be.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 15, 2015, 01:27:57 AM
I liked David Tennant slightly more than Matt Smith.  But Matt Smith really grew on me.  I loved seeing them onscreen together.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on January 15, 2015, 01:36:07 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 15, 2015, 01:27:57 AM
I liked David Tennant slightly more than Matt Smith.  But Matt Smith really grew on me.  I loved seeing them onscreen together.
Matt Smith officially became my favorite with this scene
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 15, 2015, 03:08:56 AM
I just realized that the guy who plays the 12th Doctor was in The Fires of Pompeii episode as a native.  Wow.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on January 15, 2015, 04:06:16 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on December 21, 2014, 01:52:00 AM
And what's more, the Cybermen make their grand return.  I've always liked them.  They're very dispassionate and no-nonsense villains.  They destroy and assimilate.  They can curbstomp any army on the world and they're hilariously logical and matter-of-fact.  They're not too bright, but that doesn't matter when they have a good leader.  There's just so much about them that's strangely likeable rather than horrifying.  Sign me up for an upgrade!  *cranks up The Lion Sleeps Tonight and takes his place in the queue, marching in time with the song*

I always thought the originalmost Cybermen were the creepiest -- when they spoke, the actor would just drop their mouth open and then they would dub in a slightly frotzed monotone.  Very effective -- they did some very clever things back when they Beeb only gave them an effects budget of 6d... and expected change.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: wolf39us on January 15, 2015, 10:22:44 AM
Quote from: Jutter on September 08, 2014, 03:59:32 PM
Breaking Bad lives up to the hype. Great series. Best dramady I've seen since St Elsewhere.

This show was absolutely amazing.  I would recommend to anyone!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Desdinova on January 15, 2015, 10:28:30 AM
Quote from: wolf39us on January 15, 2015, 10:22:44 AM
This show was absolutely amazing.  I would recommend to anyone!

Tell me about it.  I binge watched for about a month.  Once I finished it I had withdrawal symptoms.  Funny thing about this show is that it makes you feel so damned uncomfortable at times.  You almost fell like you shouldn't be watching but you HAVE to just to see what happens next.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 15, 2015, 11:01:52 AM
I'm binge watching Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis for the third time.  That's 15 years of episodes.  SG1 starts slow with some mundane episodes covering political issues that would seem more appropriate when the series started, but the episodes become more creative as the series progresses and keeps gaining strength through the last year.  I love how the false gods of primitive societies in the series so closely reflect the gods of Earth that are in vogue today.  The series constantly slams the ignorance involved in worshiping higher powers and probes the psychology of belief systems.  I'm guessing such insights would be censored by TV executives today.  I'll bet a dollar the writers were atheists. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 15, 2015, 12:31:15 PM
I really liked SG-1 and Atlantis, too.  The funny thing is, I snubbed SG-1 for years because it seemed like low-budget crap for its first few seasons.  I think it was season 4 that I finally got into it. 

I also thought the premise was a bit odd.  I mean, millions of people worshiping someone posing as a divine being and turning hostile the moment you speak against their belief?  Where do they come up with this stuff!

Atlantis was much better show, imho.  Less budget problems, a fresh setting, a more regular cast (looking at you, Michael Shanks) and Canadian know-how.  :P
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on January 15, 2015, 02:34:53 PM
I'm just going to throw it out that I really did not care for Breaking Bad... it was okay, but way over hyped. To each their own.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 15, 2015, 02:45:58 PM
QuoteI really liked SG-1 and Atlantis, too.  The funny thing is, I snubbed SG-1 for years because it seemed like low-budget crap for its first few seasons.  I think it was season 4 that I finally got into it. 

I also thought the premise was a bit odd.  I mean, millions of people worshiping someone posing as a divine being and turning hostile the moment you speak against their belief?  Where do they come up with this stuff!

Atlantis was much better show, imho.  Less budget problems, a fresh setting, a more regular cast (looking at you, Michael Shanks) and Canadian know-how.  :P

Yes, around season four they started to hit their stride, and during this last time through, I was paying attention trying to determine the point where it starts to take off.  It's more like a transition.  I could never name a particular episode.  It's just a crew finding their way.

And odd it is for sure.  You've got aliens with advanced technology like space ships and advanced weapons (but no aiming devices), and most of the time, they are living in tents and wearing animals skins and burlap with iron breast plates.  Huh?  I think what makes these incongruities tolerable is that the writing and the cast don't make any pretense at taking the whole thing seriously.  Some of the romantic interludes are loaded with sap to the point where I'll roll my eyes, and some of the episodes that are devoted to humor almost border on slapstick.  But through it all, it's still an engaging series that has a serious side to it in spite of all the "Aw, come on now" liberties it takes.

SG1 ran for 10 years, and while it was on, I never watched it.  I missed SG Atlantis, too.  I think I knew about them, but never bothered watching.  Atlantis has more polish and higher production values.  The Wraith that feed on humans are bit over the top for aliens, but the writers create interesting scenarios with them and thereby do a good job of salvaging something that tests the limits of believability.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 15, 2015, 02:56:33 PM
Quote from: Shiranu on January 15, 2015, 02:34:53 PM
I'm just going to throw it out that I really did not care for Breaking Bad... it was okay, but way over hyped. To each their own.
Yes, nothing is going to be liked by everyone.  But having said that, I thought it was a work of art.  Although, I hated just about every character the writers created, at least at one time or another.  I finally ended up liking Jesse, even though he was a total loser, and I liked Walter White eventually, but I wanted to throttle both of them for never being able to do anything right for the first few episodes.  Oh wait.  I liked the shyster lawyer, Saul.  I always liked him.  Every episode he was in, was better for having him in it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 15, 2015, 03:44:34 PM
Quote from: SGOS on January 15, 2015, 02:45:58 PMYou've got aliens with advanced technology like space ships and advanced weapons (but no aiming devices), and most of the time, they are living in tents and wearing animals skins and burlap with iron breast plates.  Huh?  I think what makes these incongruities tolerable is that the writing and the cast don't make any pretense at taking the whole thing seriously.
What I loved about the Goa'uld was having a bunch of braziers in a space ship perfectly capable of electric lighting.  They had style.

And one thing that irked me is they have Teal'c say that the Christian God couldn't have been a Goa'uld.  Because he most definitely could have been.  "I am your celestial father!  Love me more than even your own family!  You shall have no other god before me!"  Killing off the rival Baal worshippers makes total sense.  Jesus could've been a subservient Goa'uld who broke away from his Father and was captured and executed.  And all the good stuff was from a Tok'ra who impersonated him before he could be revived or "ressurrected".

QuoteSG1 ran for 10 years, and while it was on, I never watched it.  I missed SG Atlantis, too.  I think I knew about them, but never bothered watching.  Atlantis has more polish and higher production values.  The Wraith that feed on humans are bit over the top for aliens, but the writers create interesting scenarios with them and thereby do a good job of salvaging something that tests the limits of believability.
I liked the Wraith because they aren't evil for the hell of it, they have to feed on humans or they will die.  And they don't view what they're doing as wrong any more than we'd view having a steak as wrong.

That and I really liked Ford.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Desdinova on January 15, 2015, 04:50:49 PM
Did anyone ever catch Deadwood on HBO?  I've been watching it on Amazon and really like it.  I don't ever remember it being on back in the mid 2000's.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: eylul on January 15, 2015, 07:37:57 PM

aww do you have any questions? [emoji14]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PJS on January 19, 2015, 03:10:03 PM
Finished all five seasons of The Wire recently. The show takes on big issues associated with urban America in a realistic and dark way. Somehow it doesn't depress but is incredibly intense and well worth watching. I can't think of a better or more important American drama. The character development and unfolding narratives are masterpieces. Each year takes a different slice of a city (Baltimore) but all themes intertwine.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on January 19, 2015, 04:20:38 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 15, 2015, 03:08:56 AM
I just realized that the guy who plays the 12th Doctor was in The Fires of Pompeii episode as a native.  Wow.
They said that they are going to keep that in mind and somehow work that in to the story. Plus, Karen Gillen, the girl that played Amy Pond is also in that episode.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Solitary on January 19, 2015, 04:46:37 PM
I've been watching a BBC series called Father Brown. Worth watching. Solitary
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on January 19, 2015, 05:28:30 PM
Watching "The Tudors"... so, so very good.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on January 19, 2015, 06:04:57 PM
Quote from: Shiranu on January 19, 2015, 05:28:30 PM
Watching "The Tudors"... so, so very good.
What channel is that on? I heard it was really good from a few different people.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on January 19, 2015, 06:11:16 PM
Quote from: PickelledEggs on January 19, 2015, 06:04:57 PM
What channel is that on? I heard it was really good from a few different people.

Eh... the internet? :P

No but I think ShowTime. It's several years old now, but it's been really good... alot of European social-maneuvering and plotting and what not.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on January 19, 2015, 06:11:53 PM
Quote from: Shiranu on January 19, 2015, 06:11:16 PM
Eh... the internet? [emoji14]

No but I think ShowTime. It's several years old now, but it's been really good... alot of European social-maneuvering and plotting and what not.
I have that channel. Lol

Sent from your mom.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mermaid on January 19, 2015, 08:22:49 PM
Downton Abbey!? Nobody else?

It's fantastic.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 20, 2015, 08:17:51 AM
Quote from: Mermaid on January 19, 2015, 08:22:49 PM
Downton Abbey!? Nobody else?

I love it.  I don't have TV so I watch it as soon as last season's DVDs are released.  I wait all year for this to happen, and  then I watch the whole season in one day.  Then I re-watch the whole series a week later, and then try to find some way to occupy myself for another year.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on January 20, 2015, 02:36:53 PM
I hear alot about it, but have never gotten around to watching it. Is it pre- or post- World Wars?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on January 20, 2015, 02:55:00 PM
I actually really enjoyed Downtown Abbey for the first couple episodes I watched... but then I started Orphan Black and immediately forgot about Downtown Abbey
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 21, 2015, 07:40:12 AM
Quote from: Shiranu on January 20, 2015, 02:36:53 PM
I hear alot about it, but have never gotten around to watching it. Is it pre- or post- World Wars?
It starts before WWI, and overlaps the war for a couple of seasons.  The war ends and things at the Abbey go back to normal, which involves saving the Abbey and the aristocratic way of life that is threatened by modern times.

By the way, this is not a scenario that presents the aristocracy as evil.  The Downton Abbey family is actually quite wonderful and well liked by the servants who the owners of the Abbey feel a deep sense of responsibility for.  Of course, everyone is influenced by Victorian ideals that continually create problems with reality, and various social issues of the time period form sub plots throughout the series. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: gussy on January 22, 2015, 10:45:09 PM
I'm going to heap a little more praise on The Wire.  I just finished it too and had to watch it again.  It takes place in Baltimore but it could be any city that has been experiencing urban decay.  It follows the police, drug dealers, white working class unions, politicians, schools and newspapers.  It is a window into these organizations that gives you an idea of their true workings.  It isn't pretty and the "good guys" rarely win but there are enough satisfying moments that it doesn't become too depressing.  Sometimes the story lines can get a little confusing but this is done intentionally.  Reading a Wiki recap of the episode afterwards can clear up any confusion.  Definitely worth the investment of time tough. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: gussy on January 22, 2015, 10:53:53 PM
New episodes of The Trailer Park Boys on Netflix.  After a long hiatus this show is back. Most of the cast is back too.  The formula is the same, the boys trying to stay out of jail while doing just about everything to get thrown back in.  It's on pay TV and the censorship is pretty much nonexistent this time around.  It can get a little greasy but sometimes life is greasy. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on January 23, 2015, 01:07:05 AM
Quote from: gussy on January 22, 2015, 10:53:53 PM
New episodes of The Trailer Park Boys on Netflix.  After a long hiatus this show is back. Most of the cast is back too.  The formula is the same, the boys trying to stay out of jail while doing just about everything to get thrown back in.  It's on pay TV and the censorship is pretty much nonexistent this time around.  It can get a little greasy but sometimes life is greasy. 
YES! I thought I was the only person on the forum that watched TPB. No one gets my references and in fact, the reason I got my self sick (unintentionally) from pickled eggs and thus dubbed myself pickelledeggs is because of Bubble's love for the tasty fuckers.


BTW. If there are any stand-out details, don't reveal them. I have to download the series still and watch it...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mermaid on January 23, 2015, 07:42:16 AM
We've been watching Weeds. It started out pretty good but appears to be jumping the shark in the 5th season.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on January 23, 2015, 07:20:39 PM
Quote from: Mermaid on January 23, 2015, 07:42:16 AM
We've been watching Weeds. It started out pretty good but appears to be jumping the shark in the 5th season.
weeds is a great show. i only saw a few seasons though because i discontinued Netflix...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on January 23, 2015, 08:58:03 PM
Quote from: Mermaid on January 23, 2015, 07:42:16 AM
We've been watching Weeds. It started out pretty good but appears to be jumping the shark in the 5th season.

I really liked Weeds, but yeah I stopped watching around season 4 and never picked it back up so I don't know how well it ends.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on January 24, 2015, 08:01:16 AM
Finally got caught up on the most recent Doctor Who (except for the holiday episode).

Definitely finding its feet again after a rough start.  Capaldi is growing on me.  The final two-parter was good, and I was delighted to have guessed right about the identity of Missy.  Still not as good as the Classic series.  And I don't care what the BBC says, this was Season 35, not Series 8, and Capaldi is the 14th Doctor, not the 12th.

--signed, a grumpy old Whovian who knows how to count.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 26, 2015, 01:44:45 AM
Archer is back!  Sploosh!

I started rewatching the old episodes.  My favorite is when Archer casually whips out a gun on a plane and a sky marshal draws his pistol thinking that it's a hijacking.  Archer's response?  "It's okay, we're from ISIS"

Hahaha.  Classic Archer.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PJS on February 16, 2015, 07:14:41 PM
Other than The Wire, the best show I've seen in the past year or two is probably Six Feet Under. Kind of a dark comedy,  well written and very well acted.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Deidre32 on March 26, 2015, 03:47:56 PM
I think this weekend, I'll finally watch Walking Dead. lol I've not seen one episode of this! ^_^
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Desdinova on March 26, 2015, 04:48:04 PM
Quote from: Deidre32 on March 26, 2015, 03:47:56 PM
I think this weekend, I'll finally watch Walking Dead. lol I've not seen one episode of this! ^_^

Let me know how you like it! As a reader of the graphic novels, I though I would hate it.  But its a really good show.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Desdinova on March 26, 2015, 05:00:28 PM
I started watching Spartacus: Blood and Sand recently.  Its' OK, not really impressed so far.  Lots of bewbs, so that's good I guess.  Lot's of penises too.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: C172 on April 09, 2015, 01:06:41 PM
I don't watch anything too regularly. Sports (soccer, mainly [MLS and CONCACAF mainly]), news (local or CNN), C-SPAN, Weather Channel.

Don't ever accept an invite to party at my house.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: antediluvian on April 09, 2015, 11:37:28 PM
True Detective - HBO
Fortitude - Pivot
Better Call Saul - AMC
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on April 12, 2015, 03:23:50 AM
Quote from: C172 on April 09, 2015, 01:06:41 PM
I don't watch anything too regularly. Sports (soccer, mainly [MLS and CONCACAF mainly]), news (local or CNN), C-SPAN, Weather Channel.

Don't ever accept an invite to party at my house.
The Weather Channel is one of the few things I miss about cable.  Haven't had it in ten years (cancelled it shortly after getting an XM satellite radio, which service I still have).  I may get me a Netflix membership, though.  It's a damn sight cheaper than $50/month for cable that I rarely watched, for movies and TV that I can specifically choose.  I miss Mythbusters too, after all.  And I've seen the first episode of "House of Cards" and really want to see the rest.  Much to my surprise, it was actually as good as the original BBC version.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 03, 2015, 08:36:18 PM
Any of you guys watch Vikings?  The pilot was pretty lackluster, but after a few episodes, I really started to get into it, and I'm glad I did.

This one scene made me a fan of this series.  Vikings raid church.  The aptly-named Floki (he's the very image of the trickster god) drinks the communion wine out of curiosity at first, and then just to cheese off the churchgoers after seeing their reactions.  It's funny how they're more horrified over the wine than the butchery.


In short, Floki ftw.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on June 20, 2015, 11:09:45 PM
Binge watching M*A*S*H*.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: kilodelta on June 22, 2015, 05:28:08 PM
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Plus "Kyle, my guitar, gently weeps." What?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: peacewithoutgod on September 15, 2015, 12:51:46 PM
Game of Thrones is the only fantasy-themed show which I have really taken an interest in other than the Star Wars saga, mostly because it deals more with the grim realities of medieval politics, and the influence which religion has on this. The books are excellently written, if a bit long, and although I've read them all at least once, I still look forward to the show when it resumes.

Also I have been tracking The Americans, Homeland, Archer, Better Call Saul, House of Cards, and Real Time.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 15, 2015, 01:58:18 PM
Quote from: peacewithoutgod on September 15, 2015, 12:51:46 PMGame of Thrones is the only fantasy-themed show which I have really taken an interest in other than the Star Wars saga, mostly because it deals more with the grim realities of medieval politics, and the influence which religion has on this. The books are excellently written, if a bit long, and although I've read them all at least once, I still look forward to the show when it resumes.
I actually don't know of any non-GoT fantasy-themed tv shows at all except for Legend of the Seeker, which was pretty okay.  I guess it depends on how you define fantasy, which I take to mean a medieval setting with swords and sorcery.

While nothing can really match GoT, I've liked Vikings and Rome, two shows that sort of have a similar format.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on September 15, 2015, 02:49:33 PM
Has anyone seen this? The pilot is out.

Our lucifer gives the finger to the upstairs and takes a vacation in LA and after an incident decides to solve crimes with a former actress hot chick dedective. And of course, he speaks with a British accent.  :rotflmao:  Looks like it could be a new dumb soap to watch.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: CrucifyCindy on September 17, 2015, 12:49:54 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on September 15, 2015, 02:49:33 PM
Has anyone seen this? The pilot is out.

Our lucifer gives the finger to the upstairs and takes a vacation in LA and after an incident decides to solve crimes with a former actress hot chick dedective. And of course, he speaks with a British accent.  :rotflmao:  Looks like it could be a new dumb soap to watch.

It doesn't look very faithful to it's source material.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on September 17, 2015, 01:19:01 PM
Quote from: CrucifyCindy on September 17, 2015, 12:49:54 PM
It doesn't look very faithful to it's source material.

So, I have heard. I haven't read the comics (yet).

QuoteIf you’re coming to Lucifer to see the comic book, you are not going to see it. Let it go.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: CrucifyCindy on September 17, 2015, 02:44:49 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on September 17, 2015, 01:19:01 PM
So, I have heard. I haven't read the comics (yet).

I will be taking a pass on this one because. Imagine if they made a Sandman tv show where Morpheus is some sort of hipster detective
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on September 17, 2015, 03:27:10 PM
Quote from: CrucifyCindy on September 17, 2015, 02:44:49 PM
I will be taking a pass on this one because. Imagine if they made a Sandman tv show where Morpheus is some sort of hipster detective

Murder and mayhem would ensue in a global scale! And I would support it. They wouldn't daaaare!

I think they find Lucifer more suitable to play with as it's a spin off. Death and Lucifer feels more like Gaiman's way of keeping the sandman lot happy because it was wanted too much. Could they play Death the same way? Don't think so, she is family.

Yes, it is unfair to the work, but it is Hollywood, so who knows what will they choose fuck over next. Money.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: peacewithoutgod on September 17, 2015, 04:30:55 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on September 15, 2015, 01:58:18 PM
I actually don't know of any non-GoT fantasy-themed tv shows at all except for Legend of the Seeker, which was pretty okay.  I guess it depends on how you define fantasy, which I take to mean a medieval setting with swords and sorcery.

While nothing can really match GoT, I've liked Vikings and Rome, two shows that sort of have a similar format.
On "fantasy", I tend to lump in tales of vampires, zombies, and werewolves because they've been moving more toward fantasy than horror. Another format they now combine is the soap opera...WTFE, take your pick of those themes, the volume of such series are boundless, and I can do without any of them.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 17, 2015, 04:48:49 PM
I tend to lump all that stuff together under speculative fiction, and then assign subcategories as needed.  True, a lot of series with zombies/vampires/werewolves aren't horror as it is normally understood (intended to frighten)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: CrucifyCindy on September 18, 2015, 12:40:17 AM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on September 17, 2015, 03:27:10 PM
Murder and mayhem would ensue in a global scale! And I would support it. They wouldn't daaaare!

I think they find Lucifer more suitable to play with as it's a spin off. Death and Lucifer feels more like Gaiman's way of keeping the sandman lot happy because it was wanted too much. Could they play Death the same way? Don't think so, she is family.

Yes, it is unfair to the work, but it is Hollywood, so who knows what will they choose fuck over next. Money.

I am kinda hoping that the DC Cinema Universe does include the Endless in some way. In fact I think they should be included if not that then let the DC Television Universe include them. I would love to see Destiny show up on Arrow (Constantine is coming back on Arrow by the way). But just do it right, it is all I ask...respect the source material.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Draconic Aiur on September 18, 2015, 07:18:51 AM
Im at season 8 of supernatural
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on September 18, 2015, 07:39:40 AM
Quote from: CrucifyCindy on September 18, 2015, 12:40:17 AM
I am kinda hoping that the DC Cinema Universe does include the Endless in some way. In fact I think they should be included if not that then let the DC Television Universe include them. I would love to see Destiny show up on Arrow (Constantine is coming back on Arrow by the way). But just do it right, it is all I ask...respect the source material.

They will. But I don't want to see Endless mixed up with others honestly. They can make spin offs with one by one or include them within some other fantasy I don't care. The should make Sandman first. I also think that is a good way respecting the source material.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on December 27, 2015, 08:37:27 PM
Binging Stargate Atlantis now... I remembered watching it as a kid and going back... I think it's good in a very nostalgia way.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 27, 2015, 09:30:17 PM
Quote from: Shiranu on December 27, 2015, 08:37:27 PM
Binging Stargate Atlantis now... I remembered watching it as a kid and going back... I think it's good in a very nostalgia way.
Oh man, I must've watched that series three times over, it was that good.  I liked how it had a separate but not completely disconnected existence from SG1 - so it can have its own setting and events but still draw upon Stargate lore (and occasionally, personnel).  I liked its general aesthetic - the sleek and high-tech Atlantis and Vancouver forest was really easy on the eyes.  And unlike SG1, it actually had the budget for great CGI (

The main cast was superb and had great chemistry.  Even the banter between Shepherd and Rodney was enjoyable.  They had some great moments together. (

It had amazing villains.  The Wraith.  The Genii.  The Replicators.  Michael.  Todd (sorta).

Favorite episode by far:  Mortal Coil.  It really humanized the Replicators.  :P

Did it have its flaws?  Totally.  As soon as Teyla got knocked up, her character did a nosedive.  They did this ridiculous "but Teyla, you can't go on the mission! What about the baby?" stuff over and over again.  Most of the romance was fucking horrid, almost soap operaish at times.  I hated Lucious Lavin and was pretty underwhelmed by the Travelers.  The final confrontation with Michael was stupid.  The last season was really off in general, I don't know exactly how to describe it, but it felt off.  And the series finale was a goddamn trainwreck.

Despite its flaws, it was still the best scifi show on television for at least a couple years, imho.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: gentle_dissident on December 28, 2015, 01:47:56 AM
BattleBots got me to turn the TV on.

Carol Burnett gets my attention. I got the DVD set cheap 2nd hand

I watch Dr Who when the girls are streaming it.

We use an antenna. My GF keeps TV on in the background to deal with her anxiety caused by real life being a dystopia. Thankfully, she watches retro comedy, horror, and ScFi.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on December 28, 2015, 09:31:03 AM
Mom's obssessed with Fargo. I have read that it is really good, but can't look more scared of spoilers. Thinking about starting it, but then may be in vacation time. I haven't even seen Breaking Bad yet. :sad2:
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: stromboli on December 28, 2015, 11:26:23 AM
Currently watching "The Expanse" on Sci Fi channel. Actually pretty good, interesting plots and a fairly realistic future setting of a political/military conflict between Earth, the moon and Mars with the asteroid miners (primarily on Ceres) caught in the middle. Plot devices galore and to me at least, gives a pretty accurate picture of what a near future (post-2300) situation might look like. Doesn't get into laser blasters and other wacky sci fi stuff but concentrates more on the interplay between different groups and a political/police mystery thrown in for good measure. Much better than the average for the sci fi channel.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: gentle_dissident on December 28, 2015, 12:47:09 PM
I'd like to check out "The Expanse", but SyFy wants me to install the vulnerable Flash. It's also pounding me with pop-unders that say they're my ISP and that I need to call them. It's been a long time since I've had cable, but I remember SciFi being pretty sleazy.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: stromboli on December 28, 2015, 01:54:29 PM
Quote from: gentle_dissident on December 28, 2015, 12:47:09 PM
I'd like to check out "The Expanse", but SyFy wants me to install the vulnerable Flash. It's also pounding me with pop-unders that say they're my ISP and that I need to call them. It's been a long time since I've had cable, but I remember SciFi being pretty sleazy.

Sci fi channel is 95% BS crap. But some of their stuff occasionally raises the bar a tad. This will no doubt come out on DVD at some point or maybe Netflix, so hopefully you will be able to see it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: LoriPinkAngel on December 28, 2015, 04:44:58 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on December 28, 2015, 09:31:03 AM
Mom's obssessed with Fargo. I have read that it is really good, but can't look more scared of spoilers. Thinking about starting it, but then may be in vacation time. I haven't even seen Breaking Bad yet. :sad2:

Both are excellent but you can binge watch Fargo a lot faster than Breaking Bad.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on January 11, 2016, 03:44:08 PM
I've finally decided to get into Steven Universe on daily motion. Actually really loving the show.

I kind of came to the decision when I started to see gifs, images and videos of when peridot called yellow diamond a clod.


I'd never seen steven universe before, but I knew this moment was awesome anyway.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PopeyesPappy on January 11, 2016, 03:56:38 PM
Watched the first 4 episodes of The Shannara Chronicles over the weekend. I read The Sword of Shannara back in the 70s and liked it so I thought TV show might be good. Having a hard time keeping interested though.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 11, 2016, 04:26:38 PM
Quote from: LoriPinkAngel on December 28, 2015, 04:44:58 PM
Both are excellent but you can binge watch Fargo a lot faster than Breaking Bad.

Note taken. :)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hijiri Byakuren on January 11, 2016, 11:56:55 PM
RWBY has taken a rather depressing turn these past three episodes. And it looks like it'll only get darker for from here.

Secretly a Warsie.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 12, 2016, 12:51:07 AM

Heck yes.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on January 12, 2016, 02:04:41 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 12, 2016, 12:51:07 AM

Heck yes.

I really... really need to catch up with that.

Unrelated note... just watched Legend of Korra episodes beginning 1 and 2... oh my god the art direction and mythology in that episode. One of my favourite episodes of any series ever.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 12, 2016, 01:19:54 PM
Quote from: PopeyesPappy on January 11, 2016, 03:56:38 PM
Watched the first 4 episodes of The Shannara Chronicles over the weekend. I read The Sword of Shannara back in the 70s and liked it so I thought TV show might be good. Having a hard time keeping interested though.

I have just seen this in your post and had no idea what it is. It's not very good, but not very bad either. It is entertaining. It will drag soon though. (I am just watching the first one.)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on January 12, 2016, 01:50:37 PM
I watched Heroes for the first time. It was good. season 1-3 were really good. 4 wasn't as good, but it was ok and still at the least, enjoyable.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 12, 2016, 01:54:11 PM
Quote from: PickelledEggs on January 12, 2016, 01:50:37 PM
I watched Heroes for the first time. It was good. season 1-3 were really good. 4 wasn't as good, but it was ok and still at the least, enjoyable.

Aw, Heroes. :)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 13, 2016, 03:35:03 AM
First disappointment about The Expanse:

[spoiler]White people are still in the the majority in 23rd century? Pffft. They should have cast nonwhite-asian fetaured people all over the place, in Mars or Earth or Belt or wherever. At least put more Nonwhites and Asians. It's silly. [/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: LoriPinkAngel on January 13, 2016, 10:50:25 AM
There are so many shows I don't get to see because I only have cable with no extras.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: stromboli on January 13, 2016, 11:08:01 AM
I started watching the Expanse and liked it, but then I got the books and started reading. Haven't seen the last two episodes and I'm already way ahead in the books, on the second volume. I won't ruin it for you, but the story arc is way different than I thought it would be. Stick around, it will get interesting. I pretty much lost interest in the TV series.

There are a lot of mixed race characters in the book, but still too many white people. By that time in the future we should be a much more blended race than now. The Belters in the books are very much a mixed lot. What is also good about the books is they emphasize the physical differences that would occur from people living on earth and others in low gravity. The Belters speak a patois of mixed languages and they are tall and slender, which they would be in low gravity. Also the authors do a very good job of creating a political and cultural climate that is realistic. And the battles are realistic, not Star Trek zap em' with Phasers kind of stuff.

As far as realism, the Expanse does a better job than most of presenting a realistic near future environment. Some aspects of it I don't like, but I'll keep reading.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 13, 2016, 11:14:38 AM
Quote from: stromboli on January 13, 2016, 11:08:01 AM
I started watching the Expanse and liked it, but then I got the books and started reading. Haven't seen the last two episodes and I'm already way ahead in the books, on the second volume. I won't ruin it for you, but the story arc is way different than I thought it would be. Stick around, it will get interesting. I pretty much lost interest in the TV series.

There are a lot of mixed race characters in the book, but still too many white people. By that time in the future we should be a much more blended race than now. The Belters in the books are very much a mixed lot. What is also good about the books is they emphasize the physical differences that would occur from people living on earth and others in low gravity. The Belters speak a patois of mixed languages and they are tall and slender, which they would be in low gravity. Also the authors do a very good job of creating a political and cultural climate that is realistic. And the battles are realistic, not Star Trek zap em' with Phasers kind of stuff.

As far as realism, the Expanse does a better job than most of presenting a realistic near future environment. Some aspects of it I don't like, but I'll keep reading.

OK. I already liked it.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 22, 2016, 09:29:10 PM
A couple morally questionable moments in TV shows that I thought I'd share:

In Star Wars Rebels, the rebels get captured and taken aboard an imperial ship.  Inevitably, they spring out of jail and take out the guards.  A stormtrooper has Ezra's lightsaber on his belt.  Ezra activates it and the stormtrooper freaks out, which is understandable given that there's a very hot, very sharp object in extremely close proximity to his groin.  Ezra retrieves his lightsaber and chops the terrified stormtrooper's gun in half and says something to the effect of "Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you."  The rebels clear off the ship and subsequently blow it up, certainly killing everyone aboard, including the previously spared stormtrooper.  Our heroes, ladies and gentlemen.  They won't kill you in cold blood, but they will blow you up.  Seems like a trivial difference.

In X-Men, humans who helped save Wolverine's life get arrested by some government anti-mutant agency, which inexplicably jails them alongside mutant prisoners.  Wolverine springs them from jail, and then springs everyone from jail.  And most of the inmates are mutants and we have no idea if they were justly or unjustly jailed.  For all we know, Wolverine just let out Magneto, Apocalypse, and Mister Sinister.  We just don't know.  Once again, pretty questionable heroics.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: josephpalazzo on January 23, 2016, 04:38:16 AM
I'm watching "Manhattan". Not completely a loyal depiction of the true events, but it does capture the era. The main character is a composite of different scientists working on the bomb. Oppenheimer is depicted as a creep, don't know how realistic that is. The series has its bag of secrecy, lies and betrayals but its main focus is on the moral dilemma that these scientists were facing at the time -creating a bomb that would change forever the political landscape and also making them in the process monsters.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on January 27, 2016, 01:53:09 PM
Quote from: LoriPinkAngel on January 13, 2016, 10:50:25 AM
There are so many shows I don't get to see because I only have cable with no extras.
I haven't had cable in ten years, and I have yet to see a show come along that makes me miss it.  The only thing at this point that could make me get cable again is if the new MST3K is picked up by a network and isn't easily available to watch online.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on February 05, 2016, 02:56:12 PM
Like with Steven Universe, I was late to begin watching Gravity Falls.

Now i'm like -
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 05, 2016, 04:19:17 PM
Does anyone have anything on comedy? Not sitcom, but tv series.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Draconic Aiur on February 06, 2016, 03:43:49 AM
Supernatural's cool they have rock n roll and demon chicks hell they even had angel chicks with a sex scene!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Draconic Aiur on February 06, 2016, 03:48:31 AM
Merlin was good but it ended
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 06, 2016, 04:15:21 AM
Quote from: Draconic Aiur on February 06, 2016, 03:43:49 AM
Supernatural's cool they have rock n roll and demon chicks hell they even had angel chicks with a sex scene!

I have seen it, except the the last 2 seasons. It was my old soap. I have seen little of Merlin, but didn't get hooked.

I wish we got something really funny and different.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 09, 2016, 06:43:20 AM
Merlin had it's moments, but for some reason it always seemed like I wasn't watching the show itself, but rather a fanfic of the show.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 09, 2016, 08:59:55 AM
I'd be interested in Better Call Saul.  He was my favorite Character in Breaking Bad, but I don't have Television.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 09, 2016, 09:34:49 AM
I have just started Breaking Bad yesterday for the first time. I am at S2 E3 right now. I love it. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 09, 2016, 09:43:50 AM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on February 09, 2016, 09:34:49 AM
I have just started Breaking Bad yesterday for the first time. I am at S2 E3 right now. I love it. 
Has Saul showed up yet?  He comes in around the second or third season.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 09, 2016, 09:59:52 AM
Quote from: SGOS on February 09, 2016, 09:43:50 AM
Has Saul showed up yet?  He comes in around the second or third season.

Not yet.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: aitm on February 09, 2016, 12:40:15 PM
I only watch stuff that makes me laugh. I get enough drama during the day and in the news. So Big Bang Theory and reruns of an assortment of older comedies.....seriously.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 09, 2016, 02:33:27 PM
OK. Saul just arrived.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 14, 2016, 05:07:29 PM
I have just finished the first season of Fargo. It's very good. I heard that the second one wasn't that good, but after that it is pretty normal to think that with anything I guess,lol.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hijiri Byakuren on February 14, 2016, 08:46:08 PM
Finished watching the season 3 finale of RWBY. More questions than answers, as usual. All that angst and character death from the past month was worth it, though, because we finally got to see Ruby wipe that smug grin off of Cinder's face (
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: kilodelta on February 15, 2016, 01:09:28 AM
Just started "Better Call Saul." Great beginning.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 15, 2016, 04:41:24 AM
Quote from: kilodelta on February 15, 2016, 01:09:28 AM
Just started "Better Call Saul." Great beginning.

That character scares the hell out of me. Not funny. He is more dangerous than serial killers and gangsters. I will look at the show though.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 15, 2016, 06:23:38 AM
Started watching "Orange is the new black" with my gf this weekend. She absolutely loves it.
And I admit, it's a really good show. It's well written, engaging, has memorable characters and builds a unique atmosphere.
And yet, it's not quite for me... Somehow, it reminds me of work too much. Still, I will probably end up watching all episodes with the gf, because she hates watching these things alone.
But definitely a recommender for others.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 21, 2016, 10:26:45 AM
After a decade, "Malcolm in the Middle" is still funny. Thumbs up!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 22, 2016, 12:28:38 PM
Gravity Falls is over.  /le sad

Oooh, Vikings!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on February 24, 2016, 06:48:36 PM
Just saw the final episode of gravity falls.. oooh man, that was a trip, good idea making the final episode a long one.

Just hope that will revisit the series eventually, the ending hinted a possibility, but dunno what else they can do with it now.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on March 21, 2016, 02:00:06 PM
Where is House of Cards? :/ Thought it would arrive in March.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: AllRight on March 21, 2016, 06:01:49 PM
Love Blacklist and HTGAWM, also binge watching Breaking Bad. On the lighter side Big Bang Theory, Mike and Molly, Broad City, anything on Adult Swim but Rick and Morty is a fave. Oh yeah, and Bob's Burgers. I know, I watch way too much tv.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: gentle_dissident on April 07, 2016, 05:21:49 PM
My GF showed me Call the Midwife, and I am hooked and transformed. The show has demonstrated love in a way I can feel and understand. The show also led me to Miranda Hart's show, which makes me laugh.

My unfortunate childhood and the semi-adult path it put me on made me a Jekyll and Hyde. Both my personalities were a nuisance to me. I speak of this in past tense, as these shows have brought me to a beautiful place where I feel whole. I've been spending most of my free time catching up.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: AkiraTheFighter on April 14, 2016, 07:48:29 PM
Here are some shows I watch:

Face Off
Game Of Thrones
Teen Wolf
Young and Hungry
Baby Daddy
The Goldbergs
The Simpsons
Family Guy
Marvel's Agents of Shield
The Vampire Diaries
My Little Pony
Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
The Big Bang Theory
2 Broke Girls
The Young and the Restless.
Super Sentai
Kamen Rider

In terms of classics I've recently completed all 10 seasons and 2 movies of The X-Files. I think it's a really awesome series from S01 - s06. S07 is where it goes down hill fast. None the less I thought season 8's ending would've been the perfect ending for the show. Unfortunately it has two others seasons and a movie after that. Though season 10 was good.

I'm currently watching The Lone Gunmen. A spin off to The X-Files. The ironic thing about The Lone Gunmen is that in the X-Files the FBI gets supernatural cases, but in The Lone Gunman they get normal cases.

Also I'm watching the 80's sitcom Perfect Strangers. It's ok but it has the same formulator in almost every episode.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Nonsensei on April 14, 2016, 08:00:30 PM
I've been pretty depressed about the state of space sci-fi tv. There are some good shows that hit the airwaves every now and again, but most of them get prematurely canceled or never see a second season. Still pretty salty about stargate: universe. Can you believe its actually been over a decade since there was a star trek tv series running? That blows my mind.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: AllPurposeAtheist on April 15, 2016, 03:38:25 AM
I watched the first episode of the Wire.. Having been a heroin addict myself that first episode is pretty close to just the type of places I used to hang out in..The big difference is where I lived the police rode stotgun for the dealers I bought my dope from meaning they took money from the dealers to keep the DEA off racket.. Cops weren't interested in busting dealers when they could afford lawyers..They went for the low hanging fruit..Street level dealers and addicts who couldn't make bail or afford anything other than the Public Pretender..
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: AkiraTheFighter on April 15, 2016, 07:07:31 PM
Quote from: Nonsensei on April 14, 2016, 08:00:30 PM
I've been pretty depressed about the state of space sci-fi tv. There are some good shows that hit the airwaves every now and again, but most of them get prematurely canceled or never see a second season. Still pretty salty about stargate: universe. Can you believe its actually been over a decade since there was a star trek tv series running? That blows my mind.


Oh it's happening. Rumor has it is that it is taking place in the main universe and not the new movies universe. Which is sad in my opinion cuz I like the new movies and hate the TV series and Old movies.

Here is the showrunner:
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Bluewind on April 18, 2016, 02:50:03 AM
I use to have cable at my old house, but now I have antenna. Here are a few shows off the top of my head...

Shows that will cause me to hurt you if you talk during new episodes (nothing to spoil anything past the pilots)
* iZombie: A cool take on zombies where they can function as normal human beings as long as they eat brains regularly. Eating brains will temporarily give them the dominant personality trait of the person they ate and random visions of their lives. Liv works for the medical examiner's office and pretends to be psychic and helps solve murders while hiding what she really is and looking for a cure. It starts out okay, but gets great.
* Lucifer: The devil one day says FUCK THIS SHIT!, travels to the surface with a demon, and opens a club in LA. His brother who's an angel tries to force him to go back. The devil isn't evil and even has a good side. He finds a detective who is immune to his powers. He and the detective (who has no clue he really is the devil and not just mental) solve murders as Lucifer can get people to tell the truth and reveal their desires. I love how it shows that angels can be bad and Satan can be good. He hates how humans blame him for all their wrongdoing when he has nothing to do with their sin.
Big Bang Theory: It's funny, there's nerd and geek culture (with occasional hiccups), it's popular, and it's been on for years, so if you're just now hearing about it you haven't watched tv in a long time and also haven't read the people who posted before me :P The math on their boards is real math created by real scientists with a real meaning with formulas that actually grow, evolve, and change as the seasons go on which is a cool detail few notice. :)

Shows I watch regularly
The Flash
Agent Carter
Family Guy
Legends of Tomorrow (only caught a few episodes, but it's kinda like Doctor Who crossed with The Avengers and a soap opera)
Reruns of The Closer and M*A*S*H

Shows that make me miss cable that I will be buying on DVD
Doctor Who
Rick & Morty
Another Period
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 18, 2016, 03:47:04 AM
Quote from: Nonsensei on April 14, 2016, 08:00:30 PMI've been pretty depressed about the state of space sci-fi tv. There are some good shows that hit the airwaves every now and again, but most of them get prematurely canceled or never see a second season. Still pretty salty about stargate: universe. Can you believe its actually been over a decade since there was a star trek tv series running? That blows my mind.
Yeah, there's definitely a dearth lately.  It's feast or famine with scifi shows.  Sometimes, there's a bunch of em.  Sometimes, there's hardly any.  Right now, superheroes and fantasy are waxing and scifi is waning.  It might be a while till we get a slew of scifi shows, but they're coming.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: AkiraTheFighter on April 19, 2016, 12:16:18 AM
Completed "The Lone Gunmen" today and that was a disappointing series. Even though the show takes place in The X-Files universe, majority of the episodes are your basic CSI Miami type. The Lone Gunmen hardly go out in the field and when they do there is rare any action or thriller in them. Heck most of the action is doe by some one who's not a lone gunman, Ms Eve Adelle Harlet. Though coming up to the final 5 or so eps, they started to include some of the supernatural and mythology of the X-Files in it. And the action started to pic up a bit. But what I really didn't like is that the 12 episode ended on cliffhanger "To Be Continued" included in the end  and then the 13th and final episode is a filler ignoring what happened in the previous ep. And though the show was partly resolved in The X-Files Season 9 episode "Jump The Shark" and even though the 13th episodes is one of my most relatable ep in The Lone Gunmen, they could've used ep 13 to give it a good ending. a 2/5 in my book.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on July 08, 2016, 06:41:46 AM
Has anyone seen the new show "The Night of"? Not available anywhere yet. I am curious.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 08, 2016, 01:40:02 PM
I've been on a history kick lately, and I was delighted to see that the History Channel still occasionally covers actual history.  They have a program called Barbarians Rising, which covers some of the famous enemies of the Roman empire:  Spartacus, Hannibal, Attila, Boudica, Geiseric, etc.

It's probably best to look at this as a work of historical fiction rather than a completely historically accurate depiction of events.  Historically, the Vandal sack of Rome was relatively bloodless, but the show has Geiseric stepping over tons of fleshly-slain citizens of Rome.  My biggest gripe is that Atilla is played as a bloodthirsty psychopath who leads purely by fear, which doesn't really jive with the historical accounts ( - "a lover of war, yet restrained in action, mighty in counsel, gracious to suppliants and lenient to those who were once received into his protection."

Also, it's a bit bizarre to see CEOs and civil rights activists give commentary on historical figures.  When you need someone to talk about Hannibal, your first thought isn't to call up Jessie Jackson.

But the great thing about the miniseries is that some of the actors are top notch.  The actor who played Geiseric, Richard Brake, stole the show.  He seemed awfully familiar, so I looked him up.


Same guy.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on July 28, 2016, 12:15:10 AM
It's official, the revived MST3K has a home, and it's going to be on Netflix!

('Course, I was in on the kickstarter so I'm getting all the eps as free downloads anyway, but still, this is great news that they found a distributor!)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: JBCuzISaidSo on July 28, 2016, 08:47:21 AM
Wait, there's other TV besides Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead?

I suppose so......

Please also try:
* Preacher (AMC) (
-- Excellent, comic book based, dark and fun. I have high hopes for this one.
* Hell On Wheels (AMC) (just ended forever last week so start at 1/1) (
-- Western. Outstanding cast, amazing characters, great show. You fucking missed it by days, asshole.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on October 26, 2016, 01:52:11 AM
What is wrong with Bob's Burgers!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Solomon Zorn on November 13, 2016, 07:01:27 AM
Quote from: AkiraTheFighter on April 15, 2016, 07:07:31 PM

Oh it's happening. Rumor has it is that it is taking place in the main universe and not the new movies universe. Which is sad in my opinion cuz I like the new movies and hate the TV series and Old movies.

Here is the showrunner:
Except for the pilot, it's not going to be on TV though. It's supposed to be an online steaming thingy.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Solomon Zorn on November 13, 2016, 07:03:57 AM
Just watched the pilot episode of Westworld. Awesome. Anthony Hopkins plays a major role. I plan on watching the second episode today.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on November 13, 2016, 09:05:11 AM
Quote from: Solomon Zorn on November 13, 2016, 07:03:57 AM
Just watched the pilot episode of Westworld. Awesome. Anthony Hopkins plays a major role. I plan on watching the second episode today.

I'll have to wait for the DVDs, but the first Westworld (there were two, right?), was a highly entertaining movie.  An absolutely great premise and storyline.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Solomon Zorn on November 13, 2016, 09:34:53 AM
It's pretty interesting. Very well done. In one scene near the end, an actor has to sit naked in a chair, facing Anthony Hopkins, and do a really intense act, as a robot who is having a malfunction, possibly becoming sentient.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 13, 2016, 10:38:17 AM
Quote from: Solomon Zorn on November 13, 2016, 07:03:57 AM
Just watched the pilot episode of Westworld. Awesome. Anthony Hopkins plays a major role. I plan on watching the second episode today.
QFT.  Ed Harris is amazing, too.

For anyone who isn't familiar with Westworld, it's a really great show that I unfortunately can't discuss much without spoiling the hell out of it.  My spoiler-free synopsis is that it's like Deadwood mixed with Fallout 4.

[spoiler]So what would you guys do if you visited Westworld?  I think I already know the two most common answers, both of which heavily involve flesh, but that's unfulfilling imo.  Here's what I would do: I would explore Westword from one end to the other, survey its landscape, interview its people, and steadily learn all its secrets.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Solomon Zorn on November 15, 2016, 04:44:22 PM
Watched the second episode of Westworld.[spoiler] Ed Harris' character is disturbing. I'm wondering about his motives.

A little of the dialogue seemed to be rushing the plot along. They need to show rather than tell, about the corporate interests, for example.

The gore effects are really outstanding, and not over the top like in some crap these days.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Solomon Zorn on November 15, 2016, 05:54:56 PM
Back in 1999, Frank Miller's and Geoff Darrow's Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot, became an animated series. I taped it, at the time, on VHS, but they are not very high quality tapes.

They were good enough, though, for me to watch them, and Silver Surfer, another great Fox animated series, years later, with my great nephew. Big Guy and Rusty went for 26 episodes, and Silver Surfer went for 13.

I just discovered that both have been released on DVD this year. My question is...DVD...why? I need a Blu-Ray disc! :blank:
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 15, 2016, 06:18:30 PM
Quote from: Solomon Zorn on November 15, 2016, 04:44:22 PMWatched the second episode of Westworld.
Just caught the latest episode.  I didn't know if I'd really get into it until about episode 5.  Episode 6 cemented it.  It's a keeper.

When you get caught up, check out the theories.  Some of the fan speculations blew my mind.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on November 18, 2016, 01:32:52 AM
I finally got around to binge watching Stranger Things. Very good show.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 18, 2016, 07:02:17 AM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on November 18, 2016, 01:32:52 AMI finally got around to binge watching Stranger Things. Very good show.
I watched one episode a day until about halfway through, then I watched it all one night.  It just gets so good.  I'm jonesing for season 2 so bad.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on November 18, 2016, 07:17:08 AM
Westworld. Oh my god, HBO, calm down with the outstanding series.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 18, 2016, 09:00:02 AM
Quote from: Shiranu on November 18, 2016, 07:17:08 AM
Westworld. Oh my god, HBO, calm down with the outstanding series.
I know, right?

The craziest thing about the series is that aside from a few glimpses of a train station, we have absolutely no idea of what things are like in the world outside the facility.  Or even if there's an outside world.

In fact, the guests for the facility arrive by train in an eeriely similar manner as the Westworld guests arrive by locomotive...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on November 18, 2016, 09:48:59 AM
For what it's worth, and freely admitting it's irrelevant anyway, in the movie, I believe the actual arrival into West World was by stage coach.  The general area, Delos, consisted of three different theme parks separated by what looked a lot like California desert and had underground passageways between them.  I assume it was not a long walk over the barrens between the theme parks.  Presumably, the main characters escaped the sheriff by running outside the West World theme area, although there was no clear boundary around West World.  It just kind of transitioned into no man's land.

I am really looking forward to the HBO version.  The prospect of such a theme park captured my imagination when I first saw that movie.  And Michael Crichten became locked in my mind as some kind of creative genius who expanded the idea of a theme park gone wild into the Jurassic Park phenomenon.  Of the two movies, West World captured my imagination much more.  I don't want to dis Jurassic Park.  It was a wonderful movie.  But Jurassic Park was more like a zoo where you drive around gawking at dinosaurs, and eventually get caught in a park disaster. 

In West World you start out as participants in the park theme, rather than passive observers.  You are much more an integral part of the park itself, relating to other visitors, as well as the robots in one adult version of an imaginary children's game.  Even at my age, I have to ask myself, how much would I be willing to pay to experience such an opportunity to participate in such a grand version of make believe?  I might wipe out my entire savings for such fun.  Although, if things got out of hand, I'd want a refund.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on December 02, 2016, 06:54:29 AM
I would rather put my money in a garden I can enjoy all year.  I can only envision myself in movies as the "security guard who dies first"...  Any movie, anywhere.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on December 02, 2016, 09:03:57 PM
We are in the middle of watching The Crown on Netflix. Other than touring British landmarks, I have never been very interested in the Monarchy but this series is well written and has excellent acting.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 03, 2016, 07:33:45 PM
Vikings is back!


Things are kinda slow since the timeskip forward, but it looks like things will pick up soon.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PickelledEggs on December 14, 2016, 06:39:19 PM
Been watching HBO's OZ. Incredible series, almost done with season 2
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on December 15, 2016, 05:13:27 AM
While I only watch DVDs a year after a series airs, I'll just add that have watched Better Call Saul with intense interest.  It's only 10 episodes per year, and I just received year 2 last week from Amazon.  Then I limited myself to two episodes per day, and 5 days later I'm finished.  Now I have to wait another year for the next set of DVDs.  But of course I'll rewatch the first 20 episodes a couple of times before then.  The last episode was a cliff hanger, but I'm confident Slippin' Jimmy Saul will slide through it with barely a scratch.  His older brother is the moral epicenter of virtue, but the more I get to know him, he seems like he's the real dick in the family, not Shady Slippin' Jimmy.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 02, 2017, 02:26:41 AM
I was just channel-surfing youtube and I came across a video talking about undeveloped Star Trek series - TV shows that might have been.

Here's one idea ( set far in the future (post-TNG), humanity has grown complacent and the Federation is in decline.  Many of its members have either left or only give it nominal support.  There's corruption, discontent, and sectionalism.  Any of that sound familiar?

Things get worse.  A new enemy appears, strikes a couple colonies and leaves without a trace.  A Federation plagued by internal problems and an enigmatic external threat - the show looked like it could have delivered some of that excellent social commentary that Trek is known for.  Sadly, it never came to pass.

Now we're getting Star Trek Discovery, a TOS prequel, in May.  You know, for a show centered around the future, it sure seems stuck in the past.  Don't get me wrong, I want it to do well.  I need it to do well.  If it bombs, we might not get another one.  *raises a mug of warnog*  Here's to hoping that it's an unusually good prequel.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PopeyesPappy on January 06, 2017, 12:22:00 AM
History Channel's Vikings

[spoiler]So Ragnar is dead. Thrown into king Aelle‘s snake pit. The same fate as the Ragnar of legend and interestingly enough as Ernest Borgnine’s Ragnar character in the 1958 movie The Vikings also staring Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis, and Janet Leigh.

Ragnar's sons of legend have many adventures to come. The question is will the network continue the series after this season without Ragnar?[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 06, 2017, 03:07:20 AM

[spoiler]Yes, it will continue.  It has been renewed for a fifth season and season 4 isn't over yet.

The foreseeable future (or past, come to think of it) will focus on the raids carried out by the Great Heathen Army, led by three of Ragnar's sons: Halfdan, Ivar, and Ubba.  York (in Northumbria) is looking to reap the whirlwind.

I liked the death scene.  His argument with the seer was pretty interesting and harkened back to the former Earl of Kattegat's private religious doubts expressed to the same seer.  It was sad but also there was a degree of satisfaction because Ragnar chose where and when he would die and managed to save his son in the process.  That's a pretty good outcome for being shipwrecked and helpless in enemy territory.  I wish he could've worked out a better deal with King Ecbert, but such is life.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 13, 2017, 01:21:37 AM
I've been marathoning semi-historical classical/medieval shows lately, and I was wondering why there's such an abundance of Roman/British shows and a paltry amount about other people.

Wouldn't it be great to have a show about the Varangians? (vikings who settled in eastern Europe and modern-day Russia)  They wrecked the Khazars and rubbed elbows with the Byzantine emperor, Basil the Bulgar Slayer.  Now there's a bloody tale that could rival History Channel's the Vikings, which focuses on the vikings who raided England/France.

There are a ton of relatively obscure (at least to American audiences) parts of history that could make for amazing TV shows.  It'd certainly be welcome relief from the millionth Operation Overlord documentary, the latest in a long line of shows centered in England, and whatever reality TV garbage is currently festering on the withered husk of a channel ostensibly about history.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: _Xenu_ on January 13, 2017, 06:40:26 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 02, 2017, 02:26:41 AM
I was just channel-surfing youtube and I came across a video talking about undeveloped Star Trek series - TV shows that might have been.

Here's one idea ( set far in the future (post-TNG), humanity has grown complacent and the Federation is in decline.  Many of its members have either left or only give it nominal support.  There's corruption, discontent, and sectionalism.  Any of that sound familiar?

Things get worse.  A new enemy appears, strikes a couple colonies and leaves without a trace.  A Federation plagued by internal problems and an enigmatic external threat - the show looked like it could have delivered some of that excellent social commentary that Trek is known for.  Sadly, it never came to pass.

Now we're getting Star Trek Discovery, a TOS prequel, in May.  You know, for a show centered around the future, it sure seems stuck in the past.  Don't get me wrong, I want it to do well.  I need it to do well.  If it bombs, we might not get another one.  *raises a mug of warnog*  Here's to hoping that it's an unusually good prequel.
I wish they would make another series centered around a station, like DS9, because that leads to more serialization instead of problem of the week type writing. If you watch DS9 all the way through, they never onced showed central engineering because most of the problems they dealt with were political. Also, I want to see what happens after the 24th century as well, but Star Trek seems to keep revisiting that and earlier times.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 22, 2017, 10:53:42 PM
My reaction to the latest episode of Vikings:


They took things just a tad too far, imho.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 14, 2017, 06:33:13 AM
Only just started watching Stranger Things.
I like it, 4 and a half episodes in.
I think I went in with too high expectations though, as the first episode didn't really reel me in.
But from ep 2 on; bam. The kids have a great dynamic, and man; they can act. It's rare to see that  in kids that young.
Very well handled.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on February 14, 2017, 11:49:21 AM
Quote from: _Xenu_ on January 13, 2017, 06:40:26 AM
I wish they would make another series centered around a station, like DS9, because that leads to more serialization instead of problem of the week type writing. If you watch DS9 all the way through, they never onced showed central engineering because most of the problems they dealt with were political. Also, I want to see what happens after the 24th century as well, but Star Trek seems to keep revisiting that and earlier times.
I recommend Babylon 5 for an ongoing story about a space station where the universe is not reset at the end of each episode.  What happens, happens.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on February 14, 2017, 12:10:35 PM
Speaking of "Vikings" and what we would like to see, I would love to see a series with Western budgets doing something in India or China, either late Mughal in India (so the English could be involved) or in China as well. Their courts were just as insane, if not moreso, than ours in Europe.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Notthesun on February 14, 2017, 09:47:11 PM
Anyone here seen The Leftovers? I started it last year. Watched both seasons in a week. Absolutely stunning. I don't think a show has ever impacted my life more than that show. Holy fuck it moved me. My second favorite show of all time.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 14, 2017, 10:00:36 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on February 14, 2017, 06:33:13 AM
Only just started watching Stranger Things.
I like it, 4 and a half episodes in.
I think I went in with too high expectations though, as the first episode didn't really reel me in.
But from ep 2 on; bam. The kids have a great dynamic, and man; they can act. It's rare to see that  in kids that young.
Very well handled.
Great series.  I can't wait for season 2.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 15, 2017, 04:48:53 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on February 14, 2017, 10:00:36 PM
Great series.  I can't wait for season 2.

I was trying to find something witty to say.
But I just finished the first season.
And Halloween never seemed so far away.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: marom1963 on February 20, 2017, 04:36:02 AM
Recently I discovered the series Shameless: I feel like I know those people! I've been reveling in their seedy exploits  :pirate:
family emergency, everybody pulling together in a plot -
younger brother: But I don't have a bicycle!
elder brother: The clippers are in the junk drawer ...
So, naturally, the younger brother uses the clippers to steal a bicycle! There are no excuses for letting the family down!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Solomon Zorn on February 27, 2017, 08:17:10 AM
I just finished watching Westworld over the weekend.

Blew my mind, with a six-shooter...literally.

Some fantastic storytelling, and a couple of truly unexpected twists, made for one hell of a ride.

I heard they aren't doing another season, right away. I'm not sure where they would go with it, from here.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on February 27, 2017, 10:27:13 AM
The long national nightmare is over -- on April 14, Mystery Science Theater 3000 returns with an all new season!

Not known yet if Netflix is going to tease them out a week at a time or do a series dump.  Most betting is on 'series dump'.  Don't care.  New MST3K.  Couldn't be happier.  Well, I could be, but that wouldn't involve TV.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 27, 2017, 12:33:42 PM
Quote from: Solomon Zorn on February 27, 2017, 08:17:10 AMI just finished watching Westworld over the weekend.
Amazing, wasn't it?  I particularly liked the ending speech/scene.

QuoteBlew my mind, with a six-shooter...literally.
Literally? (

QuoteI heard they aren't doing another season, right away. I'm not sure where they would go with it, from here.
They're working on it, but there won't be a new episode until 2018.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 27, 2017, 12:39:34 PM
Last night's Walking Dead was pretty good.

Eugene is my spirit animal.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Solomon Zorn on February 27, 2017, 02:49:24 PM
If you haven't seen Westworld yet, don't peek:[spoiler]
Quote from: Hydra on February 27, 2017, 12:33:42 PM
Amazing, wasn't it?  I particularly liked the ending speech/scene.
The end of the speech, was what I was alluding to, with "Literally," being fully aware of the cliche' nature of the word, as it is usually used. I just didn't want to spoil anything.

That speech, was the perfect finale for the season. Also, the revelation, of the identity of Ed Harris' character, was heartbreaking, but it tied everything together so nicely - beautiful touch.

One problem I had though with the plot:
[spoiler]Okay, when Ford was showing Bernard his blocked memories, we saw that he killed Elsie, when she discovered that Theresa was responsible for the satellite uplink smuggling data out of the park. But why? It doesn't seem like it would be of any benefit to Ford, to have Bernard kill her. Or was killing Elsie, supposed to have been Bernard's own decision? And if so, why would the memory be blocked?[/spoiler]

Quote from: HydraThey're working on it, but there won't be a new episode until 2018.
This morning, my sister and I were talking about the possibility of, Ford coming back as a robot, next season. Or the possibility, that it was a robot Ford who was shot. But I think either one is a cop-out. I hope they find some more great actors for the next run.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 27, 2017, 05:08:23 PM
Westworld spoilers:

[spoiler]Ah, okay.  Wordplay, not misuse.  Verdict of not guilty for word crimes.

Ed Harris, the Man in Black, got his wish.  Now he can finally live out the high-stakes adventure he's been waiting for all his life.  Assuming he survives his injury, he might just be the one human who might form some sort of mutually-beneficial arrangement with the hosts.  Sure, he brutalized them ingame, but hosts were massacred by guests as well as other hosts ingame.  He was sincere in wanting to liberate them and is the only human besides Arnold to treat hosts as if they were human.  He's arguably more on their side than the humans who kept them enslaved.

As for the data smuggling operation, I have no idea what's going on there.  Maybe it's was a plot by the board to steal Ford's intellectual property.  Apparently, it didn't work and now will never work.  I wouldn't waste many CPU cycles worrying about it.

Elsie may or may not be dead.  I like her character, so it'd be a shame if she was killed offscreen.

Ford could also come back, though I think he's already had his arc and there's not much point in bringing him back as a host.  I think he's dead for real.

Season 2 should be interesting.  Chaos reigns where an oppressive order previously held.  It'd be interesting to see how hosts who were formerly in conflict interact.  Will sheriffs and bandits shake hands?  Or will they hold a grudge?  Will hosts work out some sort of peace with the remaining humans?  Or will they war to extinction?

And how will humans outside the park react to this affront to the social order?  It's possible that humans are more sympathetic with the hosts' plights than the guests.  For all we know, Westworld could be as vilified as big game hunting is today.  On the other hand, it's also possible that most humans are ignorant about just how hellish an experience Westworld is for the hosts.  If all they know is that some robots went berserk and massacred people, they might just want the military to bomb the island to oblivion.  That'd be my reaction if I knew little about the Park.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on February 28, 2017, 05:33:26 PM
I watch too many shows.   The current list that is airing:

The Simpsons
The Walking Dead
Big Little Lies
The Real O'Neals
Workin' Moms
The 100
Criminal Minds
The Magicians
Emerald City

I know, right? How do I find time to do anything other than to watch television?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on February 28, 2017, 06:05:33 PM
Just saw the first episode of Westworld. Quite philosophical.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on March 02, 2017, 09:47:51 AM
Quote from: trdsf on February 14, 2017, 11:49:21 AM
I recommend Babylon 5 for an ongoing story about a space station where the universe is not reset at the end of each episode.  What happens, happens.

Forgive me for ressurecting on old post, but I agree completely.  Babylon 5 grew on me as I realized there were "arcs" of the plots.  Too few series of any sort have extended plot lines and I miss those. 

I only came to think of this as a cable channel stated Voyager again and I caught it just when 7 was brought onboard and they showed the episodes in order.  So watching her adjust reminded me of the arcs in Babylon 5. 

So much of all TV is episodic, resetting the characters to a sort of 0 point each time (no previous show having any effect on the next).  Its why I stopped watching scheduled TV.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 03, 2017, 09:16:48 PM
Yeah, serial > episodic

Some shows straddle that line.  You don't have to be all caught up on Rick and Morty to understand most of the episodes, but it helps.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on March 07, 2017, 05:14:55 PM
The latest episode of The Walking Dead scared me near the end.

I fell in love with the first season of Emerald City.  I will watch the second season when it airs.

Riverdale is pretty awesome.  Some haters dislike the fact that it deviates from the comics, but that is the entire point.  It is a dark adaptation of the Archie comics.

I was thinking of removing Legion from my viewing list.  I am losing interest in it.

The Magicians just keeps getting better and better.

I will always stick with Criminal Minds because I just love that show and its characters.

The new season of The 100 seems promising so far.

Those educators on The Teachers are just funny.

The Real O'Neals remains funny as well.

Bellevue is a good show, even though some people were uncertain about the first episode.  I just love Anna Paquin and I will continue to watch it due to her in it.

Big Little Lies has two amazing actresses in it: Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon.

And The Simpsons is just one of those animations that I cannot shake.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 07, 2017, 05:39:03 PM
Quote from: Sorginak on March 07, 2017, 05:14:55 PMThe latest episode of The Walking Dead scared me near the end.
Meh, I know a dumpster fakeout when I see one.  Imo, the scariest part of that episode was the accidental gunfire.

The earlier episode with Eugene and Dwight was scarier, especially in the beginning.  And Negan remains a very intimidating character.

The weird thing is a couple critics I watched loved the Rick & Michonne episode and weren't happy with the Eugene & Dwight episode, while I was the complete opposite.  I get the impression that people just rate episodes with their favorite characters well and episodes without their favorite characters poorly.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on March 07, 2017, 05:43:04 PM
I was not too excited about the relationship between Rick and Michone when it first started, because it seemed they did not fit together, but lately they have been growing on me.

Yeah, that gunfire last episode made me think the golfing truckers had tracked them down, but it was Michone's willingness to abandon all hope that scared me when she thought Rick was dead. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 07, 2017, 05:59:09 PM
I forgot all about the golfers.  Those poor, poor golfers.  They had it coming, didn't they?  Or did Rick and Michonne get a ton of dark side points?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on March 07, 2017, 06:01:08 PM
Did they actually harm the golfers or did they just steal from the back of the truck?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on March 07, 2017, 06:06:17 PM
I am more interested in what is going to happen with that all female community with all their guns.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: etienne on March 11, 2017, 09:36:58 AM
In this order:

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 11, 2017, 10:54:33 AM
Quote from: Sorginak on March 07, 2017, 06:01:08 PM
Did they actually harm the golfers or did they just steal from the back of the truck?
Sorry for the late reply

[spoiler]It's heavily implied that they were killed.  But they were Saviors, so it was the right thing to do, maybe?  *shrugs*

The Saviors have been hemorrhaging people left and right, both before and after Alexandria was pacified.  I suppose they make up for it by recruiting from nearby communities, but man, that's devastating to morale.  It's hard to imagine a community like that would stay intact for very long.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on March 13, 2017, 04:18:14 PM
Regarding TWD.

Morgan has serious mental issues, and he simply keeps attempting to hide those issues with pacifism until he ends up exploding.

And now it's time for Carol to come back to who she's supposed to be. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 13, 2017, 06:05:47 PM
Quote from: Sorginak on March 13, 2017, 04:18:14 PMMorgan has serious mental issues, and he simply keeps attempting to hide those issues with pacifism until he ends up exploding.
Yeah, I love it.  The best part was when he flipped out and held a knife to his wrist.  It's only a matter of time until he paints a Khorne symbol on his forehead with blood.

QuoteAnd now it's time for Carol to come back to who she's supposed to be.
She's awesome as hell.  Laify middle-aged housewife turned badass commando and one-woman army, goes through a Achilles in his tent ( phase, then returns to the fold.  I can't wait till she gets back into the fight.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Notthesun on March 15, 2017, 02:47:48 AM
So no one watches The Leftovers?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 18, 2017, 03:41:52 PM
Loved the first episode of the new season of Samurai Jack.

He's back.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on March 20, 2017, 12:57:09 PM
The Walking Dead:

That was a refreshing revelation from Jesus.

Otherwise, it was a rather slow paced episode where not much happened up until the end. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 20, 2017, 11:46:08 PM
Quote from: Sorginak on March 20, 2017, 12:57:09 PMThe Walking Dead:

That was a refreshing revelation from Jesus.

Otherwise, it was a rather slow paced episode where not much happened up until the end.
Yeah.  It was like driving by a strip club, visiting the DMV for a couple hours, then walking up to the strip club door and getting told by the bouncer that they're closed for the night.  Teasing, tedium, blue balls.  Not my kind of episode.

The crazy thing is that the reviewers I watch loved it.  Apparently, some buildup and a couple heartfelt moments was all it took to win them over.  Maybe it's me, but I really wanted some shit to go down.  Not necessarily a character death, but I definitely wanted to see a big shootout.  Something, anything, to get this slow ass March To War into high gear.

I swear to Paul Monroe's dad, this season is padded to hell.  14 episodes corresponding to ~12 comics issues.  And the comics are only about 25 pages compared to the show's 47 minute runtime.  I guess the last episode had to set some stuff up for later, but damn, it really dragged.

It really bugs me how hot and cold this show is.  Great episode.  Boring episode.  Amazing episode.  Disappointing episode.  It throws my expectations all out of whack.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on March 22, 2017, 07:10:19 PM
I removed a few shows from my viewing list because I became bored with them, and then I added a few to my viewing list.

My most recent passion is American Crime.  That show is amazing.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on March 24, 2017, 07:02:27 PM
I just started watching Mr. Robot.  I tend to ignore good shows for a while, but I was hooked only minutes into the first episode even though the show has been running for two seasons with a third season on its way.  Someone made a comment regarding the show, and I shall repeat it here because I find it represents the show quite adequately.  Mr. Robot is "Dexter as a hacker."
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on March 25, 2017, 12:39:23 AM
T-minus three weeks to new episodes of MST3K.

I so completely can't fucking wait.

Oh, and we have trailer sign!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on March 27, 2017, 06:38:56 PM
The only thing I have to state about The Walking Dead is that Sasha is failing epically.

But in less than a month Doctor Who returns.  About damn freaking time!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 28, 2017, 03:09:02 AM
A lot of people liked it and said it was more like a "real" episode of Walking Dead.  I think a big part of that most of the cast got significant screentime for the first time in a long time.

A big problem this season has been a lot of bottle episodes - focusing on a few characters at one location at the expense of the others.  That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I can see how people who are avid fans of certain characters would get kind of frustrated when their character doesn't make an appearance, especially major characters like Rick and Daryl.

Imo, Game of Thrones does a pretty decent job at handling that problem - they rapidly alternate between 3 or 4 locations per episode.  The downside is they have to remind the audience what the character was up to previously and typically have a small time for something major to go down.  It's always go time - there's not a lot of time to take things in or have a lengthy arc in a single episode.

I'm kinda torn on bottle episodes.  I loved the one where Carol and Maggie were kidnapped and the one where Morgan got his aikido on.  But I also like the big group events, like the Terminus buffet and the Alexandria zombie parade.

I hope that the aftermath of the upcoming war keeps most of the surviving characters together.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 01, 2017, 12:51:56 PM
Holy crap guys, there's going to be a bunch of great TV on the air soon!

Walking Dead season 7 finale this weekend
Attack on Titan season 2 premiere this weekend
Archer season 8 premiere next week
Star Trek Discovery series premiere in about a month or two.  Not sure exactly when.

I'm so pumped!  It sucks that Rick and Morty has been delayed again and we won't be seeing season 3 until Jan 2018, but hey, quality takes time.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on April 02, 2017, 10:35:57 PM
HELL NO!!!!!!

The Walking Dead will not be finishing its season this spring.

Rather, after April 2nd, season 8 will not resume until this fall in October.


Do they really expect people to wait that long?

I can understand waiting that long after a season has ended.  Heck, even the Christmas holiday break is never this long.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on April 02, 2017, 11:33:10 PM
My bad in regard to the imdb link.  It seems that imdb doesn't know how to properly do things.  xD

It was the finale of The Walking Dead tonight.  The new season begins in October.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 03, 2017, 01:34:24 AM
TWD season finale

First 30 minutes:


Last 30 minutes:

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on April 03, 2017, 11:55:26 AM
That was one intense TWD season finale. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 05, 2017, 12:46:37 PM
Invader Zim is coming back on the air with a new TV movie!


For those of you who don't know, Invader Zim was a short-lived cartoon show that got screwed over by the network, but became a cult hit.

It's about an alien invader determined to conquer humanity but too inept to actually pull it off, his unreliable and over-emotional robot companion, and the only human in the world committed to stopping zim - a young paranormal investigator whose social pariah status and inability to recover genuine evidence ensures that no one else believes him.

The show is set 20-minutes into the future and it was a brilliant combination of oddball humor and wacky hijinks with cool sci-fi technology (my personal favorite: a battlemech aptly named "Megadoomer") but it also had strong social commentary: a cynical look at most social institutions and a deeply misanthropic outlook.

In short, it was great.  And I'm excited that it's coming back.

Who knows, we might get the TV series back if this TV movie is a big hit.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on April 05, 2017, 03:52:37 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 05, 2017, 12:46:37 PM
Invader Zim is coming back on the air with a new TV movie!
Second best TV news I've heard!

The best, of course, is the return of MST3K next week.  :D
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on April 07, 2017, 01:21:42 AM
It is sometimes hard to find a good syfy show.

I started so many only to stop watching them because I became bored.

At the end of season one of The Expanse, I told myself that I was not going to watch season two if (because so many shows are cancelled after the first season) or when it aired again.

Today, I was bored and decided to check out season two of The Expanse.

I was pleasantly surprised because it was much better than the first season.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on April 07, 2017, 06:10:29 PM
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on April 09, 2017, 11:54:46 PM
Just watched the new MST3K.  Since it's still under embargo, all I will say is:

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 10, 2017, 12:34:23 AM
Quote from: trdsf on April 09, 2017, 11:54:46 PM
Just watched the new MST3K.  Since it's still under embargo, all I will say is:

April 14th must've come early this year.  Gratz on the early access.

My question:  do they still do the door sequence (
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on April 10, 2017, 08:47:12 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 10, 2017, 12:34:23 AM
April 14th must've come early this year.  Gratz on the early access.

My question:  do they still do the door sequence (
Kickstarter early access.  And yes.  A much updated door sequence, too.

A couple expected cameos, and two surprise ones.  Jonah, Baron and Hampton have settled into the roles of two 'bots and a meat-puppet just fine.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on April 10, 2017, 07:55:21 PM
I am a huge nerd so I am very happy about this new show called Cosplay Melee. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on April 15, 2017, 04:12:58 PM
Doctor Who is back!

I am watching the pilot of season ten right now.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on April 15, 2017, 05:31:08 PM
The new companion is a lesbian.

Though I think it might be refreshing to have a male companion instead while the Doctor regenerated into a woman.  Now that would be an interesting twist.

It seems that this new companion's mother was a companion of the Doctor.

Reflection seems to be the focus of this season.

Favorite quote of this episode:
"Hardly anything is evil.  But most things are hungry.  Hunger very much looks live evil from the wrong end of the cutlery.  Or do you think your bacon sandwich loves you back?"

It is an amazing beginning to a new season, overall.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on April 17, 2017, 11:58:24 AM
With regard to the new MST3K on Netflix:


*ahem*  That is all.  Please proceed with your day.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 17, 2017, 12:55:25 PM

If anyone had told me 20 years ago that Star Wars would be awesome again, I would've never believed it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on April 18, 2017, 04:06:09 AM
Finally watched Westworld, all 10 episodes. Did not disappoint.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on April 19, 2017, 12:15:41 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 17, 2017, 12:55:25 PM

If anyone had told me 20 years ago that Star Wars would be awesome again, I would've never believed it.

I'll be honest, I went in kind of wanting to dislike the show.

I couldn't.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 19, 2017, 12:33:01 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on April 19, 2017, 12:15:41 PM
I'll be honest, I went in kind of wanting to dislike the show.

I couldn't.
I didn't like the first couple episodes.  It seemed too kiddie and disney-ish.  It also had some pretty bad plot holes and characterization issues (Sabine's scant dialogue was particularly noticeable).  But the show steadily improved.  Now, I'd say it's filled the hole left by Clone Wars' abrupt cancellation.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on April 19, 2017, 12:58:31 PM
I really can't think of anything that could make me interested in Star Wars again.  The original trilogy is still two and a half fun movies, but ugh.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on April 19, 2017, 09:02:11 PM
Rebels is amazing.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on April 20, 2017, 04:53:04 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 19, 2017, 12:33:01 PM
I didn't like the first couple episodes.  It seemed too kiddie and disney-ish.  It also had some pretty bad plot holes and characterization issues (Sabine's scant dialogue was particularly noticeable).  But the show steadily improved.  Now, I'd say it's filled the hole left by Clone Wars' abrupt cancellation.

I know what you mean. Though even at the start, it had me hooked.
First episode though, I agree, one of the least well.
From the over-Obvious crush Ezra has on Sabine (luckily downplayed, yet not completely discarded later on as the series progresses), to the unlikely resolve to the initial conflict between the ghost crew for plot's sake, to the obviousness of setting and pitching the story. But this was a pilot and I often feel like pilot's require a more thorough look to give it a chance. If you look at the Community pilot, for example, if the entire show had been that quality, it wouldn't have stood out. But it had the potential for the rest of the show inside it. Same for this pilot: budding with potential, though it was still finding it's own way.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 20, 2017, 09:33:30 AM
As it progressed, the writing got a lot better and new villains were brought in.  Maul, Vader, and now Thrawn.  Star Wars lives and dies depending on the strength of its villains.  And the villains of Rebels have gotten much, much better.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on April 20, 2017, 11:19:32 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 20, 2017, 09:33:30 AM
As it progressed, the writing got a lot better and new villains were brought in.  Maul, Vader, and now Thrawn.  Star Wars lives and dies depending on the strength of its villains.  And the villains of Rebels have gotten much, much better.

So did twin suns piss you off too?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 20, 2017, 11:49:52 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on April 20, 2017, 11:19:32 AMSo did twin suns piss you off too?
No.  Actually, I kinda liked it.  I groaned when I saw there'd be yet another Maul episode.  His perpetually lingering presence had grown tiresome.  I laughed a little at the fight scene.  It was an anticlimactic fight, but it seemed appropriate that a waning power would be easily dispatched by a waxing power.  It wouldn't have made much sense to make it a nail-biter.

It's practically expected that every fight scene is going to be a close match to make it as thrilling as possible for the audience.  But that expectation met too often can also make it boringly predictable.  Every once and a while, it's important to subvert that expectation and have a curb stomp battle to either show off just how dangerous a new threat is or to show how much a villain has decayed.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on April 20, 2017, 12:12:13 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 20, 2017, 11:49:52 AM
No.  Actually, I kinda liked it.  I groaned when I saw there'd be yet another Maul episode.  His perpetually lingering presence had grown tiresome.  I laughed a little at the fight scene.  It was an anticlimactic fight, but it seemed appropriate that a waning power would be easily dispatched by a waxing power.  It wouldn't have made much sense to make it a nail-biter.

It's practically expected that every fight scene is going to be a close match to make it as thrilling as possible for the audience.  But that expectation met too often can also make it boringly predictable.  Every once and a while, it's important to subvert that expectation and have a curb stomp battle to either show off just how dangerous a new threat is or to show how much a villain has decayed.

We finally find something to disagree on, hydra. :p

I didn't groan, having a feeling this would be maul's finale episode in any case. Unless they did Like a flahback. I guess I was just really banking on that expectation, that pay-off. Don't get me wrong, for example Indiana Jones unceromoniously shooting THE bragging oaf that brought a knife to a gunfight is hilarious. But there had been so much build-up... I feel blue-balled.

Diverting expactancies is fine. But they could have done it another way. Maybe have ben and maul duke it out, only to have ezra be THE one to finish maul off in an effort to save ben, showing off how his physique has dwindled while his mental abilities remained prime. Would've made for better emotional conclusion for both maul and ezra and could have gone to explain Why kenobi hardly moved in his final duel with darth vader.

But hey, that's just me.
Thrawn meeting an anticlimactic fate, as in legends (so I am told), I could see well enough. And it could work.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 20, 2017, 12:36:27 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on April 20, 2017, 12:12:13 PMWe finally find something to disagree on, hydra. :p
It was bound to happen sooner or later.  But otherwise, generally agreed?  That's a very rare thing.  I've been known to court controversy by saying that the sky is blue and grass is green.

QuoteI didn't groan, having a feeling this would be maul's finale episode in any case. Unless they did Like a flahback. I guess I was just really banking on that expectation, that pay-off. Don't get me wrong, for example Indiana Jones unceromoniously shooting THE bragging oaf that brought a knife to a gunfight is hilarious. But there had been so much build-up... I feel blue-balled.
Yeah, I can understand that.  The Indiana Jones scene works in part because the victim is just a mook.  Main characters deserve a more satisfying send-off.  I can sympathize with that idea.

QuoteDiverting expactancies is fine. But they could have done it another way. Maybe have ben and maul duke it out, only to have ezra be THE one to finish maul off in an effort to save ben, showing off how his physique has dwindled while his mental abilities remained prime. Would've made for better emotional conclusion for both maul and ezra and could have gone to explain Why kenobi hardly moved in his final duel with darth vader.
Yeah, I was kinda miffed that Ezra and Kanan didn't play more of a role.

QuoteThrawn meeting an anticlimactic fate, as in legends (so I am told), I could see well enough. And it could work.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on April 20, 2017, 01:09:36 PM
The new MST3K just gets better and better.  Watched Avalanche last night, and everyone's settling so well in to their roles.  Great cameo by [spoiler]Neil Patrick Harris, who had a terrific (and hilarious) musical number with Felicia Day[/spoiler].  Today it will be The Beast of Hollow Mountain.

Life... is good.  :)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on April 20, 2017, 08:46:55 PM
I am a huge X-Files geek, having seen every episode of every season and every movie.

Season ten,
Quotethe six-episode revival of the FBI conspiracy drama debuted January 24 2016.

The 11th season of The X-Files, this new run will air on Fox’s schedule either later this year or early next.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on April 21, 2017, 07:37:23 PM
I have decided to watch Red Dwarf.

Thankfully, there are not twenty episodes per season so it will be relatively easy to catch up on it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on April 22, 2017, 07:29:24 PM
Season Ten, episode two of Doctor Who

This episode is so my speed in life.

It basically deals with how corporate wants us to smile all the time as though nothing bad is ever happening.

What if I do not want to smile?  False smiles do not equate to happiness, after all.

Personally, I would rather not smile than to smile unnecessarily. 

Quote from the show: The Doctor, "You can't offend a machine."

The newest, though not in reference to post industrial evolution, scariest thing:


Oh, there's his screwdriver.

Another quote: The Doctor, "All traps are beautiful, that's how they work."

The conclusion is that corporate does not know how to properly deal with the real concept of grief.  Thus, they recommend burying it beneath false smiles, false happiness.

Another instance shown where guns do not help the situation, but instead make it worse.

Another quote:  The Doctor, "You know why I always win at chess?  I have a secret move.  I kick over the board."

Overall, brilliant freaking episode. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 23, 2017, 07:50:09 AM
Rotten Tomatoes lists Dr Who as the longest running TV series (36 seasons).  I've never watched an episode, and outside of this thread, never knew anyone that has.  Not that I'm never a latecomer, however.  I missed Dexter, Breaking Bad, and all 3 of the Stargate series during their initial airings, and now they are in my Top 5 list.  It never occurred to me to watch Dr Who.  I don't know why.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on April 23, 2017, 09:16:38 AM
Quote from: SGOS on April 23, 2017, 07:50:09 AM
Rotten Tomatoes lists Dr Who as the longest running TV series (36 seasons).

The original Doctor Who is twenty-six seasons long.  I only watched two seasons of the original before I somewhat lost interest.  Also, when there are forty episodes per season it is harder to find the time to catch up on it.  Not to mention the fact that some of the episodes were lost and one has to watch still pictures that accompany the audio that actually did somehow survive. 

The new Doctor Who is currently on its tenth season and I have seen every episode. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on April 24, 2017, 09:26:19 PM
The Leftovers is one of those shows into which an individual is reeled.

I stopped watching after season one, and I found out that the third season will be the final season.  Therefore, I started watching season two, and I am just as much blown away as I was during the first season.

It is one of those shows that delves deeply into the realm of religion to the point of controlling the viewer's emotions.  It is not a religious show, but the connotations are deeply embedded into amazing characters and a superb story-line in reference to how people deal with their lives after a major portion of the world's population suddenly disappears one day.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on April 27, 2017, 04:14:35 PM
Never really got into it when it was first on, but seen how the newest series of samurai jack is out now, I've been binge watching older episodes to catch up.

Gonna confess, when it was first out, I thought the jack design was just professor utonium in samurai clothing.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on April 28, 2017, 12:56:18 PM
Quote from: Sorginak on April 23, 2017, 09:16:38 AM
The original Doctor Who is twenty-six seasons long.  I only watched two seasons of the original before I somewhat lost interest.  Also, when there are forty episodes per season it is harder to find the time to catch up on it.  Not to mention the fact that some of the episodes were lost and one has to watch still pictures that accompany the audio that actually did somehow survive.
Well, it depends on the series, how many episodes are in that year.  The early years, yeah, it was a brutal filming schedule and probably contributed to William Hartnell's early departure -- he was already in frail health, despite the fact that he was only 55 when he started the role (I was shocked when I found out he wasn't in his 60s or 70s already).

The earliest seasons had 40-45 half hour episodes; it was dialed back to 25-26 when Jon Pertwee took over in 1970, and then to the modern 13 or so when Colin Baker (whose tenure is much under-rated IMO) took the helm.  So even though Hartnell held the role for just over 3 full seasons, there were 134 individual episodes during that time; Tom Baker's seven years had "just" 172.

Somewhere I have a list of the episodes I think are best suited for getting into the more casual pace of the early episodes.  Some of them have aged like fine wine... a couple have aged more like mayonnaise.  No idea where it is, I'll have to re-create it.  I still consider the classic run superior on average -- since they only had an effects budget of sixpence and Auntie Beeb expected change, they had to get by on great writing and performances and couldn't plaster things over with splashy CGI.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on April 29, 2017, 10:55:11 PM
Season ten, episode three of Doctor Who called "Thin Ice"

They are in 1814 London.  Bill asks if it will be safe for her since she is black and slavery is still a thing.

As they change their clothes and traverse the city, she takes notice that there are more black people who are not slaves than she had expected.

Epic dialogue
Bill: Interesting.
Dr: What is?
Bill: Regency England.  Bit more blackness than they show in the movies.
Dr: So was Jesus.  History's a whitewash.

A bit of advice from the Dr. to Bill:
Always remember that passion fights, but reason wins.

LOL and then the Dr. proceeds to punch a man for insulting Bill for being a black woman.

Another good quote from the Dr:
Human progress isn't measured by industry.  It's measured by the value you place on a life.

Another good dialogue
Bill: You already know the answers.  Why are you even asking?
Dr: I don't know the answers.  Only idiots know the answers.

This show just gets better and better, and that's why I love it more than any other show on television.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on April 30, 2017, 07:04:20 AM
The Doctor shows the value of inconsistency.  And I'm not joking here.  Unpredictability combined with power and ability is very hard to overcome.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: mbncan2 on June 18, 2017, 12:36:53 AM
The Americans; Fargo; Animal Kingdom
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on July 07, 2017, 03:29:13 PM
Been rediscovering Jacob Bronowski and The Ascent of Man, which is more or less Cosmos with an anthropological/sociological bend, and much of the same creative team, including producer/director Adrian Malone, worked on both, so it's also stylistically very similar.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 07, 2017, 11:30:52 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on April 30, 2017, 07:04:20 AMThe Doctor shows the value of inconsistency.  And I'm not joking here.  Unpredictability combined with power and ability is very hard to overcome.
My favorite Dr Who episode:


I forgot what it was about, though.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on July 11, 2017, 08:10:38 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on July 07, 2017, 11:30:52 PM
My favorite Dr Who episode:


I forgot what it was about, though.

I don't much follow Dr Who anymore.  The actors became too "normal".  MY Dr Whos dressed outrageously and didn't really have any followers or friends.  They came, they went.  I gave up when K9 appeared.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on July 12, 2017, 07:01:41 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on July 11, 2017, 08:10:38 AM
I don't much follow Dr Who anymore.  The actors became too "normal".  MY Dr Whos dressed outrageously and didn't really have any followers or friends.  They came, they went.  I gave up when K9 appeared.
Ooo, don't stop there, you'll miss the whole year when Douglas Adams was script editor.

For the record, my preferred Doctor is a wee, devious little shit -- so McCoy and Troughton, thanks.  And a side order of TBaker and CBaker for your minimum recommended daily allowance of vitamins W, T and F.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: simplyalex on July 13, 2017, 04:09:46 AM
Looking forward to watching 13 Reasons Why Season 2, time to see whether Jess will commit a suicide or not.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on July 18, 2017, 04:10:53 AM
Quote from: Sorginak on April 23, 2017, 09:16:38 AM
The original Doctor Who is twenty-six seasons long.  I only watched two seasons of the original before I somewhat lost interest.  Also, when there are forty episodes per season it is harder to find the time to catch up on it.  Not to mention the fact that some of the episodes were lost and one has to watch still pictures that accompany the audio that actually did somehow survive. 

The new Doctor Who is currently on its tenth season and I have seen every episode.

The Christmas planet was OUTSTANDING!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 18, 2017, 09:33:53 PM

Good music, great ship models (even though it's been done before (, nice costumes.  The only problem is that it's entirely unfunny.

It plays everything so straight that I can't tell whether or not it's even trying to be funny.  There are jokes, but they're mostly throwaway lines, the sort of jokes you'd see in garfield or peanuts, not something that'll make a normal person laugh or even crack a smile.

It also has this weird vibe where the technology is super futuristic but everyone talks and acts as if it were the late 2000s.  I half expect someone to say "don't taze me, bro".  There's also this strange mix of futuristic and mundane technology - they've achieved FTL and are working on time control, but half their tech is no different from ours.  Weird.

And yet, despite these criticisms, it's still more entertaining than 90% of Enterprise and 50% of Voyager.  Don't ask me why.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on September 19, 2017, 03:45:24 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on September 18, 2017, 09:33:53 PM

Good music, great ship models (even though it's been done before (, nice costumes.  The only problem is that it's entirely unfunny.

It plays everything so straight that I can't tell whether or not it's even trying to be funny.  There are jokes, but they're mostly throwaway lines, the sort of jokes you'd see in garfield or peanuts, not something that'll make a normal person laugh or even crack a smile.

The worst thing about Dr Who is that future tech never seems to actually advance much.  The enemies just get stranger.

It also has this weird vibe where the technology is super futuristic but everyone talks and acts as if it were the late 2000s.  I half expect someone to say "don't taze me, bro".  There's also this strange mix of futuristic and mundane technology - they've achieved FTL and are working on time control, but half their tech is no different from ours.  Weird.

And yet, despite these criticisms, it's still more entertaining than 90% of Enterprise and 50% of Voyager.  Don't ask me why.

Oops, forgot to add my own thoughts... 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on September 19, 2017, 12:20:12 PM
Been rediscovering a couple 'classics' from the 60s on Hulu -- Land of the Giants and Dark Shadows.  Forgot how much fun they were despite their shortcomings.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 19, 2017, 01:03:22 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on September 19, 2017, 03:45:24 AM
Oops, forgot to add my own thoughts...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on September 19, 2017, 06:07:36 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on September 19, 2017, 01:03:22 PM

LOL, hey sometimes you just read posts and hit the button...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 19, 2017, 06:11:36 PM
There's modify button, too.  :whip:
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on September 19, 2017, 06:15:30 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on September 19, 2017, 06:11:36 PM
There's modify button, too.  :whip:

Well, yeah but if you change a post after a reply it seems kind of unfair.  Confooses peoples.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on September 24, 2017, 09:25:47 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on September 19, 2017, 06:15:30 PM
Well, yeah but if you change a post after a reply it seems kind of unfair.  Confooses peoples.

Not if you modify it before anyone can read it or reply to it.  As slow as this forum is, that doesn't seem to be a problem.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on September 24, 2017, 09:27:03 AM
Quote from: simplyalex on July 13, 2017, 04:09:46 AM
Looking forward to watching 13 Reasons Why Season 2, time to see whether Jess will commit a suicide or not.

I decided against watching it because I was informed by someone I trust that it was a really stupid show. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on September 24, 2017, 09:28:01 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on September 18, 2017, 09:33:53 PM

Good music, great ship models (even though it's been done before (, nice costumes.  The only problem is that it's entirely unfunny.

It plays everything so straight that I can't tell whether or not it's even trying to be funny.  There are jokes, but they're mostly throwaway lines, the sort of jokes you'd see in garfield or peanuts, not something that'll make a normal person laugh or even crack a smile.

It also has this weird vibe where the technology is super futuristic but everyone talks and acts as if it were the late 2000s.  I half expect someone to say "don't taze me, bro".  There's also this strange mix of futuristic and mundane technology - they've achieved FTL and are working on time control, but half their tech is no different from ours.  Weird.

And yet, despite these criticisms, it's still more entertaining than 90% of Enterprise and 50% of Voyager.  Don't ask me why.

I gave the show a whirl, and I am enjoying it.  I was not a fan of the end of episode three, but that's okay. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 25, 2017, 10:30:31 PM
I just saw the premier of Star Trek: Discovery.

It wasn't as horrific as I had heard it to be.  But it's not great, either.  It's...strange.

It feels like someone watched a highlight reel of several star trek series during a multi-day coke binge then decided to reconstruct it years later.

The plot doesn't make much internal or logical sense.  The characters are pretty dull.  But the effects and camera work is great.  Someone obviously put a lot of effort into this, but it wasn't the writers or half the bridge crew.

The show is a hot mess.  A very flashy, adrenaline-filled hot mess.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on September 25, 2017, 10:47:34 PM
Star Trek does seem to be getting a bit stale.  What were fabulous tales for the 1960s with thoughtful nods to the human condition, are no longer in, and with Marvel exploding onto the scene, Star Trek is just one of the lesser franchises, and Gene Rodenberry and his special feel for story telling are not behind it.  So it's just more special effects.  I will see it of course.  Not much to deliberate there. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hijiri Byakuren on September 25, 2017, 10:55:05 PM
Star Trek: The Next Generation is and will always be the best series. (The movies sucked, though.)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 25, 2017, 11:12:28 PM
Quote from: SGOS on September 25, 2017, 10:47:34 PM
Star Trek does seem to be getting a bit stale.  What were fabulous tales for the 1960s with thoughtful nods to the human condition, are no longer in, and with Marvel exploding onto the scene, Star Trek is just one of the lesser franchises, and Gene Rodenberry and his special feel for story telling are not behind it.  So it's just more special effects.  I will see it of course.  Not much to deliberate there.
I dunno how much truth to there is to this, but I have a running theory that the success of sci-fi and superhero movies are inversely proportional - when one is waxing, the other is waning and vice versa.

They don't necessarily hurt each other's success directly - it's not like Marvel has it out for Star Trek or vice versa.  It could just be the case that both series are competing for much of the same audiences (and production resources), and one is going to take the lion's share while the other one goes hungry.

Also, superhero moves often have a bunch of scifi elements, so much so that they could probably be considered a sub-genre of sci-fi.  And there can only be so many sci-fi winners in a year.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on September 25, 2017, 11:23:39 PM
Quote from: SGOS on September 25, 2017, 10:47:34 PM
Star Trek does seem to be getting a bit stale.  What were fabulous tales for the 1960s with thoughtful nods to the human condition, are no longer in, and with Marvel exploding onto the scene, Star Trek is just one of the lesser franchises, and Gene Rodenberry and his special feel for story telling are not behind it.  So it's just more special effects.  I will see it of course.  Not much to deliberate there.

I understand that the Klingons in the next movie are going to be based off of Trump supporters...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 26, 2017, 12:09:33 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on September 25, 2017, 11:23:39 PM
I understand that the Klingons in the next movie are going to be based off of Trump supporters...
The Klingons slightly annoyed me because they're packed like sardines in that bridge/auditorium and I only see like 3 guys tending to the ship.  Everyone else is just standing their in awed reverence or taking part in Mr. Drama Queen's little play.

They're supposed to be a starfaring people, but they act like cosplayers at a renaissance fair.

Wow, that was a lot harsher than I initially meant.  Gonna stand by it, though.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on September 28, 2017, 02:35:07 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on September 25, 2017, 10:30:31 PM
I just saw the premier of Star Trek: Discovery.

It wasn't as horrific as I had heard it to be.  But it's not great, either.  It's...strange.

It feels like someone watched a highlight reel of several star trek series during a multi-day coke binge then decided to reconstruct it years later.

The plot doesn't make much internal or logical sense.  The characters are pretty dull.  But the effects and camera work is great.  Someone obviously put a lot of effort into this, but it wasn't the writers or half the bridge crew.

The show is a hot mess.  A very flashy, adrenaline-filled hot mess.

I have never liked any new Star Trek series at first.  Given that, I saw the premiere of 'Discovery' but total accident last week and watched it.

I did not like it.  The Captain is fine.  The Science Officer is interesting (I kind of like his logic of being afraid of everything as an herbivore and prey).  The problem is that the Vulcan #1 is all wrong.

She is too militant and suggests a general Vulcan militancy (The Vulcan "Hello" to the Klingons) at a point when the Vulcans were culturally pacifist in the original Star Trek.  I think that is going to be a hard idea to get around given that "Discovery' is supposedly only 10 years before the original Star Trek.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 28, 2017, 11:50:23 PM
I just saw the second episode.  It's much better, imo.  Logic is still on vacation, but it's easier to understand what's going on and the battle was decently done.  There's even a glimmer of characterization and a faint hope that someday, it may even be good.

Such a shame, since this episode wasn't broadcast on basic cable, just the subscription website, where there's a much smaller audience.  Rules of acquisition #10 and #203.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on October 01, 2017, 04:19:09 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on September 28, 2017, 11:50:23 PM
I just saw the second episode.  It's much better, imo.  Logic is still on vacation, but it's easier to understand what's going on and the battle was decently done.  There's even a glimmer of characterization and a faint hope that someday, it may even be good.

Such a shame, since this episode wasn't broadcast on basic cable, just the subscription website, where there's a much smaller audience.  Rules of acquisition #10 and #203.

I fully understand the temptation directors have to change the Vulcans and the Klingons, but I won't abide it. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 03, 2017, 11:45:14 PM
The latest episode was pretty much the prison fight scene from Watchmen ("I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me!") and Doom 3.  Also, shrooms are the key to interstellar travel.  I wish I were joking.

Not featured: anything that remotely gives off Trek vibes.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on October 04, 2017, 03:50:06 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on October 03, 2017, 11:45:14 PM
The latest episode was pretty much the prison fight scene from Watchmen ("I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me!") and Doom 3.  Also, shrooms are the key to interstellar travel.  I wish I were joking.

Not featured: anything that remotely gives off Trek vibes.

Best killer criticism all month.  No Star Trek connection I can find.  You can't have the Vulcan be so wrong...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 06, 2017, 12:04:32 AM
This is really strange to say, but I think I like The Orville more than Discovery.  Yes, I'm serious.

Discovery is heavy on action and has a gritty sort of feel to it.  And not a good kind of gritty, either.  The kind of gritty that's kinda offputting.  Hell, half of one episode reminded me of Doom 3.  There's so much action and so little character and world development that I don't even really care about the outcome of said action.

Orville isn't the most thrilling show out there, but I think it captured a lot more of the aesthetics/themes of Trek.  Hell, we even get the occassional dilemma that Trek's known for.  Orville's comedic value is practically nonexistent but it's played so straight that it's difficult to tell if the jokes were intentional.  It makes for a passable Trek experience.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 07, 2017, 12:01:54 AM
Orville's 4th episode is friggin' great.  Not The Best of Both Worlds great or In The Pale Moonlight great, more like Blink Of An Eye good.  The plot is like an inverse Nightfall.  Curiosity, action, and humor.  Probably the best episode for someone who's on the fence to watch.

I'm sitting here in shock that the show I wanted to like - Star Trek Discovery - turned out to be kinda disappointing, but the show that I thought would be kinda crappy - The Orville - turned out to be actually pretty good.

My whole worldview is upside down over here.  What else are my first impressions completely wrong about??
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: AllPurposeAtheist on October 07, 2017, 02:14:10 AM
Been watching Blacklist with James Spader lately.. Pretty hoakey premises, but too bad we don't have that kind of benevolent criminal knocking off the shitheads of the planet.. I actually kind of liked ol Red Reddington until he shot Mr Kapplan .. and the bitch Elizabeth Keen isn't nearly as likable as the series writers want the audience to believe.  They killed her then brought her back to life, but should have kept her dead. She reminds me too much of Sylvia's daughter who accused me of hitting her at a new years party a few years ago.. of course I didn't hit her, but probably should have.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on October 08, 2017, 03:44:33 AM
Quote from: AllPurposeAtheist on October 07, 2017, 02:14:10 AM
Been watching Blacklist with James Spader lately.. Pretty hoakey premises, but too bad we don't have that kind of benevolent criminal knocking off the shitheads of the planet.. I actually kind of liked ol Red Reddington until he shot Mr Kapplan .. and the bitch Elizabeth Keen isn't nearly as likable as the series writers want the audience to believe.  They killed her then brought her back to life, but should have kept her dead. She reminds me too much of Sylvia's daughter who accused me of hitting her at a new years party a few years ago.. of course I didn't hit her, but probably should have.

Discovery doesn't make Star Trek Sense.  Haven't seen the Orville.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on October 08, 2017, 10:51:45 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on October 08, 2017, 03:44:33 AM
Discovery doesn't make Star Trek Sense.  Haven't seen the Oroville.

All the old Trekkies are supporting Oroville.  Even Patrick Stuart ;-)  They are lifting Oroville into Trekdom ... I wanted to like Discovery, but the only thing I like about it is the uniforms.  Very sharp ... they could get paper cuts getting in and out of them.  I like the tall alien on Discovery, but my daughter hates Sarak's adopted human daughter.  I won't say anything about Oroville (spoilers).
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on October 08, 2017, 11:57:57 PM
Quote from: Baruch on October 08, 2017, 10:51:45 PM
All the old Trekkies are supporting Oroville.  Even Patrick Stuart ;-)  They are lifting Oroville into Trekdom ... I wanted to like Discovery, but the only thing I like about it is the uniforms.  Very sharp ... they could get paper cuts getting in and out of them.  I like the tall alien on Discovery, but my daughter hates Sarak's adopted human daughter.  I won't say anything about Oroville (spoilers).

I saw the premier of 'Discovery.  The Vulcan is all wrong.  The captain is fine,.  I liked the tall alien with his extreme caution.  I assume that means his species were prey and the the idea that they achieved sentience is slightly fascinating.

But I won't pay a dime to watch it...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 09, 2017, 12:44:19 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on October 08, 2017, 03:44:33 AM
Discovery doesn't make Star Trek Sense.  Haven't seen the Orville.
I recommend episode 4.  It's the episode that changed my opinion from meh to favorable.  Ordinarily, I wouldn't recommend skipping episodes, especially the premiere, but if you're familiar with TNG, you're already more or less up to speed.  Plus, the first couple episodes are fairly weak, imo.  The show didn't really hit its stride until 4.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on October 09, 2017, 01:45:56 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on October 09, 2017, 12:44:19 PM
I recommend episode 4.  It's the episode that changed my opinion from meh to favorable.  Ordinarily, I wouldn't recommend skipping episodes, especially the premiere, but if you're familiar with TNG, you're already more or less up to speed.  Plus, the first couple episodes are fairly weak, imo.  The show didn't really hit its stride until 4.

Discovery isn't episodic.  It is designed to grow on you, eventually, like a space fungus ;-)  That is its strength and weakness.  Non-episodic shows (say ... Rome) are a very extended version of the Tolkien trilogy, except you don't have to wait a year between installments.  Very cinematic ... but weak on character development (which is easier in episodic format).  The weakness of The Orville" was in the premier, because they had to spend half of it introducing the odd-ball characters.  Comparing The Orville to Firefly is probably apt.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 09, 2017, 02:16:03 PM
Quote from: Baruch on October 09, 2017, 01:45:56 PMDiscovery isn't episodic.
I was talking about The Orville. :[

QuoteThe weakness of The Orville" was in the premier, because they had to spend half of it introducing the odd-ball characters.  Comparing The Orville to Firefly is probably apt.
In that very specific way, they may be similar.

But that's a pretty bizarre comparison since the two shows have virtually nothing in common except for space ships and speaking english, and that last one only holds true most of the time.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on October 11, 2017, 01:55:53 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on October 09, 2017, 12:44:19 PM
I recommend episode 4.  It's the episode that changed my opinion from meh to favorable.  Ordinarily, I wouldn't recommend skipping episodes, especially the premiere, but if you're familiar with TNG, you're already more or less up to speed.  Plus, the first couple episodes are fairly weak, imo.  The show didn't really hit its stride until 4.

I'll consider that, but it has to get on cable or I'll never see it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 23, 2017, 09:02:49 PM
The Walking Dead is back!!!

[spoiler]I actually really liked the episode.  It had everything I wanted - the whole gang gets screentime and there are finally some fireworks at the Sanctuary.

Rick and co had a solid gameplan.  Snipe the guards like a boss, assault with IFVs, and train deadite mobs right to Negan's doorstep.

It's a great plan with just one hitch - no one in Rick's group can hit anything but the broad side of a barn, despite regularly headshotting walkers for years and ghosting rooftop guards just seconds ago.

Plus, they waste more bullets than the A-team.  And I swear to god, that 6-cylinder revolver spit out like 20 bullets without a reload.  I know, I know, it's a zombie show, so not everything is going to be super realistic, not even the deer.  But running out of ammo has been a thing in past episodes and in the comic - limited ammo makes things way more exciting because it makes for closer calls with walkers and gives characters a reason to engage in melee and to go on salvage runs.  With unlimited ammo, the gang can just spray-and-pray their way out of any dangerous situation, and that's no fun.

Also, Negan really got handed the Idiot Ball this episode.  He might work more with a wooden baseball bat than polarity plating, but he's no dummy.  As soon as Rick opened fire, he should've ducked for cover or taken Eugene as a human shield or something.  Anything but sitting there and deflecting bullets with his character shield.  At the very least, he could've summoned his army and made a go of it.  He had zero plan and it showed.  This from the guy who led Rick to where he's going not long ago and just last episode engineered one hell of a backstab.  Realistically, he would've definitely had a contingency plan for an attack from a group he's already at war with.  That's just War 101.  And FFS, why not post at least two guards together?  I mean, what happens when the lone guard has to take a dump while dead ones are incoming?  Buddy system, people!  Eugene your operations, man.

And finally, these smash cuts to god knows what are getting ridiculous.  I had to go on reddit just to figure out what the hell I was watching, and it's apparently 4 different points in time smashed into each other with scant context.  The full explanation of it read like a friggin' Lost breakdown.  That artistic style was great in What Happened and What's Going On, but it's possible to have too much of a good thing.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 04, 2017, 11:40:36 PM
The Walking Dead 8x02

I really liked this episode!  It actually feels like an all-out war.  And yeah, I gave them a pass and stopped counting ammo or else I'd drive myself crazy this episode.

[spoiler]So instead of counting ammo, I decided to count people.  Rick's forces are consistently outnumbered, but inflict way more casualties than they take.  And the Saviors have been dropping like flies since they were introduced.  I estimated that they had 300 or so (not counting non-combatants) initially.  They're probably under 200 now.  That's a massive reduction in military strength and jobs previously held by these soldiers are now going largely undone.  Outposts are no longer staffed, lookouts are no longer looking out, etc.  And we haven't even gone into morale issues.  You lose 30% of your crew in only a few months and you start looking for a truce, or make tracks, or start agitating for a change of leadership.  And that's with a leader you might've liked.  Negan better be wearing his shitting pants.

Also, how many dead ones have the survivors dispatched?  If only 1/1000 people survive the apocalypse to now, they only have to kill on average about a thousand dead ones before they start running out.  It seems like Rick's crew has been taking out the trash daily.  Over time, one should expect it to get quieter and quieter.  But it's a show and the undead keep things interesting, so I suppose the undead are functionally unlimited.

And there's this whole Tara VS Jesus thing going on.  Duty VS mercy.  Personally, I side with Tara.  Sure, it's wrong to kill surrendering forces, but these people are complete pieces of crap who would stab you in the back, plus you literally have no quarter to offer them.  You could assimilate captives and spread them out over various communities, but there's simply too many for that to be practical.  And tying people up serves no real purpose.  It just makes them convenient meals for the walkers.  You might think you're sparing their lives, but you're not.  So yeah, Jesus was dumb.

I loved Rick's brutal walker-feeding technique, Maggie's battleborn undead plan, and The King's fake it till you make it plan.  Verily, the Kingdom is the finest settlement in the entire realm![/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 06, 2017, 01:01:55 PM
The Walking Dead 8x03

I absolutely love The Kingdom!

They might have a goofy dramatic flair and other eccentricities, but they're good people with a strong, close-knit, capable community.  And their reliance on horses over vehicles highlights their pragmatic, unassuming nature.  Even their armor, which admittedly is poorly protective and ill-fitting, at least offers some protection and serves as a uniform to allow Kingdomers to recognize each other at a glance and helps them stand out from other survivors.

[spoiler]I can't get enough Clear Morgan.  Monk class with barbarian rage, lol.  I can't wait till he gets his hands on Jared.  You know it's coming.

But that ending had me like:
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on November 07, 2017, 03:13:19 AM
Stranger Things season 2 was pretty epic.

I love how the show boils up until the last two episodes. The boiling is intense and intriguing. And then the climax, it feels deserved and is just amazing.
And such great characters!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on November 07, 2017, 01:57:52 PM
Stranger things speculation.
Contains spoilers up to and including season 2

[spoiler]I'm more convinced after season 2 that the upside down is somehow not a genuine 'alternate dimension' but rather Eleven's own tortured psyché. There's a lot of fan speculation that came out from season 1 that implied the Demogorgon was just another side of eleven. Duality being a key concept in Stranger things (the upside down, the demogorgon being a two-headed beast of which the two heads try to kill each other, one signifying lies (Eleven) and the other madness (the monster), the monster having the exact same powers (telekenisis) ...)

I always thought it was a plausible theory. It would explain why the world of upside down hawkins would be exactly the same as current hawkins. Because otherwise, if it were a genuine alternate dimension, how recent wouldn't the catastrophe have had to be to have all the exact same buildings there. After all, apart from flickering of lights, objects don't correspond to the upside down. When a door opens in the real world, it doesnt' open in the upside down as seen when Joyce Byers and Hopper move through her upside-down house.

Season 2 furthered that theory for me. When Kali tries to convince Eleven to stay by summoning the illusion of her 'papa', he goes off about her having an injury. An infection that will rot and spread and that she needs to heal. This is exactly what the tunnels do. They rot and spread, all from the gate she opened and feels responsible for. At the very least it's a symbolic connection: a methaphore for her coming to terms with the wounds she's suffered and rising past them. But I get the feeling its more than that. I can't prove it, but it seems to lead credence to the idea imho.

Plus... While there are other solutions for this: Eleven knew in season 2 episode 9 that something was wrong with Will. She didn't see that in her glance at Hopper and Will of season 2 episode 7. Now its possible she 'meditated' to find the others and that's how she met up. And it would be cinematically interesting not to show this as to create a genuine fear for the characters' safeties in the viewer plus to avoid redundancies. But the fact remains we didn't see her home in, giving the impression that she did it subconsciously. So she seemingly knew automatically what was wrong with Will and where they were, just as the shadow monster did too. Kind of like how she knew Will was in the upside down to begin with in season 1. A stretch, maybe. But still. Fun to speculate.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on November 07, 2017, 03:02:12 PM
Getting caught up on Doctor Who in time for the regeneration, and QI Series O is on.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on November 11, 2017, 07:48:43 AM
Quote from: trdsf on November 07, 2017, 03:02:12 PM
Getting caught up on Doctor Who in time for the regeneration, and QI Series O is on.

I haven't seen the new Doctor. Read it is a female now.  I must not be looking around at the right times.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on November 12, 2017, 12:31:28 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on November 11, 2017, 07:48:43 AM
I haven't seen the new Doctor. Read it is a female now.  I must not be looking around at the right times.
They haven't had her intro episode yet.  That'll be on Newton's Birthday (commonly celebrated as Xmas).
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 13, 2017, 03:17:21 PM
Walking Dead 8x04

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on November 15, 2017, 04:58:04 AM
Quote from: trdsf on November 12, 2017, 12:31:28 AM
They haven't had her intro episode yet.  That'll be on Newton's Birthday (commonly celebrated as Xmas).

Thank you.  Saved me 6 weeks of searching the screen TV guide looking for it until then. 

A female Doctor Who should be a very interesting new approach. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on November 15, 2017, 11:44:03 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on November 15, 2017, 04:58:04 AM
Thank you.  Saved me 6 weeks of searching the screen TV guide looking for it until then. 

A female Doctor Who should be a very interesting new approach.
It's been floated a couple times.  Tom Baker infamously trolled his retirement announcement by offering his best wishes to his successor "whoever he or she may be".  They considered a female Doctor to try to reinvigorate the show after Colin Baker.  And of course there was a lot of buzz that Smith's successor might be either a woman or a non-white actor (I was hoping for Sue Perkins personally).  I suspected the reason they regenerated the Master into Missy was to test the waters.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on November 15, 2017, 12:13:30 PM
Quote from: trdsf on November 15, 2017, 11:44:03 AM
It's been floated a couple times.  Tom Baker infamously trolled his retirement announcement by offering his best wishes to his successor "whoever he or she may be".  They considered a female Doctor to try to reinvigorate the show after Colin Baker.  And of course there was a lot of buzz that Smith's successor might be either a woman or a non-white actor (I was hoping for Sue Perkins personally).  I suspected the reason they regenerated the Master into Missy was to test the waters.

Well I certainly will be prepared for acceptance.

With the acknowledgement that there have been male Doctors I did not like and there could be the wrong woman as The Doctor.  But time heals many dislikes.  I hated ST:TNG at first, but loved ST:Voyager from the get-go.

The right person, the right quirky characteristics, the right attitude, and I'm on board...  But one thought...  Oh please don't let the new Doctor dress all frilly.  I'd gag.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on November 15, 2017, 12:41:56 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on November 15, 2017, 12:13:30 PM
Well I certainly will be prepared for acceptance.

With the acknowledgement that there have been male Doctors I did not like and there could be the wrong woman as The Doctor.  But time heals many dislikes.  I hated ST:TNG at first, but loved ST:Voyager from the get-go.

The right person, the right quirky characteristics, the right attitude, and I'm on board...  But one thought...  Oh please don't let the new Doctor dress all frilly.  I'd gag.
They've revealed her outfit.  It is not frilly (  It's a throwback to the quirkier and idiosyncratic styles of the original series, and there are a number of sartorial shout-outs to previous Doctors.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on November 15, 2017, 12:49:21 PM
Quote from: trdsf on November 15, 2017, 12:41:56 PM
They've revealed her outfit.  It is not frilly (  It's a throwback to the quirkier and idiosyncratic styles of the original series, and there are a number of sartorial shout-outs to previous Doctors.

OUTSTANDING!  I love the "long trench coat" idea.  I was thinking "lab coat", but that's close.  Might there be a scarf?  Or is this one all utterly practical?  That might be too much like the previous Doctor.  There has to be something odd.  Interesting...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on November 15, 2017, 01:04:11 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on November 15, 2017, 12:49:21 PM
OUTSTANDING!  I love the "long trench coat" idea.  I was thinking "lab coat", but that's close.  Might there be a scarf?  Or is this one all utterly practical?  That might be too much like the previous Doctor.  There has to be something odd.  Interesting...
The stripes on the shirt and coat are roughly the colors of the Fourth Doctor's first couple scarves (I know, I've knit two of them).  The coat is the color of the Seventh Doctor's first jacket, but cut long like Baker's or Smith's.  There's been a lot of discussion about a scarf in the fandom -- on a different forum I belong to, I pointed out that she has one, if she can remember where she hung it up a few regenerations back.  `:)`

I think it's an outfit that's psychologically reminiscent of Pat Troughton's or Tom Baker's: it says "You're going to underestimate me, and then I'm going to crush you."
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on November 15, 2017, 01:20:55 PM
Quote from: trdsf on November 15, 2017, 01:04:11 PM
The stripes on the shirt and coat are roughly the colors of the Fourth Doctor's first couple scarves (I know, I've knit two of them).  The coat is the color of the Seventh Doctor's first jacket, but cut long like Baker's or Smith's.  There's been a lot of discussion about a scarf in the fandom -- on a different forum I belong to, I pointed out that she has one, if she can remember where she hung it up a few regenerations back.  `:)`

I think it's an outfit that's psychologically reminiscent of Pat Troughton's or Tom Baker's: it says "You're going to underestimate me, and then I'm going to crush you."

I don't know the Doctors like you do.  But I like your analysis.  I can at least remember them when you mention them.   
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on November 24, 2017, 08:36:50 PM

Netflix announced MST3K Season 12!

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on November 24, 2017, 10:59:03 PM
Descendants of the Sun is on Hulu... after Taboo, that will be next.

Taboo: Pretty fucking good. Set in Victorian London, psycho get's caught in a 4 way corporate war between the East India Company, the Crown, the States and his own self interest. Tom Hardy is great. Would recommend if you like gritty period pieces and corporate/political scheming.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 04, 2017, 12:16:19 AM
The Walking Dead 8x7

A very odd episode with a lot of questionable character moments.  But hey, we at least got to see some much-anticipated action and things finally change a little.

[spoiler]Goddamn it, Eugene.  All you had to do was let it happen.

I figured he was playing the long game and gathering intel on the Saviors and then eventually sabotaging Negan in the worst way at the worst possible time.  Nope.  Apparently, he's just a scaredycat concerned primarily about numero uno.  Disappointing.

And the scene with Jadis was just plain bizarre.  Rick gets himself captured and nearly executed, but he beats up some guards and then they agree to let him leave.  Dafuq?  Did I miss a scene?  I also don't see why Jadis would change her mind.  Literally nothing about her situation has changed.  Her safest option would be to just pop two in Rick and relocate somewhere else.  Landfills near Baltimore can't be that hard to come by.

Speaking of missed shots, Dwight definitely would/should have shot Eugene.  Shooting the drone was surprisingly successful given how tricky a shot that was, but he could've just slapped the controls out of Eugene's hands.  Dwight put himself at serious long-term risk by not offing Eugene when he had the chance.  Dwight got lucky and everything turned out fine, but damn, that was one hell of a risk.  Relying on luck is a bad strat in the long term.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: AllPurposeAtheist on December 04, 2017, 01:15:44 AM
Just finished watching Midnight Sun on Hulu.. Very well done series from France and Sweden staring Leïla Bekhti.. Very good and hot Algerian born actress..also watched Below the Surface from Denmark.. Much better series than 99% of the crap produced here..
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Luther Martini on December 10, 2017, 10:46:16 AM
I am looking forward seeing to "Peaky Blinders" season 4.  Currently being broadcast on BBC, it will be on Netflix later this month.  I am re-watching season 3 in anticipation of the new episodes.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 12, 2017, 09:45:26 PM
The Walking Dead
Season 8 mid-season finale


Goddamn it, Gimple.  You done messed up.

This show has gone downhill a little lately, but it's had its moments, so I've been letting things slide.  And shocking deaths are a big part of the appeal this show, but there's a way to do that correctly.  This wasn't that.  It didn't pull the heartstrings, it just made me roll my eyes and wonder aloud if the writing staff was composed entirely of walkers.  It didn't shock me, it just disappointed me.

And I've been singing the praises of All Out War to my brother, who's kinda iffy on the show.  It's such an amazing part in the comics that any decent adaptation would make for fantastic TV.  I sound like a crazy person when I tell him how amazing this scene or that scene will be on TV because what actually makes it onscreen is such a pale imitation of the source material that, well, I sound crazy to be so rapt in anticipation.

The TV version has steadily lost a lot of what made it a great drama.  Unless it rekindles that magic, it's in for a swift decline.  And while this isn't the first crack, it is the first breach in the wall.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 14, 2017, 09:37:02 PM
And now for something completely different, a joke that made my day.  Hell, probably my week.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on December 18, 2017, 09:38:19 AM
In the barbershop a few days ago, there was and old episode of Bonanza.  I could see it was old; Adam was there.  It was embarrassingly horrible.  Like a soap opera.  Bad plot, bad acting, actors speaking the lines out of timing.

And yet, I know I watched it with my family in the 60s and thought it was great.  How times change...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: AllPurposeAtheist on January 12, 2018, 09:17:47 PM
Been watching a lot of Scandinavian crime fiction on MHz Choice (roku channel)
There are some really great series coming from Scandinavia lately.. Much better than the typical slop on TV from Hooeywood..  You might think that the Scandinavian countries were the most crime ridden places on the planet, but they just have a lot of great crime novelists..
One series from Germany is The Weissensee Saga
A series based on a couple of families in East Germany before the fall of the wall.. One family are Stazi agents, the other disidents .. Great story..
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on January 13, 2018, 05:30:51 AM
Quote from: AllPurposeAtheist on January 12, 2018, 09:17:47 PM
Been watching a lot of Scandinavian crime fiction on MHz Choice (roku channel)
There are some really great series coming from Scandinavia lately.. Much better than the typical slop on TV from Hooeywood..  You might think that the Scandinavian countries were the most crime ridden places on the planet, but they just have a lot of great crime novelists..
One series from Germany is The Weissensee Saga
A series based on a couple of families in East Germany before the fall of the wall.. One family are Stazi agents, the other disidents .. Great story..

Remember when Hollywood fired all their writers because they went on strike?  Damn liberals ;-)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 13, 2018, 10:59:17 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on December 14, 2017, 09:37:02 PM
And now for something completely different, a joke that made my day.  Hell, probably my week.
LOL  I knew something was going to happen, but that took me by surprise.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 13, 2018, 11:04:54 AM
Quote from: AllPurposeAtheist on January 12, 2018, 09:17:47 PM
Been watching a lot of Scandinavian crime fiction on MHz Choice (roku channel)
There are some really great series coming from Scandinavia lately.. Much better than the typical slop on TV from Hooeywood..  You might think that the Scandinavian countries were the most crime ridden places on the planet, but they just have a lot of great crime novelists..
One series from Germany is The Weissensee Saga
A series based on a couple of families in East Germany before the fall of the wall.. One family are Stazi agents, the other disidents .. Great story..
I'd never thought about Scandinavian film making until they came up with something called "Let the Right One In," which was surprisingly good even with the subtitles.  And then Hollywood remade it with the American version called "Let Me In," which wasn't near as good.  I may have mixed up the titles, but the Scandinavian one was better, IMO.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: AllPurposeAtheist on January 14, 2018, 01:33:20 AM
I REALLY enjoy the MHz choice channel.. It has films and series from all over Europe. It's a great break from the typical fare from the US and GB and for about 8 bucks a month it's worth it and better yet NO FUCKING COMMERCIALS!  NONE-AUCUN-KEINER-GEEN-INGEN

Ok..I used google translate for the word none..  -1 brownie point
And let's face it folks..American remakes of just about any film originally made elsewhere almost always sucks..and don't whine about having to read subtitles.  You might even learn how to cuss in multiple languages..
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on January 27, 2018, 11:54:59 AM
Quote from: SGOS on January 13, 2018, 11:04:54 AM
I'd never thought about Scandinavian film making until they came up with something called "Let the Right One In," which was surprisingly good even with the subtitles.  And then Hollywood remade it with the American version called "Let Me In," which wasn't near as good.  I may have mixed up the titles, but the Scandinavian one was better, IMO.

I can't help it.  3 words I never imagined I would see together.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 27, 2018, 12:53:59 PM
I rewatched some DS9.  It just now struck me how 90% of that show was characters having conversations.  And for the most part, they were interesting conversations.  There's a great mix of characters, with a variety of different backgrounds and perspectives.  It felt cosmopolitan in a way that no Trek has before or since.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on January 27, 2018, 02:12:42 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 27, 2018, 12:53:59 PM
I rewatched some DS9.  It just now struck me how 90% of that show was characters having conversations.  And for the most part, they were interesting conversations.  There's a great mix of characters, with a variety of different backgrounds and perspectives.  It felt cosmopolitan in a way that no Trek has before or since.

Well, basically, it was a space city, not just a ship.  I liked Odo.  I didn't like Sisko much, especially after they made him sort of deistic.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on January 27, 2018, 04:50:16 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on January 27, 2018, 02:12:42 PM
Well, basically, it was a space city, not just a ship.  I liked Odo.  I didn't like Sisko much, especially after they made him sort of deistic.

I liked Garak vs Bashir.  Sisko was a prequel to the Obama deity.  Odo?  You just wish you could sleep in a bucket ;-)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 28, 2018, 11:28:13 AM
I just finished watching the third year of Better Call Saul, since year 3 just came out on video.  That took three days.  I tried to space the episodes out to savor them, but it's far too interesting for me to do that.  Year 1 and 2 were maybe a bit slow, but still highly interesting, but as often happens the crew is finding it's stride, and 3 really shows that.  I'm not sure if I over evaluate Better Call Saul because of my love affair with Breaking Bad, but I suppose I don't really care why I like it.  I'm now into watching the year over again to savor it some more.  I hate waiting a whole year for he disks, but then waiting for the next episode when there are only 10 in a season would drive me nuts too.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 28, 2018, 01:17:20 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on January 27, 2018, 02:12:42 PMI liked Odo.  I didn't like Sisko much, especially after they made him sort of deistic.
I'm most fond of the aliens in that series; Garak, Quark, Odo, Kira, and Gul Dukat.  They have such fascinating backstories and perspectives that conflict to varying degrees with Starfleet ideals.

The prophet stuff rubbed me the wrong way, but I grew to like Sisko.  The scenes were he plays hardball are a real treat.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on February 02, 2018, 02:29:45 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 28, 2018, 01:17:20 PM
I'm most fond of the aliens in that series; Garak, Quark, Odo, Kira, and Gul Dukat.  They have such fascinating backstories and perspectives that conflict to varying degrees with Starfleet ideals.

The prophet stuff rubbed me the wrong way, but I grew to like Sisko.  The scenes were he plays hardball are a real treat.

Sisko was a good hard negotiator.  Quark grew.  Odo was always a bit weird.  Among the things I always enjoyed about all the Star Trek shows was that they always managed to come up with some special character who was "different".  Too many other sci-fi shows just had some human with antennas.  From Spock to the Voyager Doctor, each was interesting and unique.  And each explored what it meant to be "intelligent".
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on February 10, 2018, 07:26:33 PM
Watched 2 episodes of the Netflix series Altered Carbon. It's very Blade Runner-esque.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on February 13, 2018, 09:42:11 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on February 02, 2018, 02:29:45 AM
Sisko was a good hard negotiator.  Quark grew.  Odo was always a bit weird.  Among the things I always enjoyed about all the Star Trek shows was that they always managed to come up with some special character who was "different".  Too many other sci-fi shows just had some human with antennas.  From Spock to the Voyager Doctor, each was interesting and unique.  And each explored what it meant to be "intelligent".

I will easily admit that the first time I saw the 1701 Enterprise in 1967, I was in awe of anything they did.  I was 17.  But as time went on, I grew and they didn't really.  Until New Generation.  And then DS9 and Voyager.  And then the movies.

I began to study the special characters.  Spock, Data, Guigan, the Doctor, Odo, 7 of 9.  They were all very different, but each was exploring some part of our human nature.  Someday, I may write about that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 14, 2018, 05:08:04 PM
I heard netflix came out with a great anime series.

Three episodes into kakegurui, I'm starting to suspect people meant devilman crybaby.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on February 16, 2018, 08:13:20 PM
Have ya'll seen Black Mirror?

Currently watching the first season, and it's quite an intriguing hypothetical about how Internet has changed the society.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on February 21, 2018, 02:45:54 PM
I'm psyched for season 2 of Legion.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 06, 2018, 09:59:17 PM
The Walking Dead

Simon is my new favorite character (after Gavin)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 06, 2018, 10:24:11 PM
TWD 8x10 The Lost and the Plunderers

I dunno what happened in the writers' room, but they actually upped their game a lot.  We got some decent drama without chewing the scenery.  The plot was mostly sensible - events proceeding from prior events in a believable way.  And it was all in-character, too!  What a rare treat.  Has that nice classic TWD aroma.  My compliments to the chef.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 12, 2018, 03:21:39 PM
TWD 8x11

Mildly disappointing, but it set up exciting future events.

Tara and company carried the idiot ball this time around.

I'm really liking Negan's more subdued performances his half-season.  That guy was a gloriously hammy magnificent bastard in the comics, but the tv audience is much less tolerant of that stuff.  C'est la vie.

I can't say I loved Gabriel's B-plot, but the ending was gloriously ironic.  Didn't see that coming, lol.

If TV Eugene doesn't do what comic Eugene did at around this point, I'm going to be very disappointed.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 12, 2018, 03:27:07 PM
Star Wars Rebels did something relatively few kid-shows do well, in my humble opinion.
It nailed the ending.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 12, 2018, 03:36:52 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on March 12, 2018, 03:27:07 PM
Star Wars Rebels did something relatively few kid-shows do well, in my humble opinion.
It nailed the ending.
I'm still a couple episodes behind, but it's in my queue!  I've heard good things.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 12, 2018, 03:55:06 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on March 12, 2018, 03:36:52 PM
I'm still a couple episodes behind, but it's in my queue!  I've heard good things.

Ah, I'll bite my tongue for now.

Ps. I've become more appreciative of kenobi vs maul. Unrelated to the finale. Just saying.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on March 12, 2018, 05:48:35 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on February 21, 2018, 02:45:54 PM
I'm psyched for season 2 of Legion.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on March 15, 2018, 05:41:31 PM
If you are reading a thread about anything you haven't seen, spoilers are your own problem, LOL!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 26, 2018, 01:18:07 PM
Revisited avatar The last airbender.

I used to think it Was The Best cartoon of all time.

Watching it again, i am Swayed, however.

It is The best show of all time. Period.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on March 26, 2018, 06:49:09 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on March 26, 2018, 01:18:07 PM
Revisited avatar The last airbender.

I used to think it Was The Best cartoon of all time.

Watching it again, i am Swayed, however.

It is The best show of all time. Period.

But were you SJWed by the choice of actor for the prime role in the live action movie?

It is elemental, my dear Mr Obvious.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 26, 2018, 07:00:06 PM
Quote from: Baruch on March 26, 2018, 06:49:09 PM
But were you SJWed by the choice of actor for the prime role in the live action movie?

It is elemental, my dear Mr Obvious.

Don't care for that abomination.
Don't care about it either, as a result.

Initial groans, yes. But; crap is crap, and it doesn't destroy what is not crap.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on March 26, 2018, 07:10:59 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on March 26, 2018, 07:00:06 PM
Don't care for that abomination.
Don't care about it either, as a result.

Initial groans, yes. But; crap is crap, and it doesn't destroy what is not crap.

How did you like Golden Compass?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 26, 2018, 07:21:21 PM
Quote from: Baruch on March 26, 2018, 07:10:59 PM
How did you like Golden Compass?

Never seen nor read it.
Trailer wasn't interesting.
Reviews even less so.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on March 27, 2018, 03:18:48 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on March 26, 2018, 07:21:21 PM
Never seen nor read it.
Trailer wasn't interesting.
Reviews even less so.

Well I might go with "Spirited Away".  That was really good.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on March 27, 2018, 06:15:51 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on March 27, 2018, 03:18:48 AM
Well I might go with "Spirited Away".  That was really good.

I have yet to meet with anyone who didn't like that one.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on March 27, 2018, 01:57:15 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on March 27, 2018, 03:18:48 AM
Well I might go with "Spirited Away".  That was really good.
I still haven't gotten around to seeing that, and I have always liked Miyazaki's work.  I think I'll set aside some time for it soonish.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 29, 2018, 02:52:09 PM
TWD 8×13

I loved the first 15 minutes of this episode.  The action scenes in All Out War have been pretty damn good for the most part.

However, the show really struggles in other areas.  Case in point: last week's implausibly effective zombie ambush.

So after a big battle, our redshirts gather together to sleep on the floor.  And wouldn't you know it, a zombie sneaks up on them and bites a sleeping person.  Kinda strange that not one person in twenty was awake and watchful, but whatever.  Then another zombie FALLS DOWN THE FRIGGIN STAIRS and no one immediately wakes up.  Instead, the group of zombies have gotten three, maybe four people before people finally start to wake up and fight them off.  It's utter pandemonium with people ineffectually struggling against the zombies until our intrepid heroes rush in and save the day.

This is a writing trick I call "make the Redshirts incapable to make the protagonists look good".  TWD has had too much of this going on.

The protagonists should be (somewhat) more capable - but that's because they've done more and seen more.  They have the advantage of experience.  But the redshirts aren't supposed to lag too far behind them - they've seen their share of action, too.  Ideally, you want your protagonists to be agents of change who tip the scales in a conflict, not babysitters for people who are literally too dumb to live.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 12, 2018, 08:53:27 PM

Granted, the finished product may look completely different...but I gotta say, this is one of the few DC shows I would actually be interested in watching and them looking like crap is throttling my mild hopes in the crib.  (let's just say that I would NOT be a blue lantern candidate, lol)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on April 12, 2018, 09:19:58 PM
Quote from: trdsf on March 27, 2018, 01:57:15 PM
I still haven't gotten around to seeing that, and I have always liked Miyazaki's work.  I think I'll set aside some time for it soonish.

It is slow at points, but worth it by the end. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 20, 2018, 12:30:13 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on March 12, 2018, 03:55:06 PM
Ah, I'll bite my tongue for now.
@Mr.Obvious Okay, I've finished Star Wars Rebels.  You may fire when ready.  :)

My review is that the series finale is better than the last 3 Star Wars movies put together.  Surpassed all my hopes.  Very dramatic, very touching, very inspirational, very...unexpected.

“Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on April 20, 2018, 09:39:28 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 12, 2018, 08:53:27 PM

Granted, the finished product may look completely different...but I gotta say, this is one of the few DC shows I would actually be interested in watching and them looking like crap is throttling my mild hopes in the crib.  (let's just say that I would NOT be a blue lantern candidate, lol)

They all look terrible, especially Starfire, who has that "does your mother know you're wearing her drapes" kind of look. From what I've heard, it sounds like they're changing her personality too. Now she's a bad ass, no nonsense type. If that's true, they clearly don't understand the character at all. And what's the deal with dyeing their hair all these bright colors? Did they think that green hair was a substitute for green skin? They don't look like super heroes. They look like they just came from Hot Topic.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on April 20, 2018, 11:32:23 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on April 20, 2018, 09:39:28 AM
They all look terrible, especially Starfire, who has that "does your mother know you're wearing her drapes" kind of look. From what I've heard, it sounds like they're changing her personality too. Now she's a bad ass, no nonsense type. If that's true, they clearly don't understand the character at all. And what's the deal with dyeing their hair all these bright colors? Did they think that green hair was a substitute for green skin? They don't look like super heroes. They look like they just came from Hot Topic.
The cosplayers actually do the better job of looking like the actual comic book characters than the cartoon or live-action portrayals do.

Now, there *is* actually a good reason for not making Beast Boy his proper comic book color in live-action TV -- green screen special effects.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on April 20, 2018, 02:09:49 PM
Quote from: trdsf on April 20, 2018, 11:32:23 AM
The cosplayers actually do the better job of looking like the actual comic book characters than the cartoon or live-action portrayals do.

Now, there *is* actually a good reason for not making Beast Boy his proper comic book color in live-action TV -- green screen special effects.

Wouldn't the hair still be a problem for green screen?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on April 20, 2018, 03:42:03 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on April 20, 2018, 02:09:49 PM
Wouldn't the hair still be a problem for green screen?
It may be a safe shade; I'd've thought it would be problematic too, but bluescreen is also an alternative.  It's one they couldn't use in Supergirl when they started introducing Legionnaires -- there was a certain amount of fansquawk over Brainiac 5 being blue.  But, realistically, they couldn't leave him green and then bluescreen because then the lead character's costume disappears...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on April 20, 2018, 06:26:50 PM
Quote from: trdsf on April 20, 2018, 03:42:03 PM
It may be a safe shade; I'd've thought it would be problematic too, but bluescreen is also an alternative.  It's one they couldn't use in Supergirl when they started introducing Legionnaires -- there was a certain amount of fansquawk over Brainiac 5 being blue.  But, realistically, they couldn't leave him green and then bluescreen because then the lead character's costume disappears...

What is wrong with the lead character's costume disappearing (if you know what I mean)?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on April 24, 2018, 05:32:55 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 20, 2018, 12:30:13 AM
@Mr.Obvious Okay, I've finished Star Wars Rebels.  You may fire when ready.  :)

My review is that the series finale is better than the last 3 Star Wars movies put together.  Surpassed all my hopes.  Very dramatic, very touching, very inspirational, very...unexpected.

“Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Yeah, hit 'em where they aint...  And I loved that scene in 'Battleship' where the American guy confused the Chinese Sun Tzu with the Japanese guy... 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on April 24, 2018, 07:02:34 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on April 24, 2018, 05:32:55 PM
Yeah, hit 'em where they aint...  And I loved that scene in 'Battleship' where the American guy confused the Chinese Sun Tzu with the Japanese guy...

Any modern Japanese guy would have memorized Sun Tzu.  Japanese learn from anyone, and from China long before the stupid Americans.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 24, 2018, 08:53:03 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on April 24, 2018, 05:32:55 PM
Yeah, hit 'em where they aint...
That drives me crazy.  In strategy games, I'm often assembling a grand army to launch a massive assault.  In the meantime, my outposts get harassed by pathetic forces that I could crush in an instant if they were anywhere near my army.  So instead, I have to rely on several regional armies to maintain my borders while a much diminished main army assaults the enemy.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on April 24, 2018, 09:02:46 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 24, 2018, 08:53:03 PM
That drives me crazy.  In strategy games, I'm often assembling a grand army to launch a massive assault.  In the meantime, my outposts get harassed by pathetic forces that I could crush in an instant if they were anywhere near my army.  So instead, I have to rely on several regional armies to maintain my borders while a much diminished main army assaults the enemy.

The Barbarians are annoying, particularly when sacking your capital city ;-)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 25, 2018, 11:26:10 AM
I started binge watching Stargate SG1 for the ___ time.  I've lost track, maybe about the 6th or 7th, give or take.  The reason for the comment is that I'm amazed at myself for liking this series as much as I do.  It never gets old (for me).  I know all the stories, but forget a few of the minor details, but every time I watch it, it just makes me happy and creates a powerful visceral experience.  This last binge happened because I watched the original movie with James Spader and Kurt Russell instead of Shanks and Anderson.  I originally saw the first movie years ago, and it did nothing for me, but watching it with the knowledge of the series and seeing how the two interconnect so well, and now knowing what the mishmash of happenings that take place in the movie actually mean, I actually liked the movie.

The series starts a little slow.  Without knowing how the series would evolve, I would not have been surprised if the network had cancelled it after the first couple of seasons, but it apparently struck a nerve, and continued on to become one of my favorites, maybe my favorite.  At first, the idea of walking through portals to the far reaches of the universe seemed too absurd, but now in the context of science fiction, it makes perfect sense.  And the stories engage me over and over again.  I never bothered watching one episode of the series on TV, because the movie left me so cold.  I took an interest much later, as I sometimes do.  I'm happy that I have the disks and can binge watch.  I'd go a little nuts waiting a week for the next episode.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 25, 2018, 12:26:02 PM
Quote from: SGOS on April 25, 2018, 11:26:10 AMAt first, the idea of walking through portals to the far reaches of the universe seemed too absurd, but now in the context of science fiction, it makes perfect sense.
I got prepped for that with Sliders.  It's an amazing plot device.  Want to shoot the next episode in the desert?  The team jumps through the portal and lands in the desert.  Any location you can think of (and make a convincing set for) you can make happen onscreen easily.  Want to pinch some pennies and reuse the SG1 set?  The teams jumps in the portal and gets spat out at Cheyenne mountain in an alternate dimension.  Cha-ching!

When you think with portals, you get unlimited story possibilities (great for writers) at a snappy pace (great for the audience) and on budget (great for producers).  Everyone wins!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 25, 2018, 01:45:34 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 25, 2018, 12:26:02 PM
I got prepped for that with Sliders.  It's an amazing plot device. 
OK, I am unfamiliar with Sliders, but I looked it up on Amazon, and there are 5 seasons.  Is this what you refer to or is there a movie you are talking about?  I'm going to order it, because the concept sounds like something I would like.

Along similar lines is Jumper, which I don't think got rave reviews, while I very much enjoy it.  There are a couple of weak points in the story, which I don't know how I would fix if I were in charge, but the concept is unique.  A high school kid realizes that he can simply jump (actually dematerialize and rematerialize) to any place on Earth, which opens up a lot of interesting situations.  Have you seen that one? 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on April 25, 2018, 02:32:20 PM
Well, on the subject or TV... farewell and RIP Bob Dorough.  Who's that?

The guy who created Schoolhouse Rock.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on April 25, 2018, 07:38:45 PM
Quote from: SGOS on April 25, 2018, 01:45:34 PM
OK, I am unfamiliar with Sliders, but I looked it up on Amazon, and there are 5 seasons.  Is this what you refer to or is there a movie you are talking about?  I'm going to order it, because the concept sounds like something I would like.

Along similar lines is Jumper, which I don't think got rave reviews, while I very much enjoy it.  There are a couple of weak points in the story, which I don't know how I would fix if I were in charge, but the concept is unique.  A high school kid realizes that he can simply jump (actually dematerialize and rematerialize) to any place on Earth, which opens up a lot of interesting situations.  Have you seen that one?

The first season was very good, but then the writing got weak ...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 25, 2018, 11:43:27 PM
Quote from: SGOS on April 25, 2018, 01:45:34 PM
OK, I am unfamiliar with Sliders, but I looked it up on Amazon, and there are 5 seasons.  Is this what you refer to or is there a movie you are talking about?  I'm going to order it, because the concept sounds like something I would like.
Yes, that's it.  But watch out!  Sliders has a very mixed reception.  You might like it or you might hate it.

On one hand, it was an innovative concept for the time (mid-late 90s).  Arguably, it paved the way for a lot of sci-fi series, including SG-1.  And the core group is very likable and they have a lot of fun banter.  And it had a great season arc at around season 3.

On the other hand...the show has aged very poorly.  20+ year old special effects that weren't all that impressive even during those times.  For the most part, really hackneyed, unimaginative worlds and plots.  Drinking game: take a swig every time Quinn and co get captured, foment a rebellion, and/or the timer messes up.  2 episodes in one sitting = kidney failure.  And for the love of all things holy, burn season 4+5.  They're not worth your time, I guarantee it.  The show started declining pretty early on and seasons 4 and 5 are pure cancer.  Its cancellation was well deserved.

QuoteAlong similar lines is Jumper, which I don't think got rave reviews, while I very much enjoy it.  There are a couple of weak points in the story, which I don't know how I would fix if I were in charge, but the concept is unique.  A high school kid realizes that he can simply jump (actually dematerialize and rematerialize) to any place on Earth, which opens up a lot of interesting situations.  Have you seen that one?
Yes.  It struck me as pretty derivative, but interesting.  I appreciate that they at least tried to do their own thing with it.  I didn't care for the paladin stuff, though.  It was a great concept, but it didn't really work for me for some reason.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 25, 2018, 11:59:13 PM
Also, my head canon is that Rick from Rick and Morty stumbled across the gang from Sliders when they 'slid' into Rick's home dimension.  Rick stole their timer, perfected the technology, then shoved them into a portal that lead to an Earth still ruled by dinosaurs.  The Sliders characters are all dead, ripped apart by a hungry Albertosaurus
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 26, 2018, 02:44:07 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 25, 2018, 11:43:27 PM
Yes, that's it.  But watch out!  Sliders has a very mixed reception.  You might like it or you might hate it.

On one hand, it was an innovative concept for the time (mid-late 90s).  Arguably, it paved the way for a lot of sci-fi series, including SG-1.  And the core group is very likable and they have a lot of fun banter.  And it had a great season arc at around season 3.

On the other hand...the show has aged very poorly.  20+ year old special effects that weren't all that impressive even during those times.  For the most part, really hackneyed, unimaginative worlds and plots.  Drinking game: take a swig every time Quinn and co get captured, foment a rebellion, and/or the timer messes up.  2 episodes in one sitting = kidney failure.  And for the love of all things holy, burn season 4+5.  They're not worth your time, I guarantee it.  The show started declining pretty early on and seasons 4 and 5 are pure cancer.  Its cancellation was well deserved.
I ordered season 1 and 2, rather than the whole series, just in case.

Quote from: Hydra009 on April 25, 2018, 11:43:27 PM
Yes.  It struck me as pretty derivative (Jumper), but interesting.  I appreciate that they at least tried to do their own thing with it.  I didn't care for the paladin stuff, though.
Yeah, the paladin stuff was one of those things I don't know how to fix, because hero movies need a foil, but getting rid of Samuel Jackson's wig would be a place to start.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 26, 2018, 09:08:38 AM
Quote from: SGOS on April 26, 2018, 02:44:07 AM
I ordered season 1 and 2, rather than the whole series, just in case.
Good.  It peaked in season 3, imo.

And looking back, some season 4 episodes were pretty good, so that season wasn't complete garbage, though it definitely started declining here.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on April 27, 2018, 06:38:21 AM
We are mesmerized by British baking shows, such as The Great British Baking Show and The Big Family Cooking Show Down. The opposite is Nailed It-- total trash.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 27, 2018, 08:41:58 AM
I remember an episode of Northern Exposure where Holling got a satellite dish, and Shelly became TV zombie, eventually gravitating to the shopping channels where she spent their entire honeymoon budget buying trinkets.

But to get back to gymrat's post, there was another one where all the guys were watching nothing but sports at the bar.  Finally in a rage, Holling turned off the TV, and to a wall of disgruntled disgust, announced that no one could watch anymore TV because he hated sports, including his home country's Canadian hockey.  So a few days later, everyone ended up watching cooking shows, and seemed to be content, as long as the TV was on and they could be drinking beer while discussing cooking.  Holling didn't seem to have problems with that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on April 27, 2018, 01:07:25 PM
Two kinds of people.  Those who can function with the TV on, but music off.  And those who can function with music on, but the TV off.  My ex and I were opposites.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 28, 2018, 10:30:15 AM
Did you ever notice the similarity between Daniel Jackson in SG1 and Kramer on Seinfeld?  Both of them are always getting other people to do stupid things that end in disaster.  Talk about drinking games.  How about taking a shot every time the following scenario happens:

Colonel O'Neill says something like, "We wait here until nightfall.  On my command, we will do [whatever.]"
Without even looking in O'Neill's direction, Jackson gets up and heads down the hill. 
O'Neill says, "Daniel, get back here.  We wait until dark,"
Jackson replies, "I'm going now."
O'Neill in aggravation asks, "Why now, Daniel?"
Jackson says, "Because I have to."  <---  [drink shot here]
Then everyone gets captured by the enemy and ends up about to die, or as slaves in a naquadah mine.  Of course O'Neill saves everyone, including Daniel, who should have been left under the pile of rocks in the mine collapse for all the good he does.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 28, 2018, 11:15:51 AM
"Come on Daniel.  We're headed back through the stargate."
"Wait, Jack.  I have to study this room.  It offers clues to an ancient civilization."
"Daniel, if we don't leave now we're going to be sucked into a black hole in three minutes."
"No, Jack!  You don't understand.  We have to stay.  This room may even tell us the meaning of life."
[drink shot]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 28, 2018, 02:25:08 PM
Daniel is a bit of a bleeding heart, which is bad in his line of work because they encounter tons of natives who invariably suffer from oppression or existential threats.  He wants to intervene all the time, but realistically, that's impossible.

Though the Stargate project succeeds beyond all expectation in a large part due to befriending powerful natives, so there's a decent case that could be made for interventionism.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on April 28, 2018, 02:27:03 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 28, 2018, 02:25:08 PM
Daniel is a bit of a bleeding heart, which is bad in his line of work because they encounter tons of natives who invariably suffer from oppression or existential threats.  He wants to intervene all the time, but realistically, that's impossible.

Though the Stargate project succeeds beyond all expectation in a large part due to befriending powerful natives, so there's a decent case that could be made for interventionism.

Capt Kirk knew, you violate the Prime Directive very selectively, not every episode.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 28, 2018, 03:49:57 PM
Sometimes in the inextricable situations that Daniel creates, some form of unimaginable luck comes out of nowhere and saves the day.  When he falls because of his illogical actions, he falls upwards.  That's the kind of guy you need fighting aliens.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 28, 2018, 05:30:41 PM
Quote from: SGOS on April 28, 2018, 03:49:57 PMWhen he falls because of his illogical actions, he falls upwards.
You can say that again.  [spoiler]He literally dies and it's a win for team Tau'ri.[/spoiler]

Not sure that I have to mark that with a spoiler. It's been over 10 years since that show ended.  Anyone who wanted to watch it presumably got around to it by now.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 28, 2018, 07:07:07 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 28, 2018, 05:30:41 PM
You can say that again.  [spoiler]He literally dies and it's a win for team Tau'ri.[/spoiler]

Not sure that I have to mark that with a spoiler. It's been over 10 years since that show ended.  Anyone who wanted to watch it presumably got around to it by now.
Probably doesn't matter.  There are so many episodes, you will never know in which one/ones it's going to happen.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: aitm on April 28, 2018, 08:00:40 PM
Quote from: SGOS on April 27, 2018, 08:41:58 AM
I remember an episode of Northern Exposure where Holling got a satellite dish, and Shelly became TV zombie, eventually gravitating to the shopping channels where she spent their entire honeymoon budget buying trinkets.

But to get back to gymrat's post, there was another one where all the guys were watching nothing but sports at the bar.  Finally in a rage, Holling turned off the TV, and to a wall of disgruntled disgust, announced that no one could watch anymore TV because he hated sports, including his home country's Canadian hockey.  So a few days later, everyone ended up watching cooking shows, and seemed to be content, as long as the TV was on and they could be drinking beer while discussing cooking.  Holling didn't seem to have problems with that.

In my opinion  NE was one of the most under-rated shows of all time. A wonderful cheeky fun romp with the occasional somber moment only to be ripped in the next scene. Enjoyed that show.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 28, 2018, 08:06:54 PM

Their masks have a long snout...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 28, 2018, 08:39:20 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 28, 2018, 08:06:54 PM
Their masks have a long snout...
I remember that moment.  I haven't gotten to it yet in my current binge.  There must be two or three hundred episodes in the entire run.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 28, 2018, 08:52:46 PM
Quote from: SGOS on April 28, 2018, 08:39:20 PM
I remember that moment.  I haven't gotten to it yet in my current binge.  There must be two or three hundred episodes in the entire run.
214 episodes and 2 direct-to-dvd films.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 28, 2018, 09:07:07 PM
Quote from: aitm on April 28, 2018, 08:00:40 PM
In my opinion  NE was one of the most under-rated shows of all time. A wonderful cheeky fun romp with the occasional somber moment only to be ripped in the next scene. Enjoyed that show.
I've never looked at it's ratings, but no one I know seems to underrate it.  It was so successful and so unique that I would think someone would try to mimic it, not necessarily as an Alaska thing, but the quirky strangeness, the combination of drama, comedy, and unexplainable episodes that may have been supernatural, or just dreamed.  I can't think of another series like it.  I seldom followed many series back when I had a TV, but I would follow the better ones when I had time.  Northern Exposure was the one show I would set aside a whole night for so I wouldn't miss it.

I think I stumbled onto it one night close to beginning. It was the episode where patient number 9 dies in the doctor's waiting room, and the town adopts the corpse even though no one knew who he was or where he came from, puts him out on a picnic table because the ground is too frozen to dig a grave, and takes turns guarding the body so that wolves don't drag him off like they did to old Ed or whatever his name was when he died in the winter, as Maurice pointed out to volunteers.  I was hooked with that one episode.  I felt like I had stumbled onto something worthy of following religiously, and it turned out to be just that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on April 29, 2018, 01:12:27 AM
Twin Peaks, mocked in the Twin Beaks Sesame Street episode ;-)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 29, 2018, 09:04:45 AM
When Northern Exposure came to an end, maybe before then, I wondered what would happen to the cast.  I later stumbled onto Rob Morrow playing a detective on some ordinary cop show typical of the TV garbage of the previous 20 years.  It seemed like Morrow had fallen from stardom to mediocrity, and I actually felt sorry for him having to settle for such and unimportant role.  It was like he was trying to pay his rent the way Nicolas Cage has ended up.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 19, 2018, 09:56:45 PM
For the record, I can't express my level of contempt in a literal way right now with what I've just seen. I'll let the video after speak for me.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 19, 2018, 11:18:08 PM
Quote from: Munch on May 19, 2018, 09:56:45 PM
For the record, I can't express my level of contempt in a literal way right now with what I've just seen. I'll let the video after speak for me.


Yeah.  F that art style in particular.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on May 21, 2018, 03:25:22 AM
Just started Atlanta... holy fucking shit, it's good. Is there any Donald Glover project that isn't instantly golden? This dude is literally become THE man of this generation.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on May 21, 2018, 06:43:41 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on May 19, 2018, 11:18:08 PM

Yeah.  F that art style in particular.

The Chibis are coming, they are coming for youuuuuu

Zim was an antidote to chibiness
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hijiri Byakuren on May 21, 2018, 09:37:22 AM
Quote from: Munch on May 19, 2018, 09:56:45 PM
For the record, I can't express my level of contempt in a literal way right now with what I've just seen. I'll let the video after speak for me.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on May 22, 2018, 05:12:48 PM
From CBS, the premise:

A podcast-hosting, self-proclaimed “pesky atheist who wants to make you think” (Brandon Micheal Hall) isn’t so sure what to think when he’s friended by God on Facebook and then poked to help strangers for reasons that aren’t immediately clear. The truth is there’s more to this story than our hero or anyone else knows.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 22, 2018, 07:11:16 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on May 22, 2018, 05:12:48 PM
From CBS, the premise:

A podcast-hosting, self-proclaimed “pesky atheist who wants to make you think” (Brandon Micheal Hall) isn’t so sure what to think when he’s friended by God on Facebook and then poked to help strangers for reasons that aren’t immediately clear. The truth is there’s more to this story than our hero or anyone else knows.
As if I needed another reason to stay away from Facebook.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on May 22, 2018, 09:54:16 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on May 22, 2018, 07:11:16 PM
As if I needed another reason to stay away from Facebook.
As if I needed another reason to stay away from network TV.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on May 22, 2018, 10:08:10 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on May 22, 2018, 05:12:48 PM
From CBS, the premise:

A podcast-hosting, self-proclaimed “pesky atheist who wants to make you think” (Brandon Micheal Hall) isn’t so sure what to think when he’s friended by God on Facebook and then poked to help strangers for reasons that aren’t immediately clear. The truth is there’s more to this story than our hero or anyone else knows.

I give it two episodes...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 23, 2018, 11:31:48 AM
Quote from: Hijiri Byakuren on May 21, 2018, 09:37:22 AM

I think this guy explains what it is pretty well.

This is what has happened to western animation. Now don't get me wrong, I like steven universe, I like my little pony and gravity falls and can understand the like for adventure time and rick and morty even if I don't really watch them.

However, those were original creations, and while the same kind of style was in many of them, I just overlooked the fact because they are all pretty good creations.

This however is what happenes when someone, who claimed to be a fan of an original show, but just didnt' get what made it popular, decides to put his own tone on the material, trying to appeal to those who like the current animation style of today, while just saying fuck you you the original.

When you have people who put everything into making thundercats look good in 2011.:


You know, a proper homage to it, for them to cancel this show halfway into the second season, just to replace it with this shit that makes the characters look like their made out of silly putty, then you know the fucker who put this together just didn't get what made people like the original.

It be like making a batman cartoon with this design.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on May 23, 2018, 04:18:08 PM
i blame the Lego Batman movie.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on May 23, 2018, 07:12:52 PM
Quote from: Munch on May 23, 2018, 11:31:48 AM
I think this guy explains what it is pretty well.
I tuned out when he started going on about SJWs, however... it's pretty clear to me, even as someone who didn't grow up on this series, that this is completely fucked up.  It looks like it was drawn by a kindergartener -- an average one, not a kindergartener who can actually draw.  I compare it to my having grown up reading (among others) Teen Titans comics... and then looking at the shitpile that is 'Teen Titans Go'.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 23, 2018, 08:12:44 PM
Quote from: trdsf on May 23, 2018, 07:12:52 PM
I tuned out when he started going on about SJWs, however... it's pretty clear to me, even as someone who didn't grow up on this series, that this is completely fucked up.  It looks like it was drawn by a kindergartener -- an average one, not a kindergartener who can actually draw.  I compare it to my having grown up reading (among others) Teen Titans comics... and then looking at the shitpile that is 'Teen Titans Go'.

yeah that's pretty much it. Its also the fact the original teen titans series, which I didn't watch but can see why it was so popular, was brought to an end after 5 seasons, just to be replaced with this crap, because it doesn't require thought or heavy planning to mass produce something that only keep making so many episodes for, as its aimed at very young children.

I mean, who wants to hear stories of the girl who struggles to keep the demonic evil inside of her due to her demon fathers influence, or the emotional struggle of someone having to let go people they cared for when their memory was wiped, NAH, LETS HAVE EPISODES ABOUT TOILET FUN AND PANCAKES!

This is a massive pet peeve for me, this dumbing down for children crap people like this do. I was 6-7 then the original thundercats was on tv, and while the stories are a little corny as were the morals at the end of each episode, it wasn't dumbed down for kids as badly as it is today, likewise neither was transformers, or he-man, kids watched those shows in the 80s where their was action, fighting, characters in relationships, inner turmoil.

Its these people who think they need to dumb down cartoons, like cartoon network, because kids are to dumb to get more complex stories then 'singing about waffles'.

maybe george carlin hit the point perfectly.

keep kids dumb, dumb kids make dumb adults and easier to control.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on May 23, 2018, 08:22:13 PM
Quote from: Munch on May 23, 2018, 08:12:44 PM
I mean, who wants to hear stories of the girl who struggles to keep the demonic evil inside of her due to her demon fathers influence, or the emotional struggle of someone having to let go people they cared for when their memory was wiped, NAH, LETS HAVE EPISODES ABOUT TOILET FUN AND PANCAKES!
Exactly.  The whole Trigon arc was a brilliant bit of storytelling, and Raven was a great character because of her struggles, not despite them.

This is why my personal mantra with regard to my writing is "full creative control".  Because I'd rather turn down a multimillion dollar contract than let some hack completely fuck up characters I have lived with for nearly thirty years.

Also, if you dumb things down for kids, you end up with dumb kids.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 23, 2018, 08:53:46 PM
Quote from: Munch on May 23, 2018, 11:31:48 AMIt be like making a batman cartoon with this design.

WTF happened to Supe's face?!  Someone call Clayface 'cause that guy needs a plastic surgeon pronto!

Tangential thing that I think @Munch will be interested in:



Granted, these are pretty oversimplified, but broadly (very, very broadly) I find this to be a pretty accurate depiction of how western animation norms have changed over the years.

Particularly noticeable is how newer shows have a more "rounded" look.  If it's difficult to tell if a character has elbows, it's a fairly safe bet that it's a cartoon from the 2010s.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 24, 2018, 05:33:14 AM
I don't even mind the kind of styles in animation now when creating new and unique shows like say Steven universe, adventure time, gravity falls, their new concepts so the style of drawing becomes part of their identity.
It doesn't work when a pre established product, which became popular, suddenly gets molded into a new current style that doesn't match its old style.

I loved shows like batman the animated series, x-men, gargoyles, they had unique styles that gave them their quality, but more so they were cartoons with a serious, real world tone to them, so they couldn't be given a goofy, slapstick style of animation.


That's why I wouldn't want these kind of shows made today, and looking at what they did to thundercats highlights perfectly why that is.

I mean hell, one of the early episodes of gargoyles had one of the main characters, Broadway, who visited their human friend Elisa, and playing around with her gun after he watched a western, he accidentally shot her. not a lazer gun either, a proper gun, she was bleeding on the floor, and she nearly died in hospital. You just can't make a story like that and show now grounded it is in a goofy, slapstick style of animation.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 24, 2018, 09:24:44 PM
This is a good video on the problem with this premise.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 24, 2018, 09:46:15 PM
Quote from: Munch on May 24, 2018, 09:24:44 PM
This is a good video on the problem with this premise.
Oof.  There's lazy and then there's Sizemore-tier laziness. (a writer who essentially photo-copied characters from work to another)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 24, 2018, 10:05:14 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on May 24, 2018, 09:46:15 PM
Oof.  There's lazy and then there's Sizemore-tier laziness. (a writer who essentially photo-copied characters from work to another)

Makes me think of the comic book artist Greg Land, who drew some works for marvels ultimate series, and was notorious for drawing most female characters in the comics by tracing porno images

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 24, 2018, 10:20:40 PM
Quote from: Munch on May 24, 2018, 10:05:14 PM
Makes me think of the comic book artist Greg Land, who drew some works for marvels ultimate series, and was notorious for drawing most female characters in the comics by tracing porno images.
I remember that.  Good times.

Apparently, a lot of MTG cards were based on real people:

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on May 25, 2018, 09:06:54 AM
The Teen Titan change was a real bummer!  I mean, they weren't real special as teens, but as comic strip characters?  BLAH! 

I don't need Prince Valiant quality drawings.  But this new garbage is "Nancy" quality or worse.  I LIKE simple animation.  The Simpsons are just fine with me.  You aren't watching for the quality animation.  But its the plots and jokes you want there.  I love Phineas and Ferb (et al) for the humor, not the art.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 15, 2018, 10:30:31 AM

A guy can dream.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on July 15, 2018, 11:19:41 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on July 15, 2018, 10:30:31 AM

A guy can dream.

Are they still making and remaking that game?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 15, 2018, 10:03:33 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on July 15, 2018, 11:19:41 AM
Are they still making and remaking that game?
Are you talking about Containment Breach?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on July 16, 2018, 02:10:16 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on July 15, 2018, 10:03:33 PM
Are you talking about Containment Breach?

Yes, based on this, innit?

I tried to join The wiki-group or whatever it was called, once, years ago.
Great lore.
I got declined.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 16, 2018, 09:07:34 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on July 16, 2018, 02:10:16 AM
Yes, based on this, innit?

I tried to join The wiki-group or whatever it was called, once, years ago.
Great lore.
I got declined.
The wiki group is the source of all things SCP, including Containment Breach.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on July 17, 2018, 04:36:25 AM
That looks vaguely like the remake of The Prisoner.  I tried to discuss it with a friend who loved the original (as did I) and he was so annoyed he refused to speak about it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on July 17, 2018, 07:20:22 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on July 17, 2018, 04:36:25 AM
That looks vaguely like the remake of The Prisoner.  I tried to discuss it with a friend who loved the original (as did I) and he was so annoyed he refused to speak about it.
The remake was ill-conceived, but not terrible.  I mean, Ian McKellan.  I think they'd've made a better go of it had the remake just been its own thing and not molded as a remake.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on July 17, 2018, 07:35:48 PM
Quote from: trdsf on July 17, 2018, 07:20:22 AM
The remake was ill-conceived, but not terrible.  I mean, Ian McKellan.  I think they'd've made a better go of it had the remake just been its own thing and not molded as a remake.

Can't mix American and English languages ;-(  The original was interesting because it wasn't American.

Most original take on the Deep State.  The true Resistance ... "I am not a number!"
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on July 21, 2018, 07:45:00 AM
Quote from: trdsf on July 17, 2018, 07:20:22 AM
The remake was ill-conceived, but not terrible.  I mean, Ian McKellan.  I think they'd've made a better go of it had the remake just been its own thing and not molded as a remake.

Yeah, sometimes a rip-off can be better than a bad redo...  BTW, I watched 'Day Of The Doctor' and 'No More' about the end of Gallifree and loved the 4 hours...  Looking forward to seeing how the Doctor does as a woman.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on July 21, 2018, 09:48:33 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on July 21, 2018, 07:45:00 AM
Yeah, sometimes a rip-off can be better than a bad redo...  BTW, I watched 'Day Of The Doctor' and 'No More' about the end of Gallifree and loved the 4 hours...  Looking forward to seeing how the Doctor does as a woman.
The funny thing is, regeneration was a completely ad hoc play by the BBC.  Doctor Who was spectacularly popular, but William Hartnell was too unwell to continue the role -- in some of his later episodes, you can see him struggling with his lines, but they had to keep the shot because their schedules were so tight.

So Doctor Who is dominating the British airwaves in 1966 and Hartnell can't continue, so they decided to see if they could get away with just directly replacing the main actor and handwaving it away as him being an alien.  At the time, they had none of the twelve regenerations per Time Lord backstory built yet -- that didn't really get settled until the Pertwee era.  But they got away with it.  :)

I'm looking forward to the Jodie Whittaker era -- friend of mine is a fan of Broadchurch, in which she starred with David Tennant, and says she's fantastic (to borrow a Ninth Doctor catchphrase).  I have a "two years to own the role" policy for new Doctors and really, there aren't any I dislike, although there are some I like a lot better than others.  I'm really hopeful that she's going to be in the Pat Troughton/Tom Baker/Sylvester McCoy mold of "first you underestimate me, then I destroy you" Doctor, and the outfit they've chosen for her definitely looks back to the classic series.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on July 22, 2018, 03:51:10 PM
Has nobody ever talked about this program before?  It is like Big Bang Theory ... with software ...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 23, 2018, 10:21:49 PM
**Photosensitive epilepsy warning**

Heh, this show is going to be such a gigantic trainwreck.  I'm so excited!  I'm super interested in it now since I plan on using this as MST3K fodder - just sit with a friend and rip this a new one in real time.  This is going to be the perfect so-bad-it's-hilarious show!  The jokes practically write themselves.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on July 24, 2018, 12:16:50 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on July 23, 2018, 10:21:49 PM
**Photosensitive epilepsy warning**

Heh, this show is going to be such a gigantic trainwreck.  I'm so excited!  I'm super interested in it now since I plan on using this as MST3K fodder - just sit with a friend and rip this a new one in real time.  This is going to be the perfect so-bad-it's-hilarious show!  The jokes practically write themselves.

Ugh, there's nothing I hate so much as crapsack universes where everything is violent and angsty and awful.  And Akiva Goldsman is dead to me ever since I, Robot.  I consider him the Jack Kevorkian of script doctors.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on July 24, 2018, 04:35:17 AM
Quote from: Baruch on July 22, 2018, 03:51:10 PM
Has nobody ever talked about this program before?  It is like Big Bang Theory ... with software ...
Except Big Bang Theory show is a pile of garbage show.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on July 24, 2018, 05:48:57 AM

Yes, BBT has aged poorly.  But then so have I.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 24, 2018, 11:56:40 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on July 23, 2018, 10:21:49 PM
**Photosensitive epilepsy warning**

Heh, this show is going to be such a gigantic trainwreck.  I'm so excited!  I'm super interested in it now since I plan on using this as MST3K fodder - just sit with a friend and rip this a new one in real time.  This is going to be the perfect so-bad-it's-hilarious show!  The jokes practically write themselves.


1. "Fuck Batman." OMG.

2. Raven is just fucking bland. She was my favorite of the Teen Titans cartoon characters, and now she has no personality. Similar problems exist for the other characters too. Looks like Starfire doesn't resemble her original self at all, but is being played as a "badass." Seriously?

3. Speaking of Starfire, she's a fire bender now?

4. I like how they cut away just before we can see Beast Boy transform into his badly animated CGI animal form.

5. They're turning every character into a tragic hero. Gone are the interesting, varied personalities that played off of each other so well in the cartoon. Now they're just going to be competing for the role of most tortured hero.

6. This show looks like it's going to be a worse trainwreck than Teen Titans GO, which means it'll probably get at least five seasons...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on July 25, 2018, 06:32:35 PM
Quote from: trdsf on July 21, 2018, 09:48:33 PM
The funny thing is, regeneration was a completely ad hoc play by the BBC.  Doctor Who was spectacularly popular, but William Hartnell was too unwell to continue the role -- in some of his later episodes, you can see him struggling with his lines, but they had to keep the shot because their schedules were so tight.

So Doctor Who is dominating the British airwaves in 1966 and Hartnell can't continue, so they decided to see if they could get away with just directly replacing the main actor and handwaving it away as him being an alien.  At the time, they had none of the twelve regenerations per Time Lord backstory built yet -- that didn't really get settled until the Pertwee era.  But they got away with it.  :)

I'm looking forward to the Jodie Whittaker era -- friend of mine is a fan of Broadchurch, in which she starred with David Tennant, and says she's fantastic (to borrow a Ninth Doctor catchphrase).  I have a "two years to own the role" policy for new Doctors and really, there aren't any I dislike, although there are some I like a lot better than others.  I'm really hopeful that she's going to be in the Pat Troughton/Tom Baker/Sylvester McCoy mold of "first you underestimate me, then I destroy you" Doctor, and the outfit they've chosen for her definitely looks back to the classic series.

I have some doubts.  Part of the male Doctor has been his disinterest in the female companions (except River Song) sexually and I'm not sure that will work with a female Doctor.  Though the same disinterest might remain, it wouldn't quite be the same.

But I do look forward to seeing the change.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on July 27, 2018, 05:53:54 AM
Quote from: Baruch on April 25, 2018, 07:38:45 PM
The first season was very good, but then the writing got weak ...

Quote from: Hydra009 on April 25, 2018, 11:43:27 PM
Yes, that's it.  But watch out!  Sliders has a very mixed reception.  You might like it or you might hate it.

As I said, I ordered seasons 1 and 2.  Gee that was a long time ago, and put them aside as I had gotten involved with some home improvement projects.  I forgot that I even had them, but remembered when I noticed them still in the plastic wrapped cases in my video library a couple of weeks ago.  I liked them, not blockbuster total immersion kind of like, but definitely worth the purchase.

I wasn't sure through season one, as it seemed a bit too much like childish fantasy, rather than more serious sci fi.  Things like intentionally running into the vortex and then fearfully yelling and screaming until they shoot out tumbling and groaning and crashing into each other on the other end.  By season two, I had adjusted to the tongue in cheek format, and the oftentimes face palm worthy presentation, which may or may not have been intentional.  I have three episodes left of season two, which I'm trying to space out and savor as it will be 10 days before I get season three, which has been sold out at most locations.  I bought it from some outfit I had never heard of, and am looking forward to it. 

When I finish season three that will probably be enough. Almost every review says what you guys have said, but are much more emphatic about how the series fell off a cliff under new but hopelessly misdirected and destructive network management, with the cast walking away from the project and having to be replaced.  I can also see season three using up all of my redundancy tolerance.  I have mixed reactions to every episode being a new dimension that has to be escaped from before one of the foursome is killed or lost.  Wouldn't most dimensions be less dangerous than that, at least some?

It is fun anticipating the new surprises in each new place, and when I'm done, I'll watch it again and see if season doesn't jar me as much as it did the first time around, now that I know what to expect.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on July 27, 2018, 06:19:02 AM
Quote from: Baruch on July 24, 2018, 05:48:57 AM
Yes, BBT has aged poorly.  But then so have I.
It never got off the ground for me, so I never watched it age.  It just seemed like a 1980s sitcom.  OK, not quite that bad.  The late 70s and early 80s were the years television networks tested the limits of how much crap they could put out and still keep people watching.  I think there was a global conspiracy between networks:  "If you don't produce anything worth watching, then we won't either."  The term "T and A" (kiddie porn) came out of that period.  The trend was broken with Cheers, when some network decided to break out of the mold of low end mediocrity and create something interesting, even cerebral by comparison.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 27, 2018, 11:53:08 AM
Quote from: SGOS on July 27, 2018, 05:53:54 AMI wasn't sure through season one, as it seemed a bit too much like childish fantasy, rather than more serious sci fi.
The 90s was a different time.  The novelty of it and the lack of clear expectations means the tone's all over the place, especially for the first season.

QuoteThings like intentionally running into the vortex and then fearfully yelling and screaming until they shoot out tumbling and groaning and crashing into each other on the other end.
The show did a terrible job of conveying it (probably because the actors would likely have broken a leg) but the portal is a hell of bumpy ride and it basically catapults them out the other side.  Heaven help you if you sprint or jump into it.  I still have no clue why they do that.  Or why they open the portal and then have a wistful and time-consuming goodbye before finally departing.  I'd be super worried about that portal closing on me before I'm through!

QuoteI have mixed reactions to every episode being a new dimension that has to be escaped from before one of the foursome is killed or lost.
Just wait till at least one of the crew is always captured and they're always instigating a revolution.  Or the timer is running out and they have to reunite before time runs out or be stuck there for decades.

QuoteWouldn't most dimensions be less dangerous than that, at least some?
Some are.  They sometimes refer to them off-hand when they're being chased by an allosaurus or giant ant or something.  "Why couldn't we have stayed at the cheeseburger and milkshake planet, Q?" - Rembrandt.

Imo, this is a tale told by the Sliders to us, so naturally, they skip the boring parts.

But realistically, most dimensions would absolutely be dangerous to the Sliders.  They really lucked out in the show that most Earths are only very slightly diverged from Earth Prime.  If it was truly a random Earth, they'd plop down on barren or inhospitable planets regularly.  And even ones with people and technology like ours would have very different histories and cultures.  It'd be practically impossible to find anyone who speaks English, let alone people who take US currency.  And say hello to Montezuma's revenge.  And whatever plague is endemic there.

Realistically, they wouldn't last a week.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on July 27, 2018, 12:59:13 PM
I liked the original lead of Sliders .. because I like the actor ...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 30, 2018, 12:02:55 AM
Looks like the original Teen Titans show, the good one, is coming back. And the live action show is now officially dead on arrival. lol
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 30, 2018, 12:17:24 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on July 30, 2018, 12:02:55 AMAnd the live action show is now officially dead on arrival. lol
Aww.  :'(  They probably could've saved a couple bucks by running their idea past a focus group or something.  Seems like that would've been the prudent thing to do before hiring people and starting filming.

Writer:  "And then Robin jumps down on a car in that classic superhero landing (hell on the knees, though).  The criminals say 'Where's Batman?' for some reason while shooting at him.  You know the old saying, 'shoot first, ask questions later?'  Well, I went with both.  Then Robin kicks their asses, snaps a guy's neck, then says 'F Batman'"

Focus group:  "Who's he saying that to?  Is he talking to the corpse or is he a crazy guy who talks to himself?  Cause either way..."

Screen Rant is going to have a field day with the Pitch Meeting.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on July 30, 2018, 06:27:50 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on July 30, 2018, 12:02:55 AM
Looks like the original Teen Titans show, the good one, is coming back. And the live action show is now officially dead on arrival. lol

Happy 91%

9% sad, I realize I'm never going to get around to finishing my fanfiction...
I never thought this would happen; i tried so hard to fit it into the canon and make it a possible future for the show...
Now: impossible.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on July 30, 2018, 07:06:06 AM
Belgianwritersblock?  Sounds Dutch ;-)

My daughter liked to write fan fiction when she was younger.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 30, 2018, 01:36:52 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on July 30, 2018, 06:27:50 AM
Happy 91%

9% sad, I realize I'm never going to get around to finishing my fanfiction...
I never thought this would happen; i tried so hard to fit it into the canon and make it a possible future for the show...
Now: impossible.

You could think of it as an alternate universe sort of thing, like Star Wars' extended universe, Dragon Ball GT, or...comic books in general actually. If you think about this way, the show's return could even free you up to do crazy stuff you know would never be done in canon.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 31, 2018, 11:27:57 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on July 30, 2018, 06:27:50 AM
Happy 91%

9% sad, I realize I'm never going to get around to finishing my fanfiction...
I never thought this would happen; i tried so hard to fit it into the canon and make it a possible future for the show...
Now: impossible.
Alternate reality.  A period of time between two episodes.  People who read fanfictions just want interesting and entertaining takes on their favorite shows and aren't too terribly worried about how it fits into canon.  They understand that future episodes are going to contradict earlier fanfics.  So no one's going to bust your balls if small details don't sync up or if the timeline gets screwy.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on August 01, 2018, 12:32:12 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on July 31, 2018, 11:27:57 PM
Alternate reality.  A period of time between two episodes.  People who read fanfictions just want interesting and entertaining takes on their favorite shows and aren't too terribly worried about how it fits into canon.  They understand that future episodes are going to contradict earlier fanfics.  So no one's going to bust your balls if small details don't sync up or if the timeline gets screwy.

Oh i know. It's purely psychological on my end.
But it's that i prefer to write within The rules set by The canon.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 01, 2018, 03:42:28 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on July 30, 2018, 12:02:55 AM
Looks like the original Teen Titans show, the good one, is coming back. And the live action show is now officially dead on arrival. lol

Anything other than the existing Teen Titans Go! would be good.  I liked the old one OK.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 01, 2018, 03:45:24 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on July 30, 2018, 01:36:52 PM
You could think of it as an alternate universe sort of thing, like Star Wars' extended universe, Dragon Ball GT, or...comic books in general actually. If you think about this way, the show's return could even free you up to do crazy stuff you know would never be done in canon.

Breaking canon is a serious thing.  It might get new viewers but it really confuses and upsets existing ones.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on August 01, 2018, 01:14:12 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on August 01, 2018, 12:32:12 AM
But it's that i prefer to write within The rules set by The canon.
I always preferred to explore the nooks and crannies the original creator(s) didn't poke into.  I avoided using canon characters as much as possible and just took advantage of a pre-built world to play in.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on August 06, 2018, 02:44:47 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on July 27, 2018, 11:53:08 AM
But realistically, most dimensions would absolutely be dangerous to the Sliders.  They really lucked out in the show that most Earths are only very slightly diverged from Earth Prime.  If it was truly a random Earth, they'd plop down on barren or inhospitable planets regularly.  And even ones with people and technology like ours would have very different histories and cultures.  It'd be practically impossible to find anyone who speaks English, let alone people who take US currency.  And say hello to Montezuma's revenge.  And whatever plague is endemic there.

Realistically, they wouldn't last a week.
Other dimensions depicted in Sci Fi usually include the concept of a growing number of dimensions, where altered decisions create a new dimension with cumulative effects.  Why was General Landry in Stargate, now the president in a new dimension instead of the general at SG1?  The cumulative effects of altered decisions and actions led to different paths and outcomes. 

But here is what dawned on me after I started thinking about you comment of two weeks ago.  Most all of the visitations depicted in sci fi seem to be to dimensions where the branching just started in recent history.  There's still a Hammond, Landry, and a Malloy, but none of the dimensions include an Earth where no life formed.  They only seem to visit dimensions where something changed the events within the last 30 years or so.  OK, sliders takes it a bit farther than that sometimes.  Considering the random events that occur in 5 billion years, the actual number of other dimensions would be infinity-plus for lack of another way to describe it.  The chance of landing on a civilized dimension similar to ours would be infinitesimally small.  But you have to make a show that interests people.

On another note, season three of Sliders really takes off for me.  It's still heavier on fantasy than most sci fi, but I am really happy I heard about the series.  I'd like to know how they get home, but I've already decided from reviews that I won't be watching season 4 and 5.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 06, 2018, 05:26:36 PM
I'm not sure if Sliders even subscribed to the branching multiverse theory.  All we really knew is that these dimensions are different, they don't necessarily branch off from a common history.
Although in the show, most dimensions did branch off within in the last 50 years or so.  Only a few were totally alien.  Perhaps their journey wasn't completely random.  Maybe they were guided...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on August 06, 2018, 05:48:15 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on August 06, 2018, 05:26:36 PM
I'm not sure if Sliders even subscribed to the branching multiverse theory.
I recall them discussing multiverse theory in a very early episode.  All I can remember was thinking how much it sounded like SG1.  I'd have to re-watch the episodes to see if branching was mentioned.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on August 06, 2018, 10:18:46 PM
Come to think of it, there is no reason to assume most dimensions of the multiverse would even contain our Earth.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 07, 2018, 12:14:35 PM
Patrick Stewart is working on a new Star Trek series with Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

I'm so pumped about this!  Imo, Star Trek has been sliding downhill since DS9, a decline that arguably started during DS9's last season.  Voyager had its moments, but imo never topped TNG/DS9.  Enterprise was wretched, and Discovery...I've already forgotten it existed.

This new series could be that shot in the arm the franchise desperately needs.

And one of the best things about this series is that we'll finally get a show that isn't a prequel!  Admittedly, I'm assuming this.  But how else could you bring a semi-noticeably older Picard back on screen?

I'm also hoping that it serves to pass the torch to a younger character, like in Batman Beyond.  Old man Picard works with a younger apprentice.  The wise old man gets the command choices, while the brash youngster has to handle the action scenes - a perfect melding of the old (strategy, diplomacy, hard choices) and new (pew pew pew, running around like a spaz) styles of Trek.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on August 07, 2018, 06:59:13 PM
The final episode of the final ST series will review that all the episodes were just a spazzed out holodeck malfunction.  I told Commander Data to stop messing with it!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 12, 2018, 07:52:38 AM
Kim Possible on the Disney Channel.  Love it.  Saw the "Graduation" episode twice and cheered both times.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 15, 2018, 11:12:57 AM
Refamiliarizing myself with TNG in anticipation of the sequel.

Patrick Stewart really carried that show.  It was bad in some ways (lol at Marriott, some garbage episodes) but amazing in other ways (Borg, emphasis on diplomacy, bonhomie between the main cast)

I also really liked that one lightning effect.  :)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on August 29, 2018, 06:00:05 PM
I love the new ducktales series.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on September 14, 2018, 08:34:01 PM

I was never much of a dr who fan, I watched a few episodes of it in the 1980s, and watched most of the Christopher Eccleston seasons and about half of the David Tennant seasons, Not watched much of it since then, maybe caught a few episodes here and there, I heard Peter Capaldi was alright, but never watched any of his.

When i first heard about the doctor being a woman, I first thought it was a weird choice, but gave them the benefit of the doubt that maybe they could pull it off if they gave the character the same kind of integrity they did like with Eccleston or Tennant and... NOPE, it became bloody obvious why the BBC went in this direction, so blatant in it the early warning signs were already forming during Capaldi's run of the doctor.

There is showing progressive ideas, and then there is just spreading descent and hating on someone for their gender, like this is doing now. For that reason I'll never watch another dr who episode. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on September 14, 2018, 09:03:24 PM
Coming off the back of this, and aiming this at all forms of media, tv, movies, comics, games, this being a huge pet peeve of mine lately, but why.. just why is there this insistence, that in order to have strong diverse roles in these mediums, strong female leads, strong black roles, strong gay/trans roles, that the only way to do that in some peoples minds is to undermine others in order to do it, make men appear weaker, make white people appear weaker, make straights appear weaker.

This isn't good writing or directing, if you need to disempower one group, in order to make the other feel empowered. This is social justice engineering at best.

You want an example of strong female characters who don't emasculate men? Look at woman woman in the animated justice league TV show or in the comics. Look at shows like buffy the vampire slayer, or Ripley in aliens, or The Bride in kill bill. These are all strong female leads that don't need to resort to pissing on masculinity in order to feel strong themselves. Infact woman woman in the justice league unlimited series was one of my favorite incarnations of the character.

In a setting like this, you have strong male role models, like superman and batman, and you have wonder woman on the same footing as them showing herself as an actual symbol of how strong a woman is, without needing to emasculate her male teammates. This is how you do an empowering female role model, not the garbage modern day BBC or Marvel comics produces.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on September 23, 2018, 01:12:52 PM
Sooo... they're rebooting the Avatar The Last Airbender as a live action series.
With the original team of creators involved, so it won't turn out all M. Night Shyamalan-ny.
While I'm sure what they'll wind up producing will be better than that pile of garbage: the question remains, to me.
Why? What's the point?

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it'll turn out swell. But I don't think it'll top the original. And if it don't top it; isn't it just a cash-grab?
It was bad enough when Shyamalan turned it into an inferior product. I don't want the creators to do the same.
I'll still start watching it. Give it a chance. Hope they prove me wrong. But I don't have a lot of hope.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 23, 2018, 01:24:20 PM
Quote from: Munch on September 14, 2018, 09:03:24 PM
Whoever drew that monk had quite a fun time with it, lol.  I feel like I owe him/her a drink.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on September 23, 2018, 03:06:50 PM
Quote from: Munch on September 14, 2018, 08:34:01 PM
For that reason I'll never watch another dr who episode.
I will wait to see how she performs in the role before I decide whether I think casting Jodie Whittaker was a mistake; that seems to me to be the fairer and more evidence-based way rather than pre-deciding it was a mistake on no reason to do with the actor's actual ability.

I haven't seen her act before; however, I have it on reliable authority that she was really good in Broadchurch, and in any case I have a standing policy of giving a new Doctor two series before I decide whether I like them or not.  The casting motives â€" real or alleged â€" are of relevance only if the actor (or actress) is not good in the role.

If they can give it the fun of the original series again â€" something largely lacking in the new run â€" I'll be delighted.  That's all that matters to me.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on September 23, 2018, 04:01:18 PM
Quote from: trdsf on September 23, 2018, 03:06:50 PM
I will wait to see how she performs in the role before I decide whether I think casting Jodie Whittaker was a mistake; that seems to me to be the fairer and more evidence-based way rather than pre-deciding it was a mistake on no reason to do with the actor's actual ability.

I haven't seen her act before; however, I have it on reliable authority that she was really good in Broadchurch, and in any case I have a standing policy of giving a new Doctor two series before I decide whether I like them or not.  The casting motives â€" real or alleged â€" are of relevance only if the actor (or actress) is not good in the role.

If they can give it the fun of the original series again â€" something largely lacking in the new run â€" I'll be delighted.  That's all that matters to me.

I'm awaiting for October 7th for the new Doctor.  It could be interesting.  I will have a mind-change regardless.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on September 25, 2018, 05:03:13 AM
I'm literally just discovering how many people believe Daenerys is a villain in Game of Thrones, and just how... passionate... they are about how evil she is.

I just... what? She is no saint, but she is practically Gandhi compared to any other ruler. And don't like her, fine, that's cool, but I mean... people are legit like... furious about it and will go off at you if you dare say she is anything other than the most horrible human to ever exist (lol).

I get being passionate about entertainment, but that is just taking it too far.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on September 25, 2018, 06:26:36 AM
Quote from: Shiranu on September 25, 2018, 05:03:13 AM
I'm literally just discovering how many people believe Daenerys is a villain in Game of Thrones, and just how... passionate... they are about how evil she is.

I just... what? She is no saint, but she is practically Gandhi compared to any other ruler. And don't like her, fine, that's cool, but I mean... people are legit like... furious about it and will go off at you if you dare say she is anything other than the most horrible human to ever exist (lol).

I get being passionate about entertainment, but that is just taking it too far.

You know, ... I'm not in the camp that says she is evil. I think GoT already simply offers 'antagonists' for more complex than simply 'evil'. But... I do think it could've worked in the way GRR Martin set up his story. He's constantly turning the perspective on characters, and turning the one he's been building up into the final villain, would've been totally in line with all the other developments we've seen.
And seen from the 'proper' (couldn't find a better, more neutral word) angle, she would be an evil agressor. She's invaded city after city, laying waste to what many felt were their way of living and culture (discussions on how barbaric their abolished practices were aside), she has three monsters of 'children' that she loves that have devoured innocents and will, most likely do so again sometime in the future (unless something stops them), she does not (yet) represent democracy but a despotic rule (just another turn on the wheel she has not yet broken though she says she will, but what are promises from rulers to the common-folk?), she lands on Westeros with a foreign host and hardly any 'local' backing, a girl that wasn't even born in Westeros spilling blood and life through burning and war to claim a throne she feels like she is due for no better reason than any other lordling that aspires to sit it ...

Up so far as the books went, I could have seen the paradigm shift happen
With how the show went, after that, however, not so much anymore.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on September 25, 2018, 07:33:55 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on September 23, 2018, 04:01:18 PM
I'm awaiting for October 7th for the new Doctor.  It could be interesting.  I will have a mind-change regardless.
The idea of a female Doctor actually goes back nearly 40 years.  I came to the show around 1982, and the reverberations from Tom Baker's retirement announcement wherein he impishly offered his best wishes to his successor "whoever he or she may be" were still bouncing around the fandom.  And in the mid-80s when ratings were flagging and Colin Baker was just not popular, the show's creator Sidney Newman rather more seriously urged the BBC to pick a female Doctor ( to give the show a new lease on life.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 25, 2018, 11:22:09 AM
Quote from: Shiranu on September 25, 2018, 05:03:13 AM
I'm literally just discovering how many people believe Daenerys is a villain in Game of Thrones, and just how... passionate... they are about how evil she is.
The show version was a lot harsher towards Dany, and yeah, there's a reason they react that way.

Their crime?  Dany thinks they might be behind the Sons of the Harpy killings.  Might be.

Before that, Dany met an envoy from Yunkai who offered her a crate of gold and jewels for her to buy a fleet of ships to leave their territory and go to Westeroes to reclaim her throne.  She declined the offer, kept the gold/jewels, and then threatened the envoy's life.  Suffice it to say that Dark Side points were gained that day.

I'm not sure if even Cersei would do what Dany has done, though Cersei seems to be growing more cartoonishly evil per episode, so I suppose anything's possible.

So yeah, a lot of show fans don't like Dany.  Go figure.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on September 25, 2018, 12:03:54 PM
I read the first three books of the Game of Thrones series and gave up. I don't think I have ever given up on a series but after 3000 pages I still wasn't enjoying the story. Because so few of the characters are sympathetic and so many are killed off I stopped investing in their fates. I should have stopped after the first book but I succumb to the sunken cost fallacy. It didn't help that everyone I know insists this is on par with Lord of the Rings. My brother says the TV series is better than the books.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 25, 2018, 12:39:46 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on September 25, 2018, 12:03:54 PMI read the first three books of the Game of Thrones series and gave up. I don't think I have ever given up on a series but after 3000 pages I still wasn't enjoying the story. Because so few of the characters are sympathetic and so many are killed off I stopped investing in their fates.
I don't blame you.  I wasn't a fan of how the later books kept getting more and more distant from the main characters in Westeroes.  It seemed to lose focus.

I don't hate the worldbuilding, but there's a time and a place for that.  When GRRM announced a book specifically geared towards worldbuilding/lore, I was glad.  Now that seems to be all he does.

Not even the Gods know how far that pushed back Winds of Winter. 

Of course, it's not my place to tell him what he does with his own franchise, but I can't help but point out the obvious - if this franchise hadn't have ballooned out of control, he would have likely wrapped up the main story now and GRRM could pursue any additions at his leisure without having to divide his time between different books.

QuoteMy brother says the TV series is better than the books.
There's a certain appeal to the show.  It's much more easily digestible and it gives great visuals.

That said, the show skips over a ton of very interesting characters and their perspectives (Patchface, Victarion, Lady Stoneheart, Jon Connington, etc), there are major deviations from the book narrative that are rightly held in contempt (Dorne, Euron, Stannis, etc), and the latter seasons seem to suffer from poor writing - how much of that is the source material and how much of that is D&D remains to be seen.

Gods, I would have loved to hear the horn Dragonbinder in the show.  That was a magical moment in the books.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on September 26, 2018, 12:05:01 PM
Quote from: Shiranu on September 25, 2018, 05:03:13 AM
I'm literally just discovering how many people believe Daenerys is a villain in Game of Thrones, and just how... passionate... they are about how evil she is.

I just... what? She is no saint, but she is practically Gandhi compared to any other ruler. And don't like her, fine, that's cool, but I mean... people are legit like... furious about it and will go off at you if you dare say she is anything other than the most horrible human to ever exist (lol).

I get being passionate about entertainment, but that is just taking it too far.

The show may be foreshadowing that her family curse may have been passed down to her. She's somewhat reasonable right now, but there are signs she may be turning into her father, the Mad King. If that's the case, John Snow might become conflicted about where his loyalties lie, especially if he learns he carries the same heritage as her and therefore has a claim to the throne. Hell, maybe Daenerys will learn about Snow's heritage first and try to kill him in a preemptive strike.

Also, there is one more thing to keep in mind about the series: The author. George R. R. Martin has said before that he doesn't believe the good and evil dichotomies of most stories are realistic, that most people lie somewhere in the middle. So don't be surprised if one of the characters who starts off a hero turns out to be the villain in the end, or vice versa.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 29, 2018, 03:39:43 PM
Final Space 7/10

When I saw the teaser for it, I was pumped.  It looked like everything I wanted - a great mix of space action and comedy.

When I saw the first episode, I was very disappointed.  I swear to IPU, this series has amazing artists and animators who wake up every day and work magic.  It also has decent writing.  But whoever does the dialogue - both the writers and voice actors - play in a kiddie pool of their own turds.  I've never seen a bigger discrepancy of talent on a show in my entire life.

The lead makes Jar-Jar Binks look good.  Nothing he says or does is in any way funny.  I honestly hope he dies.

I couldn't watch any more.  Months later, I returned to this series and gave it another chance.  It's actually not bad.  Not amazing, but not bad.  If you can stomach the fecal stench of the first two episodes, I promise that it gets better.

*edit - I strongly recommend watching it muted with subtitles on.  Or I would if the non-dialogue sounds weren't good.  It's kind of a lose-lose situation.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on October 23, 2018, 02:05:30 PM
Streaming wars.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on October 24, 2018, 08:20:35 AM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on October 23, 2018, 02:05:30 PM
[spoiler]Streaming wars. ([/spoiler]
Or ... it'll incentivize collectivization of streaming content on a single platform ...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on October 24, 2018, 12:38:00 PM
Quote from: Sal1981 on October 24, 2018, 08:20:35 AM
Or ... it'll incentivize collectivization of streaming content on a single platform ...

One stream to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on October 24, 2018, 01:52:07 PM
That's the trend in recent innovations of our system.  Instead of increasing profit by expanding market share or outdoing competitors, the new strategy is to find new ways to nickel-dime consumers.  If it works, that's great (Yay capitalism), but more and more I find myself ending my participation in the non-essentials.  If I feel like I'm starting to get fucked, I don't play.  It's amazing how easy it is to do without those things I considered addictions.  But obviously, I'm not setting any trends, and companies still seem to be able to scam enough customers to make their boardrooms happy.  They still send me junk mail.  So I know they want me to play with them, but they won't play by my rules.  So sadly, it's sayonara.  One of my favorite corporate jokes are these new services offered by companies that you can buy for a few dollars a month.  But they aren't new at all, they are just the ordinary costs of providing service that the company had to pay to do business in the first place.

My most recent declaration of corporate retaliation I'm waging on Costco.  I'm no longer paying them $75 dollars a year to shop in their store  That's not even like an extra service.  Granted their inventory is huge, but their selection is worse than the average corner deli.  For example, you want to buy soup?  They have it in warehouse quantities stacked in huge unopened crates 20 feet high.  But you only get two choices.  It's Chicken Noodle or Tomato.  I've done the math, and when all is said and done, I can save about $50 a year after I pay for the membership and the extra gas it takes to make a 200 mile round trip to their store twice a year to stock up and make the trip worthwhile.  I've taken my receipts to my local Walmart and compared prices.  I can save $25 a trip to Costco, but waste an entire day while doing it.  But then I'm not buying for a family. 

In fairness, if you ever buy hearing aides, buy a membership and get them at Costco.  Their service and professional care impressed me, and I saved about $800.  2 1/2 years later, I had a problem with one of them, and they were still totally covered by warranty.  Other things not so much.  I recently, bought a set of Michelin Tires at my local tire dealer for what Costco was selling them, and I don't have to pay him to shop in his store.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on October 24, 2018, 07:52:14 PM
But ... but ... it is unpatriotic not to shop in stores owned by squillionaire X who supports the D party or squillionaire Y who supports the R party.  Fascism means you don't get a choice.  You will be told how much health insurance to buy each month from the political corrupt monopoly ... oh, we already do that!!.  This needs to be extended to all other products.  Gotta keep the GDP high.  Don't have money?  We will give you credit to buy what you can't afford, and the prices we set, and at the interest rate we set.  Remember We Say So Corp from Dinosaurs (tv show)?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 25, 2018, 02:14:57 AM
The Walking Dead:  Season 9, Episode 3 Warning Signs

I just watched an actually pretty good episode of The Walking Dead.  I'm in shock.

Plenty of character moments, some tense/shocking moments, an unexpected death, continuity nods, in-character characters, moral ambiguity, a generally coherent story throughout.  There's even a payoff.  Did they finally switch to unleaded coffee at the writers' room?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on October 28, 2018, 11:40:24 AM
I came across this article today:

It's short, but basically it challenges the idea spread by Game of Thrones that rape was common during the "Dark Ages," which the author George R. R. Martin said he based his stories on. In the article, they say that rape was likely not common in the Nordic regions because it was a serious crime back then. They also say that the Catholic church had a vice grip on society at the time, which described sexual assault as a sin.

You've probably already spotted the obvious problems with this logic. First, just because rape was considered an evil act doesn't mean it wasn't common. Second, using the defense that the Catholic church was in power does not help their case. When Catholic priests are infamous for raping the vulnerable, including children, it doesn't really matter whether they say rape is sinful or not, does it?

They say that 1/4 women are victims of sexual assault. If that's true (and admittedly, I haven't checked the data on that), then how much more common was it in an age where women were considered lesser beings than men? Are we supposed to believe that women were treated any better when they came out as victims then than they are now?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on October 28, 2018, 07:01:47 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on October 28, 2018, 11:40:24 AM
I came across this article today:

It's short, but basically it challenges the idea spread by Game of Thrones that rape was common during the "Dark Ages," which the author George R. R. Martin said he based his stories on. In the article, they say that rape was likely not common in the Nordic regions because it was a serious crime back then. They also say that the Catholic church had a vice grip on society at the time, which described sexual assault as a sin.

You've probably already spotted the obvious problems with this logic. First, just because rape was considered an evil act doesn't mean it wasn't common. Second, using the defense that the Catholic church was in power does not help their case. When Catholic priests are infamous for raping the vulnerable, including children, it doesn't really matter whether they say rape is sinful or not, does it?

They say that 1/4 women are victims of sexual assault. If that's true (and admittedly, I haven't checked the data on that), then how much more common was it in an age where women were considered lesser beings than men? Are we supposed to believe that women were treated any better when they came out as victims then than they are now?

Single women are targets in any society.  In traditional culture your father or brothers would protect you, unless you were a fallen woman.  See Romeo & Juliet?  Rape was common in Rome, because any owner of either sex, could have sex at will with slave property of either sex.

So did women, in pagan society have more respect because of goddesses?  Not if you were a slave, and not if you had no male relative to protect you.

What happens in fiction today, reflects present attitudes, not actual anthropology.  That would be a lecture, not a movie.

Yes, my Scandinavian relatives ;-)  Most of my ancestors in any region were peasants or slaves of course ... but not all of them.

Here is one of my gad-about royal ancestors from 1900 years ago ...

Here is another, historical, Welsh heroine ...

Gerald of Wales is another relative, we both descend from Nest ...

A modern view of some of Gerald's stories from his Irish trip ...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 28, 2018, 10:32:28 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on October 28, 2018, 11:40:24 AM
I came across this article today:

It's short, but basically it challenges the idea spread by Game of Thrones that rape was common during the "Dark Ages," which the author George R. R. Martin said he based his stories on. In the article, they say that rape was likely not common in the Nordic regions because it was a serious crime back then. They also say that the Catholic church had a vice grip on society at the time, which described sexual assault as a sin.

You've probably already spotted the obvious problems with this logic. First, just because rape was considered an evil act doesn't mean it wasn't common. Second, using the defense that the Catholic church was in power does not help their case. When Catholic priests are infamous for raping the vulnerable, including children, it doesn't really matter whether they say rape is sinful or not, does it?

They say that 1/4 women are victims of sexual assault. If that's true (and admittedly, I haven't checked the data on that), then how much more common was it in an age where women were considered lesser beings than men? Are we supposed to believe that women were treated any better when they came out as victims then than they are now?
I'm not super up on the statistics/records, but the general consensus is that real medieval history was pretty violent.  (Though of course that varies quite a lot by the specific place and time)  Maybe not quite as high a body count and frequent as in GoT, but it's up there.  And note rape in Game of Thrones is usually associated with war.  GRRM decided that if he was going to cover war, he had to cover rape because they're so closely connected in real life.

“And then there’s the whole issue of sexual violence, which I’ve been criticized for as well. I’m writing about war, which what almost all epic fantasy is about. But if you’re going to write about war, and you just want to include all the cool battles and heroes killing a lot of orcs and things like that and you don’t portray [sexual violence], then there’s something fundamentally dishonest about that. Rape, unfortunately, is still a part of war today. It’s not a strong testament to the human race, but I don’t think we should pretend it doesn’t exist.

I want to portray struggle. Drama comes out of conflict. If you portray a utopia, then you probably wrote a pretty boring book.” - GRRM
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on October 29, 2018, 12:06:41 AM
I particularly like this part of the article: "He has also been criticized for using sexual assault almost exclusively to develop his male characters. The women are merely victims."

lolwut? Did they completely forget Daenerys Targaryen? Forced into a marriage by her brother in exchange for power, she kills her brother and becomes the legendary "mother of dragons," leading an army of savages and slaves. What about Sansa Stark, who after being forced into two marriages with men she hated, and dragged all across the country by Petyr Baellish, outsmarts "Little Finger," killing him and becoming one of the most influential leaders of the people of the North? Or Brienne of Tarth, the female knight who knew she was as good as any man and has consistently proved her bad ass self countless times? The author of the article seems to think that George R.R. Martin has these sexist portrayals of women, but most of his cool characters are women, and their rape or attempted rape were not defining moments for them. If anything, those moments showed how strong they were, and how much they could take and still keep fighting.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: pr126 on October 29, 2018, 01:23:47 AM
Apu from the Simpsons is tossed into the memory hole, becomes an unperson.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on October 29, 2018, 04:08:02 AM
Quote from: pr126 on October 29, 2018, 01:23:47 AM
Apu from the Simpsons is tossed into the memory hole, becomes an unperson.

I think all TV should be shut down, for stereotyping White males ;-)

As far as sexism goes ... I like strong characters, of either gender.  A man doesn't have to be effeminate (unless he is also a serial killer aka Dressed to Kill).  A woman doesn't have to be masculine (unless it is about steroid cheating in the Olympics).
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on October 30, 2018, 11:19:09 AM
In the spirit of Halloween, I'm watching The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. So far it is pretty good. I do like the animated opening credits.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on October 30, 2018, 06:58:26 PM
Looks like a New England stereotype ;-)  The very beginning shows ... it is a dentist's nightmare.  All those bleeding gums!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on November 28, 2018, 07:02:44 PM
Rewatching Star Trek: TNG...

Fuck, I miss the era of television that was almost more a stage play than a movie. The sets all look like something that would have been just as at home on a stage than on television, several of the actors were classically trained actors whom's delivery was very classic and grandiose (and particularly Sir Patrick Stewart's and John de Lancie's performances stand-out in this)...

I don't know, when you compare television today to this era... T.V. today seems far more akin to some multi-million dollar movie production, with admittedly better acting (since you don't have to exaggerate your tone and features for people farther away to hear or see them) and better graphics, and maybe that's okay... but there is something just innately romantic about the classical stage performance that has been part of human history for at least 2500 years, and it's a shame that even within my generation it's something that's been almost completely lost in popular media.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 29, 2018, 10:33:46 AM
I miss that, too.  I don't mind the more movie-like quality of current TV - it's not better or worse, just different, but I do get bouts of nostalgia with TNG and Babylon 5.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on November 29, 2018, 12:20:44 PM
MST3K is back for Season 12!

<insert video of trdsf doing the Happy Happy Joy Joy dance. No, don't look, what has been seen cannot be unseen.>
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on December 03, 2018, 04:18:44 PM
I know this is old news for people in Britian but I am enjoying Derren Brown's Netflix specials. Manipulating people into murder or taking a bullet is pretty disturbing.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on December 03, 2018, 07:42:07 PM
MK Ultra is a surprise?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on January 09, 2019, 04:57:24 PM

Interesting video. I don't watch modern Simpsons, I'd say I fell off the Simpsons wagon around season 15-16, but found myself rewatching older episodes I taped back then. A series you can look at between when it began and how it is today, it's weird, since the characters despite sounding and looking the same, just don't feel the same anymore.

When I first watched the show, I remember originally hating homer, nowhere acted with his family and others. Yet as time went on and I grew up, I began to find him hilarious in context of the show itself. I can still watch those early seasons and like the characters including homer, because those early seasons had charm and relatability.

But I can't do that with Simpsons today, the characters are like parodies of their former selves. Homers become a copy of Peter Griffin, which ironically family guy started out similar to Simpsons but ended up going down an apathetic and amoral route, so you can see how they play off each other now in trying to be the most obnoxious in an effort to keep ratings.

I'll keep rewatching classic Simpsons time to time, but yeah, fuck what this shows turned into.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on January 09, 2019, 07:23:59 PM
Lisa became the evil feminist power behind the couch.  Don't trust anyone who plays saxaphone, like Bill Clinton.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on January 09, 2019, 08:29:24 PM
Quote from: Baruch on January 09, 2019, 07:23:59 PM
Lisa became the evil feminist power behind the couch.  Don't trust anyone who plays saxaphone, like Bill Clinton.

And homer became jerkass homer.


pretty much all the main characters became stereotypes without depth, and the background characters are now cardboard stand ins instead of once interesting characters. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on January 10, 2019, 05:18:45 AM
Quote from: Munch on January 09, 2019, 08:29:24 PM
And homer became jerkass homer.


pretty much all the main characters became stereotypes without depth, and the background characters are now cardboard stand ins instead of once interesting characters.

Neo-lib propaganda at its best.  You realize, that any show that is popular, is infiltrated by the propaganda arm of the security services, right?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 10, 2019, 03:50:28 PM
So I'm watching an old Game of Thrones season 7 video where the caster goes over alleged season 7 leaks and dismisses most of it as illogical, absurd, fanfic-quality stuff. 

Plot twist: that leak was accurate af, making the video inadvertently hilarious.  *eats popcorn*
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on January 23, 2019, 05:47:10 PM
watched the first two episodes of 'Titans' on netflix.

I didn't need it to be the 'teen titans' cartoon. I really didn't.

But for now, I was expecting... I dunno... more?

I'll keep watching for now. But I've heard Cyborg ain't in it, or not much. And that Garfield only changes into a tiger... I can get that budgetwise, for the CGI... but still... Seems to me like maybe then you should've gone with Victor over garfield and have garfield be a normal character that ends up getting his powers by the end of the first season. That way you can include him in the second, if it's a hit and you have the budget for it.
But maybe he'll turn out essential for the story of season 1, I dunno. Haven't seen much of him yet.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on January 23, 2019, 07:59:51 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on January 23, 2019, 05:47:10 PM
watched the first two episodes of 'Titans' on netflix.

I didn't need it to be the 'teen titans' cartoon. I really didn't.

But for now, I was expecting... I dunno... more?

I'll keep watching for now. But I've heard Cyborg ain't in it, or not much. And that Garfield only changes into a tiger... I can get that budgetwise, for the CGI... but still... Seems to me like maybe then you should've gone with Victor over garfield and have garfield be a normal character that ends up getting his powers by the end of the first season. That way you can include him in the second, if it's a hit and you have the budget for it.
But maybe he'll turn out essential for the story of season 1, I dunno. Haven't seen much of him yet.

I expect Cyborg isn't in it because they're trying to create the illusion that it's set in the same universe as the DCU films, even if it isn't technically in the same canon. In the DCU, Cyborg is in the Justice League, so he's already got a team. And they probably don't have it in the budget to bring in Ray Fisher for cameos, especially with that tin foil CGI body he's got.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on January 24, 2019, 01:07:34 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on January 23, 2019, 07:59:51 PM
I expect Cyborg isn't in it because they're trying to create the illusion that it's set in the same universe as the DCU films, even if it isn't technically in the same canon. In the DCU, Cyborg is in the Justice League, so he's already got a team. And they probably don't have it in the budget to bring in Ray Fisher for cameos, especially with that tin foil CGI body he's got.

I c... Kind of like how THE defenders don't go against THE mcu.

Well, it don't improve THE show.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 24, 2019, 12:38:24 PM
*slaps roof of The Vikings*
This bad boy can hold so many almost dead characters in it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on January 24, 2019, 03:30:08 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on January 23, 2019, 07:59:51 PM
I expect Cyborg isn't in it because they're trying to create the illusion that it's set in the same universe as the DCU films, even if it isn't technically in the same canon. In the DCU, Cyborg is in the Justice League, so he's already got a team. And they probably don't have it in the budget to bring in Ray Fisher for cameos, especially with that tin foil CGI body he's got.
Also, I seem to recall that Cyborg will be on the upcoming Doom Patrol ... which doesn't make a lot of sense because that team already has Robotman.  Well, we'll see what they do with it. Looks like it's going to be the Morrison DP rather than the original team, so I may have finally found a supers show I'll watch.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Draconic Aiur on January 31, 2019, 11:12:43 AM
Riverdale is looking good, but it has that twilight zing (fuck) and that Joesy and the Pussycats are not diverse. Needs more Jughead.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 31, 2019, 11:32:39 PM
Vikings s5e20 Ragnarok

I'm going to be as brief as possible and not spoil anything important, but I just have to get this off my chest.

This is by far the worst episode of the entire series.  Maybe the worst medieval TV episode ever.  I'm talking Razzie-tier stuff.

For starters, this is the most poorly conceived siege battle I've ever seen in my life.  The siegers' gameplan is twofold:  1) run at the wall with your bollocks blowing in the breeze 2) bring a battering ram completely unsupported and unprotected (dafuq?!), then eventually bring shields to protect the ram

Also, lie in wait within spitting distance of the gates while remaining stealthy, then light a F*&$KING FLAMING ARROW while still staying stealthy (??!!), then run at the wall while screaming like a complete moron and ruining the element of surprise.

And oh my god, the characters.  I won't spoil anything, but there's scenery chewing galore.  The characters in that 300 movie were more dynamic and compelling.  Simply put: brave characters aren't, scheming characters aren't, intelligent characters aren't.  Several secondary characters with hours of screentime don't have any payoffs at all. 

There's simply no satisfaction or resolution to be had.  Life is pain and unhappiness and then you die.

There's also an intentionally vague ending that's supposed to be deep but actually comes across as obfuscation for obfuscation's sake.

I honestly thought that this show would become something great, that there'd be some sort of amazing payoff.  And while it has had its moments of greatness, it has been subtly declining for quite some time now.

Now I pray to Odin that this show gets cancelled soon.  This show would be grateful for the manner of it and welcome the valkyries to carry it home.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on February 01, 2019, 07:43:57 PM
Ever see The Warlord (1965)?  Has Charleton Heston and Richard Boone, and pretty good Viking (Frisian) vs Norman action.

Good siege action.  Mr Obvious should know, it is his country ... Flemings vs Walloons.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hijiri Byakuren on February 02, 2019, 09:32:49 AM
Been watching Perry Mason a lot lately. Good show, although some episodes have definitely aged better than others.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on February 02, 2019, 09:41:09 AM
Quote from: Hijiri Byakuren on February 02, 2019, 09:32:49 AM
Been watching Perry Mason a lot lately. Good show, although some episodes have definitely aged better than others.

All you need is a good investigator, a smart secretary and the willingness to see the truth for what it is.  That and make the District Attorney look bad.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on February 03, 2019, 08:12:49 AM
Been loving the replays of Samurai Jack!  They are being shown in order on Cartoon Network at 8 pm est.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 03, 2019, 01:36:52 PM
Samurai Jack is legend. I really liked the older seasons.
And I really loved 95% of the last season.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on February 04, 2019, 01:11:34 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on February 03, 2019, 01:36:52 PM
Samurai Jack is legend. I really liked the older seasons.
And I really loved 95% of the last season.

That ending, though...

[spoiler=DO NOT READ THIS if you haven't finished the show!]Ashi disappearing from existence because Jack changed the future was complete BS. Not only does that type of time travel make no sense, but it also implies that everyone Jack did to help the people of the future was for nothing. None of it ever happened. The only part of the timeline that still exists is the first episode, before Jack is sent into the future, and the final episode after Jack gets back. Everything else was erased.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 04, 2019, 03:49:20 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on February 04, 2019, 01:11:34 AM
That ending, though...

[spoiler=DO NOT READ THIS if you haven't finished the show!]Ashi disappearing from existence because Jack changed the future was complete BS. Not only does that type of time travel make no sense, but it also implies that everyone Jack did to help the people of the future was for nothing. None of it ever happened. The only part of the timeline that still exists is the first episode, before Jack is sent into the future, and the final episode after Jack gets back. Everything else was erased.[/spoiler]

That's why I said 95% :p

[spoiler]When I invisioned it as a child, I Always imagined the finale being Jack defeating Aku in the future, and then going back to the past to defeat him again. That way the two timelines would exist seperatly and both have become aku-less.
I was dissatisfied with their take on time-travel, more than the actual ending. I mean the end-fight was not exactly the most epic one in the series, but it was okay enough.
And while I still firmly believe the ending could have been handled better, like way better... I have come to terms with the fact that whatever kind of time-travel someone chooses; you'll Always have dissatisfied people because people find different logic in different hypothetical ways of time-travel. So it's not good, but it doesn't bother me. Nor does it tarnish the last season for me. [/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on February 04, 2019, 06:58:26 PM
[spoiler]Fact of the matter is, jack wanted things to go back to how it was, all the damage Aku did to, all the people he killed, like the scotsman, in killing Aku in the past he saved their lives and the world being fucked over by aku, but in order to do that, he sacrificed a future with ashi.

time travel stories are always awkward, and presents a lot of deus ex machina situations at times. however I didn't mind this ending, because the point being even if no one else remembers what happened, jack does, and he carries those memories with him. [/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on February 04, 2019, 09:26:25 PM
Quote from: Munch on February 04, 2019, 06:58:26 PM
[spoiler]Fact of the matter is, jack wanted things to go back to how it was, all the damage Aku did to, all the people he killed, like the scotsman, in killing Aku in the past he saved their lives and the world being fucked over by aku, but in order to do that, he sacrificed a future with ashi.

time travel stories are always awkward, and presents a lot of deus ex machina situations at times. however I didn't mind this ending, because the point being even if no one else remembers what happened, jack does, and he carries those memories with him. [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Jack spoilers]Didn't Jack miss a chance to go back in time because he wanted to help someone? If traveling back in time worked the way the ending showed, then he literally did that for nothing. Jack didn't only sacrifice his future with Ashi; he sacrificed Ashi's existence. Because of him, she'll never be born, as well anyone else from the future since the timeline has been so thoroughly diverted.

As far as time traveling mechanics work, I very much prefer the multiverse approach. In this version of time travel, traveling back in time creates a new timeline, while the original timeline goes on unaffected. This version of time travel is free of the usual paradoxes that come with time loops.

"But if you fixed what you went back in time to fix, then you wouldn't have gone back in time, but then you would have had to go back in time to fix it again..."

Not a problem with the multiverse model. As Mr. Obvious suggested, they could have had Aku's future as a separate timeline, providing a happy ending all around. Imagine if after Jack returned to the past and destroyed Aku, he then realized that all the people in the future who helped him were fighting a battle they couldn't win. Because he feels like he is in debt to them, he is unable to enjoy the peaceful timeline he created, and so he makes his way back to the future, slaying Aku in the future timeline. Jack is unable to find his way back to the past, but that no longer matters to him. Not only would Jack have accomplished his goal, saving his family and creating a world free of Aku, he would have also freed a world enslaved by Aku. The series ends with Jack content, helping the future world rebuild with the help of Ashi.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on March 01, 2019, 02:57:54 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on February 03, 2019, 01:36:52 PM
Samurai Jack is legend. I really liked the older seasons.
And I really loved 95% of the last season.

What part did you not like about the last?  I only ask because I loved it all.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 01, 2019, 05:05:03 PM
[spoiler]What i mentioned in THE other spoiler tags. THE end-fight was a tad rushed and not visually stunning enough to to THE entirety of samurai Jack justice. Plus they could've taken a different route  with THE timetravel that kept two timelines open, rather than wiping one out. Namely THE one we became invested in.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on March 01, 2019, 05:59:24 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on March 01, 2019, 05:05:03 PM
[spoiler]What i mentioned in THE other spoiler tags. THE end-fight was a tad rushed and not visually stunning enough to to THE entirety of samurai Jack justice. Plus they could've taken a different route  with THE timetravel that kept two timelines open, rather than wiping one out. Namely THE one we became invested in.[/spoiler]

I think they were offerred limited time for the ending.  But at least they gave an ending.  I'll give 4 of 5 just for that. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 01, 2019, 07:15:59 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on March 01, 2019, 05:59:24 PM
I think they were offerred limited time for the ending.  But at least they gave an ending.  I'll give 4 of 5 just for that.

Actually; if I remember correctly when they approached him they asked the creator; how many episodes do you need to wrap up a final season?
And he came back with 10 real quick. He could have gotten more if he felt he could use it or if he wanted too.

He agrees it felt rushed, but it was the ending he always envisioned and was ultimately happy with:

I would have gone with a different one. But I agree: I'm glad it got wrapped up and that the story was given a finish. And I still look fondly at this show. It is truly amazing.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on March 04, 2019, 06:10:00 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on March 01, 2019, 07:15:59 PM
Actually; if I remember correctly when they approached him they asked the creator; how many episodes do you need to wrap up a final season?
And he came back with 10 real quick. He could have gotten more if he felt he could use it or if he wanted too.

He agrees it felt rushed, but it was the ending he always envisioned and was ultimately happy with:

I would have gone with a different one. But I agree: I'm glad it got wrapped up and that the story was given a finish. And I still look fondly at this show. It is truly amazing.

THAT is interesting.  I get little info from the inside.  And I've noticed there are many episodes I never saw originally.  Tonight I watched XXXVI (?) where the origin of Aku (as a shard of a godly battle against evil in the far past) was explained.  I sure never saw THAT one before.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 04, 2019, 12:34:42 PM
The Orville pitch meeting

Writer:  Our show is going to be like TNG but better.
Producer:  How?
Writer:  You know how TNG skirted around LGBT issues?  Well, ours are going to be front and center.  We're also going to have lots of gay characters.
Producer:  Very progressive.
Writer:  And you're going to hate them for being sexist.
Producer:  *shock and confusion*  Is that progressive?
Writer:  *shrugs*  I don't even know anymore.

Writer:  You know how TNG had Best of Both Worlds, where the Borg really put the hurt on the Federation?
Producer:  Yeah, the fans really loved that two-parter.
Writer:  Well, we're going to do that but better.  It's going to be super duper dark, too.
Producer:  Oh my god.  And The Orville is a comedy, right?
Writer:  Sometimes it is.  Other times, it'll keep you up at night because you can't sleep because your alarm clock looks like two red eyes staring at you.
Producer:  I'm pretty sure that's just you.
Writer:  I haven't slept since 2006 and I write all the episodes while watching TNG while high out of my mind.
Producer:  Well, I'm sold.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on March 07, 2019, 05:58:17 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on March 04, 2019, 12:34:42 PM
The Orville pitch meeting

Writer:  Our show is going to be like TNG but better.
Producer:  How?
Writer:  You know how TNG skirted around LGBT issues?  Well, ours are going to be front and center.  We're also going to have lots of gay characters.
Producer:  Very progressive.
Writer:  And you're going to hate them for being sexist.
Producer:  *shock and confusion*  Is that progressive?
Writer:  *shrugs*  I don't even know anymore.

Writer:  You know how TNG had Best of Both Worlds, where the Borg really put the hurt on the Federation?
Producer:  Yeah, the fans really loved that two-parter.
Writer:  Well, we're going to do that but better.  It's going to be super duper dark, too.
Producer:  Oh my god.  And The Orville is a comedy, right?
Writer:  Sometimes it is.  Other times, it'll keep you up at night because you can't sleep because your alarm clock looks like two red eyes staring at you.
Producer:  I'm pretty sure that's just you.
Writer:  I haven't slept since 2006 and I write all the episodes while watching TNG while high out of my mind.
Producer:  Well, I'm sold.

Actually, I would support anyone who could write stage directions for Patrick Stewart (stare angrily left, pull down shirt, and no one collapse in giggles AND I MEAN YOU MCFADDEN) while high...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on March 13, 2019, 03:29:04 AM
I have just seen a couple of episodes from Norsemen. Norwegian made, Netflix.

Descendants of Vikings making fun of Vikings and Viking culture in a low budget, absurd comedy, sitcom style. It's simple, hillarious.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on March 13, 2019, 01:35:39 PM
Good Lord! I just went to youtube to check it out, and it's hilarious indeed!

The guy in the trailer I'm watching is trying to give his dead brother a good old Viking send off, putting him on a raft filled with wood, pushing it out into the water and shooting fire-arrows at it to burn it up. But he can't hit the damned thing! Everyone's standing around looking embarrassed by this idiot trying again and again to hit the raft, but his arrows keep falling short! Finally the thing is too far to even shoot at, so he makes some lame excuse and walk off.

I think I'll check out some more of that if it keeps being that funny.

Heck I might as well post it:

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on March 13, 2019, 07:50:17 PM
How come Norwegians are speaking English?  Culture appropriation!!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on March 13, 2019, 08:26:20 PM
They did the episodes in Norwegian first, then made the same episodes in English.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on March 14, 2019, 03:17:42 AM
Quote from: Unbeliever on March 13, 2019, 08:26:20 PM
They did the episodes in Norwegian first, then made the same episodes in English.

If they are bi-national, are they also bi-sexual? ;-)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: mosstoss on March 15, 2019, 02:35:35 AM
I just finished watching the first season of Kidding, and I really liked it. Carrey may be too eccentric for some, but I've always found him subversive and profound. Kidding is no exception. It's a tense, heavy show. Looking forward to the second season.

Also just started watching the third season of True Detective. I really liked the first two seasons, and I'm curious how the third one might pan out.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on March 15, 2019, 10:46:17 AM
Alias Grace. It's good.

---Spoilers ahead----

Apperantly, it's a real story. I dunno how to describe it. Good lines and conversations. (Made from Margaret Atwood's novel based on the events.) In a nutshell, an abused young women is convicted of killing two people, also aiding and abetting. And then there is this young, naive yankee psychiatrist literally losing his mind over her, because he can't decide if she is guilty or innocent. What is it in the end? That men are turned on by homicidal young women? We live in a far too different era to get into that catharsis I guess. Or it's me.     

Bad jokes aside, if you ask me after all the traumas she lives through, at some point after losing the only person actually treated her good and helped her dies in a bad way, she produces a split personality and that personality kills. That's why they imply. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on March 15, 2019, 07:39:59 PM
Ayn Rand, in her youth (1920s) was turned on by a prisoner who was in jail for murder.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on March 17, 2019, 05:13:05 AM
Quote from: Unbeliever on March 13, 2019, 01:35:39 PM
Good Lord! I just went to youtube to check it out, and it's hilarious indeed!

The guy in the trailer I'm watching is trying to give his dead brother a good old Viking send off, putting him on a raft filled with wood, pushing it out into the water and shooting fire-arrows at it to burn it up. But he can't hit the damned thing! Everyone's standing around looking embarrassed by this idiot trying again and again to hit the raft, but his arrows keep falling short! Finally the thing is too far to even shoot at, so he makes some lame excuse and walk off.

I think I'll check out some more of that if it keeps being that funny.

Heck I might as well post it:

Missing the boat with fire arrows sounds rather realistic...  I bet it happened often enough to make the idea mostly symbolic.  LOL!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on March 20, 2019, 04:17:07 AM
Love, Death and Robots. - Netflix 

Super! Don't miss it. 

It's a series of around 10 min, various style, independent animated stories. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on March 20, 2019, 01:41:01 PM
Wow, indeed! I was just checking it out at youtube, and it's definitely a "don't miss" kind of thing. More visual stimulation than a jab in the eye with a sharp stick!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 20, 2019, 06:10:27 PM

the hype is real
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on March 23, 2019, 11:30:57 AM
Quote from: Unbeliever on March 20, 2019, 01:41:01 PM
Wow, indeed! I was just checking it out at youtube, and it's definitely a "don't miss" kind of thing. More visual stimulation than a jab in the eye with a sharp stick!

It's very good, isn't it? I loved all of the stories. I can watch that kind of series forever. They should make thousands of them,lol.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 23, 2019, 09:00:10 PM
Watching THE umbrella academy. It's pretty solid so far.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 25, 2019, 06:05:56 PM
Just finished ep 6.
it's hypnotically good
Kudo's on the acting. On the dialogue. On the story. (Finally a timetravel story which, so far, doesn't irritate me. Even if it makes little sense.) And on the epic soundtrack.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on March 25, 2019, 08:16:57 PM

This looks intriguing! Lot's of fun, too.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 27, 2019, 10:51:09 PM
The Walking Dead 9x15 The Calm Before

There are three flashbulb scenes from the comics that I wanted to see on TV - scenes so pivotal and heart-wrenching that they make or break whole story arcs.  We already got the prison raid and Negan's introduction, next is the infamous pike scene.  It's basically The Walking Dead's equivalent of The Red Wedding.

And man oh man, was it every bit as chilling as I expected.  They changed up who exactly dies, and I kinda wish they had stuck more closely to the comics there and killed off *certain* people we're more attached to, but it was still pretty good.

The show really nailed Alpha and made her a much more menacing and intimidating villain than she ever was in the comics.  Same with Beta.  I'm very happy with how they've handled them so far.

It's funny, just as a lot of The Walking Dead's cast has walked away and the TV show seems to be dying (4 million live viewers), the show itself has actually been pretty good.  The staff has said that because they don't know how long the show's going to last, they're throwing everything they've got into the episodes and not holding any stuff back (dragging plotlines out).  About damn time.  If they had done that a few seasons ago, the show might not be dying right now.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 28, 2019, 03:17:34 PM
Quote from: Unbeliever on March 25, 2019, 08:16:57 PM

This looks intriguing! Lot's of fun, too.

She be a recommendation, that she be, aye.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 28, 2019, 07:33:59 PM
You know...

They are remotely not the same show... But I watched the umbrella academy and now I've finally gotten around to watching the third or fourth episode of Titans.

Still, watching Titans, a show about a dysfunctional team of superheroes, I can't help but compare it to TUA. Maybe because, despite it's many more serious themes and different sense of humor, TUA has a levity that Titans misses. Especially when you compare Titans to Teen Titans the cartoon.

And in and by itself... Titans isn't bad. Not per se. I like the basic story so far. It's not very creative yet, but it works. I like the acting well enough. It's not ground-breaking, but it suffices.  I like the soundtrack somewhat, despite it not being memorable. The fighting is okay. The camerawork smooth enough to not be noticed...
But that's kind of the thing; in and by itself it's worth watching, but it never exceeds what is acceptable. It never rises up into awesomeness. It is bland in it's 6.5 out of 10. And yet it feels like less because there are so many better things you automatically compare it to.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 01, 2019, 11:40:39 PM
I actually really liked the latest Walking Dead because in this one we finally come to grips with the everyday hardships of living in the post-apocalypse - it's not the zombies that kill ya, it's the cold and starvation and disease and despair.  Really depressing, but true.

Humans are extremely reliant on technology to keep us warm at night.  Without that, it's rough going.  Sure, you'd be okay for a while - you can bundle up and hunker down somewhere, but when the roof starts leaking and rats tear holes in the walls and mildew starts setting in, that's no beuno.  Add to that whispering zombies, and it's pretty much gg.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on April 02, 2019, 02:22:55 AM
But what if the zombies are Grateful Dead fans? (sarc).
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on April 02, 2019, 03:33:56 AM
Quote from: Unbeliever on March 25, 2019, 08:16:57 PM

This looks intriguing! Lot's of fun, too.
It's OK I guess. I've seen 7 episodes. Somewhat averagely paced on the developing story.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on April 02, 2019, 06:37:17 AM
Quote from: Sal1981 on April 02, 2019, 03:33:56 AM
It's OK I guess. I've seen 7 episodes. Somewhat averagely paced on the developing story.

Huh, I really enjoyed it a lot. A lot of the humor worked for me, and I got invested in the characters.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on April 13, 2019, 12:40:34 PM
Recently got into Indian "real crime" drama.  Very well done cop show, dramatized real cases.  Fear and hope.  Real serious crimes, like murder, rape etc.  Everything is happening in modern India.  And the cops always get their suspects.  The failings of human beings are the same everywhere, the propaganda of Cops Lives Matter is everywhere.

eg: Crime Patrol Dastak - Ep 972 ... is one of many that have English subtitles for the Hindi spoken.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on April 16, 2019, 04:42:08 PM
Russian Doll.

Super. I loved it.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on April 17, 2019, 07:25:43 PM

Really? I mean: really?!

After your first season in which you almost masterfully balance on the thin line between watchable and good enough to at least invest in the characters, you decide to leave it on a cliffhanger? You haven't earned a goddamned season cliffhanger!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on April 17, 2019, 08:15:29 PM
Russian Doll.

That cunt will grow on you, I promise.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on April 17, 2019, 09:25:58 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on April 17, 2019, 08:15:29 PM
Russian Doll.

That cunt will grow on you, I promise.

The preview I just saw ... great exercise in paranoia.  Doesn't she know the most dangerous place in the house is the bathroom?  Why multiple deaths on the stairway?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on April 17, 2019, 10:09:07 PM
Fuck you.

They made her say: "...Kind of the black hole meets They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?...”

Now explain this to the kids here. Without the obvious.

Millennials are the actual 'horses' you know, right?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on April 18, 2019, 12:32:50 AM
I think it's time for me to finally watch Firefly. Also started Cowboy Bebop for the first time a week ago...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on April 18, 2019, 01:01:24 AM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on April 17, 2019, 10:09:07 PM
Fuck you.

They made her say: "...Kind of the black hole meets They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?...”

Now explain this to the kids here. Without the obvious.

Millennials are the actual 'horses' you know, right?

You criticize my black praise of the movie, or my observation that the pratfalls on the stair are a bit repetitive and therefore a bit droll?

They Shoot Horses Don't They ... that is a 1969 movie about 1930s abusive competitions.  Don't see your point.

Or is the movie in question a commentary on Eternal Return by Nietzsche?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on April 18, 2019, 01:26:38 AM
Quote from: Shiranu on April 18, 2019, 12:32:50 AM
I think it's time for me to finally watch Firefly. Also started Cowboy Bebop for the first time a week ago...

Careful. Somebody royally fucked up when it came to the order the episodes were aired. They're all jumbled up. Also, the show got cancelled, most likely do to the previously mentioned fuckup. But there is a movie that ties up loose ends and essentially gives us the ending the writers had in mind, albeit with significantly less buildup.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on April 18, 2019, 06:51:10 AM
Quote from: Shiranu on April 18, 2019, 12:32:50 AM
I think it's time for me to finally watch Firefly. Also started Cowboy Bebop for the first time a week ago...

I LOVED COWBOY BEBOP!  Where are you watching it from the start?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on April 19, 2019, 12:09:37 PM
Quote from: Baruch on April 18, 2019, 01:01:24 AM
You criticize my black praise of the movie, or my observation that the pratfalls on the stair are a bit repetitive and therefore a bit droll?

They Shoot Horses Don't They ... that is a 1969 movie about 1930s abusive competitions.  Don't see your point.

Or is the movie in question a commentary on Eternal Return by Nietzsche?

Because it's none of it. That line sums up the situation she is in perfectly. It's a good show. Also, I love They Shoot Horses Don't They very much. And that was a drunk post, want me to delete?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on April 19, 2019, 12:14:39 PM

[spoiler]This is probably one of the silliest thing I have ever watched. I never guessed it would be funny and fun to watch, I just clicked out of curiosity. It's about a bunch of women who are trying to make a fake wrestling (I dunno what's that called) show and their director. It goes in 80s. LOL I have no idea what's about it is really silly, stupid and fun. There are good refs and lines. I hate those fake wrestling things. But then there is no real fake wrestling in the show either. As I said it is silly, but it is really good.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on April 19, 2019, 12:51:54 PM
Turkish wrestling ... big guys all oiled up with olive oil ... very ancient.  So you should be culturally attuned to real wrestling.  A Turkish wrestler who faked a bout, would he have to shave off his proud mustache? (rhetorical question).
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on April 19, 2019, 01:06:53 PM
Quote from: Baruch on April 19, 2019, 12:51:54 PM
Turkish wrestling ... big guys all oiled up with olive oil ... very ancient.  So you should be culturally attuned to real wrestling.  A Turkish wrestler who faked a bout, would he have to shave off his proud mustache? (rhetorical question).

I haven't really watched honestly. Like they have always been there forever. About faking, I have no idea, but I don't think he wold survive during the match though,lol. They are called pehlivan(s).

But that Glow show is good. I am watching the second season.

E: Also, Zoya Destroya is your kind of woman, Baruch! :p LOOOL
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on April 19, 2019, 03:19:53 PM
Yeah, I like Russian women.  I like most women (for their visual appeal).  But that is superficial.  Personalty and character matter more.  See I am not a misogynist.  I just won't excuse bad behavior by anyone.  So under current conditions I can't support feminism (which I would normally do) because it is a hyper-partisan echo chamber.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on April 19, 2019, 03:51:26 PM
Zoya Destroya is a fake wrestling character of a character in a comedy show. She is not a Russian woman. It's Americans making fun of American culture. It's funny. Yes, I don't think most people in the forum would like it, but it is good. It's about people. Also, I am sure feminists can do without your support, sweety. Don't worry. Relax. Personally, I stopped caring who supports what some time ago. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on April 19, 2019, 04:35:30 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on April 19, 2019, 03:51:26 PM
Zoya Destroya is a fake wrestling character of a character in a comedy show. She is not a Russian woman. It's Americans making fun of American culture. It's funny. Yes, I don't think most people in the forum would like it, but it is good. It's about people. Also, I am sure feminists can do without your support, sweety. Don't worry. Relax. Personally, I stopped caring who supports what some time ago.

I know that.  The older American culture was a movie about roller derby (Whip It), and prior to that, the real thing (started in 1935).  I remember the real thing.  And there are still some teams still playing.  Of course this was mocked with male athletes in the scifi Rollerball (1975), redone in 2002 (coed version).

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on April 20, 2019, 04:06:09 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on April 18, 2019, 06:51:10 AM
I LOVED COWBOY BEBOP!  Where are you watching it from the start?

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on April 20, 2019, 05:04:05 AM
Quote from: Baruch on April 19, 2019, 04:35:30 PM
I know that.  The older American culture was a movie about roller derby (Whip It), and prior to that, the real thing (started in 1935).  I remember the real thing.  And there are still some teams still playing.  Of course this was mocked with male athletes in the scifi Rollerball (1975), redone in 2002 (coed version).

Really? That is the movie you connected to 'Whip it'?

Do you understand the story movies like Whip it are telling? It's about team spirit, competiton, rivalry. It's about kids working their ass for something; learning their limits; competition; learning to lose, betrayal, friendship, rivalry... and winning. Struggle. Winning doesn't mean shit without that process. It's basically necessary skills for life to survive. Of course you don't need physical activity to learn these, but it is the simplest form. Also the simplest way to put in a movie to tell a story. It's action, emotion... Catharsis. Controlled physical struggle is the best way to tell this. 

Why did they start to make these movies with girls, young women? Because if you are living on this planet, you should know that traditionally they are the least encouraged group for a struggle of the sort. We learn most of the things playing games as kids. Boys are always more likely to be encouraged to learn competition; their limits; learning to lose, betrayal, friendship, rivalry... and winning. Struggle.   

Life experience tells me that any kid that have gone through some sort of struggle, hardship and team work is always far more likely to be a contributing, healthy individual. Because they develop self-respect, integrity at a young age. It's very simple. Monkey see, monkey do. We need to introduce stories to children that they can relate and see themselves in. That's how human works. It's pretty much like Bards and Ollaves have done in ancient times.   

And you connect a story like that to what exactly? 

And this doesn't have an age limit either. That's why GLOW is a good show. The creators of the show make those characters do the silliest, stupid things and through that they are underlying something very important about human nature. Fuck politics, fuck -isms. Everything is about being part of something, making yourself real doesn't matter, what is it that you are doing. And this is not something we can do by ourselves. We need other humans to accomplish this. It's the same about the male characters. It's just they are more women than men.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 18, 2019, 06:56:55 AM

Wow this show looks like garbage.

Batman: I am vengeance, I am the night, I am batman

Batwoman: I'm a WAMAN

Also, "I'm not about to let a man take credit for a woman's work" she says as she takes the identity, suit and headquarters of a man.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on May 18, 2019, 12:42:46 PM
Sorry, any woman, in a cat suit, even if not Catwoman is ... meow!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on May 18, 2019, 01:16:08 PM
So, they put the "her" in "hero"? You couldn't pay me to watch that. Well, maybe if you paid me enough...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 18, 2019, 01:39:12 PM
nah, I'd sooner go broke, unless it was an insane amount, and even then i'd do something like donate it to a men's sexual health organisation out of karma.

remember when movies like alien had trailers telling us how ripley was a super amazing because she was waman? Or how Rooney Mara in girl with the dragon tattoo was 'what the world needs!', or how wonder woman 'didn't need no man to be strong'? No? neither do I.
you can't make this shit up..
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on May 18, 2019, 02:23:42 PM
Proof that feminism isn't progressing, it is digressing.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on May 18, 2019, 03:23:20 PM
Quote from: Munch on May 18, 2019, 06:56:55 AM

Wow this show looks like garbage.

Batman: I am vengeance, I am the night, I am batman

Batwoman: I'm a WAMAN

Also, "I'm not about to let a man take credit for a woman's work" she says as she takes the identity, suit and headquarters of a man.

OMG. I hate when they try to mix feminism with comic books. It's never going to accurately portray the real issues, which makes the message pointless, and it's going to alienate many of the fans. I see this as nothing more than a marketing ploy from executives who don't give a shit about the real issues. We've got serious issues that need to be addressed in America, such as new legislation in multiple states effectively equating abortions with murder, threatening to put women and doctors behind bars for life. Meanwhile, CW is giving us this diet Batman in spandex saying, "I'm not letting a man take credit for my hard work." Fucking hell.

EDIT: I like how they have this woman find all of Batman's gear, takes it and uses it herself, and complains that Batman is getting the credit. Seriously?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 18, 2019, 04:11:02 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on May 18, 2019, 03:23:20 PM

EDIT: I like how they have this woman find all of Batman's gear, takes it and uses it herself, and complains that Batman is getting the credit. Seriously?

Really, this just comes down to awful writing. Think about how they wrote miles morales Spiderman, that was well written, and in the movie adaptation it played to the alternative reality notion of the character. He wasn't trying to take the place of Peter Parker Spiderman, he was being his own person with the Spiderman title (also it didn't make something out like 'I'm black Spiderman, that's my character trait!')

If there going to make a story of someone else taking on the mantle of a famous character, the key point any writer should do is at least make the character likeable, give them a personality.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 20, 2019, 12:58:47 PM
New season of Westworld (I dunno why it's even called that anymore, but whatevs)

I dunno how I feel about focusing so heavily on the wider world and humans.  On one hand, I love all the 200-years in the future technology, but on the other hand, it kinda loses its punch when it's everywhere.  In Westworld, the juxtaposition of cowboy technology and futuristic technology was breathtaking.  Without that juxtaposition, it just seems like pretty generic sci-fi.

Also, I don't know who this guy is and I desperate hope his story is extremely compelling, otherwise this season is going to tank hard.  The first (and somewhat the second) seasons set a very high standard for characters, storytelling, and acting.  If it's just going to be Fight Club in the future, I'm out.  Then again, if you told me an Indian wandering around an arid landscape would be the best episode of the series, I would have thought you were crazy.  So maybe I'm judging too hastily.

I'm torn about this trailer.  I want to be positive about this, but there's a lot here that could go wrong.  Guess I'll have to watch to find out.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on May 20, 2019, 01:11:32 PM
Yes, you'll have to collapse the wave function.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 20, 2019, 02:06:06 PM
Quote from: Unbeliever on May 20, 2019, 01:11:32 PM
Yes, you'll have to collapse the wave function.
If there's a really good twist, it could totally win me over.  And Westworld has had some great twists - almost too many.  At this stage, the twist could be not having a twist.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on May 22, 2019, 04:58:16 AM
Quote from: Baruch on April 19, 2019, 03:19:53 PM
Yeah, I like Russian women.  I like most women (for their visual appeal).  But that is superficial.  Personalty and character matter more.  See I am not a misogynist.  I just won't excuse bad behavior by anyone.  So under current conditions I can't support feminism (which I would normally do) because it is a hyper-partisan echo chamber.

I assume you said "See I am not a misogynist" self-jokingly because most of what you say supports that you are...  All your after-statements indicate such.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on May 22, 2019, 07:25:18 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on May 22, 2019, 04:58:16 AM
I assume you said "See I am not a misogynist" self-jokingly because most of what you say supports that you are...  All your after-statements indicate such.

Only in your liberal imagination.  Women are terrible, but because they are human, not because they are women.  That is misanthropic.  Get it right!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on May 22, 2019, 01:38:37 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on May 20, 2019, 02:06:06 PM
If there's a really good twist, it could totally win me over.  And Westworld has had some great twists - almost too many.  At this stage, the twist could be not having a twist.
Yeah, that would be a positive negative!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 27, 2019, 03:14:26 PM

I could actually really go for this right now.  I need a good semi-historical/fantasy series right now.

Plus, I could probably learn Korean before Winds of Winter comes out.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on May 31, 2019, 11:55:45 AM
Quote from: Baruch on May 22, 2019, 07:25:18 AM
Only in your liberal imagination.  Women are terrible, but because they are human, not because they are women.  That is misanthropic.  Get it right!

Well if you want to debate about whether you are "misanthropic" rather than "misogynistic", that is up to you.  Personally,  I don't like either.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on May 31, 2019, 10:13:04 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on May 31, 2019, 11:55:45 AM
Well if you want to debate about whether you are "misanthropic" rather than "misogynistic", that is up to you.  Personally,  I don't like either.

Misanthrope …

They are the exceptions that prove the rule … no good people.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Draconic Aiur on June 01, 2019, 04:05:35 AM
Watched Good Omens the TV show rated it 10/10
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on June 01, 2019, 01:36:59 PM
Quote from: Baruch on May 31, 2019, 10:13:04 PM
Misanthrope …

They are the exceptions that prove the rule … no good people.

Exceptions don't prove rules - they disprove them.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on June 01, 2019, 06:56:24 PM
Quote from: Unbeliever on June 01, 2019, 01:36:59 PM
Exceptions don't prove rules - they disprove them.

Only if you are a peasant.  The king is an exception, and he rules ;-)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on June 01, 2019, 07:12:01 PM
Does the inch prove the ruler?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on June 01, 2019, 07:40:08 PM
Watched 6 episodes of DC's Doom Patrol on HBO.

Too much 4th wall-breaking for my taste, but watchable.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on June 01, 2019, 10:06:47 PM
Quote from: Unbeliever on June 01, 2019, 07:12:01 PM
Does the inch prove the ruler?

Only if you are a worm ;-)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on June 05, 2019, 06:45:36 PM
Started watching the dragon prince on recommendation.
Ep 1 was definitely good enough to warrant continuation.
Frame rate was weird, but might've been my connection.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on June 06, 2019, 06:11:42 AM
Quote from: Baruch on May 31, 2019, 10:13:04 PM
Misanthrope …

They are the exceptions that prove the rule … no good people.

Had to look up "Misandrist".  And saw I SHOULD have recognized the meaning.  "andri".  Should have just sat down and thought about it first before looking it up.  Oh well...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on June 06, 2019, 07:18:44 AM
Misandrist ... what a feminist says doesn't exist.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on June 06, 2019, 07:19:55 AM
Watched a Black Mirror episode with Miley Cyrus in it. I was disappointed.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on June 16, 2019, 08:48:41 PM
Watched the 6 episodes of Dimension 404. It was canceled.

All 6 episodes were they pretty much poked fun at the Internet age mish-mashed together with Outer Limitseque/Twilight Zone vibe.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on June 22, 2019, 06:01:21 PM
Just finished love, death + robots

It was swell. It really was.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 25, 2019, 12:11:41 AM
Season 2 of Final Space starts very soon.

And I've gotta say, I was very impressed with the first season overall.  The show's voice acting makes me want to claw my ears off, most of the jokes didn't land, but the overall plot and character structure is damn good and it helps that the animation looks good.

How do I describe it?  Imagine a kiddie pool.  You walk into it and it barely even covers the tops of your feet.  Then you walk a little farther and suddenly, it's 10 feet deep.  Not the deepest pool ever, but it's pretty damn deep.  It is, without a doubt, much deeper than you expected.  And down at the very bottom of the pool is a school of bio-luminescent fish calling your name.  They lead you further down than the bottom.  You vision starts to blur and your heart pounds in your chest.  You look up and you see a ray of light shine down upon you through the water.  You swim up and up and up for what seems like hours until you finally breach the waves.  You look around.  Ocean as far as the eye can see.  You wake up.  You jump out of bed, kicking off live fish flopping under the covers.  Your alarm clock introduces himself as Hue in a measured tone.  The cookies are almost ready...

That's Final Space.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on June 25, 2019, 11:13:04 AM
Legion 3rd season has begun!

EDIT: It's just as deliciously weird as the 2nd season.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on July 04, 2019, 07:19:55 PM
Quote from: Draconic Aiur on June 01, 2019, 04:05:35 AM
Watched Good Omens the TV show rated it 10/10

Got to watch it too, devilishly funny.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on July 05, 2019, 12:59:42 AM
Hope you all had a good independence day.

For us it was a deliverance: gonna watch stranger things s3 tonight!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Minimalist on July 05, 2019, 01:53:32 AM
I've been binge-watching The Orville, Season 1.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on July 06, 2019, 07:01:35 AM
We finished half of season 3 of stranger things. Liking what I'm seeing so far. I bet we're going to finish this season before the weekend is through.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on July 06, 2019, 12:58:33 PM
On HBO they recently aired the first episode of Loudest Voice, a story about Roger Ailes of Fox News.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on July 08, 2019, 05:51:19 PM
2nd episode of The Loudest Voice was about 2001, leading up to the 9/11 and the beginning to the war in Iraq.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on July 09, 2019, 01:45:50 AM
Quote from: Sal1981 on July 08, 2019, 05:51:19 PM
2nd episode of The Loudest Voice was about 2001, leading up to the 9/11 and the beginning to the war in Iraq.

Probably ugly truths.  I remember 2001, and how the George W admin exploited it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on July 09, 2019, 04:25:47 AM
Stranger things S3 was amazing. Few minor plot holes, but amazing.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on July 09, 2019, 11:02:23 AM
Quote from: Baruch on July 09, 2019, 01:45:50 AM
Probably ugly truths.  I remember 2001, and how the George W admin exploited it.
Well, no spoilers here, but the episode didn't paint a pretty picture.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on July 09, 2019, 03:59:43 PM
Quote from: Sal1981 on July 09, 2019, 11:02:23 AM
Well, no spoilers here, but the episode didn't paint a pretty picture.

Before or after Dick Cheney shot that guy in the face?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on July 10, 2019, 01:19:25 PM
That wasn't in the episode.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on July 10, 2019, 02:17:30 PM
Dark is shaping up well.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on July 16, 2019, 07:38:38 PM
3rd episode of The Loudest Voice is about the 2008 election displayed a quite grim duplicitous nature of Roger Ailes. There is a telling scene where Roger tells about a story about his own father to his son, that you can't trust anyone, but in the ending of the episode you see Roger talk to a crowd about the usual bullshit narrative about immigrants taking our jobs and that "we have to stand together" and all that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on July 17, 2019, 01:11:30 AM
Dark season 1 turned out very well. Wil watch s2.
Recommend it to anyone with Netflix.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on July 17, 2019, 01:14:07 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on July 17, 2019, 01:11:30 AM
Dark season 1 turned out very well. Wil watch s2.
Recommend it to anyone with Netflix.

Just started it a night ago, on episode 5 now. I just want to know more, but work and a life keep on getting in the way of me just fully binging it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 20, 2019, 09:49:16 PM

Eisenhorn.  Another book series I've been meaning to read.

I tend to prefer the Heresy and Xenos-centric books, so not my normal cup of tea, but it'll suffice.

Besides, I make two films better than Ultramarines every morning in my bathroom, so my bar is set pretty low.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on July 21, 2019, 02:06:00 AM
How do you all feel about the live action avatar the last Airbender show being in the making.
Unless the creators bring new content, I'm like: why?
And if they want to change the story, I'm like: why?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 21, 2019, 10:08:04 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on July 21, 2019, 02:06:00 AM
How do you all feel about the live action avatar the last Airbender show being in the making.
Unless the creators bring new content, I'm like: why?
And if they want to change the story, I'm like: why?

Well, the original creators are the ones making it, so it wont be as bad as the live-action movie was. I'll give it a chance, especially since Nickelodeon stopped playing the original on TV to make more room for their sponge show.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on July 21, 2019, 11:58:19 AM
A new Westworld season 3 trailer is out:
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on July 21, 2019, 06:27:21 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on July 21, 2019, 10:08:04 AM
Well, the original creators are the ones making it, so it wont be as bad as the live-action movie was. I'll give it a chance, especially since Nickelodeon stopped playing the original on TV to make more room for their sponge show.

Oh, I'll give it a shot too.
I'm just, 'why?'
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 21, 2019, 06:56:49 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on July 21, 2019, 06:27:21 PM
Oh, I'll give it a shot too.
I'm just, 'why?'

Yeah, I dunno. I outgrew the idea that liveaction is inherently superior to animation years ago. Avatar:The Last Airbender had a distinctly anime-ish style, and they made very good use of it to enhance the show's comedic moments. What would have made more sense to me would have been to have a show following a different avatar, such as Roku. Then they could have new stories, new characters, etc.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 21, 2019, 08:57:02 PM
Quote from: Sal1981 on July 21, 2019, 11:58:19 AM
A new Westworld season 3 trailer is out:

Now, you know, you've condemned me to watch 8 hours of trailer breakdowns and theories, right?  Aw, who am I kidding.  Probably more like 32 hours.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 22, 2019, 12:15:55 AM
Troi and Riker are coming back on TV in Star Trek: Picard.  Fact or fiction?


Kirk is also scheduled to have a cameo.  Fact or fiction?

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 24, 2019, 01:06:55 PM
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 24, 2019, 05:38:35 PM

doom do ddoom ddooo ddooooOOM!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on July 25, 2019, 09:25:18 AM
Finally in the "Legion" TV show, Legion revealed himself, only took 3 seasons and 24 episodes.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on July 29, 2019, 07:12:05 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on July 24, 2019, 01:06:55 PM

Well, and I was about to let my Netflix membership lapse... scratch that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on July 30, 2019, 06:50:00 PM
5th episode of The Loudest Voice is the 2012 re-election to 2014. Shows Roger Ailes as losing his mind and paying off a mistress he abused for $3.5m and his media relations aid for $8m of 17 years. Now he's surrounded by merely yes-men at the end of 2014.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Draconic Aiur on July 30, 2019, 06:50:27 PM
Saw this show called The Boys, pretty good. 8/10
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on August 06, 2019, 12:09:16 PM
Quote from: Draconic Aiur on July 30, 2019, 06:50:27 PM
Saw this show called The Boys, pretty good. 8/10

Saw the first ep, liked it, so now I'm reading the comic first.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on August 06, 2019, 05:51:03 PM
Have you guys seen 'After Life'?

Not giving any hint or even an actor name. It calmed me. It's dead warmed up and cuddly.   
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 12, 2019, 08:42:16 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on August 06, 2019, 05:51:03 PM
Have you guys seen 'After Life'?

Not giving any hint or even an actor name. It calmed me. It's dead warmed up and cuddly.

The last couple of episodes of Dragonball Super are coming next Saturday.  Silly show, but I'm addicted...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 12, 2019, 11:50:34 PM
I've been rewatching Final Space.  It really is an amazing, amazing show.

It's one of those scifi action-comedy shows we've all seen a million times over, but this one is different, and it's difficult for me to explain how.  It takes familiar scifi tropes but tweaks them just enough to feel unique and pairs it with a surprisingly deep character arc.

It kinda falls flat as a comedy, because most of the gags are dumb and don't really land.  It also feels like the show is missing about a season's worth of backstory, and Gary's voice acting is still horrifically grating.  But the visuals are good, there's a steady progression of worldbuilding, plenty of colorful characters, good action, etc.

The thing that sets it apart is that pretty regularly in the first season, there are some serious WHAM episodes.  Major pathos.  This is the only show I've seen that has me chuckling at something one minute and on the verge of tears the next.

More episodes.  I need more episodes!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 13, 2019, 12:54:10 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on August 12, 2019, 11:50:34 PM
I've been rewatching Final Space.  It really is an amazing, amazing show.

It's one of those scifi action-comedy shows we've all seen a million times over, but this one is different, and it's difficult for me to explain how.  It takes familiar scifi tropes but tweaks them just enough to feel unique and pairs it with a surprisingly deep character arc.

It kinda falls flat as a comedy, because most of the gags are dumb and don't really land.  It also feels like the show is missing about a season's worth of backstory, and Gary's voice acting is still horrifically grating.  But the visuals are good, there's a steady progression of worldbuilding, plenty of colorful characters, good action, etc.

The thing that sets it apart is that pretty regularly in the first season, there are some serious WHAM episodes.  Major pathos.  This is the only show I've seen that has me chuckling at something one minute and on the verge of tears the next.

More episodes.  I need more episodes!

Where can it be viewed?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on August 13, 2019, 02:41:59 PM
The final episode of Legion is quite interesting.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 14, 2019, 11:44:00 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on August 13, 2019, 12:54:10 AM
Where can it be viewed?
TBS.  Or the usual streaming services.

On a related note, I'm all caught up and let me tell ya, that latest WHAM episode had me like:

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 15, 2019, 02:08:56 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on August 14, 2019, 11:44:00 PM
TBS.  Or the usual streaming services.

On a related note, I'm all caught up and let me tell ya, that latest WHAM episode had me like:


Well, I'm enjoying Archer and Dragonball Super.  They aren't anything alike, but I get a kick from each.  Sterling Archer cracks me up as a spy-spoof.  His basic strategy is do the need of the moment and trust the next problem to be solvable of the fly.  Mother is weird and I love the way she mostly just drinks all day.  But when things get rough, she is very skilled.  The other characters are equally weird in their own ways.  Sterling once said he always just trusts to luck. 

I think that because that is so opposite from my experience that he fascinates me.

And then there is Dragonball Super.  I've been watching iterations of this series for a decade at least.  The animation is poor (very repetitive and still at times).  It drives me to laughter seeing some of the characters just alternately breath heavily and change head colors.  But there is something about it that makes me keep watching.  I suppose it is the changing opponents. 

In comic books and the movies from them, it is always the same old villains over and over again.  In dragonball, they keep coming up with new ones.  And sometimes the villains even become allies.  You don't see that very often!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on August 15, 2019, 03:23:00 AM
I'm waiting for Rick and Morty's 4th season.

I have seen Good Omens lately, I liked it. It was really good.

Also I read that a group of Christians made petition and asked Netflix to stop the blasphemy while it is an Amazon series. So it is worth to watch just because of that, lol.   

Has anyone seen the Blacklist series? I hear it is good.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on August 15, 2019, 03:49:02 AM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on August 15, 2019, 03:23:00 AM
I'm waiting for Rick and Morty's 4th season.

I have seen Good Omens lately, I liked it. It was really good.

Also I read that a group of Christians made petition and asked Netflix to stop the blasphemy while it is an Amazon series. So it is worth to watch just because of that, lol.   

Has anyone seen the Blacklist series? I hear it is good.

My English ancestors were nearby to the neighborhood in Lancaster what inspired (very loosely) Good Omens.  Pendle Witch Trial of 1612.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 15, 2019, 12:59:52 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on August 15, 2019, 03:23:00 AM
I'm waiting for Rick and Morty's 4th season.

I have seen Good Omens lately, I liked it. It was really good.

Also I read that a group of Christians made petition and asked Netflix to stop the blasphemy while it is an Amazon series. So it is worth to watch just because of that, lol.   

Has anyone seen the Blacklist series? I hear it is good.

It's only been 3 seasons?  Seems like 10.  And yes, I love that disgusting drooling misanthropic bastard...  But I love to watch it the way I would love to see the 2 biggest bullies from High School actually kill each other. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on August 15, 2019, 01:59:30 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on August 15, 2019, 12:59:52 PM
It's only been 3 seasons?  Seems like 10.  And yes, I love that disgusting drooling misanthropic bastard...  But I love to watch it the way I would love to see the 2 biggest bullies from High School actually kill each other.

Rick & Morty channels some good shit.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 15, 2019, 02:49:36 PM
Quote from: Baruch on August 15, 2019, 01:59:30 PM
Rick & Morty channels some good shit.

I think my TV Guide on Fios has a sense of humor.  Almost every episode is described "Jerry and Beth discuss marital problems.  Summer has issues".  OK, they could be lazy.  They call 'Archer' a children's show.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on August 18, 2019, 11:45:26 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on August 15, 2019, 02:08:56 AMAnd then there is Dragonball Super.  I've been watching iterations of this series for a decade at least.  The animation is poor (very repetitive and still at times).  It drives me to laughter seeing some of the characters just alternately breath heavily and change head colors.  But there is something about it that makes me keep watching.  I suppose it is the changing opponents.

Dragon Ball Z, in its prime, was actually pretty revolutionary. Before then, anime fights were a bunch of still frames. DBZ had actual choreography. They still cheated by padding out the run time with long, quiet stare downs, and powering up scenes, to save them money on animation, but when they actually got to the fights, it was exciting stuff. Basically every Shonen anime after imitates DBZ, sometimes improving on it (My Hero Academia), and sometimes just kinda trying too hard to be DBZ (Yu Yu Hakusho).

For many in America, DBZ on Toonami was their gateway drug to anime. We had anime before, but it never really took off until DBZ blew up in popularity.

While I enjoy Super, it does feel like there is something missing from it. Unlike GT, Super is actually written by the original author, Toriyama, but just with a bare outline. TOEI fills in the blanks to make the anime, and Toyotaro does his own thing with the manga. And that's another thing. Usually the manga comes first, and then the anime adapts it into animation. In this case, they're more like alternate universes to each other, and the manga had been way behind.

For some reason, TOEI feels the need to keep adding these transformations to the story, which aren't explained and don't even do anything. Trunks had that Super Saiyan Rage, or whatever they call it. They never explained what it was, how he did it, or even gave it a name in the anime. Trunks didn't even do anything with the transformation. Usually with these transformations, you see the character kick ass when it first appears, but not in this case. Same with Vegeta's new transformation from last week (in the dub).  It's supposedly a level higher than Blue, but it isn't Super Saiyan Blue 2. It's not explained, it's not named in the anime (outside, it's officially named Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Evolution, as if SSGSS wasn't long enough), and it does absolutely nothing. It's like TOEI thinks we've got short attention spans, and can't go a few episodes without a shiny new hairstyle.

Another problem with Super is a lack of real stakes. Because it takes place in between the time skip at the end of Z, you know everyone is going to be okay. In Super, they don't even try to hide it. Piccolo dies, they have him wished back to life offscreen. No big deal. Compare that to DBZ. Raditz shows up, Goku sacrifices himself to kill him. Of course, Piccolo knows the others will use the Dragon Balls to bring him back, but that attracts the attention of Vegeta and Nappa. While they're waiting for Goku to show up, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, and Tien die. Chiaotzu and Tien had already been revived with the Dragon Balls, so they can't be wished back. Then Piccolo dies, which means they don't even have Dragon Balls any more. There was a lot more tension in DBZ.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 18, 2019, 09:46:20 PM


He actually returned a while ago in the comics, and the new animated movie took the basics of the first comic and went off in a completely new plotline.

The good stuff: faithful recreation in the original zim spirit, wacky hijinks galore, great gags, great visuals, quite the nostalgic trip!  It hit all the right notes to make a worthy addition to ZIM!

The bad stuff: two glaringly missing elements: the horror and the satire.  In the original run, society is figuratively and literally nightmarish.  So you'd have stuff like schoolkids used as free labor to sell candy bars made out of sawdust under the threat that low sellers' parents would be instructed to love them less.

It was miserable and hilarious in equal measure, and it allowed the show to work on two levels.  On the a surface level, a simple comedy.  And on the deeper level, subversive humor and scathing criticisms of society, particularly subservience to authority and corporate greed.

Also, characters have now explicitly stated their intentions or feelings - stuff that was ambiguous before.  I think it should've been kept ambiguous, it made for interesting theory-fodder.

The stuff I'm unsure about: Gaz's personality has been completely reworked.

In the original run, she was a true force of nature - obsessed with video games and pizza and disdainful of mundane concerns.  Every moment sidetracked from her hobbies is torturous to her and she proved to be super skilled at a lot of things, but totally uninterested in pursuing those talents except to resume her hobbies.

Now, she's more or less a normal kid who dislikes dib and dib's activities, but nonetheless helps out.  She's even cheerful at times, which is so unlike TV Gaz that I originally thought it might've been an error or the setup for a big twist.

The good thing about this is it makes her less one-note and more well-rounded.  The bad thing is that I actually really enjoyed Gaz's uber-cynicism.  She wasn't the most pleasant person in the world, but she was driven and mostly independent, and I respect that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: josephpalazzo on August 19, 2019, 02:17:28 PM
Anyone watched the last episode of Successions? Logan Roy, one badass...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on August 22, 2019, 06:41:42 PM
Watching The Righteous Gemstones, 1st episode. It's pretty fun take on televangelists.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on August 22, 2019, 06:51:47 PM
I just watched the trailer, and it looks pretty good.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on August 22, 2019, 07:06:39 PM
Quote from: Unbeliever on August 22, 2019, 06:51:47 PM
I just watched the trailer, and it looks pretty good.
It's quite hilarious. Not seen the end yet, but I recommend it. Debauchery and degeneracy abound.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 23, 2019, 10:56:19 PM

Two words:  Pedro Pascal (Oberyn Martell)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 23, 2019, 11:42:33 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on August 18, 2019, 11:45:26 AM
Dragon Ball Z, in its prime, was actually pretty revolutionary. Before then, anime fights were a bunch of still frames. DBZ had actual choreography. They still cheated by padding out the run time with long, quiet stare downs, and powering up scenes, to save them money on animation, but when they actually got to the fights, it was exciting stuff. Basically every Shonen anime after imitates DBZ, sometimes improving on it (My Hero Academia), and sometimes just kinda trying too hard to be DBZ (Yu Yu Hakusho).

For many in America, DBZ on Toonami was their gateway drug to anime. We had anime before, but it never really took off until DBZ blew up in popularity.

While I enjoy Super, it does feel like there is something missing from it. Unlike GT, Super is actually written by the original author, Toriyama, but just with a bare outline. TOEI fills in the blanks to make the anime, and Toyotaro does his own thing with the manga. And that's another thing. Usually the manga comes first, and then the anime adapts it into animation. In this case, they're more like alternate universes to each other, and the manga had been way behind.

For some reason, TOEI feels the need to keep adding these transformations to the story, which aren't explained and don't even do anything. Trunks had that Super Saiyan Rage, or whatever they call it. They never explained what it was, how he did it, or even gave it a name in the anime. Trunks didn't even do anything with the transformation. Usually with these transformations, you see the character kick ass when it first appears, but not in this case. Same with Vegeta's new transformation from last week (in the dub).  It's supposedly a level higher than Blue, but it isn't Super Saiyan Blue 2. It's not explained, it's not named in the anime (outside, it's officially named Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Evolution, as if SSGSS wasn't long enough), and it does absolutely nothing. It's like TOEI thinks we've got short attention spans, and can't go a few episodes without a shiny new hairstyle.

Another problem with Super is a lack of real stakes. Because it takes place in between the time skip at the end of Z, you know everyone is going to be okay. In Super, they don't even try to hide it. Piccolo dies, they have him wished back to life offscreen. No big deal. Compare that to DBZ. Raditz shows up, Goku sacrifices himself to kill him. Of course, Piccolo knows the others will use the Dragon Balls to bring him back, but that attracts the attention of Vegeta and Nappa. While they're waiting for Goku to show up, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, and Tien die. Chiaotzu and Tien had already been revived with the Dragon Balls, so they can't be wished back. Then Piccolo dies, which means they don't even have Dragon Balls any more. There was a lot more tension in DBZ.

For me, Dragonball Super is just reaching the climax.  Tomorrow night may be the end, but anime can really drag things out.  There is still Jillian do be disposed of (I suspect Goku and Freiza will manage that with perhaps some help from Vegeta or Android 17).  I think the result will be that all Universes are returned somehow.  I really dislike those 2 obnoxious Emperor twins and a final wish that they be eliminated and all others returned would please me greatly.  Powers like them just annoy me too much and their childlike glee and simplicity is too theistic.

I've never watched the series enough to keep track of the characters who get killed and return.  In fact, I've kind of wondered why Buu wasn't in the Super contests. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on August 24, 2019, 08:01:55 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on August 23, 2019, 11:42:33 PM
For me, Dragonball Super is just reaching the climax.  Tomorrow night may be the end, but anime can really drag things out.  There is still Jillian do be disposed of (I suspect Goku and Freiza will manage that with perhaps some help from Vegeta or Android 17).  I think the result will be that all Universes are returned somehow.  I really dislike those 2 obnoxious Emperor twins and a final wish that they be eliminated and all others returned would please me greatly.  Powers like them just annoy me too much and their childlike glee and simplicity is too theistic.

I've never watched the series enough to keep track of the characters who get killed and return.  In fact, I've kind of wondered why Buu wasn't in the Super contests.

Super still has quite a few weeks of episodes left to go in the English dub. It goes into Frieza time towards the end, where the time limit just ceases to matter. Thirty minute episodes for one minute of in-universe time. That was one of the most disappointing things about the tournament to me. The rule about the universe with the most men standing turns out not to matter. It devolves into the typical good guys versus bad guy thing.

There's actually a fan theory that the Zenos are supposed to represent the Dragon Ball fan base. Easily excited, yet easily offended. The fate of the Dragon Ball universe rests on their entertainment.

Buu isn't in the tournament because he fell asleep. Again. They did the same thing in the last tournament; have him fall asleep and be unable to wake up. In the advertising, they showed Buu in the lineup, only to pull a fast one and replace him with Frieza at the last minute. I turned out to enjoy Frieza a lot, so I'm glad he's back, but I wish they'd stop giving Buu the shaft. Super was Buu's chance to shine as a hero, but he's been worthless every time the Earth is in danger.

After the Tournament of Power is over, I recommend the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie. It's canonically the next part of the story, and looks to be all we'll get until the next movie comes out (most likely in late 2020). It's sort of a reboot for the Broly movies, bringing the character into canon. It's well written by Dragon Ball standards, and beautifully animated. It also has actual tension, since the drama is centered on Broly rather than Goku and the others. Broly isn't in the End of Z, so we don't know what will happen to him.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 24, 2019, 08:24:29 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on August 24, 2019, 08:01:55 AM
Super still has quite a few weeks of episodes left to go in the English dub. It goes into Frieza time towards the end, where the time limit just ceases to matter. Thirty minute episodes for one minute of in-universe time. That was one of the most disappointing things about the tournament to me. The rule about the universe with the most men standing turns out not to matter. It devolves into the typical good guys versus bad guy thing.

There's actually a fan theory that the Zenos are supposed to represent the Dragon Ball fan base. Easily excited, yet easily offended. The fate of the Dragon Ball universe rests on their entertainment.

Buu isn't in the tournament because he fell asleep. Again. They did the same thing in the last tournament; have him fall asleep and be unable to wake up. In the advertising, they showed Buu in the lineup, only to pull a fast one and replace him with Frieza at the last minute. I turned out to enjoy Frieza a lot, so I'm glad he's back, but I wish they'd stop giving Buu the shaft. Super was Buu's chance to shine as a hero, but he's been worthless every time the Earth is in danger.

After the Tournament of Power is over, I recommend the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie. It's canonically the next part of the story, and looks to be all we'll get until the next movie comes out (most likely in late 2020). It's sort of a reboot for the Broly movies, bringing the character into canon. It's well written by Dragon Ball standards, and beautifully animated. It also has actual tension, since the drama is centered on Broly rather than Goku and the others. Broly isn't in the End of Z, so we don't know what will happen to him.

Thank you. I am now i more intestested than before.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on August 24, 2019, 05:13:56 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on August 18, 2019, 11:45:26 AM
Dragon Ball Z, in its prime, was actually pretty revolutionary. Before then, anime fights were a bunch of still frames. DBZ had actual choreography. They still cheated by padding out the run time with long, quiet stare downs, and powering up scenes, to save them money on animation, but when they actually got to the fights, it was exciting stuff.
"The planet's going to blow up in five minutes!"  (three 22-minute episodes later)  "The planet's going to blow up in four minutes!"

Friend of mine once outlined not a parody episode, but an entire 26-episode season, the sum total action of which was getting Goku out of bed and downstairs for breakfast.  As I recall, the shower was broken down into turning on the hot water, turning on the cold water, adjusting the final temperature, turning on the shower head, drawing back the shower curtain, and actually getting into the shower.  Hell, there's six episodes right there.

Season 2 would have been eating breakfast.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 24, 2019, 07:17:06 PM
Quote from: trdsf on August 24, 2019, 05:13:56 PM
"The planet's going to blow up in five minutes!"  (three 22-minute episodes later)  "The planet's going to blow up in four minutes!"

Friend of mine once outlined not a parody episode, but an entire 26-episode season, the sum total action of which was getting Goku out of bed and downstairs for breakfast.  As I recall, the shower was broken down into turning on the hot water, turning on the cold water, adjusting the final temperature, turning on the shower head, drawing back the shower curtain, and actually getting into the shower.  Hell, there's six episodes right there.

Season 2 would have been eating breakfast.

I completely agree that nothing happens fast in anime.  Which is way, I I Dragonball Super because there is some action.  But yeah, there is a lot of static non-movement. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on August 24, 2019, 09:35:45 PM
Quote from: trdsf on August 24, 2019, 05:13:56 PM
"The planet's going to blow up in five minutes!"  (three 22-minute episodes later)  "The planet's going to blow up in four minutes!"

Friend of mine once outlined not a parody episode, but an entire 26-episode season, the sum total action of which was getting Goku out of bed and downstairs for breakfast.  As I recall, the shower was broken down into turning on the hot water, turning on the cold water, adjusting the final temperature, turning on the shower head, drawing back the shower curtain, and actually getting into the shower.  Hell, there's six episodes right there.

Season 2 would have been eating breakfast.

The reason the final battle on Namek was so laughably long was they were running out of material to work with. A lot of anime run into this problem. Some anime abandon the source material and make stuff up (Full Metal Alchemist), some create filler, and sometimes they just stretch things out to bide for time. Nowadays, some of them take breaks, but that didn't seem to be the norm back then. The Garlic Jr. Saga, everyone's favorite arc to hate, was also spawned from this lack of material.

"What do we do now?"

"Uh, we could rehash one of the movies."
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 24, 2019, 11:21:50 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on August 24, 2019, 09:35:45 PM
The reason the final battle on Namek was so laughably long was they were running out of material to work with. A lot of anime run into this problem. Some anime abandon the source material and make stuff up (Full Metal Alchemist), some create filler, and sometimes they just stretch things out to bide for time. Nowadays, some of them take breaks, but that didn't seem to be the norm back then. The Garlic Jr. Saga, everyone's favorite arc to hate, was also spawned from this lack of material.

"What do we do now?"

"Uh, we could rehash one of the movies."

I used to LOVE Full Metal Alchemist.  The idea was great..
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on August 25, 2019, 01:19:20 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on August 24, 2019, 11:21:50 PM
I used to LOVE Full Metal Alchemist.  The idea was great..

I liked FMA too.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 25, 2019, 05:31:37 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on August 24, 2019, 07:17:06 PM
I completely agree that nothing happens fast in anime.
I dunno about that.  Some series have breakneck pacing, some drag things out, most are in between.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 26, 2019, 11:36:51 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on August 25, 2019, 05:31:37 PM
I dunno about that.  Some series have breakneck pacing, some drag things out, most are in between.

Can you name an anime where action moves fast?  I might watch it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 26, 2019, 11:59:40 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on August 26, 2019, 11:36:51 PM
Can you name an anime where action moves fast?  I might watch it.
It's hard to say exactly.  Most have at least few contemplative moments between battles, if not a beach episode.

From my own personal experienve, I'd say Gundam 00 or Kill-la-Kill are pretty solid for fast-paced battles.

Imo, literally anything probably has better pacing than DBZ.  It was a standout show in a lot of ways, but man, did it drag out its fights.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 27, 2019, 12:08:17 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on August 26, 2019, 11:59:40 PM
It's hard to say exactly.  Most have at least few contemplative moments between battles, if not a beach episode.

From my own personal experienve, I'd say Gundam 00 or Kill-la-Kill are pretty solid for fast-paced battles.

Imo, literally anything probably has better pacing than DBZ.  It was a standout show in a lot of ways, but man, did it drag out its fights.

I'll look for those 2.  And yeah, I've always complained that DBZ can really drag things out.  Dragonball Super is a bit better about that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on August 27, 2019, 01:17:37 AM
My hero academia has some pretty solid fights.
Shorter fights than dbz, too.

But they still get dragged out, definitely in the earlier episodes by flashing back to ten minutes ago.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 27, 2019, 01:38:47 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on August 27, 2019, 01:17:37 AM
My hero academia has some pretty solid fights.
Shorter fights than dbz, too.

But they still get dragged out, definitely in the earlier episodes by flashing back to ten minutes ago.

What about that one with the naked titans?  I've tended to skip it but saw one episode where they mostly explained all about it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on August 27, 2019, 01:43:40 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on August 27, 2019, 01:38:47 AM
What about that one with the naked titans?  I've tended to skip it but saw one episode where they mostly explained all about it.

Never watched that,  premise was too silly, even for me.
I understand the nime is trying to present itself serious and gritty and horrifying.
I just can't watch even à commercial without thinking: wow, this is dumb.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 27, 2019, 01:55:51 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on August 27, 2019, 01:43:40 AM
Never watched that,  premise was too silly, even for me.
I understand the nime is trying to present itself serious and gritty and horrifying.
I just can't watch even à commercial without thinking: wow, this is dumb.

I understand.  But when one episode explained that there were 2 groups on the world and the minority was made into mindless titans when injected with something and the other group was trying to make the minority scary, it started to make a "little sense".  I haven't watched it since then though.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on August 27, 2019, 02:01:49 AM
Recently enjoyed I,My, Me Strawberry Egg.  Or is that TMI?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 27, 2019, 03:15:31 AM
Quote from: Baruch on August 27, 2019, 02:01:49 AM
Recently enjoyed I,My, Me Strawberry Egg.  Or is that TMI?

OK, that one was WAY out there.  Good work.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on August 27, 2019, 07:58:45 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on August 27, 2019, 03:15:31 AM
OK, that one was WAY out there.  Good work.

Anime is way out there, in many directions.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 27, 2019, 04:42:45 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on August 27, 2019, 01:38:47 AM
What about that one with the naked titans?  I've tended to skip it but saw one episode where they mostly explained all about it.
That show is my jam.  It basically drip-feeds you lore and character backstories.  However, season 3 feels like they just plow through all the secrets when they were few and far between before then.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 27, 2019, 04:50:38 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on August 27, 2019, 01:43:40 AM
Never watched that,  premise was too silly, even for me.
I understand the nime is trying to present itself serious and gritty and horrifying.
I just can't watch even a commercial without thinking: wow, this is dumb.
It absolutely is an absurd premise, but the story is remarkably self-consistent.  I try to visualize it as an alternate history, so its conventions make sense to someone in that world, not someone in our world.

I approach it the same way as I would approach a zombie show - it's an unscientific, unrealistic premise and you either roll with that or change the channel.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 27, 2019, 11:33:29 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on August 27, 2019, 04:42:45 PM
That show is my jam.  It basically drip-feeds you lore and character backstories.  However, season 3 feels like they just plow through all the secrets when they were few and far between before then.

Yeah, the small amount of information was very interesting and intriguing.  And I can see possibilities if I followed it.  But quite frankly, I would rather that they reshowed Cowboy BeBop, .hack//Sign, and Ghost In The Shell.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 28, 2019, 06:37:42 PM
Speaking of 90s nostalgia, I've been rewatching Exosquad.

It was a standout hit and fairly gritty military science fiction, especially for the target audience.  And more character deaths than most Newberry books, lol.

But the most striking thing about it was the hilariously garish fashion choice of this futuristic society:


Pretty much everyone wears tight-fitting clothing (often with shoulder pads) painted in a seemingly random mish-mash of bright hues.  Hairstyles are equally comedic; long locks of hair paired with shaved undercuts, mullets, and what I can only assume was the inspiration for Butters' hair.

It is the most unintentionally funny thing I've seen in a long, long time: fabulous fashion clashing gloriously with the carnage of war.

Oh, and the heroes straight up murder their adversaries with little/no emotion:
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on August 29, 2019, 06:41:17 AM
The 1st episode of The Righteous Gemstones was hilarious and entertaining, but the 2nd episode seemed to fall flat on its face, not to mention that it was only an half hour long episode. IDK, maybe I just expected more from it, given the pilot episode.

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 31, 2019, 02:03:15 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on August 28, 2019, 06:37:42 PM
Speaking of 90s nostalgia, I've been rewatching Exosquad.

It was a standout hit and fairly gritty military science fiction, especially for the target audience.  And more character deaths than most Newberry books, lol.

But the most striking thing about it was the hilariously garish fashion choice of this futuristic society:

Pretty much everyone wears tight-fitting clothing (often with shoulder pads) painted in a seemingly random mish-mash of bright hues.  Hairstyles are equally comedic; long locks of hair paired with shaved undercuts, mullets, and what I can only assume was the inspiration for Butters' hair.

It is the most unintentionally funny thing I've seen in a long, long time: fabulous fashion clashing gloriously with the carnage of war.

Oh, and the heroes straight up murder their adversaries with little/no emotion:

The artwork looks familiar, especially the hair.  What should it be reminding me of?  I can't get my memory to identify it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on August 31, 2019, 05:40:16 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on August 31, 2019, 02:03:15 AM
The artwork looks familiar, especially the hair.  What should it be reminding me of?  I can't get my memory to identify it.

Looks like pretty much every other 90s cartoon. lol
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on August 31, 2019, 06:08:24 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on August 31, 2019, 05:40:16 PM
Looks like pretty much every other 90s cartoon. lol

No, I think there is someome specific behind it.  Its like recognizing character voices.  Well, they could just be good copiers.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on September 01, 2019, 05:31:03 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on August 31, 2019, 02:03:15 AM
The artwork looks familiar, especially the hair.  What should it be reminding me of?  I can't get my memory to identify it.

Reminds me of x-men, the old cartoon

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cavebear on September 03, 2019, 06:09:31 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on September 01, 2019, 05:31:03 AM
Reminds me of x-men, the old cartoon


Something else.  A hint of Futurama, but not exactly that.  I'll see it somewhere and recognize it.  I catch voice artists the same way sometimes. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 06, 2019, 12:24:31 AM

Had a miniture conniption today reading about this.  Maybe it's nothing in this case, but in general, changing the number of episodes can have a big impact on the pacing of the story as well as the quality of the story.  Less episodes does not necessarily mean higher quality!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on September 06, 2019, 01:24:44 PM
I have been watching Coupling today, after I have no idea...decades after its time. It's either the show has aged well or I have aged badly. Don't care, it is still funny.   
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 20, 2019, 08:46:00 PM

I want to watch this show so bad.

Also, if you don't reflexively do the fist-over-the-chest salute while listening to this song, you're probably in league with the titans.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on September 20, 2019, 10:07:28 PM
Since the Japanese love swords and aren't Woke ... this anime may be a reincarnation of Star Wars Clone Wars.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on September 21, 2019, 01:12:30 AM
Re-watching the original 'The Prisoner'.  Still amazing.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on September 21, 2019, 03:38:26 AM
Quote from: trdsf on September 21, 2019, 01:12:30 AM
Re-watching the original 'The Prisoner'.  Still amazing.

Would love the security bubbles to discipline our public officials.  The dialog today seems as deranged as in that show.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mike Cl on September 21, 2019, 09:27:19 AM
Quote from: trdsf on September 21, 2019, 01:12:30 AM
Re-watching the original 'The Prisoner'.  Still amazing.
I had forgotten that one.  I liked it then.  Wonder if I'd like it now.  I really liked Patrick McGoohan in anything he was in, including Secret Agent.  And that TV show's theme song is a real earworm!  I just thought of that show and the theme song just popped into my head--and now it is stuck there!  Well, shit........................
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on September 21, 2019, 02:48:36 PM
Quote from: Mike Cl on September 21, 2019, 09:27:19 AM
I had forgotten that one.  I liked it then.  Wonder if I'd like it now.  I really liked Patrick McGoohan in anything he was in, including Secret Agent.  And that TV show's theme song is a real earworm!  I just thought of that show and the theme song just popped into my head--and now it is stuck there!  Well, shit........................
Ron Grainer was the artist of British TV show themes.  He's also responsible for the Doctor Who theme, although even he wasn't ready for what Delia Derbyshire and the Radiophonic Workshop did with it.  Upon first hearing it, he asked, "Did I write that?" to which she answered, "Most of it." (  When you realize that it was done before the invention of the synthesizer, by manually editing bits of magnetic tape together, her accomplishment is even more amazing.

For my money, the Derbyshire realization of the Doctor Who theme remains the definitive one, particularly as finalized in the late Pertwee and most of the Tom Baker years.  I'm not a big fan of the more orchestrated versions; it should be otherworldly.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mike Cl on September 21, 2019, 05:29:30 PM
Quote from: trdsf on September 21, 2019, 02:48:36 PM
Ron Grainer was the artist of British TV show themes.  He's also responsible for the Doctor Who theme, although even he wasn't ready for what Delia Derbyshire and the Radiophonic Workshop did with it.  Upon first hearing it, he asked, "Did I write that?" to which she answered, "Most of it." (  When you realize that it was done before the invention of the synthesizer, by manually editing bits of magnetic tape together, her accomplishment is even more amazing.

For my money, the Derbyshire realization of the Doctor Who theme remains the definitive one, particularly as finalized in the late Pertwee and most of the Tom Baker years.  I'm not a big fan of the more orchestrated versions; it should be otherworldly.
Somehow, some way, I have not even seen a single episode of that show.  But I listened to that there song and I really like it.  How did I miss that show????
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on September 21, 2019, 07:04:46 PM
Quote from: Mike Cl on September 21, 2019, 05:29:30 PM
Somehow, some way, I have not even seen a single episode of that show.  But I listened to that there song and I really like it.  How did I miss that show????

What the hell is wrong with you! ;-)  The first series with the first Doctor is a good place to begin.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mike Cl on September 21, 2019, 07:06:37 PM
Quote from: Baruch on September 21, 2019, 07:04:46 PM
What the hell is wrong with you! ;-)  The first series with the first Doctor is a good place to begin.
I've been trying to figure that out for decades now.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on September 22, 2019, 12:05:30 AM
Quote from: Mike Cl on September 21, 2019, 05:29:30 PM
Somehow, some way, I have not even seen a single episode of that show.  But I listened to that there song and I really like it.  How did I miss that show????
I dunno.  For most of us, the gateway drug was showings of the classic series on PBS stations in the 70s and 80s.  I was lucky to have three different PBS stations on our local cable network; I caught one serial on Friday night on Channel 27, and a different one on Sunday on channel 56.  The actual local PBS station, channel 30, didn't carry Doctor Who.  But most of it's out there somewhere to be seen.  I can provide a list of recommended episodes for each Doctor... striking out at random might lead to disappointments like 'The Gunfighters' or 'Kill the Moon'.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mike Cl on September 22, 2019, 09:34:43 AM
Quote from: trdsf on September 22, 2019, 12:05:30 AM
I dunno.  For most of us, the gateway drug was showings of the classic series on PBS stations in the 70s and 80s.  I was lucky to have three different PBS stations on our local cable network; I caught one serial on Friday night on Channel 27, and a different one on Sunday on channel 56.  The actual local PBS station, channel 30, didn't carry Doctor Who.  But most of it's out there somewhere to be seen.  I can provide a list of recommended episodes for each Doctor... striking out at random might lead to disappointments like 'The Gunfighters' or 'Kill the Moon'.
I'll google some early YouTube episodes.  If...................I can tear myself away from the 10th play thru of FO4. :))
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on September 22, 2019, 11:07:11 AM
Quote from: Mike Cl on September 22, 2019, 09:34:43 AM
I'll google some early YouTube episodes.  If...................I can tear myself away from the 10th play thru of FO4. :))

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 22, 2019, 06:18:57 PM
Quote from: Mike Cl on September 21, 2019, 05:29:30 PM
Somehow, some way, I have not even seen a single episode of that show.  But I listened to that there song and I really like it.  How did I miss that show????
Unpopular opinion: start with the revival (series 1, circa 2005).  So you'd be starting with the 9th Doctor and the episode entitled "Rose"

Not gonna lie, there are some stinkers every now and then, but by and large, it's a brilliant show.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on September 23, 2019, 03:11:45 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on September 22, 2019, 06:18:57 PM
Unpopular opinion: start with the revival (series 1, circa 2005).  So you'd be starting with the 9th Doctor and the episode entitled "Rose"

Not gonna lie, there are some stinkers every now and then, but by and large, it's a brilliant show.
I'd suggest starting with some Tom Baker or Jon Pertwee episodes.  But 'Rose' is a good episode to start with.  Most of the Eccleston year is pretty strong, arguably the single strongest season since the year Douglas Adams was script editor (1979), or the season the original Master was introduced (1971).
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on September 23, 2019, 05:20:03 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on September 22, 2019, 06:18:57 PM
Unpopular opinion: start with the revival (series 1, circa 2005).  So you'd be starting with the 9th Doctor and the episode entitled "Rose"

Not gonna lie, there are some stinkers every now and then, but by and large, it's a brilliant show.

Started with the revival, I enjoyed the first few episodes but was never hooked.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 23, 2019, 09:26:08 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on September 23, 2019, 05:20:03 AM
Started with the revival, I enjoyed the first few episodes but was never hooked.

Nah, the show had me at first Bad Wolf.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on September 28, 2019, 02:05:27 PM
The Politician. I have just started. It's the new Netflix teen soap with political ambition. It is so disgustingly funny, I can't look away now.

QuoteYour generation got the terrible idea that it was best to vomit every thought and feeling all over each other. It's a pandemic of overcommunication that's led to an absence of intimacy.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on September 28, 2019, 02:16:08 PM
Quote from: Mike Cl on September 21, 2019, 07:06:37 PM
I've been trying to figure that out for decades now.

You'd love that show, Mike. It's wholesome, original and also the source of inspiration for lots of things you know and more famous than itself. You can start from the very beginning or with the new ones, don't think too much about it. You'll enjoy them differently. It's actually a bigger cult than star wars, don't listen them. LOL
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on September 28, 2019, 03:54:30 PM
I have missed so many episodes, even the partial episode clips are fresh to me.  Some of the story arcs with "companions" are quite sad though.  Think of Dr Who as a transmogrification of the Cold War for British children, as Star Trek was a transmogrification for American children.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 28, 2019, 07:46:02 PM
Have you guys ever seen any of those 4K/HD remakes of old(ish) TV intros?  Cause they are mindblowing.

I'm sitting here like Morty experiencing true level.

"Everything's crooked!  I want to go back!  I can't live like this, I can't live like this.  LAMBS TO THE COSMIC SLAUGHTER!"
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on October 20, 2019, 05:09:17 PM
I've been, in October fashion, buying a couple horror movies and TV shows, and brought, because I never watched it before, American horror stories, season 1.

It's pretty good, the actors are pretty decent, the story writing can be fun, if a little head scratching at times, but you need to suspend your disbelief for a horror based series.

Also, why wasn't I made aware of Dylan McDermott before this, bloody hell his man is hot, and he was in his late 40s early 50s when they started this series?!

He's freaking dreamy!

update: Seriously, this guy was 57 years old in this video here?!!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 26, 2019, 12:01:41 AM
Recently, DC put out another showcase (  This time, they showcased DEATH, everyone's favorite perky goth.


It was surprisingly good little short about a struggling artist and the love of his life.  Let's just say that things get heated.

Go watch it now.  You'll have the time of your life.  You know I did.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on October 26, 2019, 02:34:32 AM
Catedral del Mar, Netflix

So far, I give it a very high 9/10. It takes place in 1300s Barcelona, and follows the story of a serf/citizen stone carrier during the construction of the cathedral. Of course it is highly dramatized, and it takes place during a very dark time in Barcelona's history; despite being at the peak of their power it's also a time when the aristocracy had far too much power (which lead to famine), the plague struck and war was a regular occurrence.

It is in Spanish, but one benefit of that is it is a truly "Spanish" production; it's not a Spanish film trying to be an American drama, but a Spanish film exploring the extremely horrible conditions and social structures of feudal Espana... and it does not shy away from depicting the physical and mental trauma of living in such an era.

Really great series so far, halfway done so we will see what the second half brings.

Also on my to watch list is, "Casa de Papel" (Bank Heist being the English title)... a modern-day bank heist series set in Madrid which, again, is meant to appeal both to Spanish culture rather than American generic as well has found mass appeal across the Mediterranean and Latin America due to it's condemnation of abusive capitalism. It's become one of the most streamed series on Netflix.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on November 04, 2019, 08:32:08 PM
I just saw this episode of The Amazing World of Gumball called "The choices." It is one of the greatest episodes in cartoon history, IMO. The premise is pretty simple. The mother of the main protagonist, Nicole, is driven to the point of insanity by her chaotic children and husband. So she tries to imagine how different her life would have been if she never met her husband, going through every possible scenario of that day. The ending is what really drives it home, though. They manage to balance humor with heartwarming tearjerkers. While I, and probably most of their young audience don't have families, I imagine the ending is very relatable to those who do. The show in general seems like it was written for adults, but was made PG so that kids could watch it, and I absolutely love it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on November 06, 2019, 03:28:08 AM
Just started Syfy/Amazon's, "The Expanse", apparently based off of a Hugo award nominated series of the same name.

It's been really good so far; some hints of the Terrans from StarCraft, some noir/hardboil investigator themes, Cold War themes between Earth and Mars (with the "Belters" [asteroid belt miners living much like how we treated our miners on Earth a hundred+ years ago] as a sort of third-party proxy), very high quality production...

I was just starting to get into Casa de Papel, but I think I might restart that series once I finish The Expanse. It's been years since I've really watched a sci-fi series or even read a sci-fi book, whereas my entire life up till about 24 was almost exclusively sci-fi stuff. The fouth season comes out this December.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on November 06, 2019, 03:31:56 AM
I've seen a couple of episodes of The Expanse, can recommend.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 06, 2019, 08:46:12 AM
My brother is a big fan of The Expanse.  For some reason, it never quite clicked with me.

I dunno if it was the space mormons or the cockneyed accents or lack of characters I can identify with or bizarre internal logic of the show, but something about it felt very off.  It's weird, I love space operas of all stripes and especially ones with vicious power struggles between different factions like this seems to be, so this should be right up my alley, but for some reason, it's not.

I've seen a couple videos about the Martians and based on what little I know about them, they seem like my kind of people.  (I hope that's not an inadvertently damning statement)  The Martian navy seems particularly impressive - relying on a relatively small number of high tech ships, which matches my style.  Donnager class ftw.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on November 10, 2019, 09:41:18 PM
I've been watching Bojack Horseman. Never realized how bloody good this series was. Maybe at the time I just had my fill of adult animation from south park to family guy to simpsons to american dad and king of the hill that this one just slipped on past me. Strangely now, I find myself drawn into this series maybe more today when I would have 5 years ago. I find the characters and their stories more relatable then most over stuff on tv today.

I think its the whole theme of the fictional world bojack lived in his tv life, being completely subversive to his real life and the day to day shit he deals with, makes me think of my own life and how there isn't really a happily ever after like in tv or stories, but just a series of ups and downs as you go though life.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on November 12, 2019, 05:26:04 AM
Watched the 4 first episodes of Watchmen. It's kinda boring, but I'm just sticking with the series just to see what happens to Adrian Veidt and his little happy place. The rest of the story is kinda bland, yet unpredictable, as a matter of just throwing story twists into the mix.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 15, 2019, 11:59:45 PM
If you have not yet seen The Mandalorian, go and watch it now.  I have spoken.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on November 18, 2019, 02:45:27 PM
I recommend Incite, because I have to.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on November 26, 2019, 03:58:52 PM
season 3 of the dragon prince is on netflix!

amazing. I'm going to try to not rush through it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on November 30, 2019, 01:37:28 AM
The Mandalorian is surprisingly good.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on November 30, 2019, 02:03:41 AM
Quote from: Sal1981 on November 30, 2019, 01:37:28 AM
The Mandalorian is surprisingly good.

Good to hear this. I have only one friend who hates everything who has seen it, and he (surprisingly) thinks it's garbage.

I'll probably give it a check then.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 30, 2019, 06:18:47 AM
Quote from: Shiranu on November 30, 2019, 02:03:41 AM
Good to hear this. I have only one friend who hates everything who has seen it, and he (surprisingly) thinks it's garbage.

I'll probably give it a check then.
My thoughts so far:

First episode:  pretty good
Second episode: absolutely amazing!  My personal favorite
Third episode: near orgasmic
Fourth episode: okay, worryingly tropey and cliche
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 30, 2019, 06:22:27 AM
The show is essentially a spaghetti western set in space. 

And the look and feel is directly inspired by Mos Eisley cantina and the rest of the first half of A New Hope.

If that's not what you're into, you probably won't like it.  But if that appeals to you, then you'll probably like it a lot.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on December 02, 2019, 01:07:43 AM
Finally watched true detective, season 1.
Amazing stuff.
Is season 2 worth it? Heard good things about s3.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 03, 2019, 10:35:52 PM

So, I just watched the Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss pilots.  On repeat.  For the last 3 days.

This is the most demented cartoon series I've ever seen.


Before I get too far into this, this stuff would be rated R if it were on TV, so I can't in good conscience post the trailer here because then an impressionable young mind could be exposed to the full glory of hell's delights.  And that would be wrong.

Buuuut...I can talk about the show and subtly imply that the trailer is easily googleable and readily accessible.  And if anyone were to do exactly that, well then I would have plausible deniability.  I can't possibly be held accountable for what other people searched for of their own free will.  *devious grin*

Do you like bright, colorful palettes, musical numbers, and Bill Cipher?  Then you'll love Hazbin Hotel.

Do you like The Office, antiheroes, "quirky" humor, and insane amounts of senseless violence?  Like, I'm talking so much violence that the FBI guy watching you in the poorly-concealed FBI van watches your computer screen in abject horror?  Then you'll love Helluva Boss.

In summation:  Hazbin Hotel is like Stephen Universe for Edgelords.  And I'm pretty sure Helluva Boss is the vehicle by which Invader Zim fans are converted into furries.  (It has the same voiceactor who did ZIM)  A small price to pay for salvation.

And did I mention that both shows are set in hell (they're even in a shared universe!)  Catch a glimpse of hell now, because yanno, we're all going there sooner or later!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on December 04, 2019, 05:46:32 AM
Yeah I saw the pilot too, was very funny and had so much energy to it. The voice acting is top notch, the animation was pretty good too, not the kind of style I'm drawn too but it's so nice seeing a new traditional animated feature with all the shit cgi out there.
Angel dust made he burst out laughing on several occasions

Only problem I see going forward with these two shows is, because they were independently made by a small team, and it took them this long to release pilot episodes, then it's obvious this need a lot more support and an animation team to get new episodes out, and they are trying to avoid selling their works to big corporations that would mandate their work for them. So I dunno how their going to make series out of these. You mention Steven universe, well they outsource their episodes to South Korea I think.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 04, 2019, 10:04:44 PM
Quote from: Munch on December 04, 2019, 05:46:32 AMYeah I saw the pilot too, was very funny and had so much energy to it. The voice acting is top notch, the animation was pretty good too, not the kind of style I'm drawn too but it's so nice seeing a new traditional animated feature with all the shit cgi out there.
I love the zany character designs.  The characters remind me a lot of the nightmare monsters from the Invader Zim episode, Halloween Spectacular of Spooky Doom.  And I freaking love that episode.

QuoteAngel dust made he burst out laughing on several occasions
Me, too.  And I'm tempted to call a close friend and quote verbatim the telephone scene with Stolas from Helluva boss.  I was pretty stone-faced until that scene, then I couldn't stop laughing.

QuoteOnly problem I see going forward with these two shows is, because they were independently made by a small team, and it took them this long to release pilot episodes, then it's obvious this need a lot more support and an animation team to get new episodes out, and they are trying to avoid selling their works to big corporations that would mandate their work for them. So I dunno how their going to make series out of these.
Adult swim?  I mean, with their numbers and demographic, it seems like a good fit.  But yeah, the production time looks like a huge issue.

QuoteYou mention Steven universe, well they outsource their episodes to South Korea I think.
I only bring it up to say that these shows could be equally popular, albeit among a *very* different fanbase.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on December 05, 2019, 12:10:29 AM
I've watched 4 episodes of "After Life" by Ricky Gervais on Netflix.

Good, but quite dark.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on December 11, 2019, 01:40:25 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on November 30, 2019, 06:22:27 AM
The show is essentially a spaghetti western set in space. 

And the look and feel is directly inspired by Mos Eisley cantina and the rest of the first half of A New Hope.

If that's not what you're into, you probably won't like it.  But if that appeals to you, then you'll probably like it a lot.

Sounds exactly like something I would love then. Westerns (and their Japanese counterpart Samurai movies) and sci-fi are the two things I grew up on, and Star Wars is my favorite franchise. They remind me of home and my childhood, so if nothing else I'll be wearing nostalgia glasses watching it.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on December 12, 2019, 04:00:18 PM

Context. Batman the animated series back in the 90s. In my mind one of the best portrayals of batman ever, played by Kevin Conroy.
What I loved about this series was that it fleshed out characters in it as people, not just gimmicks. There was depth to the heroes and villains and you actually felt sorry for the characters. The reason why harlequin because so popular was because this was the show that introduced her into the batman genre, not the comics.

Context to this scene, he character baby doll, played by Alison LaPlaca, who only appeared twice in the series, wasn't a child but a woman suffering a condition that stopped her physically aging, so she's a 40 year old in a child's body. She tried to play up her condition as a TV star but got fired for how he acted around others.

This scene is first time she dealt with the reality that she would never have the thing she really wanted, to just be a normal adult.

To this day this is one of the most emotional scenes in western animation to me, both because of how well it's played and after, but also showing that batman did have empathy once (before he got turned into an emotionless stick in the mud), and genuinely wanted to help people.

Loved this series, still rewatch it to this day.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 12, 2019, 04:20:08 PM
Quote from: Munch on December 12, 2019, 04:00:18 PMWhat I loved about this series was that it fleshed out characters in it as people, not just gimmicks. There was depth to the heroes and villains and you actually felt sorry for the characters.
Exactly.  And my personal favorite example of that was the episode were Harley Quinn was let out of jail on probation with Bats keeping a close eye on her.

It helped make her character more well-rounded and even helped show that Bats is more than just an action hero, he's genuinely trying to help rehabilitate people, something that gets a bit lost sometimes in between the Bat credit card and the Goddamn Batman comics.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on December 12, 2019, 04:42:57 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on December 12, 2019, 04:20:08 PM
Exactly.  And my personal favorite example of that was the episode were Harley Quinn was let out of jail on probation with Bats keeping a close eye on her.

It helped make her character more well-rounded and even helped show that Bats is more than just an action hero, he's genuinely trying to help people, something that gets a bit lost sometimes in between the Bat credit card and the Goddamn Batman comics.

Yeah. Also characters like two-face, Mr freeze, the mad hatter, penguin, they did an amazing job making these 'villains' into tragic characters.
I mean it seemed like in the later season or 'red sky series' they lost much of their emotional depth, but I still liked many of their introductions. Even gimmicky characters in the comics like the clock king were given some amazing redesigns and personalities

Also in this series, batman wasn't the invincible hero who could stand toe to toe with superman in a suit, he was more vulnerable. Later in this same episode above he fights against the clock king in a clock tower, and he can't lay a finger on him because the clock king has such impeccable timing he can predict all Batman's moves down to the millisecond, forcing batman to outthink him
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on December 22, 2019, 09:30:09 PM
Saw the Witcher on Netflix. The story was kinda thin, I think, but I was slightly entertained.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on December 23, 2019, 04:30:09 PM
Been watching the new Harley Quinn series. First time seeing the trailer I thought it would be hot garbage, a show trying to hard to be edgy with annoying buzzword speech.
But I gave it a try, and it's actually pretty entertaining, you just have to not think to much on other iterations of the characters and it becomes kind of fun. Like if someone died in any other batman series it would be given some attention, but this one just treats death as part of a joke, like the man eating plant regurgitating up a half digested family in ivy's apartment, or joker just shooting his hencemen because he's annoyed.

Either way, it's silly and kinda fun, almost like an adult version of batman brave and the bold. I've always liked Harley and ivy together as friends and possible relationship, and some character redesigns is pretty fun like clayface coming off like a Shakespearean actor.

If you like the batman universe but okay with a less serious take on it it's worth a watch.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on December 23, 2019, 10:05:24 PM

Intriguing. The past is the future and the future is the past.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 24, 2019, 10:15:10 AM
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 28, 2019, 09:54:47 PM
Like everyone else on the planet, I've started watching The Witcher.  Damn I need to start playing the games, lol.

Overall, it's a great series.  The setwork and costumes seem particularly good, and all the main characters seem to be cast well.

But I can't understand some of the dialogue to save my life.

*Geralt enters a bar*
Random guy:  "Grrr!  Git outta here, Witcher!  Blaargaviken has no time for the likes of you!  Maybe in Glaaviven or Blaavekiken, but no in our fair city of Blaargaviken!"
Geralt:  *brooding silence*
Random guy2:  "Do'as Glambert seez, Witcher.  I can tear off that mane o'yers if my name is Yenfrey Ettinbald!
Geralt:  *silence as Geralt contemplates the undocumented chemical spill that caused mothers to misname their sons so badly*

And what sort of name is Roach?  Geez!

All I'm saying is that the proper names don't exactly roll off the tongue.  In some ways, I miss Game of Thrones.  At least I could understand names like Dorne or Littlefinger or Night King.

And jeez, the exposition dumps!  One of the characters even goes meta and leaves a lampshade on the fact that he just dumped some exposition on the audience.

Another strange thing I noticed is that characters sometimes don't emote when delivering their lines.  I swear, a lot of their dialogue is really compelling, it just doesn't have quite the emotion behind it that it ought to have.  Don't ham it up, but something would be nice.  Some secondary characters deliver their lines like they're ordering take-out.

And why the f do mage lessons have to be so dangerous??  If magic users are rare, then it would make a lot of sense to cultivate their gifts as gingerly as possible, cause if any of them buy the farm, that's a very important asset down the drain.  As Negan once said, "People are a resource!"
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 31, 2019, 12:35:10 AM

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on January 14, 2020, 02:50:44 PM
Does anyone like American horror story?
I've seen a few of the seasonal opening episodes and it could never entice me to watch further.
It's never scary. It's poorly acted. Really poorly acted. The stories often seem absolutely ridiculous.
Or is that somehow the thing? Is there some meta self-mockery element I'm missing here? How does this show have like 7 or so seasons?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: LoriPinkAngel on January 15, 2020, 02:58:47 PM
I watched 2 seasons. Both of them were completely weird and nonsensical. Yet, I still watched them to the end because I'm one of those people who has to see how things turn out no matter how bad.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on January 15, 2020, 04:32:08 PM
I've seen the first series. It's true, it's not scary, just strange, often nonsensical plots you just wait to see resolved. The one upside was developing an appreciation for Dylan McDermott, and just how at the age he was in the series it's amazing how good he looked.
If a series can't satisfy my horror jollies at least it can satisfy my eye candy jollies.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 16, 2020, 01:14:35 AM
There was a scene in The Witcher that really impressed me and I haven't really been able to put it into words until now.

An army marches through a forest and an enemy mage places her hands on the ground.  Magically, mushrooms sprout amongst the army and soldiers tread headlessly upon them, spilling out toxic fumes.  In seconds, most of the company is dead or dying, falling over with white foam leaking from their mouths.

This magical attack really impressed me with its sheer cleverness and effeciency.  It was a brilliant move because it negated the army's main strength - armor and numbers - which offer zero protection against poison gas.  It also exploited the army's standard tactics - marching in dense columns and marching over vegetatation without knowing or caring what they're stepping on.  Nor can the army realistically fight back against the mushrooms even if they were aware of the threat.

Mages often cast flashy and extremely costly spells - lightning or fireballs or meteor storms.  And that's always struck me as comically foolish overkill, like using a sledgehammer on a nest of ants.  And of course, a mage that runs out of mana is a dead mage.  Truly talented mages don't waste their energy on flashy, gimmicky spells - they use the tools that are just right for the job and no more.  And man, that mushroom spell was a nearly perfect example of that.

And more generally, there's something exceedingly satisfying about applying just enough force in just the right place to accomplish a task.  That's true talent right there.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 16, 2020, 08:27:06 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on January 14, 2020, 02:50:44 PM
Does anyone like American horror story?
I watched part of Freak Show, but lost interest.  I only bothered because the first one I saw, Asylum, was something I enjoyed.  I never bothered after Freak Show.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on January 18, 2020, 10:05:34 AM
Watched 1½ episodes of BBCs production of Dracula on Netflix. It's pretty good, and they seems to do narrative arcs instead of the whole Hollyweird approach to vampyres.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on January 18, 2020, 10:12:17 PM

probably not many here who grew up as children in the 80s, but as someone who did, this here presents both an interesting outlook, and worrying stance on this kind of presentation.
Growing up in the 80s and 90s, I was privy to a lot of strong role model cartoons, things like he-man, transformers, batman, superman, teenage mutant turtles, voltron, ghostbusters, gargoyles, many of which were shows with strong male role models. And being a kid who didn't have many real life strong male role models (dad was a drunk who didn't spent time with us, grandfather lived in london and died when I was 8, older brother didn't really play much with me), for me looking to strong male role models in other forms of media was what helped me have a positive outlook on men as much as mums influence gave me a positive outlook on women.

I did like shows aimed at girls too growing up, rainbow bright, my little pony, care bears, strawberry shortcake, she-ra, I watched both  shows aimed at boys and girls back then, which I think reflects now how I can like anything from a gorey horror movie to a sappy love story.

Basically, I grew up having the ideals of both strong male and female traits from people and concepts. As I said for me it had to come from other sources, but I feel it helped me appreciate strong male roles in society when seeing heroes I enjoyed being in those roles, the same as female role models.

So looking at this today, the video, in summery, is a tear down of this bullshit remark of thundercats. In the original, the concept was these powerful warriors who fought against the evil mummra and his forces lead by liono, the strong, brave leader of the thundercats along with other character strong in their own right.

The argument is often been made that strong role models in the 80s and 90s were aimed at boys while the softer roles were aimed at girls. While I agree there were more male role models in stronger roles back then, there were still strong female characters too. I was a huge fan of buffy the vampire slayer and xena warrior princess.

today, there are cartoons which now focus on strong female leads, which is great, I'm down for that. I've a fan of wonder woman, like say loved buffy the vampire slayer, xena and she-ra, so having cartoons for kids with focused on stronger female leads is great, I have watched episodes of my little pony and impressed how they updated it, and now they've remade she-ra, which is fine, again, I'm all for making shows showing strong female characters in a variety of roles action and everyday life.

The issue here however, is seeing what they did with thundercats roar, the remake of the series (its second remake actually). I saw interviews about the show maker, and the guy himself has come out and said his intent for this show, was to make it as a purposely mean spirited parody of the original show, because he hated his older brother growing up, who was a big fan of thundercats, so 30 years later his way of getting back at him, was to remake the show and do so by emasculating the main characters, showing male leads like liono are incompetent and stupid, and incapable of handling anything on there own, needing others to clear up any problems he's faced with.

This to me is kind of insulting, and a little scary. Given all I said, I grew up like say having ideals of strong male role models from these shows. and i'm now down for having shows that present strong female role models for young people like she-ra or my little pony remakes. But unlike back in the 80s, it seems okay to broadcast a cartoon that makes little boys feel like their stupid and incompetent, and that being brave and strong is not a positive trait for boys. This is what this remake is teaching children. And for me, I don't want my nephews seeing shit like this and getting negative thoughts about themselves because of how they are born.

Thats what this message sends to me. In the past, sending a message to little girls that they should all be demur and meek and dainty is now thrown down on, which is good because thats all little girls were given back then, and yet now they have different sources of role models to take away from. So why can't little boys be given the same level of understanding, that is okay to be strong and brave and lead people, like the older cartoons did, instead networks think its okay to send the message now that little boys are stupid and incompetent, its the same bullshit of, like in the past, only sending the message that little girls should only be one way.

Yeah, its a lot to unpack, just going off my own experiences growing up, concerns today for what children are being shaped by, and just begging the question why is this acceptable?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 18, 2020, 10:37:08 PM
Quote from: Munch on January 18, 2020, 10:12:17 PMprobably not many here who grew up as children in the 80s
*waves*  And I have the DOS games and used ecto cooler containers to prove it!

QuoteGrowing up in the 80s and 90s, I was privy to a lot of strong role model cartoons, things like he-man, transformers, batman, superman, teenage mutant turtles, voltron, ghostbusters, gargoyles, many of which were shows with strong male role models.

QuoteThe argument is often been made that strong role models in the 80s and 90s were aimed at boys while the softer roles were aimed at girls. While I agree there were more male role models in stronger roles back then, there were still strong female characters too. I was a huge fan of buffy the vampire slayer and xena warrior princess.
Imo, while there were lots and lots of male role model characters in the 80s, the 90s exploded with both female role models and ensemble groups with both men and women in equal status.

I just revisited Battletech and Exosquad and they both had women operating alongside men and at equal capacity as men - both heroic and villainous - and I remember how at the time, that seemed like a completely normal thing, not taken as a political statement or "controversial" or anything like that.  It simply wasn't that big a deal.  Man, I miss those days.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on January 18, 2020, 10:52:33 PM
I loved X-Men the animated series, same deal, a group of strong male and female characters and often having episodes focused on them as individuals so it was just the thing as it should be. Storm was one of my fav characters from the show along with wolverine and beast.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 19, 2020, 09:57:34 PM
Quote from: Munch on January 18, 2020, 10:52:33 PM
I loved X-Men the animated series, same deal, a group of strong male and female characters and often having episodes focused on them as individuals so it was just the thing as it should be. Storm was one of my fav characters from the show along with wolverine and beast.

She was quite the powerhouse on the field.  Ironically, her private life is very sad and miserable at times.  That struggle really helped make her compelling.  The good ol' strength-weakness combo that Marvel prides itself on.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 20, 2020, 08:18:53 AM
Finally getting around to watching Gotham.  I know, I know; Did I just crawl out from under a rock?  Well kind of.  That out of the way, I've really enjoyed the first two disks.  I'm not hot on cop shows, but throw in a little film nor and I'm going to get hooked.  I just ordered the whole series at Amazon.

The other stuff I like is that Batman is my favorite DC character, and while he doesn't appear in Gotham, there is a lot of back story that I was deprived of as a child as a result of my parent's prudish attitude toward violent comic books.  Penguin plays a big part so far, and I've always been fascinated by him, even though in the old Adam West series, he was far too silly to have much appeal.  The DC Universe doesn't give him any play, but I'm starting to understand some of his appeal in Gotham.  I also like that Gotham doesn't seem to slow down.  Around every corner there is always an "Oh no!  What now?" thing that keeps me glued.  There are characters in Gotham that I never knew existed before.  I don't know if they are part of the original Batman mythology or not, but I like how movies evolve the myths.  Who knew zombies could run 50 years ago?  Now everyone knows zombies can run and are really fast.  Vampires can be warded off with a cross, holy water, and garlic?  Well that's not always true anymore either.  Great fun so far.  Thumbs up!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: LoriPinkAngel on January 26, 2020, 12:59:56 PM
Watching a Breaking Bad marathon for the 1000th time.  It is one of the shows I watch every time it is on.  It never gets old to me.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 26, 2020, 02:16:43 PM
Quote from: LoriPinkAngel on January 26, 2020, 12:59:56 PM
Watching a Breaking Bad marathon for the 1000th time.  It is one of the shows I watch every time it is on.  It never gets old to me.
I bought the series.  I watch it at least once a year, sometimes twice.  Either Breaking Bad or Dexter is the best TV series I've ever seen.  I lean toward Breaking Bad most of the time, but it's a hard call.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 26, 2020, 02:19:55 PM
Countdown is a fun horror movie just out on disk.  It was a fun watch.  Besides the tension and jump scares, there are parts that made me laugh.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on January 27, 2020, 09:42:56 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 19, 2020, 09:57:34 PM
The good ol' strength-weakness combo that Marvel prides itself on.
Well, until they overdid it and just about every character became such a walking pile of angst and neuroses that there was no good reason to think any of them should be alive outside of an institution, much less still be on the side of goodness and light.

The 80s and 90s Marvel comics left a really sour taste in my mouth.  They used to have a deft touch with making supers human and relatable rather than godlike and remote -- who doesn't understand Peter Parker putting up with an asshole for a boss, for example?

Then everyone had to be gritty, miserable and put-upon one way or another... and ended up being remote and no longer relatable.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on January 27, 2020, 10:22:39 PM
Quote from: trdsf on January 27, 2020, 09:42:56 PM
Well, until they overdid it and just about every character became such a walking pile of angst and neuroses that there was no good reason to think any of them should be alive outside of an institution, much less still be on the side of goodness and light.

The 80s and 90s Marvel comics left a really sour taste in my mouth.  They used to have a deft touch with making supers human and relatable rather than godlike and remote -- who doesn't understand Peter Parker putting up with an asshole for a boss, for example?

Then everyone had to be gritty, miserable and put-upon one way or another... and ended up being remote and no longer relatable.

I mean, when you think about it, the most popular marvel characters of the 80s and 90s were characters with reasons to be that way. Spiderman, the x-men, these two concepts in marvel often had heroes having reasons to be miserable. Mutants because of the public perception of mutants, from rogue unable to touch or get close to anyone to beast being a mutant in physical apperance to wolverine and his screwed up memories. And then of course spiderman and all the shit he dealt with his awful boss and relationship issues and identity crisis.

Looking at the most popular heroes today like the avengers, they aren't really in the same group. What reason does a multi millionaire playboy, an asgardian god, a good soldier type and a family man archer have the same relatable tones to someone like a teenager today? Maybe hulk might be, but even in the last avengers movie they fixed that problem (for now) removing any issues the character has.

Seems theres more attention on popular heroes today without that kind of antsy and dower attitude they had in the 80s and 90s.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on January 27, 2020, 10:57:03 PM
Quote from: Munch on January 27, 2020, 10:22:39 PM
I mean, when you think about it, the most popular marvel characters of the 80s and 90s were characters with reasons to be that way. Spiderman, the x-men, these two concepts in marvel often had heroes having reasons to be miserable. Mutants because of the public perception of mutants, from rogue unable to touch or get close to anyone to beast being a mutant in physical apperance to wolverine and his screwed up memories. And then of course spiderman and all the shit he dealt with his awful boss and relationship issues and identity crisis.
I'll grant you that re: Spiderman and the X-Men originally -- but in the 80s and 90s, Marvel turned it up to eleven.  The original Wolverine, back when he was still wearing (*shudder*) Michigan blue and gold, that was someone I could see having a beer with.  I wouldn't want to be within a cubic parsec of what they turned him into.

And the other part of the equation that contributed to the mess that was Marvel in the 80s and 90s (and from which the print comics have not yet recovered, so far as I've seen) was their attempt to forcibly create a speculators market for Marvel titles.  Three, four, five, six different covers for the same issue.  Five or so titles for one character.  Crossover storylines that required buying two, three, or more titles just to keep up.

I dunno, maybe I was spoiled by growing up on Kirby's Fantastic Four.

Quote from: Munch on January 27, 2020, 10:22:39 PM
Looking at the most popular heroes today like the avengers, they aren't really in the same group. What reason does a multi millionaire playboy, an asgardian god, a good soldier type and a family man archer have the same relatable tones to someone like a teenager today? Maybe hulk might be, but even in the last avengers movie they fixed that problem (for now) removing any issues the character has.

Seems theres more attention on popular heroes today without that kind of antsy and dower attitude they had in the 80s and 90s.

Well, they're attention is always going to be on the 'popular' ones, because that's where their sales are.  I can't address the movies because I haven't seen them, so I have no opinion on their characterization; I was talking about the comics themselves, and I don't know what relation movie canon has to print canon.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 27, 2020, 11:22:40 PM
Quote from: trdsf on January 27, 2020, 09:42:56 PMWell, until they overdid it and just about every character became such a walking pile of angst and neuroses that there was no good reason to think any of them should be alive outside of an institution, much less still be on the side of goodness and light.
Most of them have dealt with some pretty serious stuff.  It takes a psychological toll.  The whole point is that they're human underneath the masks, right?

QuoteThe 80s and 90s Marvel comics left a really sour taste in my mouth.  They used to have a deft touch with making supers human and relatable rather than godlike and remote -- who doesn't understand Peter Parker putting up with an asshole for a boss, for example?

Then everyone had to be gritty, miserable and put-upon one way or another... and ended up being remote and no longer relatable.
The late 90s overdid the dark and edgier themes, but on the whole, I don't think those decades were that bad.  They really cemented a whole slew of characters, particularly the Avengers and the X-Men.  And the big crossover events like Iron Man's Armor Wars and Infinity Gauntlet/War/Crusade was a nice cherry on top.

The Gold/Silver Age...I mean, I guess they were good for the time, the 60s introduced a hell of a lot of good characters, but I honestly have a hard time with the camp and/or drug-fueled absurdity of that time.  Stuff like Thanoscopter, for example.  And not just that but the whole cultural backdrop is a bit strange and off-putting - flower power, disco (disco-themed mutant?!), bizarre racial stuff.  A lot of that stuff just has not aged well, imo.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 27, 2020, 11:39:07 PM
Here's more of what I'm talking about with 60s camp:



Is it really necessary to narrate everything with thought balloons?  Sheesh, it's like they were paid by the word back then.  And Iron Man roller skates?!  Oy Vey.

Quote from: trdsf on January 27, 2020, 10:57:03 PMI dunno, maybe I was spoiled by growing up on Kirby's Fantastic Four.

I guess they're alright, but that stuff was like Leave It To Beaver with the addition of superpowers.  I just can't take it.  Hell, I skipped out on The Incredibles because they reminded me too much of the FF.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: AcrobaticDetective on February 02, 2020, 11:01:15 PM
The Mentalist is still my favorite show even though it's been off the air for years now. It is on Amazon and I intend to re-watch it like everyone else re-watches the Office.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mike Cl on February 02, 2020, 11:38:30 PM
Quote from: AcrobaticDetective on February 02, 2020, 11:01:15 PM
The Mentalist is still my favorite show even though it's been off the air for years now. It is on Amazon and I intend to re-watch it like everyone else re-watches the Office.
How could I forget that show?  I liked it quite a bit and wouldn't mind seeing some reruns.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on February 05, 2020, 08:55:07 PM
I really need to do catchup on watching all of bojack horseman. The series has ended and I'm avoiding final episode reveals all over youtube and news popups.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: LoriPinkAngel on February 06, 2020, 02:54:12 PM
Currently I am watching reruns of The Middle.  I enjoy shows about families that are not rich.  I also liked Rosanne.  I do watch The Connors sometimes.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: AcrobaticDetective on February 06, 2020, 09:42:27 PM
Quote from: Munch on February 05, 2020, 08:55:07 PM
I really need to do catchup on watching all of bojack horseman. The series has ended and I'm avoiding final episode reveals all over youtube and news popups.

I've never seen it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 08, 2020, 12:21:10 AM
Star Trek Picard drinking game for Season 1, Episode 3:

Take a shot every time a character refers to Jean-Luc Picard as "JL"
Try to make it to the end of the episode before hospitalization (note that I didn't say 'without hospitalization')
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 14, 2020, 12:18:21 AM
I've been watching Locke and Key on netflix.  Cautiously liking it so far.  7.5/10 sounds about right.

A while back (9 years just flies by!) I told you guys that Fox was going to do a TV adaptation of the comics but they saw the pilot and 86ed it.  :(  A shame really, since the comics were practically begging for a live-action adaptation of some kind.

If you guys haven't read the Locke and Key comics, do yourself a favor and dive right in.  You won't regret it.  Murder + grief + magic keys + lovecraftian horrors = a little light horror that slow burns into something truly special.

Well, I saw the first episode of the TV show and I've gotta say, it's not half bad.  It got off to a really rocky start - the initial horror was really shortchanged and I hope people don't immediately exit out.  The casting is okay I guess, but the characters don't come across as very distinct or memorable, which is a shame because they are distinct and memorable as hell in the comics.  The only character who nailed it was the young'un Bode, who's every bit the inquisitive little brownie he is in the comics.  Aloha!

And as an aside, I friggin' love the anywhere key.  That key is my jam.  You put that key into any door while knowing where you want to go, and bam, just open the door and you're there.  The only downside is that there has to be a door at the other end.  Basically, you can Jumper all over the place.  Super useful.

I'm also a big fan of the head key.  Stick it in the back of someone's neck and you can futz around with the contents of their head - memories as well as personality.  You can even do it to yourself if you're especially adventurous, just be VERY careful in there.  The key has lots of unwritten limitations and unintended consequences, but it's unquestionably effective and extremely useful when used wisely.  Extremely regrettable when used unwisely, though.

Combine the two and you're basically unstoppable.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 14, 2020, 09:44:13 AM
I think I mentioned that I bought the complete series of Smallville.  I bought it used so it wouldn't hurt too much if I made a mistake.  I'm just starting season 4, and I'm almost embarrassed to say how much fun I'm having with it.  Embarrassed because part of it is... well OK, cheesy, but if you can tolerate sci-fi that clearly isn't serious drama and and disregards including some actual science in the stories, its just fun fantasy.  The writing and directing is open to almost any chiche' that will get a chuckle, and sometimes I end up holding my head in my hands while screaming, "Oh No!"  because it's all so obvious.  I still don't know if it's bad directing or bad writing or if the team leaves these things in as a satire of the action genre itself.  Example:  Superman and Lois Lane are attacked by the Black Helicopters, with guys in black suits and helmets rappelling to the ground, or simply jumping.  They are equipped with guns that shoot lightening.  Superman beats the crap out of two of them and shoots down one chopper with his x-ray eyes.  Lois beats the crap out of another one, and they get away.  Now comes another black helicopter with the honcho military guy.  It lands in the aftermath and Honcho gets out with a huge cigar in his mouth, and while he's surveying the carnage, a guy in black runs up to him, and says, "We lost them, Sir."   He takes the stogie out of his mouth and says, "Find them."  I'm already cringing at, "We lost them," since Honcho has been observing the whole thing from the air.  Why is this guy explaining it to him?  I guess I've heard, "We lost them, Sir, " followed by, "Find them," too many times.  But then it turns out that all Clark and Lois did was run back to the farmhouse.  Yeah, like now they're safe because they're in the farm house.  Good Grief.

Still, even with the technical production flaws, intentional or by accident, it's a lot of fun.  More fun than I've had with a series since Breaking Bad.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on February 14, 2020, 11:46:06 AM
I've seen the trailer for Locke & Key, might check it out once my addiction to RuneScape fades ...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 15, 2020, 12:32:20 AM
Quote from: Sal1981 on February 14, 2020, 11:46:06 AM
I've seen the trailer for Locke & Key, might check it out once my addiction to RuneScape fades ...
I can't give away too much without spoiling this, but the TV show is misleadingly tame right out the gate.  Give it some time, at least the whole first episode, if not the tried-and-true 3 episode sampler.  There are some massive twists and turns down the road.

And of course, the first issue of the comic series is a surefire way to know if this is up your alley or not.  The very first issue freaked me out in the best possible way.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on February 16, 2020, 11:42:14 AM
Not looking forward to the upcoming Foundation series (ostensibly) based on the Asimov books.  As usual for Asimov properties, the show creators got it wrong (  As the announcement put it:

QuoteFoundation, from Skydance Television, David S. Goyer and Josh Friedman, chronicles the thousand year saga of The Foundation, a band of exiles who discover that the only way to save the Galactic Empire from destruction is to defy it.

Uh, no.  Did they actually read the books, or did they just go through and see which names came up most often?  I already suspect the latter.  And who the fuck are 'Brother Dawn', 'Brother Day' and 'Brother Dusk'?  They have no source in the novels.  None.  I know.  I re-read the core trilogy about once a year, and the later additions periodically.

And meanwhile, Harlan Ellison's script for I, Robot remains unproduced...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on February 16, 2020, 03:02:22 PM
Just finished season 3 of The Expanse, and fuck me am I glad I avoided any spoilers for this series.

It is 100% best to go into it cold. Probably going to see if our local bookstore has the first book of the series to start reading it as well. I know the first one was nominated (won?) a Hugo, and the series as a whole has been nominated as well... and the writers were both heavily involved in the production of the T.V. series.

If you like Sci-fi, it is 110% recommended. It is perhaps the most "science" sci-fi I have ever seen.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 16, 2020, 03:05:10 PM
Watching a show about people who don't know one another but who are 'scientifically' matched get married.

I love my gf, but she has the worst taste in shows and films. XD
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on February 16, 2020, 03:38:37 PM
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on February 16, 2020, 03:38:51 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on February 16, 2020, 03:05:10 PM
Watching a show about people who don't know one another but who are 'scientifically' matched get married.

I love my gf, but she has the worst taste in shows and films. XD

Ewww lol
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on February 16, 2020, 03:51:19 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on February 16, 2020, 03:05:10 PM
Watching a show about people who don't know one another but who are 'scientifically' matched get married.

I love my gf, but she has the worst taste in shows and films. XD

Is it a serious show with actual people or just a made up premise, because if it's not the latter we have a new contender for love island

My aunt watches this show...


Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 16, 2020, 04:48:59 PM
Quote from: Munch on February 16, 2020, 03:51:19 PM
Is it a serious show with actual people or just a made up premise, because if it's not the latter we have a new contender for love island

My aunt watches this show...


Oh, it's a real show with real people...

And yes, it's completely and utterly awful.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on February 16, 2020, 04:57:01 PM
You have my deepest sympathies :(
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on February 16, 2020, 08:31:45 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on February 16, 2020, 03:05:10 PM
Watching a show about people who don't know one another but who are 'scientifically' matched get married.

I love my gf, but she has the worst taste in shows and films. XD

I read somewhere that Love Is Blind was good. We watched 15 minutes and quit. It's really off-putting.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 16, 2020, 09:25:50 PM
Quote from: trdsf on February 16, 2020, 11:42:14 AM
Not looking forward to the upcoming Foundation series (ostensibly) based on the Asimov books.
Ha, I remember a decade or so ago when I was similarly up in arms about a planned Foundation movie that didn't seem like it was going to do the source material justice.  It was all "we don't know that for sure" and "it might be good".  Foolish.  Naive.  Unsuspecting.

Thankfully, we'll never know because it was cancelled.  I will never know vindication, but I do know this: we live in a comparatively fortunate universe.  Grateful or not, it makes no difference.

QuoteAnd who the fuck are 'Brother Dawn', 'Brother Day' and 'Brother Dusk'?  They have no source in the novels.
Presumably, brothers within the ruling family.  I suppose the producers wanted that family to serve as a metaphor for the galactic empire or something.  Seems stupid and directly contrary to Asimov's perspective of society lurching forwards (and backwards) due to forces much larger than individual people.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: AcrobaticDetective on February 16, 2020, 11:06:41 PM
Just finished After Life. It was fantastic. It was also exactly what I needed.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on February 17, 2020, 12:04:41 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on February 16, 2020, 09:25:50 PM
Ha, I remember a decade or so ago when I was similarly up in arms about a planned Foundation movie that didn't seem like it was going to do the source material justice.  It was all "we don't know that for sure" and "it might be good".  Foolish.  Naive.  Unsuspecting.

Thankfully, we'll never know because it was cancelled.  I will never know vindication, but I do know this: we live in a comparatively fortunate universe.  Grateful or not, it makes no difference.
It's a little sobering to think that the best treatment Asimov has gotten from Hollywood was Bicentennial Man (which actually wasn't bad).  But yes, I remember the proposed Foundation movie.  It was to be done by Roland Emmerich.  Now, I have no particular objection to Emmerich's 'disaster porn' movies, but if there was ever a story that was not disaster porn, it's Foundation.

Quote from: Hydra009 on February 16, 2020, 09:25:50 PM
Presumably, brothers within the ruling family.  I suppose the producers wanted that family to serve as a metaphor for the galactic empire or something.  Seems stupid and directly contrary to Asimov's perspective of society lurching forwards (and backwards) due to forces much larger than individual people.
This this this.

I will never understand the need to fuck around with what's unarguably a monumentally popular and successful story.  If they wanted to tell a different story from Foundation, make a different fucking series.  Don't slap the name on it and then swap things around randomly -- that's how we got the abomination that was the Will Smith 'I, Robot' movie.  Only time I nearly walked out of a theater on a trailer...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 17, 2020, 12:25:58 AM
Quote from: trdsf on February 17, 2020, 12:04:41 AM
It's a little sobering to think that the best treatment Asimov has gotten from Hollywood was Bicentennial Man (which actually wasn't bad).
I saw  Yes, David Carradine.  Aside from that, my only recollections are how low-budget and completely unenthusiastic it was.  And very loosely adapted, to boot.

QuoteBut yes, I remember the proposed Foundation movie.  It was to be done by Roland Emmerich.
Oof.  Suddenly, I remember why I was opposed to it.  Well, at least he went on to do bigger and better things like White House Down, the Independence Day sequel no one wanted, and Midway (which just barely made a profit)

QuoteI will never understand the need to fuck around with what's unarguably a monumentally popular and successful story.
Ego.  Pure and simple.

QuoteIf they wanted to tell a different story from Foundation, make a different fucking series.
But you won't go see it if it's called something else.  If they call it something you're already familiar with, they have name recognition.  All they really have to do after that is slap a couple famous names on the poster, crank out a flashy trailer, and they'll make at least some profit.  Slash and burn cinema.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 17, 2020, 12:50:24 AM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on February 16, 2020, 08:31:45 PM
I read somewhere that Love Is Blind was good. We watched 15 minutes and quit. It's really off-putting.

Apparently the one I'm talking about is the local equivalent of 'married at first sight'.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mike Cl on February 17, 2020, 09:49:18 AM
Quote from: trdsf on February 17, 2020, 12:04:41 AM
It's a little sobering to think that the best treatment Asimov has gotten from Hollywood was Bicentennial Man (which actually wasn't bad).  But yes, I remember the proposed Foundation movie.  It was to be done by Roland Emmerich.  Now, I have no particular objection to Emmerich's 'disaster porn' movies, but if there was ever a story that was not disaster porn, it's Foundation.
This this this.

I will never understand the need to fuck around with what's unarguably a monumentally popular and successful story.  If they wanted to tell a different story from Foundation, make a different fucking series.  Don't slap the name on it and then swap things around randomly -- that's how we got the abomination that was the Will Smith 'I, Robot' movie.  Only time I nearly walked out of a theater on a trailer...
I know little about the proposed Asimov movies (loved the books).  But two movies stick in my craw--Planet of the Apes and I Am Legend.  Both are small books but are classics.  Both are not that complicated to make a film out of--but the efforts for both were irritating to say the least.  Both movies (especially the first one of each) was a huge disappointment for me in that the fucked up the story in each case and made them much less than what the books were---and they missed the point of both books.  Still pisses me off.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 17, 2020, 09:59:52 AM
Quote from: Mike Cl on February 17, 2020, 09:49:18 AM
I know little about the proposed Asimov movies (loved the books).  But two movies stick in my craw--Planet of the Apes and I Am Legend.  Both are small books but are classics.  Both are not that complicated to make a film out of--but the efforts for both were irritating to say the least.  Both movies (especially the first one of each) was a huge disappointment for me in that the fucked up the story in each case and made them much less than what the books were---and they missed the point of both books.  Still pisses me off.
I had no idea Planet of the Apes was from Asimov.  Now I've got to read the actual story, because I want to know what the movie was actually supposed to be. A few years ago, a theater which occasionally shows an old classic, did the 1st Planet of the Apes.  It's the only special showing that I ever went to, even though I own the disk.  It's dated for sure, but I still think it's an important film.  But it wouldn't be the first time Hollywood demolished a story.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 17, 2020, 11:04:31 AM
Quote from: SGOS on February 17, 2020, 09:59:52 AM
I had no idea Planet of the Apes was from Asimov.
It's not.  Mike was taking more broadly about classic stories that he perceives to be poorly adapted.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mike Cl on February 17, 2020, 02:35:21 PM
Quote from: SGOS on February 17, 2020, 09:59:52 AM
I had no idea Planet of the Apes was from Asimov.  Now I've got to read the actual story, because I want to know what the movie was actually supposed to be. A few years ago, a theater which occasionally shows an old classic, did the 1st Planet of the Apes.  It's the only special showing that I ever went to, even though I own the disk.  It's dated for sure, but I still think it's an important film.  But it wouldn't be the first time Hollywood demolished a story.
Ooops----did not mean to imply that Planet of the Apes was by Asimov--it was written by Pierre Boulle.  My point was hollywood took a great book with a powerful, yet simple story.  They added a dumb ending when the book ending would have been much more powerful.  The book really is a small book and I bet if you started reading early, one could easily finish it in a day.  The same with I Am Legend--maybe even more so.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 05, 2020, 09:24:48 PM
After watching more Star Trek Picard, I'm amazed at the number of people who live out their golden years surrounded by archaic technology.  I thought that Star Trek just had a few people enamored with ye olden days, but instead its a veritable epidemic of renaissance fair fever.  Bridge to sickbay, medical emergency!

This would be like me and half of you guys retiring from our jobs to literally live in caves, spearfish, and write scrolls.  Clearly, in the future, advanced technology must be truly horrifying to engender such a love of the past.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on March 11, 2020, 03:13:41 PM

the funny part is, the way the BBC responds to the hate fans are giving them over this, sounds exactly the same flatlined response blizzard gave its fans in their recent turmoil, just a flat, robotic response without giving any real acknowledgment of their failings.

Its funny how big companies like blizzard and the bbc are so disconnected from the fans who rose their products into such heights, meanwhile you have people like the producers of the sonic movie who actually listened to fan criticism going back and fixing their mistakes, which ended up making them millions in box office. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on March 11, 2020, 04:10:13 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on March 05, 2020, 09:24:48 PM
After watching more Star Trek Picard, I'm amazed at the number of people who live out their golden years surrounded by archaic technology.  I thought that Star Trek just had a few people enamored with ye olden days, but instead its a veritable epidemic of renaissance fair fever.  Bridge to sickbay, medical emergency!

Can't blame them, electronic technology is obnoxious enough as it is today and proven to be bad for you... cant imagine what it must be like in their time.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 11, 2020, 07:40:30 PM
Quote from: Shiranu on March 11, 2020, 04:10:13 PM
Can't blame them, electronic technology is obnoxious enough as it is today and proven to be bad for you... cant imagine what it must be like in their time.
In the 24th century, they figured out a good work/life balance (no warp driving while texting), plus no profit motive, which cuts down on like 90% of the obnoxiousness.

At the very least, I'd love to see a retired Starfleet officer using a VR headset or on a holodeck.  I'd also love to see a civilian taking part in one of The Doctor's holonovels.  That'd be solid.  (Problematic wordplay unintended)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on March 17, 2020, 03:27:28 AM
Westworld season 3 began yesterday.

It's some of the  same shenanigans from the previous season and [spoiler]Memento style storytelling[/spoiler].
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 17, 2020, 03:33:33 AM
Quote from: Sal1981 on March 17, 2020, 03:27:28 AM
Westworld season 3 began yesterday.
Indeed it did.  I'm still processing it.  Suffice it to say that I like the new direction this show has taken.  But there are things in this show that (deliberately) don't quite make sense and I have a theory about that...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on March 17, 2020, 06:20:12 PM
Second season of Altered Carbon was really good, but I have to be honest... I need to re-watch the first season, because I clearly forgot alot.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 01, 2020, 07:55:20 PM
New episodes of Rick and Morty!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on April 01, 2020, 09:32:03 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 01, 2020, 07:55:20 PM
New episodes of Rick and Morty!

Thank god.

Thinking about that, I've gone back and started re-watching Community, Dan Harmon's original baby... fuck me, it's so good.

Honestly I would put it above R&M, though they are both amazing.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on April 01, 2020, 11:46:36 PM
We are halfway through Tiger King and totally engrossed. I lived on an exotic animal farm for two and a half years, so some of this stuff is like going back to when I was 20, including the gay three-way romance and the unsolved murder.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 06, 2020, 09:41:40 AM

To anyone considering watching Star Trek Picard during the quarantine.  Please don't.

I gave it a fair shake - not just the three-episode trial run, but the whole first season.  I will not watch another episode of this show and probably not a new episode of Trek ever again.

ST:Picard is visually stunning and the plot seems intriguing, but the sad reality is that the plot is hot garbage littered with cheap nostalgia, absolute nonsense, and the most godawful characters I've ever seen in Trek (Neelix would be a welcome reprieve at this point).  I have literally read fanfics that were better than this.

If you need a Trek fix, do yourself a favor and watch The Orville.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on April 11, 2020, 06:09:57 AM
The Pale Horse is one of my favorites of Agatha Christie's many mysteries. I was looking forward to the BBC version but they changed the story far too much for my taste.

The remake of And Then There Were None was much better.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on April 11, 2020, 04:44:03 PM
I generally look askance at most book adaptations -- the number of times it's been done wrong vastly outnumbers the number of times it's been done right.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on April 11, 2020, 08:58:19 PM
Quote from: trdsf on April 11, 2020, 04:44:03 PM
I generally look askance at most book adaptations -- the number of times it's been done wrong vastly outnumbers the number of times it's been done right.

One adaptation that I found better than the book was Gone Girl. I hated the book but watched the movie on cable and it wasn't bad.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on April 15, 2020, 08:30:38 PM
Westworld season 4 season 3  episode 5 was OK. I hope it ties in with the 6th episode this Monday, because there have been some loose ends.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 15, 2020, 09:22:20 PM
Quote from: Sal1981 on April 15, 2020, 08:30:38 PM
Westworld season 4 episode 5 was OK.
1) Posted from the future?  Season 4 (far-future?) might be pretty interesting!  :P

2) I beg you to post in the Westworld thread (  It's lonely af in there.  I realize a lot of people don't have hbo and/or aren't into scifi as much as me, but it's too popular a show to not have watercooler discussion.  At the very least, we can talk about the avowed atheist tertiary character, lol.

3) I kinda liked it.  It had its faults, but it was basically like a mini-movie and a hell of a lot of stuff happened.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on April 19, 2020, 01:24:04 PM
Watched Black Mirror episode Black Museum. Astonishing what cruelty & malice people can invent.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 19, 2020, 04:01:24 PM
The latest episode of Star Wars Clone Wars is better than all the Star Wars movies combined.  Change my mind.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: LoriPinkAngel on April 25, 2020, 04:49:33 PM
My son and I have been binge watching the series "Barry."  It is a dark comedy about a former Marine who became a hitman who wants to get out of it and he joined an acting class but he keeps having to kill people.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 01, 2020, 03:10:26 PM
Mum, who I'm in lockdown with, likes watching a british series called Father Brown.

filmed in the cotswald, set in the made up town of Kembleford in the 1950s, its about the local priest who solves crimes in the local community with his friends, normally him riding around on his bike. Was written by the original author GK Chesterton in a book series.

Its not a bad series, its well directed, some of the acting is good especially from its main star Mark Williams (who played Arthur Weasley, Rons dad in the harry potter series). And despite it having an obvious religious tone with the main character being a priest it doesn't hammer in its religious symbolism that much, its treated kind of like you'd expect the theme of Christianity to be treated in the 1950s.

However it becomes a massive pantomime as it goes episode to episode (episodic series) when every one is the same repeated theme, a murder takes place in this same little town, and its always father brown who solves the case while the local police are useless. More funny is the fact that around the little town of Kembleford, there must be at least 50 manor houses or great halls, all with different super rich toffs living in these large estates that only appeared once that episode and never again.
Plus some of the actors who often used the series as a one time gig, some are really just awful and ham it up big time.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on May 01, 2020, 04:41:00 PM
Quote from: Munch on May 01, 2020, 03:10:26 PM
Mum, who I'm in lockdown with, likes watching a british series called Father Brown.

We watched the first six seasons until Netflix pulled it on March 31.

I love British television.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 01, 2020, 05:07:33 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on May 01, 2020, 04:41:00 PM
We watched the first six seasons until Netflix pulled it on March 31.

I love British television.

Didnt you find some of the repeated antics a little silly? ^^
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on May 01, 2020, 05:50:28 PM
Quote from: Munch on May 01, 2020, 05:07:33 PM
Didnt you find some of the repeated antics a little silly? ^^

Oh yeah, but also kind of charming because it's done with a wink and a nod. Lady Felicia is going to scream (unless someone beats her to it). The authorities are going to be bumbling and cantankerous. The fabulous period fashions, the grand estates around every bend, the stunning vintage automobiles, the pastural landscapes, the strawberry scones... it's a mythical vision of 1950's England. Father Brown is the most humanistic angel of death priest ever to ride a bicycle. The murder mysteries are good fun and sometimes rather clever. The series is comforting in its familiarity-- vintage television made in the 21st century.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 01, 2020, 08:00:00 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on May 01, 2020, 05:50:28 PM
Oh yeah, but also kind of charming because it's done with a wink and a nod. Lady Felicia is going to scream (unless someone beats her to it). The authorities are going to be bumbling and cantankerous. The fabulous period fashions, the grand estates around every bend, the stunning vintage automobiles, the pastural landscapes, the strawberry scones... it's a mythical vision of 1950's England. Father Brown is the most humanistic angel of death priest ever to ride a bicycle. The murder mysteries are good fun and sometimes rather clever. The series is comforting in its familiarity-- vintage television made in the 21st century.

Yeah, its escapist daytime drama, idealized. Always liked when Bunty (Emer Kenny) started in the series, always made me laugh her acting.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: aitm on May 02, 2020, 07:05:51 AM
Quote from: Munch on May 01, 2020, 03:10:26 PM

filmed in the cotswald, .

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 02, 2020, 08:15:33 AM
Quote from: aitm on May 02, 2020, 07:05:51 AM

Never heard of it?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: aitm on May 02, 2020, 11:22:10 AM
I don’t know if “it” is a place, style or position...😁
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 02, 2020, 05:12:39 PM
Quote from: aitm on May 02, 2020, 11:22:10 AM
I don’t know if “it” is a place, style or position...😁

It's an area of England known for its quintessential countryside, villages and famed for its honey colour stone used in housing, very expensive to live there

I also spelt it wrong, its cotswold
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on May 03, 2020, 05:09:45 AM
Watched the first episode of Into the Night. Interesting premise.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: LoriPinkAngel on May 03, 2020, 05:16:24 PM
We finished the seasons that have been recorded of Barry.  Quite a cliffhanger.  Now we are watching The Sopranos.  My son is flabbergasted that the women on the show are so attracted to Tony.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 04, 2020, 01:45:37 AM
I just watched the Clone Wars series finale.  Excellent doesn't even begin to describe it.  Quite a few of its frames were noticeably artistic and the music was top notch.  Every element clicked.  This was a TV show that felt more like a miniature movie.

In all seriousness, Dave Filoni needs to be in charge of every Star Wars project from here on out.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on May 04, 2020, 04:48:47 AM
I think the series I have enjoyed lately is Gervais' After Life. Living with Yourself is good but I haven't seen it all. Kominsky Method and A Good Place are funny, light, I haven't finished them either though.

Almost all of the series and movies from every genre looks like some sort of a derivative of each other to me, so the plain, traditional stuff started to look better, I guess.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 07, 2020, 03:32:10 PM

This is why I love south park. When it comes to bringing up issues of any social and political subject, I would always look to southpark as the good middle ground on most issues.
On the subject of immigration they have always been middle ground on it, such as the goobacks episode where it highlights perfectly the two opposing sides of aging hippie liberal douche and pissed off white trash redneck conservative, basically making fun of both sides of any political argument in america.
And thats what I love about it, south park takes the piss out of everything, there is often no right or wrong answers, so its worth just making fun of both sides of any debate, grounding them more.

the funny part is the comment section who downloaded the video because they became offended at having their interpretation of the symbolism in these episodes brought into question. The premise of south park is, like say, they will take the piss out of everything, often leaving enough room on one side to have its point stick, never having an absolute.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on May 07, 2020, 06:22:28 PM
That Mexican Joker gag was hilarious.

"¡No eres mi papa!"

"Si! ¿E tu?"
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on May 08, 2020, 05:12:10 AM
I've discovered The Windsors. Honestly, I thought I wouldn't be able to watch it for 5 minutes. Well, what do you know?  It's a good bashing of the British royal family and it is actually funny. I'm surprised they let this happen considering how conservative that establishment is. Needlessly to say, it is not for people who are interested in the family or fans of this kind of industry... LOL
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on May 12, 2020, 03:30:43 PM
I watched Hollywood on Netflix and finished feeling a bit disappointed. The series is a star-studded 1940's Hollywood fantasy of what would happen if a Jewish woman could be a studio executive, a black man could write a major motion picture, an interracial couple could lead that picture, and gay men could be open about their relationships. It's very entertaining as a sexy, campy drama but when it tries to draw from historical events, harsh history makes the fantasy story feel like it is trivializing what real people actually experienced. It includes famous people but usually only as touchstones to reinforce the message of inclusion. Rock Hudson is a major character but he's so retconned that I found it distracting. I enjoyed the series as a wish-fulfillment fantasy but it made me yearn for a documentary. I wonder if young views even understand how fanciful this story is, that these 1940's characters have 2020 sensibilities.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on May 17, 2020, 11:27:04 AM
Netflix's Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency season 2 sort of ended on a cliffhanger, but there will be no season 3 sadly. I kinda liked the whole reality-bending spin. - 9/10 very entertaining.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: LoriPinkAngel on May 17, 2020, 10:13:48 PM
Arrested Development is our latest binge.  We are watching the antics of the Bluths.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on May 18, 2020, 07:07:02 PM
My ex was a huge fan of Arrested Development, but I could never get into it.  Ditto his other obsessions, Seinfeld and The Simpsons.  I mean, I didn't complain when he put them on, but neither did I really pay much attention.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Deidre32 on May 19, 2020, 12:06:53 AM
Have been following Reckoning, and also Defending Jacob on Apple TV. I'd recommend them, but they're not wow or anything.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on May 19, 2020, 01:28:06 AM
Quote from: Deidre32 on May 19, 2020, 12:06:53 AM
Have been following Reckoning, and also Defending Jacob on Apple TV. I'd recommend them, but they're not wow or anything.

Crime dramas.  Do they handle the "mystery reveal" well?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 20, 2020, 11:02:15 PM
lol, Ruby Rose either quit or was fired from Batwoman. And Warner bros are looking to recast the character for season 2.

They should just accept the icebergs already hit and the boats sinking. What good is recasting a main actress in a lead role one season on, fans won't feel the chemistry with the new actress and the new one won't have that chemistry with the rest of the cast.

Funnest part is how LGBT fans were complaining that she wasn't gay enough.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 20, 2020, 11:15:33 PM
Quote from: Munch on May 20, 2020, 11:02:15 PMlol, Ruby Rose either quit or was fired from Batwoman.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on May 20, 2020, 11:44:39 PM
Hey if your looking of a strong female DC character to follow in such absence, might I recommend the new animated Harley Quinn series? At least she has a reason to hate most men given what her ex did to her.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on May 21, 2020, 12:06:07 AM
I didn't even know there was a Batwoman TV show. Sounds like I wasn't missing much.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on May 21, 2020, 04:52:50 AM
Ricky Gervais' After Life is an emotional rollercoaster ride.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on May 21, 2020, 06:48:50 AM
Quote from: Sal1981 on May 17, 2020, 11:27:04 AM
Netflix's Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency season 2 sort of ended on a cliffhanger, but there will be no season 3 sadly. I kinda liked the whole reality-bending spin. - 9/10 very entertaining.

It is a wildly entertaining series. Super.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on May 26, 2020, 07:46:27 AM
We finally got around to seeing Our Planet. The wildlife photography is amazing. It's profoundly sad that these ecosystems are collapsing and many of these creatures will soon be extinct.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on May 29, 2020, 11:37:37 AM
I'm watching Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, released in 1993.  It may be the first attempt to make money after the Steve Reeves series of my youth.  The special affects are 1950ish, even sub par for 1993, and the plots, acting, and direction are maybe a hair better than the original series, or maybe about the same.  I assume it depicts the 1940s or 1950s because Perry White is still in charge of the Daily Planet.  It's corny as Hell, but I'm liking it.  After all, it is Superman.  But while it's 1950ish feel is OK, they are writing copy on computers at the Daily Planet.  OK they are the big clunky monitors showing DOS commands on the screen, so it does seem antique, but still jarring.  If it wasn't about Superman, I wouldn't bother.  It's Superman in a cheesy romantic comedy.  I'm not sure there is a genre for this that has a name.  Enjoyably weird with one weird thumb up. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on May 29, 2020, 12:06:26 PM
I've watched the pilot of Locke & Key, on Netflix.

It's interesting. I'll watch more episodes to see what shenanigans the author comes up with with the magical keys.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: LoriPinkAngel on May 30, 2020, 06:22:17 PM
We are watching "What We Do In the Shadows."  It is a hilarious comedy about modern day vampires and their daily lives.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on May 30, 2020, 06:26:22 PM
Quote from: LoriPinkAngel on May 30, 2020, 06:22:17 PM
We are watching "What We Do In the Shadows."  It is a hilarious comedy about modern day vampires and their daily lives.
Yeah, I've watched the first episode of that on HBO.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on May 30, 2020, 06:56:13 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on May 12, 2020, 03:30:43 PM
I watched Hollywood on Netflix and finished feeling a bit disappointed. The series is a star-studded 1940's Hollywood fantasy of what would happen if a Jewish woman could be a studio executive, a black man could write a major motion picture, an interracial couple could lead that picture, and gay men could be open about their relationships. It's very entertaining as a sexy, campy drama but when it tries to draw from historical events, harsh history makes the fantasy story feel like it is trivializing what real people actually experienced. It includes famous people but usually only as touchstones to reinforce the message of inclusion. Rock Hudson is a major character but he's so retconned that I found it distracting. I enjoyed the series as a wish-fulfillment fantasy but it made me yearn for a documentary. I wonder if young views even understand how fanciful this story is, that these 1940's characters have 2020 sensibilities.

[spoiler]GSO, I think those series are telling stories that could have come true but obviously didn't and then give them a 'Hollywood Ending'. (The last ep. is called Hollywood Ending) As how it would end in a series or a movie. Like saying 'yeah all these happened in some ways but none of it ended good or at least the way we'd like it but via fantasy.

If you look into it, some characters and events are real, but combined or mixed in different ways. For example, the name is of a real actor but that is not Rock Hudson's life. Bowers? what was his name...he did have a prostitution ring in a petrol station but he didn't stop it or let people go to make their dreams come true or support a movie. He died very old, a few years ago by the way. He knew about too much dirty laundry of too famous people. Imagine the power that man had. Nothing good could come out from that. I think he wrote a couple of books. Things like that...So it gives that weird fantasy-clashing-documentary taste. Also they keep trivialising everything in telling, making it lighter on purpose because they are afraid young people will get bored or won't get it. They succeeded. Now they are stupid as soup and they don't get bored of anything and watch the same thing over and over again.

They can't do a real, documentary kind of series -or movies- about that period, those lives from those specific aspects. That would be too many skeletons in long gone and buried closets and criminal acts if you ask me. And they would become very alive when done. A lot of descendants and families would sue the hell out of movie studios too. Not to mention it would take 20 seasons, 2 hours an ep. [/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Munch on June 03, 2020, 04:30:36 PM
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on June 03, 2020, 08:45:37 PM
Quote from: Munch on June 03, 2020, 04:30:36 PM

Jesus Christ. This sounds like a goddamn train wreck. I'm tempted to start watching this show, just so I can bear witness to the convoluted bullshit they come up with to justify replacing the main character with a totally different character between seasons. This has the potential to be so bad, it's good.

One thing I will say, though, is that I like the new actress's look better. I know the Batwoman of the comics has red hair, but when I see a woman dressed in a bat costume with long red hair coming out the back of her mask, I think of Batgirl, not Batwoman. This new actress looks more like a genderbent Bruce Wayne.

BTW, if they were putting this in the same universe as Supergirl, why didn't they go with Batgirl? She's a much more recognizable character than Batwoman.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 03, 2020, 09:17:38 PM
Quote from: Sal1981 on May 29, 2020, 12:06:26 PM
I've watched the pilot of Locke & Key, on Netflix.

It's interesting. I'll watch more episodes to see what shenanigans the author comes up with with the magical keys.
Good.  Let me know what you think.  I've watched both the Netflix series and read the comic series it's based on.  So if you have any questions, ask away!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on June 04, 2020, 10:56:20 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on June 03, 2020, 08:45:37 PM
Jesus Christ. This sounds like a goddamn train wreck. I'm tempted to start watching this show, just so I can bear witness to the convoluted bullshit they come up with to justify replacing the main character with a totally different character between seasons. This has the potential to be so bad, it's good.

One thing I will say, though, is that I like the new actress's look better. I know the Batwoman of the comics has red hair, but when I see a woman dressed in a bat costume with long red hair coming out the back of her mask, I think of Batgirl, not Batwoman. This new actress looks more like a genderbent Bruce Wayne.

BTW, if they were putting this in the same universe as Supergirl, why didn't they go with Batgirl? She's a much more recognizable character than Batwoman.
Meh, replacing actors is nothing new.  Dick Sargent replaced Dick York on Bewitched, Jonah Ray replaced Mike Nelson replaced Joel Hodgson on MST3K, Eartha Kitt replaced Lee Meriwether replaced Julie Newmar on Batman, Jodie Whitaker replaced Peter Capaldi replaced Matt Smith replaced David Tennant replaced Christopher Eccleston replaced Paul McGann replaced Sylvester McCoy replaced Colin Baker replaced Peter Davison replaced Tom Baker replaced Jon Pertwee replaced Patrick Troughton replaced William Hartnell on Doctor Who.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: aitm on June 09, 2020, 09:24:21 AM
I started watching the old deadwood series. The plot itself is so-so. Plenty of bloodshed and boobs, but I truly enjoy listening to many of the characters talk. Lord how I wish they actually talked that way amongst the slightly higher than common folk. They sound like 18th century English professors using the full dictionary at their disposal. Sometimes...okay many times I even get confused as to what they are saying. Makes me smile.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on June 09, 2020, 12:04:53 PM
Timeless is a TV series that didn't quite make it.  It was cancelled after the first year, which caused a huge outcry from fans, so it was reinstated, but cancelled again after the second year, which caused another outcry.  Almost as if NBC gave a shit about it's fans, NBC did two more episodes that creates a conclusion.  (Remember Firefly?)  I've been renting disks from Netflix, but the two episode conclusion is not available, but is available to buy at a few places.  It comes as part of the second season, although it was hard for me to understand if that's exactly what I'm getting.  The disks are arriving tomorrow from Best Buy.  I don't really need the whole second season, as I've already seen it.  But I want to see how it ends.

I like the series, although I didn't right away.  Time travelers constantly go back in time to prevent some new world order from changing events so that they will have global control of the whole planet, but the events that need to be corrected are sometimes trivial, and it's never clear what the "butterfly effect" will be from changing them.  That may be the major fault with the series, and why it's ratings were not high enough for NBC.  I'm hoping, but not expecting this to be taken care of in the conclusion.

But the travels into the past, outside of that main fault are fun.  My favorite was the Chicago World's Fair, where they encountered a not yet famous Houdini, who looked like a magician who's career wasn't going anywhere, and wasn't really expecting to either.  That one was a hoot.  They recruit a reluctant Houdini, who ends up saving the day.  Without spoiling anything, imagine how helpful it would be to have Houdini in a tight spot.  The writers milked that situation for all it was worth.

The historical settings seem quite authentic, and I may have learned a few things too, if indeed some of those events happened as they did in series.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 17, 2020, 11:01:27 PM
I've been meaning to give RWBY a shot for years, but I never really had the time.  Well, I have the time now.

And I've gotta say, it has really grown on me.  The basic premise of teens training in a martial arts academy to fight monsters *coughSoulEatercough* - teen me would gone nuts over it!  The characters are decent, the plotline is a bit thin, but the visual gags and adorable voice acting more than make up for it.  Plus, the action scenes are actually really good.

Initially, I didn't particularly like the animation style - it felt almost as blocky as Reboot and that show was animated on a pentium.  Characters don't seem to completely make contact when holding objects (particularly glaring was when Dumbledore poured some tea) and I have the odd impression that none of the characters knows what to do with their hands.

But like I said, the positives far outweigh the negatives.

Someone on here once asked if RWBY could be considered an anime, since it doesn't originate from Japan.  Allow me to settle the argument: it absolutely is an anime.  Anime eyes, anime mannerisms, etc.  If it quacks like a duck...  Plus, it displays the signature flaw of modern anime - changing its perfectly good intro theme song for another song that is objectively not as good.  Change for change's sake.  S1 intro for life!

The show has a very strange use of color - all the main characters and most characters in general are mostly red, black, or white.  (Yang's yellow and orange accents really pop out because of that)



It's like the animators just used the top half of the color palette.  I dunno if that's a good or a bad thing.  Maybe it's so the main group stands out in a crowd, but crowds are often gray or white or brownish, as is the background.  The characters don't disappear, but they don't really stand out, either.  Personally, I could go for more cool colors - blue or purple or green!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on June 18, 2020, 08:05:54 AM
The first thing I noticed about those characters above was something unusual about their colors.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on June 18, 2020, 08:20:19 AM
Maybe they are made for people with certain kind of visual impairings?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 18, 2020, 06:45:40 PM
This is kind of an extreme example (it's not usually quite this bland), but this is what I'm talking about:


What's so weird about this is the fanart is so vibrant and colorful!  The actual show is kinda muted in comparison.  Sometimes, it's gray-on-gray or white-on-gray.  Mostly, it's kinda red-black-white on gray.  Maybe there's some sort of symbolic reason for it that I'm just not picking up on.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 18, 2020, 06:57:26 PM
And while I'm on the subject, both Bofuri and Rwby have very amiable, kind protagonists decked out in red and black.  Typically, red-black are major villain colors.  Over the years, it has gotten to the point that when I see someone decked out in red and black, I automatically think they're villainous, though I suppose there are exceptions (
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on June 18, 2020, 07:25:06 PM
Somebody told me the creator of RWBY died, and they continued the series without him. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 18, 2020, 07:49:09 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on June 18, 2020, 07:25:06 PMSomebody told me the creator of RWBY died, and they continued the series without him. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
Severe allergic reaction in 2015.  Generally, I think the show must go on, even if the creator bites it.  They're a team effort and don't entirely rest of anyone's shoulders.  The only times I think the towel should be thrown in is if the fan reception is not good enough or if there's not enough budget to continue or if there's so much executive meddling that the integrity of the show is irreparably compromised.  But as long as people like it, you can afford to produce it, and it's still the story you want to tell, go for it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on June 21, 2020, 11:54:52 AM
Finally watched both seasons of Final Space. For an animated show with so much silliness, it sure knows how to pull on the emotional strings. 7/10
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 21, 2020, 07:10:31 PM
Quote from: Sal1981 on June 21, 2020, 11:54:52 AM
Finally watched both seasons of Final Space. For an animated show with so much silliness, it sure knows how to pull on the emotional strings. 7/10
I know, right?  My brother loves the first season, but doesn't much care for the second.  I liked the first season, but I friggin' love the second season.  Season 1: 8/10.  Season 2: 9/10.

The first season had a very clear focus on Gary, a whole lot of heartache, and painted such an epic showdown that imo they must've thought they'd only get one season.  Because most shows don't go as balls to the wall during the first season as Final Space

The second season got more... comic-booky.  It reminded me a lot of Guardians of the Galaxy.  But it built up a hell of a supporting cast and did a ton of worldbuilding.  As a result, the focus was a lot more spread out, perhaps too spread out, and more formulatic - what with the overarching MacGuffin plot.  There were still some damn good character moments with Gary and Nightfall and Gary's mom and Little Cato.  Gary's mom really stole the show.  Every scene she's in is gold.  Todd H. Watson really made a splash, too.  But imho, Gary's mom is the winner.

I love this show.  I can't wait for season 3!  It's coming sometime 2021.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 25, 2020, 08:32:57 PM
I'm absolutely floored by RWBY season 3.  They really ramped up the villains in a huge way.  Jeez, who directed that season, Quentin Tarantino?  It got dark in a hurry.  Like midnight dark.

Before, the villains seemed kinda foppish and threatening, but not too threatening.  I mean, this is still a show aimed at young adults.  Nothing all that bad is going to happen, right?  :O

In seasons 1-2, the show was alright, but I could take it or leave it.  Now, I'm super invested.

P.S. - they use more blue this season!  Huzzah!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on June 25, 2020, 09:54:53 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on June 25, 2020, 08:32:57 PM
Jeez, who directed that season, Quentin Tarantino?

Uh-oh. He's back.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 25, 2020, 10:17:08 PM
Seriously.  That season made my stomach churn.  I haven't been legit scared for the protagonists in a show for a very long time, probably the early seasons of Game of Thrones.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on June 28, 2020, 12:19:40 PM
Cas Anvar, who plays one of my favorite characters in the Expanse, might have just killed the show.

Multiple allegations of sexual harassment and stalking, both during his time with the Expanse and Assassin's Creed, as well as some of them being underage I believe.

God damn it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on June 28, 2020, 02:08:03 PM
Quote from: Shiranu on June 28, 2020, 12:19:40 PM
Cas Anvar, who plays one of my favorite characters in the Expanse, might have just killed the show.

Multiple allegations of sexual harassment and stalking, both during his time with the Expanse and Assassin's Creed, as well as some of them being underage I believe.

God damn it.

Seems like you can't enjoy anything these days without someone heavily involved trying to groom fans.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on June 28, 2020, 03:22:34 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on June 28, 2020, 02:08:03 PM
Seems like you can't enjoy anything these days without someone heavily involved trying to groom fans.

Yep. Just 3-4 days ago one of my favorite producers (who has had a questionable history with women in the past) had a slew of allegations come forth again, this time both more credible and more serious. These allegations also come from a tour with a DJ who was destroyed a few years ago for drugging and raping multiple women.

I wonder if getting rid of "celebrity culture" might go a long way towards fixing this problem, or if even without all that shit going to their heads most would still abuse their positions to exploit people. In Space Jesus's case, I know he has a pretty long history of drug abuse which I know doesn't help, but I feel like a lot of these abusers don't even have that "excuse".
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on June 28, 2020, 03:35:01 PM
Fame and money often amplify people's vices, including coercing people to have sex.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on June 28, 2020, 03:42:52 PM
I can't handle Final Space. It feels like OK... then it doesn't happen. 

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on June 30, 2020, 04:27:03 AM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on June 28, 2020, 03:35:01 PM
Fame and money often amplify people's vices, including coercing people to have sex.

The reporter probably thought he would say something mundane like buy a house or something.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 11, 2020, 12:07:53 AM


Why, Butch? Why? I thought you were cool. Turns out, you're a piece of shit.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 18, 2020, 07:26:59 PM
I never realized how spoiled I was with Star Trek DS9 until now.

*responding to an unknown vessel's distress call*

Next Gen:  *talks about it for 5 minutes before doing anything*

Picard (assuming they even have a ship):  *initially ignored because a crewmember is tripping balls*  One of the two sane people on board assess the situation, but quickly get into an argument about it.  "It's too risky.  They could be szavash-neshi!"

DS9:  "It could be a trap.  Worf, Odo, you're with me." - Sisko.  *in 10 seconds, there's an away team assembled and armed with phaser rifles*
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on July 19, 2020, 03:32:46 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on July 18, 2020, 07:26:59 PM
I never realized how spoiled I was with Star Trek DS9 until now.

*responding to an unknown vessel's distress call*

Next Gen:  *talks about it for 5 minutes before doing anything*

Picard (assuming they even have a ship):  *initially ignored because a crewmember is tripping balls*  One of the two sane people on board assess the situation, but quickly get into an argument about it.  "It's too risky.  They could be szavash-neshi!"

DS9:  "It could be a trap.  Worf, Odo, you're with me." - Sisko.  *in 10 seconds, there's an away team assembled and armed with phaser rifles*

So basically DS9 is TOS...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sal1981 on July 19, 2020, 06:38:43 PM
Finished watching 3rd season of Dark.

I found it quite convoluted, and I had a hard time following the details. The main story arch, yes, but names in the different timelines apart from the main characters I kept forgetting. I'll probably watch all 3 seasons again later some time down the line, because there are so many layers in the story telling, and revisiting the story will probably make me appreciate the intricacies of the cinematography in Dark and I'll hopefully follow the details of the story better.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on August 01, 2020, 06:47:17 AM
Unorthadox was interesting and may appeal to people who have left religion. Some very good acting.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on August 01, 2020, 10:12:52 AM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on August 01, 2020, 06:47:17 AM
Unorthadox was interesting and may appeal to people who have left religion. Some very good acting.

Is it depressing?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on August 01, 2020, 11:31:05 AM
Watching the second season of the Umbrella Academy. LOL, I don't know the comics but it seems going pretty wild. Can someone confirm later if it is accurate or not?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 01, 2020, 12:57:25 PM
I've finished RWBY and decided to check out Gen;Lock - a military scifi series with mecha.  It's basically Supreme Commander mixed with Gundam, animated in the RWBY artstyle.  I can't explain it any better than that.

While it does have a pretty basic plotline and not every character really gets fleshed out, there are a handful of characters who get a LOT of development in a short time and some truly epic moments.

The series only has 8 episodes (roughly 4 hours total), so it feels more like a miniseries than a show - there's not a whole lot of screen time, so it has to keep a snappy pace but because of that, some stuff feels rushed and not developed enough imo.

The plotline is nothing to write home about - it's pretty basic Federation VS Zeon stuff.  Nameless and faceless (for the most part) bad guys.  It's not even explained in the show why they're fighting or the extent of their territory, which is a big no-no imho.  But both sides have very distinct technology that looks cool af, so that's a plus.  And while the overall plot is pretty basic and suffers the occasional odd plot contrivance, there are some nice twists and turns from episode to episode to keep you on your feet.

Final verdict: 8/10 and a badass seal of approval.  It's not super complex, but it is engrossing and entertaining as hell.  Ooh, what I wouldn't give to get a seat in a strider!

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on August 01, 2020, 03:02:18 PM
One of the side stories in the Umbrella Academy will trigger a lot of people. Obviously, they had no idea what was to come while shooting it... It's good though. Better than the first season for sure. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on August 01, 2020, 03:49:53 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on August 01, 2020, 10:12:52 AM
Is it depressing?

No, more inspirational. It was educational for me because I don't know much about the daily experience of ultra-orthadox Jews. This sect was founded in the United States almost entirely by Holocaust survivors. It is interesting to see how that shared trauma influences this insular community. For example, having as many children as possible is a priority because they are trying to replace the six million Jews who died.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on August 05, 2020, 05:04:49 PM
I haven't watched Firefly for years.  It's been long enough that I barely remember the stories.  I just finished the second episode, and it actually seems better than ever.   I thought it was great the first time around, but now... holy crap, this is fun.  A series this good doesn't come around all that often.  Spaceships, cowboys, horses, and cattle.  Why does this even work when Cowboys and Aliens didn't do all that well?  You can't put cowboys and space ships together?  I guess depends on who does it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on August 05, 2020, 07:08:39 PM
I just subscribed to BritBox.  Classic Doctor Who, QI, The Vicar of Dibley, Fawlty Towers, A Bit of Fry and Laurie, the Jeremy Brett Holmes series, Blackadder, Mock the Week, 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, Would I Lie To You?, Ripping Yarns... yeah.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on August 06, 2020, 04:56:59 AM
Quote from: SGOS on August 05, 2020, 05:04:49 PM
I haven't watched Firefly for years.  It's been long enough that I barely remember the stories.  I just finished the second episode, and it actually seems better than ever.   I thought it was great the first time around, but now... holy crap, this is fun.  A series this good doesn't come around all that often.  Spaceships, cowboys, horses, and cattle.  Why does this even work when Cowboys and Aliens didn't do all that well?  You can't put cowboys and space ships together?  I guess depends on who does it.

It's a simple, natural odyessy of good natured outcasts. It's always on the move, changing but stable and 'reliable' at the same time. It's 'indie' at the all the right places, not trying to reach far or trying to dazzle while new, yet conventional and convincing. The chemistry between the cast is solid, the story is taking place around a ship.

Story telling doesn't get better than this if you do it right. That's why it's a basic form that survived for thousands of years. The  background doesn't matter. It's just we love Sci-Fi a bit more than other genres,lol. It could be in space, in a cave, on another planet, in another dimension, another universe or in Ancient Greece... It's the same story. Moving from point to point...while having a journey, having a lot of other journeys in it. It identifies the journey and the destination concepts -which is which thing- with each other at a tight rope, successfuly. Because moving from point A to point B is actually moving to the point Z through all the points in the alphabet, if it makes sense,lol.

It's universal. Everybody, every living organism with a certain intelligence and so memory is an Odysseus in some sense.

The same reason why Tolkien has built his myth on his heroes' journeys. Doesn't matter if it is related to the fate of their world or not in the biggest scale, Bilbo and Frodo are going through their personal odysseys too in the end. Well, obviously Odysseus, Bilbo and Frodo are far more unlucky than the most. LOL
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on August 06, 2020, 06:43:30 AM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on August 06, 2020, 04:56:59 AM
It's a simple, natural odyessy of good natured outcasts. It's always on the move, changing but stable and 'reliable' at the same time. It's 'indie' at the all the right places, not trying to reach far or trying to dazzle while new, yet conventional and convincing. The chemistry between the cast is solid, the story is taking place around a ship.

Story telling doesn't get better than this if you do it right. That's why it's a basic form that survived for thousands of years.
Good description.  Also, it doesn't hurt that a genius like Joss Whedon created it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: aitm on August 06, 2020, 11:39:40 AM
Started watching “Picard” two nights ago. Very biased because I am a fan of the series, though not nutty like some of you.....

Enjoying it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on August 06, 2020, 06:31:47 PM
Quote from: aitm on August 06, 2020, 11:39:40 AM
Started watching “Picard” two nights ago. Very biased because I am a fan of the series, though not nutty like some of you.....

Enjoying it.

But of course you have missed the slash/BDSM fiction produced on Picard and Q... What is better than an omnipotent entity as a master with a special dimension to host. LOL
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 06, 2020, 06:43:02 PM
Quote from: aitm on August 06, 2020, 11:39:40 AMStarted watching “Picard” two nights ago. Very biased because I am a fan of the series, though not nutty like some of you.....

Enjoying it.
Heh.  Go for it.  Give me your honest opinion of everything up to and including the season finale.  Spare no detail!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on August 07, 2020, 04:21:14 AM
Watching a First Doctor serial I haven't seen before -- 'The Keys of Marinus'
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: aitm on August 07, 2020, 02:45:24 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on August 06, 2020, 06:43:02 PM
Heh.  Go for it.  Give me your honest opinion of everything up to and including the season finale.  Spare no detail!
That’s why you like my take on it. I watch for entertainment, unless something really squirrelly catches my eye I don’t get involved in the science or possibilities os such. But so far I like it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cassia on August 07, 2020, 03:00:12 PM
Gonna give BBC's single season The White Queen a try...A companion two-part documentary series, The Real White Queen and Her Rivals, presented by Philippa Gregory, was made to accompany the series. It was broadcast on BBC Two on 17 and 24 July 2013
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 07, 2020, 08:23:46 PM
Quote from: aitm on August 07, 2020, 02:45:24 PMI watch for entertainment, unless something really squirrelly catches my eye I don’t get involved in the science or possibilities os such. But so far I like it.
Famous last words.  :P

I'll admit, it had its moments, particularly in the early episodes.  But after a while...

Have you ever seen a plane try to take off from an aircraft carrier and it just doesn't quite get enough lift and it just struggles in the air for second after agonizing second until it inevitably comes crashing down?  That's my impression.  Though this one jackknifes into the parked planes and just kinda tumbles down the whole deck, showering debris everywhere and causing a couple fires.  Such a spectacular combination of errors.

It looked nice and shiny on the deck, though.

I'm serious about the reviews.  Doesn't have to be long, just give me your overall impression and stuff you liked or didn't like.  Comparing the first few to the last few would be a blast!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 09, 2020, 10:14:30 PM
I told myself I wouldn't watch anymore Star Trek, but I just checked out the animated comedy series Below Decks, and I've gotta say, it's not awful.  6/10.

It's a very manic, silly show and to be perfectly honest, they could change the setting to Star Wars and no one would notice the difference.  So don't expect anything particularly substantive.  But it got a chuckle out of me and I kinda like lower-deck episodes in scifi - ordinary joes dealing with ordinary joe problems.  It doesn't always have to be the end of the world.  That said, there's still plenty of action in this series.

So if you're looking for a dumb silly comedy set in a dying franchise and behind a can take that short stick and put a redshirt on it and put it up in your yard and uhhh...and I guess that's something.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 27, 2020, 11:47:41 AM
I've been trying to get into Lovecraft County.  Kind of a dull start, but it's steadily growing on me.

They may have mentioned that Lovecraft was a racist a couple times in the pilot.  At this point, is there anyone left on the planet who isn't aware of that?

One scene shocked and offended me to my very core.  Two men unfurl a map of the deep south and on it are large markers of hooded klansmen, showing racially violent, no-go areas.  Deeply disturbing stuff.  I mean, what sort of cartographer blots out whole counties with drawings?!  How are you supposed to navigate like that?  It defies all logic.

The map might as well look like this:


*edit - I just finished the pilot.  Finally, some action.  And very nicely done.  Alright, I'm hooked.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on August 27, 2020, 06:35:04 PM
Has anyone watched the Magicians?  I've never heard of it until today.  Is it any good?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on August 28, 2020, 09:17:44 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on August 27, 2020, 11:47:41 AM
what sort of cartographer blots out whole counties with drawings?!  How are you supposed to navigate like that?  It defies all logic.

The map might as well look like this:

Depends on who's doing the cartography, I suppose.  Many years ago, it may have been in a psychology class, maybe in a chapter on perspective,  I saw a map of the US drawn from memory by a child who lived in New York City.  I think it was a very young child, like third grade.  New York City took up about a third of the map. Another third of the map showed a couple of well known areas in various places, like New Jersey, Brookland, and Chicago, and the last third was entirely used up by California, half of which was Los Angles.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on August 29, 2020, 07:21:48 AM
Quote from: SGOS on August 27, 2020, 06:35:04 PM
Has anyone watched the Magicians?  I've never heard of it until today.  Is it any good?

I watched the first couple of seasons. For me, The Magicians a mixed bag. I like the concept of taking children's stories and making them more mature and sinsister but almost all the characters, who are adults, have the emotional maturity of young adolescents. It has a fan fiction feel.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on August 29, 2020, 07:32:42 AM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on August 29, 2020, 07:21:48 AM
I watched the first couple of seasons. For me, The Magicians a mixed bag. I like the concept of taking children's stories and making them more mature and sinsister but almost all the characters, who are adults, have the emotional maturity of young adolescents. It has a fan fiction feel.
Thanks.  From my digging, that was my suspicion.  I never really read anything bad, and even your description is not bad, but I sensed that it may have been childish (not quite the word I want).  I started watching a couple of other shows that I got from Netflix, both of which had an interesting premise, but both of which were immature (still not the word I want).  There is nothing wrong with children's stories, and I have enjoyed some of them.  But some of them seem like they were written FOR adults BY middle school writers (is there a word for that?).  What could have been passed off as pure fantasy, somehow became unsettling.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 31, 2020, 12:31:56 AM
Well, I watched three episodes of Lovecraft Country (all the ones that are out) and I've gotta say, it went downhill in a hurry.  The pilot was kinda dull at first, but picked up in the second half.  The second episode was just strange.  And the third one was shark-jumping, C-list horror at best.  I think I'm going to call it.

Decent idea, bad execution.  Kind of a mish-mash of a period piece with a thick coat of 50s racism and some supernatural goings-on.  Imagine Buffy the Vampire Slayer + Jim Crow - anything funny or interesting.  And that very thin coat of Lovecraft that pretty much died on the vine, sad to say.

I dunno who this is supposed to be for.  Lovecraft fans will be disappointed at the lack of cosmic horror.  People who like 50s period pieces probably won't get much out of this.  And people who like the characters...well, they don't exist.

I wanted to like this show, and I think it had a fairly solid two-episode arc, but there's just no real central narrative holding this show together.  And that's a real shame.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 08, 2020, 07:58:15 PM
I've been binging The Boys lately, and I've gotta say, it's a hell of a superhero deconstruction.  How should I describe it?

40% PR-speak and in-universe propaganda (would you like to know more?)
40% blackmail (amazingly, it always works)
20% over-the-top violence reminiscent of Kick-Ass
10% someone's mediocre Brit-punk Spotify playlist set on random

I would say that they ripped off the Empowered comic series as well as both the Irredeemable and Incorruptible comics, but technically, this show's source material came first.  Great minds and all that.  Personally, I think those 3 are much, much better deconstructions, especially Irredeemable.  That comic was nuts.  Am I mad that a certain character from The Boys is basically a photocopy of the main character of Irredeemable?  Not really.  Maybe.  Alright, yes.  Only because now an Irredeemable tv show is basically be impossible.  Empowered is too racy to ever get adapted.

Is The Boys a good show?  Yes.  Solid 8.5/10 for sure.  Polls well with the 18-34 demo, especially in the Midwest.  Dammit, now I'm doing it.

The characters are decent and quite a few of them get some nice development.  More than meets the eye.  Some of the content is a bit uncomfortable, though I suppose that's the point.  The overall plot is decent, but a bit stretched out.  I'm pretty sure the conflict could be resolved pretty quickly by intelligent people.  That sentence wasn't originally intended to be insulting, but it's kinda hard to not make that observation.  Definitely an Idiot Ball being passed around.

Oh and there's this French guy and it couldn't be more obvious that he has le phonié Frénch accénté.  Real omlette du fromage stuff, you'd have to see it to believe it.  It mildly grates on me.  Maybe the character is faking?  That'd be brilliant if true.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 11, 2020, 10:39:22 PM
My homestate of North Carolina was just featured in The Boys!  So excited!

...oh look, there's an anti-abortion poster, a confederate flag, and plenty of racism.  Wow.  And it even looks pretty rural despite being the state capital (fun fact: Raleigh has a larger population than Miami)


This is like being a college grad, winning an Olympic bronze medal for snowboarding, and being a pretty good IT guy but being known as the guy who crapped on the floor in a crowded movie theater when he was 15 as part of a dare and then being known as The Masked Crapper ever since.

Look, it happened.  It was a mistake.  Can we please move on?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on September 11, 2020, 11:02:39 PM
You guy's remember that "Bel-Air" video from a while back? Basically a fan trailer for a reboot of Fresh Prince? Well, looks like it just got approved for two seasons.

Here's the trailer, if you missed it:

I don't know how I feel about that. It's kinda cool that a fan made project became official, but will it have the same charm and humor of the original? Will it be kind of weird having someone else play the character of Will Smith? I mean, the character literally has the same name as the actor, so...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 13, 2020, 12:05:40 AM
Anyone else check out Raised By Wolves?

You might be interested in its portrayal of atheism; the show explicitly mentions atheists in the very first episode, and not in a derogatory way.  A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

Apparently, the Earth is in ruins, necessitating rapid (read: desperate) space colonization, and religion played a big part in that devastation.  I'm shocked.  Well, not too shocked.

There are two factions at war: atheists (and their android helpers) versus some uber-religious faction opposed to both atheism and androids.  To balance out the obvious appeal of the former, Ragnar Lodbrok is on the religious side.

Which will survive on this dangerous new world, atheistic rationality or religious zealotry?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on September 14, 2020, 02:21:04 AM
I clearly need to subscribe to HBO.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on September 14, 2020, 05:48:00 AM
Hmm...I need to check that. Somehow, I think we'll find a few clichés.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on September 16, 2020, 11:55:37 AM
Speaking of 90's shows getting a reboot...

Love this. Only thing holding it back is that it's exclusive to Hulu. Ugh...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on September 18, 2020, 11:24:51 PM
I'm in the middle of season two of Homeland.  I know, I know, I'm late to the party.  I was even later to the Stargate series, all three of them.  But I love binge watching these things all at once.  Homeland keeps me on the edge of my seat, like Dexter and Breaking Bad, but I'll wait until the end before rank it.  I actually take breaks from it just to get some rest.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on September 21, 2020, 04:44:35 PM

Trailer for WandaVision. Looks...interesting. I have no idea what's going on.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 21, 2020, 05:33:12 PM
That's was certainly a bit weird.  My guess is that her powers somehow spared her from death - and possibly him as well.  So Wanda is trapped in some dream-like 1950s sitcom purgatory, exerts increasing control over her dream, and eventually it dawns on her that it's not real and she seeks to return to the living.  A daunting task.  There's bound to be a unforseen hurtle or two.  If we're lucky, maybe a cosmic entity like the Living Tribunal will make a ruling.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on September 21, 2020, 06:57:09 PM
That sure doesn't seem like Marvel stuff, other than the red guy is there, but he's kind of out of character.  I thought Marvell, was really going somewhere with Captain Marvel, but they just kind of dangled her there, and then the whole Marvel Staff decided to spend all their money on a trip around the world.  Probably by boat, with ports of call lasting 3 months each.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 21, 2020, 09:45:39 PM
Quote from: SGOS on September 21, 2020, 06:57:09 PM
That sure doesn't seem like Marvel stuff, other than the red guy is there, but he's kind of out of character.  I thought Marvell, was really going somewhere with Captain Marvel, but they just kind of dangled her there, and then the whole Marvel Staff decided to spend all their money on a trip around the world.  Probably by boat, with ports of call lasting 3 months each.
Captain Marvel will almost certainly make an appearance in either a rumored Secret Invasion Avengers movie or a Guardians of the Galaxy movie.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on September 23, 2020, 07:13:45 PM
Good Eats Reloaded on Hulu, which is a lead-in for an upcoming new series of Good Eats.  I do love me some Alton Brown.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on September 23, 2020, 11:44:41 PM
Quote from: trdsf on September 23, 2020, 07:13:45 PM
Good Eats Reloaded on Hulu, which is a lead-in for an upcoming new series of Good Eats.  I do love me some Alton Brown.

That used to be the only show I'd watch on Food Network. I hate all these cooking competitions with their forced drama. 99% of it is fake, just like all other "reality TV" shows. They always happen to finish as the last second. They supposedly make up a dish on the spot, with no hesitation, no preparation, they have no issues finding the specific ingredients they need (guess they have a pantry from the Harry Potter universe, which magics things they want into existence), and have to drastically change their plans in the middle of them cooking when the announcers add some weird instructions they all have to follow. Oh, yeah, and they always somehow find time to interview people every couple of minutes, despite the time limit being super tight. I remember in one of these shows, they had kids competing, and they had the kids randomly pick ingredients they'd have to incorporate into their dish. This Japanese kid just happens to pick wontons. Give me a break. They clearly walked in with those, and the producers were like, "Okay, hide them under a bowl and pretend you've never seen them before." Shows like these feel like they're insulting my intelligence, expecting me to believe it's real.

Good Eats, on the other hand, is like the Bill Nye of food. He doesn't just cook stuff, but he explains the science of why things work the way they do, and he throws in historical trivia. I always found that stuff super interesting, and it's all presented in an entertaining way. Also, it has become a tradition for me to bake his fruit cake every Christmas season. My parents in particular really like it. It's made with dried fruits that are rehydrated in golden rum.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on September 26, 2020, 03:07:50 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on September 23, 2020, 11:44:41 PM
That used to be the only show I'd watch on Food Network. I hate all these cooking competitions with their forced drama. 99% of it is fake, just like all other "reality TV" shows. They always happen to finish as the last second. They supposedly make up a dish on the spot, with no hesitation, no preparation, they have no issues finding the specific ingredients they need (guess they have a pantry from the Harry Potter universe, which magics things they want into existence), and have to drastically change their plans in the middle of them cooking when the announcers add some weird instructions they all have to follow. Oh, yeah, and they always somehow find time to interview people every couple of minutes, despite the time limit being super tight. I remember in one of these shows, they had kids competing, and they had the kids randomly pick ingredients they'd have to incorporate into their dish. This Japanese kid just happens to pick wontons. Give me a break. They clearly walked in with those, and the producers were like, "Okay, hide them under a bowl and pretend you've never seen them before." Shows like these feel like they're insulting my intelligence, expecting me to believe it's real.

Good Eats, on the other hand, is like the Bill Nye of food. He doesn't just cook stuff, but he explains the science of why things work the way they do, and he throws in historical trivia. I always found that stuff super interesting, and it's all presented in an entertaining way. Also, it has become a tradition for me to bake his fruit cake every Christmas season. My parents in particular really like it. It's made with dried fruits that are rehydrated in golden rum.

Reloaded is taking some of the original episodes, and explaining things that were left unclear due to time constraints, or just flat admitting he was wrong about something and/or has completely changed his technique.  And it's just as much fun as the original series was.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 27, 2020, 12:22:43 AM
I have an ongoing theory that the french guy in The Boys is not actually french in the slightest.  At least, not a native speaker, which calls into question his alleged childhood in France.  My latest evidence:

"He look familiar to you?"
"Je ne sais pas"

Sais = a conjugation of savoir (to know), so it makes literal sense to english speakers.  However, when a french speaker talks about knowing a person, they would almost certainly use connaître (to know of, to be familiar with).

Savoir is more like knowing facts (knowing how to swim, knowing karate, etc), connaître is more like "knowing"/familiarity with people and places (I know my neighbor, I know this city, etc).  Very similar words, but not quite the same.

Imho, the character is an imposter.  Très sus.

But hey, that's just a theory.  A TV theory.  ...and cut!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on September 27, 2020, 07:17:05 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on September 27, 2020, 12:22:43 AM
I have an ongoing theory that the french guy in The Boys is not actually french in the slightest.  At least, not a native speaker, which calls into question his alleged childhood in France.  My latest evidence:

"He look familiar to you?"
"Je ne sais pas"

Sais = a conjugation of savoir (to know), so it makes literal sense to english speakers.  However, when a french speaker talks about knowing a person, they would almost certainly use connaître (to know of, to be familiar with).

Savoir is more like knowing facts (knowing how to swim, knowing karate, etc), connaître is more like "knowing"/familiarity with people and places (I know my neighbor, I know this city, etc).  Very similar words, but not quite the same.

Imho, the character is an imposter.  Très sus.

But hey, that's just a theory.  A TV theory.  ...and cut!

It could be just daily, street talk or maybe used to show his social class in fiction? It's the same in my tongue. The verb 'to know' is not used for people, it is incorrect but people do speak like that. You could say 'I don't know anything about him.' But you don't say 'I don't know him'. It sounds silly. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on October 03, 2020, 05:48:32 PM
Season 2 of Primal starts tomorrow.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on October 09, 2020, 04:48:34 PM
Close Enough. Animation. I like it so far.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on October 09, 2020, 04:50:58 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on October 03, 2020, 05:48:32 PM
Season 2 of Primal starts tomorrow.

When I saw that, I thought somebody was making fun of Tarkovsky and I was going to cheer, lol. Getting old.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 10, 2020, 12:57:59 AM
I just caught The Boys season 2 finale.  I felt so many emotions!  I've never watched a TV show and cackled from schadenfreude one moment, get gutpunched the next, and finally feel genuinely happy (that's the word right, "happy"?  That lesser-known third and final emotion after anger and sadness)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on October 10, 2020, 02:48:34 AM
Apparently, Primal is still on Season 1. I don't get how seasons are numbered. What determines what is the end of one season and the beginning of the next? You'd think a pretty lengthy break in production would constitute a shift in seasons, but no. Some shows have no breaks in between, but they still split that time into seasons. I don't get it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on October 20, 2020, 08:10:50 AM
I finally got around to watch The Boys series. I'm in first season, ep 5. I loved it so far. I didn't expect that honestly. Finally, a realistic superhero show in a realistic world. 

I'm going to marry Billy when I grow up and Homelander is one of the scariest, creepist villain I've ever seen. *Shudders.

"Good talk, think about it. I'm here all day, all right?" Lololol.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on October 20, 2020, 01:02:58 PM
I know I'm way late to the party but we finally got around to watching The Haunting of Hill House. Horror is one of my least favorite genres but this series was one of the best supernatural dramas I have ever seen. I was completely invested the entire time. There is a ghost of a tall floating man who ambulates with a cane that creeped me out in a primal way that I can't recall experiencing since I was a child.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on October 20, 2020, 01:19:02 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on October 20, 2020, 01:02:58 PM
I know I'm way late to the party but we finally got around to watching The Haunting of Hill House. Horror is one of my least favorite genres but this series was one of the best supernatural dramas I have ever seen. I was completely invested the entire time. There is a ghost of a tall floating man who ambulates with a cane that creeped me out in a primal way that I can't recall experiencing since I was a child.
QuoteThe Haunting anthology series. It is loosely based on the 1959 novel of the same name by Shirley Jackson.
Shirley Jackson???  Of The Lottery??  You've got my attention.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on October 21, 2020, 12:26:03 PM

Another Animaniacs trailer. This one's hilarious.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on October 21, 2020, 01:49:26 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on September 27, 2020, 12:22:43 AM
I have an ongoing theory that the french guy in The Boys is not actually french in the slightest.  At least, not a native speaker, which calls into question his alleged childhood in France.  My latest evidence:

"He look familiar to you?"
"Je ne sais pas"

Sais = a conjugation of savoir (to know), so it makes literal sense to english speakers.  However, when a french speaker talks about knowing a person, they would almost certainly use connaître (to know of, to be familiar with).

Savoir is more like knowing facts (knowing how to swim, knowing karate, etc), connaître is more like "knowing"/familiarity with people and places (I know my neighbor, I know this city, etc).  Very similar words, but not quite the same.

Imho, the character is an imposter.  Très sus.

But hey, that's just a theory.  A TV theory.  ...and cut!

Honestly, je ne sais pas Is à valid response.
Yeah, he could say, non je ne connais pas lui. Or any other number of responses, depending on the situation. Like, 'Qui, ce homme ? Comment je peux connaiser lui ? Je n' ai jamais vu lui.' or 'je n' ai pas déjà rencontré ce garçon.'

Might not be the most standard response, but it' s valid.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on October 21, 2020, 01:56:04 PM
Is it me or does he sound Algerian-French? I mean the character.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 21, 2020, 03:00:47 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on October 20, 2020, 08:10:50 AM
I finally got around to watch The Boys series. I'm in first season, ep 5. I loved it so far. I didn't expect that honestly. Finally, a realistic superhero show in a realistic world.
It depresses me just how realistic a lot of it is.  Everything is marketing and branding.  Those marketers are the true villains imo.

QuoteI'm going to marry Billy when I grow up and Homelander is one of the scariest, creepist villain I've ever seen. *Shudders.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 21, 2020, 03:13:06 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on October 10, 2020, 02:48:34 AMApparently, Primal is still on Season 1. I don't get how seasons are numbered. What determines what is the end of one season and the beginning of the next? You'd think a pretty lengthy break in production would constitute a shift in seasons, but no. Some shows have no breaks in between, but they still split that time into seasons. I don't get it.
It's completely arbitrary.  Traditionally, it used to signify a break in production, but nowadays that's not necessarily the case.  And from the audience's perspective, there are often breaks within a season, so for example, you can get the first half of season 4, wait a few months, then get the second half of season 4.

Also, the number of episodes per season seems to vary tremendously, from a mere 6 episodes to dozens.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on October 22, 2020, 05:28:25 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on October 21, 2020, 03:00:47 PM
It depresses me just how realistic a lot of it is.  Everything is marketing and branding.  Those marketers are the true villains imo.

Oh yeah... It's very good. Add that all the governments and the international deep shit in real life... Did you see the show they made with Kripke and a few of the cast? Apparently, some groups complained because Liberty is a woman. LOL


Lololol. Exactly. Have I mentioned that I been single for over a decade now. Seriously.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on October 22, 2020, 09:55:44 AM
[spoiler]Liberty - "People like what I say. They believe in it. They just don't like the word 'Nazi'."

I salute you Kripke.[/spoiler]

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on October 22, 2020, 01:37:32 PM
I got the 30 day trial for Amazon Prime, to see the new stuff, right? If I like it, I'll buy it because there is new stuff. I watch The Boys, I like it and let's see what else they have. Then I see they have Buffy. Bam! I start watching Buffy and warm up to get the vendor. I'm so easy.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 28, 2020, 12:54:29 AM
watching The Walking Dead The World Beyond.  Boy, that was a mouthful.

I really want to like this show.  It's a fresh start away from Rick and crew (and the other series whose name shall not be uttered because it does not exist).

The basic premise of TWD is brilliant: it's your basic zombie apocalypse, but it's somewhat grounded in realism and it examines the zombie apocalypse's immense social and psychological toll.  So there's an internal struggle as well as an external one.  There's drama, tough choices, horror, compassion.  It's pretty much the human experience with zombies as a metaphor for natural hazards (natural disaster, disease, and death itself - hence the twist that walkers arise from natural deaths, not just zombie bites)

Theoretically, you could take that premise and build a pretty decent show around just about anyone - the struggle against death is universal.  In TWD, it was very tightly centered on Rick.  Normal guy, wakes up in the apocalypse, struggles first to find his family, then to protect them.  A simple but gripping story.  And then the focus got spread out all over the place and things kinda went to shit and people bailed.  And now there's spinoff after spinoff just in time for no one to care.  /sigh

Now, let's take World Beyond.  One episode in, and I barely know who the main characters are.  I don't know how they survived.  They seem extremely pampered, naive, and kinda uninteresting.  I don't really know who these people are or what they want, except for one guy, but he practically grabs the camera and talks directly to the audience so I dunno if that counts.

I only have the haziest idea what their neck of the woods is like, and that's mostly delivered by exposition dumps.

And finally, they do this green actor thing that really annoys me - a monotone delivery of some pretty emotional lines.  Just utterly kills any excitement.  I half expect someone on that to get stabbed and say "Oh no, you killed me" like they just dropped their can of soda.  I'd almost prefer them to chew on the scenery a little bit than that.  Just whatever you do, don't make the apocalypse boring.

I won't say this show is awful, but it's not good.  5.5/10, maybe.  It's just so painfully mediocre - which is not a good first impression.  I'll give it a few more episodes, then I'll give you guys my final verdict.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 28, 2020, 01:32:18 AM
Oh and they have a "smart" guy and they show that he's smart by having him go off on tangents with a steady stream of fancy words.

That's not really how smart people operate.  Smart people like Eugene come up with new insights on stuff that no one else notices.  You hand him a map, he'll chart a faster, safer course.  You give him some scrap metal, he uses it for something useful.  You come across a crate of sorghum - he jumps for joy because he understands what that means for the community.

My favorite scene with him is one where he's held captive and doesn't have to foggiest clue where he is.  They offer him food.  He asks for lobster, which is comedic, but the answer reveals a lot of info - how close they are to the sea, how proficient they are at feeding themselves, and how far they're willing to go to accommodate him.  That's how smart people operate.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mike Cl on October 28, 2020, 11:33:17 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on October 28, 2020, 12:54:29 AM
watching The Walking Dead The World Beyond.  Boy, that was a mouthful.

I really want to like this show.  It's a fresh start away from Rick and crew (and the other series whose name shall not be uttered because it does not exist).

The basic premise of TWD is brilliant: it's your basic zombie apocalypse, but it's somewhat grounded in realism and it examines the zombie apocalypse's immense social and psychological toll.  So there's an internal struggle as well as an external one.  There's drama, tough choices, horror, compassion.  It's pretty much the human experience with zombies as a metaphor for natural hazards (natural disaster, disease, and death itself - hence the twist that walkers arise from natural deaths, not just zombie bites)

Theoretically, you could take that premise and build a pretty decent show around just about anyone - the struggle against death is universal.  In TWD, it was very tightly centered on Rick.  Normal guy, wakes up in the apocalypse, struggles first to find his family, then to protect them.  A simple but gripping story.  And then the focus got spread out all over the place and things kinda went to shit and people bailed.  And now there's spinoff after spinoff just in time for no one to care.  /sigh

Now, let's take World Beyond.  One episode in, and I barely know who the main characters are.  I don't know how they survived.  They seem extremely pampered, naive, and kinda uninteresting.  I don't really know who these people are or what they want, except for one guy, but he practically grabs the camera and talks directly to the audience so I dunno if that counts.

I only have the haziest idea what their neck of the woods is like, and that's mostly delivered by exposition dumps.

And finally, they do this green actor thing that really annoys me - a monotone delivery of some pretty emotional lines.  Just utterly kills any excitement.  I half expect someone on that to get stabbed and say "Oh no, you killed me" like they just dropped their can of soda.  I'd almost prefer them to chew on the scenery a little bit than that.  Just whatever you do, don't make the apocalypse boring.

I won't say this show is awful, but it's not good.  5.5/10, maybe.  It's just so painfully mediocre - which is not a good first impression.  I'll give it a few more episodes, then I'll give you guys my final verdict.
I love to read novels that deal with the apocalypse.  Generally, I have found movies/tv shows disappointing.  But I watched a couple of these shows hoping for something good.  I find the premise good--the acting and writing no so much.  Not waste anymore time with it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 30, 2020, 09:07:05 PM
The Mandalorian season 2!!!  This show is without a doubt, the finest Star Wars put on screen in the past 30 years.  Change my mind.  I have spoken.

It's the gritty sci-fi western that no one knew they needed.  It has action and character and world-building galore.  And its cinematic style is like pure eye candy.  And even though it doesn't beat you over the head with it, there's a very good message underneath all that beskar armor.

The season premier is practically stand alone, so it's newbie-friendly.  Go watch it and let me know what you think!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 04, 2020, 11:05:55 PM
I had to abandon TWD: World Beyond because it was written so poorly.  The actors were okay for the most part, but their dialogue and scenes were awful.

There was a scene where a henchman is getting second thoughts and naturally, informs the Big Bad directly.  She responds by turning on every appliance in her apartment (making an awful racket) then explains to him during said racket (CC ftw) that they're high-tech (he already knows) therefore they can and should do horrible things to keep that afloat (bad logic).  Then they sit down and have soup.  No idea why.  Then the henchman is arrested.

That scene could have been written so much better.  The henchman could be a little more cagey and is about to make a move, but he eventually gets found out and immediately arrested.  The Big Bad could have a much better speech.  The Big Bad could show him how bad things were before - maybe a burned down part of town, a big graveyard, a nasty scar, etc.  Almost anything else would have been better.

And second, there's a scene where the protagonists - pressed for time and dwindling resources - comes across a dock and decides to build a boat.  None of these people are handy.  None of these people know anything about boats.  Supplies are ramshackle at best and they have almost no tools.  Now, I could believe they made a 2-person canoe over the course of a couple days.  But no, they make a gas-powered barge from a box of scraps in a day.  Unless they had Tony Stark on the team, I don't see how that's possible.

And they also do this annoying thing where characters have side conversations away from the main group while they're only like 2 feet away (0.6 meters) from the main group.  Unless they're deaf, they can hear you.

Just so much unrealism in a setting that depends heavily on a certain amount of realism.  And not particularly interesting either.  It amazes me how little actually happens in a single episode.  This series is padded AF.

Do not recommend.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on November 05, 2020, 11:04:05 PM

This dropped on Halloween. Also, if you haven't seen the pilot, watch that first, because this is basically episode 2, even though it's labeled as episode 1.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on November 05, 2020, 11:20:14 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on November 05, 2020, 11:04:05 PM

This dropped on Halloween. Also, if you haven't seen the pilot, watch that first, because this is basically episode 2, even though it's labeled as episode 1.
What the fuck did I just watch...?

...and where do I find more episodes?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 05, 2020, 11:31:25 PM
Youtube at Vivziepop's channel and you can't.  At least not for a while.  It's been picked up and a lot of work has been done on the first 8 episodes, so there's 7 more episodes coming soon(ish).  It's been a year from the pilot to the first episode, but I predict a significantly quicker release schedule from here on out.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on November 05, 2020, 11:37:38 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on November 05, 2020, 11:31:25 PM
Youtube at Vivziepop's channel and you can't.  At least not for a while.  It's been picked up and at lot of work has been done on the first 8 episodes, so there's 7 more episodes coming soon(ish).  It's been a year from the pilot to the first episode, but I predict a significantly quicker schedule from here on out.
(subscribes)  That was the most perfectly demented thing I've seen in a long time.  :D
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 05, 2020, 11:58:52 PM
Quote from: trdsf on November 05, 2020, 11:37:38 PM(subscribes)  That was the most perfectly demented thing I've seen in a long time.  :D
I know, right?  Helluva Boss is literally my favorite show, a true spiritual successor to Invader Zim.

Though I have to wonder about the usefulness of I.M.P. killing people.  They either go to heaven (not yet confirmed) or hell to live their unlife with the one who put out a successful hit on them.  Either way, it seems like it's scant consolation for the person perpetrating the hit (the new arrival would likely be hostile to both the person who put the hit out and the hired guns), though episode 1 has shown some circumstances where it could be a desirable.

In more skilled hands, I.M.P. could be an extremely potent weapon.  They could very selectively corrupt and kill specific mortals of extreme importance, ensuring that their talents wind up in hell to be harnessed for further schemes.  This could effectively change the balance of power in hell.  It goes without saying that I.M.P. could also change the balance of power in the mortal world through select assassinations as well, particularly ones that diminish the power of religious organizations or cause massive human fatalities (Stolas had the right idea there)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on November 06, 2020, 12:40:35 AM
I suspect the finale will involve the targets of their hits showing up for revenge. Maybe the imps will get killed themselves, and they'll end up in the after-after life.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 06, 2020, 12:45:37 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on November 06, 2020, 12:40:35 AMI suspect the finale will involve the targets of their hits showing up for revenge. Maybe the imps will get killed themselves, and they'll end up in the after-after life.
We technically don't even know if hell's denizens can actually die.

[spoiler]Angelic spears are the only thing that we know of that can permanently kill people in hell.  It's unclear if Neverborn (sentient beings born in hell rather than the material universe - Imps, Hellhounds, Charlie - are targeted in these angelic purges.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 06, 2020, 12:56:05 AM
And before I forget, anyone who liked Helluva Boss should do themselves a favor and check out Hazbin Hotel (they take place in the same universe at roughly the same time!)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on November 06, 2020, 05:28:57 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on November 06, 2020, 12:56:05 AM
And before I forget, anyone who liked Helluva Boss should do themselves a favor and check out Hazbin Hotel (they take place in the same universe at roughly the same time!)
I think I like that better than Helluva Boss... thanks for the head's-up!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 06, 2020, 10:02:01 PM
Quote from: trdsf on November 06, 2020, 05:28:57 PMI think I like that better than Helluva Boss... thanks for the head's-up!
Helluva Boss is intended purely as an episodic black comedy, Hazbin Hotel is more of a serial morality play - of key importance is a character's moral alignment and whether or not it is improving or worsening.  Two totally different shows.

Hazbin is viewed more as the flagship show, so they're likely to get the big character arcs.  But Helluva has a child being murdered and dismembered, so Helluva has that on them.  (I'm almost certain Loona lied about him being the actual target, she just wanted him dead after he insulted her)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on November 07, 2020, 01:37:21 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on November 06, 2020, 12:45:37 AM
We technically don't even know if hell's denizens can actually die.

[spoiler]Angelic spears are the only thing that we know of that can permanently kill people in hell.  It's unclear if Neverborn (sentient beings born in hell rather than the material universe - Imps, Hellhounds, Charlie - are targeted in these angelic purges.[/spoiler]

Well, it kinda ruins the tension of being hunted by a family of psychokillers if the imps will just end up back in Hell anyway. lol

[Spoiler]Angelic spears? I don't remember those coming up. I might have just missed it.[/spoiler]

Quote from: Hydra009 on November 06, 2020, 10:02:01 PM
Helluva Boss is intended purely as an episodic black comedy, Hazbin Hotel is more of a serial morality play - of key importance is a character's moral alignment and whether or not it is improving or worsening.  Two totally different shows.

Hazbin is viewed more as the flagship show, so they're likely to get the big character arcs.  But Helluva has a child being murdered and dismembered, so Helluva has that on them.  (I'm almost certain Loona lied about him being the actual target, she just wanted him dead after he insulted her)

Well, the kid was kind of a dick. Doesn't seem that hard to believe someone would have gotten sick of him. lol
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 07, 2020, 01:53:08 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on November 07, 2020, 01:37:21 AMWell, it kinda ruins the tension of being hunted by a family of psychokillers if the imps will just end up back in Hell anyway. lol
I mean, the mom's stated goal was sending them back to Satan.  For a mortal, she has a surprising accurate awareness of the situation in Hell.

QuoteWell, the kid was kind of a dick. Doesn't seem that hard to believe someone would have gotten sick of him. lol
Which makes me think the kid went to hell.  I'm going to be on the lookout for him making a cameo later.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on November 07, 2020, 03:00:00 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on November 05, 2020, 11:04:05 PM
This dropped on Halloween. Also, if you haven't seen the pilot, watch that first, because this is basically episode 2, even though it's labeled as episode 1.

I love it. Thanks!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 09, 2020, 03:00:47 PM
I've been watching Primal, and after an adjustment, I now thoroughly enjoy it.

At first, I thought it was a semi-naturalistic take on humans living with dinosaurs.  And so a lot of the less-realistic aspects of the show would bug me: humans apparently eating only meat, predators fighting to the death (unless desperate, they normally back off if their prey harms them in any way), brutal attacks rarely resulting in any appreciable injury (the protagonists will bleed tremendously in one second and then be a-okay the next)

Over time, I found the episodes to be more magical in nature, and have adjusted my expectations accordingly.  This is more of a sword-and-sorcery setting like Conan the Barbarian where characters are larger than life and blood loss is more of a stylistic choice than actual injury.

That said, I absolutely love the artwork and overall aesthetic.  It's certainly true to its namesake.  If you're looking for some over-the-top prehistoric action scenes, this is the place.

And finally, that Plague of Madness episode gave me the heebie-jeebies.  It's certainly emblematic of how this year is turning out!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on November 16, 2020, 12:36:11 PM
I have been watching the good old Buffy. And you know what, it keeps passing with flying colours. Talk about good influence, provoking questions about the basic stuff about life, and the complexity... I knew it got old good but didn't guess it's stayed this fucking superior compared to what we've come to know as 'teen shows'.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 16, 2020, 01:48:22 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on November 16, 2020, 12:36:11 PMI have been watching the good old Buffy. And you know what, it keeps passing with flying colours. Talk about good influence, provoking questions about the basic stuff about life, and the complexity... I knew it got old good but didn't guess it's stayed this fucking superior compared to what we've come to know as 'teen shows'.
When I watched Buffy, I was so disappointed that my high school had nothing like The Bronze (basically a gigantic living room with live music but is somehow still quiet enough to have conversations.  And afaik, it had no cover charge, which is far too good to be true).

I really liked the premise (high school as literally hellish is a great metaphor), but the characters really sold me - the core cast of Buffy, Giles, Willow, and Xander had great interactions.  Angel was an amazing villain (his murder of you know who was heartbreaking, like the late 90s equivalent of the Red Wedding).  I found Spike annoying, but he was decent enough comic relief.  Those first three seasons were amazeballs.

But over time, that show just kept adding and adding characters until it got bloated with them.  There's the 4 main cast + Spike + Buffy's love interest + Xander's love interest + Willow's love interest + 2nd watcher + 2nd slayer + that paramilitary organization + several others I'm sure I'm forgetting.  Team Good gets doubled if not tripled at points, losing a lot of focus.

The show kinda lost me in the last few seasons.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 17, 2020, 04:33:55 PM
I'm rewatching Buffy and The Bronze does indeed charge a cover fee.  A tiny one, though from the looks of it.  Buffy hands the doorman just one bill, so probably $5.

And it looks more like an actual club in the premier, very sparsely decorated.  It must've become more of a hang-out place later on and they possibly got rid of the cover charge as their business model changed.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 19, 2020, 08:25:32 PM
Do you like generic high fantasy?
Do you think flowing gowns are appropriate hiking attire?
Do you like good acting combined with bad CGI?
Do you like your fantasy combat with ramping? (alternating slow motion and sped up footage)
Are you lowkey into full-body leather outfits and BDSM?  I mean really, really, really into it?  (no judgment)
Is your deepest, darkest desire to see Cordelia from Buffy as a dominatrix?  (again, no judgment)

Well, then turn that dial to ABC and watch some Legend of the Seeker!  It's fun for the whole family!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on November 22, 2020, 05:20:14 AM
I'm still watching Buffy. But no time to binge. But I'd like to wrtite something on it later when I finish it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on November 22, 2020, 10:52:32 AM
Good Girls. I have looked at a few than thought 'myeh...we know this' but then forgot abpout it and then started again. Now at the middle of the 2nd season, it is pretty good. LOL Underrated even. Wrong title though, nobody's gonna try it with that one.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on November 22, 2020, 02:29:45 PM
New Animaniacs is just as good as it ever was, I am pleased to report.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on November 23, 2020, 02:23:16 AM
Quote from: trdsf on November 22, 2020, 02:29:45 PM
New Animaniacs is just as good as it ever was, I am pleased to report.

I've heard about 70% of it is as good as it was, with the other 30% being a departure from the original.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on November 23, 2020, 02:51:16 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on November 23, 2020, 02:23:16 AM
I've heard about 70% of it is as good as it was, with the other 30% being a departure from the original.
I'm going to stick with 'as good as it ever was'.  It's all there, the wordplay, the pop culture references, the songs, Pinky and the Brain... yeah, I'm definitely okay with the new series.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 23, 2020, 08:49:04 PM
I forgot how wonderfully strange Legend of the Seeker was.  They got so much stuff past the censors, it's unreal.

My favorite scene is where an evil sorcerer has the hero stuck in a dreamworld and the sorcerer appears before the hero in his dream as his childhood crush and tries to seduce him for information.  So this evil sorcerer, in the waking world, is saying that he loves him and wants to start a family together (no homo) while simultaneously, the female character is saying it in the dream.

And the best part is that the sorcerer is doing all this with his apprentice (another dude) in the same room with him, hearing all this homoerotic stuff without flinching or smirking in the slightest.

It's like Biggus Dickus except you really will be flayed alive if you laugh.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on November 23, 2020, 10:14:20 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on November 23, 2020, 08:49:04 PM
I forgot how wonderfully strange Legend of the Seeker was.  They got so much stuff past the censors, it's unreal.

My favorite scene is where an evil sorcerer has the hero stuck in a dreamworld and the sorcerer appears before the hero in his dream as his childhood crush and tries to seduce him for information.  So this evil sorcerer, in the waking world, is saying that he loves him and wants to start a family together (no homo) while simultaneously, the female character is saying it in the dream.

And the best part is that the sorcerer is doing all this with his apprentice (another dude) in the same room with him, hearing all this homoerotic stuff without flinching or smirking in the slightest.

It's like Biggus Dickus except you really will be flayed alive if you laugh.

I remember wondering what kids who watched the show were thinking about all these leather-clad women deriving pleasure from torturing bound, scantily clad victims with their vibrators agiels.


The New Zealand locations really enhanced the show.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 24, 2020, 01:53:40 AM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on November 23, 2020, 10:14:20 PM
I remember wondering what kids who watched the show were thinking about all these leather-clad women deriving pleasure from torturing bound, scantily clad victims with their vibrators agiels.
I have no evidence, but I strongly suspect that someone brought their BDSM outfit and accessories to the set in a bag and one of the stagehands mistook it for an official outfit and that person complied rather than admit its true purpose.  And no one else objected because they all assumed that the higher-ups signed off on it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on November 24, 2020, 04:33:16 AM
Do you guys remember the flogging scene from Flash Gordon? That could be the first BDSM scene of my generation I guess. LOL
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 29, 2020, 01:18:24 AM
Let's talk about The Mandalorian.  Cause I have some gripes.

First off, I love this show.  And season 2 has been phenomenal so far - half of my 4 favorite episodes are in season 2.  And I'm talking S-tier, watch over and over episodes.  So not only is it good, it has stayed good.  But already, I'm starting to see some cracks.

Side-quest treadmill - A lot of the episodes are pretty formulaic, Mando walks into town for something, but has to do some task before he can get it.  They can even be nested, so he has to do a job for a contact A but has to do a job for contact B in order to complete contact A's mission.  That's all well and good for a while, but you can't do that literally every episode.

Mando's main quest can never be completed without the show coming to an end - both the audience and the writers know this.  Yet every episode, he seems to be on the verge of completing it but darn it, it's put off just a little bit longer.  Whoops, just a little longer.  And a little longer...  There's only so much of that that the audience can stand.  Just shift gears already and a really good way of doing that is for Mando to come to some sort of revelation that makes him change his mind and now he's working towards a different goal.  Problem solved.

Tying itself too closely to other shows - the primary selling point of the Mandalorian is that this is the story of just some guy making his way in the Star Wars universe.  It's literally in the name.  He's not blowing up the Death Star or saving the galaxy.  Nothing big-scale.  This is all small-scale.  And because of this, he can pretty much do whatever - there's very little constraining his story.  We the audience have no idea how his story plays out, which is a welcome change from like 70% of Star Wars content over the past two decades.

Well, ever since Mando season 1 made it big, it has become increasingly tied to other shows, like Clone Wars or even the Sequel films.  I understand the temptation to do this, I mean who wouldn't love to see ███████ on TV?  The problem is that the more this story gets interwoven with those other stories, it becomes less about Mando and more about them.  I'm worried that this small, personal tale bloats into this big space opera thing that imo I'm not sure the audience signed up for or wanted.  Besides, I don't see why that big space opera stuff couldn't just be its own show.

Also, it seems like the stakes have gone down a lot because there are action scenes where there isn't even a sliver of a doubt that the good guys will be a-okay.  If they're getting shelled, all those shells are gonna miss.  If they're getting shot at, it'll only hit the armor.  Compare season 2 invulnerability to say, s1e2 (my personal favorite) where defeat is absolutely a possibility and you'll see what I mean.  Hell, the Mando could probably go into battle with baby yoda strapped to him and the blaster bolts would miss baby yoda, as crazy as that sounds.

And finally, there's some weird tone issues like "wacky" stuff during dark and gritty scenes.

Ultimately, it's a great show and a lot of its problems are due to suffering from success - having Mando spin his wheels in sidequest after sidequest because the show has episodes to burn and can't progress the plot yet, having Mando try to tie together the Clone Wars, the Sequels, and half the Legends content because it's a rare Star Wars hit, not hurting or killing off any of the main cast because they're veritable cash cows (again, compare to season 1), minor tone problems, etc.  None of this stuff is really all that bad right now, but after a few seasons of this stuff festering, it could be.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on December 02, 2020, 05:12:50 PM

Whelp... The co-creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender have left the Netflix live-action reboot due to creative differences. Despite Netflix's talk of respecting the vision of the creators of the original show, it appears they just wanted to have the (limited) involvement of the two to give the project legitimacy. I was already skeptical of the project, as I would rather get a new story than another live-action adaptation. Fortunately, the two still appear to be open to expanding on the Avatar universe more in the future. Just not with this.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on December 03, 2020, 12:48:22 AM
I had seen a British sci fi TV series in the late 80s that I really l couldn't remember the name of it and missed it for over 30 years,  Well tonight I followed a hunch when I saw randomly a picture of the lead actor, David Calder.  And I found the complete series uploaded on YouTube.  Star Cops, if you haven't seen it, it's really good.  Imagines what the early 20th century might be like.  They got so much right and wrong ;-)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 03, 2020, 02:16:53 AM
I just realized that this month, I'm going to be watching RWBY and Attack on Titan back-to-back.

I think I'm going to have to get a neck brace for the mood whiplash.  And my dreams are going to be pretty wild...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on December 03, 2020, 01:14:45 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on November 24, 2020, 04:33:16 AM
Do you guys remember the flogging scene from Flash Gordon? That could be the first BDSM scene of my generation I guess. LOL

I have seen the 1950's TV series that was produced in Germany, IIRC. In one episode, Dale Arden is strapped to a table and spun around as a form of torture, but the real torture was the missile cone brassiere she was wearing. Sweet Jesus!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on December 03, 2020, 02:53:36 PM
Quote from: the_antithesis on December 03, 2020, 01:14:45 PM
I have seen the 1950's TV series that was produced in Germany, IIRC. In one episode, Dale Arden is strapped to a table and spun around as a form of torture, but the real torture was the missile cone brassiere she was wearing. Sweet Jesus!

They had Capt Kirk spun around on a table, to make an android of him.  But he wasn't wearing a bra ;-)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on December 04, 2020, 12:57:35 AM
Quote from: Baruch on December 03, 2020, 02:53:36 PM
They had Capt Kirk spun around on a table, to make an android of him.  But he wasn't wearing a bra ;-)

Weirdly, androids were a part of that episode, somehow.

Here's a screen grab.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on December 04, 2020, 03:13:10 AM
Been poking through Roku and stumbled across Space: 1999, which held up better than I thought it would've.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on December 04, 2020, 05:32:52 AM
Quote from: the_antithesis on December 04, 2020, 12:57:35 AM

That has the look of the usual bras they used in 50s though. Just the middle part of it in the pic looks a bit weird.

But that type of bra is still used by women with large breasts to make it appear smaller and perky. New ones are just better and less conic looking. Bra is a disgusting thing anyway. It feels like a harness. Esp. if you don't get used to it from a young age.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on December 04, 2020, 08:49:24 AM
Quote from: trdsf on December 04, 2020, 03:13:10 AM
Been poking through Roku and stumbled across Space: 1999, which held up better than I thought it would've.

I loved that show as a kid. I had the model of the Eagle 1.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on December 04, 2020, 01:28:34 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on December 04, 2020, 05:32:52 AM
That has the look of the usual bras they used in 50s though. Just the middle part of it in the pic looks a bit weird.

But that type of bra is still used by women with large breasts to make it appear smaller and perky. New ones are just better and less conic looking. Bra is a disgusting thing anyway. It feels like a harness. Esp. if you don't get used to it from a young age.

In German, bra = harness.  No wonder Germans look good in leather and whips ;-)  So you would prefer a tight corset, or go commando like an Amazonian Indian?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on December 04, 2020, 06:17:40 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on December 04, 2020, 08:49:24 AM
I loved that show as a kid. I had the model of the Eagle 1.

I'm gonna have to poke around the Bay of E for one of those.  :)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 04, 2020, 06:41:23 PM
I just saw the latest Mando and I friggin' cried watching this episode.  This is the best Star Wars I've seen put to screen since Empire.  Hell, maybe even slightly better.  I thought I'd never say that, but it's true.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on December 05, 2020, 12:38:03 AM
Quote from: trdsf on December 04, 2020, 03:13:10 AM
Been poking through Roku and stumbled across Space: 1999, which held up better than I thought it would've.

Have you tried UFO?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on December 05, 2020, 02:58:56 PM
Quote from: the_antithesis on December 05, 2020, 12:38:03 AM
Have you tried UFO?
I loved that show.  If it's on Roku somewhere, I just haven't stumbled across it yet.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on December 09, 2020, 07:38:36 PM
Hey, @Hydra009, new Helluva Boss today!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 10, 2020, 12:30:56 AM
You don't need to tell me!  I saw it pop up on my feed and literally cleared my desk and grabbed a snack.  Then almost choked on said snack several times in the episode!

[spoiler]That part where Blitzo says that he's not a dayhooker then gets a weird look from a passerby and takes offense to her offense is essentially my stance as well.  "I said I'm NOT one, prude!"  Keep walking!

I'm very glad we got to see more of hell, though we don't really learn anything new about it.  We're starting to flesh out the main cast some more, which is nice.  And it seems Stolas has graduated from recurring gag to series regular.  Interesting.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on December 10, 2020, 02:13:15 AM
Ha! I just came here to see if you guys saw it. Of course you did.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on December 11, 2020, 03:56:15 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on December 10, 2020, 12:30:56 AM
You don't need to tell me!  I saw it pop up on my feed and literally cleared my desk and grabbed a snack.  Then almost choked on said snack several times in the episode!

[spoiler]That part where Blitzo says that he's not a dayhooker then gets a weird look from a passerby and takes offense to her offense is essentially my stance as well.  "I said I'm NOT one, prude!"  Keep walking!

I'm very glad we got to see more of hell, though we don't really learn anything new about it.  We're starting to flesh out the main cast some more, which is nice.  And it seems Stolas has graduated from recurring gag to series regular.  Interesting.[/spoiler]
I like Stolas, in a weird way (and there's probably not any non-weird way).  The scene you mention, though, is the only one that kinda broke the story a little for me...
[spoiler]If this is supposed to be Hell, being a hooker (daytime or otherwise) strikes me as a pretty minor sort of thing where murder and mayhem are normal daily occurrences (and hard drugs are available from vending machines), so why should another demon take any offense at that?[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 11, 2020, 09:44:45 AM
[spoiler]Same reason the imp mother was shocked that Loona came running out of the building just to punt her baby.

In Hazbin Hotel, we do see parts of hell that have numerous drug and porn buildings, and they're not far from vicious territorial battles.  But not all of Hell is so rough and tumble.  Helluva Boss mostly takes place in Imp City, and Loo Loo Land is thereabouts judging by its clientelle.  Imp City appears to be a much less wild part of Hell, prone more to general rudeness and petty crime (and traffic jams).

And as far as we know, Blitzo is more of a sexual deviant than most - the other two imps are practically saints in comparison, Millie apparently even forgoes alcohol on worknights.  Also, the I.M.P staff seem waaay more murderous than other imps.  The other imps we've seen so far have been personal servants of higher-ups, office workers, carnies, homeless, or minor criminals.  Either non-combatants or low-level threats at best.

We still don't have a definitive picture of hell and how its society is structred, but so far, it does look like Hell is very much a patchwork - some parts of it are debauched while others are prudish, some warlike while some are peaceable, etc.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on December 11, 2020, 11:23:56 AM
True, and we have seen prudery used as a vehicle for evil in the real world.  But you're right, we need to see more of the world's backstory.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 11, 2020, 02:53:24 PM
Quote from: trdsf on December 11, 2020, 11:23:56 AMTrue, and we have seen prudery used as a vehicle for evil in the real world.  But you're right, we need to see more of the world's backstory.
Could be that imp society is mildly prudish.

Strangely, we have yet to see puritanical assholes in this cartoon hell.  You'd think they'd get front-row seats.  Instead, we get addicts and murderers and gang members and people who's only real fault seems to be that they're assholes and a quite sizable LGBT population.  Maybe an overly (for want of a better word) "realistic" hell would kill the comedic vibe.  Or maybe this cartoon God is real asshole.  We definitely need more details about the setting in the future.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on December 11, 2020, 03:24:26 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on December 11, 2020, 02:53:24 PM
Could be that imp society is mildly prudish.

Strangely, we have yet to see puritanical assholes in this cartoon hell.  You'd think they'd get front-row seats.  Instead, we get addicts and murderers and gang members and people who's only real fault seems to be that they're assholes and a quite sizable LGBT population.  Maybe an overly (for want of a better word) "realistic" hell would kill the comedic vibe.  Or maybe this cartoon God is real asshole.  We definitely need more details about the setting in the future.

This universe's god (assuming there is one) would have to be an asshole, if he allows demons to procreate. A child born in Hell doesn't have a chance. They're born in their situation. It wouldn't surprise me if we got a glimpse into this world's Heaven, and it's just full of a bunch of gloating assholes who think they're better than everyone else.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on December 11, 2020, 06:04:47 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on December 11, 2020, 03:24:26 PM
This universe's god (assuming there is one) would have to be an asshole, if he allows demons to procreate. A child born in Hell doesn't have a chance. They're born in their situation. It wouldn't surprise me if we got a glimpse into this world's Heaven, and it's just full of a bunch of gloating assholes who think they're better than everyone else.
I think you've probably nailed it here.  Heaven is so self-righteous and uptight that it is in many ways worse than Hell.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 11, 2020, 06:30:46 PM
Quote from: trdsf on December 11, 2020, 06:04:47 PMHeaven is so self-righteous and uptight that it is in many ways worse than Hell.
I think that's probably how it's going to be revealed in Hazbin, much to Charlie's horror.  It might seem like rainbows and puppies at first, but after a while, its true Celestial North Korea nature will be discovered.  Might make for an excellent two-parter season finale.

[spoiler]I still think Alastor's hidden goal is to use Charlie to investigate if travel from hell to heaven is possible and then to widen even the tiniest and momentary breach in order to launch a vicious assault on heaven's denizens.  He's going to repay the exterminations fivefold and try his best to instigate an all out war between heaven and hell.  Nothing would make him happier, and he'd gladly betray Charlie's trust to do it.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Baruch on December 11, 2020, 08:49:45 PM
New Dalek CGI series first 5 parts free to view ...

Watch or be Exterminated!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 12, 2020, 12:10:20 AM
Well, the new Mando is yet another absolute banger.  I honestly don't know how they managed to pull it off.  One hell of a hot streak.

I think it might be because Star Wars fans love action scenes in rustbuckets with plenty of explosions.  It might just be that simple.  I can't say the plotline is particularly complicated, but it's such a fun romp with characters we've grown to enjoy.  And I've gotta give props to all the Imperials this season.  They're fearsome and determined and more than a little creepy and I love it.

In many ways, this show is like the inverse of Game of Thrones.
Game of Thrones -> elaborate plotline, huge cast of characters, "kind of forgot", "subverted expectations"
Mando -> simple/familiar plotline, small cast, consistent characterization, fanservice galore
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on December 12, 2020, 12:28:37 AM
Apparently, Disney announced TEN new Star Wars shows. They're really milking this series for all it's worth, aren't they? I haven't seen The Mandalorian yet, since I don't have Disney+, but I've heard a lot of good things about it. Hopefully the new shows can keep to that level of standards and they won't fuck them up like they did the sequels.

Visions, Ahsoka, Lando, A Droid Story, Rogue Squadron, Andor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Acolyte, Bad Batch, Rangers of the New Republic... How are they going to keep up with all of these new shows? Seems like a quality control nightmare.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 12, 2020, 12:49:41 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on December 12, 2020, 12:28:37 AMApparently, Disney announced TEN new Star Wars shows. They're really milking this series for all it's worth, aren't they?
Definitely an r-selected evolutionary strategy.  We'll see how that plays out.  Honestly, I'm most pumped for Bad Batch, since it takes place very shortly after Order 66.

Ahsoka and Obi Wan seem like good picks as well.  Dunno about the rest.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on December 27, 2020, 09:45:33 AM
After signing up for HBO to see Wonder Woman, I serendipitously stumbled on Raised by Wolves.  I'm only three episodes in, and so far, it has held my interest. It may be of interest here . 

Humans created so many androids that eventually there was a war between humans and androids.  The story takes place after the war. 

I'm not entirely sure, but I think the androids won, and I'm still trying to put the pieces together.  The humans are deeply religious and believe in a Christian/Muslim god, which has evolved mostly only in name.  The Androids are deeply committed atheists who think the humans are both nuts and dangerous.  Both groups are dangerous.  It begins with a handful of human children being raised by atheist and rather clumsy androids who seem to be on the blink or something.  I'm rooting for the androids, but waiting for the other shoe to drop.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 27, 2020, 09:55:46 AM
Raised By Wolves is so wonderfully strange, and gets progressively better, though it does have a few head-scratching moments.

[spoiler]As for the war, more is revealed later on.  So hang in there.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 02, 2021, 07:51:13 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on December 27, 2020, 09:55:46 AM
Raised By Wolves is so wonderfully strange, and gets progressively better, though it does have a few head-scratching moments.

[spoiler]As for the war, more is revealed later on.  So hang in there.[/spoiler]
I just finished it.  At least I think I did, because my control panel quit telling me what the next episode was, and it seemed like an ending, but a weird one.  While I can't say I understand what happened, I most certainly stayed awake watching what happened.  I'm OK with that.  It held my attention, and I'll be processing it for awhile.  I give it points for that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 02, 2021, 08:05:32 AM
It looks like that was season 1 with a second season that will eventually come.  Shit!  This is going to be a long wait.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 02, 2021, 08:19:51 AM
Raised by Wolves

[spoiler]I take solace in the fact that while I don't understand what's happening, none of the characters know either.  Well, OK, they think they do, but in the end, reality just takes place whether they want to come along or not.  This may be the meaning of the series.  But then a lot of things could be the meaning.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 02, 2021, 02:00:40 PM
One thing I will say about the Raised By Wolves season finale

[spoiler]I cannot wait to see what an actual atheist society is like in this setting.  While we have seen a couple avowed atheists in the show, they've always been against a backdrop of a religious society.  I want to see what they're like amongst themselves.  Can't be worse than the followers of Sol, with their strict hierarchy, zealotry, intolerance, and hypocrisy.

Given the horribleness of the war and the extremely unscrupulous manner in which it was waged, it's possible that the atheist society is just as brutal as the religious people.  Or maybe desperation drove the atheists into acting that way.  We don't know much about them other than they really like tattoos, their technology seems to lag behind the followers of Sol, and ethnically they appear to mostly come from northern and eastern Europe (the followers of Sol seem more western european descent with some African and Asian descent)[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cassia on January 03, 2021, 09:16:54 AM
Columbo marathon on Sundance. Dark paneling, green shag carpet, heavy polyester suits, dial and pay phones, smoking in public and Plymouth gran fury police cars.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mike Cl on January 03, 2021, 10:41:31 AM
Quote from: Cassia on January 03, 2021, 09:16:54 AM
Columbo marathon on Sundance. Dark paneling, green shag carpet, heavy polyester suits, dial and pay phones, smoking in public and Plymouth gran fury police cars.
I remember when I watched that show every week.  Watched an episode last night.  I was a little surprised to see that Peter Falk held up pretty well.  That episode was from '77 and it was great fun looking at our society at that time--everything from hair styles, smoking, dress and decor from that year.  I'll probably watch more in the coming days.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 03, 2021, 11:46:48 AM
Quote from: Cassia on January 03, 2021, 09:16:54 AM
Columbo marathon on Sundance. Dark paneling, green shag carpet, heavy polyester suits, dial and pay phones, smoking in public and Plymouth gran fury police cars.
I just added that to my Netflix que.  Haven't see that for years.  It was a remarkable idea, as a not quite a whodunit series.  Falk was perfect for the part.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 03, 2021, 02:21:49 PM
Titans on HBO streaming.  Never heard of this before.  I just finished Episode 1, and it has my attention.  Does it sustain the same level of interest going forward?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 03, 2021, 02:25:10 PM
Also on HBO:

Love Life.  I binged watched the entire 1st year, which is as far as it seems to go at this time.  Follows a young millennial through the trails and tribulations of early dating and relationships.  Enjoyable, and it strikes a very familiar chord, not always comfortably.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 05, 2021, 12:03:24 PM
I'm watching Upload, right now. I liked it.

"Condom size dispute. Aisle 4." LOL
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on January 07, 2021, 10:57:32 AM
My brother gave me a complete set of Rick and Morty for the holiday, so I guess that's next up.  I've honestly never watched it before.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 07, 2021, 02:32:25 PM
Quote from: trdsf on January 07, 2021, 10:57:32 AM
My brother gave me a complete set of Rick and Morty for the holiday, so I guess that's next up.  I've honestly never watched it before.
You're in for a treat.

Imagine Doc Brown and Marty from Back to the Future go on various adventures - essentially scifi-mashups.  Except these familiar scifi tropes are deconstructed - Doc is kind of a POS, Marty is scarred for life, etc.

The first couple episodes are kinda rough and this show isn't the easiest to get into, but I guarantee you that there are amazing payoffs down the road.  Please stick with it till you finish the 6th episode of the first season.  If you're not hooked by then, then it's not something you'll like.  But if you like that, it's all gravy from there.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 07, 2021, 02:57:17 PM
Great, now I will have to have another run. It is good for mental health though. He is my most favourite alcoholic of all times. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on January 07, 2021, 09:27:27 PM
The Queen's Gambit is excellent. Acting, story, themes, style, soundtrack-- it's all there.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on January 08, 2021, 03:14:32 AM
Watched the first two seasons of Cobra Kai on Netflix at my parents' house today.

The title sounds like a G.I. Joe character, so I didn't realize what it was. Apparently, it's a sequel to the original Karate Kid movies. It's set 34 years after, and stars the same actors who return to their roles. I was not expecting it to be so good. At first, I thought it was just going to rehash the plot to the first movie, basically serving as Karate Kid's The Force Awakens. But every time I think I see where it's headed, it does something completely different instead. There are no clear good guys or bad guys. Everyone is some shade of grey, and that fits the show's message very well. It's hilarious, suspenseful, and dramatic. There are some parts where it starts to drag a bit in season 2, where it seems like characters refuse to learn their lessons, and some plot points seem to repeat what was done in season 1. Even those weaknesses didn't take away from my enjoyment of it, though. I highly recommend it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 08, 2021, 03:39:40 AM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on January 07, 2021, 09:27:27 PM
The Queen's Gambit is excellent. Acting, story, themes, style, soundtrack-- it's all there.

Yeah, I liked it too. But is it just me, or have you noticed that the general reception of this series is about chess, playing and winning the game? I don't think it is a story about chess as a game or chess playing...etc.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on January 08, 2021, 05:16:21 AM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on January 08, 2021, 03:39:40 AM
Yeah, I liked it too. But is it just me, or have you noticed that the general reception of this series is about chess, playing and winning the game? I don't think it is a story about chess as a game or chess playing...etc.

What makes it better than average is there are several themes that are integrated. It's ostensibly about chess but to me the deeper themes were trauma, genius, addiction, and isolation. It's also about the roles of women at the time, particularly through her relationship with her mentally ill biological mother and "stuck" adoptive mother. Another theme I appreciated was that her natural talent only gets her so far, she has to work hard and accept help from other people, both in chess and in life, to reach her full potential. It feels like a true story, which is the hallmark of good fiction.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 08, 2021, 05:33:40 AM
Yeah, agreed. I've read somewhere that the writer of the book was a chess player himself. That could be a reason for that good integration in the original source.

I just looked, I didn't know he is also the writer of the Color of Money. Interesting. I don't know about other well known ones that were made into movies. Apparently, more than a few.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 09, 2021, 08:06:11 PM
Watching the latest season of RWBY and the intro alone has me shook.  Most of their intros are fairly upbeat.  This one is like if the Red Wedding and the Westworld intro had a baby and raised it in a bombed-out hovel in post-WWI France with sharp knives and UXOs scattered all over the floor.

Every scene, I feel scared that someone's going to buy the farm.  Such a weird development for a show that initially seemed very tame.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 09, 2021, 11:26:37 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 09, 2021, 08:06:11 PM
... This one is like if the Red Wedding and the Westworld intro had a baby and raised it in a bombed-out hovel in post-WWI France with sharp knives and UXOs scattered all over the floor. ...

Lol, I'd like to see that?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 10, 2021, 12:17:00 AM
I may be overselling it a bit, but it's pretty ominous imagery combined with a few lyrics that cut pretty deep.  Quite the troubling portent.

Last time we had lyrics like that, it culminated in a wham episode that basically scarred the fandom.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on January 10, 2021, 02:54:20 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 10, 2021, 12:17:00 AM
I may be overselling it a bit, but it's pretty ominous imagery combined with a few lyrics that cut pretty deep.  Quite the troubling portent.

Last time we had lyrics like that, it culminated in a wham episode that basically scarred the fandom.

Still somewhere in season 7.
Rwby is captivating me less, I must sadly admit.
I'll watch the occasional episode but feel nu rush to catch up :(
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 10, 2021, 09:51:02 AM
Thanks. I don't think it is for me, but maybe I'll take a peek when I don't have anything.

I started to watch Jamestown. 15 mins in...I swear they are making these so women wouldn't complain about anything. It is horrifying without anything happening yet. :lol: 

E: OooK. Make it 12 mins. eek.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 11, 2021, 11:17:16 AM
The Undoing

I'm spellbound by this whodunit, and I'm not even a fan of whodunits.  I actually dislike them, because I lose interest, and some are so crappy that the killer may not have  even appeared in the story line until the last minute. But this one is amazingly well constructed.

Nicole Kidman, Hugh Grant, and Donald Sutherland play the lead characters.  But the whole cast is very strong.  The lead detective is such a smarmy prick, I get pissed off just watching an actor playing a role.  I'm in the 6th episode, and my guesses of who did the crime keep changing.  The police, the lawyers, and prosecutors are all scheming or despicable, so there's lot's of visceral experiences you go through.  There are sudden reveals that change the whole playing field, until your mind realizes they could be explained by alternate assumptions, and I'm constantly constructing scenarios in my head about what really happened.  I put all my other stuff on hold until I finish this thing.  My worry is that it may go for more than one season, and I'm going to be on hold for months.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on January 14, 2021, 03:26:53 AM
I know it's been discussed before, but please please please please please give the Expanse a chance. It is seriously THE standard that all other sci-fi should be held to.

Around 4:00 there is a bit of a spoiler if you really want to go into it full cold turkey. Skip ahead to 4:40 if you want to skip that, because even he says he cant say too much because he doesn't want to spoil anything in such an amazing show.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on January 14, 2021, 01:22:46 PM
Quote from: Shiranu on January 14, 2021, 03:26:53 AM
I know it's been discussed before, but please please please please please give the Expanse a chance. It is seriously THE standard that all other sci-fi should be held to.

Around 4:00 there is a bit of a spoiler if you really want to go into it full cold turkey. Skip ahead to 4:40 if you want to skip that, because even he says he cant say too much because he doesn't want to spoil anything in such an amazing show.

I see it's on Amazon's streaming service. Hmm... I do want to finish The Boys, and my parents don't want to watch the rest of that show because they say too many naughty words. I might get a Prime account, watch The Boys Expand, and then drop the service. There are too many streaming services these days, and most only have one or two good shows on them.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 14, 2021, 02:39:48 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on January 14, 2021, 01:22:46 PM
I see it's on Amazon's streaming service. Hmm... I do want to finish The Boys, and my parents don't want to watch the rest of that show because they say too many naughty words. I might get a Prime account, watch The Boys Expand, and then drop the service. There are too many streaming services these days, and most only have one or two good shows on them.
A couple years I ago, I read this critical prediction, and thought, "Of course."  You pay over $100 a month for cable with premium channels?  If you're a news junkie, to have to buy five different packages.  If you're a sports junkie, that can be a really expensive extra.  So you think you can save a bundle by cutting the cord?  Well, you can, but if your expecting to have the same amount of junk, you're going to buy several services.

The funniest line in the whole Seinfeld series to me was George Costanza pitching a show about nothing to the TV Network boss who asks dryly, "... and why would people want to watch this show that you say is about nothing?"  And George enthusiastically replies, "Because it's on TV."
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 14, 2021, 03:08:34 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on January 14, 2021, 01:22:46 PMI see it's on Amazon's streaming service. Hmm... I do want to finish The Boys, and my parents don't want to watch the rest of that show because they say too many naughty words. I might get a Prime account, watch The Boys Expand, and then drop the service. There are too many streaming services these days, and most only have one or two good shows on them.
The Boys is too good to not finish, but yeah, definitely give The Expanse a try.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cassia on January 14, 2021, 09:39:45 PM
BattleBots Baby!....Giant hammers, flame throwers, flipper jaws, spinning wheels with spikes..what's not to love?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 14, 2021, 09:59:39 PM
Quote from: Cassia on January 14, 2021, 09:39:45 PMBattleBots Baby!....Giant hammers, flame throwers, flipper jaws, spinning wheels with spikes..what's not to love?
Was on right after The Daily Show.  Great pick-me-up after depressing news.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cassia on January 14, 2021, 10:02:57 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 14, 2021, 09:59:39 PM
Was on right after The Daily Show.  Great pick-me-up after depressing news.

Those robots are hundreds of pounds ;)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 14, 2021, 10:07:00 PM
Quote from: Cassia on January 14, 2021, 10:02:57 PMThose robots are hundreds of pounds ;)
Originally, they had weight classes from 60 to 340 pounds.  The current maximum is 250 pounds.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 15, 2021, 09:05:02 PM
Watching Wandavision

This is from literally the first minute:

*Wanda levitates a plate to the counter, but Vision absent-mindedly walks into it, breaking the plate with his head*
Vision: "My wife and her flying saucers"
Wanda:  "My husband and his indestructible head." *both laugh*

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on January 15, 2021, 11:07:14 PM
Catching up on Series R of QI.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on January 16, 2021, 12:02:56 AM
So I've been watching pinball repair videos on Youtube and they recently repaired a Bally's Six Million Dollar Man. Now I have a hankering to watch the show. I haven't seen it in thirty-five years, at least. Problem is, stuff I liked as a kid rarely holds up. The Muppet Show was incredibly disappointing. And Six Million Dollar Man was cheesy and dated by 1982. So, it definately won't hold up. Question is, is it cheesy enough to rollover the needle?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 22, 2021, 09:04:04 PM
Wandavision is the best.

I can't describe how it's good without spoilers, but I'll try.  Imagine I Love Lucy or Bewitched in the SCP universe.  It's all fun 50s sitcom stuff with some seriously dark stuff hidden underneath.  Fallout fans will understand.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on January 30, 2021, 09:25:59 PM
So I've been watching the Six Million Dollar Man and I'm enjoying it more than I expected. I think it's better when it embraces the dumb/bad science the show is based upon, such as how he has a bionic arm that would rip off his shoulder if he ever tried to lift anything heavy. The first instance of this was the third TV movie before the series proper started where  they get a dead bad guy and use a lady scientist's science thing of injecting the dead guy's brains into the lady scientist so she could get his memories to find the kidnapping victim.

A decent amount of the enjoyment is the brief moments I happen to remember when I watched the show some thirty+ years ago. But there is entertainment here. Steve Austin keeps making bad dad jokes.

"How did you jump like that?"
"Eat a lot of jumping beans."

And he's just so silly with his big, dumb face looking all serious and stuff.

But today I watched Episode 4 "Day of the Robot" which introduces the action figure Maskatron. Maskatron replaced an old friend of Austin's and at the end, he's presumed dead. Emotional, Steve goes for a walk by the tennis courts where he last saw his friend at the beginning of the episode and it was really kind of heartbreaking...

until the guy is suddenly there sitting on a park bench with a slight case of amnesia or something. The friend is played by John Saxon, btw. Another fun element of this show. So the guy was kidnapped by bad guys and while still more than a little disorientated from getting hit on the head from that, managed to escape and get back to the park because he had a tennis date with Steve. It was almost an emotional moment, guys, but you blew it. Wow.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 31, 2021, 12:46:50 AM
Wanda Vision is a fun hoot.  Episode 3 was not as fun and that is the same reaction Rotten Tomatoes had.  I haven't gotten to episode 4, but Rotten Tomatoes says that one is the best so far.  I dumped HBO after one month, because I only wanted it for Wonder Woman, and I signed up for Disney plus, mainly for Wanda Vision, and I'll milk Disney for a month, and then dump that.  Disney has better streaming technology, without the frequent pauses or judders.  Wonder Woman was good, but maybe not one of Marvel's better ones.  The first half hour is very good, and then it begins to lose some punch.  This is my first venture into streaming in several years.  I tried Amazon Prime when they first invented it, but wasn't impressed.  It's probably better now; I don't know.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 31, 2021, 01:16:43 AM
I loved episode 3.  I was kinda disappointed by episode 4.  It revealed far too much and sucked most of the mystery out of the show.  I understand why they did it, so casual fans get a more firm grasp over the goings-on and don't flake out from the frustration of not knowing.  Still, it merely confirmed stuff that most theorists already knew and ultimately added very little to the mystery.  Some details were nice, and I suppose there's no other way we would be privy to that information.  In short, a necessary evil so this show doesn't become the next Lost, lol.

Personally, I loved that there was so very much that we didn't know and it was fun to try to piece things together.  Now, too much is known and there's not much left to figure out.  It's like a sudoku puzzle with most of the spaces already filled in.  :(

[spoiler]Agnes (Agatha Harkness) is totally up to something.  She's almost certainly acting as an agent of some unknown faction taking advantage of Wanda's dreamworld for their own ends.  Mephisto?

Also, Vision is 100% dead but he has been recreated from Wanda's memories and remember, her powers are derived from the Mind Stone, as was Vision's consciousness.  So it's entirely possible that something of him survived and that he could come back into existence, though Wanda is a clearly still a little foggy on how to get him to that point.  He is not a puppet - he has his individuality, though he's coaxed into a set of acceptable parameters by Wanda.

I also really liked the chaotic and unsettling Blip scene (people returning from being Snapped).  Definitely not as warm and fuzzy as it first appeared.  And you'd better hope you weren't crossing the road or traveling anywhere when you got snapped, cause that'd get messy.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 31, 2021, 05:41:19 AM
Myeh...It didn't take with me. I barely finished the pilot and left the second after 10 mins.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 31, 2021, 07:58:06 AM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on January 31, 2021, 05:41:19 AM
Myeh...It didn't take with me. I barely finished the pilot and left the second after 10 mins.
I wonder how it will be received.  It's Marvel working outside their area of success to a large degree, and I can't guarantee that my interest won't fade, but so far it's nostalgic for me. 

[spoiler]What holds my attention was how well they captured the cheesy production values of the 1950s.  One neighbor has a husband named Ralph (think Jackie Gleason), but you never see him, as if the show couldn't afford to pay another actor, so he's constantly referred to.  Even the laugh track is cheesy, and they have gone out of their way to make the actor's humorous lines second rate, which tends to draw your attention to the laugh track even more. The sets are simple and with zero household clutter, which is enhanced by filming in black and white.  In episode 3 color is introduced, and I'm like, "No, no!  Don't make it in color.  You'll ruin it."  Instead of drawing viewers in, the actors act like they are acting (and they do a great job at it too).  Supposedly they are distracted by a large live audience as they project their voices in unrealistic ways.  A live audience, but there's still a laugh track???  It's like I Love Lucy and Bewitched, where they seem to spend their entire lives in only three different places besides their living room.

As a side note, try watching the first episode of the original star trek.  It may explain why I never followed the series, until it became a sci fi icon when a friend in college introduced me to the reruns.  None of the episodes after the pilot are as bad, but knowing what Star Trek eventually became, you can love the first episode while you're doing your face palms.[/spoiler]

What I remember about watching television in the late 40s and 50s (we never had a TV until I was around seven or eight) was the whole family watching TV as a family unit.  I remember my father literally holding his gut and rolling on the floor in laughter.  And the more stupid the humor was, the more we thought it was funny.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 31, 2021, 09:34:54 AM
Yeah I get the nostalgic part...America placed that this into us too, LOL it is 'nostalgic' for me too in a away. But over all, it is too loud of certain things I already see everywhere. Its reception is good here as far as I get.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 31, 2021, 10:19:17 AM
The cheery nostalgia is just a veneer (and doesn't make any sense when scrutinized even lightly), and you see some pretty dark stuff in episode 1 and 2 if you pay very close attention.  For example, note the label on the wine bottle in episode 1.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 31, 2021, 10:24:09 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 31, 2021, 10:19:17 AM
For example, note the label on the wine bottle in episode 1.
I'll go back and look for that.  I remember I was distracted, and I noticed a wine bottle, but by the time it dawned on me that it was one of those scenes you need to watch, it was over, and I didn't go back, thinking, "I hope I don't need this."
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 31, 2021, 12:07:07 PM
OK, I just watched episode 4 of WandaVision.  I did not see that coming, and it blew me away.  No, there's still much more to be explained.  I gave two seasons of Agents of Shield a try, and lost interest, so I was thinking that Marvel is not cut out for TV.  This changes everything for now.

Shoe:  You need to stick with Wanda to Episode 4, and at the beginning of 4, reset you expectations to null, if episode 4 doesn't do it for you, then you can bag it, but if you quit before then, you don't have much to base an opinion on.  Don't just skip episode 3 either.  You need that to understand parts of four.  And remember Natalie Portman's air headed student astronomy intern from the first Thor movie?  I know she was just an actor doing what the director told her to do, but she actually annoyed me so much that  I would have been happy if they would have written her out of the Thor script. Holy crap, what a transformation.  You're going to love her.  I'm going to watch episode 4 again, maybe tonight.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 31, 2021, 02:06:33 PM
Cheery nostalgia is not a veener. It's a necessary base. It's like painting a 'white' spot in the big canvas -for the show itself- to make things appear more as less, flowing without sticking and poking. Expressing the contemporary in with the past always works wonders and open a great space for expression. In our age, dismissing modern technology in story telling alone makes you free, and remove a lot of limits and burdens.

From any artists' point of view in any art medium, when people create a work and put it out there, they know that the audience receive it as a part of some 'whole'. As a 'whole' consisted of all the works done in the same medium in an era, as in series of eras lived in your life span and as another 'whole' an individual carries in his memory which determines his choices. Countless individual repositories in one big moving repository. Because everybody is watching many different things accoridng to their interestes, age, gender, cultural groups...etc. They all have different memories and expectations.

Every work affect, influence or even trigger another and itself a result of the same process, while some remain 'universal' they all a make the big canvas that constantly changes, every era has it own shades of colours and content of its own. What makes an era is the 'common' content. They all tell the same story, actually more like tell the old stories from that era's perspective in different ways. If you consider that today there are more movies and tv shows, any kind of story telling videos are made than any time in the past, the ultimate goal is to be able to tell that story in the most distilled, effective way. Trying to catch some sort 'universaility' for that era if you will. It happens rarely and when it happens, it moves and inspire people for a long time because that kind of thing doesn't get old easily, and influences other works for a long time: Art. Because it is not about the story, it is about how you tell it. Story changes in time when expressed in different ways. The form has dominance over content.

In this sense, black and white '50s' is a brilliant way to open a good space and aim for the precious 'less is more'. Compared to a 21st century theme it is like vast space of minecraft. 21st century is a tiny room with a window and all the objects in it has been defined. Only their colours and design change according to individuals. It's cramped. And if you ask me, when you try to put that in big space, it looks like a dull hotel lobby. 

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 31, 2021, 02:57:22 PM
Quote from: SGOS on January 31, 2021, 12:07:07 PMOK, I just watched episode 4 of WandaVision.  I did not see that coming, and it blew me away.
Almost all of episode 4 could be inferred from previous episodes, so it didn't do a lot for me.  Episode 3 is the one that blew me away.  I literally did a double-take and then got chills.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 31, 2021, 03:19:21 PM
Quote from: SGOS on January 31, 2021, 12:07:07 PM
OK, I just watched episode 4 of WandaVision.  I did not see that coming, and it blew me away.  No, there's still much more to be explained.  I gave two seasons of Agents of Shield a try, and lost interest, so I was thinking that Marvel is not cut out for TV.  This changes everything for now.

Shoe:  You need to stick with Wanda to Episode 4, and at the beginning of 4, reset you expectations to null, if episode 4 doesn't do it for you, then you can bag it, but if you quit before then, you don't have much to base an opinion on.  Don't just skip episode 3 either.  You need that to understand parts of four.  And remember Natalie Portman's air headed student astronomy intern from the first Thor movie?  I know she was just an actor doing what the director told her to do, but she actually annoyed me so much that  I would have been happy if they would have written her out of the Thor script. Holy crap, what a transformation.  You're going to love her.  I'm going to watch episode 4 again, maybe tonight.

Sorry, I didn't see your post before. I wouldn't be surprised. I actually wrote something related to that about my impression about the show above.

OK. I will look at it when I have time.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 31, 2021, 05:20:54 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 31, 2021, 02:57:22 PM
Almost all of episode 4 could be inferred from previous episodes, so it didn't do a lot for me.  Episode 3 is the one that blew me away.  I literally did a double-take and then got chills.
See, I didn't expect episode 4.  I didn't catch the foreshadowing.  I really had no idea where the story was going.  I was just groovin'   on the nostalgia.  I did kind of wonder why Marvel Superheroes were there, and why they were trying to act like normal people.  I still haven't figured that out, and I'm not even going to guess why they are TV personalities. 

At least twice a week, I used to watch movies with a couple that I worked with.  We would take turns hosting the movies.   This was back when Netflix DVD just came on the scene, so we never knew which night the movie would arrive.  His wife would call and ask if I was up for "Movie Madness."  Her husband  would always figure out the reveals and tell us before I was even wondering about anything.  I don't think he ever miscalled it once.  I don't think he was reading spoilers.  I had never heard of spoilers back then.  I just thought he had a sense about it.

Which is why Murder Mysteries are down on my preference list.  I never know who the Hell killed the guy until the detective explains how he figured it out, and even then I'd be like,  "Yeah well, OK then.  Whatever."
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 31, 2021, 05:25:00 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on January 31, 2021, 02:06:33 PM
Cheery nostalgia is not a veener. It's a necessary base.
I would agree, but lets talk about this again after episode 4.  I still don't know what to make of it all.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on January 31, 2021, 06:08:47 PM
Waiting for the season to end before I hit the high seas to watch Wandavision, but I'm glad it seems to be pretty good so far.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 31, 2021, 10:17:57 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on January 31, 2021, 01:53:42 PM

Not TV, but don't know where to put stuff like this. Episode III is out!
Woot!  Moxx and Mills are wholesome af.

For a second I thought that these videos were getting hammered by a downvote campaign or something but it turns out I didn't notice the K after the upvotes.  Considering the copious cursing and worse, unPC insults (I call 'em Legacy Insults), I thought Helluva Boss might not go over very well on Youtube.  Glad to be wrong!

Also, at this rate, Helluva Boss is going to have 10 seasons and a movie before Hazbin Hotel gets one season lol
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on February 01, 2021, 01:23:10 AM

Dunno what the hell happened to that link. Here we go.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on February 04, 2021, 08:40:49 PM
We are in the middle of binge-watching Schitt's Creek. Everything about these characters makes me laugh.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 05, 2021, 02:25:57 PM
Wandavision Episode 5:


[spoiler]The paper towel commercial was so funny in all the wrong ways, lol.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 05, 2021, 02:37:06 PM
I just watched it, but I'm not any further along knowing what's going on.  Well, I know what, but why? Still to come.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 05, 2021, 02:39:05 PM
Wat?  It revealed so much!  Way more than last episode.  Almost nothing hasn't been revealed at this point.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 08, 2021, 09:48:19 AM
I thought I might like to watch the Superbowl, so I started googling to find a free stream, I did eventually find a Twitter feed, and watched it.  Not a very good game, but that's not my point.  Googling heralded Hulu as free. Here's a cut an paste from Google, but it's false and misleading, if not an outright lie:

QuoteYes, you can stream Super Bowl 55 on Hulu. It can be one of the cheapest streaming services out there, offering a one-week free trial before costing $5.99 per month (that's at this initial link â€" further clicking suggests that it might be $64.99 thereafter). Hulu offers local channels, including your local CBS affiliate that will broadcast the Super Bowl.

But this is the link I found again on the day after the superbowl, and now it's changed, because initially, it described signing up for the one week free trial, and then cancelling after the bowl.  Note that it does warn that "(that's at this initial link â€" further clicking suggests that it might be $64.99 thereafter)"

Indeed that's true, but you don't read that until after signing up.  This option turns on the $64.95 immediately, and cancels the free trial and any other sign up promotions you may have had.  So watching the bowl would be a $64.95 ticket, and you had to sign up for the basic Hulu plan to even find that out.  Now that I paid Hulu $11.95 for the "no advertisements version"  I cannot find that warning when I look under changing my accounts.  Thankfully, I didn't sign up for the $65 bullshit, and I can still get a free month of Hulu.

The good news is that the $12 basic plan is actually pretty good, especially for older TV series, and also has a decent selection of more current movies too.  Maybe as good as streaming Disney or HBO, not the same selection of course, but a selection that is just as good, and for less money, although that's a matter of taste.

I did watch the Superbowl, and while it was free on Twitter, it was still a waste of my time, perhaps the most boring Superbowl I have watched.

The media still has a ways to go in getting rid of false information.  Actually Google eliminated the false part, but only the next day after who knows how many people signed up for $65 dollars worth of one month of Hulu.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on February 08, 2021, 02:10:04 PM
I got Disney+ and watched WandaVision. Without getting into spoilers, I was pleasantly surprised with this. It's creepy, with a slow build for the show's mystery. ...Until episode 4, where they basically spell out to you what exactly is going on. It's still fun after that, but I feel like the reveals in episode 4 should have been AFTER episode 5, not before it. There's still a little mystery left, and definitely some conflict, so the reveals didn't ruin the show by any means. I'm still very much hooked on it and looking forward to the future, but it does take away from the creep factor of the show.

Next on my list: The Mandalorian. Star Wars done right? By Disney? Color me surprised. Time to see if it's actually worth all that hype.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 08, 2021, 02:43:18 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on February 08, 2021, 02:10:04 PMNext on my list: The Mandalorian. Star Wars done right? By Disney? Color me surprised. Time to see if it's actually worth all that hype.
This is the way.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 08, 2021, 03:46:10 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on February 08, 2021, 02:10:04 PM
Next on my list: The Mandalorian. Star Wars done right? By Disney? Color me surprised. Time to see if it's actually worth all that hype.
With all of Star Wars and the Marvel Universe, they do have a corner on the biggest of the box office buster franchises there are.  That puts them on the map for sure, but I already own all of Marvel that I can think of, and can't seem to get into Star Wars for reasons I have yet to understand.  One thing I have enjoyed on Disney is their array of programs centered around kids with magical abilities.  I'm almost embarrassed by that, because they are all the same format, and the evil guy is always kind of dopey, and everything always ends just the way it's supposed to, with enemies suddenly becoming great friends in the last few minutes of the movies.  But here's what I like about these movies for kids.  They are all so light-hearted and sappy that they are a welcomed respite at the end of the Trump era, and I feel like I need that now more than ever.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 08, 2021, 05:43:06 PM
Quote from: SGOS on February 08, 2021, 03:46:10 PM
With all of Star Wars and the Marvel Universe, they do have a corner on the biggest of the box office buster franchises there are.
Disney also owns X-Men, Deadpool, and the Fantastic Four (previously not connected to the MCU), Alien, Predator, the X-Files, Avatar, and nearly 3/4 of National Geographic Parters (a joint venture between Disney and the National Geographic Society) which publishes the titular magazine and TV channel.

Disney owns 3 out of the top 10 movies franchises outright (MCU, Star Wars, X-Men), and has a partnership deal with a fourth (Spider-Man).
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on February 08, 2021, 06:14:21 PM
Disney has too much, TBH. And while they royally fucked up their Star Wars movies, both the trilogy and the spinoffs, they've done much better with the MCU. Somehow the MCU has kept up a level of quality previously unheard of for superhero movies. I'm enjoying The Mandalorian so far, but they also gave EA exclusive rights to make Star Wars games, and they did such an abysmal job. Jedi: Fallen Order was good, but the revamped Battlefront series was a mess, and they didn't make much more. Thankfully, that exclusivity deal will be ending soon, with a rumored Knights of the Old Republic game in the works.

So MCU, great. Star Wars...mixed bag, to put it generously.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 08, 2021, 06:44:42 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on February 08, 2021, 06:14:21 PMthey also gave EA exclusive rights to make Star Wars games, and they did such an abysmal job. Jedi: Fallen Order was good, but the revamped Battlefront series was a mess, and they didn't make much more.
LucasFilms Star Wars 10-year exclusivity deal with EA is set to expire in 2023, so other companies have the green light to start making Star Wars games now to release in 2023 or later.

Games Workshop did a similar thing with its Warhammer 40k license, opening it up to a variety of video game developers.  Results were mixed, with some especially horrific mobile releases, though its hits were excellent.

As for Disney, they're fortunate to have enough money that they can simply throw stuff at the wall for a few years and make more of whatever sticks.  Kinda hard to fail with that strategy.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 08, 2021, 07:24:37 PM
OK, I just watched the pilot for the X-files.  It's good, but I never followed the series.  I surfed by it a few times but never landed long enough to get into it.  However, I may have watched one almost full episode without knowing what it was years and years ago, where some guy had to keep traveling west or his head would explode.  I was telling someone about this thing, and was told, "Oh that was an episode of X-files."  I think I'm going to enjoy this series.  The pilot seemed to do a good job of setting the series up, but we will see.  This will be like missing the entire original StarTrek, Stargate, Dexter, Breaking Bad, and Smallville, until years after they had cancelled, only to realize how much fascinating stuff is out there that I had no idea about.  Also, it's easier for me to binge watch, rather than having to pace myself with one episode a week for 6 months, and then waiting for the next season to start up.  It makes things easier to follow, and if it's really interesting, I can immerse myself to my heart's content, which satisfies whatever obsessive compulsive tendencies I might have.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 08, 2021, 08:05:07 PM
I loved watching the X-Files during its original run.  Back when you had to watch it Sunday night or you had to wait for reruns.  And you had to rush a bathroom break in during the commercials.

It was a fresh idea at the time - a psuedo-realistic investigation into various anomalies *coughSCPcough*  The quality varied from week to week, the monster of the week was interesting and incredibly frightening most of the time, but the real selling point was the chemistry between Mulder and Scully.  Scully was such a phenomenon that she may have helped get more women into forensics and other scientific fields.

You didn't really need to binge The X-Files because one episode was scary enough and episodes were rarely referenced in other episodes.  So it's not like you miss an episode and you're totally lost.

It did great for a number of years, and even got revived after years of being off the air.  But after a while, I kinda soured on it.  It's like going to an amazing amusement park as a kid and then going to it as an adult.  It's a bit different experience.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on February 10, 2021, 12:25:06 AM
Bingeing on "Chef!" with Lenny Henry.

I love Britbox.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 10, 2021, 01:14:14 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on February 08, 2021, 08:05:07 PM
It did great for a number of years, and even got revived after years of being off the air.  But after a while, I kinda soured on it.  It's like going to an amazing amusement park as a kid and then going to it as an adult.  It's a bit different experience.
I never went to Disneyland until I was in my late 50s, and then I went 5 times after that.  lol
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: LoriPinkAngel on February 10, 2021, 06:54:01 PM
My son & I have been binge watching Breaking Bad on Netflix.  As many times as we have watched this we always notice new things.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 12, 2021, 02:30:32 AM
Those two shows are my two favorite series of all time.  I own them and have watched them enough times that I will probably only binge them once a year anymore.  Eventually, I need to see other things, and I bought a shit load of series last winter and more this year, but I believe it's going to me a long time before TV sees anything on par with Dexter or BB again.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 12, 2021, 03:51:43 PM
Episode 6 of WandaVision
I still don't know what's going on.  I might have a slightly better understanding, with operative word being "slightly."  But these are not big reveals to me.  If they have revealed anything, it tells me there's much more to find out.  I see what is happening, but haven't got a clue about why?   And the question is nagging.  When I understand that, I'll have a sensation of experiencing a reveal. 

[spoiler]Has anyone noticed that they have eliminated the laugh track from the sitcom part of the story?  What was typically nostalgic, but shallow and cheap 1950s sitcom with canned laughter has made a slight move toward drama.  I think this is alarming Wanda, who would prefer a slappy dappy vacant life without problems and responsibility.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 12, 2021, 08:49:51 PM
I just saw the latest Wandavision.  I gotta say, I didn't see that coming.

[spoiler]I gotta get this off my chest: a lot of people think Hayward is an evil POS and that really bugs me because his belligerence is entirely warranted.

This is a hostage situation with a crapload of civilians.  Period.  We all know how superheroes and/or the authorities deal with those.  Trying to talk it out first shows a remarkable level of restraint, especially considering that the civilians are constantly in a great deal of pain/anguish.

This Westview incident might ultimately stem from sympathetic reasons, but seen from the outside, this is supervillain territory.  What would Captain America do?  He'd try to stop it.  Now, you might be able to talk your way out of the situation, but that's a very slim chance.  If and when that fails, you have to consider other options.  Maybe not guns blazing - that's a last resort - but I'd definitely pursue a tech solution to disrupt the anomaly.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 12, 2021, 09:03:59 PM
I'm going to have to review the earlier episodes.  This Hayward guy, I can't even remember him being introduced or what episode he showed up in first.  I don't believe I could have nodded off.  The next thing I know he's wearing a costume in episode 6, and upset about something, and I can't even see his face so I can say, "Oh!  That guy," so that I can remember his character development.

It's a good thing I don't mind reviewing episodes.  One of the things I like about watching movies more than once is spotting those things that pointed to something important later on, but were too subtle the first time to catch them.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on February 12, 2021, 10:05:11 PM
[spoiler=WandaVision ep 6 spoilers]So a couple of things I noted. First, Wanda genuinely seems like she isn't completely in control here. She has a lot of power, yes, but some things seem to happen without her say so. She doesn't even know how she's doing this. I suspect there's someone else who's really controlling things. Wanda is the director, not the producer. Hayward is an obvious suspect. He seems to be doing the typical secret villain thing, using his position of power to get rid of the good guys before they can ruin his plans. Plus, he's the leader of an organization called S.W.O.R.D. (come on, sword?), which coincidentally has recently (under Hayward's leadership) taken on a more proactive approach than in the past. The guy who took over for Pietro also seems to believe himself to really be her brother. And we see a glimpse his corpse before the illusion can fix it. So what's going on here? Maybe SWORD is using this as an experiment to resurrect the dead? We see that when Vision tries to leave, his body disintegrates, and returns to its former, dead state. But maybe they hope that sending dead people into the hex will eventually allow them to be restored completely? Also, the hex is in the 2000's now. Only one more decade before they get to present day. What will happen after that?[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 12, 2021, 10:48:55 PM
Quote from: SGOS on February 12, 2021, 09:03:59 PM
I'm going to have to review the earlier episodes.  This Hayward guy, I can't even remember him being introduced or what episode he showed up in first.
[spoiler]SWORD leader.  Looks like this:

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 12, 2021, 11:05:45 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on February 12, 2021, 10:05:11 PM
[spoiler=WandaVision ep 6 spoilers]So a couple of things I noted. First, Wanda genuinely seems like she isn't completely in control here. She has a lot of power, yes, but some things seem to happen without her say so. She doesn't even know how she's doing this. I suspect there's someone else who's really controlling things. Wanda is the director, not the producer. Hayward is an obvious suspect. He seems to be doing the typical secret villain thing, using his position of power to get rid of the good guys before they can ruin his plans. Plus, he's the leader of an organization called S.W.O.R.D. (come on, sword?), which coincidentally has recently (under Hayward's leadership) taken on a more proactive approach than in the past. The guy who took over for Pietro also seems to believe himself to really be her brother. And we see a glimpse his corpse before the illusion can fix it. So what's going on here? Maybe SWORD is using this as an experiment to resurrect the dead? We see that when Vision tries to leave, his body disintegrates, and returns to its former, dead state. But maybe they hope that sending dead people into the hex will eventually allow them to be restored completely? Also, the hex is in the 2000's now. Only one more decade before they get to present day. What will happen after that?
[spoiler]Wanda has increasingly less control over reality with every episode.  And her expanding family sped that up considerably.  It's also rather telling that various characters are aware of their roles and ask Wanda for direction as if she were directing a play - Agnes, Herb, and Pietro all do this.  Wanda is going to lose control entirely very soon.

And it's Pietro, but a different universe's Pietro.  This Pietro was apparently gunned down immediately before entering the anomaly.  I don't think Wanda intentionally brought Pietro there, I assume she was just thinking of him and he came.

And yes, she intended to restore Vision to life.  This whole thing isn't just for her, it's for him, too.  Think of it as a really advanced form of physical therapy.  And it's clearly working, since Vision has a great deal of autonomy and can nearly exist without Wanda's help.  Quite a feat.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on February 12, 2021, 11:27:40 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on February 12, 2021, 11:05:45 PM
[spoiler]And it's Pietro, but a different universe's Pietro.  This Pietro was apparently gunned down immediately before entering the anomaly.  I don't think Wanda intentionally brought Pietro there, I assume she was just thinking of him and he came.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I don't know about that. Her Pietro was shot down. He just has a different face for some reason. The MCU has stayed away from multiverse stuff up until now, with even Mysterio turning out to be making that part of his story up. Maybe he's a different person, but has been implanted with artificial memories, based on Wanda's own recollection? I dunno. I also like that little self-aware joke between them.

"What happened to your accent?"

"What happened to yours?"[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 13, 2021, 05:29:31 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on February 12, 2021, 10:48:55 PM
[spoiler]SWORD leader.  Looks like this:

[spoiler]Oh!  That guy.  Well it makes sense now.  I thought Hayward some guy in a gorilla/monster consume trapped in the anomaly.  All I need to do is rewatch episode 6.  Not sure if the gorilla guy is important or not.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 13, 2021, 12:55:18 PM
Does any of you watch true crime documentary series? Some of them are fascinating to me. It looks like they tell more about the general culture than their subject and things happening around it. I am watching Murder Mountain at the moment...well  :eek: Considering it's just been a few years it was legalised, I think we'll get a series of movies from there.

I have seen that Cecil Hotel one, the case of the poor Canadian girl. I remember it exploding on the social media, the elevator video and all...distantly, I recognised the vid.  However, it's really a perfect example of how people go crazy around something to hold on, build innocent looking groups that start to act like some sort of a 'cult'. The case has nothing mysterious and complicated. Actually, for anyone looking from outside, you instantly get what likely to have happened. But the way the reactions go out of proportion is really horrifying. It's like an open  notebook.

This morning, I have seen the Three Identical Strangers. I don't know what to think about that one. It's bad and what happened in 50-70 in those universities, going around the whole country as 'resreach' I think something we'll never really know.

I'm getting used to the new age documentaries. But I still think they themselves are the better material than the ones they offer. It feels like the more guarding, light and neutral they appear to be, the more telling they get.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 14, 2021, 01:35:07 PM
Watching StarTrek the original series.  Haven't watched it for years and years, although I've probably seen each episode 5 times.  It's not as good as I remember, because the sets, acting, and production values typical of the time are very low, except for Spock, who was stellar even back then. The stories are also weaker than I remember, but I'm only on episode 13 in season 1 and Roddenberry may not have found his pace at this time.  Still this is classic stuff that generated a following of Trekies the likes of which had never been seen before.  I remember it mostly for dealing with issues of the human condition, although some of the topics may not be relevant today. 

I can give it a pass because of it's classic nature, but Episode 13, which I couldn't remember at all, is pretty bad.  It was overacted, with Shatner trying to act suave (not his strength).  It has a small twist at the end, which doesn't save much.  I was doing face palms through the whole thing.

But damn, I remember some episodes that should be timeless, like the Chicago Gangsters in "A piece of the action."  I might skip ahead and see if it's as good as I remember.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 16, 2021, 01:39:29 AM
Me explaining my favorite shows to people:

Star Trek has amazing space battles.  When the "ship" is "hit" the actors just kinda throw themselves around, it's really amazing.  You feel like you're really there.

Stargate SG1 had amazing villains.  You can tell they're villains because they have this glowing eye effect put in post.  It looked pretty bad even in the 90s, but it helped them save up for the three really impressive battles in their 10-year run.

Stargate Atlantis had amazing space vampires.  Some guys in blue makeup "feed" on other guys and they spasm violently when they're being fed on.  Saved a ton of money on CGI.

Oh, and Doctor Who has this awe-inspiring thing where the Doctor regenerates.  His arms and head just kinda glow and then they cut to another actor.  It looks super great.  But seriously, the music is amazing.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 16, 2021, 05:21:45 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on February 16, 2021, 01:39:29 AM
Me explaining my favorite shows to people:
Well, that should get any confirmed sci fi fan's head out of the clouds.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 16, 2021, 05:28:30 AM
I watched the first episode of Next Generation last night.  I always realized it had better production values and often times more interesting situations, but I would always protest, "No, No, this isn't real.  There is no Kirk, Spock, Scottie, or Bones."  Watching the two efforts basically side by side, they are worlds apart, and the difference in quality puts the original to shame, but I still find having a Klingon on the bridge to be greatly disturbing.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 16, 2021, 12:36:58 PM
Quote from: SGOS on February 16, 2021, 05:28:30 AMbut I still find having a Klingon on the bridge to be greatly disturbing.
How so?  It's in Starfleet's nature to seek peace and alliances.  (That's how they assimilate.)  Naturally, they're going to recruit from former adversaries.

What would be really disturbing is a perpetual enemy, because that implies that the Federation's ideals of peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding are flawed.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 16, 2021, 12:49:03 PM
I'm not a bigot. I actually like Klingons, but they are not human, and when they go berserk, they are really awful. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 16, 2021, 06:22:17 PM
That's why you stand behind them when they go beserk.  :P

If you haven't already, you should check out the Klingon-centric episodes in Deep Space 9's Dominion War arc.  The season 5 premier through season 6.  The Klingons are a marvel to behold in some of those battles.  They're not as ...clinical... as Starfleet, but they make up for it with fierce counter-attacks and strong resolve.

They have a rather brutish culture, but it makes a strange sort of sense.  They respect strength and plain-talk above all else, so Federation decorum and saccharine nicety is offputting, borderline insulting to Klingons.  Instead, all you really have to do to win them over is project strength and walk the walk.  And underneath the warrior culture, they're like anyone else - do them a favor and they'll do you a favor.

I actually really like them because they know what they want and are willing to fight for it.  Very straightforward, purposeful people.  It's the Romulans and Cardassians you have to watch out for.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 16, 2021, 07:17:01 PM
watched the first episode of 'kingdom'.
I think I'm gonna really like this show.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 17, 2021, 07:03:28 AM
I mostly missed Deep Space 9. I'm not sure why.  I knew it was out there, but must have been in a part of my life, where TV played a smaller part.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 17, 2021, 06:58:57 PM
Quote from: SGOS on February 17, 2021, 07:03:28 AMI mostly missed Deep Space 9. I'm not sure why.  I knew it was out there, but must have been in a part of my life, where TV played a smaller part.
That explains it.  DS9 did a lot to rehabilitate the image of the Klingons (and Ferengi).
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on February 17, 2021, 08:37:49 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on February 16, 2021, 07:17:01 PM
watched the first episode of 'kingdom'.
I think I'm gonna really like this show.

I don't think I've watched the last season, but I really enjoyed it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 18, 2021, 04:23:59 AM
I would like your post shiranu.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on February 19, 2021, 11:59:26 AM
[spoiler=WandaVision ep 7 spoilers]Wow. Uh, interesting. I was suspicious of Agnes ever since she broke character to ask if she should do it over again, but when Vision touched her head and she seemed to be broken from Wanda's spell, I thought that put that idea to bed. Then she comes out of nowhere to take Wanda away from Monica, and immediately, she seems suspicious again. Wanda notices her kids are missing, even though they're supposed to be at Agnes' house. Are they even real? She finds a secret dungeon under the house, and surprise! Agnes the secret villain, Agatha Harkness.

Also, it seems I was right about the secret plan to resurrect Vision. I'm not sure if Vision is ever going to be able to survive outside of the hex, but maybe with enough time, he'll become stable enough. If Agatha is in control, is she the one trying to keep Vision away, rather than Wanda?

Now I'm wondering who this Agatha person is. Where did she come from? Where did she get her powers? Does she work for SWORD, or does she have her own agenda? If I had to guess, I'd say she is a SWORD experiment, made to replicate the experiments of Hydra that created Scarlet Witch. But hold on, there is no mind stone anymore, so what could they use to replicate Hydra's work? Maybe Wanda herself? Maybe she struck a deal with Hayward, to lend some of her power in exchange for an opportunity to bring Vision back, and her memory of the event was wiped? She doesn't recall events leading up to Westview's creation, so maybe.

Oh, and there's an after-credits scene, so make sure you don't tune out when the credits start. Also, almost forgot to mention, Monica seems to have superpowers now, after having passed through the barrier three times. Wonder what her powers are. I'm unaware of if her character exists in the comics, or if she becomes a superhero.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 19, 2021, 12:50:13 PM
I thought new episodes came on Friday.  Not complaining, you understand.  I'm down for this.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Gawdzilla Sama on February 19, 2021, 02:27:29 PM
Just watched the first epi of Witcher. Does it go on like, drop off, or get better?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 19, 2021, 04:24:31 PM
Quote from: Gawdzilla Sama on February 19, 2021, 02:27:29 PMJust watched the first epi of Witcher. Does it go on like, drop off, or get better?
It gets better.  The first few episodes were a pretty rough introduction for newbies like me.  But things start making sense after a few episodes.  And the last couple episodes were great, imo.  Solid 8/10 imo.

Still, the series has quite a few flaws.  The main cast is great, but the secondary cast is kinda lackluster.  Some episodes have weird resolutions and wonky internal logic.  Some of the armor looks downright awful (you'll know it when you see it).  The villains verge on "evil for the sake of evil" territory.  And how the magical system works is still unclear.

Some of the reviews were unintentionally hilarious:  "I wouldn't say it's the Game of Thrones killer Netflix were wishing for, but The Witcher is still worth a watch."  LOL, they needn't worry about competing with GoT...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on February 19, 2021, 05:07:59 PM
I'm waiting until I read the Witcher series before watching the Netflix version. I've read five of the eight books. Does the Netflix series cover the entire book series? Is this an "inspired by" adaptation?

I'm very conflicted about watching Game of Thrones. I didn't like the books but my brother insists the television series is better.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 19, 2021, 05:12:41 PM
Looking back, there's a lot of small details that bug me:

It's bright and sunny outside and the town bar is dark inside.  They have windows, so what gives?  Even worse, this strangely enduring darkness is feebly combated with lit candles spread all over the place (wasteful and a huge fire hazard) - even a wooden chandelier that can't be more than 6ft from the floor.  I hope the drunkards duck!  And why is the bar filled with people anyway?  It's midday!  Are they day drunks?  Don't they have farms to tend?

*camera pans out to walled city with exactly zero farms anywhere*  Okay, I guess not.

Then, at the "shindig", I have to put on subtitles because 90% of the lines are said in this annoying whisper-talk way that makes them both incomprehensible and conspicuous.

*edit - they do the "candles at daytime" thing again at the castle.  Once again, they have windows.  Makes zero sense.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 19, 2021, 05:26:53 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on February 19, 2021, 05:07:59 PMDoes the Netflix series cover the entire book series? Is this an "inspired by" adaptation?
I've read that there are some pretty significant differences (Dandelion is renamed to Jaskier, Ciri, Yennefer's backstory) but it's mostly faithful to the books and in the same spirit.

QuoteI'm very conflicted about watching Game of Thrones. I didn't like the books but my brother insists the television series is better.
That might've been true during season 3-4, but not after.  The books meander a bit (huge understatement) but they go down some dark and disturbing paths, and it's masterfully done.  The show, not so much.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 22, 2021, 05:58:41 PM
Finished season 1 of 'kingdom'.
What a fucking beast of a show.
What a way to end season one.
I love the characters, the drama and the unbelievable tension.
Along with 'train to Busan', I believe south Korea has crowned itself king of the zombie genre. Kudos.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on February 22, 2021, 10:52:41 PM
We just finished watching the seven-episode PBS Masterpiece series All Creatures Great and Small. The book had a strong influence on me as a child (I lived on an exotic animal farm in my early twenties) and I wanted to check it out. With movie and television studios seemingly in a competition to create the darkest characters and storylines, this comfortable series, with its low-stakes plotting, lush scenery, authentic sets, adorable animals, and collection of empathetic characters is like a walk in fresh air. It's not everyone's cup of tea but I enjoyed every moment.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 23, 2021, 11:05:53 PM
Sweet Home.  Basically, the South Korean Walking Dead, albeit with a unique twist.  I just finished reading the manga (the dialogue is very concise, so it was an incredibly easy read) now I'm moving on to the TV show.

[spoiler]Edit - I already know what sort of monster I'd be.  And you'd better believe I'd take the deal.  *jumps in the water and transforms into a hydra*  There were no aquatic monsters in the manga.  Terrible oversight.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 25, 2021, 01:52:02 PM
Just read a joke about an amazing premise for a TV show.

Namely a show where flat earthers go on a quest to find the edge of the world.
That'd be amazing. I'd watch the shit out of that show  how many seasons could it run for?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 25, 2021, 07:41:56 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on February 25, 2021, 01:52:02 PM
Just read a joke about an amazing premise for a TV show.

Namely a show where flat earthers go on a quest to find the edge of the world.
That'd be amazing. I'd watch the shit out of that show  how many seasons could it run for?
I'd watch it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 26, 2021, 09:08:49 AM
WandaVision Episode 8
I kind of felt like 6 and 7 had me wandering around aimlessly.  E8 is the first time, I feel like I've experienced a major reveal.  OK, I kinda/sorta saw this coming in a very general way with episode 4 or 5, but E8 ties things together in a nice package.  I would also describe the episode as powerful.  Does anyone know how many more episodes we should expect?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on February 27, 2021, 12:24:41 PM
[spoiler=WandaVision ep 8 spoilers]So Wanda didn't get her powers from the Mind Stone, but was a naturally gifted witch from the start? Interesting. Wait. Is this the first time she's been referred to as the Scarlet Witch? I assume in the MCU, this name must have special significance. Like maybe she's the this legendary being that gets reincarnated every few thousand years, causes chaos, dies somehow, and then comes back later to start all over again.

Also, there are two Visions now? That can't be good. I doubt SWORD's Vision has any of his old memories, so he's definitely going to go Ultron on them. You'd think they'd know better, but bad guys gonna bad guy.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on February 27, 2021, 12:56:31 PM
[spoiler]I'd have to watch The Avengers again, but Wanda got her powers from Nazi experiments. She was called the Scarlet Witch, but I always thought it was a misnomer like "Trump is the Devil."  Not really a witch, but a man made concoction resembling a witch, but that may be splitting hairs if not outright wrong.  The guys with actual comic book expertise can weigh in anytime.  So who's really in charge of the goings on in Westview, Wanda or her close friend, who is a real witch of the fairy tale variety?  I think it's Wanda of course, but I've been surprised too many times in the series so far to bother betting with anyone.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on February 27, 2021, 01:08:11 PM
Quote from: SGOS on February 27, 2021, 12:56:31 PM
[spoiler]I'd have to watch The Avengers again, but Wanda got her powers from Nazi experiments. She was called the Scarlet Witch, but I always thought it was a misnomer like "Trump is the Devil."  Not really a witch, but a man made concoction resembling a witch, but that may be splitting hairs if not outright wrong.  The guys with actual comic book expertise can weigh in anytime.  So who's really in charge of the goings on in Westview, Wanda or her close friend, who is a real witch of the fairy tale variety?  I think it's Wanda of course, but I've been surprised too many times in the series so far to bother betting with anyone.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=WandaVision ep 8]It's my impression that Wanda created the hex after Hayward planted the idea in her head. Agatha doesn't seem to be working for SWORD, but has been following Wanda's career for some time. Seems she was curious how a witch with no training could perform such powerful magic, and now she's convinced that Wanda is this legendary being called the Scarlet Witch. She might think that Wanda is too dangerous to be left alive, or maybe she's planning to hold her children hostage to get something out of her.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 27, 2021, 03:14:57 PM
Quote from: SGOS on February 26, 2021, 09:08:49 AMWandaVision Episode 8
I kind of felt like 6 and 7 had me wandering around aimlessly.  E8 is the first time, I feel like I've experienced a major reveal.  OK, I kinda/sorta saw this coming in a very general way with episode 4 or 5, but E8 ties things together in a nice package.  I would also describe the episode as powerful.  Does anyone know how many more episodes we should expect?
I was thinking as I watched it, that the latest episode would get you completely up to speed.  :P  And there is one more episode.

I loved episode 7 for its huge reveal (and surprisingly catchy song).  Episode 8 was mostly a giant recap and didn't do much for me because a lot of that stuff could be easily inferred, but once again, I understand why they did it - to keep more casual viewers from getting lost during the final episode.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 27, 2021, 03:29:56 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on February 27, 2021, 12:24:41 PM
[spoiler=WandaVision ep 8 spoilers]So Wanda didn't get her powers from the Mind Stone, but was a naturally gifted witch from the start?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Wanda had some kind of lowlevel witch/mutant powers prior to touching the stone, but that was amplified by the stone and/or whatever being she made contact with in that room[/spoiler]

Quote[spoiler]Also, there are two Visions now? That can't be good. I doubt SWORD's Vision has any of his old memories, so he's definitely going to go Ultron on them. You'd think they'd know better, but bad guys gonna bad guy.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]There are indeed two Visions, a mind without a body and a body without a mind.  If they aren't integrated into a restored Vision (project LASIK, lol) either at the end of this series or in Multiverse of Madness, I'll eat crow pie.

And once again, I have to play Mephisto's advocate for Hayward.  A synthetic being who literally saved all of humanity, and Hayward thinks it's a good idea to bring him back online.  Is that truly villainous?  And it makes sense that he wouldn't want to dump several pounds of vibranium in the ground.  That's an absolutely vital resource.  And besides, you know some villain would just dig him up sooner or later.  Letting Wanda pay her respects in person was actually a decent thing for him to do and as much as he could realistically offer her.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 27, 2021, 03:37:19 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on February 27, 2021, 01:08:11 PM[spoiler=WandaVision ep 8]It's my impression that Wanda created the hex after Hayward planted the idea in her head. Agatha doesn't seem to be working for SWORD, but has been following Wanda's career for some time. Seems she was curious how a witch with no training could perform such powerful magic, and now she's convinced that Wanda is this legendary being called the Scarlet Witch. She might think that Wanda is too dangerous to be left alive, or maybe she's planning to hold her children hostage to get something out of her.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Agatha is 100% focused on increasing her own power, as her backstory rather bluntly spelled out.  (pun not intended, but not unwelcome)

No arc, just one long straight villainous line.  She is willing to manipulate and/or kill anyone to get what she wants.  She will absolutely try to kill Wanda.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 28, 2021, 02:11:38 AM
Just finished the TV adaption of Sweet Home.  10/10 beginning, 8/10 middle, 6/10 end

It had an excellent start, but kinda floundered in the middle and lost the plot entirely towards the end.  There was such amazing horror in the source material, and most of it made it to screen, but a lot of it didn't, which is a terrible shame.  The source material tried really hard and succeeded to avoid Hollywood cliches, but it looks as if those were intentionally and spitefully put in the TV version.  And the worst part is that the mind-blowing reveal towards the end - which puts everything in context - was kinda forgotten entirely.  The whole plot kinda falls apart without that.

This series is almost great, which is so much worse than merely being average.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 28, 2021, 03:14:07 AM
I have watched the 9 eps of Raised by the Wolves. I haven't finished it, but it's specifically designed to piss off a certain mass of people. :lol: I also liked the Mother a bit too much, it made me uncomfortable. And that kid... :lol: perfect symbolism. Hat's off to Mr. Ridley Scott.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on February 28, 2021, 04:48:44 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on February 22, 2021, 05:58:41 PM
Finished season 1 of 'kingdom'.
What a fucking beast of a show.
What a way to end season one.
I love the characters, the drama and the unbelievable tension.
Along with 'train to Busan', I believe south Korea has crowned itself king of the zombie genre. Kudos.

Yeah, I was really surprised by it; I expected it to be good, because I enjoy just about anything but... damn, it's actually GOOD good.

I just started Wandavision, and let me tell you... I was not sober enough for that. My brain just got melted at the end of ep 1.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on February 28, 2021, 05:19:48 AM
Okay what the fuck.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 28, 2021, 05:38:10 AM
New avatar the last Airbender shows and movies, animated mind you, are on the horizon.
Fuck yeah.
Just... Fuck yeah.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on February 28, 2021, 05:47:24 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on February 28, 2021, 05:38:10 AM
New avatar the last Airbender shows and movies, animated mind you, are on the horizon.
Fuck yeah.
Just... Fuck yeah.

Hell the fuck yeah.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 28, 2021, 06:22:33 AM
Bold. Stupid, but bold. Can they measure up to the quality of the original? That's one of the best pieces ever made.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 28, 2021, 06:27:31 AM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on February 28, 2021, 06:22:33 AM
Bold. Stupid, but bold. Can they measure up to the quality of the original? That's one of the best pieces ever made.

It's with the original creators, I've heard.
I had my doubts when they said they'd make a live action series. But animated... That I can get behind.
The first Comics would already make for a fine season.

I hope to eventually see the azula redemption arc that the creators had envisioned, as well. Apparently they'd hoped to go beyond 3 seasons initially. Seemed weird to me, because it was a perfect arch in the initial story. But further seasons were scrapped after the shamalan disaster.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 28, 2021, 06:55:52 AM
Oh yeah, that's good news... the original creators and anime medium.

Honestly, if they manage to keep the 'subtlety' and 'realism' do not treat the audience as stupid, they have a chance. But then that was 2005. If they try to make it fit into the new age norms, it is going to blow.

Best thing about those series is how they managed to illustrate concepts like failure, mistake, fear with head characters. It's too much for the new era tendencies, I think. It feels like they would make it 'softer', more 'positive', politically correct and polish it up. Oh godaw no. That's what I would worry about.

[spoiler]My favourite part with the series is that the hero breaks down and hides under the ocean for a bundred years at the beginning because he is scared and well, he is a kid. It's a huge negative point to start. It's perfect. That individually or as a team they keep failing is making the whole thing very successful. Do you think we would have had a character like Iroh, if it had been made last year? I don't tink so. Even Azula never looks 2 dimensional. It's possible and horrfiying to think that they could transform Katara or Suki into some version of super woman for example. Avoid characters like Master Pakku just because they are openly sexist, while they are solid in real life which kids need to be prepared for. That kind of stuff. The series are full of solid real life lessons expressed with deep character backgeounds, no apology and good stroy telling. Forget kids, adults should watch it. [/spoiler]

Well, fingers crossed.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 28, 2021, 07:12:49 AM
Has anyone seen 'Behind Her Eyes'? It is making a lot of noise here and I'm curious if it is that good or just hype.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 28, 2021, 04:47:31 PM
began rewatching the last airbender. It still being on netflix and all.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 28, 2021, 07:40:49 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on February 28, 2021, 04:47:31 PM
began rewatching the last airbender. It still being on netflix and all.
It's alright, but I don't consider it among Shyamalan's best work.  :cheesy:
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on February 28, 2021, 08:53:40 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on February 28, 2021, 04:47:31 PM
began rewatching the last airbender. It still being on netflix and all.

I own the full set on DVD. I want to get the Legend of Korra now. Been years since I've seen it. Not as good as the original show, but it's still enjoyable. Funny how they had to sneak the little lesbian twist in last minute, because that was SO controversial back then. Nickelodeon was a bit late to the party.

Quote from: Hydra009 on February 28, 2021, 07:40:49 PM
It's alright, but I don't consider it among Shyamalan's best work.  :cheesy:

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 28, 2021, 09:14:32 PM

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 01, 2021, 01:14:40 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on February 28, 2021, 07:40:49 PM
It's alright, but I don't consider it among Shyamalan's best work.  :cheesy:

*turns on the inner Aaron burr.*

Be careful how you proceed, good man. Intemperate indeed good man.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on March 01, 2021, 02:01:00 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on February 23, 2021, 11:05:53 PM
Sweet Home.  Basically, the South Korean Walking Dead, albeit with a unique twist. 

The Famicom game?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 01, 2021, 02:14:58 AM
Quote from: the_antithesis on March 01, 2021, 02:01:00 AMThe Famicom game?
No, but that inspired the Resident Evil series and it's extremely likely that the 1989 Sweet Home movie/game similarly inspired the Sweet Home webcomic (otherwise that name is an incredible coincidence)

The Sweet Home webcomic monsters are even superficially similar to the Resident Evil monsters - massively mutated humans with enhanced physical traits and rapid regeneration.  Resident Evil more or less sticks to the human experimentation/mutation angle, while Sweet Home takes it in a more supernatural direction.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on March 01, 2021, 11:54:29 AM
Watching the first season of Fargo.  It's a delightful symphony of cop/criminal chaos and incompetence.  I never looked into it before because I didn't think the original movie could ever be bested, much less by a TV series.  But I think it's better than the original.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on March 01, 2021, 01:39:07 PM
Quote from: SGOS on March 01, 2021, 11:54:29 AM
Watching the first season of Fargo.  It's a delightful symphony of cop/criminal chaos and incompetence.  I never looked into it before because I didn't think the original movie could ever be bested, much less by a TV series.  But I think it's better than the original.

It's really good. You won't be disappointed by the following seasons.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 03, 2021, 04:46:57 PM
Watching a Wandavision analysis video and something stuck out to me:

[spoiler](Paraphrased) "Wanda created the hex and enslaved a bunch of people, and unless something changes, this show will make her out to be the villain, which I refuse to believe.  A lot of other Marvel characters have done bad things and remained sympathetic - like Bucky and the Hulk.  I don't think we can have another Avenger we can consider good while overlooking all their bad deeds.  Those two did bad things while they weren't in control of their powers, while Wanda did bad things while in full control of her powers.  So she can't call herself a 'good guy' anymore because she did bad things intentionally.

Therefore, I hope that Hayward is revealed to be more villainous and more responsible for the hex than previously thought, because it takes some of the moral accountability off Wanda and onto him."

I knew it!  I knew people had it out for Hayward and apparently, it's from an inability to see Wanda as villainous (they can't reconcile Wanda the hero with Wanda the anti-villain - see black-and-white thinking ( and therefore needing to shift culpability from Wanda to Hayward in order to continue to see Wanda as good.

I wondered why Hayward was getting huge flak from his intro scene on, and this is why.  Gotta shift that blame somehow and onto the guy you like the least.

Don't get me wrong, Hayward has done some mildly bad stuff himself - but he's essentially dealing with the world's toughest hostage situation - so a lot of it is pretty understandable.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on March 05, 2021, 12:00:59 PM
[spoiler=WandaVision finale]Interesting. I didn't know what to expect, and I'm not disappointed. This finale was very clever. Still don't know for sure if Agatha was working with Hayward, or if her involvement was just a coincidence. I think it's the latter, but their goals seemed to align very well. In either case, I like the resolution between them. The giant runes in the sky was a twist they set up in an earlier episode, yet it still surprised me. And now she's a mind puppet. I have a feeling she'll be freed from her mind control at some point. I feel like she had a point, but went about this the wrong way. Wanda has the power, but not the knowledge, and that makes her dangerous. Agatha's solution was to take Wanda's power for herself, but what she should have done was offer to be Wanda's mentor. After all, if you meet someone who's supposed to be this super powerful witch of prophecy, why the fuck would you choose to be her enemy, dumbass? lol

I also love how the dispute between the two Visions was resolved. So now Vision is fully restored, seemingly with all of his memories returned to him. So...where did he go? I was hoping one of the two after-credits scenes would address this, but he just kind of disappeared. I assume he'll be back later, but does he not have a thing for Wanda anymore? Does Wanda not realize her Vision is alive again? Maybe it would have come across as heartless if Wanda witnessed the erasure of the Vision she created and then immediately ran into the arms of the restored Vision, but I can't imagine they'd stay away from each other.

The final after-credits scene seems to show Wanda studying from Agatha's black book, so she's likely increasing in power by quite a lot. It's also implied that she may have found a way to bring her children back somehow. She doesn't need to bring Vision back, because, of course, SWORD already brought him back. They seem to want us to believe that Wanda will return later as a villain, but we'll have to wait and see about that.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on March 05, 2021, 03:13:59 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on March 05, 2021, 12:00:59 PM
Interesting. I didn't know what to expect.
Very nice episode.  Tied everything together neatly.  I'm fonda' Wanda.  Always have been.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 05, 2021, 03:59:16 PM
Wandavision final episode

[spoiler]Okay...I concede that Hayward is the bad guy.  Shooting at kids is no beuno.  Even if technically, they were assaulting federal agents (big felony right there).

Still, his goal of keeping The Vision as a combat servitor isn't a bad idea.  Remember that the Earth got wrecked by Thanos and the Avengers are toast, so having a weapon on hand to defend the Earth (Tony's original idea, btw) is understandable.

Wanda's head-crushing moment reminded me a bit too much of Game of Thrones and a certain Mandalorian.

The wicked witch's boots sticking out under the rubble was a nice touch.  I understood that reference.  :P

And I guess they're saving Mephisto for Multiverse of Madness.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 05, 2021, 04:10:54 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on March 05, 2021, 12:00:59 PM[spoiler=WandaVision finale]Still don't know for sure if Agatha was working with Hayward, or if her involvement was just a coincidence. I think it's the latter, but their goals seemed to align very well. In either case, I like the resolution between them. The giant runes in the sky was a twist they set up in an earlier episode, yet it still surprised me. And now she's a mind puppet. I have a feeling she'll be freed from her mind control at some point. I feel like she had a point, but went about this the wrong way. Wanda has the power, but not the knowledge, and that makes her dangerous. Agatha's solution was to take Wanda's power for herself, but what she should have done was offer to be Wanda's mentor. After all, if you meet someone who's supposed to be this super powerful witch of prophecy, why the fuck would you choose to be her enemy, dumbass? lol

I also love how the dispute between the two Visions was resolved. So now Vision is fully restored, seemingly with all of his memories returned to him. So...where did he go? I was hoping one of the two after-credits scenes would address this, but he just kind of disappeared. I assume he'll be back later, but does he not have a thing for Wanda anymore? Does Wanda not realize her Vision is alive again? Maybe it would have come across as heartless if Wanda witnessed the erasure of the Vision she created and then immediately ran into the arms of the restored Vision, but I can't imagine they'd stay away from each other.

The final after-credits scene seems to show Wanda studying from Agatha's black book, so she's likely increasing in power by quite a lot. It's also implied that she may have found a way to bring her children back somehow. She doesn't need to bring Vision back, because, of course, SWORD already brought him back. They seem to want us to believe that Wanda will return later as a villain, but we'll have to wait and see about that.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]It's a coincidence.

And Agatha's gameplan wasn't a bad one - a power-stealer typically wants to be the target of attacks as much as possible.  But the problem is that any wrinkle in that plan, and it's all over.  Definitely a case of overreliance on a single move.

Yeah, it seems like they kinda forgot about Vision.  Though I still have Multiverse of Madness before I have to eat crow.

The Scarlet Witch was initially more powerful than the Sorcerer Supreme and now it looks like she's only increased her power since.  Though it seems like she has more innate power but only some training, while Mister Doctor has a much smaller amount of innate power but has honed it with lots and lots of training.  So perhaps they might be much closer to equal than it first appears.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 05, 2021, 04:26:14 PM
Quote from: SGOS on March 05, 2021, 03:13:59 PMVery nice episode.  Tied everything together neatly.  I'm fonda' Wanda.  Always have been.
I'm not super big on the magic side of Marvel (iirc, the only comics I read with Wanda were some Avengers West Coast) but I respect Marvel for giving an otherwise secondary character a much more expanded role.  And for characters who have gone through a lot, it's good writing to pause and address that instead of keeping all that stuff offscreen.

Now if they could just do Secret Invasion, Annihilation with Nova and Warlock, MCU X-Men with 90s Rogue, and anything with Doctor Doom that isn't awful, I would be so happy.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on March 06, 2021, 01:13:36 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on March 05, 2021, 04:26:14 PM
I'm not super big on the magic side of Marvel
I'm still holding to my contrary position that Dr. Strange is my favorite character, even though there is so much supernatural and borderline religion in his character. 

But I'm watching Wanda for the second time, and it's even more fun knowing more about what is going on and catching the things that didn't make sense before.

[spoiler]At the end of the first episode the couple settle down on the couch together making kissy faces as the canned audience sighs and fawns.  As the fake Wanda show ends it's broadcast on the black and white TV, there is a 2 second WTF of full color that is just a view of a high tech observation station with a panel of snooper monitors observing the goings on.  I remember seeing that and wondering about it the first time around, but it portends to something sinister that is in store for us.  I like watching for this little clues.

Also, when we first meet Agnes she acts peculiar in a way that I took for overacting, but it's now obvious now that she has special insight into Wanda's motives and who she really is. [/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on March 06, 2021, 01:56:48 PM
Quote from: SGOS on March 06, 2021, 01:13:36 PM
I'm still holding to my contrary position that Dr. Strange is my favorite character, even though there is so much supernatural and borderline religion in his character. 

But I'm watching Wanda for the second time, and it's even more fun knowing more about what is going on and catching the things that didn't make sense before.

[spoiler]At the end of the first episode the couple settle down on the couch together making kissy faces as the canned audience sighs and fawns.  As the fake Wanda show ends it's broadcast on the black and white TV, there is a 2 second WTF of full color that is just a view of a high tech observation station with a panel of snooper monitors observing the goings on.  I remember seeing that and wondering about it the first time around, but it portends to something sinister that is in store for us.  I like watching for this little clues.

I'm still waiting on another Dr. Strange movie, because he and Capt were probably my two favorite characters.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 06, 2021, 03:22:41 PM
Quote from: Shiranu on March 06, 2021, 01:56:48 PMI'm still waiting on another Dr. Strange movie, because he and Capt were probably my two favorite characters.
Strange was amazing in his movie.  That Contact-esque dimensional boat ride got my attention, but that final confrontation really won me over.  I'm hoping that Black Widow gets similar success and audiences really latch onto her character.

I'm also looking forward to What If? (summer 2021) and Armor Wars (features War Machine prominently, no release date, starts filming in a month or two)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on March 09, 2021, 09:08:17 AM
Teenage Bounty Hunters. The name is not chosen good though I think. It's a comedy and surprisingly entertaining. Satiric... Southern US. Rich, religious community. It's telling the story of twin sisters and the community they live in. They meet someone from real life...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on March 09, 2021, 09:49:45 AM
I remember watching the trailers for Dr. Strange and not being too impressed, but I think one of the things that made the movie was the actual story.  The very nature of trailers is they can't tell a story.  You see dissociated clips.  Trailers excel at action events.  Clever story lines are much harder.

And just when I thought I had a handle on Dr. Strange and his ability to create portals, along comes an Avenger movie were he's not just making portals that he can walk through anymore, but throwing a portal like a lasso at enemies, and whisking them gone to some unknown dimension.  Can you imagine how disoriented an enemy must feel when he's about to blast Dr. Strange, but suddenly finds himself standing alone in a quiet glade or in front of a charging band of Wakanda warriors?  If Spiderman needs to be someplace else in the battle, Dr. Strange can just portal him to where he can do more damage.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 09, 2021, 03:57:32 PM
Quote from: SGOS on March 09, 2021, 09:49:45 AMAnd just when I thought I had a handle on Dr. Strange and his ability to create portals, along comes an Avenger movie were he's not just making portals that he can walk through anymore, but throwing a portal like a lasso at enemies, and whisking them gone to some unknown dimension.  Can you imagine how disoriented an enemy must feel when he's about to blast Dr. Strange, but suddenly finds himself standing alone in a quiet glade or in front of a charging band of Wakanda warriors?  If Spiderman needs to be someplace else in the battle, Dr. Strange can just portal him to where he can do more damage.
The support class is the unsung hero of RPGs and superhero movies.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on March 09, 2021, 07:29:34 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on March 09, 2021, 03:57:32 PM
The support class is the unsung hero of RPGs and superhero movies.
This, and this, and this.  The number of supers tabletop RPGs I've fucked up for the GM by just realizing I can put Resource A at Point B and not really do anything myself other than facilitate that happening is a large but still finite integer.

I used to live for a GM glaring at me and saying, "God damn it!"  :D

The Balance class in Wizard101 is this writ large: they have a few decent attacks of their own, but their main stock-in-trade is massively buffing their team (or at least their team's Designated Nuke) and weakening the opponents.  And since my highest level character is typically the Designated Nuke, I can attest to the difference the support class makes.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on March 10, 2021, 07:33:56 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on March 09, 2021, 03:57:32 PM
The support class is the unsung hero of RPGs and superhero movies.
Exactly, and I became aware of his role in the Avenger series where he supported more than he destroyed. He doesn't have those powerful bursts of energy that overcome the villains with finality.  Even in his origin movie, he could not kill Dormammu.  All he could do was outfox him by risking his own future.  Although, I suspect it wasn't really a risk (being caught in an eternal time loop), because he could also see the future and knew it wasn't going to happen.  But in the end, he saved the universe.  And Dormanmmu killed off his own minions, not Dr. Strange or his supporting team. Most of his enemies throughout the Marvel Universe were just rendered harmless through trickery and died at the hands of those who get most of the credit.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on March 11, 2021, 02:53:45 AM
Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams. Yes. Pretty good.

I'm also on my 3rd attempt to watch Battlestar Galactica series. It feels like going to be another failure, but trying so far. I'm genuinely curious why so many people like this show. It's more like a teenage angst-sexual frustration telenovela than a human species survival sci-fi series. It's nauseating.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on March 11, 2021, 03:04:19 AM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on March 09, 2021, 09:08:17 AM
Teenage Bounty Hunters. The name is not chosen good though I think. It's a comedy and surprisingly entertaining. Satiric... Southern US. Rich, religious community. It's telling the story of twin sisters and the community they live in. They meet someone from real life...

Apparently, this show was canceled. Yeah because we need more of the same... teenage soft porn, 'I'm special', everything is mine, I'm gonna get you all stuff...

Please cancel everything that's a bit different, a bit provocatice, Netflix. Actually make all the shows into one.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on March 11, 2021, 04:44:53 AM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on March 11, 2021, 02:53:45 AM
Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams. Yes. Pretty good.
Philip K. Dick?
Electric Dreams?
From 2017?

I can't believe I missed this.  Oh wait, I don't have TV.  After Blade Runner, Paycheck, Scanner Darkly, The Adjustment Bureau, I'll have to see if I can find it on some streaming service, or just buy the disks.  Google:  "Philip K. Dick Books" and see how prolific this guy is.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on March 11, 2021, 05:00:38 AM
Quote from: SGOS on March 11, 2021, 04:44:53 AM
Philip K. Dick?
Electric Dreams?
From 2017?

I can't believe I missed this.  Oh wait, I don't have TV.  After Blade Runner, Paycheck, Scanner Darkly, The Adjustment Bureau, I'll have to see if I can find it on some streaming service, or just buy the disks.  Google:  "Philip K. Dick Books" and see how prolific this guy is.

Yep. It's on in Amazon here. I don't know if we have the same 'menus'.

E:Philip K. Dick is one of the most important few sci-fi writers influenced...pretty much everything, I think. He was mentally far gone in that direction and thought we were living in some matrix, but considering he is the original creator, the father of the idea of the matrix in that context...that makes sense. He is forgiven. :lol:

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 11, 2021, 01:41:23 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on March 11, 2021, 02:53:45 AMI'm also on my 3rd attempt to watch Battlestar Galactica series. It feels like going to be another failure, but trying so far. I'm genuinely curious why so many people like this show. It's more like a teenage angst-sexual frustration telenovela than a human species survival sci-fi series. It's nauseating.

Deep breaths.  One dradis contact, two dradis contacts, three dradis contacts...

1)  A real dearth of scifi on TV at the time.  In 2004, Star Trek was a shell of its former self with the sub-par Enterprise, Star Wars was reviled at the time, Firefly was over shortly after it started - only the relatively niche Stargate franchise was still going strong, so BSG had very little competition.

2)  Low expectations.  No one expected a remake of a campy, mediocre show to be good.  So when the initial miniseries came out - scifi miniseries back then were not typically well-made - it came a huge a surprise and made quite an impact.

3) Big-budget production.  The show had great set design (everything from the A-shaped hallways to the viper bay to the bridge, even the weird cornerness sheets of paper looked good and helped immersion).  The actors were amazing.  All of the core cast were very magnetic and their characters felt like real people.  And the music.  Gods, the music was something else.  Ronald Moore is a literal saint.  10/10 on presentation.

4) It pioneered what are now staples of the genre - breathtaking space battles with a martial drumbeat, space "jumps" (unlike Star Wars, ships move from one location to another abruptly; no time spent in hyperspace), fuzzy radar, shakycam (often used poorly by succeeding shows, resulting in a backlash against this style of cinematography), etc.  Arguably, it cemented interpersonal drama as a huge part of scifi shows from then on out.

I can't stress enough how influential this stuff was - BSG-style space battles and jumps are so ubiquitous now that you're more likely to see them than not in any scifi show that doesn't predate BSG.  Even the minced profanity of frak was everywhere at the time (though arguably, Farscape got the ball rolling, BSG cemented it).

BSG was so popular and influential that Stargate Atlantis was abruptly cancelled because of it and replaced with a BSG-imitator Stargate Universe, which tanked for numerous reasons and arguably brought the entire Stargate franchise down with it.

I mean, tell me that isn't exciting?!


Does it have flaws?  Absolutely.  It can have a little too much drama for its own good, if that makes sense.  And yes, some characters act somewhat childishly and impulsively, though I dunno, that sort of makes sense for younger characters. 

Personally, I think some characters motivations - especially Baltar and Six - followed some very strange logic.

The writing, while solid the majority of the time, increasingly showed cracks and eventually had a Game of Thrones-like breakdown.  Arguably, BSG was the Game of Thrones of the 2000s, and suffered a very similar decline in quality and abrupt decline in popularity.  At least BSG managed to have a good series finale and decent spinoff.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on March 11, 2021, 02:24:36 PM
I don't know if BSG was good or not.  I remember trying, but I just couldn't get interested in it, and after a few tries, I just gave up on it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on March 11, 2021, 02:30:28 PM
I also had difficulty seeing Lorne Greene a former ranch owner and a "gotta get this herd down to Abilene" saddle jockey in outer space.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on March 11, 2021, 03:13:04 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on March 11, 2021, 01:41:23 PM

Yeah, that's^ pretty much it. You've summed the show -esp. the acting- very well. Adult characters presented with teenage angst, reactions and sexual frustration does not make 'cemented interpersonal drama', it makes a bunch of misplaced braty characters, tethered to strings in a narrow sense of time and place with forced sense of personalities and drama. It's a bad show because it is badly written. It's lazy. It's stuffed, dumped on...Acting is bad... Gawd, the scientist and the blonde cylon... :rotflmao: What an awful execution of an idea and so what an obvious play on young males. And the acting...oof On the same context of playing to boys, Starbuck... They could have done all that much better. But I think they knew exactly what they were doing.

You don't need to stress it, breathtaking space battles and space jumps don't make sci-fi... Star Wars is not a bar... Game of Throne is not a bar. They are more hype than anything else. But then space battle scenes are really not something hanging on one piece of work because it doesn't reuqire an invention of some specific technology in the field. (Like matrix for example.) This doesn't make it a good sci-fi makes it a good action. I think, I tried to make this point with some other movies before.

The sci-fi element in the battlestar galactica is cylons. And the theme is human survival. Not space jumps/battles, ships in imagined physics. Same with the star wars. Lucas inventing tons of ships, their parts, their developments, everything and all other space junk is not making sci-fi. It's Lego collection. It's awesome in that sense. But that's all.

Based on the are acrtually just saying 'they played clever and got lucky too'. And that makes sense actually.   

But instead of saying 'I was a kid when I saw it, and I loved it very much' which is perfectly fine we all have those, you are getting triggered and pushing this as something important, a good work in a forced way. It's off putting. It has some flaws? No shit... Is there some sort of work that doesn't have any flaws? It might be surprising for you, but tons of people do not care about imbd, rotten tomatoes, fandomships, social media groups and their accepted views do not affect their taste/understanding of the genre... It certainly doesn't affect mine. 

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 11, 2021, 03:47:41 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on March 11, 2021, 03:13:04 PMYou don't need to stress it, breathtaking space battles and space jumps don't make sci-fi... Star Wars is not a bar... Game of Throne is not a bar. They are more hype than anything else.

QuoteBased on the are acrtually just saying 'they played clever and got lucky too'. And that makes sense actually.
I actually went into much greater detail than that.  But if you really have to sum it up in a few words: right place, right time, something different.

QuoteBut instead of saying 'I was a kid when I saw it, and I loved it very much' which is perfectly fine we all have those, you are getting triggered and pushing this as something important, a good work in a forced way.
WTF?  This is why I (and probably others) try not to engage.  You're not really asking people why they like the show.  You're asking for someone to argue with you and "winning" that argument with some very bizarre assertions and reasoning that don't really make much sense and seemingly are purely meant to be inflammatory to illicit an argumentative response which you can then argue with some more.  It's kinda sad.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on March 11, 2021, 04:19:56 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on March 11, 2021, 03:47:41 PM
...You're not really asking people why they like the show.  You're asking for someone to argue with you and "winning" that argument with some very bizarre assertions and reasoning that don't really make much sense and seemingly are purely meant to be inflammatory to illicit an argumentative response which you can then argue with some more.  It's kinda sad.

You got triggered about someone not liking a tv show and tried to educate her about why she is wrong (?) although she has clearly expressed she doesn't like it from the beginning in a thread, where we write about what we think about tv shows, and she is the inflammatory, argumentative one to write to argue some more. Are you thick?

And I pointed out that it is something you have seen when you were a kid because it is something you have seen as a kid. And we feel strongly and different about the stuff we enjoy as kids. Grow up. It's a legitimate point. Who the fuck gets triggered by that and write something like this:

QuoteThis is why I (and probably others) try not to engage.

Go fuck yourself, you pretentious piece of shit.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 11, 2021, 04:32:12 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on March 11, 2021, 04:19:56 PMGo fuck yourself, you pretentious piece of shit.
lol, I take it the bizarre "triggered" accusation is just projection.  You should take your own advice and grow up.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on March 12, 2021, 05:30:53 AM
I think I'm due for a binge on Babylon 5.  Haven't watched it in ages.  Time to see if it's aged well.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 12, 2021, 12:46:16 PM
Kind of want to see Stargate again, what with all the talk here and some mêmes I see popping up.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 12, 2021, 01:03:48 PM
Quote from: trdsf on March 12, 2021, 05:30:53 AMI think I'm due for a binge on Babylon 5.  Haven't watched it in ages.  Time to see if it's aged well.
I've seen it fairly recently, the season 4 arc seemed particularly relevant about 4 months ago.  And season 5 is growing on me.  Although it's still kinda blurry, it has held up remarkably well.  And there's supposedly a remaster available now, which should help correct that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 12, 2021, 01:27:12 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on March 12, 2021, 12:46:16 PMKind of want to see Stargate again, what with all the talk here and some mêmes I see popping up.
My brother loves SG1, while I'm more partial to Atlantis (I really like the blue-heavy color scheme) and we have some good discussions about who "stole" what plotlines from whom.  I maintain that a franchise cannot steal from itself and as long as they're somewhat different, I'm okay with seeing very similar scenarios.

I gotta give SG1 credit for having an amazing core cast with great chemistry together.  They also have some pleasantly surprising guest stars like T'Pol from Enterprise and Q from Star Trek in general.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on March 12, 2021, 02:23:08 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on March 12, 2021, 12:46:16 PM
Kind of want to see Stargate again, what with all the talk here and some mêmes I see popping up.
Both SG1 and Atlantis are special.  I think Atlantis might have better productions values, but only because Hollywood was getting better at it when that spinoff aired.  I missed both until way after they were over.  SG1 struggles for the first part of season 1 to find it's stride, but once it does, it keeps getting better and more creative.  The special effects begin to soar, which again might be because there was an evolving technology during production.  But the story telling gets better, taking big leaps at times.  Toward the end, the series holds it own against any sci fi out there.  After several viewings, I still get goosebumps in places, not scary goosebumps, just the excited kind.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on March 12, 2021, 02:29:51 PM
One of my favorite parts:
Neutralizing the Ori Prior
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 12, 2021, 03:39:01 PM
I really liked the Ori arc.  And they certainly made a hell of a first impression.

I wish we got to learn more about them and their history before they were toast.  The juxtaposition between the Ancients and the Ori in terms of science vs faith is just so tempting to explore in detail.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on March 12, 2021, 06:01:45 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on March 12, 2021, 01:03:48 PM
I've seen it fairly recently, the season 4 arc seemed particularly relevant about 4 months ago.  And season 5 is growing on me.  Although it's still kinda blurry, it has held up remarkably well.  And there's supposedly a remaster available now, which should help correct that.
And what happened with Season 5 wasn't JMS' fault.  Warner screwed him over by putting off the decision on whether they'd pick up Season 5 until well beyond the last minute and he was forced to condense the core story so he could finish it in four seasons.  By the time Season 5 got the green light by TNT, they were already in production on Season 4 and had shot the series-ending episode 'Sleeping in Light' already -- which then had to be pushed back to the end of Season 5 and 'Deconstruction of Falling Stars' had to be hurriedly written and produced (although it doesn't look or play like a rush job -- it premiered during a convention I never miss, and the viewing room was packed... and the cheer that went up at the end was wall-rattling).
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on March 12, 2021, 06:19:20 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on March 12, 2021, 03:39:01 PM
I really liked the Ori arc.  And they certainly made a hell of a first impression.

I wish we got to learn more about them and their history before they were toast.  The juxtaposition between the Ancients and the Ori in terms of science vs faith is just so tempting to explore in detail.
I think they may have left a lot of undeveloped potential on the table, but they did finish the series with a bang.  Each time I get to the end of it, I'm always wishing there could have been more. Many series, just lose steam and die a slow death, but it seems like SG1 ended at the beginning of it's prime.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on March 13, 2021, 11:10:12 PM
So the South Park Vaccination Special. I liked it. I felt disappointed by the Pandemic Special, but this one was much more solid, I think. It constantly had me like, "Oh, no..." But in a good way.  What disappoints me, though, is that this appears like it will be the last of their Covid-related content. They could have written an entire season of episodes with the shit that has gone down this last year. It seems like such a waste the way they handled it. But oh well...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on March 14, 2021, 01:06:05 PM
New episode!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 14, 2021, 05:36:26 PM
Loved it!  I especially liked the disguises/costumes.  Apparently, Loona's advice hit home.

And Moxxie/Millie's love is so incredibly heartwarming.  Those two deserve their own episode.  Murder, mayhem, and long romantic walks on the beach.  D'awww.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on March 15, 2021, 01:32:29 AM
I like that we finally got to see the angels in action. As I suspected, they are quiet smug and insufferable. Yeah, no... Yeah, no... I don't like them. They're like High School bullies. lol
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 15, 2021, 02:43:14 AM
We also see a great deal of earth.  The shows have been pretty cagey about revealing much about either heaven or earth, so it's quite the shock to see a lot of both in one episode.

Based on the pilot and episode 1, I thought earth must be in the 1990s/2000s due to the CRT monitors, the "new" universal remote, and even that vintage alarm clock type that was super popular in the 2000s.

But episode 3 and this episode has humans with smart phones.  So I guess this is present day and the rural murder family is just behind the times.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 15, 2021, 02:50:09 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on March 15, 2021, 01:32:29 AMI like that we finally got to see the angels in action. As I suspected, they are quiet smug and insufferable. Yeah, no... Yeah, no... I don't like them.
That angelic deer had a very passive-aggressive Minnesota Nice way of delivering the bad news.  I also found that insufferable.  Just say what you mean!

Heaven is apparently a hard place to get into and an even harder place to stay in.  No wonder hell is overpopulated.  That makes the yearly purge even more screwed up - heaven's as-of-yet-unnamed head honcho created both the problem and solution!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on March 15, 2021, 03:32:24 AM
Finished WandaVision.

Didn't realise how relatable of character she is, now I'm all in my feels.

Feels bad, man.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 19, 2021, 07:40:51 PM
Falcon and the Winter Soldier

No spoilers, but I gotta ask you guys a question.  Is giving a woman flowers still a good romantic gesture?  Because she called it the most old-fashioned thing ever and that broke my suspension of disbelief.

Infinity stones make sense to me but being miffed at receiving flowers...that doesn't make sense!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on March 20, 2021, 09:54:46 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on March 19, 2021, 07:40:51 PM
Falcon and the Winter Soldier

No spoilers, but I gotta ask you guys a question.  Is giving a woman flowers still a good romantic gesture?  Because she called it the most old-fashioned thing ever and that broke my suspension of disbelief.

Infinity stones make sense to me but being miffed at receiving flowers...that doesn't make sense!

Just watched it myself. You left out the word "adorably." She called it "most most adorably old-fashioned thing." Now, I was homeschooled, so I'm socially stunted, and I can count on one hand how many dates I've been on. So I don't know how reliable my opinion is. But it's my impression that bringing flowers on a first date is kind of much. First dates are kind of casual. You don't know each other well enough yet at that point to take things that seriously.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 20, 2021, 10:26:11 PM
The way I heard it: adorably OLD-FASHIONED
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on March 21, 2021, 11:29:01 AM
So my thoughts on the first episode of The Falcon & Winter Soldier. Pretty good. The hook wasn't as good as WandaVision, but it had great action and storytelling. My expectations weren't very high, since the trailers were kind of...boring. But I think whoever made it did a bad job representing the show. This is entertaining.

Right now, it feels like the show has two completely different stories. You have Falcon doing hero work and dealing with family problems, and Winter Soldier trying to make amends for his past misdeeds. It's only the first episode, of course, so they're taking time to reintroduce us to these characters and catch us up with them before bringing them together.

[Spoiler]Interesting idea, having The Falcon refuse to take up the mantle of Captain America, but then America picks a new Captain America. He's going to be the villain of the series, for sure. Maybe he's the leader of the Flag Crushers, and he's going to use his position as Captain America to promote a one-world government. He's going to rebrand himself Captain Earth or something. I'm calling it now. He will probably be the one who brings The Falcon and Winter Soldier together, given that both were friends of Captain America.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 21, 2021, 02:15:38 PM
[spoiler]They did Sam Wilson so dirty.  First off, retiring Cap's shield to be housed in a museum then turning around and giving it to some lackey.  Secondly, that Libyan mission with practically zero support - it's like he was being set up to fail.  Or die.  And those criminals had to have been psychic to have an Apache canyon ambush at the ready.

Third, and this is the worst one, rejecting that loan.  #racism.  I had always wondered about superhero finances, but I just assumed that Stark paid them handsomely and set them up with some amazing medical plans.  Because if you think about it, a superhero with poor finances is a superhero tempted by bribery or crime.  The nation has a vested interest in making sure supers are financially stable and in good health.  For example, you don't want Spidey to have to choose between patrolling and working part time to make ends meet, especially when that night, some punks are going to rob a bank and then attack the cops who show up.  And you definitely don't want him in bed nursing a broken leg while the Green Goblin is pumpkin-bombing Times Square.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Sokovia Accords would've essentially made superheroes into law-enforcement officers with pay and benefits courtesy of SHIELD.  At least, that's how it worked in the comics.

And mark my words, Wilson's support guy - Joaquin Torres - is up to something.  He wants to tinker with Redwing.  He makes a mental note that Sam can speak passable arabic.  He's fascinated by the Flag Smashers.  He tries to push Sam into revealing where Steve Rogers is.  None of those things is suspicious on its own, but taken together, it's all very suspicious.  He might not be super evil, but he's definitely mixed up in something.  Joaquin all along, I'm calling it!

If you watch his interactions with Sam, it's clear that he's picking Sam's brain.  Every time he says something to Sam or Sam says anything, he's watching Sam like a hawk, gauging his reactions, and making mental notes.  This isn't how people normally conduct conversations - it's how people conduct interrogations.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on March 25, 2021, 11:35:37 AM
Real Humans on Hulu

It's unusual, but Sweden does put out some good film and TV that shows up in the US once in a while.  This is a series from 2012 addressing artificial human like robots (hubots) that covers issues that are now mostly common place, but at 10 years old, this series does it better than most and has a refreshing new feel, both interesting and fun.  I don't even mind the subtitles, which is usually a red flag for me.  I'm really enjoying this one.  (9/10)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on March 25, 2021, 01:05:37 PM
I've been watching the 'Inside No. 9' series. It's good. E: It's an anthology...dark comedy of various kinds.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 27, 2021, 03:57:01 PM
Falcon and the White Panther, episode 2

[spoiler]I liked the tension and the personality clashes in this one (though the bickering started wearing thin about halfway through and reminded me a bit too much of me and my twin), but I've gotta say, I was not a fan of the highway fight scene.  I know there's a certain ...action logic to these things that doesn't always make sense.  But for the love of Cap, why didn't they just blow out the tires?  Perfectly sensible option.  Instead, they walk up to super-strength Augments and throw some punches.  The weakest possible attack playing right into the enemy's strength.  It'd be like me trying to grapple the Undertaker.  So stupid.  And you know the worst part about it?  Later on, one of 'em gets gunned down by some mooks, no sweat.  So, it's not like they're bulletproof.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 27, 2021, 08:21:26 PM
Gotta finish season 2 of kingdom.

After that, maybe, season two of the umbrella acadamy? Season 1 was actually dope.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on March 28, 2021, 01:25:48 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on March 27, 2021, 03:57:01 PM
Falcon and the White Panther, episode 2

[spoiler]I liked the tension and the personality clashes in this one (though the bickering started wearing thin about halfway through and reminded me a bit too much of me and my twin), but I've gotta say, I was not a fan of the highway fight scene.  I know there's a certain ...action logic to these things that doesn't always make sense.  But for the love of Cap, why didn't they just blow out the tires?  Perfectly sensible option.  Instead, they walk up to super-strength Augments and throw some punches.  The weakest possible attack playing right into the enemy's strength.  It'd be like me trying to grapple the Undertaker.  So stupid.  And you know the worst part about it?  Later on, one of 'em gets gunned down by some mooks, no sweat.  So, it's not like they're bulletproof.[/spoiler]

Umm, actually, that's White Wolf. But yeah, didn't like this episode as much as the first one, but I'll still tune in for the third episode.

[spoiler]I like how Sam is almost arrested by the police for talking to a white guy in public too loudly. But then they realize who he is and are all chummy with him. lol

"Sorry! We thought you were just a black guy."[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 28, 2021, 01:30:49 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on March 28, 2021, 01:25:48 AMUmm, actually, that's White Wolf.
Sam's misnomer was too good to not reference.  :P

[spoiler]Yeah, those blue lights gave me the willies.  I thought for sure that Sam would get into some big thing with the cops.  Later, when FakeCap jokingly turned on the blue lights, I just about jumped out of my chair.  More threatening than reassuring.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on March 28, 2021, 02:07:06 PM
Been watching Clone Wars, since I have Disney+, and there were a few references to it in The Mandalorian. I'm in the middle of season 4, and I'm really enjoying it. The first two seasons aren't...bad, but it gets much better in season 3. If I didn't know that beforehand, I probably would have stopped in the middle of season 2. Two seasons are a lot of binge through to get to the good stuff, though. So for anyone interested, I'd recommend skipping them altogether. There is some context you miss out on if you don't watch the first two seasons, but I'd rather someone miss that than get bored of the series before season 3.

Confusingly, there is a movie of the same name, which is set before season 1. It is where we are introduced to Ahsoka, Anakin's Padawan. But it's also generally considered by fans to be of season 1-2 quality, so it's up to you if you choose to skip it. All you really need to know is that Anakin did not want a Padawan, and he was not receptive of Ahsoka at first. However, the two have similar personalities and styles, so he warms up to her after a bit. Anakin was assigned Ahsoka in hopes that it would help Anakin mature as a person, which we do see happening as he embraces the role of a teacher.

The show has a very interesting way of taking clones, who are designed to be disposable soldiers to match the literal robots of the Separatists they were made to battle, and making them into unique and likeable characters. You can see this in all of the seasons, but if you start with season 3, you'll see what I mean from episode 1. They're much more than just canon fodder, and the Jedi (most of them) form friendships with the clones they work beside. Which makes it sad when you see them die. The show is made for kids, but it's for older kids. So they can have some dark themes, and they have characters die all the time. They get away with it by not showing blood, or cutting away from particularly brutal scenes, like when this one clone gets sliced in half.

The show also introduces some interesting lore to the series, such as these Force entities. Some very interesting stuff happens when they're introduced, that I don't want to spoil.

[spoiler]Anakin finds out he's supposed to be the "chosen one," destined to bring balance to the Force. I was always under the impression that this information was hidden from him, but it's interesting seeing his reaction to this. The Father, representing Balance, wants Anakin to take his place and protect the balance between Light and Dark, since he is getting too old to control his children. The Son, who represents the Dark Side, seduces Anakin. He even shows Anakin a vision of the future. He sees himself becoming Darth Vader, causing a lot of suffering, although he is a little hazy on the details. So he becomes determined to change history. It would have been interesting to see an alternate timeline where he accomplishes his goal, but the Father ends up erasing the vision from his memory. Oh well.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 28, 2021, 03:05:05 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on March 28, 2021, 02:07:06 PMThe show has a very interesting way of taking clones, who are designed to be disposable soldiers to match the literal robots of the Separatists they were made to battle, and making them into unique and likeable characters.
Which is really tragic when you stop to think about it.  They were literally bred for war to create a peace that they'll never enjoy and to serve a Republic they'll never be integrated into.  At best, they're well-treated slaves and valued assets.  At worst, their lives are intentionally sold cheaply by incompetent or malicious commanders.

QuoteThe show is made for kids, but it's for older kids. So they can have some dark themes, and they have characters die all the time. They get away with it by not showing blood, or cutting away from particularly brutal scenes, like when this one clone gets sliced in half.
The Umbara arc is essentially Space Vietnam.  It might technically be allowable for kids, but there are definitely some adult themes there.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on March 28, 2021, 06:09:20 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on March 28, 2021, 03:05:05 PM
Which is really tragic when you stop to think about it.  They were literally bred for war to create a peace that they'll never enjoy and to serve a Republic they'll never be integrated into.  At best, they're well-treated slaves and valued assets.  At worst, their lives are intentionally sold cheaply by incompetent or malicious commanders.

And we know how it ends with the movies, with the command of Order 66 activating their programming to turn against their own Jedi friends. I like that there are some clones who realize they're being used and decide to do things their own way. Either by deserting or even betraying their own. The one who decided to become a spy for the Separatists had a point, which really puts this whole series in a different perspective. It's not a simple tale of good vs evil, but of tragedies. In the end, we know Palpatine is playing both sides. He's using information he becomes privy due to his position in the Republic to empower the Separatists and prolong the war, ensuring that no matter who wins, both are drowning in debt and are severely weakened. When the Republic wins the war, they become the evil Empire, and then the good guys (the Resistance) take the place of the Separatists, fighting the system to find freedom.

I like that from season 2 onward, they begin to pull back the curtain on Palpatine and Anakin. They knew we already knew what happens, so they begin to show the dark sides of both characters. I particularly love how two-faced Palpatine becomes, showing a completely different personality when he doesn't have to put on his façade, like when dealing with the Zillo beast.

Almost every character from the prequels is done better in the series. With the exception of maybe Jar Jar, but it feels like they did that on purpose. They could have made him less annoying, but where's the fun in that? Instead, they double down on him, making him even more of a screw up. He has his moments of usefulness to justify his place on the team, but for the most part, he's always making a mess of things.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 28, 2021, 07:11:25 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on March 28, 2021, 06:09:20 PMWhen the Republic wins the war, they become the evil Empire, and then the good guys (the Resistance) take the place of the Separatists, fighting the system to find freedom.
Iirc, neither the Rebels nor the Resistance were trying to break away like the Separatists were.  The Rebel Alliance was trying to restore the Republic by toppling the Empire and absorbing its systems into a new Republic.  I know next to nothing about the Resistance (just like everyone else), but they seemed to be partisans resisting the First Order occupation of New Republic worlds.

Imho, the Republic should've just let the Separatists break away peacefully.  Then they could've worked out some sort of deal and avoid hostilities in the short term while the Republic gets its house in order.  The Separatists rely heavily on trade, so they favor peace over war for the most part.  If not for that top secret Clone project on a planet barely inside the galaxy that almost no one knew about before the war broke out, the Separatists would've crushed the Republic militarily.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on March 31, 2021, 12:52:24 AM
Been watching Would I Lie To You? on Britbox.

Lee Mack has very possibly the fastest wit I've ever seen.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 31, 2021, 01:58:59 AM
Quote from: trdsf on March 31, 2021, 12:52:24 AM
Been watching Would I Lie To You? on Britbox.

Lee Mack has very possibly the fastest wit I've ever seen.

Some call it "Mackspeed".
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on March 31, 2021, 07:15:38 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on March 31, 2021, 01:58:59 AM
Some call it "Mackspeed".

You mean like this?  :D
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on April 01, 2021, 12:27:58 PM
Quote from: trdsf on March 31, 2021, 07:15:38 PM
You mean like this?  :D

Aye, I'll admit to stealing the joke from that compilation :p
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 01, 2021, 03:21:39 PM
I've been on a reality tv binge lately, and I've gotta say, this is an underappreciated segment of American television.  In particular, I've found Desperate Housewives to be a fascinating dive into power dynamics and group psychology.  Really gripping, personable stuff.  You can easily put yourself in these people's shoes and empathize with the great problems in their lives.  Very touching.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on April 01, 2021, 04:03:53 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 01, 2021, 03:21:39 PM
I've been on a reality tv binge lately, and I've gotta say, this is an underappreciated segment of American television.  In particular, I've found Desperate Housewives to be a fascinating dive into power dynamics and group psychology.  Really gripping, personable stuff.  You can easily put yourself in these people's shoes and empathize with the great problems in their lives.  Very touching.

"Desperate Housewives" isn't reality TV, particularly since a dead housewife is the narrator. Is this multilayered sarcasm?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on April 01, 2021, 06:45:06 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 01, 2021, 03:21:39 PM
I've been on a reality tv binge lately, and I've gotta say, this is an underappreciated segment of American television.  In particular, I've found Desperate Housewives to be a fascinating dive into power dynamics and group psychology.  Really gripping, personable stuff.  You can easily put yourself in these people's shoes and empathize with the great problems in their lives.  Very touching.

The only reality shows I have ever liked were The Big Break on The Golf Channel, The Great British Bake Off on the BBC, and Blown Away on Netflix.  The common thread between those is that your actual skill has to carry the day, not playing mind games with the other competitors.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 01, 2021, 07:22:25 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on April 01, 2021, 04:03:53 PM
"Desperate Housewives" isn't reality TV, particularly since a dead housewife is the narrator. Is this multilayered sarcasm?
I'm so in tune with the "genre" and the shows have made such an impact on me, that I make little/no distinction between individual shows and consider them all part of an expansive Housewivesverse.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 03, 2021, 01:55:15 AM
Smiling Tiger and the Winter Soldier episode 3

[spoiler]Madripoor.  I'm going to tell my kids that this was Cyberpunk 2077.

Sharon is a teensy bit different than I remember.  Quite the knife scrapper, as well.

Latvia.  Sound vaguely similar to Latveria.  Do I sense impending Doom?[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on April 03, 2021, 03:12:51 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 01, 2021, 07:22:25 PM
I'm so in tune with the "genre" and the shows have made such an impact on me, that I make little/no distinction between individual shows and consider them all part of an expansive Housewivesverse.

America needs Real Housewives: Infinity War.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Deidre32 on April 10, 2021, 01:21:26 PM
I want to like “A Discovery of Witches” because it received great reviews but it’s a bit Harry Potter-ish. I like the Harry Potter stories but it’s just not what I was expecting. Anyone see this? Should I give it more time?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cassia on April 10, 2021, 08:13:18 PM
Quote from: Deidre32 on April 10, 2021, 01:21:26 PM
I want to like “A Discovery of Witches” because it received great reviews but it’s a bit Harry Potter-ish. I like the Harry Potter stories but it’s just not what I was expecting. Anyone see this? Should I give it more time?
The first episode was certainly a good witch watch....almost signed up for more..
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Deidre32 on April 10, 2021, 10:33:12 PM
I will give it another try, then. Thanks! :)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 10, 2021, 11:24:45 PM
Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode 4

No spoilers because this is more of a general issue that Marvel's been exploring for decades.

Are superhumans (people whose physical abilities are beyond what is normally possible for humans) inherently a bad thing?  Because such powers inherently create Haves and Have-nots.  Or phrased differently, an ubermensch class and an untermensch class.  Wouldn't the former subjugate or destroy the latter?  Because historically, that seems to be broadly the case.  And that's just with a technological advantage.

Let's take the classic example, the ring of Gyges.  It makes the wearer invisible.  What would the average person do with such power?  I have my own guesses - petty theft and voyeurism for starters, maybe graduating up to far more serious crimes, depending on the person.  If a friend of yours or neighbor had the ring, do you think they'd use it virtuously?  Would you?

In fiction, superhumans generally fall into one of three roles - Destroyer (self-explanatory, super evil), Conqueror (uses power to dominate others - Doctor Doom, Magneto, etc.  Also evil), and last but not least, Protector (uses power to selflessly protect the powerless - every superhero ever)

How many of your peers do you think would take option #1 or #2 if no one could stop them?  Because I've seen people mistreat animals and kids simply because they could.  If a similar power disparity exists between people..such power it seems, is inherently corrupting.  Or perhaps it merely brings to the surface what was already there.

I would like to believe that such powers would allow otherwise normal people to do great things to improve our world.  And certainly some would.  What percentage of people are naturally kind?  And which percentage is good at seeming to be kind?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on April 10, 2021, 11:56:42 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 10, 2021, 11:24:45 PM
Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode 4

No spoilers because this is more of a general issue that Marvel's been exploring for decades.

Are superhumans (people whose physical abilities are beyond what is normally possible for humans) inherently a bad thing?  Because such powers inherently create Haves and Have-nots.  Or phrased differently, an ubermensch class and an untermensch class.  Wouldn't the former subjugate or destroy the latter?  Because historically, that seems to be broadly the case.  And that's just with a technological advantage.

Let's take the classic example, the ring of Gyges.  It makes the wearer invisible.  What would the average person do with such power?  I have my own guesses - petty theft and voyeurism for starters, maybe graduating up to far more serious crimes, depending on the person.  If a friend of yours or neighbor had the ring, do you think they'd use it virtuously?  Would you?

In fiction, superhumans generally fall into one of three roles - Destroyer (self-explanatory, super evil), Conquerer (use power to dominate others - Doctor Doom, Magneto, etc.  Also evil), and last but not least, Protector (uses power to selflessly protect the powerless - every superhero ever)

How many of your peers do you think would take option #1 or #2 if no one could stop them?  Because I've seen people mistreat animals and kids simply because they could.  If a similar power disparity exists between people..such power it seems, is inherently corrupting.  Or perhaps it merely brings to the surface what was already there.

I would like to believe that such powers would allow otherwise normal people to do great things to improve our world.  And certainly some would.  What percentage of people are naturally kind?  And which percentage is good at seeming to be kind?

In My Hero Academia, 80% of people are born with a superpower (called a "quirk" in the show). Not all powers are equal, of course. One person might have glowy skin, and the next is basically superman. But the powers starting showing up suddenly, without explanation. The result was chaos. Technological progress slowed to a crawl, as the entire planet had to adjust to this change. We don't know exactly what year it in the show, but it has probably been a few hundred years since present day, and they mostly have the same technology we have today in the real world. They had to create a new police force from powerful and (presumably) virtuous people to combat the rampant chaos.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on April 11, 2021, 06:00:13 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on April 10, 2021, 11:56:42 PM
In My Hero Academia, 80% of people are born with a superpower (called a "quirk" in the show). Not all powers are equal, of course. One person might have glowy skin, and the next is basically superman. But the powers starting showing up suddenly, without explanation. The result was chaos. Technological progress slowed to a crawl, as the entire planet had to adjust to this change. We don't know exactly what year it in the show, but it has probably been a few hundred years since present day, and they mostly have the same technology we have today in the real world. They had to create a new police force from powerful and (presumably) virtuous people to combat the rampant chaos.

I find they should've jumped to 99.9% people having superpowers. I always got the idea the people around deku, as well as he himself, regarded him a as an oddity for not having powers.
But one in 5 is a large enough subgroup to not be that surprising.
Also, all his schoolmates had powers, and I know there were more than 5 people in his original class before he got one for all.
Just odd you know. I know for the rest of the show of course they are mostly going to meet characters with powers. It's in the nature of a superpower high school.  But it always feels like they just misnumbered the amount of non-supers and they could just easily have rectified something like that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 18, 2021, 05:52:58 PM
I started watching Star Trek:  The Next Generation, which I have not watched in years and years, so I remember very little.  I just finished Season 1 Episode 11:  "The Big Goodbye", which deserves the an award of something or other for the best something or other of a Star Trek Episode. 

"Jean Luc Picard stars as Dixon Hill, a fictional Private Detective in 1941" now playing at the Holodeck Theater in Downtown..(somewhere near a harbor, of course).  It's charming fun.  I was on the edge of my seat laughing while I was wondering what diabolical fate was awaiting Dixon and his crew. Dr. Crusher gets roped into playing the dame because every private eye in 1941 needs a dame, but you know, the classy kind of dame, not some cheap floozy, and she seems to be throwing herself into the part.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on April 18, 2021, 08:35:19 PM
Caught up with Falcon and Winter Solder today. My interest in the series was waning a bit after the last two episodes, but it won me over again with episodes 4 and 5. I don't know where they're going, but I'm okay with that, because the execution and the way they handle certain subject matters has me engaged. Now for some slightly spoilery stuff:

[spoiler]The new Captain America is obviously not supposed to be a guy we root for. He's supposed to be annoying, but goddamn. He really goes full Karen mode in these two episodes. Jesus Christ. Wonder what he's going to do with that thing he picked up... Seems like he's obviously not going to continue under the façade of a hero any more, but I have no idea what he's going to do next. Is he going to try to kill the main two? Is he going to try to complete the mission anyway, despite being dishonorably discharged? Who knows?[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on April 18, 2021, 08:46:38 PM
Quote from: SGOS on April 18, 2021, 05:52:58 PM
I started watching Star Trek:  The Next Generation, which I have not watched in years and years, so I remember very little.  I just finished Season 1 Episode 11:  "The Big Goodbye", which deserves the an award of something or other for the best something or other of a Star Trek Episode. 

"Jean Luc Picard stars as Dixon Hill, a fictional Private Detective in 1941" now playing at the Holodeck Theater in Downtown..(somewhere near a harbor, of course).  It's charming fun.  I was on the edge of my seat laughing while I was wondering what diabolical fate was awaiting Dixon and his crew. Dr. Crusher gets roped into playing the dame because every private eye in 1941 needs a dame, but you know, the classy kind of dame, not some cheap floozy, and she seems to be throwing herself into the part.

Coincidentally, I too have been rewatching Star Trek: TNG. I am in the middle of season 6. The holodeck safety protocols seem to fail with alarming frequency.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 18, 2021, 10:28:30 PM
IIRC, the Picard as a detective holodeck episode inspired a slew of holodeck episodes of decent to questionable quality, including the infamous one where Crusher gets it on with a ghost.  The lesson: don't chase that previous high over a cliff.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 18, 2021, 11:04:50 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on April 18, 2021, 08:46:38 PM
Coincidentally, I too have been rewatching Star Trek: TNG. I am in the middle of season 6. The holodeck safety protocols seem to fail with alarming frequency.
I think it's two episodes past the one I wrote about, when the holodeck gets hacked by these little space people that think in binary codes, and create this sexy siren in the holodeck to detain Picard and Riker, while they steal the enterprise.  Yeah, they probably could have built a better holodeck with a Norton Security System.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 18, 2021, 11:05:11 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on April 18, 2021, 08:35:19 PM
Caught up with Falcon and Winter Solder today. My interest in the series was waning a bit after the last two episodes, but it won me over again with episodes 4 and 5. I don't know where they're going, but I'm okay with that, because the execution and the way they handle certain subject matters has me engaged.
I was kinda iffy on the show in episode 1, and episode 2 really rubbed me the wrong way with some moronic tactical blunders.  But I fell in love with this show in episode 3.  I will never look at a shipping crate the same way, lol.

[spoiler]Yes, John Walker fully intends to complete his mission anyway.  He has zero chance of success.  When the whole world tells you that you're fired and to sit this one out, you say, "No, you move!".  True heroism right there.  :P

The reaction to Walker is fascinating.  On one hand, his foul, let's call it and subsequent irrational aggression was obviously super duper wrong.  But on the other, this dude was hated by fans from literally the first moment they laid eyes on him.  That's not fair.  And then on the other extreme end, you have some fans trying to unironically defend summary execution, an already fairly repugnant position made even more repugnant by its similarity to current events in the real world.  And the actor gets death threats for things his fictional character did because of course he does.  What an emotional firestorm!

I will say that I don't exactly feel bad for the international terrorist cell losing some members, but there's a right way and a wrong way to do these things.  And while Walker definitely has some extenuating circumstances to factor in, and I really feel for him there, he definitely crossed a line.

I gotta give props to the writers for making a very realistically flawed character and putting him in an almost impossible situation of trying to live up a guy who was practically a saint.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on April 18, 2021, 11:33:33 PM
It's moronic that fans harrass the actor of John Walker. You're not supposed to like his character! That's the point! If you hate his character, that means the actor did his job well!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 19, 2021, 09:02:48 PM
Continuing to watch TNG.  I was so enamored with the original series and used to the old cast, that TNG just seemed like more of the same with a different cast, but I've been watching some of the old original series while I'm doing TNG.  How did I miss this?  How many times better is TNG than the original?  I simply can't do the math. TNG is leaps and bounds ahead of the original so far, except in my opinion about the way they seem to go over board with their romantic crap.  It's kind of lavish kiddie porn that really goes nowhere and seems like it was written by the writers of Harlequin Romance Novels with censors, which I have never actually read but the way I imagine them to be.

But I don't want to tarnish the original series, as outdated as it might be.  Some of the stories are quite entertaining and may have looked better with better sets, and of course there was Mr. Spock, whose acting and character may never be bested.  But the original Star Trek, probably did more to make science fiction into the respectable genre it is today.  Back then it was "before it's time."  Just go back 10 years before that and take a look at some of the older science fiction.  There was some really bad stuff mixed with some passable, but the bad was horrible.

When I started going movies at the age of 9 or 10, there were two theaters within 3 blocks of my house. So I saw a lot of Saturday afternoon movies with my friends that were double features, two films for 25 cents, and I thought the stuff was pretty good, but back when you could find almost any film ever made when Netflix was sending the stuff by mail, I looked up some of the old sci-fi  films of the 50s that I remembered liking.  Netflix had most of them too.  Now just 10 or 15 years before Star Trek, we are talking utter crap for most of it.  And I was paying a quarter to watch this stuff?  Yeah, the original Star Trek, gets points for being ahead of it's time, and it deserves all the hype and Trekkie fans that followed it.  But it doesn't compare to TNG much at all.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on April 20, 2021, 01:32:07 AM
Finished season 5 of Clone Wars. Jesus. There's so much going on in the later half of the season. Characters die, Darth Maul executes a brilliant plan to take political power, there's a badass battle between Sith rivals, and there's a murder mystery with a conclusion I didn't see coming. I feel like this is what they were building up to all this time, and the rest was just filler until they got to the good stuff.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 20, 2021, 11:43:23 PM
I read a good headcanon for Falcon and the Winter Soldier:

[spoiler]Bucky is noticeably less powerful in the TV series than in the Winter Soldier movie.  Why?

In the TV show, he's not under external control.  And most of the time, he's full of regret and sadness.  This hampers him a lot.  In the movie, his mind is shackled and slaved to a singular purpose.  That naturally makes him far more formidable.  Plus, his assassin training is naturally geared towards landing the killing blow.  Fighting to defeat but not kill your enemy is much more difficult and he's pretty new at it, so he's not yet very good at non-lethal combat.  He could probably decapitate or fatally slam half the people he fights but intentionally holds back.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on April 21, 2021, 11:21:18 AM
I've started to watch the X-Files. I haven't seen it before. Never been into the UFO thing. It looks OK for now, but I can't tell if I like it because there are no cell phones, just cute fat computer know nostalgia or I just like it. It's just a fresh old classic to watch, so that is good. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 21, 2021, 01:04:16 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on April 21, 2021, 11:21:18 AM
I've started to watch the X-Files. I haven't seen it before. Never been into the UFO thing. It looks OK for now, but I can't tell if I like it because there are no cell phones, just cute fat computer know nostalgia or I just like it. It's just a fresh old classic to watch, so that is good. 
I'm still watching it but, it will take me forever, because I think it had one of those 10 year spans.  As far as I've got, maybe season 2, I can't remember if they have actually proven any UFOs, and when they do get really close, it seems like something goes haywire at the end of the episode, and they miss out on that crucial piece of hard evidence.  It also deals with supernatural stuff much of the time.  It's fun, and worth a watch.  If I had to think hard to find a complaint, it would be that too much of what they do is sneaking around in the dark and whispering.  They're always in the dark.  If it's during the day, their sneaking around in a tunnel or an abandoned building.  The producers must have saved a bundle on lighting.  OK, I exaggerated, but I had fun doing it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 21, 2021, 01:12:02 PM
Quote from: SGOS on April 21, 2021, 01:04:16 PM
I'm still watching it but, it will take me forever, because I think it had one of those 10 year spans.  As far as I've got, maybe season 2, I can't remember if they have actually proven any UFOs, and when they do get really close, it seems like something goes haywire at the end of the episode, and they miss out on that crucial piece of hard evidence.
Get used to that.  Mulder proving that aliens are real is like Wile E. Coyote eating the roadrunner or Invader Zim successfully taking over the Earth.  Never going to happen, because it would effectively end the series.  Don't worry about success or failure, and just enjoy the trip on the story train.  Tickets, please!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on April 22, 2021, 06:49:11 AM
Quote from: SGOS on April 21, 2021, 01:04:16 PM
I'm still watching it but, it will take me forever, because I think it had one of those 10 year spans.  As far as I've got, maybe season 2, I can't remember if they have actually proven any UFOs, and when they do get really close, it seems like something goes haywire at the end of the episode, and they miss out on that crucial piece of hard evidence.  It also deals with supernatural stuff much of the time.  It's fun, and worth a watch.  If I had to think hard to find a complaint, it would be that too much of what they do is sneaking around in the dark and whispering.  They're always in the dark.  If it's during the day, their sneaking around in a tunnel or an abandoned building.  The producers must have saved a bundle on lighting.  OK, I exaggerated, but I had fun doing it.

LOL...Yeah, probably I'll get bored and stop soon. I thought the lack of hard evidence was actually a bit of implying that there is no hard evidence, lol.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 22, 2021, 05:24:32 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on April 22, 2021, 06:49:11 AM
LOL...Yeah, probably I'll get bored and stop soon. I thought the lack of hard evidence was actually a bit of implying that there is no hard evidence, lol.
I don't think so. Doesn't every episode start with a caption, "SOMETHING IS OUT THERE."  Yeah, yeah, we know something is out there, just look at the night sky, but when the caption is up, they play the Alien National Anthem,   "Oooh-eee-ooooh."  This is most ominous, and obviously intentional.  We know what they mean.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on April 22, 2021, 07:11:36 PM
Re-watching the original Cosmos.  I needed something to make me stop hating humanity.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on April 23, 2021, 04:39:12 AM
Quote from: SGOS on April 22, 2021, 05:24:32 PM
I don't think so. Doesn't every episode start with a caption, "SOMETHING IS OUT THERE."  Yeah, yeah, we know something is out there, just look at the night sky, but when the caption is up, they play the Alien National Anthem,   "Oooh-eee-ooooh."  This is most ominous, and obviously intentional.  We know what they mean.

:lol: Yeah, you are probably right. I optimistcally thought that it is a kind of primitive push for questioning and scepticism.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 23, 2021, 07:09:03 AM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on April 23, 2021, 04:39:12 AM
:lol: Yeah, you are probably right. I optimistcally thought that it is a kind of primitive push for questioning and scepticism.
It originally aired on FOX, so it's more likely a push for believing anything FOX tells you (training wheels for the gullible).
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on April 23, 2021, 07:23:55 AM
Quote from: SGOS on April 23, 2021, 07:09:03 AM
It originally aired on FOX, so it's more likely a push for believing anything FOX tells you (training wheels for the gullible).

Ah...I didn't know that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on April 23, 2021, 07:28:18 AM
 :cheer: Love, Death and Robots Volume II is coming on May 14! "Consume irresponsibly." LOL If it is not here too at that date, I'll be pissed off.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 23, 2021, 02:13:16 PM
Just finished Falcon and the Winter Soldier.  Excellent finale.  That series was better than a lot of Marvel movies, imho.

[spoiler]I can't believe it, but there was one scene where Falcon is boxing with some rando in a building and I thought, dafuq is he wasting his time with this?  Why doesn't he just jump out the window and fly away?  And you know what happened?  He did!  LMAO.  Made my day.

Is it screwed up that I really like John Walker now?  #BLM.  Sure, he needs some Lagos brand paper towels, but he's not a complete monster.

Karli, on the other hand...

POV: you're in a terrorist cell and the leader says that it doesn't even matter if you die

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on April 24, 2021, 12:05:11 AM
It's over already? Last episode had me feeling like we were at maybe the 2/3rds mark of the series, not like they were preparing for a finale. Oh, well. I'll watch it tomorrow.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 24, 2021, 12:13:57 AM
That's because Wandavision had 9 episodes, while Falcon and the Winter Soldier only got 6.

It's a very short series.  More like a miniseries than a normal TV show.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cassia on April 25, 2021, 08:44:34 AM
This morning I turned on the TV for a bit of nostalgic white noise and a 1964 episode of 'My Favorite Martian' was on. The laugh track is so heavy-handed. Apparently just about every murmur out of an actor no matter how unfunny is worthy of a generous, spontaneous chuckle. The imaginary crowd is just sitting on the edge of their seats, waiting for anything (and I mean anything) to happen so that they can laugh.

Went for a walk outside and noticed a squawking blue jay on top of the usually filled but now empty bird feeder. I wondered, am I being manipulated...again?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mike Cl on April 25, 2021, 09:09:22 AM
Quote from: Cassia on April 25, 2021, 08:44:34 AM
This morning I turned on the TV for a bit of nostalgic white noise and a 1964 episode of 'My Favorite Martian' was on. The laugh track is so heavy-handed. Apparently just about every murmur out of an actor no matter how unfunny is worthy of a generous, spontaneous chuckle. The imaginary crowd is just sitting on the edge of their seats, waiting for anything (and I mean anything) to happen so that they can laugh.

Went for a walk outside and noticed a squawking blue jay on top of the usually filled but now empty bird feeder. I wondered, am I being manipulated...again?

I absolutely hate laugh tracks.  Even the modern versions of them on today's sit coms are hugely annoying.  Not a fan of sit coms anyway, so the laugh tracks are another excuse to not watch them. 

We have marauder Jays in our back yard all the time, raiding the feeders and generally squawking and blustering around.  But they are beautiful birds.   
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on April 25, 2021, 10:04:28 AM
Quote from: Cassia on April 25, 2021, 08:44:34 AM
This morning I turned on the TV for a bit of nostalgic white noise and a 1964 episode of 'My Favorite Martian' was on. The laugh track is so heavy-handed. Apparently just about every murmur out of an actor no matter how unfunny is worthy of a generous, spontaneous chuckle. The imaginary crowd is just sitting on the edge of their seats, waiting for anything (and I mean anything) to happen so that they can laugh.

Went for a walk outside and noticed a squawking blue jay on top of the usually filled but now empty bird feeder. I wondered, am I being manipulated...again?

Some laugh tracks I don't even notice, but some can make something intended to be funny not funny at all.  When this -> "every murmur out of an actor no matter how unfunny is worthy of a generous, spontaneous chuckle" happens, the laugh track becomes unbearable and nothing but a distraction.

But to ramp this rant up a notch, when that thing above happens, it seems to happen all the time, like the laugh track control guy might be in the manic phase of a bi polar disorder and can't help fiddling with the knob on the machine.  And even more, this still happens in some sitcoms today.  They could just dispense with the actors and comedians, and just play the laugh track for 20 minutes.  Maybe occasionally showing candid camera angles of the laugh track guy playing with the knob.  They could pause for commercial breaks and then return to the laugh track.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 25, 2021, 04:20:38 PM
Imho, the only legitimate use of a laugh track would be a candid camera type show, where it might actually be hard for audiences to gauge the punchline of nonverbal jokes.  It should NEVER be used for verbal jokes.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cassia on April 25, 2021, 04:57:10 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on April 25, 2021, 04:20:38 PM
Imho, the only legitimate use of a laugh track would be a candid camera type show.....
Or a Trump speech.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on April 25, 2021, 06:39:50 PM
Quote from: SGOS on April 25, 2021, 10:04:28 AM
Some laugh tracks I don't even notice, but some can make something intended to be funny not funny at all.  When this -> "every murmur out of an actor no matter how unfunny is worthy of a generous, spontaneous chuckle" happens, the laugh track becomes unbearable and nothing but a distraction.

But to ramp this rant up a notch, when that thing above happens, it seems to happen all the time, like the laugh track control guy might be in the manic phase of a bi polar disorder and can't help fiddling with the knob on the machine.  And even more, this still happens in some sitcoms today.  They could just dispense with the actors and comedians, and just play the laugh track for 20 minutes.  Maybe occasionally showing candid camera angles of the laugh track guy playing with the knob.  They could pause for commercial breaks and then return to the laugh track.

I recommend everyone to read the Harlan Ellison story "Laugh Track" now.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: LoriPinkAngel on April 28, 2021, 06:24:00 PM
We just finished Mad Men and now we're watching Schitt's Creek.  Mad Men was a fascinating look in to the '60s advertising scene.  I don't think Darrin Stevens ever acted like that.  Schitt's Creek is hilarious so far.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on April 30, 2021, 05:19:47 PM
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on April 30, 2021, 05:24:20 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on April 30, 2021, 05:19:47 PM

Beat me to it.  XD
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 30, 2021, 09:38:25 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on April 30, 2021, 05:19:47 PM
[spoiler]1) Moxxie lecturing about the technological advantage in war as well as ongoing weapons development - my spirit animal right there lol

2) I want that hellhorse so bad.  Shut up and take my money!

3) Holy Crumbs, is that Norman Reedus??!  BY SATAN'S BEARD, IT IS!

4) Jeezus H. Crumbs, remind me to never piss off Millie[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 01, 2021, 09:36:12 PM
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on May 02, 2021, 12:36:39 PM
All that was an ad for the next season? lol
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 03, 2021, 01:20:12 AM
Well, you know, Blackleaf, I mean, you wanna sell a TV show, you gotta, you gotta pump the gas a little.  Pedal to the metal, Blackleaf.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 04, 2021, 12:35:58 AM

I decided to check out Invincible because my twin is really into it and half my youtube feed is breakdowns/discussions about it.  The first half of the first episode is pretty week imo, stuff you've probably seen a million times before.  That second half, though...

So everyone, do yourself a favor and watch the premier episode all the way through cause it gets really interesting towards the end.  The second episode definitely got me hooked.

(and put subtitles on because jeez, some of those people talk fast.  Like the Micromachines guy but they also do that Hollywood whispertalk thing that drives me up the wall.  Thankfully, they stop doing that after the premier)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on May 04, 2021, 01:46:16 AM
(Never thought of twinhood this way.)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 04, 2021, 12:08:29 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on May 04, 2021, 01:46:16 AM(Never thought of twinhood this way.)
Our tastes have diverged somewhat, but there's still a lot of common interest.  It used to be mostly me ferreting out the latest and greatest for him.  Now it mostly goes the other way, with him telling me to watch shows he likes but rarely reciprocating.  It's odd, because a lot of my recommendations are extremely similar to stuff he already likes.  For example, he loves Kick-Ass and Invincible, but won't touch The Boys.  /le sigh
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on May 04, 2021, 12:16:42 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on May 04, 2021, 12:08:29 PM
Our tastes have diverged somewhat, but there's still a lot of common interest.  Sadly, it mostly goes the one way, with him telling me to watch shows he likes but rarely reciprocating.  It's odd, because a lot of my recommendations are extremely similar to stuff he already likes.  For example, he loves Kick Ass and Invincible, but won't touch The Boys.  /le sigh

You are pretty good that following games and tv shows. It's not just that. When you like something, you really put your head on it passionately and analyse it; follow it for years if it got old bad or not. I know that because I do the same thing. Sometimes that could be overwhelming for a sibling, twin or not. Esp. if that doesn't come to him as naturally as it comes to you. Then usually, they don't show any interest. Sometimes they watch, read...sometimes they don't. But it is not really about the show. Just an idea.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 04, 2021, 12:35:58 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on May 04, 2021, 12:16:42 PMYou are pretty good that following games and tv shows. It's not just that. When you like something, you really put in your head an passionately analyse it; follow it for years if it got old bad or not.
I do but I also will stop recommending it after a decline in quality and will stop watching myself if it gets truly awful, though I do have a tendency to see the story through to its conclusion regardless of quality.

I even stopped watching TWD cold turkey after a particularly poor episode (in season 10, a reasonable person might consider that a few years too late lol) and couldn't get into the spinoffs, despite a strong effort to get into them.  I used to be all about GoT, but season 5 gave me pause and season 6 had me shaken, though I naively expected a big payoff.  Knowing what I know now, I won't recommend it at all.

So I get into things, but I try not to become so enamored that it can do no wrong.

When I do find something good, I implore people to just check out the first couple of episodes to see if it's for them or not, so I don't waste too much of their time.  I won't ask people to sit through a bad first season in the hopes of a good second season.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on May 04, 2021, 12:50:57 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on May 04, 2021, 12:35:58 PM
I do but I also will stop recommending it after a decline in quality and will stop watching myself if it gets truly awful, though I do have a tendency to see the story through to its conclusion regardless of quality.

I even stopped watching TWD cold turkey after a particularly poor episode (in season 10, a reasonable person might consider that a few years too late lol) and couldn't get into the spinoffs, despite a strong effort to get into them.  I used to be all about GoT, but season 5 gave me pause and season 6 had me shaken, though I naively expected a big payoff.  Knowing what I know now, I won't recommend it at all.

So I get into things, but I try not to become so enamored that it can do no wrong.

Sweetie, look above. Most people wouldn't go on into the second paragraph. I would, and then some. So agreed. But people don't like it. Family just endures and tolerates it.

QuoteWhen I do find something good, I implore people to just check out the first couple of episodes to see if it's for them or not, so I don't waste too much of their time.  I won't ask people to sit through a bad first season in the hopes of a good second season.

Agreed. I'm with you. But a normal person just says: 'I've seen this show and I liked it'.

If we are not going to talk about these then what?! :lol:
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 05, 2021, 01:59:30 AM
Just finished Invincible.

Now I need to take an antiemetic and go lie down for a while and stare at the ceiling for hours (or days) while contemplating the fragility of mortality and the vicissitudes of life.  Maybe sit in the shower for a bit.  That sounds nice.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on May 05, 2021, 05:30:49 AM
We rewatched chernobyl.

Jared Harris brings a very relatable and sympathetic leading role.
But the man who steals the show, for me, has to be Stellan Skarsgard as Boris Shcherbina.

The entire show really is a masterpiece. And anyone who hasn't yet watched, I don't just recommend it. I implore you to watch it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: LoriPinkAngel on May 05, 2021, 06:31:40 PM
Still watching Schitt's Creek but now alternating with The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on May 06, 2021, 12:50:11 AM
Quote from: LoriPinkAngel on May 05, 2021, 06:31:40 PM
Still watching Schitt's Creek but now alternating with The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

You might appreciate the Moira Rose GPS. 😊
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on May 07, 2021, 02:08:50 AM
The #MakeMoreMST3K Kickstarter ( is in its final day; they're $62,000 short of the final stretch goal with until 11pmEDT to get there.  They hit the base goal of $2 million in one day; the final stretch goal is $5.5 million for a full 12 episode Season 13 (including two hosted by Joel himself, putting him in the theater for the first time in almost 30 years), plus a bonus goal of $5.8 million, the reward for which is still a secret... but I trust Joel, I bet it's awesome.

And since I started typing this message, they now only need $59,000 for the last stretch goal.

Joel's right -- he doesn't need a network, the MSTies are self-supporting.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on May 07, 2021, 11:45:30 AM
Realized I never talked about the Falcon & the Winter Soldier finale. Non-spoiler version: I liked it. I thought it was a satisfying conclusion to the story. Even if it feels a little soon for it to be ending. However, seeing this series as a whole now, it seems less like "Falcon & the Winter Soldier" and more like "Falcon: Featuring the Winter Soldier." Bucky gets his time to shine, and he has some character development in the show, but the story seems less interested in him than in Sam. But he was another candidate for inheriting Sam's shield, so it's interesting to see the three possible Captain America successors interact with each other, seeing how they contrast, and how this dispute is resolved.

[spoiler]Sam's Captain America costume is awesome, and his speech is very well done. I think it was kind of a copout to have the villain killed by someone else, though. It feels like they did that so they could kill her off without Sam compromising his morals. Also, didn't expect the failed Captain to become an ally at the last minute. Guess even he can't deny Sam was a better fit for the shield than himself. Still don't know what Elaine from Seinfeld's deal is. I guess they're saving that for a second season or a different show. Also looks like the Flag Smashers are still active and may return in the future. Overall, I'm glad I watched this.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on May 07, 2021, 12:00:51 PM
@Hydra009 - Why aren't you on Discord yet? I'm cycling through streaming services. Planning to go with Amazon Prime next and need suggestions. I'm already caught up on Cobra Kai. I plan to watch the rest of The Boys. I remember you recommending a sci-fi show, but I don't remember the name. And then there's that superhero cartoon people have been meming recently.

"Think, think, think!"


"You are a toy, Buzz! Think!"
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 07, 2021, 05:27:46 PM
I'm not a big fan of Discord.  And that meme is from the superhero show Inv..


That meme is inherently super spoilery, so I don't recommend looking at any Invincible memes online unless you want to get spoiled hard.  The subreddit spoiled me on stuff from the comics even after I had already watched the entire show lol.  Nowhere is safe!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 07, 2021, 05:43:58 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on May 07, 2021, 11:45:30 AM[spoiler]Sam's Captain America costume is awesome, and his speech is very well done. I think it was kind of a copout to have the villain killed by someone else, though. It feels like they did that so they could kill her off without Sam compromising his morals. Also, didn't expect the failed Captain to become an ally at the last minute. Guess even he can't deny Sam was a better fit for the shield than himself. Still don't know what Elaine from Seinfeld's deal is. I guess they're saving that for a second season or a different show. Also looks like the Flag Smashers are still active and may return in the future. Overall, I'm glad I watched this.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Imho, Bucky had a full character arc - he started as a directionless, post-traumatic ex-soldier, stopped avenging and starting helping people, put the past behind him, and grew to have normal human relationships with Sam and Sam's family.  Him smiling after waking up nightmare-free on Sam's couch was his moment of triumph - the completion of his personal journey that started in Wakanda.

I liked Sam's speech as much as the next guy, but wtf does "do better" even mean in policy terms?  Are we resettling and reseting or not?

Elaine is awesome AF and I am so intrigued by everything going on with her and Kirkland Captain America.  Speaking of psycho Cap, of course he's an ally.  He wanted to team up from literally day one.  It was Black Falcon and Wintersoldat who turned him down.  And just because he made one whoopsie doesn't mean he's 100% evil from there on out.  Revenge undeniably is a motivation, but he has other motivations, too.  He got those Medals of Honor for a reason, albeit an unclear and possibly not purely virtuous reason.

And lol, the Flag Smashers are very much dead.  Zemo's butler blew the crap out of them before they could escape with Flag Smasher-friendly police.  Even in jail, Zemo is chalking up wins.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on May 07, 2021, 06:06:29 PM


FFS. That was the most intrusive product placement I've ever seen.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 07, 2021, 06:25:59 PM
I wanted one so bad to drink while watching that show, but covid and lack of wide availability dashed my hope.  Just as well.  Awful stuff, or so I've heard.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on May 30, 2021, 04:06:14 PM
We began watching 'raised by wolves'. This show is really speaking to me. Mostly the atmosphere of the vast empty, mostly dead universe. And a humanity divided tearing itself to pieces in its midst. The futility of that, always captivates me.
Only watched 2 episodes so far. But almost immediately, I recognized ridley Scott's touch.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 30, 2021, 05:16:18 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on May 30, 2021, 04:06:14 PMWe began watching 'raised by wolves'. This show is really speaking to me. Mostly the atmosphere of the vast empty, mostly dead universe. And a humanity divided tearing itself to pieces in its midst. The futility of that, always captivates me.
Only watched 2 episodes so far. But almost immediately, I recognized ridley Scott's touch.
It gets sooo good! ...and then kinda weird.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 02, 2021, 02:49:35 PM
I'm watching Vikings, and despite their frequent goofs (lit braziers during midday lol) it looks like they really did their homework with the Native Americans of what I assume is supposed to be Vinland.

They look fairly advanced, with permanent wood-framed dwellings (surprisingly spacious!), canoes, cloth robes and pants, fur pelts, bone/seashell jewellery, distinct tribal warpaint, and possibly even some metalworking or at least trade with metalworkers.  And the actors speaking what I assume is a historically-accurate native language is a big plus.

Probably the best representation of natives since Westworld season 2.  Very humanizing, with the natives behaving as civilized people rather than the usual savage depiction.  Don't get that very often on TV.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 09, 2021, 12:21:18 PM

I love the Time Variance Authority (TVA for short).  Its yellow-orange ambiance and iconography reminds me a lot of Ouroboros from City of Heroes, which has an almost identical function.

I like how bemused and/or irritated they are by outsiders.  It really shows that they've seen it all.

[spoiler]And my favorite part of this episode was that we finally see Mephisto on screen!   :evil:[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on June 09, 2021, 02:00:45 PM
Watching old Julia Child episodes on Roku.  I'm still not sure I would try brains or sweetbreads, but she definitely made them less scary.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mike Cl on June 09, 2021, 02:18:16 PM
Quote from: trdsf on June 09, 2021, 02:00:45 PM
Watching old Julia Child episodes on Roku.  I'm still not sure I would try brains or sweetbreads, but she definitely made them less scary.
Memories.  When my daughter was 5-7, she loved Julia Child.  And I had to watch every show for almost two years.  I could never figure out what the attraction was--cooking of the weird voice--but whatever, she did not want to miss a show.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on June 09, 2021, 08:42:41 PM
I really enjoyed WandaVision, it was so well done, so I think I'll like Loki just because of his character.

What I have no interest in watching, however, is The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

What I am currently watching is Sweet Tooth.
QuoteA boy who is half human and half deer survives in a post-apocalyptic world with other hybrids.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on June 09, 2021, 09:25:13 PM
Quote from: Mike Cl on June 09, 2021, 02:18:16 PM
Memories.  When my daughter was 5-7, she loved Julia Child.  And I had to watch every show for almost two years.  I could never figure out what the attraction was--cooking of the weird voice--but whatever, she did not want to miss a show.
I think it's the same thing that makes Bob Ross so much fun to watch -- confidence in the viewer's ability to do this too.  It comes across from both of them.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 09, 2021, 09:57:58 PM
Quote from: Sorginak on June 09, 2021, 08:42:41 PMWhat I have no interest in watching, however, is The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
It's extremely similar to the Winter Soldier movie and Civil War.  So, if you didn't like those movies, you probably won't like the TV show that dovetails them.

I've gotta say, I didn't have high hopes coming into it, but I was pleasantly surprised.  Episode 2 was painfully bad imo, but episode 3 was amazing and it stays decently good from there.  Unfortunately, you kinda have to suffer through the first couple of episodes to get to the good part.

Bottom line: the show is like a wrapped birthday cake that someone accidentally dropped.  It's kinda banged up a bit, but it's still pretty tasty.  But if you don't want to take a bite, that's perfectly understandable.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on June 10, 2021, 01:22:46 PM
How does atla stay so damn good?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on June 10, 2021, 04:10:02 PM
Downright weird show, raised by wolves.

Praying to Sol for a second season.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on June 11, 2021, 08:34:02 PM
I discovered Holey Moley ( today.  If you haven't seen it, it's basically a demented cross between miniature golf and a mostly watery obstacle course.

I am hooked.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 11, 2021, 10:55:55 PM
Quote from: trdsf on June 11, 2021, 08:34:02 PM
I discovered Holey Moley ( today.  If you haven't seen it, it's basically a demented cross between miniature golf and a mostly watery obstacle course.

I am hooked.
I am 100% down for anything like Takeshi's Castle/XMC/Wipeout, so that has my seal of approval.  Good ol' physical comedy combined with physical challenges partly skill-based and partly luck-based.  Good stuff.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on June 12, 2021, 04:25:40 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on June 11, 2021, 10:55:55 PM
I am 100% down for anything like Takeshi's Castle/XMC/Wipeout, so that has my seal of approval.  Good ol' physical comedy combined with physical challenges partly skill-based and partly luck-based.  Good stuff.
It's shot the same place Wipeout was.  Season 3 drops next Thursday; Season 4 has already been greenlighted.

One of the holes is called Uranus.  The commentary usually goes exactly the way you think it would:
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cassia on June 12, 2021, 08:06:25 AM
Quote from: trdsf on June 09, 2021, 02:00:45 PM
Watching old Julia Child episodes on Roku.  I'm still not sure I would try brains or sweetbreads, but she definitely made them less scary.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on June 12, 2021, 11:41:51 PM
Started watching "Castlevania" on Netflix, really enjoying it so far. Good plot, beautiful artwork, voice acting is maybe a bit jank but not horribly.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Gawdzilla Sama on June 13, 2021, 08:26:33 AM
Quote from: trdsf on June 09, 2021, 02:00:45 PM
Watching old Julia Child episodes on Roku.  I'm still not sure I would try brains or sweetbreads, but she definitely made them less scary.
You should be afraid of brains.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on June 13, 2021, 11:03:34 AM
Just finished watching Sweet Tooth on Netflix and it was really good. Definitely worth a watch.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Gawdzilla Sama on June 13, 2021, 10:31:49 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on June 10, 2021, 04:10:02 PM
Downright weird show, raised by wolves.

Praying to Sol for a second season.
I made it as far as the second ship arriving. Does it get better?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on June 14, 2021, 06:43:00 AM
Quote from: Gawdzilla Sama on June 13, 2021, 08:26:33 AM
You should be afraid of brains.

That needs an Eek!! button, not a Like button.  XD
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 14, 2021, 01:24:50 PM
At a certain point, it stops being milligrams and starts being regular grams.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 16, 2021, 11:59:12 PM
LOKI!  I was intrigued before, but episode 2 has me at the edge of my seat.  Wow!

I watched a lot of reviews of episode 1 and some people were very upset that their favorite character starts out on a low point.  But I have a writing protip for them: where characters start out is almost always completely different from where they end up.  Otherwise, there's no story to the story.

Also, you can't have your character kick ass and take names all the time.  Semper victor - that gets very repetitive.  Sometimes, they have to be defeated.  Otherwise, they don't learn.  Cause if they don't learn, they don't change.  And change is basically all writers do.  Conflict creates change.  If you wanna make an omelette...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on June 17, 2021, 08:17:32 PM
I finally started watching the Jeremy Brett Holmes series.  I just never took the time before; it's on Britbox.  He (and David Burke) won me over within five minutes.  Clive Merrison and Michael Williams remain my favorite Holmes and Watson, but Brett and Burke are unquestionably brilliant.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on June 19, 2021, 08:22:30 AM
Just started a new show on Netflix.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Gawdzilla Sama on June 19, 2021, 11:26:44 AM
Love the Loki show. More twists and turns than a pretzel with Tourette's.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SvZurich on June 19, 2021, 12:05:45 PM
Currently watching the 3 Mobile Suit Gundam movies on Netflix, and will start MSG Char's Counterattack when done.  I'm starting to click with some presumed Easter Eggs shown in Gundam Unicorn UC 96.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 21, 2021, 01:46:50 PM

Full episode on the house.  Let's just say you don't pay...with money.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on July 24, 2021, 04:54:08 AM
I'm watching He-Man. ðŸ¤" 😊 First time watching as an adult and in English. Awww.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on July 26, 2021, 01:15:56 PM
Remember Ted Baxter, the incompetent news anchor for WJM on the old Mary Tyler Moore Show?  I took a peek at an episode last night on Hulu, and couldn't help but think that Ted Baxter reminds me of Donald Trump.  He looks like he could have been his father way back then.  Like Trump, he's incapable of logical reasoning, but more harmless and without the vitriol.  It was Episode 2 of the first season.  The episode is about something else, but Baxter appears toward the end and fully develops his character for the rest of the seasons.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 27, 2021, 08:40:38 AM
Quote from: Gawdzilla Sama on June 19, 2021, 11:26:44 AMLove the Loki show. More twists and turns than a pretzel with Tourette's.
I saw a behind the scenes of the writers' room and they essentially used Dan Harmond's story circle plot.  Now I kinda feel cheated because while those plots are entertaining, they're very cyclical and almost static - the characters basically end up where they started.  I prefer characters to change even more than that and be unable to return to the previous status quo.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on August 22, 2021, 01:07:59 AM
New Helluva Boss just dropped... and this might be the best one yet.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on August 22, 2021, 02:35:57 AM
I went into that with zero context, and that was a trip lol.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on August 22, 2021, 11:53:16 AM
Quote from: Shiranu on August 22, 2021, 02:35:57 AM
I went into that with zero context, and that was a trip lol.

Start with the pilot episode. For some reason, these guys name the second episode "episode 1," so it's a little confusing. The pilot is what you need for the context.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 22, 2021, 03:32:13 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on March 01, 1975, 11:59:19 PMFor some reason, these guys name the second episode "episode 1," so it's a little confusing.
*laughs in binary and hexadecimal*
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on August 22, 2021, 07:24:49 PM
the gf and i watched 'the handmaid's tale's first episode.
She'd wanted to see it for a while.
I've heard many great things.
But I must admit. It does not have me hooked yet.
It's okay, but nothing spectacular.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on August 26, 2021, 12:13:02 PM
Watched the first three episodes of Marvel's "What-If" series. The second episode had me thinking about this meme.

Spoilers for if you haven't seen it yet.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on August 27, 2021, 06:39:49 PM
Ten new episodes of Dexter will return to Showtime in November. Apparently fans felt like there was not enough closure to the original series.  I thought the conclusion was fine.  Sure it left everyone hanging, but that's not unusual.  In fact, every damn episode left me hanging.
Title: TV Series Thread
Post by: Biffster on August 30, 2021, 12:01:37 AM
Don’t know if this has been mentioned yet, and there’s over 1200 entries on this thread that I don’t have time to read, but I definitely recommend The Leftovers (HBO) if you haven’t seen it. It runs 3 seasons and deals with how humanity survives after the “sudden departure” makes 2% of the world’s population mysteriously disappear. Stars Justin Theroux, Amy Breneman, Christopher Excleston and Carrie Coon. Written by Damon Lindelof (Lost) based on a book by Tom Parotta with many great directors including Mimi Leder.  Lots of puzzling stories but they definitely pay off.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on September 01, 2021, 05:22:15 PM
Adds more tragedy to a character who was already tragic.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on September 02, 2021, 01:53:47 PM
I know I wrote it before, but could you guys look into Fleabag please?  *Amazon.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on September 08, 2021, 12:53:17 PM
What If...?

Episode 4: "What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?"

Wow. This show's really shifted tones. The first two episodes were light hearted and funny. Third episode was kinda dark, but still funny. This one's just full on dark and sad, and I love it.

[spoiler]This is more along the lines of what I was expecting with this show. In the movies, things typically work out for the best, due in large part to a lot of luck. Basically, if the plot demands a good ending, it will come by some means. So it could be argued that the movies are the best possible timeline, or at least one of the very good ones. But what if the hero doesn't get lucky? What if you one part of the story that drastically changes the timeline? Then you get something like this, where Doctor Strange accidentally breaks reality, and the timeline itself falls apart. One part I found really cool was how Dr. Strange interacted with The Watcher, the show's narrator. It made sense within the show's plot, but it was also kind of a forth wall break. Very good episode. I think this one is my favorite so far, just because of how far they take this idea. I wonder, though, if future episodes will be as bleak, or if they'll return to the goofiness of the earlier episodes.[/spoiler]

Episode 5: "What If... Zombies!?"

It had to happen eventually. I know the comics did this kind of thing already, but I avoided it, because some of the ideas were a bit too gross for me to handle. Zombie Spider-Man doesn't use webbing to swing. He uses his veins... Yeck. I don't like to think about. I doubted this show would get that graphic, though. And, yeah. It's pretty PG. No blood or guts. It's about as safe as one could get with a zombie apocalypse. And it's pretty well written too.

[spoiler]Seems the zombies in this universe have at least some of their intelligence left. Otherwise, the zombified heroes wouldn't be much of a threat. Iron Man knows how to use his technology, magicians still know how to cast magic, etc. The twist with Vision was...I didn't see it coming, but it made sense with his character. The episode seems to end a bit prematurely, though. We're meant to assume they successfully cured the world of zombies, but what happens then? Do the zombified just collapse, unresponsive? Or do they come back to life, with chunks of their flesh missing? And then they show us Thanos with all of the Infinity Stones, he snaps his fingers, and the episode is over? Come on! You can't do that to us! What does zombie Thanos wish for? Does he wish to zombify the whole universe, or is his goal the same? If there's a zombie outbreak, it's not like starvation is a concern anymore. Everybody just eats flesh now. If people die of hunger, it will be because zombies ran out of living to feast on. This is the second time they've left an episode on a cliffhanger, and I doubt they're going to have a part 2 at some point. Unless season 2 is going to continue each timeline they started, aside from Strange's for...obvious reasons.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 15, 2021, 06:31:25 PM
Just finished What If episode 4.  It's basically the Thousand Sons backstory, lol.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 21, 2021, 01:33:34 AM
Lower Decks.  Star Trek show where low-ranking crew get up to wacky hijinks.  I thought it might get stale after a while, but it has really grown on me.

As much as it rips on Trek, it does genuinely have a soft spot for boldly going (the two tech/science geniuses are lovable and their enthusiasm is infectious), albeit acknowledging that sometimes being a stickler for the rules does more harm than good.

As a guy who's sick of death of scifi dystopia after dystopia, I really like tuning into a show where most people are genuinely good people trying to do good things and love to learn and grow as people.  There's something super wholesome about that vision of the future.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on September 21, 2021, 02:20:30 AM
Wandavision got cheated at the Emmy's, but what's new?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 22, 2021, 10:44:46 PM
Speak of Mephisto, I was just watching a video about Wandavision's central mystery and how it was told.

Mysteries tend to operate by certain rules.  Something (usually bad) happens, you're introduced to the setting and characters, the author then reveals clues that you use to figure out who done it and why.  Eventually, the author reveals everything, but if you're sharp enough, you can figure out who done it before the big reveal.

We know something's wrong in Westview.  We know Wanda is linked to it somehow.  Clues: the airplane, the beekeeper, the radio, the Sword logo, the commercials, the end credits viewed from afar as a sitcom in-universe, etc.  Vision could have been great as our Watson, piecing stuff together and helping us along our journey of discovery.

But then something happens.  Almost everything is revealed in episode 4, way before the audience could reasonably piece everything together.  So when Vision starts piecing things together, it falls flat because the audience already knows everything he's discovering.  There were some reveals after that, but the central mystery is utterly gone and these reveals don't really qualify as mysteries because they're either blindingly obvious (suspicious person did something bad, no way!) or impossible to predict (John P. Erection)

So a lot of Wandavision's appeal just kinda died on the vine, sad to say.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on September 23, 2021, 02:27:51 AM
In my defense, I watch these shows either wasted or stoned out of my mind and so these key moments are very exciting and new to me.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on September 23, 2021, 03:08:48 AM
Star Wars: Visions ... only about 5 minutes in, but holy shit this is fucking cool.

Think Star Wars meets Kurazawa meets anime, and you have the first episode. Holy shit.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on September 23, 2021, 03:38:07 AM
My brother and sister and sister in law are buying disney+ for a year for my gf's birthday. Yay!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 23, 2021, 08:49:50 PM
Quote from: Shiranu on September 23, 2021, 02:27:51 AMIn my defense, I watch these shows either wasted or stoned out of my mind and so these key moments are very exciting and new to me.
Don't get me wrong, just cause Wandavision had a couple flaws doesn't mean it wasn't damn good.  I'm just picking a show apart, analyzing the hell out of it, and figuring out what could have been better.  My own little What If, so to speak.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on September 23, 2021, 09:28:05 PM
Quote from: Shiranu on September 23, 2021, 03:08:48 AM
Star Wars: Visions ... only about 5 minutes in, but holy shit this is fucking cool.

Think Star Wars meets Kurazawa meets anime, and you have the first episode. Holy shit.

I was a bit confused when I first saw it. But after giving it a watch, I concur. It is very good. What people should understand about the series is that each episode is its own self-contained story, each with its own characters and unique art style. So aside from the anime style and the Star Wars setting, each episode is an entirely different experience. If you like anime and you like Star Wars, you will probably like Star Wars: Visions.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on September 24, 2021, 03:55:25 PM

Just watched Ep. 4, "The Village Bride" ... really good episode. Episode 2 was okay, I wasn't big on episode 3's animation or voices (though the premise was interesting), so it was nice to see it hitting it's stride again.

1. Like the first episode it really wore it's influences on it's sleeve; mysterious stranger/gunslinger/ronin protects village being raided by bandits. It's cliche in both Westerns and Samurai movies, but it's cliche for a reason... it's a good story.

2. I like that it shows a more nature-oriented cultures interpretation of the force; you would think more cultures in the Star Wars universe would have mythical stories about it's magic, but maybe by the time of the Republic it was kind of like our world; technology has progressed so far that "civilized" people are so far removed from even thinking of it as folktales and superstition that it's not something most people are even aware of.

3. The animation is just really pretty.

Edit: 4. The soundtrack is done by the guy who did Nier Automata, so you know it good.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on September 25, 2021, 07:06:11 AM
The Exorcist 2016 FOX
I've watched two episodes.  It's interesting and well acted.  Pretty much expands on the original premise of the first 1970s film and borrows from the creep scenes, but also adds some of it's own.  The original movie was one of the most terrifying cinematic events of my life, but after watching it a couple more times the shock is gone.  The same for the FOX series.  It's not hold onto your seat horror, but well done so far.  It only went for two seasons and the third was cancelled, but I've seen TV series that were a lot worse that lasted much longer.  I don't know if that means anything or not.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on September 29, 2021, 08:40:26 PM
What If...? Episode 8: "What If...Ultron Won?"

Non-spoiler version: This is the ONE episode where watch order matters. Don't watch this one until after you've seen the previous episodes. The show has taken quite a turn.

Spoiler version: [spoiler]So, that scene where Dr. Strange hears The Watcher and asks him for help was building up to something, and it wasn't just a one-time thing. Very interesting. Future episodes, of course, will be affected by this turn. The Watcher has breaken their promise, and they've agreed to help a fallen timeline in exchange for the help of its Sorcerer Supreme. Next episode, I assume, they work together to beat Ultron and save the multiverse. But what then?[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 09, 2021, 12:57:54 AM
Just checked out Squid Game


Green light!  .......redlight.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on October 09, 2021, 01:28:07 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on October 09, 2021, 12:57:54 AM
Just checked out Squid Game


Green light!  .......redlight.

I've heard nothing but good things about this series, I will have to start it soon. Started Sasha Baron Cohen's, "The Spy" instead and really enjoying it, but feel like I'm missing out.

As for "The Spy"; really enjoying it, though I will be honest... I've fast-fowarded through a few episodes. Sasha's story is absolutely enthralling (based on a true story, an Israeli spy goes undercover in Syria in the 50s and rubs shoulders with many powerful men [and doesn't have a happy ending, I don't think, leading up to the 6-Day War) and he performs amazingly in a serious role, but some of the side-plot felt skippable to me.

I do appreciate that neither side really seems to be the "good" guy; both think they are doing the right thing while committing atrocities against one another, and the "bad guys" have legitimate depth and character to them that makes it hard to view them as an enemy instead of a human.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 09, 2021, 01:50:48 AM
If you watch the first episode all the way through, you'll know for sure if this series is right for you.  *coughInvinciblecough*  Please film your reaction.  I am 100% serious about that.

Personally, I found the first few scenes very tedious and contemplated turning it off.  I'm glad I didn't.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on October 14, 2021, 02:35:12 PM
What If...? Season 1

So this show turned out to be very different than I expected. At first, it seems like a compilation of interesting story ideas, where you tweak the timeline in some way and explore the consequences. Up until a certain point, that's what it was. You could pick any episode at random, and there was no interconnected plot threads connecting them. But then the final two episodes happen, and the context of the entire show changes. Without getting into spoilers, I did enjoy this first season. My favorite episodes are the really dark ones, especially the one starring Doctor Strange. BTW, they didn't bring all of the actors from the movies in for this show, but Benedict Cumberbatch was brought in for this, and he did a fantastic job.

Some of the episodes end rather abruptly, and often on cliff hangers. That makes the stories seem like they're not as fleshed out as they could have been. I think there will be a  season two, but whether or not they return to these timelines to put a bow on them, it will create problems. If they do return to those timelines to flesh them out, that episode is another original timeline and story we could have gotten, being sacrificed to retread old ground. If they don't, then those unfinished stories never feel fully resolved. It feels to me like they put artificial restraints on themselves that hurt the quality of the series. This is a show released on their own streaming service. Do they all have to be the same length? Could they not fit in another few episodes to include a part 2 for some of these stories? I don't get it.

[Spoiler=Now for spoilers...]Really, I should have seen the twist coming. They're not going to tell us that The Watcher swore an oath never to interfere unless they were planning to have him break that rules. It's how like in Star Trek, they'd only bring up the fact that they're not supposed to interact with alien societies who hadn't discovered space travel yet when they were about to break that rule. When Doctor Strange heard The Watcher monologuing, that should have been another clue, but I thought that was going to be a one-time thing. Turned out, Ultron could do the same thing, due to the power of the stones. It didn't ruin the show for me, but it really did change the feel of the show. Now, going into season 2, I just expect a similar multiversal threat to force The Watcher to break his oath again.

What timeline was Gamora picked up from? The Watcher gathers all of these characters from timelines introduced in previous episodes, but Gamora's timeline was not established. The Watcher just grabs her from a random timeline. From what I've heard, her timeline was SUPPOSED to get an episode, but they delayed it for some reason for season two. If that's true then...why? Why couldn't they just release this season when it was ready? Are we going to be introduced to this character properly in season 2? This just feels messy.

What are the rules for the Infinity Stones? Why was Ultron hunting down and killing people by hand when he could just snap them out of existence? If there's an in-universe explanation for this, they should have told us. Also, I know they changed the rules before when they had Thanos use the stones to destroy themselves, which is impossible in the comics, but that could be written off as differences between timelines. However, it was my understanding that the stones are only useful in the universe that they came from. So as soon as Ultron stepped out of his timeline, the stones should have become powerless, right? It's strange. I simultaneously felt like the stones were too weak and too strong at the same time.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 14, 2021, 11:36:37 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on October 14, 2021, 02:35:12 PMSome of the episodes end rather abruptly, and often on cliff hangers. That makes the stories seem like they're not as fleshed out as they could have been.
IIRC, that's true of the What If comics as well.  Also, the comics were not as fleshed out as they could have been, so there's that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 15, 2021, 10:25:41 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on October 14, 2021, 02:35:12 PM[Spoiler=Now for spoilers...]What are the rules for the Infinity Stones? Why was Ultron hunting down and killing people by hand when he could just snap them out of existence? If there's an in-universe explanation for this, they should have told us. Also, I know they changed the rules before when they had Thanos use the stones to destroy themselves, which is impossible in the comics, but that could be written off as differences between timelines. However, it was my understanding that the stones are only useful in the universe that they came from. So as soon as Ultron stepped out of his timeline, the stones should have become powerless, right? It's strange. I simultaneously felt like the stones were too weak and too strong at the same time.[/spoiler]
The rules for Infinity Stones aren't very clear, but essentially, the stones can be used in other realities but they have weaker effects (they're not as strong as the native stones).

In areas outside of time and space, they're completely useless.  This is because they manipulate the basic nature of the universe.  If you're not in a universe, there's nothing for them to manipulate.  It's like having a tv remote without the tv.

IIRC, the stones cannot be destroyed permanently, though they can be atomized and may take a while to reform.

Not sure exactly what loophole Thanos found to destroy them entirely, but I'd bet he used the power stone to channel so much power through the other stones and itself that it perpetually overloaded them all, permanently destabilizing them in an endless loop of unstable energies.  Just thinking about that scenario weirds me out.  It's like dividing by zero with nukes and the pillars of reality.  It's amazing that he was able to do that and walk away intact.  Surviving that with a permanent limp is the most fortunate outcome.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on October 23, 2021, 12:10:32 PM
I'm watching Inside Job. LOLOL
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 23, 2021, 10:32:39 PM

I love this show.  And despite it being mostly slapstick, vampire lore gags, and just regular gags, there's some character growth.  It's surprisingly wholesome sometimes.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on October 29, 2021, 01:55:25 AM
Trying to get into "Squid Game", but there is something just a little to real to it that makes it more uncomfortable than anything else.

A friend of mine is in a mmo-guild (apparently one of the top WoW and FFXIV ones), and one of his mates is the son of a Russian oligarch; lives in a Versailles-looking aristocrat's estate, cars, guns, women, all that shit (he streams as well, so know it's actually him). He has told him several times that he has looked into doing something very similar; a few years ago he really wanted to rent out an island to get a bunch of poor people and have a battle royale to the death for the fuck of it and record it all.

It isn't some far-fetched fantasy of how these people view those "bellow them", it's reality... and my guess it has actually happened and we just don't know about it yet.

Edit: Yeah, just finished the first episode and it's not for me. I can 100% see the appeal of it, but knowing people like that makes it too uncomfortable to watch. If it is a good introduction to the commoner that people like that exists, great... but I also fear it might make it seem more "cartoonish" villain than real-life psychopaths.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 29, 2021, 02:53:29 PM
Quote from: Shiranu on October 29, 2021, 01:55:25 AM
Trying to get into "Squid Game", but there is something just a little to real to it that makes it more uncomfortable than anything else.
Because it's a thinly-veiled criticism of capitalism.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on October 29, 2021, 04:32:29 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on October 29, 2021, 02:53:29 PM
Because it's a thinly-veiled criticism of capitalism.

Like I said, it's more than that... it's that I know of people who have the resources to do something far too similar to this and legitimately want to. They would watch it and take notes.

That discomfort doesn't have anything to do with capitalism (the show 100% is), it's knowing about psychopaths who would make the artistic criticism into a literal, hellish reality. Their families presumably became rich during the Soviet Union.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on October 29, 2021, 06:10:10 PM
A Republican watches Squid Games
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on October 31, 2021, 11:34:40 PM
Surprised nobody posted this yet.

Finale? Already? D'aw... But okay. It's part 1. Still got at least one more left this season.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on November 15, 2021, 10:16:29 AM
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on November 19, 2021, 06:14:24 PM
Watching dexter: new blood, currently.

Yes. Just yes.
Dexter had been getting a bit more stale in the later seasons. And his ability to balancr work and home and his hobby was really superhuman... but i really liked the show and the character. Though i never watched the last few episodes. Know what happened though.

But this... it made me realize just how much i missed this character. This is swell. Super swell
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on November 20, 2021, 04:36:15 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on November 19, 2021, 06:14:24 PM
Watching dexter: new blood, currently.

Yes. Just yes.
Dexter had been getting a bit more stale in the later seasons.
I think by the later seasons, I got used to the tension that drives the series.  I became confident that Dexter would always find a way to escape his latest jam, and I didn't find it as necessary to watch the next episode just for the relief it would provide.  I also got used to the fact that the tension was never going to go away.  Having said that, I never even considered missing an episode.

Of all the TV series I've seen, Dexter and Breaking Bad would tie for first place, although I would probably give a slight edge to Dexter... maybe.  Nothing else comes close to being in contention, IMO.  I didn't know New Blood was out, so I guess I have to sign up for Showtime again.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on November 20, 2021, 04:54:15 AM
Rewatching Deep Space Nine... I tried to rewatch The Next Generation, but my god that show has aged horribly.

DS9 on the other hand? *Chefs' kiss*. Starts strong and only gets better.

I need to give Dexter and Breaking Bad a go sometime, I think I got a season into BB before I stopped watching it...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on November 20, 2021, 05:44:38 AM
We have a kind of saying as 'the country's Dexter need'. It could easily be 'a country's Dexter need'. LOL How much does your country need Dexter(s)?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on November 20, 2021, 07:04:00 AM
Our biggest problem is not cleaning up the messes of serial killers, so Dexter wouldn't change much.  Our biggest problems are happy gun owners that go berserk in the malls during unplanned psychotic breaks.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on November 24, 2021, 02:14:34 PM
I've just started Fargo's 3rd season. It's really good.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 24, 2021, 07:34:41 PM
Quote from: Shiranu on November 20, 2021, 04:54:15 AMRewatching Deep Space Nine... I tried to rewatch The Next Generation, but my god that show has aged horribly.

DS9 on the other hand? *Chefs' kiss*. Starts strong and only gets better.
Imho, TNG is very different pre Best Of Both Worlds and post Best Of Both Worlds (Borg, Picard was assimilated, Battle of Wolf 359)

TNG had some fantastic talent which was sadly wasted on mediocre stories and the show in general suffered from its episodic rather than serial format (Babylon 5 was its polar opposite there).  Still, it helped bridge the gap between the replicated ham factory that was the TOS and the more... (mature?  realistic?  touching?) ....genuine 90s era.

DS9 is imo the best Trek show, period.  I am prepared to die on this hill and I have 5,000 photon torpedo armed and ready to launch.  Feel free to scan.

But even DS9 had its occasional bad episode.  I have to skip the baseball episode, anything with Vic Fontane, and a surprisingly large amount of Quark cross-dressing scenes.  That infamous bait-and-switch scene...

Still, dat Dominion War arc.  A true masterpiece.  And Gul Dukat remains Trek's most compelling villain, imo.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on November 24, 2021, 09:55:58 PM
We just finished watching all eight seasons of Badehotellet (Seaside Hotel), a Danish dramedy set in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s about the guests and staff at a small hotel on the North Sea. It has an authentic period feel and is well-acted. The storylines are comfortably predictable yet engaging.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on November 24, 2021, 11:48:12 PM
Quote from: Shiranu on November 20, 2021, 04:54:15 AM
... I tried to rewatch The Next Generation, but my god that show has aged horribly.
You probably started with season one. Start with season two or three. Three is more consistent. Season one is almost entirely made out olf unwatchable garbage.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 05, 2021, 09:57:03 AM
So, I've been watching Locke & Key, it's a TV adaptation of the excellent comic book of the same name written by Joe Hill (pen name of Stephen King's son)

The comic is about a family shattered by a gruesome murder and they move back to the old family estate to try to recover and get on with their lives.  In this old house, the kids find magical keys that can do all sorts of crazy things.  Before long, they're stalked by a malevolent horror from beyond as well as the original murderer, intent on finishing the job.

The TV show is about 45 minutes long.

I kid, all sorts of crazy things happen and it's so close to being amazing without actually being amazing, which is really disappointing.

I'm at the part where people can teleport, shapeshift, alter their own minds, and open the doorway to hell, but the thing I find most implausible is a no-budget film made by highschoolers has a basically red carpet premiere, a packed theater, and an engaged audience.  I keep thinking that it must be some sort of fever dream, but nope, it's 100% real.  Definitely getting Obama-awards-Obama vibes from this.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on December 15, 2021, 08:30:13 AM
I watched the first three episodes of Locke & Key last night and I keep losing interest. All the elements are there and I'm not sure why I'm not more invested. One reason may be that I'm a bit burned out on teen drama, when they go to school my interest wanes. I kept thinking, "I could be watching The Expanse."
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on December 16, 2021, 04:48:56 PM
Dexrer: new blood is ticking all the right boxes for me.

It is so good.

So fucking good.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 16, 2021, 05:19:33 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on December 15, 2021, 08:30:13 AM
I watched the first three episodes of Locke & Key last night and I keep losing interest. All the elements are there and I'm not sure why I'm not more invested. One reason may be that I'm a bit burned out on teen drama, when they go to school my interest wanes. I kept thinking, "I could be watching The Expanse."
Yeah, similar for me.  I dunno if it's the acting or what, but the live-action doesn't really sell the fantastic/horrifying nature of the setting quite like the comics.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on December 16, 2021, 06:05:38 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on December 16, 2021, 05:19:33 PM
Yeah, similar for me.  I dunno if it's the acting or what, but the live-action doesn't really sell the fantastic/horrifying nature of the setting quite like the comics.

I'm sticking with it. There is something about the woman from the well that doesn't quite work, perhaps it's the actress. Her strangling a man to death during sex sets an adult tone but when she interacts with Bode she's like a Disney villain. I agree the reality and the fantasy don't always gel.


I woke up this morning and realized one reason the woman from the well isn't completely working for me. She reminds me of another quirky female homicidal maniac, The Handler in Umbrella Academy, who I loved.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on December 17, 2021, 11:32:08 PM
Has anyone watched Another Life? I like Katie Sackhoff and the premise that a mysterious alien probe lands on Earth and a spaceship is sent to the probe's origin. I've watched the first episode and the crew are twenty-something models, and while I appreciate eye candy the problem is they behave like twenty-something models. This crew is supposed to be the best humanity has to offer but they immediately start making catty comments about each other which escalates to fist fights and murder. The captain is surprised to learn the ship has a force field, which is only an essential part of faster than light travel. Parts of this show are promising and parts are just really bad. If anyone has seen this show, does it get better? Some sci-fi shows have rough starts but then improve after a few episodes.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 17, 2021, 11:54:31 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on December 17, 2021, 11:32:08 PMThe captain is surprised to learn the ship has a force field, which is only an essential part of faster than light travel.
Really?!  Dafuq!  I mean, let's say you're going half the speed of light and hit a bowl of petunias (it's possible, just highly improbable).  That's some MAJOR damage.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 19, 2021, 10:19:32 PM
I finished Locke & Key.  There's a season 3 in the works, but I won't see it.  The season 2 finale was such a major deviation from the source material that it might as well be called something else.

This is like watching Romeo and Juliet get married and open up their own the end of Hamlet.  :/
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on December 19, 2021, 11:58:40 PM
I too just finished season 2 of Locke and Key. There were some twists that I didn't expect, although from the first shot of the demon's swanky lair you knew how that would end up.

I gave up on Another Life after the first episode.

Listening to this woman bitch about the show was more interesting than the show itself.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on December 20, 2021, 01:47:52 AM
Yeah, I wanted to give Another Life a go just because of Stackhoff, but everything I saw just looked shit... and the reviews I've seen since then confirm that.

There is a whole underwhelming universe of shitty Sci-fi out there, so I try to avoid it as best I can because aint nobody got time for that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on December 20, 2021, 06:33:09 AM
3/4/2022 -- MST3K Season 13 begins.

Other than that, nothing really has my attention other than JMS' announcement that he's going to remount Babylon 5, and keeping up with QI, Mock the Week, 8 out of 10 Cats does Countdown, Would I Lie to You? and Doctor Who.  I let my Hulu subscription go last month; I'm keeping Netflix and BritBox.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 22, 2021, 08:35:13 PM
Hawkeye has no business being as good as it is.

The first three episodes were kinda meh, to be honest.  Then it ramps up to basically movie-level quality.  Those last two episodes, it's like I'm watching Black Widow 2.

While it has some amount of goofiness and nonsense (one guy pretty much murders like 30 bros in the streets and it's played for laughs), it was a hell of a ride.

My list of MCU TV shows (Descending order of awesomeness)
1.  Loki
2.  What If?
2.  Wandavision
3.  Hawkeye
4.  The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 23, 2021, 11:38:35 PM

Season 1 is a futuristic scifi military drama with a dash of transhumanism.   Lovable characters, too.  Occasionally disturbing AF, but overall optimistic.  And surprisingly bloodless for a show featuring war, with the violence more implied than explicit. 10/10 would recommend.

Season 2 is a goddamn trainwreck.  Way more violent and bleak.  Bizarre, explicit sex scenes that feel like they were just slapped in there for shock value rather than an earned culmination of an ongoing relationship.  Morally gray.  We're talking Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender gray, with both the "good" faction and "evil" faction significantly reworked since season 1.  Overall incredibly pessimistic - to the point of them putting the friggin' Suicide Hotline at the end of the episode.  ?/10 would not recommend.

You can watch season 1 with a soda and the rest of the family (for the most part)
You have to watch season 2 alone with a beer or antidepressants

Needs a script doctor stat...belay that...a script necromancer.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on December 25, 2021, 08:46:24 AM
Loudermilk. It's good. Comedy. An old music critic who is a sober alcoholic, running an AA and trying to help people. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on December 30, 2021, 03:22:52 PM
Not really TV, but it's a 7 episode series done by Netflix, so it's not a movie either.  The Queens Gambit is a wonderful chess story, although the special after the movie says it's not really about chess (which is pure nonsense), and yes there's other stuff too, as there was in Searching for Bobby Fischer.  But it's 90% about chess, with some other stuff added for interest and tension.  It's exciting, fun, and heartfelt.  I hope it comes out on DVD, because I want this one in my collection.

Edit:  It is out on DVD already, and I'm buying it right now.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on December 30, 2021, 03:37:54 PM
Oops, no DVD yet, listings are all "out of stock", and I suspect has never  been in stock since it's still on Netflix Streaming.  What I almost ordered was the book. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 05, 2022, 06:54:25 PM
Any of yall watching The Book of Boba Fett?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on January 07, 2022, 01:06:54 AM
I enjoyed the first episode of the new PBS series Around the World in 80 Days. It is a reimagining of Jules Verne's story, so purists be warned.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 07, 2022, 01:11:28 AM
Jules Verne! Oh that sounds good.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on January 07, 2022, 01:23:35 AM
I remember the feature film from the 1950s (?), and especially it's theme song, which must have made it to near the top of the charts.  The whole thing was spectacular, and of course the ending was a stunning surprise, but variations of that ending of been co-opted in later films, and I often spot them before they are revealed.  But it took me by complete surprise in the film.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 07, 2022, 05:02:43 AM
Quote from: SGOS on January 07, 2022, 01:23:35 AM
I remember the feature film from the 1950s (?), and especially it's theme song, which must have made it to near the top of the charts.  The whole thing was spectacular, and of course the ending was a stunning surprise, but variations of that ending of been co-opted in later films, and I often spot them before they are revealed.  But it took me by complete surprise in the film.

I haven't seen it. I've probably seen one closer to this date. I also remember TinTin's issue for some reason. I didn't read it regularly. But Dupont Dupont is in front my eyes in this scenario, trying to hurry, checking with their watch. Maybe I'm pasting two different things on each other, lol. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 07, 2022, 08:40:58 AM
It's good, I liked it. But I can assure you majority will hate this series,lol. Also, David Tennant could be one of the most underrated actors.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on January 13, 2022, 04:57:13 PM
Finished ´dexter: new blood´
I feel like I know where it was headed. Still not dissapointed, somehow.
Good show.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on January 15, 2022, 02:13:09 AM
Doing a little media archaeology -- I've been watching Gerry Anderson's "UFO" and I had forgotten how much plain old fashioned fun that show was.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on January 19, 2022, 07:44:44 PM
Finally got around to catching up with Rick and Morty. IMO, this season contains some of the best episodes of the series so far. It's very fun and self-aware. In the previous season (I think), the characters had this meta thing going on, centered on the conflict between making serialized episodes versus episodic, and this season does a similar thing. Although each episode is mostly self-contained, elements of past episodes do pop up later, and the finale builds on the lore more. One negative of this season, IMO, is that while it is fun, the logic of the show's universe seems to be breaking down a bit. It was my impression that the things Rick and Morty encountered were considered weird by normal human standards, but people outside of the Sanchez family don't seem phased by any of the weirdness going on. There's a Captain Planet ripoff character who's just around. Not as just a TV show character, but as a real person who flies around stopping forest fires. There's an underground society of horse people. This seems to be common knowledge. The new kid in town is shown the interdimensional TV, and he doesn't seem impressed.

We also get Rick's backstory shown to us, so that we'd "finally shut up about it." But it actually leaves me with some questions, ironically. I don't know if missed something there or what.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 19, 2022, 08:00:09 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on January 19, 2022, 07:44:44 PMOne negative of this season, IMO, is that while it is fun, the logic of the show's universe seems to be breaking down a bit. It was my impression that the things Rick and Morty encountered were considered weird by normal human standards, but people outside of the Sanchez family don't seem phased by any of the weirdness going on. There's a Captain Planet ripoff character who's just around. Not as just a TV show character, but as a real person who flies around stopping forest fires. There's an underground society of horse people. This seems to be common knowledge. The new kid in town in shown the interdimensional TV, and he doesn't seem impressed.
Good point.  Didn't think about the masquarade-breaking incidents.  I suppose someone in the writers' room is going to have to jump in a vat of acid.  Don't worry, I hear one of them is acid-proof, so it should be a cakewalk.

QuoteWe also get Rick's backstory shown to us, so that we'd "finally shut up about it." But it actually leaves me with some questions, ironically. I don't know if missed something there or what.
Same here.  From what I've gathered, every universe we've seen in the show so far is deliberately one that has a Rick and where a Rick (not sure which one) is the smartest being in this subset of universes - the central finite curve - and Rick is truly the most powerful being in these universes (which seems counterintuitive given how often Ricks get killed).

What we will see in the future are universes that no longer follow this pattern, where Rick is not on top - a true threat to Rick's dominance.  Also, these universes - this Beyond - will likely consist of far more alien ...umm...aliens.  (I swear, Jerry didn't write this post)

Suffice it to say that we're likely to encounter stuff that needs a mnemonic device.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cassia on January 19, 2022, 08:52:25 PM
TV was on. I wasn't paying attention much, doing other things. Some "house-hunting-couple" shows were running serially and every time I looked-up and listened-in there was a Karen complaining about wallpaper or carpet.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 19, 2022, 10:06:27 PM
Quote from: Cassia on January 19, 2022, 08:52:25 PM
TV was on. I wasn't paying attention much, doing other things. Some "house-hunting-couple" shows were running serially and every time I looked-up and listened-in there was a Karen complaining about wallpaper or carpet.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on January 19, 2022, 10:19:37 PM
Quote from: trdsf on January 15, 2022, 02:13:09 AM
Doing a little media archaeology -- I've been watching Gerry Anderson's "UFO" and I had forgotten how much plain old fashioned fun that show was.

Been meaning to watch that one because of the superficial connection to the film Moon Zero Two. Namely space wigs.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 24, 2022, 11:30:04 AM
As We See It
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on January 24, 2022, 01:54:04 PM
QuoteIt was my impression that the things Rick and Morty encountered were considered weird by normal human standards, but people outside of the Sanchez family don't seem phased by any of the weirdness going on.

Wouldn't be surprised if this is a clue that we aren't with "our" Rick anymore; also wouldn't be surprised if it was 100% accidental and they just say that to look smart.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 24, 2022, 02:12:04 PM
It also could be that Rick and Morty's creators are sick of a certain group of young men scrutinizing the show to interpret reality, and write post around in social media why everyone else is stupid and they are the only one who can correctly understand/ comment on the show. :lol:
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on January 24, 2022, 02:31:26 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on January 24, 2022, 02:12:04 PM
It also could be that Rick and Morty's creators are sick of a certain group of young men scrutinizing the show to interpret reality, and write post around in social media why everyone else is stupid and they are the only one who can't correctly understand/ comment on the show. :lol:

That sounds remarkably on-brand for Harmond, but you also woman and wouldn't understand his galaxy brain writing so it's probably just all part of his plan to trick you 'cause he smart like that and it takes a special mind to realize his genius.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 25, 2022, 01:03:32 AM
Quote from: Shiranu on January 24, 2022, 02:31:26 PM
That sounds remarkably on-brand for Harmond, but you also woman and wouldn't understand his galaxy brain writing so it's probably just all part of his plan to trick you 'cause he smart like that and it takes a special mind to realize his genius.

Oh I see. But I remember them giving a reaction together to that specific idiocy that you need to be gifted to understand a mainstream show. :lol: Oh gawd...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on January 25, 2022, 01:22:00 AM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on January 25, 2022, 01:03:32 AM
Oh I see. But I remember them giving a reaction together to that specific idiocy that you need to be gifted to understand a mainstream show. :lol: Oh gawd...

Oh, they are certainly "gifted" though.


Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on January 27, 2022, 04:52:08 PM
Watched the first season of ´barry´.
Didn´t know anything about it, but it was great.
Especially funny if you are a theaternerd.
Special bland of dark and funny.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 03, 2022, 10:07:33 AM
After watching a ton of Star Wars series lately (Clone Wars, Bad Batch, Mandalorian season 2, Book of Boba Fett/Mandalorian season 3) I have the following announcement to make:

The Jedi are bigtime POSes (except Kenobi, he's cool) and fully deserved all the bad things that happened to them.  Their order deserves to be dismantled and the galaxy is better off without them.

But Hydra, they seem nice and heroic, why do you dislike them so much?  Sure, they've done good things during war.  But look at how they operate during peacetime.

1) They kidnap kids and indoctrinate them.  They essentially brainwash kids and train them to be child soldiers.
2) The secret creation of test-tube soldiers, essentially slave warriors, by the Jedi Order.  No authority within the Republic authorized this, not did Republic citizens consent to this.
3) Backwards beliefs like their policy of non-attachment creates a stunted emotional life and leads directly to a lot of interpersonal problems and emotional hardship.
4) Luke and Ahsoka are shown to be emotionally manipulative, actively keeping a dad from seeing his adopted son and the son from seeing the dad.  Shameful!
5) Political power not derived from the people.
6) Interference in galactic affairs without the consent of the people they supposedly represent.  See above.
7) Said interence is often for their own benefit, protecting the Jedi order is top priority.  Exhibit A: the attempted murder of The Chancellor instead of following due process.
8) Whatever heroism they show is often to ingratiate themselves with a high official, like Queen Amidala or Duchess Satine and then expecting preferential treatment in the future.  And let's just say that these relationships are not strictly professional.
9) False accusations towards Ahsoka Tano and poor, unjust treatment of her and likely other padawans.

- a concerned Mandalorian
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on February 03, 2022, 11:13:35 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on February 03, 2022, 10:07:33 AM

- a concerned Mandalorian
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on February 03, 2022, 06:29:19 PM
QuoteSure, they've done good things during war.

That their political corruption caused and festered...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 03, 2022, 06:42:50 PM
Quote from: Shiranu on February 03, 2022, 06:29:19 PMThat their political corruption caused and festered...
Yes, but Mandos wouldn't know that.  They would know about their warrior prowess and give them props for that but despise almost everything else about them, especially their non-attachment philosophy and sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on February 03, 2022, 07:06:54 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on February 03, 2022, 06:42:50 PM
Yes, but Mandos wouldn't know that.  They would know about their warrior prowess and give them props for that but despise almost everything else about them, especially their non-attachment philosophy and sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.

Ah okay, didn't read that from Mando perspective... just overall.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 03, 2022, 07:25:33 PM
The tongue-in-cheek joke is that many of the criticisms are full of hypocrisy (child soldiers, childhood indoctrination, backwards traditions) or trying to have it both ways (Ahsoka is painted as a bad guy in #4 but a sympathetic downtrodden in #9)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on February 04, 2022, 12:35:24 AM
I thought the test tube soldiers were ordered by Sidious, or one of his agents.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 04, 2022, 01:09:13 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on February 04, 2022, 12:35:24 AM
I thought the test tube soldiers were ordered by Sidious, or one of his agents.
Possibly.  But officially, the name on the purchase was jedi master Sifo-Dyas, who died some time after the purchase.  That's all that's known with certainty.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on February 04, 2022, 01:50:55 AM
Watched the second season of the Netflix documentary Cheer. Darker, messier, and at times very moving. I am amazed at the work and athleticism required for these routines.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 04, 2022, 01:11:23 PM
Molly cows. Can you imagine their practise routines in any level. Exactly how tough these kids are?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 09, 2022, 11:43:20 PM
Boba Fett.  Just saw the season finale.  Didn't disappoint.

I won't lie to you guys and say that the logic or tactics are flawless, but it's no GoT s8.  Maybe more like GoT s4, where some stuff didn't add up but it was still very good.

[spoiler]I 100% roll like the Pyke Syndicate, tactics-wise.  Nothing too complicated or unconventional, just tried-and-true tactics with a couple aces up my sleeve.  If it weren't for plot armor (more like plot beskar), Boba and co would be 100% dead.[/spoiler]
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on February 12, 2022, 12:25:35 AM
The Gizmoplex app is up for Android (, iOS ( and Roku (!) systems, so I've been watching the MST3K episodes I had on and getting more excited over the Season 13 premiere three weeks from today.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 20, 2022, 12:54:47 PM
I think you should leave with Tim Robinson.  :agreenod: It's very funny.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 20, 2022, 07:30:53 PM
I tried to try Star Trek Prodigy, but it's the most graphically-impressive, well-rendered crap I've ever seen in my life.

It would be good except for three key flaws:
1) Literally seems geared towards babies
2) Boring to the point of unwatchability
3) Not even the slightest whiff of normal Star Trek themes

A key plot point is that the starship is being pulled into gravity well of a star and about to be destroyed.  The star?  A white dwarf.  <1.2 solar masses.  It's like being crushed to death by a chihuahua.  Possible?  I guess.  Likely?  No.  (the cherry on top is that the white dwarf is tearing apart a nearby red giant even though red giants are usually more than a solar mass, up to 8 solar masses)

Oh, and the ship's sublight engines can't escape the gravity well, so one person has the galaxy-brain idea of getting into an escape pod, which likely has much, much less thrust.  It's like parachuting out of a plane caught in a hurricane.  You better thank your lucky stars that there aren't any available (they jettisoned the escape pods at the first sign of trouble lol)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 26, 2022, 01:40:21 PM
Has anyone seen The Haunting of Bly Manor? Is it too scary or watchable?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on February 26, 2022, 03:31:08 PM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on February 26, 2022, 01:40:21 PM
Has anyone seen The Haunting of Bly Manor? Is it too scary or watchable?

I enjoyed The Haunting of Bly Manor. It is more creepy, suspenseful, Gothic romance than horror movie. It deals with themes such as love, isolation, and regret.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 26, 2022, 03:35:10 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on February 26, 2022, 03:31:08 PM
I enjoyed The Haunting of Bly Manor. It is more creepy, suspenseful, Gothic romance than horror movie. It deals with themes such as love, isolation, and regret.

Oh I'm glad to hear that. It says 'scary', and it didn't really look like that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on February 27, 2022, 08:17:04 AM
Well, I was told to watch The Haunting of Hill House first, so I'm there. It's good. Nothing so bad yet to watch between fingers or closing eyes,lol. If I get scared at night, I'm getting into my screen from here and go through to climb one of yours' bed over there to sleep. It will be day time there anyway.   :heehee:
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on March 06, 2022, 06:03:49 AM
MST3K Season 13 premiered Friday, and they have still got it!  Can't wait for more!

Right now it's backers only, they expect to go live in May.  So if you're not a backer, you have a Mexican luchador time travel vampire movie to look forward to.  No, really.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 05, 2022, 10:18:01 AM
Moon Knight

I've gotta say, I didn't have high hopes for this one, but I've been pleasantly surprised.

I can't talk about the plot much at all without major spoilers, but the show starts off kinda slow and confusing, then fast and confusing (in a good way), then it blew my mind, then it got fairly predictable, then the end credits scene blew my mind again.

Moon Knight episode 5 is pretty much on par with Wandavision in terms of engaging character exploration, if that makes sense.

And I absolutely loved Ethan Hawke as the villain.  If you're bored of cartoonishly evil villains and you want a more cordial, somewhat sympathetic villain, you're going to love him.

Unfortunately, upon analysis, the plot isn't actually particularly unique (macguffin this, save the world that, stuff that's been done to death).  But how it's presented is interesting enough to keep me tuned in, and at the edge of my seat at times.

Who knew an obscure marvel character would be so captivating?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on May 14, 2022, 01:26:04 AM
True Detective. I'd watched the first season when it came out and loved it, but then forgot about it. I've watched it from the beginning and yeah, it's pretty good. I don't get why people didn't like the second season in general. Considering the generation, the flow and the characters fit it well imo, and I think it the 'differences' in handling the story that way was about all that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on May 20, 2022, 12:54:10 AM
I decided, for nostalgia's sake, to revisit one of my childhood favorite cartoons: Digimon. I started because someone on Reddit noticed it was being taken off of Hulu in a couple weeks. So I attempted to binge the whole original series. It was...a lot longer than I remembered it being.

So for reference, Digimon was based on virtual pet device by the same name, which itself was a Tamagotchi made for boys. The creatures would evolve based on how well you took care of them, and you could connect devices together to battle them. So despite the constant comparisons with Pokemon, it's roots are a little deeper than "Pokemon clone." I was obsessed with them as a kid, although I could never figure out the mechanics for how the evolution tree worked.

So on to the anime. I watched the dub, which I understand probably butchered the series, but I don't really care, because it's entertaining. The censorship is obvious to me now, as an adult. Like, there's a moment these characters get their drill sergeant drunk on "soda fizz." After drinking the "soda," the guy's face goes red, and he passes out. You know, as soda tends to do to you. The show also has a lot of toilet humor, but the dub calls the poop "sludge," so it's okay. lol

The dub is like a parody of itself. I was afraid when I revisited it that I'd find it annoying as an adult, but I think I actually like it better now. The show is actually really clever. All they had to do was make it a monster-of-the-week thing, so they can sell their toys, but the writers (the Japanese ones) really seemed to care about what they were putting out into the world. The series has a lot of interesting world building, when an emphasis on character development and drama.

To summarize the story briefly, the story takes place in the 90s. Strange weather events start happening around the globe, like snow in the middle of Summer. These Japanese kids at a Summer camp find themselves pulled into the Digital World, where they find their Digimon partners waiting for them. The kids are apparently the "Digi-Destined," those brought into the world by mysterious forces to help save it. That's the basic gist of it.

One of the show's coolest ideas was tying the growth of the Digimon to their human partners. Each kid has a virtue which is uniquely theirs. Tai, for example, is the courageous one. Each character has to go through a trail to develop their virtue, while the villains try to trip them up. When Tai finds out he's in a world made of data, he gets reckless, thinking himself invincible, because it "isn't real." When his computer geek friend tells him that what happens in the digital world affects the real world (sorta like the Matrix), he freaks out, suddenly realizing how much danger he's in. His friend Sora is kidnapped, and the kidnapper gets away because he hesitates. Later, he redeems himself, and that's when his Digimon partner unlocks the next stage of their evolution.

Izzy is also one of my favorites, because as a computer geek, he realizes he studies the digital world to figure out how it works. He can manipulate the code, making him potentially a god in this world. He finds ways to teleport them to save time, as well as ways to clip through walls. They really could have turned him into a super villain, if they wanted to.

What I also found interesting was when the kids got back to the real world. In most Japanese shows starring ten-year-old kids, the kids are an afterthought. Not very important and rarely seen. Here, they're fleshed out characters. They have complex issues. Matt and TK are brothers living in separate homes, because their parents are divorced. They don't treat this as something to be fixed, but just something they have to deal with. The parents, of course, don't want their kids to get hurt, but they also realize that they have no idea what's going on, so they're in an awkward position having to trust their kids to do what they have to do. It's handled in a well done and realistic way.

It's not perfect, though. Eventually, the series starts to drag on a bit. After a villain is defeated, the next big bad, who was secretly the true villain all along, appears right away. I mean, jeez. The kids can't catch a break. It still has some good moments, but I just felt like it went on a bit too long. The ending was satisfying and emotional, though.

There's also a sequel series taking place four years later. Since Hulu ended up renewing their license for the show afterall, I finished it. I was concerned at first, because I felt like it started off weak. The writing and character development wasn't as good. It was neat seeing the original Digi-Destined get older, but the newer characters sometimes got on my nerves. I stuck with it, though, and boy does it get better. The drama gets deeper than the original series at times. Fortunately, they stuck the landing, in my opinion, with a satisfying conclusion. There's even a time skip, where we get to see the kids all grown up, and with kids of their own.

Overall, I'm happy I watched the show. It's surprisingly mature for children's content with its lessons and drama. There's a time in the final episode where one of the kids says something to the effect of, "I won't give up on me dreams. I just wish I hadn't wasted so much time." God damn it, kid. You're ten. You don't get to say that until you're in your thirties, and you're stuck working a dead-end job. Who was that line really directed towards? I feel attacked. lol
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on May 20, 2022, 09:30:45 AM
Love, Death and Robots V3 arriiiiived. Wohoooo!

My faves for now are Bad Travelling, Swarm, Mason's Rat. I also liked Jibaro. Overall, I'm happy with it. :D

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Draconic Aiur on May 20, 2022, 05:15:51 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on May 20, 2022, 12:54:10 AMI decided, for nostalgia's sake, to revisit one of my childhood favorite cartoons: Digimon. I started because someone on Reddit noticed it was being taken off of Hulu in a couple weeks. So I attempted to binge the whole original series. It was...a lot longer than I remembered it being.

So for reference, Digimon was based on virtual pet device by the same name, which itself was a Tamagotchi made for boys. The creatures would evolve based on how well you took care of them, and you could connect devices together to battle them. So despite the constant comparisons with Pokemon, it's roots are a little deeper than "Pokemon clone." I was obsessed with them as a kid, although I could never figure out the mechanics for how the evolution tree worked.

So on to the anime. I watched the dub, which I understand probably butchered the series, but I don't really care, because it's entertaining. The censorship is obvious to me now, as an adult. Like, there's a moment these characters get their drill sergeant drunk on "soda fizz." After drinking the "soda," the guy's face goes red, and he passes out. You know, as soda tends to do to you. The show also has a lot of toilet humor, but the dub calls the poop "sludge," so it's okay. lol

The dub is like a parody of itself. I was afraid when I revisited it that I'd find it annoying as an adult, but I think I actually like it better now. The show is actually really clever. All they had to do was make it a monster-of-the-week thing, so they can sell their toys, but the writers (the Japanese ones) really seemed to care about what they were putting out into the world. The series has a lot of interesting world building, when an emphasis on character development and drama.

To summarize the story briefly, the story takes place in the 90s. Strange weather events start happening around the globe, like snow in the middle of Summer. These Japanese kids at a Summer camp find themselves pulled into the Digital World, where they find their Digimon partners waiting for them. The kids are apparently the "Digi-Destined," those brought into the world by mysterious forces to help save it. That's the basic gist of it.

One of the show's coolest ideas was tying the growth of the Digimon to their human partners. Each kid has a virtue which is uniquely theirs. Tai, for example, is the courageous one. Each character has to go through a trail to develop their virtue, while the villains try to trip them up. When Tai finds out he's in a world made of data, he gets reckless, thinking himself invincible, because it "isn't real." When his computer geek friend tells him that what happens in the digital world affects the real world (sorta like the Matrix), he freaks out, suddenly realizing how much danger he's in. His friend Sora is kidnapped, and the kidnapper gets away because he hesitates. Later, he redeems himself, and that's when his Digimon partner unlocks the next stage of their evolution.

Izzy is also one of my favorites, because as a computer geek, he realizes he studies the digital world to figure out how it works. He can manipulate the code, making him potentially a god in this world. He finds ways to teleport them to save time, as well as ways to clip through walls. They really could have turned him into a super villain, if they wanted to.

What I also found interesting was when the kids got back to the real world. In most Japanese shows starring ten-year-old kids, the kids are an afterthought. Not very important and rarely seen. Here, they're fleshed out characters. They have complex issues. Matt and TK are brothers living in separate homes, because their parents are divorced. They don't treat this as something to be fixed, but just something they have to deal with. The parents, of course, don't want their kids to get hurt, but they also realize that they have no idea what's going on, so they're in an awkward position having to trust their kids to do what they have to do. It's handled in a well done and realistic way.

It's not perfect, though. Eventually, the series starts to drag on a bit. After a villain is defeated, the next big bad, who was secretly the true villain all along, appears right away. I mean, jeez. The kids can't catch a break. It still has some good moments, but I just felt like it went on a bit too long. The ending was satisfying and emotional, though.

There's also a sequel series taking place four years later. Since Hulu ended up renewing their license for the show afterall, I finished it. I was concerned at first, because I felt like it started off weak. The writing and character development wasn't as good. It was neat seeing the original Digi-Destined get older, but the newer characters sometimes got on my nerves. I stuck with it, though, and boy does it get better. The drama gets deeper than the original series at times. Fortunately, they stuck the landing, in my opinion, with a satisfying conclusion. There's even a time skip, where we get to see the kids all grown up, and with kids of their own.

Overall, I'm happy I watched the show. It's surprisingly mature for children's content with its lessons and drama. There's a time in the final episode where one of the kids says something to the effect of, "I won't give up on me dreams. I just wish I hadn't wasted so much time." God damn it, kid. You're ten. You don't get to say that until you're in your thirties, and you're stuck working a dead-end job. Who was that line really directed towards? I feel attacked. lol

They made a reboot: Digimon 2020. I was excited for it because Digimon was my first anime.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on May 20, 2022, 07:10:49 PM
Quote from: Draconic Aiur on May 20, 2022, 05:15:51 PMThey made a reboot: Digimon 2020. I was excited for it because Digimon was my first anime.

I heard about it. I think it's supposed to be getting a dub eventually, but I don't know if they're going to bring back the old voice actors or use some other cast. There's also a midquel series called Digimon Tri, which takes place before the time skip. I haven't seen it yet either.

When I do get to Digimon Adventure: (weird that they have a colon, but no sub title), I'm going to view it as not a reboot, but an alternate universe sort of thing. It's canon in the original anime that there is a multiverse, and before the anime, there was a manga featuring Tai, but it was very different. There was even a time when the manga Tai and the anime Tai met in a crossover.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on May 23, 2022, 09:45:17 AM
Guys, has anyone seen the Night Sky series?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 29, 2022, 06:52:07 PM
Do you guys remember those old Simpsons episodes with Graggle?  Those were the best!


Do you remember the all-time funniest episode, the one where Bart and Graggle accidentally stole a car and then took it for a joyride to Cancun and then they had to sneak into the US?  It's the epsiode where Bart says "Aye carumba!!" for the first time.


I'll never forget the first time I saw it.  I didn't like The Simpsons before, but that epsiode made me a huge fan.  Such a shame about the voice actor.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on May 29, 2022, 08:41:05 PM
This is more millennial humor, isn't it?

I blame my generation. We should have told you about the Chuck Cunningham molested Joanie thing we did and how that didn't work either.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on May 30, 2022, 01:15:00 PM
Quote from: the_antithesis on May 29, 2022, 08:41:05 PMThis is more millennial humor, isn't it?

I blame my generation. We should have told you about the Chuck Cunningham molested Joanie thing we did and how that didn't work either.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on June 03, 2022, 09:04:45 AM
I was on a long flight and decided to revist a couple of sitcoms I had not seen in years. Big Bang Theory was disappointing. It was tired, the actors were phoning in their performances, and the laugh track was going off on things that were not even remotely funny. Bob's Burgers was laugh-out-loud funny and I had to remind myself I was on a crowded plane.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on June 28, 2022, 02:20:35 AM
So I didn't want to judge the Obi-Wan as a series until it was completed, but now that's over, I've just gotta say... I don't get it. The internal logic and character motivations make no sense, it doesn't tell us anything we didn't already know about Star Wars canon. The series just felt like pointless fluff made to milk the Star Wars franchise, or a (sadly successful) attempt at baiting people with nostalgia for the prequel movies fans apparently decided they like now that they have a newer trilogy to hate on.

If you don't want spoilers, I will be getting into those now, so don't read further.

The show constantly broke my immersion when I'd stop and ask myself questions that the writers apparently never considered. did Reva know to use Leia as bait for Obi-Wan? Seriously, HOW!? The catalyst of the entire plot of the series, never explained. Reva didn't know Leia was related to Anakin, so what made her think, "I know how to draw out Obi-Wan Kenobi. I'll kidnap this random child, and he'll definitely travel across the galaxy to come to her rescue." WTF?

But that wasn't the only time I was taken out of the experience. So at one point, they have this group of rebels, a trade caravan or something, which smuggled people and supplies across the galaxy. The Empire tracks them down with a tracker that was placed on Obi-Wan's ship. They are trapped, with the hangar locked shut by a droid and the front door soon blocked by Reva and a bunch of Stormtroopers. The Empire is using this heavy blaster gun to try to break down the door, and it's taking forever. So Obi-Wan walks up to the door and, I think, uses the Force to communicate with Reva, attempting to reason with her. Then she cuts through the door with her lightsaber. Wait... She cut through the door...with her lightsaber. She could have done that this whole time!? Why did they need the heavy gun!?

Okay, okay. Whatever. So the good guys retreat into the hangar, locking themselves behind another door Reva could totally just cut through whenever she wanted, but just doesn't for some reason. Obi-Wan comes up with a plan, willingly giving himself up to Reva. He knows she just wants to use him as bait, because she wants revenge on Vader. So they agree to help each other. He'll keep Vader's attention on him, and she'll strike while Vader down while he's fixated. Sounds interesting. Okay. So how do they execute this plan? Vader shows up, Reva tells him he escaped back into the hangar, a ship tries to get away, and Vader uses the Force to hold them down. But it turns out that ship was just a decoy, and the real ship flies off behind the decoy. Why didn't Vader catch that one too? I dunno. Too slow, I guess. But now that the rebels have escaped, and Vader is no longer distracted, Reva decides this is the best time to strike. God... Why didn't she strike while he was holding the ship back? Of course, Vader senses her coming and fights back, winning the battle. The Grand Inquisitor she killed earlier is apparently not dead, and they leave her there instead of finishing her off. Why? I dunno! Like everything else, it's never explained! They're using Dr. Evil logic, and assuming she'll die after they leave her unattended. did the rebels escape? The empire literally had them pinned. Did they not have a single X-Wing in the air, patrolling the hangar? You see what I mean? The show makes no sense! But apparently, there were so many people watching the show when it launched, Disney immediately confirmed plans for a second season. How they'll manage that, I have no idea. The show literally had zero loose threads left. What could they possibly do in season 2 that wouldn't feel even more pointless than season 1?

To be fair, the show wasn't all bad. Terrible execution and writing aside, it was nice to see Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan again. Hayden Christensen getting a little more screen time as Anakin/Vader was nice, and the deaging effect in the flashbacks was done well. I also liked most of the characters fine. Leia's ladybug droid is something I wish existed in real life. It's just such a shame they didn't put enough thought into the plot to make it actually coherent.

If you want Star Wars content and if you haven't already, go watch The Mandalorian, or The Clone Wars (skipping the first two seasons, unless you're very dedicated), or Rebels instead.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on June 28, 2022, 02:23:39 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on June 28, 2022, 02:20:35 AMSo I didn't want to judge the Obi-Wan as a series until it was completed, but now that's over, I've just gotta say... I don't get it. The internal logic and character motivations make no sense, it doesn't tell us anything we didn't already know about Star Wars canon. The series just felt like pointless fluff made to milk the Star Wars franchise

I wasn't going to watch it anyway. :P
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on June 28, 2022, 02:39:55 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on May 05, 2022, 10:18:01 AMMoon Knight

I've gotta say, I didn't have high hopes for this one, but I've been pleasantly surprised.

I can't talk about the plot much at all without major spoilers, but the show starts off kinda slow and confusing, then fast and confusing (in a good way), then it blew my mind, then it got fairly predictable, then the end credits scene blew my mind again.

Moon Knight episode 5 is pretty much on par with Wandavision in terms of engaging character exploration, if that makes sense.

And I absolutely loved Ethan Hawke as the villain.  If you're bored of cartoonishly evil villains and you want a more cordial, somewhat sympathetic villain, you're going to love him.

Unfortunately, upon analysis, the plot isn't actually particularly unique (macguffin this, save the world that, stuff that's been done to death).  But how it's presented is interesting enough to keep me tuned in, and at the edge of my seat at times.

Who knew an obscure marvel character would be so captivating?

I just started this series, and I concur. I really like it. I needed a pallet cleanser after Obi-Wan killed my brain cells, so I'm glad Moon Knight didn't turn out to be more Disney schlock. I've been falling a bit behind with the Marvel shows. These days, you can't really fully appreciate an MCU movie without a thorough knowledge of all previous Marvel content. It almost feels like doing homework.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on June 28, 2022, 09:52:58 AM
Les 7 Vies de Léa. (The 7 Lives of Lea) It's good. French fantasy drama.

SPOILERS - Something I laughed. (We don't have a spoiler button?)

The protagonist goes back in time and wakes up in her dad's teenage body in the morning. She has morning erection, she freaks out: "No! Think about something gross! Think about Jean-Marie Le Pen! No! Think about Marine Le Pen...pooping! No. Think about Trump having sex with Marine Le Pen!..."
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on June 28, 2022, 06:38:55 PM
I just realized something about Obi-Wan. You know that time Darth Vader got into a lightsaber battle with his old friend from the Clone Wars, he got his helmet sliced open, the friend had a moment of shock as they made eye contact with him, then Vader tells them that Anakin is dead, and that Vader is all that remains?

No, no. The other time.


They fucking stole it from Rebels! I forgot about this until someone pointed it out. Fans are now talking about how cool and emotional this scene in Obi-Wan is, not even realizing this already happened before! Most fans probably haven't seen the original scene, because the animated shows aren't as popular as the live action stuff.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 28, 2022, 07:22:45 PM
I talked to a friend about this.  A lot of people are movie-only (or live-action only if they watch Mando or Boba Fett or Kenobi) because the animated stuff is "for kids".

I wanna tell them that Episode 1 is waaaaay more "for kids" than Clone Wars or Bad Batch or even Rebels.  There's a spectrum of audiences that this stuff is geared for and it's rare for it to be aimed only at children.

Also, doesn't literally everyone watch animated movies now, be it Disney or Pixar or anime or whatever.  So what gives?  It's just more stories in a setting you already like!  So why not give it a shot?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on June 28, 2022, 07:54:29 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on June 28, 2022, 07:22:45 PMI talked to a friend about this.  A lot of people are movie-only (or live-action only if they watch Mando or Boba Fett or Kenobi) because the animated stuff is "for kids".

I wanna tell them that Episode 1 is waaaaay more "for kids" than Clone Wars or Bad Batch or even Rebels.  There's a spectrum of audiences that this stuff is geared for and it's rare for it to be aimed only at children.

Also, doesn't literally everyone watch animated movies now, be it Disney or Pixar or anime or whatever.  So what gives?  It's just more stories in a setting you already like!  So why not give it a shot?

To be fair, the visuals of the animated shows don't appeal to me. They're stylized in ways that just look weird to me, with their odd proportions and such. Clone Wars, up until the last season, also looks very dated. If the writing wasn't so good, I wouldn't have have been able to finish it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 28, 2022, 08:32:51 PM

Fair enough.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on June 29, 2022, 01:44:02 AM
I've discovered 'Hung' and too late at that. It looked familiar in the first two eps, but just that. It's good. A lot of bits of criticism of any kind is thrown in too, it's funny so far. and women...women and men... us... LOL
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 30, 2022, 02:03:57 PM
I've been watching a lot of the anime Jormundgand... action series about an arms dealer doing missions in war-torn regions that always seem to go completely sideways.  Over-the-top action scenes ensue.

It also has some touching and reflective and funny scenes, so it's not nonstop action.

If you like Hellsing Ultimate at all, this show is right up your alley.  Just expect more machine guns and less vampires.  Same amount of snipers, though.

There's the usual Japanese mixed feelings towards militarism, and it can pretty morally ambiguous at times.

The protagonists are mostly morally neutral, more prone to benevolence than cruelty, and up against some seriously sick killers. This makes it much easier to root for the "good guys".

Finally, in full disclosure, I admit to a certain morbid fascination with arms shipments I've somehow developed in recent months, I'm sure you can guess why.  So it's a good fit with both my tastes and the zeitgeist.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on July 03, 2022, 04:08:55 AM
I've just started to watch the 3rd season of The Boys. And just when you think something can't get better... ROFL

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 03, 2022, 08:13:52 AM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on July 03, 2022, 04:08:55 AMI've just started tow watch the 3rd season of The Boys. And just when you think something can't get better... ROFL

I never watched past season one, but apparently conservative fans are having mental issues understanding how Homelander is a bad guy.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on July 03, 2022, 10:02:29 AM
Quote from: Sorginak on July 03, 2022, 08:13:52 AMI never watched past season one, but apparently conservative fans are having mental issues understanding how Homelander is a bad guy.

Ow. In the 3rd season, the show demonstrates that perfectly.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on July 03, 2022, 06:07:03 PM
Is The Boys one of those shows where there are no good guys, just varying degrees of sociopathy?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on July 03, 2022, 08:21:25 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on July 03, 2022, 06:07:03 PMIs The Boys one of those shows where there are no good guys, just varying degrees of sociopathy?

Probably. It's a modern take on a medium designed to entertain children.

Speaking of which, have you seen the new Winnie the Pooh? What they did to Piglet is despicable.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 03, 2022, 10:12:10 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on July 03, 2022, 06:07:03 PMIs The Boys one of those shows where there are no good guys, just varying degrees of sociopathy?

Eeeehhhhh. There are definitely shades of gray in the show. The main idea of the story basically seems to be, "What if the Justice League was corrupt?" They're not completely evil...mostly. But they indulge in unnecessary violence, without oversight or consequences, and they care more about their image than actually saving people. The main character is very quickly given reason to hate them. He is probably the closest to pure that the show gets, but even he gets his hands dirty sometimes. One of the other lead characters is a good guy who has become a bit too dogmatic in his thinking, due to how much he has lost because of the supes (his nickname for "super heroes"), and he's allowed it to cloud his judgement.

I've found that the show carries a lot of tension, because the good guys mostly lack super powers of any kind, yet they regularly find themselves in the crosshairs of these god-like beings. Homelander, the show's stand-in for Superman, is especially bad, because he is, as far as we know, completely unstoppable. No one matches him in power, and he has no known weakness (yet). He is absolutely terrifying. If he didn't care about his public image, he'd be an eternal hurricane of destruction.

Haven't seen season 3 yet, but I'm looking forward to it. I cycle through streaming services, and this month, I chose Disney+.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 03, 2022, 11:20:21 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on July 03, 2022, 10:12:10 PMEeeehhhhh. There are definitely shades of gray in the show. The main idea of the story basically seems to be, "What if the Justice League was corrupt?"
The story idea was initially "what if the Justice League was real?" and the inevitable conclusion is that it would be corrupt and supes would mostly be vainglorious pricks who care more about their image then about actually saving people.  Also, some might be super duper evil.  Behold/Beware the superman!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on July 04, 2022, 02:42:23 AM
The show is not about "what if the league is corrupt", but "what if the league is real". Exactly like real life people, they're not completely good or evil or this or that in a black and white way -which are fairy tale type of characters- but concerned about money, power, their reputation, fame and image, and their way of living, again exactly like the people in real world. That's the main criticism axle with American culture, in current human culture overall.

Of course, people in real world do have jobs with high responsibilities. Which keep diminishing and diminishing while the amount of people keep rising. It's not the blood, it is the blood supply.

The show itself, is a criticism of the hero concept in its greatest scope as well as superhero movies and shows. The fairy tale of one sided 'good', defending your own because of course only your own is good and worthy. Race, gender, sexuality, nation, religion, job, status...even hobbies and what you like.

As you know this subject and the problem of 'hero' goes back to ancient world because humans looking up to a hero to save themselves has always been the main problem itself. The heroes of ancient religions and myths, then the men we call ancient philosophers -who we know were actually looked upon as prophets in their times- then the prophets of Abrahamic religions, and the god. Always a saviour. Like a child who needs a parent life long. Nietzsche has a strong criticism about the humanity's need of saviours and heroes; its relation to roots of modernity, civilization and the ultimate need of abandoning the notion altogether, nevertheless falling to the final path of failure. Because 'it's only human', and fuck humanity. We are 6 year old children.

Concerning the Christian god, the culture is the perfect one to create the modern superhero culture, which it has in many different levels with the other big C. Capitalism. It's not just Superman; it's the athlete, the celebrity...anything to worship. While the money being the biggest incentive in everything seems like a law of nature today, obviously it's the main cause of this general downfall. Because it is not enough. It's never been enough. That's why democracy is a failure.

In my opinion, there is a some sort of a relation between the rise of the superhero pop-culture and rise of the right wing and religious; divisive and demonizing politics. Interestingly enough, even in atheist groups.


Homelander is a white, heterosexual male psychopath because overwhelming amount of the people at the top have been and are. (No need to take any offense for the male gender, because almost nobody has anything even remotely close to those real life characters.) Politicians, presidents, prime ministers, CEOs... big bosses... There is a sharp distinction between Homelander and every other character in the show as far as I can see. While everyone of them has some personal or life created reason/motivation to be/do something good and/or bad, his only goal is to be and remain as himself, which he has a very clear definition; 'I'm the greatest thing alive, I've always been and you are all inferior to me. I'm above every rule and law' in a nutshell.

Parallel to what Sorginak said, they make him break down and say those absurd things out loud on stage, but instead of most people recognizing the situation, his points go up because people -and mostly his race/gender group- think he was being 'unapologetic', 'honest' and 'telling the truth out right'. Does that sound very familiar?

He also talks about Nazism as something so natural, but as a misunderstood thing in its essence, arriving to something like 'it's actually me'. It's not racism. It's not bad. It's just about me. As long as I'm here at the top doing what I want, saying what I want...

And the media. Oh boy, perfect presentation. Overall, the show is fucking scary as hell. Because it is very realistic.

Anyway, sorry, got too long. There are so many things in that show to talk about... lol. But yeah, it's about 'what if superheroes were real', not 'what if they were corrupt', because look how thoroughly we have managed to fuck up without any super powers, can you imagine us getting some?

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on July 04, 2022, 03:08:18 AM
By the way, with money and power, I'm referring to real life. Homelander does not really need to make money, in his position he is bound to have it. He is just accepted invincible and 'divine' by his powers.


And we learn how him, and others get those powers. It's given. It's not worked for. It's not earned. He does not even do the job. Almost nothing is real, just the way in the real life.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on July 04, 2022, 02:25:46 PM
I enjoy watching Bargain Block, one of the many HGTV renovation shows. A gay couple buys severely distressed and abandoned properties in Detroit, often for $1000. The guys live in the property and do almost all of the work themselves, just one factor which keeps their costs down — the other being their use of low-cost materials, second-hand items, and lots of DIY. Each home the team renovates is truly unique with its own theme-- these aren't cookie-cutter flips. As they improve homes in the area they create higher comps. The profit margins are slim and sometimes they lose money.

The properties are often public health hazards filled with garbage and "poop". In one house the entire back of the house had rotted and fallen off. They dumpster dive for old furniture which they repurpose for decorations. The before and after results are remarkable but what makes it even more interesting is how hard they work to revitalize these neighborhoods and give people an opportunity to own a designer home for less than 100K.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 09, 2022, 12:14:27 AM
Episode 3 of Moon Knight in a nutshell:

"Hey, guys. This guy is bad, and will kill millions."

"That's a big accusation. Let's bring him here. Hey, you. This guy says you're bad. Are you bad?"


"Good enough for us. Meeting over."

I swear. Any time there's a counsel or group who have the power to stop the bad guy, they're always written as complete fucking morons. Of course, if they weren't the story would be over pretty fast, but still. Very annoying. It's like plot armor, but for villains, where those in power will believe any accusation thrown at the hero, but none of the accusations brought against the villain. And they always cut the meeting short without having looked into anything or considered any evidence.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 09, 2022, 09:41:50 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on July 09, 2022, 12:14:27 AMEpisode 3 of Moon Knight in a nutshell:

"Hey, guys. This guy is bad, and will kill millions."

"That's a big accusation. Let's bring him here. Hey, you. This guy says you're bad. Are you bad?"


"Good enough for us. Meeting over."
In fairness, their history with Konshu is so bad that they're predisposed to not believing him and Konshu came at them with no evidence talking through an insane person.  I'd be predisposed to dismiss charges, too.

BUT...I'd keep an eye on the accused all the same, which is where the Egyptian Gods totally failed.

Though at the same time, Earth is of very little importance to them and so maybe they feel little obligation to do anything.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 09, 2022, 10:42:37 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on July 09, 2022, 09:41:50 AMIn fairness, their history with Konshu is so bad that they're predisposed to not believing him and Konshu came at them with no evidence talking through an insane person.  I'd be predisposed to dismiss charges, too.

BUT...I'd keep an eye on the accused all the same, which is where the Egyptian Gods totally failed.

Though at the same time, Earth is of very little importance to them and so maybe they feel little obligation to do anything.

They didn't even give Konshu a chance to present evidence. Mark literally went, "If you would just listen to me for a second..." Then they interrupted him to declare the bad guy innocent.

Here's what could have happened, if the other gods had any sense:

Mark: "I am unwell, but this man is dangerous! If you would just listen to me for a second! He has his men digging up the tomb as we speak!"

"Ugh... Alright. Let's reconvene at the tomb. I hope you're telling the truth, because if we reveal the location of the tomb, and you're lying, we're going to have to move it. And that would be such a pain."

*They take portals to the tomb.*

"Oh, look at that. You were right. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Konshu! This could have ended very badly."
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 09, 2022, 01:33:54 PM
They don't know the location of the tomb.  All they know is that Konshu's former avatar is wandering in the desert and Konshu's current avatar - a crazy person - has beef with him and Konshu demands his arrest or whatever.

Reads more like petty drama than a legitimate threat.  Very beneath a God's notice.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 09, 2022, 07:31:03 PM
How do none of the gods know where the tomb is? Aren't the ones who sealed her there? Okay, if they didn't know the location, it still could have gone this way:

"I, Mark, who has NO REASON to lie, am telling you that this man has started a death cult! He told me that waiting for someone to do evil and then punishing them for it is acting too late, and that he wants to 'cut evil from the root.' He uses a glowing staff with alligator heads on it to judge people based on the actions they may take in the future, and he murders them with magic if they don't pass! He says he wants to release this goddess so that she could do the same on a global scale!"

"Huh. Well, that sounds like something a follower of that crazy goddess would do. We'll look into this."

I mean, if you're going to go through the trouble of gathering for the first time in gods know how long, you might as well get all the facts before you go, "Eh. It's probably nothing."
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 09, 2022, 11:19:52 PM
Holy shit. I didn't expect episode 5 to be such a rollercoaster. Jesus. The relationship between Steven and Mark is way different from what I thought.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 10, 2022, 12:06:02 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on July 09, 2022, 11:19:52 PMHoly shit. I didn't expect episode 5 to be such a rollercoaster. Jesus. The relationship between Steven and Mark is way different from what I thought.
I know, right!  I want my twin to see it so bad since we have a similar dynamic (and similar frustrations) as those two.  Alas, he doesn't want to watch any "superhero" shows.

This show is only tangentially a superhero show, imo.  It's actually more about a guy going to therapy tbh.  :P
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 10, 2022, 12:11:04 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on July 10, 2022, 12:06:02 AMI know, right!  I want my twin to see it so bad since we have a similar dynamic (and similar frustrations) as those two.  Alas, he doesn't want to watch any "superhero" shows.

This show is only tangentially a superhero show, imo.  It's actually more about a guy going to therapy tbh.  :P

Tell him it's a prequel to The Mummy, and Steven is Brendan Fraser.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 10, 2022, 12:27:31 AM
He doesn't like the Mummy or ancient Egyptian history/religion.  I find it fascinating.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Gawdzilla Sama on July 10, 2022, 03:08:38 PM
"Wellington Paranormal". Very silly. Good match for "What We Do In The Shadows."
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: trdsf on July 10, 2022, 10:36:40 PM
Jonah is as good as he was in the Netflix seasons, new host Emily is great and just keeps belting them out of the park, Joel is back and hasn't lost his touch, the new Gizmoplex MST3K is fantastic.

That is all.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 11, 2022, 08:18:32 PM
Not particularly in the mood for gaming at the moment, so I'm watching season three of The Umbrella Academy.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 12, 2022, 04:08:09 AM
Season four of Charmed
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 13, 2022, 12:49:48 AM
Time now for The Longest Night (
QuoteCentres on a psychiatric prison where a group of armed men aim to capture an incarcerated serial killer, but are met with resistance from the prison director.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 13, 2022, 05:13:37 AM
Season four of Legacies.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 13, 2022, 08:46:22 AM
I suppose I should have seen her death coming. In a reasonable way, it's a better way to avoid what is referred to as the merge between the twins. not dead. Well, that was a twist.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 14, 2022, 01:40:10 AM
That was the official final season of Legacies. Having known season five was canceled, they were able to end it properly.

Now, onto Hold Tight (
QuoteWhen a young man goes missing soon after his friend dies, life in a tight-knit, affluent Warsaw suburb slowly unravels, exposing secrets and lies.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 14, 2022, 06:32:04 AM
Continuing with Coben's works, Gone for Good (
QuoteGuillaume thought he had drawn a line under the terrible tragedy which saw the two people he loved the most die. Ten years later, Judith, whose love has made his life worth living again, suddenly disappears during his mother's funeral.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 14, 2022, 09:17:44 PM
A little burnt on crime, so I'm going to check out some horror with the Resident Evil ( tv series.
QuoteNearly three decades after the discovery of the T-virus, an outbreak reveals the Umbrella Corporation's dark secrets. Based on the horror franchise.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 14, 2022, 09:42:54 PM
Jeez, there's a Resident Evil TV series now??  There's way too much out there now than I can handle.  Like a firehose pointed at a teacup.

The Orville (Strange New Worlds if I get bored)
Obi Wan
What We Do In The Shadows
Stranger Things
The Boys
Resident Evil

Am I missing anything popular in the scifi-action aisle with the goofball humor endcap?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 14, 2022, 10:09:50 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on July 09, 2022, 07:31:03 PMHow do none of the gods know where the tomb is? Aren't the ones who sealed her there?
Late reply with my apologies, but the gods used their mortal avatars to seal Ammit in an ushapti (aka urn) and instructed a mortal Egyptian named Senfu to bury Ammit's urn and to record the location should the gods decide one day to reverse her banishment.

Very convoluted and kind of a plot hole since basically anyone can stumble on Senfu's tomb and then find Ammit and release her.  Even if there was a mild earthquake, some construction nearby, or even just a cat with a habit of knocking urns off shelves, that'd be enough to undo the banishment.

Quote"I, Mark, who has NO REASON to lie, am telling you that this man has started a death cult! He told me that waiting for someone to do evil and then punishing them for it is acting too late, and that he wants to 'cut evil from the root.' He uses a glowing staff with alligator heads on it to judge people based on the actions they may take in the future, and he murders them with magic if they don't pass! He says he wants to release this goddess so that she could do the same on a global scale!"
They might not care very much about the Konshu-Ammit justice debate (kind of a meaningless distinction to a god, tbh) but they would VERY MUCH care about Ammit's magical artifact.  Definitely a bit of an oversight during the banishment.

They would almost certainly deprive Harrow of his staff and then drop him off halfway around the world or erase his memory or whatever they do to tie up loose ends.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 14, 2022, 10:11:13 PM
The Orville (Strange New Worlds if I get bored) Watched a couple seasons, enjoyed it, but never stayed up-to-date with it.

Obi Wan Not interested.

What We Do In The Shadows Tried to like it, but didn't.

Stranger Things Very much enjoy this one.

The Boys Saw the first season, but it's overrated from my perspective.

Resident Evil Liking it so far.

There are lots others I've seen and enjoyed on Netflix, and maybe later I'll provide a list.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 14, 2022, 10:25:38 PM
Well, okay, here's a list:

Black Mirror
The Umbrella Academy
Legends of Tomorrow
Love, Death and Robots
The 100
Altered Carbon
The Rain
Sweet Tooth
Russian Doll
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 15, 2022, 04:55:31 AM
With that done, now I'm checking out Queen (
QuoteAfter a decades-long absence, a renowned Parisian tailor and drag queen returns to his hometown in Poland to make amends with his daughter.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on July 15, 2022, 09:17:53 AM
I read the first volume of The Boys comic to see if I would like the show. I tend to read the book before seeing the screen adaptation. It's not for me.

I collected X-Men comics for 35 years but now I am currently burned out on the entire superhero genre.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 15, 2022, 01:26:48 PM
Quote from: GSOgymrat on July 15, 2022, 09:17:53 AMI read the first volume of The Boys comic to see if I would like the show. I tend to read the book before seeing the screen adaptation. It's not for me.

I collected X-Men comics for 35 years but now I am currently burned out on the entire superhero genre.

Eeeeeeh. I'm not sure how fair it is to compare a super hero show to its source material. I haven't read the comic for The Boys, but I am aware of how much the MCU deviates from the comics they're based on. Not to mention, even if the story were 100% the same, the change of medium from print to live action can change quite a lot. After seeing the original Harry Potter movie, I read through the books as soon as they came out. Seeing that giant snake in the movie "The Chamber of Secrets" was so much freakier to me than just reading about it in the book. It almost turned into a horror movie to me, it was so tense.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on July 15, 2022, 02:07:07 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on July 15, 2022, 01:26:48 PMEeeeeeh. I'm not sure how fair it is to compare a super hero show to its source material. I haven't read the comic for The Boys, but I am aware of how much the MCU deviates from the comics they're based on. Not to mention, even if the story were 100% the same, the change of medium from print to live action can change quite a lot. After seeing the original Harry Potter movie, I read through the books as soon as they came out. Seeing that giant snake in the movie "The Chamber of Secrets" was so much freakier to me than just reading about it in the book. It almost turned into a horror movie to me, it was so tense.

Agreed, which is why I don't want to watch all this graphic physical and sexual violence in live action on the big screen. The Boys is a big hit show, so many people clearly enjoy this content, but it's too brutal and sadistic my tastes.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 15, 2022, 03:50:03 PM
Understandable. I don't like overly gory things either. It's one of the things that kinda turned me off from Attack on Titan. However, I don't know. Sometimes I'm able to tolerate it for shows like The Walking Dead and The Boys. I don't know exactly what the difference is.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 15, 2022, 08:14:16 PM
Season five of Elite.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 15, 2022, 08:52:49 PM
Quote from: Sorginak on July 14, 2022, 10:25:38 PMWell, okay, here's a list:

Black Mirror
The Umbrella Academy
Legends of Tomorrow
Love, Death and Robots
The 100
Altered Carbon
The Rain
Sweet Tooth
Russian Doll

Ooh!  Love, Death, and Robots.  Forgot that one.

That is sooo up my alley, yet I haven't actually watched all that much of it.  But what I have seen I have really really enjoyed.  I honestly think I'm scared to finish it.  That I'm going to watch all of it and then be sad that there's no more.  Just pure binge overdose/withdrawal.

I have to approach it carefully, maybe mix it with some Cosmos or Webb images so I don't go cold turkey.

I can do this.  We can do this.  One day at a time.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 15, 2022, 09:39:36 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on July 15, 2022, 03:50:03 PMUnderstandable. I don't like overly gory things either. It's one of the things that kinda turned me off from Attack on Titan. However, I don't know. Sometimes I'm able to tolerate it for shows like The Walking Dead and The Boys. I don't know exactly what the difference is.
I watched Attack On Titan with my brother while eating pizza rolls.  He got weirded out and it took me a quite a while to figure out the conncection.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 16, 2022, 02:43:48 AM
The Woods (
QuoteIn Warsaw, a prosecutor's hopes rise after a body is found and linked to his sister's disappearance 25 years earlier.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 16, 2022, 08:18:27 AM
The last Coben mystery on Netflix, unless they decide to make more, The Innocent (
QuoteAn accidental killing leads a man down a dark hole of intrigue and murder. Just as he finds love and freedom, one phone call brings back the nightmare.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 17, 2022, 02:45:32 AM
Decided to finally watch Heartstopper (
QuoteTeens Charlie and Nick discover their unlikely friendship might be something more as they navigate school and young love in this coming-of-age series.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on July 17, 2022, 03:40:43 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on July 15, 2022, 09:39:36 PMI watched Attack On Titan with my brother while eating pizza rolls.  He got weirded out and it took me a quite a while to figure out the conncection.

What's the connection?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 17, 2022, 09:53:37 AM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on July 17, 2022, 03:40:43 AMWhat's the connection?
When you bite into a pizza roll, red stuff comes out...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 17, 2022, 10:54:37 PM
Did a little gaming, now back to watching something.

New Heights (
QuoteMichi is a successful consultant in Zurich. But a phone call changes everything. His father took his own life. Together with his mother and two siblings, Michi must now decide between his own career or saving the family farm.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 18, 2022, 12:42:52 AM
Quote from: drunkenshoe on July 17, 2022, 03:40:43 AMWhat's the connection?

The Titans eat people like little snacks.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 18, 2022, 05:11:14 AM
Time for First Kill (
QuoteFalling in love is tricky for teens Juliette and Calliope: One's a vampire, the other's a vampire hunter and both are ready to make their first kill.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 18, 2022, 10:08:25 PM
Second attempt at watching Rebelde (
QuoteAs Elite Way School starts a new term, a familiar enemy a secret society called the Lodge threatens to crash the musical hopes of the first-years.

Uncertain why I didn't continue with it before.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 19, 2022, 12:53:39 AM
I binged The Book of Boba Fett today. I don't see why people didn't like it. I thought it was fine. Maybe it didn't live up to the high standards of The Mandalorian, but it wasn't an incoherent mess like Obi-Wan.

Was it the colorful biker gang who looked like they belonged in Cyberpunk? It was the biker gang, wasn't it?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 19, 2022, 05:18:20 AM
Going to finally check out Young Wallander ( (even though I've never seen the original)
QuoteFollow recently graduated police officer Kurt Wallander as he investigates his first case.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 19, 2022, 07:40:21 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on July 19, 2022, 12:53:39 AMI binged The Book of Boba Fett today. I don't see why people didn't like it. I thought it was fine. Maybe it didn't live up to the high standards of The Mandalorian, but it wasn't an incoherent mess like Obi-Wan.

Was it the colorful biker gang who looked like they belonged in Cyberpunk? It was the biker gang, wasn't it?
I'm just happy Boba got some fleshing out.

A lot of people weren't happy because they pictured Boba as some cocky badass who followed no rules and took no prisoners.  But that's old Boba. Obviously, getting stuck in a Sarlaac's gut and the fall of the empire changes you.

Instead, we get this quest for belonging that starts with the sand people (also largely undeveloped and got some nice fleshing out as well) and just kinda....well, I don't know what happens with that.  Would have been a nice arc.

And we got those scheming, dastardly Hutt who want Boba's head and then they just leave.  That was...a thing.

Then we get Mando season 2.5 and barely any Boba in the Boba Fett show.

Then we get the showdown with the badass Pyke Syndicate and those action scenes are pretty well done, it's just that character shields prevent anyone - even extras - from getting hurt, which kinda takes a lot of the menace out of them.

And last but not least, there's the cyberpunk power rangers.  On a rustic world famous for its lack of industry, where most people are moisture farmers or nomads or scummy mercs.  Poor people who can't find jobs yet also sport amazing prosthetics and shiny albeit slow-moving hover Vespas really makes a lot of sense here.

All in all, it was interesting.  Was it a satisfying story?  Maybe.  Was it a story?  Also maybe.  Did it have fun characters we like?  Some of the time.  Did it have explosions?  Also, yes.  So bam, it hit all the beats that it needed to, I guess.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 19, 2022, 11:23:06 AM
Boba didn't really have character in the original movies. He's just a silent bounty hunter who captures Han, then quickly gets taken out. I thought they justified his change in behavior pretty well.

I thought it was kind of funny that when he found someone left for dead, it was apparently easier for him to bring her to a body mod shop than a doctor. lol

Also, the final scene, with the reveal of who's in the Bacta tank...are they implying you can take any fresh corpse and heal them back to life? That was a little odd, especially since I felt that character had served his purpose already.

It was odd when Din Djarin showed up and kinda stole the show. It made sense Boba would go to him when he needed hired muscle, but he had a few episodes to himself, with no Boba. They were good episodes, though.

But...the choice Luke gives Grogu seems kinda hypocritical. Are we supposed to think that Luke learned nothing from the failures of the Jedi Order before him? Wasn't it his attachment to his father, and his father's attachment to him, which saved the universe from Sidious? I'm hoping Luke will show up later and say that he was just testing Grogu, and that he believed some real life training would be more helpful. He saw Grogu's heart wasn't in it when Grogu was separated from Din, and Grogu's powers did immediately improve once he was reunited with his friend.

After all, when Luke was made to chose his friends or his training with Yoda, he chose his friends, and look at him now. Luke was lied to about his father, and was told to give up on Anakin once he learned the truth. He didn't listen, and he redeemed Anakin. So if Luke really wanted Grogu to abandon attachments, that's really out of character for him. In the next season of The Mandalorian, I want him to show up, present Grogu with a lightsaber, and tell him his training is complete.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 19, 2022, 07:22:01 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on July 19, 2022, 11:23:06 AMBoba didn't really have character in the original movies. He's just a silent bounty hunter who captures Han, then quickly gets taken out. I thought they justified his change in behavior pretty well.
No dialogue, but you can surmise a few things about him:

1) top-tier bountyhunter
2) prone to disintegrating his target
3) hates Han Solo
4) calm and collected even in stressful situations (thermal detonator situation in Fabba's throne room)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 20, 2022, 12:31:06 AM
Checking out Night Sky (
QuoteFollows Franklin and Irene York, a couple who years ago discovered a chamber buried in their backyard which inexplicably leads to a strange, deserted planet.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 20, 2022, 07:48:53 AM
Season two of The Wilds.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 21, 2022, 07:33:55 PM
I liked the first season of Upload, so I'm checking out season two.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 21, 2022, 10:48:13 PM
The Lake (
QuoteJustin returns from living abroad in the hope of reconnecting with the biological daughter that he gave up for adoption. His plans go awry when he finds out his father left the family cottage to his stepsister.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 22, 2022, 09:22:23 PM
Subscribed to HBO Max

Visitors (
QuoteThis is Richard's first day on the police force. At nightfall, two strange lights collide in the sky.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 23, 2022, 12:33:49 AM
It's A Sin (
QuoteA chronicle of four friends during a decade in which everything changed, including the rise of AIDS.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 23, 2022, 05:16:43 AM
Been forever wanting to watch this, and now I can.

Titans (
QuoteA team of young superheroes combat evil and other perils.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 23, 2022, 11:21:55 AM
Watching Westworld season 4 and I don't even know if I like it anymore.

Westworld season 1 was a scifi masterpiece - a multi-layered tale of base human nature, whether or not androids dream of electric sheep, and smart metacommentary on how to write fiction.

Westworld season 2 was a bit...odd, but serviceable.

Westworld season 3 had - and still does - amazing potential.  Definitely had a Merovingian vibe to it, if you know what I mean.

Westworld season 4 has a rather straightfoward story of world conquest with very little surprising or interesting about it.  It might as well be a Marvel TV show minus the character development.  I know it's kind of a homage to Future World (the 1976 one), but I can't help but feel disappointed.

For a show that built its reputation on asking big questions, it sure has veered away from that into tired and cliched save-the-world storytelling.  Not even Lee Sizemore would put his name to some of these episodes.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 23, 2022, 05:42:08 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on July 23, 2022, 11:21:55 AMWatching Westworld season 4 and I don't even know if I like it anymore.

Westworld season 1 was a scifi masterpiece - a multi-layered tale of base human nature, whether or not androids dream of electric sheep, and smart metacommentary on how to write fiction.

Westworld season 2 was a bit...odd, but serviceable.

Westworld season 3 had - and still does - amazing potential.  Definitely had a Merovingian vibe to it, if you know what I mean.

Westworld season 4 has a rather straightfoward story of world conquest with very little surprising or interesting about it.  It might as well be a Marvel TV show minus the character development.  I know it's kind of a homage to Future World (the 1976 one), but I can't help but feel disappointed.

For a show that built its reputation on asking big questions, it sure has veered away from that into tired and cliched save-the-world storytelling.  Not even Lee Sizemore would put his name to some of these episodes.

That's one show I was thinking of trying to watch again. Didn't much care for it when I first saw it years ago.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 23, 2022, 06:08:56 PM
If you didn't like season 1, you definitely won't like any of the subsequent seasons.

I can understand if you don't care for the story, but that first season had phenomenal acting, sets, pacing, cinematophraphy, music, etc. 

Everything was firing on all cyclinders.  It even had a couple major revelations that were hinted at early on, so it rewarded susbequent rewatches and a keen eye for detail.

That's the kind of stuff that elevates a series from good to a relentless $*#@ing experience!

(On second thought, it actually did have a couple of small plotlines that went nowhere)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 24, 2022, 06:49:00 PM
It was nominated for awards, so I am going to check it out:

The White Lotus (
QuoteSet in a tropical resort, it follows the exploits of various guests and employees over the span of a week.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 25, 2022, 01:38:20 AM
Station Eleven (
QuoteA post apocalyptic saga spanning multiple timelines, telling the stories of survivors of a devastating flu as they attempt to rebuild and reimagine the world anew while holding on to the best of what's been lost.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Sorginak on July 26, 2022, 12:58:36 AM
Heard about this, so decided to check out The Righteous Gemstones (
QuoteFollows a world-famous televangelist family with a long tradition of deviance, greed, and charitable work.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on July 26, 2022, 05:33:10 PM
Gf and I finally started watching season 4 of stranger things.
Don´t spoil it yet, we just ended volume 1. Still got two episodes left.

But I fucking called the entire plottwist. To a T :p
Nailed the secret identity qnd pretty much the entire 7th episode by episode 4.
Gf thinks i´m a smug douche now.
She´s probably right.
Like I was.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 26, 2022, 08:18:29 PM
I haven't even seen a single episode of season 4 and I already have a pretty good guess myself.

A very cheap twist that can be seen coming a mile away.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on July 27, 2022, 02:23:19 AM
Tsss, you can't let me have anything, can you? ^^
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 27, 2022, 10:00:08 AM
Now I have to watch it to see if I'm right.  You're not the loser in this exchange.  ><
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on July 30, 2022, 07:28:39 AM

Yeah, it looks proper. I'd only seen Morpheus when they first revealed, and it's not very good, it's fucking eerie and perfect how much Tom Sturridge looks like him and fit in. The thing is, what is he saying about gender swap and characters in the video has been talked about for a long time. So there is no 'go with it' thing as far as I can see and remember. It's actually probably the reason, I've never enjoyed the Lucifer series even though Gaiman was involved. Seriously, that's Lucifer? Mazikeen is good, but she is not that chatty or close. Desire is perfect...Yikes. Death is very good. Lucienne is the only real gender swap, and looks pretty fine. They didn't show Destruction, Despair, Delight or Destiny in the vid. Delight and Despair is important. Oh Corinthian is perfect too.

My only concern would be presenting the Endless more humane and human than they naturally, originally are. They're not. Nowhere near. They can't even communicate with humans well. They're billions of years old, they're the very essence of the concept they bear. For a small example, Death is not just a sibling Dream can talk to. She is kind of the only entity who can bully him in her way. Well, the big sister. I recognised Mad Hattie, done good. I loved the gate too. Cain and Abel, the gargoyle, Merv, Matthew are good, straight. There are some important human characters, but they didn't show them either. Overall, it seems they went very straight with the original source.

Well, we'll see. But it looks like, Sturridge has already won this one. And cleverly, one of the first shots they've put of him was an iconic one taken from the comic. It's coming out on August 5, I guess.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 30, 2022, 01:05:48 PM
Look what just released.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 30, 2022, 05:38:56 PM

Ooh, this is gonna be good!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on August 13, 2022, 11:20:59 PM
So, with the news of the declining mental health of Bruce Willis, I've gone back and started watching Moonlighting, the show that made him a star. I went into this with trepidation because it is an 80's TV show and I've noticed lately that stuff from back then tend to be kind of yikes nowadays. Not that I'd call myself woke. I take to many naps for that. But, I was interested if it would hold up at all.

I am pleasantly surprised, but it is hardly the best thing ever. I'll try to explain.

First of, I remember that Willis's David Addison was always hitting on his boss, Cybil Sheppard, or at least making lewd comments. This is balanced by Addison being clown shoes. In the tradition of the old screwball comedies of the 30's, Addison is of a lower class than Maddie Hayes and this challenges his masculinity. His lewdness is an expression of him trying to assert his manhood in a manner often done at the time. So I'm less concerned about that.

The problem, though, is it's a TV series. Each episode has a mystery, some with a decent idea behind them, but not enough time to properly flesh them out. As such, it feels incredibly lightweight We're never really shown clues so we could piece the solution together ourselves. I suppose that's not what we're here for. We're here for the humor, witty banter, and by episode five at least, escalation of the stakes to silly heights or goofy stunts, such as the pilot having them hanging off a clock tower on a ladder. It's light entertainment, nothing more. I guess later season focus even more on the relationship and such which may make the show feel more substantial. But so far, it's poofy.

It did get one good laugh out of me in the pilot. So I'll give it that. But it's not quite as funny as I remember. Probably because the humor is muted. Wikipedia says it's one of the more successful "dramedies" that came out of the mid-80's (anyone else remember Hooperman starring John Ritter?)

I'm enjoying it for the moment. Not sure if I'll get through five seasons of this. And I doubt I'll revisit it again until another forty years past.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on August 17, 2022, 12:34:36 PM
Aww. Done that a few years ago. Agreed. Moonlighting was/is very loved over here too. They used to give the original English voice/sounds from a radio channel with the show on tv. We didn't have cable or satellite or any other channel than a few national channels. LOL 

But I don't have a problem with about the just go with it plots. Childhood peace weighs higher, I guess. I always loved Die Hard movies, doesn't matter how silly or over the top they are. I wish we had a coupl eof million McClanes to go around in the world, instead of super heroes.

Then they started to give The White Shadow and China Beach and I grew up. McMurphy was my first female idol,lol. They're still good and pretty depressing.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 17, 2022, 01:46:52 PM
Finished Westworld (and perhaps vice versa)

I honestly can't tell if this show is brilliant or terrible.

It's definitely thought provoking, I'll give it that.  Yet so miserable and vicious.  I feel like the people in the writer's room need a hug or something.

Though I must give them high marks on their music choices. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 25, 2022, 01:33:33 PM
Friends and family who know I'm a huge Game of Thrones fan and sucker for fantasy in general: "Hey, do you want to see the House of the Dragon series?"

Putting that question to me is roughly equivalent of asking someone, "Hey, remember the time you were really excited to go on your first roller coaster and you loved it until the coaster hit a dove and sprayed blood into your open mouth and eyes and the bird crashed onto your face and you frantically clawed it off and you were traumatized for life and are currently still in therapy about it?  Wanna go to back on that same rollercoaster?  It looks fun!"

If you guys like it, I'm happy for you, just understand that I had a somewhat unpleasant time and I'm still recovering and I'm understandably hesitant to get back on the dragon, so to speak.  Someday, I might.  But not today.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on August 27, 2022, 08:30:26 AM
Can relate, yet hopped on the rollercoaster none the less.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on August 27, 2022, 11:00:41 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on August 25, 2022, 01:33:33 PMFriends and family who know I'm a huge Game of Thrones fan and sucker for fantasy in general: "Hey, do you want to see the House of the Dragon series?"

Putting that question to me is roughly equivalent of asking someone, "Hey, remember the time you were really excited to go on your first roller coaster and you loved it until the coaster hit a dove and sprayed blood into your open mouth and eyes and the bird crashed onto your face and you frantically clawed it off and you were traumatized for life and are currently still in therapy about it?  Wanna go to back on that same rollercoaster?  It looks fun!"

If you guys like it, I'm happy for you, just understand that I had a somewhat unpleasant time and I'm still recovering and I'm understandably hesitant to get back on the dragon, so to speak.  Someday, I might.  But not today.

Sounds like me, but I haven't even watched the original show because I cannot be paid enough money to even care about game of thorns. At this point, watching or heaven forefend, reading game of thorns feels too much like work.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 27, 2022, 11:24:19 AM
Quote from: the_antithesis on August 27, 2022, 11:00:41 AMSounds like me, but I haven't even watched the original show because I cannot be paid enough money to even care about game of thorns. At this point, watching or heaven forefend, reading game of thorns feels too much like work.
All you have to do is mentally keep track of 100-200ish characters whose alternating chapters appear in 5 extremely lengthy books published once every decade or so (better make flashcards) and their winding personal journeys through vast expanses, both geographic and temporal, filled with dense political intrigue, philosophic musings, prophecy, magic, and enough backstory that you could literally make another lengthy book series out of it.  I know this because the author did just that.  Twice.  Also, the geography is so detailed that it somehow makes real geography seems less lifelike, which is a very strange sentence to type.

Oh, and theorycrafting alone will utterly destroy your life.  Stuff like Bran is his own great great grandfather, an insane pirate king is changing himself into a mute woman and banging his own brother (this one might actually be true, and the last part is almost certainly true), and my personal favorite, all the educated healers and raven-senders are secretly part of a secret cabal trying their hardest to kill off certain factions to benefit another faction (knowledge is power)

P.S. - lots of extremely - and I mean extremely, like suspiciously so - extremely detailed descriptions of medieval meals.  It might literally be food porn.

P.P.S. - it might also be the darkest thing I've ever read.  Like Odyssey on Red River dark.  Like Vantablack if you dropped it into a black hole dark.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on August 27, 2022, 11:29:49 AM
See, now I need a nap.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on August 29, 2022, 02:33:37 PM
Quote from: the_antithesis on August 27, 2022, 11:00:41 AMAt this point, watching or heaven forefend, reading game of thorns feels too much like work.

I read the first three books and gave up. Just picking up the book put me in a foul mood. I remember during the third book thinking, "I hate these characters and don't care what happens to them. If I have to read another word about Sansa Stark I'm going to scream. Someone needs to nuke Westeros and put everyone out of their misery."
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on August 29, 2022, 03:57:38 PM
I read the first book in the series and that was enough for me. Never have watched any of the TV series. Too many other things to do.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on September 01, 2022, 01:04:56 PM
So I got the UK series UFO and am a couple episodes in. Here's the intro for those unfamiliar:

This was released in 1970 and I've been interested ever since I saw the opening because the aesthetic reminds me of one of my favorite movies, Moon Zero Two.

Anyhoo, UFO was produced by Gerry "Thunderbirds Are Go" Anderson. I believe this was his first live action, non-puppet show, at least after his success with those things. It only lasted one season (or series) and the second morphed into Space: 1999 somehow. Mostly because the second season wasn't happening so all the money and ideas they had for it were retooled into a new show.

I am enjoying it. The dead serious tone contrast beautifully with the kitschy look of 1970. (incidentally, the show takes place in 1980. Looks like an episode of Stranger Things, don't it?) The moon base girls in the purple wigs, those are wigs and apparently part of their uniform because one of them takes it off when she visits Earth.

The show has a minor bit of trivia in that it inspired the XCOM game series. The original game, X-COM: UFO Defense, known as UFO: Enemy Unknown was sort of an unlicensed adaptation of the show, sort of like how Metroid is essentially Alien.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 01, 2022, 01:46:23 PM
Quote from: the_antithesis on September 01, 2022, 01:04:56 PMThe show has a minor bit of trivia in that it inspired the XCOM game series. The original game, X-COM: UFO Defense, known as UFO: Enemy Unknown was sort of an unlicensed adaptation of the show
Yep (  I did get some XCOM vibes from the intro, particularly the part about monitoring radar and dispatching vehicles to investigate.  Though the aliens themselves were borrowed more from alien abduction accounts (grays and reptilians became Sectoids, Floaters, and Snakemen) than deliberate fiction, though the infamous Chryssalids were undoubtedly taken from Aliens.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on September 03, 2022, 03:04:46 PM
New intro.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 03, 2022, 09:21:49 PM
Butter Morty melting on a hot pan hit me like a truck.  I feel ya!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on September 03, 2022, 09:23:25 PM
You pass butter.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 07, 2022, 01:06:21 PM
Holy crap, Rick and Morty made a hell of a splash with their season 6 premier!

I won't spoil anything for yall, but Rick continues to be his own worst enemy and if I ever see something cute come close to me, I'm running like the wind for the nearest evac shuttle.  JFC!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 07, 2022, 02:15:44 PM
I'm watching Star Wars Andor.  I'm three episodes in and I have no idea if it's good or not.

I love the setwork - lots of scrap and rust and a lot of grimy, industrial shots that are strangely beautiful.

As for the plot, I'll let you know when I see it.  Some stuff happens, other stuff happens, I don't know if there's any sort of meaningful connection.  I don't know who's who or what anyone really wants, so I can't predict anything nor can I assess if any character changes over time because I don't know what they'd change from.

For example, one character got in a ship, took off, and promptly crashed and I have no idea if how I should react to that because I don't know if it was sabotage or stupidity or pure accident or malfunction.  Like I said, stuff happens.

So far, I give it some loud banging on metal out of ten.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on October 07, 2022, 02:22:02 PM
Someone I know watched Andor and said it was boring. I like to tease them that they like stuff I consider to be complete garbage, so if they don't like it, I probably really won't like it. lol

Ugh. Why is Disney so inconsistent with their Star Wars content? I'm afraid The Mandalorian will come back and completely suck ass.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 07, 2022, 04:21:50 PM
Don't jinx it!

And I have no idea why they're so inconsistent.

You know the phrase, "show, don't tell?" well, I'm afraid that on this show, no one shows or tells.

A lot of the shots look really dramatic and meaningful, and they probably would be if I only knew the significance of them.  It's like seeing Vadar dramatically walk down a hallway without knowing who Vadar is or what he wants or what he's going to do.  I mean, it looks cool, but that's about it.

You know how in TV shows, characters spew exposition and reiterate stuff unnecessarily?  Well, the folks behind Andor took the exact opposite approach.  Dialogue is very concise and implicit.  Nothing is spelled out.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on October 08, 2022, 09:59:08 PM
I cant remember if it was mentioned here or elsewhere, but two episodes into Netflix's, "The Family", and uh... it feels like one of those shows you are on a list for watching. Essentially - man accidentally joins not just a 70 year old cult, but a 70 year old cult built around grooming men and women to be servants to an aristocratic class who are "divinely ordained" by Jesus to rule.

Oh, and they have heavy ties to our national politics, foreign politics as well as host the White House Breakfast Morning Prayer.

It's interesting, but don't know if I'm going to watch further. I've accepted there are powers at play in this world that, even at my sharpest, I am not going to out-think and out-maneuver even if they didn't have the game rigged against me.


On an entertainment note, also 2 episodes into, "Shtizel", an Israeli drama following a dysfunctional Orthodox family.  It's pretty good, god some rom-tropes but also some pretty deep criticisms of the Orthodox lifestyle.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 17, 2022, 11:25:53 PM
I finished Andor and not to beat a dead horse, but it wasn't great.  It would be a phenomenal two-parter for Rebels, though.  Does it deserve to be a standalone?  No.  How about a 6-parter or more?  No.  Any sane creative team would either cut this thing from something like 5 hours down to 2 hours or just completely rework this thing to be engaging and exciting and have actually good scenes.

I also finished Obi Wan, which I found to be waaaay better and actually very touching and patched up a couple headscratchers from the original trilogy (e.g. Vader killed your father).  Leia's child actor was phenomenal.  I was puzzled and kinda terrified by Aunt Beru's willingness to throw down at a moment's notice.

Now I can finally rank all the live action star wars TV shows:
Mando > Book of Mando > Obi Wan > Star-Wars themed macaroni art from an insane asylum (the swastikas on the stormtroopers helmets are there to show how evil the Empire is...I think) > Andor
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 20, 2022, 02:57:55 PM

Holy moley!  I knew there was a good reason why this is my favorite show!  We got comedic violence, touching character moments, and even a few not-too-subtle jabs at society - all wrapped up in colorful, Invader Zim-esque visuals.  I can usually hit pause and find several hidden gags.

My only regret is that Helluva Boss might get 12 seasons and a movie before Hazbin Hotel gets 3 episodes.  It's like watching season after season of Stargate Atlantis while SG1 goes through development hell (pun not intended, but not unwelcome)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on October 29, 2022, 01:52:44 AM
What are your thoughts on The Rings of Power? Personally, I think it's okay, but there's just about it. They're trying very hard to capture the magic of the original trilogy, but it's not working.

Also, holy hell. Young Galadriel is like a completely different character from her older counterpart.

And, of course, we can't forget my favorite trope. The good guys who have the power to fix things, but choose to ignore the problem and chastise the hero for trying cliché.

One more note about the series. Some people are apparently upset because there are black elves and such. Maybe it isn't exactly in-line with the books, but umm... Do we really need the elves to be this symbol of the perfect Aryan race? I don't think it really hurts the series to have more skin tone variety.

Edit: Almost forgot, but there's one more detail that bothers me. They act like elves and humans mating is this blasphemous act, which never produces healthy offspring. They apparently forgot that Elrond, one of its main characters, is a half-elf, with human ancestors.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 31, 2022, 11:51:15 PM
Star Trek Lower Decks is the best Trek since DS9.  Better than VOY (wow, that really does save a lot of time), Enterprise, Picard, STD, etc.

I don't know how they did it, but they took a series with a kinda meh premise that more or less ran on self-referential humor and gave it legitimately exciting action scenes and surprisingly likable characters.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on October 31, 2022, 11:57:02 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on October 31, 2022, 11:51:15 PMStar Wars Lower Decks is the best Trek since DS9.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on November 01, 2022, 12:08:40 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on October 31, 2022, 11:51:15 PMStar Wars Lower Decks is the best Trek since DS9.  Better than VOY (wow, that really does save a lot of time), Enterprise, Picard, STD, etc.

I don't know how they did it, but they took a series with a kinda meh premise that more or less ran on self-referential humor and gave it legitimately exciting action scenes and surprisingly likable characters.
I still need to give that a watch.

I love Voyager because it's the one I grew up on and have nostalgia glasses for (didn't really have T.V. till like... 2003 or so), but it is a lot more miss than hit. Keep on trying to rewatch DS9 but keep on getting distracted, so Lower Decks seems like a bit more light-hearted and enjoyable of series. The "dark" stuff just doesn't do much for me nowadays, but it still is my favorite series.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 01, 2022, 12:12:52 AM
Quote from: the_antithesis on October 31, 2022, 11:57:02 PMHee. 
Dammit.  I even proofread that line.  :(
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 01, 2022, 12:22:25 AM
Quote from: Shiranu on November 01, 2022, 12:08:40 AMI still need to give that a watch.

I love Voyager because it's the one I grew up on and have nostalgia glasses for (didn't really have T.V. till like... 2003 or so), but it is a lot more miss than hit. Keep on trying to rewatch DS9 but keep on getting distracted, so Lower Decks seems like a bit more light-hearted and enjoyable of series. The "dark" stuff just doesn't do much for me nowadays, but it still is my favorite series.
Lower Decks has a running criticism that Starfleet isn't proactive enough to head off minor problems before they become major threats (too hands-off and unobservant) and isn't flexible enough (too rule-bound to effectively deal with unusual problems).

The latter criticism is shared by DS9 and a humble cardassian tailor (who has never ever been nor will ever be anything other than a simple tailor)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on November 01, 2022, 12:25:11 AM
Hell yeah, that sounds right up my interests then. Glad someone finally recommended it to convince me.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 02, 2022, 08:06:11 PM
So...not that I care or anything, but David Tennant is allegedly coming back to Doctor Who as the 14th Doctor (  They're even bringing back Donna as his companion.

But I've had my fill of Doctor Who and this blatant nostalgia hook definitely won't manipulate me into...zomfg Neil Patrick Harris!?!

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on November 02, 2022, 11:59:56 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on November 02, 2022, 08:06:11 PMSo...not that I care or anything, but David Tennant is allegedly coming back to Doctor Who as the 14th Doctor (  They're even bringing back Donna as his companion.

But I've had my fill of Doctor Who and this blatant nostalgia hook definitely won't manipulate me into...zomfg Neil Patrick Harris!?!


It's probably going to be a short tenure as I skimmed an article that names another actor as the next Doctor. At most, he'll be like John Hurt as #14
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 05, 2022, 10:35:28 AM
Westworld is cancelled (  Its next season was supposed to be its final season and wrap everything up in a neat little bow.  Now, it'll just be a confused mess that never really had much of a payoff.  Yay.

Final rankings:  Season 1 >> Season 2 > Season 3 > Season 4
(Wow, that's weird, I think I just figured out why it was cancelled)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 27, 2022, 10:19:16 AM
Rick and Morty is back!

And holy cow, move over Zuckerberg, because I just found the real Metaverse!  (man, that is gonna age poorly)

My Meta personality: Fan Service!

*greenlights Firefly season 2 (which flops due to executive meddling), gives every anime beach episodes, was solely responsible for Katy Perry's appearance on Sesame Street, cast 2/3 of Doctor Who's companions, cast Seven of Nine, made the Pink Power Ranger a gymnast, etc*

Though it's not all positive stuff.  Because I'm the manifestation of the collective will of the fans with no internal agency of my own, I have to do a lot of morally questionable things, like making remakes of already perfectly good movies and harem animes.  I just want a satisfying ending to Neon Genesis Evangelion, I don't want to introduce yet another pilot girl (but I must!) and I just want the guy from Rosario + Vampire to settle down (but I can't!) and I want to give The Simpsons the send-off it deserves (this hurts me as much as it hurts you!)

I'm often in conflict with Shipper, who dislikes me for encroaching on her terf.  The Standards & Practices guy hates my guts and frequently kills me.  But like the all-slut phoenix dragon, I am perpetually reborn from people's most fervent desires.

When will this nightmare end??!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on November 27, 2022, 12:08:53 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on November 27, 2022, 10:19:16 AMRick and Morty is back!

And holy cow, move over Zuckerberg, because I just found the real Metaverse!  (man, that is gonna age poorly)

My Meta personality: Fan Service!

*greenlights Firefly season 2 (which flops due to executive meddling), gives every anime beach episodes, was solely responsible for Katy Perry's appearance on Sesame Street, cast 2/3 of Doctor Who's companions, cast Seven of Nine, made the Pink Power Ranger a gymnast, etc*

Though it's not all positive stuff.  Because I'm the manifestation of the collective will of the fans with no internal agency of my own, I have to do a lot of morally questionable things, like making remakes of already perfectly good movies and harem animes.  I just want a satisfying ending to Neon Genesis Evangelion, I don't want to introduce yet another pilot girl (but I must!) and I just want the guy from Rosario + Vampire to settle down (but I can't!) and I want to give The Simpsons the send-off it deserves (this hurts me as much as it hurts you!)

I'm often in conflict with Shipper, who dislikes me for encroaching on her terf.  The Standards & Practices guy hates my guts and frequently kills me.  But like the all-slut phoenix dragon, I am perpetually reborn from people's most fervent desires.

When will this nightmare end??!

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Gawdzilla Sama on November 27, 2022, 12:15:40 PM
Liking the Rings of Power.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on January 11, 2023, 12:32:24 PM
I didn't know a lot of details about the Bernie Madoff case, so I found this fascinating. I would have thought stealing $64.8 billion would take brains but it was really just a simple Ponzi scheme.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on January 21, 2023, 10:54:38 PM
So, let's talk about Velma.

It is fucking terrible. I cannot watch more than a few minutes before I need to turn it off. I watched two reviews that quit after episode 2, which was all that was out at the time and both said they will not watch anymore. Episode 4 is out at time of writing and I gave it a shot to see if the humor improves at all, and no it fucking doesn't. I am wondering if Mindy Kaling was always this terrible and why is she famous if she is this unfunny. Because these are not jokes. I cannot help but think that whoever writes this shit must be conservative trying to write a "woke" tv series because this is what a conservative thinks a liberal would think is funny. It's not funny. I cannot state that enough. The pilot had crude sexuality and then tried to make lampshading it into a joke, but it isn't funny. The fourth episode I saw part of had Velma complaining about white privilege or something over a couple scenes and it is also not funny. It's just griping. And not funny. Apparently, the plot is some kind of murder mystery thing and the principle of the high school puts up a banner that says "two weeks without a murder," and then another murder victim is discovered and he said, "That's a $10,000 banner down the drain." That's not funny. That's not even stupid. It's lame. Stupid has its dumb charm and that was devoid of charm. I don't know if anyone is watching this shit, but I hope their eyeballs implode. This may be the worst comedy I have seen since the Ghostbusters remake where the first joke was the words "face bidet." That's not funny. It's lame. So is Velma. I hope it gets cancelled like My Mother the Car.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on January 22, 2023, 02:27:13 AM
I've heard from multiple sources Velma is godawful. I don't have HBO, so I wasn't tempted to watch.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on January 22, 2023, 06:26:45 AM
The Velma series makes fun of "adults who still watch cartoons."

Like, who is this show for? Because it's clearly not for fans of the original show. lol
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 22, 2023, 03:29:53 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on January 22, 2023, 06:26:45 AMThe Velma series makes fun of "adults who still watch cartoons."

Like, who is this show for? Because it's clearly not for fans of the original show. lol
I read that it was purposefully designed as rage-bait to stoke "controversy" for views.  Even a lot of the early criticism (like before it was even out early) was posted by employees pretending to be the general public.

So really, the only people it's for are the suits.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on January 22, 2023, 11:58:20 PM
Suits me. 😉
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 23, 2023, 01:15:00 AM
Meh, there's a glut of better stuff out there worthy of attention.  Hell, there's web animation for free that's way better.

Introducing...Murder Drones, a sci-fi comedy horror!

Fantastic setting, rife with adventure opportunities and an air of mystery (a great place to start a story)
Unreliable narrator trope in full effect (but that's just a theory, a film theory...)
Lots of murder, they're not kidding with that title
Great character design (most expressive robot eyes I've ever seen)
Don't be fooled by the adorable characters, this show has plenty of nightmare fuel

Some of the jokes are kinda meh
Not sure if the internal logic holds up (why do they have hair?  Or bandages?  Though, in time, all might be explained...)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 25, 2023, 12:30:46 AM
Awww jeez (

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Shiranu on January 25, 2023, 01:53:35 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 22, 2023, 03:29:53 PMI read that it was purposefully designed as rage-bait to stoke "controversy" for views.  Even a lot of the early criticism (like before it was even out early) was posted by employees pretending to be the general public.

So really, the only people it's for are the suits.

And Karling's weird fetish with being a P.o.S. it seems.

Also, the R&M thing is interesting to me... people are just now finding out both him and Harmon are terrible people? I feel like they have been pretty upfront and open about that for as long as I've watched them, certainly Harmon.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 25, 2023, 10:15:53 AM
I mean, I don't exactly do background checks before I turn on the Delug- TV.

The only reason I know the names is because of the credits.

I was watching Joker reviews and one of the critics blasted the movie because of gripes with the director from previous movies.  I had seen the movie multiple times and still had no idea who the director was or or any previous films or why any of that stuff could possibly matter.

So no, I didn't see any of this stuff coming.  Justin Roiland not only is charged with felony domestic violence, but he's apparently also been sending some creepy texts on Twitter to a minor.  That's not just bad, that's King Jellybean bad.  Like BAD bad.

Obviously, Adult Swim is right to drop him, but damn, this is going to have a huge impact on the show.  It's not like he voiced Bird Person.  He voiced the titular characters.  That's not just something you can paper over.  I hope the show can soldier on, but damn, that's a big hit.  And of course, a lot of fans are going to leave no matter what and there will always be some amount of dislike for the new direction along with a resurgence of Fascist Morty "I only like Classic R&M" sentiment.

In the grand scheme of things, it seems petty to complain about this, but I've watched several really great scifi series nosedive recently.  All I want is for like 3 really good scifi series to be on the air on the same week.  You can't throw a rock without hitting 200 reality tv shows, docutaintment series, home improvement shows, true crime, CSI: North Fairbrook, season 227 of Bob (the show no one wanted), and the remake of the reimagining of the very hungry caterpillar.  All I want is a tiny sliver of the pie to go towards outlandish, creative stuff instead know, garbage.  Is that too much to ask?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on January 25, 2023, 10:49:47 AM
Creativity doesn't sell, man.   
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on January 25, 2023, 01:08:04 PM
Can't fucking enjoy anything. Somebody always ruins it. It's almost like celebrities aren't good people, or something.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 25, 2023, 01:24:03 PM
After hearing some damn near perfect impersonations of the characters Rick and Morty, I now think it'd be very possible to paper over losing the original VA.  And it'd be pretty easy to explain in-universe, if they decide address it at all.

Rick was too right when he said that he's a lot like Doctor Who.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on January 25, 2023, 01:44:09 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 25, 2023, 01:24:03 PMAfter hearing some damn near perfect impersonations of the characters Rick and Morty, I now think it'd be very possible to paper over losing the original VA.  And it'd be pretty easy to explain in-universe, if they decide address it at all.

Rick was too right when he said that he's a lot like Doctor Who.

Wasn't he one of the two major creative minds of the show? Maybe the other guy can pull the weight, but there's a risk it may lose its unique style of dark humor and creativity.

Maybe Rick & Morty wasn't meant to go on forever, though. When it first started, it seemed like the plot was more important than it is now. Like it had an intended beginning, middle, and end, until Adult Swim realized what a goldmine they had and pressured the writers to milk it indefinitely.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 25, 2023, 02:01:05 PM
Au contraire, it has gotten a lot more serial as time goes on.

In fact, the last season started and closed introducing a new arc revolving around Rick Prime.  And the Evil Morty arc is still ongoing.  So there are several irons in the fire.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 01, 2023, 10:54:01 AM
The Last Of Us (TV show)

The premier didn't blow me away, but I liked it.  7/10.

The scene where they're fleeing from Texas was pretty cool, and reminiscent of the initial zombie outbreak in Telltale's The Walking Dead and probably The Last Of Us video game (I haven't played the games)

Though it seems that whenever things are finally getting good, the show always has to pull back and go to some slow, hum-drum scene.  There are certainly pacing issues. 

Phenomenal setwork, very immersive.  Decent acting.  I don't particularly like any of the characters.  Pretty bland dialogue and plot and setting, unfortunately.  I really hope there's a big plot hook coming or some very heartfelt moments ahead, or I won't make it till the end.

Also, I wouldn't be me if I didn't criticize the base premise - a fungal mutation causing a pandemic causing the collapse of civilization.  For starters, that speaker is wrong about fungi not being able to survive in warm temperatures - fungi can and do adapt to warm temperatures - lots of em already infect humans and humans are quite warm.  But those kinds of infections are typically not very dangerous.  It would take a hell of a mutation to bump those up to a cordyceps-level threat.  Secondly, fungal infections aren't very transmissible, so a pandemic is unlikely.  Besides, people and governments have learned their lesson from covid and take a lot of precaut-- *laughs* never mind, scratch that.

But damn, they start blasting each other quick.  I dunno about you guys, but it seems strange for people to be so cutthroat so fast.  Rick in TWD only started abandoning people after a couple of years of playing nice and sometimes regretting it.  Joel does it on day 1.  Super coldhearted.

Generally speaking, the show's duo are both fairly unsympathetic people, so it's tough for me to sympathize with their plight, which so far is little more than go west.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 01, 2023, 12:23:02 PM
The more I think about this, the more I think TWD hit the right formula - you start out with some good, nice people - people you can really sympathize with - and really throw them to the wolves and see what happens.

Rick, Glenn, Clementine, etc.  They don't all have to be boy scouts, in fact it's better if they each have at least one serious flaw, but they do have to have good qualities.  They don't even have to all be on the same page, in fact it's better if they aren't.

All you have to do as a writer is introduce the character, show off just enough to get the audience to care about them, then put them up against increasingly formidable antagonists/crises that force them to change - sometimes for the good, sometimes for the worse.  Because the real conflict isn't the zombies - it's the day-to-day struggle to maintain your ideals and to change the world around you for the better when it seems like things are always falling apart.  It also helps to vary up the enemies - sometimes zombies, sometimes raiders, sometimes even a basic lack of supplies, just give the characters goals to achieve and problems to overcome and have interesting stuff happen every now and then.  You can repeat the formula practically endlessly.

I'm so glad TWD glossed over the actual outbreak (FTWD was a big mistake imo) because man, that would've been a snoozefest.  So now I'm sitting watching the outbreak in Last of Us and I'm struggling to stay awake.  Really bad call.  Being away from the main characters so early in the show also gives it a lack of focus, which is what did in TWD in its later seasons.  It's really bad that this new show is having these sorts of problems very early on.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on February 01, 2023, 02:27:04 PM
I liked The Walking Dead, but stopped watching it when I no longer had access to the channel. There was one thing that was starting to bother me, though. It started to feel like there wasn't a thread tying the story arcs together. At first, it seemed like there was this mystery of the nature of disease. How does it work? Where did it come from? Do the Walkers have memories or their previous lives?

We got drip fed some information over time. We learn the disease basically restarts the brain after death, but only the most vital parts of the brain, allowing them to move and follow sound. We learn the disease is airborne, meaning even if you're not bitten or scratched, if you die for any reason, you become a Walker.

But we also see a Walker returning to her home over and over again, implying they may retain some memories after all. When one character dies, we see his life flash before his eyes. a part of them still there or not?

Then there was that guy who claimed to be able to cure the disease, if escorted somewhere. But that turned out to be a dead end. Oh yeah, and there was that whole thing with Rick being pronounced dead in episode one, but he wakes up. I mean, his friend checked for a pulse and couldn't find one. Is Rick a Walker who is immune from the negative effects of the disease? Probably not. But it's never addressed again.

Over time, we just stopped learning about Walkers and the disease, though. It all just became about surviving the last threat to pop up. It just felt like I was getting blueballed with this mystery going unsolved.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 01, 2023, 04:14:54 PM
We don't know and that information is never revealed. 

Walkers may indeed retain some of their humanity, and we get some tantalizing glimpses into this.  It was even a plot point where Hershel kept a bunch of them in a barn anticipating some sort of cure.

Ultimately, the nature of the disease and any ability to cure it, if any, is left to the audience's imagination.  Hell, much of the world could be zombie-free (or completely dead) and the characters we follow don't know that.  The real focus of the show is the characters' struggles, the zombie outbreak is just the backdrop.

In universe - all the cure talk is wishful thinking that the characters indulge in despite the lack of evidence because it gives them hope for a return to status quo (a couple character point this out).  One character notably exploits this wishful thinking to be valued and protected by other survivors.

Out of universe - all the cure talk is a deliberate mislead to give the characters motivation to travel from point A to point B
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 01, 2023, 04:47:30 PM
Okay, the second episode of Last of Us was pretty good.  Gorgeous CGI (the iconic overgrown city was amazing), good action, much better character interactions.  Maybe I was too hard on it earlier, but damn, it really dragged in a few places.  I suppose I should keep at it.  Hopefully, something cool happens along the way.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: GSOgymrat on February 01, 2023, 05:18:44 PM
I just binge watched the first season of The Legend of Vox Machina. It's entertaining and reminds me of Joss Weadon's brand of quippy humor.  Maybe my expectations are unrealistic but the animation of Amazon's animated shows like this and Invincible is just... uninspired.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 01, 2023, 06:25:38 PM
I really enjoyed that show, but I see what you mean.  It's passable animation, but the focus is clearly more on the audio than the animation.

I liked the jokes for the most part, since they tend to parody standard d&d tropes.

Also, you know crap has hit the fan when Percy brings out the mask...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 02, 2023, 01:23:45 AM
Just finished episode 3 of Last of Us.


The neighbors must've been cutting up onions all night long...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 08, 2023, 03:58:32 PM
Episode 4 of The Last of Us:

Solid episode and this time, we actually get to focus on the main characters.  I'm hooked!  (this show is like Mando, TWD, and Logan put together)

I was delighted by the hurricane of puns.  Very similar to teenager me.  (Some people thought it was annoying.  I got news for ya, teenagers are annoying)

My only remaining gripe is that I don't know how TF technology still works in this setting.

I'll use TWD as an example: a couple of years after the apocalypse, they start running out of leftover food and have to start growing their own.  And patch up their clothes.  Rick's shoes noticeably become very, very worn out a few years into it.  At a certain point, they also have to stop using cars, opting to use horse-drawn carriages or just ride horseback.  A few years after the apocalypse, they amass quite an arsenal of guns, going from a few handguns to significant portion of the group having their own full-auto rifles (due to intense conflict with raiders, they probably have more guns than people at one point).  But after a decade or so, their arsenal drops off due to disrepair, even though they produce their own bullets.  The point is, technology decreases steadily as things wear out and are only partially replaced with homemade gear.

The Last of Us takes place a solid 20 years after the apocalypse and people are still driving around (though gasoline is going bad, so cars probably won't be usable much longer), still eating canned goods from the before times, still have fairly decent clothes, and are still firing full auto guns at each other.  They even have electrical power (powered how I don't know), though afaik, it just keeps the lights on.  And this is with technology left over from 2002 (so renewable power isn't very far along)

I know what you're going to say, it's a show about fungi-people-zombies, of course it's going to be unrealistic.  But imho, those overgrown and partially toppled buildings is SPOT ON exactly how things would look a couple of decades post-apocalypse.  Great attention to detail, so I don't understand other parts of the same series seemingly don't make sense.  Maybe the QZ has a cannery?  (Maybe they have lobster?)  I dunno, but it's fascinating to think about the details of how this sort of setting works, even if I ultimately won't get any answers.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mike Cl on February 08, 2023, 04:59:08 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on February 08, 2023, 03:58:32 PMI know what you're going to say, it's a show about fungi-people-zombies, of course it's going to be unrealistic.  But imho, those overgrown and partially toppled buildings is SPOT ON exactly how things would look a couple of decades post-apocalypse.  Great attention to detail, so I don't understand other parts of the same series seemingly don't make sense.  Maybe the QZ has a cannery?  (Maybe they have lobster?)  I dunno, but it's fascinating to think about the details of how this sort of setting works, even if I ultimately won't get any answers.
That reminds me of a show that History Channel (I think) called something like--The Earth after People.  And it showed how various places would look after 5 years, 10 years, 20 years and later, after all people were gone.  I was interesting to see how the program made something like Golden Gate Park would look at those various stages--what would go first and what would most likely last for awhile.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 08, 2023, 05:19:21 PM
Yes, that's precisely what I was thinking about.  :)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 15, 2023, 04:48:58 PM
The Last of the US episode 5:

Fantastic episode.  Perfect blend of character moments, action, and even a couple philosophical musings.  Exactly what I want in my zombie shows, which superficially seem shallow and repetitive, but can be a good vehicle for deep themes when done well.

I admit to watching this scene in the video game before watching the TV adaptation and while the TV version is very, very similar, there was one tiny, pivotal detail that the TV show didn't include that really wowed me when I saw the video game scene.  A seemingly innocent exchange that is so much more messed up after a plot twist later on.  I can't talk about it without spoiling it and afaik the spoiler tags are still borked, so I can't go into detail.  Suffice it to say that the TV version was a 9/10 when it should have been a 10/10.

And my final nitpick is that the villain was kinda underwhelming.  Plus, they did this thing where the villain is absolutely in a position to kill the heroes and super motivated to pull the trigger but instead of shooting, they wait and wait and then there's a distraction and instead of pulling the trigger then wheeling towards the distraction, they just kind of forget about the Iron Fleet heroes and give the distraction their full attention.

Look, writing villains is hard - having them be a credible threat to the heroes without burying them is difficult.  Once again, I'll compare it to TWD.  The Governor was a good villain because he was a dark reflection of the main hero Rick - a lot of heroic qualities and a similar role as Rick, but lacking compassion and driven with obsession.  He's a credible threat because he straight up kills one of the heroes and tortures another one, so when he's about to do it again, you know he means business.  Negan was a good villain guessed it-  dark reflection, kills several, tortures another one, just on a much longer timescale and much more in-your-face.  Anyone sense a theme?

In the Last of Us, it's a two-man team, so you can't exactly kill anyone off.  But you absolutely can put the heroes hanging from a cliff or badly wounded or something.  Not just almost hurt or threatened with violence, but almost dead and pulled back from the brink.  Hopefully, next time the threat is a little more believable.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 11, 2023, 09:59:15 PM

Nothing is more important than Family.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 04, 2023, 12:13:22 AM

Six episode miniseries in June!

Since you already have a rough idea what this is about, it probably won't hit you as hard as it did me.  But this comic series absolutely floored me.  Lots of intrigue boiling over into a helluva crisis, exacerbated by the fact that you absolutely cannot trust anyone.

Just imagine going about your day as a lowlevel SHIELD agent, essentially a beat cop but for supers.  You sit down at a cafe, have a coffee and look through your emails.  You get some strange ones, something about odd behavior from the boss lately, new security procedures, everyone has to check by the armory to surrender their piece in exchange for a new one and...what's this?  Two emails from a coworker - one says she wants to meet to talk about something important...and confidential.  The other email unhinged and paranoid saying that she needs to talk right now but come alone because *they* are watching.  And the crazy thing?  Different email addresses, but claiming to both be from the same person!

Before you can reply, some middle-aged mother of two mumbles something about Him and climbs up on the table like a crazy person before calmly and solemnly saying "He loves us" and BAAAAM, half the cafe is blown to smithereens.  Supers are fighting out in the street, a helicarrier crashes down Main Street, the President addresses the nation on TV from an undisclosed bunker while another casually addresses the nation from Fenway Park like it ain't no thing.  Supers duke it out, but it's impossible to tell who's on what side.  The national guard is called in but bizarrely, they're equally as likely to escort civilians to safety as they are to gun them down.

More explosions.  Like every conceivable crisis packed into one day.  Gun out, you try to escort some wounded to the nearby hospital.  As you turn the corner, you see yourself doing the same thing with another group.  He points it right at you and says you're some sort of alien.  He's the alien!  Your head throbs with the worst migraine of your life.  He says it's because that's what all aliens experience that when confronted by their double.  But he's the alien!  I'm not the alien, he is...I'm not the alien he is...I'm not the alien he is...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on April 10, 2023, 06:11:51 AM
Beef. New Netflix mini series. It's good.

Middle life crisis-dark comedy.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PopeyesPappy on May 01, 2023, 07:20:28 AM
Just finished season 1 of Foundation on Apple TV. It wasn't anything special but worth the watch. It has been a long time since I read the books so I couldn't tell you how far the story diverged. I should probably try to read them again before Season 2.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on June 12, 2023, 11:21:11 AM
So, I just watched Arcane, the TV series based on the League of Legends video game that I will never play. I thought it was pretty good, but the thing that kept coming to me is that it's RWBY done better.

Now, I haven't watched RWBY, but I did watch this two hour plus fucking video about what's wrong with it and it's almost like the Arcane creators did too and took notes.

At the end of the day, I don't know why I watched it other than video essays about it have been popping up in my feed and I decided to give it a try.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 12, 2023, 12:25:12 PM
I haven't seen Arcane, and I'm behind on RWBY, but I don't need to watch a feature-length youtube video to know that RWBY has some pretty big flaws.

The tone was all over the place, from cutesy slice-of-life to a lot of surprisingly dark stuff.  Some shows made that work well, RWBY did not.  For the first few seasons, the animation was choppy as hell, the dialogue was stilted at times, and it seemed to run on video game logic.  Hell, I posted a screenshot from those early seasons and the screen is like 90% gray and brown and it's genuinely hard to tell what I'm looking at.  Fortunately, things have improved a lot since then.

Still it has huge things going for it - the characters are pretty good for the most part, the actions scenes are very good, there's decent worldbuilding towards the latter seasons, and the music is absolutely phenomenal.  Some of the intro songs are permanently on my playlist.

And personally, I love Atlas.  I am 1000% pro-Atlas and so the last couple of season both delighted and terrified me.  Technologically-advanced country with a distinctive culture of duty and honor.  Sign me up!  Also, sign me up for homeowners insurance :'(

RWBY also deserves some props for helping pave the way for the current blossoming of independent western animation.  A lot of the other shows I watch (Hazbin/Helluva and everything made by Glitch) might not exist if RWBY hadn't paved the way.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on June 12, 2023, 01:13:24 PM
Haven´t watched arcane neither. And am also behind on rwby.

I´ve come to think of rwby as dinner at your favorite restaurant when the usual chef is off duty and he got replaced by their aspiring and talented but ultimately too inexperienced sous-chef.

I like the atmosphere. I can appreciate the new takes in an attempt to elevate the known to something new.
But in the end, I want my damn steak the way I like it and the experience falls short.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 12, 2023, 11:05:57 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on June 12, 2023, 01:13:24 PMHaven´t watched arcane neither. And am also behind on rwby.

I´ve come to think of rwby as dinner at your favorite restaurant when the usual chef is off duty and he got replaced by their aspiring and talented but ultimately too inexperienced sous-chef.

I like the atmosphere. I can appreciate the new takes in an attempt to elevate the known to something new.
But in the end, I want my damn steak the way I like it and the experience falls short.
I like that metaphor.  For me, I'm so hungry and the inexperienced sous-chef is so enthusiastic that I don't quite have the heart to send my order back.  Plus, it's nice to be able to go out, especially at such a convenient and welcoming locale.  So, I'll just cut around the undercooked parts.

But seriously you guys, I would've totally gone for a show about team JNPR (the second-stringers in the main show).  The reviewer is right in that it could've been presented better and completely blown my socks off but it was presented in kind of a messy way that was entertaining but didn't quite wow me.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 12, 2023, 11:30:24 PM
Oh and the first time I learned about semblances (everyone has a unique semi-unique power at their disposal, like X-Men) I came up with my OC hunstman:

Heavy armor, shield and mace (moderately tanky with a moderate damage output, but somewhat slow and oafish), semblance is a slow but constant healing aura (can be turned on or off, but otherwise uncontrollable)

The heavy armor is due to the fact that any enemy with brains would likely focus-fire on him.  This creates a dilemma for the enemy, since focusing too much on the healer without landing a KO puts you at a huge disadvantage.  But ignoring the healer altogether is also disadvantageous.  The best move is to either nuke the healer quickly, knock him far away from the group, or - and this is the sneaky option - provoke the other squadmates to rush forward without him, not only splitting the party but also depriving it of its main healing.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on June 13, 2023, 02:53:30 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on June 12, 2023, 01:13:24 PMHaven´t watched arcane neither. And am also behind on rwby.

I´ve come to think of rwby as dinner at your favorite restaurant when the usual chef is off duty and he got replaced by their aspiring and talented but ultimately too inexperienced sous-chef.

I like the atmosphere. I can appreciate the new takes in an attempt to elevate the known to something new.
But in the end, I want my damn steak the way I like it and the experience falls short.

You might want to give Arcane a peek, then. It's got a similar steampunk kind of setting with good action, not as elaborate as the late Monty Oum, maybe, but I think they work. But there's also heavy character drama going on. Main reason why I watched it because of a video essay on writing badass female characters and how Rey and Captain Marvel didn't work but Arcane does. At one point, the main character says "You still punch like a little boy," to which the other responds "And you still block with your face!"

I dunno. I enjoyed it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on June 14, 2023, 05:49:01 AM
I haven't seen RWBY, but I liked Arcane. Haven't finished it though.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 14, 2023, 09:41:55 PM
While we're doing autopsies on dead shows: let's talk The Walking Dead

This show used to pull in 17 million (legal) viewers at its peak, and then dropped down to 1-2 million, tops.  That's a hell of a drop.

And to really show you just how badly the show fell, my main youtuber who reviewed all the episodes shortly after they aired - noting all the important details and call-backs and really emotional moments - the guy who got everyone pumped for the show every week - apparently he decided to lose his mind at some point and put out conspiracy theory videos where he goes on weird unhinged rants about the Illuminati and reptilians and stuff instead.  That's not a joke, and none of that stuff is related to anything in the show.

The video is very long, and just like the show, dragged out unnecessarily, so I'll summarize.

It was initially a brilliant take on the zombie genre - take all the action and excitement of a zombie film but with a lot of diverse characters and drama, where each day is a struggle, not just against the zombies, but to keep it together and not go evil or insane.  Like Fallout, it also has a political dimension: the survivors are trying to build back civilization, so are they going to stay true to western-style democracy or become more authoritarian?  The comic book it's based on was absolutely brilliant...until it wasn't, which was pretty far towards the end.  The TV show gave out much, much earlier.

Season 1: amazing, no notes
Season 2: a bit sluggish with noticeable pacing issues, but one hell of a big reveal and Shane's descent was great
Season 3: first real villain of the show

This stuff was really good...for the most part.  Where it started to go off the rails was after the prison, they started doing Bottle episodes, where you follow only some of the main cast for an episode.  That was tolerable in small doses, but it was constant and very frustrating for audience.  You'd see your favorite character once a month, which obviously limited their impact on the story and gave very little room for character development.

But the real nail in the coffin was several VERY controversial deaths, and the reason they were controversial was ultimately bad writing.  A huge fake-out death, a major offscreen death at the very climax of the season finale (for months, fans were waiting to see who would die.  After the season finale, they were still waiting...for the better part of a year), then a really pointless, unsatisfying death.

Here's a really good video about why the "realistic" violence in TWD - which I have often praised - doesn't really make sense for a work of fiction:

(edit - it won't embed, but it's worth a click, I promise it's worth your time)

I'm now on the fence on the issue.  In some cases, I am all about abrupt and cruel character deaths, like the one with Axel:

It's shocking and also gives immediate sense of danger/urgency, it keeps the audience on their seats and utterly destroys any illusion of safety.  When used sparingly, it's fine.  The problem is when you do in a major cast member like that, it causes issues.  Also, it can seem arbitrary - that the character died merely because the writer decided they would, rather than their own actions (robs characters of agency).  To these criticisms, I have only one retort: git gud.  Just kidding.  I have no idea how to reconcile dramatic death (i.e. Eddard Stark) with "realistic" death (like Axel or redshirts)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 22, 2023, 03:24:43 PM
I tried to watch the new Walking Dead show, this one apparently set in Manhattan many years after the apocalypse.

A survivor uses binoculars and spots a herd of zombies across the water.  The buildings are decaying and overgrown.  Clothes are dirty/post-apocalyptic.  All that makes sense.

The survivor is somehow surprised by a smaller herd near her position.  She hides, and one of them grabs her from behind, but she manages to kill it before it bites her with a handy rock just in reach.  That's a little weird, but I'll let it slide.

Then she's at a bar complete with bartender, neon signs, and a juke box.  And...I can't continue.  I just can't.  Bear in mind that we're at the point in the apocalypse where cars no longer work, guns are rare, buildings are starting to become structurally unsound, etc.  Some real agrarian stuff, for the most part.  Unless there's a helluva explanation - like some big warlord or something - ain't nobody getting their drinks from the tap anymore.  You'd be lucky to get some moonshine.  How am I supposed to take an electrified bar seriously?

What the hell happened to this show??  At first, they paid a lot of attention to detail.  Now, they just kinda forgot how zombie apocalypses work in general and how their own setting works in particular.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on June 22, 2023, 06:11:19 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on June 22, 2023, 03:24:43 PMI tried to watch the new Walking Dead show, this one apparently set in Manhattan many years after the apocalypse.

A survivor uses binoculars and spots a herd of zombies across the water.  The buildings are decaying and overgrown.  Clothes are dirty/post-apocalyptic.  All that makes sense.

The survivor is somehow surprised by a smaller herd near her position.  She hides, and one of them grabs her from behind, but she manages to kill it before it bites her with a handy rock just in reach.  That's a little weird, but I'll let it slide.

Then she's at a bar complete with bartender, neon signs, and a juke box.  And...I can't continue.  I just can't.  Bear in mind that we're at the point in the apocalypse where cars no longer work, guns are rare, buildings are starting to become structurally unsound, etc.  Some real agrarian stuff, for the most part.  Unless there's a helluva explanation - like some big warlord or something - ain't nobody getting their drinks from the tap anymore.  You'd be lucky to get some moonshine.  How am I supposed to take an electrified bar seriously?

What the hell happened to this show??  At first, they paid a lot of attention to detail.  Now, they just kinda forgot how zombie apocalypses work in general and how their own setting works in particular.

I dunno man.

Loved season 1. It was like a great big selfcontained movie.
Stopped after season 2 ep 1 because I realized: I just don´t care about these characters anymore. Their story has been told in season 1.
Got convinced to restart watching, because ´it got so much bettern´.
Season 2 was alright, but already showed too many inconsistancies in the world (And the zombies) for my liking.
Stopped someway through season 3, again. Because they became just too much.

Had the same thing with tlou part 2.
I could just accept the videogame tlou world, at that point in time. But like six or whatever years later, in tlou part 2: it has changed zich and you still have as much ammo lying around Willy Nilly?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on June 22, 2023, 07:31:53 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on June 22, 2023, 06:11:19 PMI dunno man.

Loved season 1. It was like a great big selfcontained movie.
Stopped after season 2 ep 1 because I realized: I just don´t care about these characters anymore. Their story has been told in season 1.
The season 1 story arc was mostly just Rick reuniting with his family (which essentially gathered the core cast).  That's just Act 1 in just about any piece of fiction.

QuoteGot convinced to restart watching, because ´it got so much bettern´.
I dunno if it was necessarily better, but this is where they start really fleshing out the core characters - Rick, Shane, Darryl, Carol.  It's also where they start having more drama-centric stuff and wars of ideas like mercy/wrath with one's alignment towards Hershel or Shane.

I'm rewatching The Grove right now and it's startling how different it is from any later-season episodes.  There's some really good camera shots, acting, themes, etc.  It's firing on all cylinders.  The newer stuff has the setting, but it's more like a generic action show that one with any important themes or character growth or anything like that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 12, 2023, 02:17:43 AM
I just got Crunchyroll a few days ago so I could catch up on My Hero Academia. Apparently, a lot of people don't like this anime, but those people have no goddamn taste. This show gets better every season. It ramps up the intensity slowly and naturally, setting up story threads that get very satisfying pay offs later on. The writing is clever and surprisingly emotional. The show is on season six at the time of writing, and it appears like it's all building up to a conclusion in the next season. It's very dark and depressing, with the country in a state of chaos, the main character Deku is in isolation due to fear of attracting powerful enemies to his friends and innocent bystanders. He's breaking down, exhausted and anxious, effectively neglecting all of his needs. The boundaries between hero and villain are starting to blur, with Deku sympathizing with villains more and seeing that the world is not as black and white as it seems. Except for the BIG bad guy, of course. He's the one guy who is absolutely evil, like the White Walkers from Game of Thrones. lol

Very much looking forward to the next season. The atmosphere they built up in the last few episodes is perfect for an upcoming showdown. It feels like watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, without the knowledge of the author of the series being a bigot.

Little frustrated that the movies aren't on Crunchyroll, though... At least they're cheap on YouTube. They also don't appear to have all of the OVAs; just three of eight. These appear to be soft canon, not written by the manga's author, but I hear the manga does make reference to them, so... I dunno. I enjoy them, at least. They don't seem to contradict the canon the way the Dragon Ball movies do.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 12, 2023, 11:35:50 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on July 12, 2023, 02:17:43 AMI just got Crunchyroll a few days ago so I could catch up on My Hero Academia. Apparently, a lot of people don't like this anime, but those people have no goddamn taste.
It is an extremely popular shonen anime, and both traits can garner ire in certain circles.  *shrugs*
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: SGOS on July 24, 2023, 08:41:13 PM
The ten episodes of Silo on Apple TV held my attention, and I hear they are going to a season 2.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on July 25, 2023, 01:08:42 AM
I'm getting tired of people acting like the "Goku is a bad dad" thing was invented by Team Four Star. The guy was locked in a room with his son for an entire year, and Piccolo had to tell him that Gohan didn't like fighting. How did he not know that? The guy was forcing his interest on his son, and it never occurred to him that maybe Gohan wasn't like him. Yeah, Goku was right about Gohan's hidden potential, but it took severe psychological trauma for him to find the power to win.

Besides that, Goku is never around. He spends most of Gohan's childhood either dead or training on some other planet. Now that Goku is a grandfather, who's the go-to person for babysitting Pan after school? It's the guy who was always there for Gohan, Piccolo. When TFS joked about Piccolo being Gohan's real dad, they didn't pull it out of their ass. It's basically canon.

Unfortunately, Gohan seems to take after his biological father, as he's turned out to be a neglectful father, prioritizing his personal passions over spending time with his kid. Now he's overrelying on Piccolo to pick up the slack, just as he did with the previous generation. History is repeating itself, only Gohan hasn't died. Yet. While she's alive.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on July 25, 2023, 01:44:30 PM
Gf´s soap opera is on Summer break, so we have more time to watch better shows.

Finished ´all of us are dead´, which was fun. A good, korean zombie series. Plot armor galore, but consistent zombies, which I like.

We are now watching squid game, which is also pretty good so far. Had my eye on it for a while.

Going to watch ´rough diamonds´ hereafter, shot at least in part in my homecity of antwerp.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 25, 2023, 02:33:36 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on July 25, 2023, 01:44:30 PMWe are now watching squid game, which is also pretty good so far. Had my eye on it for a while.
That was a very shocking show.  Utterly callous cruelty.

I was going to buy a poster of it for my bedroom but the circle-symbol workers were mistakenly portrayed with guns, even though the triangle ones are the armed guards.  Literally unbuyable.

I was surprised by people who didn't piece together the message.  It's not particularly subtle.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on July 31, 2023, 12:22:09 AM
Futurama is back!


Imho, it previously had a near-perfect ending of Fry and Leela finally getting together and they better not mess that up.  They're a couple now and forever, dammit.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on August 03, 2023, 07:39:12 PM
The final season of The Witcher has been out for a little while now. No, it's not officially the "final" season, but let's be honest. It basically is. Between Henry Cavill jumping ship, the writers' strike delaying production, the godawful spinoff show, and fans shitting on the main show, there likely won't be another season. But anyway... I watched the first two seasons and I actually found it enjoyable. It started off strong, and aside from Yennefer's confusingly inconsistent motivation, I never really thought the show was bad. I even thought the non-chronological order of the storytelling was an interesting twist, even if I think it could have been told in a way that was less confusing. I went into the show knowing little about the series, so I was unaware of the creative liberties the writers were taking.

However, the more I've learned about things happening behind the scenes, the more my interest in the series has waned. First, of course, Henry Cavill announced he would be leaving after season 3 due to creative differences. Henry Cavill is apparently a massive fan of The Witcher, having read the books and played the video games. When he heard there was a Netflix series being planned, he pestered his agents to get him an interview. He greatly wanted to be a part of it, due to his passion for The Witcher. The guy was the perfect man for the role, and he made it clear that as long as the show remained loyal to the source material, he'd happily stick around for seven seasons. And they did remain loyal to the source material, apparently. For about five minutes.

It takes a lot of hubris to take someone else's property, and instead of adapting it faithfully, choosing to change it as if you know better. This always seems to happen. An author writes a series of books (sometimes video games or something else) that captures imaginations and has a lot of success. Hollywood takes that intellectual property and adapts it. But instead of remaining faithful to the source material--the thing that made the series popular to begin with--they use it as a vehicle to tell their own story. Basically, they use the title of the show to trick people into paying attention to their own original story, because no one will pay attention to their work otherwise.

The writers had a massive fan working for them in their starring role. But instead of listening to him and heeding his advice, they ignored him. They called him a "living encyclopedia" of The Witcher lore, but they considered that a hindrance instead of a resource. So it's no wonder fans of the books and games were not happy with the show. Personally, while I have a bit of morbid curiosity regarding the show's final season, seeing it now would probably just be sad. Especially knowing the show will end on a cliffhanger that will likely never be resolved. Although, after experiencing the conclusion of Game of Thrones, perhaps the lack of an ending isn't such a bad thing.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 05, 2023, 12:21:16 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on August 03, 2023, 07:39:12 PMHenry Cavill is apparently a massive fan of The Witcher, having read the books and played the video games. When he heard there was a Netflix series being planned, he pestered his agents to get him an interview. He greatly wanted to be a part of it, due to his passion for The Witcher. The guy was the perfect man for the role, and he made it clear that as long as the show remained loyal to the source material, he'd happily stick around for seven seasons. And they did remain loyal to the source material, apparently. For about five minutes.
That sort of enthusiasm is a godsend for directors.  Not only will the actor give a fantastic performance, they'll offer valuable input to keep the production on track.  Apparently, this enthusiasm was complained about, rather than valued.

QuoteIt takes a lot of hubris to take someone else's property, and instead of adapting it faithfully, choosing to change it as if you know better.
I go back and forth on this.

On one side, a lot of people want a straight one-for-one adaptation, which isn't always possible or even desirable in some cases.  Raise your hand if you want an adaptation of Stephen King's IT where the girl has sex with all the guys.  Nope, not when they're adults.  Yeah, didn't think so.  Or the Little Mermaid where she dissolves into sea foam.  And holy smokes, don't even get me started on Jurassic Park (

But let's say you have a perfectly adaptable book, when you do a straight adaptation, you're likely to get a pretty decent film.  The problem is that it's also perfectly predictable from start to finish.  Unless you're adapting Shakespeare, that's usually not a good thing.  Generally speaking, a little deviation is perfectly fine, as long as you stay true to the spirit of the original.  Speaking of Game of Thrones, the TV series was always somewhat different from the books, but they still largely held true to GRRM's themes - until they didn't.  And while changing some stuff wasn't always a bad thing, they really dropped the ball bigtime when it came to the Greyjoys - Euron (changed from a scary-as-hell madman to a complete clown with unclear motivations) and Victarion (book-only character).  I could type about all the great book-only characters who deserved screentime and show characters who got completely screwed up in the adaptation towards the end, but if I did, I would be awake all night.

Which brings me to the other camp, people who don't expect or want a one-to-one adaptation.  Well, guess what?  Now you have D&D (or someone just as bad) taking the show completely off-the-rails or some serious executive meddling (, with predictable results.  The victims are almost too many to count.  Here's a particularly wild close-call: in Fight Club, casting Reese Witherspoon as Marla instead of Helena Bonham Carter.  Or how about the ending of I Am Legend?  Or the whole existence of the nuking-the-fridge Indiana Jones Crystal Skull movie?  Coulda stopped at three, just sayin'.

Both stances have their pitfalls, though the scale is obviously tilted in changing too much doing far more harm than not changing enough.  But imho, changing just a little is where the real sweet spot is.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on August 05, 2023, 12:41:58 AM
A few changes from the source material are fine. Especially if its something we've seen before already, we don't need another copy/paste of the same thing. I actually hate seeing new versions of A Christmas Carol for that reason. "Well, then they'd better do it and decrease the surplus population!" Come on. You couldn't even just change up the wording a little bit?

But with the MCU, I think most comic fans have come to realize they have a multiverse out there, so it's okay to change things up to keep things fresh. It doesn't take away from the original, but it creates another unique universe. Especially after No Way Home and Into the Spider-Verse, I think most of them get that. Some will still complain, but most have enjoyed the ride.

The problem is when the writers have no love for the original and don't understand what make it appealing to begin with. Instead of wanting to please the fans, they want to appeal to some new group instead, and then are surprised when it doesn't work out. Hell, they've even accused the fans of being sexist, as if anybody cares what genitals the people who wrote and produced the show had between their legs.

I mean, jeez. After the end of the first season, it seems like they were trying to make Geralt a side character in his own show. After season 2, it basically turned into the Yennifer and Ciri show, with Geralt being reduced to a glorified babysitter. They didn't even want to give him lines. Henry Cavill had to convince them to let Geralt talk.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on August 05, 2023, 12:59:20 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on August 05, 2023, 12:41:58 AMThe problem is when the writers have no love for the original and don't understand what make it appealing to begin with.
Heh, remember when comic books were banned on the set of X-Men (

No idea how First Class didn't meet the same fate as most of the other films.  I suppose it's easier to get lightning in a bottle when you get a lot of chances.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on September 09, 2023, 11:26:23 AM
Never read the manga nor watched the anime.
But as a new watcher, netflix's one piece is pretty awesome.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 12, 2023, 11:45:22 PM
Film theory just made a video about my second favorite show! (though it's perilously close to unseating Helluva Boss for the #1 spot)

And yes, I agree with his assessment about the big reveal.  I saw that one coming as far back as episode 2.  What I don't yet understand is the big plan of the big bad and the hidden information.  And hopefully, we get some hopeful information for a change.  Because what we've seen so far is as bleak as it gets.  Jeez, is it bleak.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on September 13, 2023, 02:46:35 AM
I don't even own a television.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on September 13, 2023, 08:31:02 AM
Quote from: Unbeliever on September 13, 2023, 02:46:35 AMI don't even own a television.

You're in luck. Murder Drones is a YouTube animated series, like Helluva Boss.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on September 13, 2023, 10:56:29 AM
I wouldn't watch TV if they paid me. There are too many things to watch on YouTube. 🤓
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on September 13, 2023, 10:58:37 AM
If you watch Youtube, who'll watch all that porn?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on September 13, 2023, 12:25:40 PM
I don't know, I've never watched porn, so I don't know who does. I think it's all those Latter Day Saints in Utah...😇
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mike Cl on September 14, 2023, 08:58:40 AM
Quote from: Unbeliever on September 13, 2023, 12:25:40 PMI don't know, I've never watched porn, so I don't know who does. I think it's all those Latter Day Saints in Utah...😇
According to the stats, the states with the highest concentration of repubs are the biggest consumers of porn.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on September 14, 2023, 10:01:52 AM
I think i might have a problem then.

I might be a republican, and never knew. :o
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on September 14, 2023, 11:35:05 AM
Well, who'da thunk it? 🤔 🤣
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on September 28, 2023, 10:16:53 PM

New episodes of Hazbin Hotel!  (It's been a while since the pilot (

Well, I guess Helluva Boss won't get to its 5th season before the first season of Hazbin Hotel airs.  Drats.  Jokes aside, I look forward to Hazbin to really flesh out the setting, especially the Pride Ring (the only part of hell with Sinners).  I demand a cameo by that guy who lovingly killed his wife! (It makes sense in context!  Sort of!)

One last joke: Amazon is an overlord in Hell.  So the partnership makes sense.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 05, 2023, 12:35:21 AM
Watching the new season of Ahsoka.  Episode 1.

I've gotta say, I love the props.  Mando, Boba Fett, and Ahsoka all have that nice lived-in aesthetic where just about everything has a fair bit of wear, but things still work.  I like the acting.  I like the plotline (a continuation of Rebels), although the metal sphere macguffin strikes me as a tad cliched and overdone.

My main gripe is that some big developments are just done in a rushed, too-quick way instead of drawing it out for a bigger impact.

For example, we have the bad guys making their introduction.  They disguise themselves, but then drop the act and almost immediately start stacking bodies.  Not much of an impact.  Instead, I wish they had convincingly lied and fooled both the characters and the audience at least half the episode.  There could be hints sprinkled throughout that fans could pick up on, like details that aren't quite right.  Then, when they drop the act (, then it hits the audience hard.

Also, I'm not a big fan of lightsaber duels in chapter 1.  That stuff is normally something you work up to, like Luke or (sort of) Rey.  You don't see Mando lopping off heads with the darksaber in the first outing, cause that'd be insane.  Besides, you kinda gotta grow up to that level.  And it makes sense for Ahsoka, but not that other character.

Also, ain't nobody dying in episode 1.  Put the headstone back, I know all about the magic that is plot armor.  Forshame!

Bottom line: deception-massacre was too quick, figuring out the puzzle was too quick, and duel of the fates was too quick.  Yanno, a little foreplay never hurt anyone!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 05, 2023, 03:55:07 PM
I think I may want to retract (or at least rework) my earlier statement that "too much" happens in Ahsoka's first episode and that it could've been better if drawn out.

I was just watching the first episode of Loki in anticipation of the new season, and holy moley, a TON of stuff happens in the first episode.  They introduce most of the cast, the conflict, backstory - both for Loki himself and the TVA - gadgets and gizmos galore, etc.  That episode is chalk full of important new things, but it doesn't feel rushed or boring.  It can be confusing (that's the intent, to bewilder the audience as much as Loki, so that we're both in the same boat and we empathize with him)

So how come Ahsoka was just okay but Loki was excellent?  Loki challenged pre-conceived expectations (Loki will do what he's always done - trick and betray himself out of his predicament) and more or less reset his basic character so now we don't really know what he'll do next, much less this mysterious bureaucracy or this unknown criminal.  Lots of balls in the air.

With Ahsoka, there just wasn't much going on.  Sure, there are baddies, but they're not total unknowns, we can deduce their intent pretty easily.  Same with the good guys.  There's not a lot of mystery.  Not that straightforward stories can't be good, it's just...I don't know exactly how to phrase's like telling a scary story in the light of day versus telling a scary story at a campfire.  One has a little more of an impact, you know?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 08, 2023, 12:48:43 AM
So I'm watching Star Trek Lower Decks (#3 favorite still-running show) and a Starfleet ensign visits a Ferenginar hotel (the Ferengi are greedy, capitalistic aliens) and casually watches a commercial on the hotel TV.

For him, such a thing is really strange and exotic, like having a pet alligator or wearing ripped jeans.  He can barely even pronounce the word commercial.  It'd be like us using one of those old wooden butter churners or a hand-cranked clothes-wringer.

*watches a soda ad that outright claims that soda drinkers get laid*
"Ha!  So they just lie to you"
*walks away*

And you know what, he pretty much sums it up.  There's slightly more to it than that, but yeah, that's the essence of it.  One thing that amazes me about this show and Trek in general is that even lowly crew in Starfleet are highly evolved people compared to present day.  They study complex fields for fun.  They have healthy relationships.  They move along home in 3 rolls or less.  They go through life-or-death crises without flinching, for the most part.

This stuff is just dripping with optimism.  I truly hope we actually accomplish just a tenth of what the fictional Starfleet accomplished in TOS (Those Old Scientists) era.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on October 08, 2023, 02:32:35 PM
I've just discovered Key and Peele! It's pretty funny, I think I'll watch more of it. 🤣
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: PopeyesPappy on October 10, 2023, 09:13:37 AM
Just finished season 2 of Foundation on Apple TV. It is worth a watch. You will be sorely disappointed though if you prefer shows that follow the book story line closely. They took a lot of liberties with the TV series. 
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on October 19, 2023, 01:30:54 PM

A new YouTube animated series has been making the rounds. Like the others, this one is a dark comedy, but it's surprisingly lacking in curse words. In fact, that plays into the story a little bit. It's only one episode so far, but the premise is promising and the animation is very lively and fluid. Very pleasant to watch these characters move around. It's funny and a little bit disturbing. Just a healthy little dose of existential horror.

I don't want to say too much about the story, because I think it's better to watch it and find out. The jester looking character is just as clueless about this world as a first-time viewer, making them basically a stand-in for the audience and an excuse for the characters to explain what's going on.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 28, 2023, 12:08:54 PM
Loki Season 2 (aka Marvel Doctor Who)

So far, so good.  It's not quite as tightly focused on the titular character (this is a pretty normal thing in shows since they typically focus on the protagonist the first season and then introduce/expand on the secondary characters the second season) and some character motivations are bit...questionable to say the least, but overall it's a truly amazing show.

There's a LOT of plotting and scheming this season, as well as some Sports Almanac hijinks.

My favorite character is still Mobius and I would stick to him and OB like white on rice.  My favorite moment with him is when he suggests getting some pie (and gets chewed out for it) but yanno, sometimes you've done all you can do to help and you just have to put your trust in someone else and the best way to help is to just get out of the way.  It takes a lot of humility and patience to stand aside, and I respect that.  So imho, the flak was completely undeserved.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on October 30, 2023, 01:05:13 AM

One of the best episodes in a while, in my opinion. I'm kinda meh on most of the original songs this series has. And I've noticed there have been a lot of them lately. Is Helluva Boss turning into a musical? But the song at the end is a real banger.

Also, love that gag about a minute and a half in. If you're not paying attention, you'll miss the joke.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on October 30, 2023, 02:06:06 AM
The I.M.P. jingle, Oh Millie, You Will Be Okay, and Loo Loo Land are straight fire imho.  But yeah, they're not all good.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on October 30, 2023, 05:06:35 PM
Watching a show called ´down the road´. In which a celebrity takes a group of 6 people with down syndrome on an ´adventurous´ trip.

This year, he revealled they were going to canada.

Says one of the girls with down syndrome: ´I don´t believe that.´

Him: ´What do you mean?'

Her: ´Canada. I don´t believe in that.´

Him : ´You do not believe in the country?'

Her: ´I don´t believe it is real.'

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 07, 2023, 02:09:18 AM
After watching the latest Loki episode and the latest Rick and Morty episode, I can safely say that I no longer like spaghetti.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 09, 2023, 11:50:40 PM
I just started Invincible season 2.  Holy moley, this is a fantastic series, easily the best superhero deconstruction to come out since Kick-Ass.

For "superhero fatigue" people or people that don't even like superheroes: this is NOT your granddad's superman.  Yes, it has superpowers and sci-fi gizmos and saving the world and other superhero stuff BUT the story at its heart is a young man growing up not only with fantastic power but also the crushing responsibility that comes with it and the constant struggle to do the right thing and help people.  And it's not easy.  His struggle is just so painful and torturous and kinda tragic - his story emotionally resonates.  No joke, you will likely cry at some point.

And fair warning, the show is also incredibly violent, though usually to make a point rather than just shock value.  Let's just say that you will never see a subway the same way again.

P.S. - I usually sympathize with one character or another in my shows, but it's rare for me to fully see myself as one of the characters.  This is the exception, because personality-wise, I am 100% like Robot and that's not entirely a good thing.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on November 10, 2023, 05:03:50 AM
The new atla netflix teaser trailer actually looks pretty nice.

Let us hope it can bring the Balance.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on November 10, 2023, 12:20:55 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on November 10, 2023, 05:03:50 AMThe new atla netflix teaser trailer actually looks pretty nice.

Let us hope it can bring the Balance.

The creators of the original show were brought into the project, but they quickly realized they were just there to give the show the appearance of legitimacy. Their input was ignored, and so they left. I doubt this show will be any good.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on November 10, 2023, 01:34:24 PM
I've been watching Mandalorian. I liked it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on November 10, 2023, 03:24:00 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on November 10, 2023, 12:20:55 PMThe creators of the original show were brought into the project, but they quickly realized they were just there to give the show the appearance of legitimacy. Their input was ignored, and so they left. I doubt this show will be any good.

Well, I know, but they weren´t the only people involved in making the original. They are not the end all of the discussion.

Now look: it may yet flop big. Very good chance of that.
But... sofar, on the very limited data, it looks pretty damn nice.
If one piece can do it, it must technically be possible.
Will it be better than the original? Probably not. Am I going to give it a chance. Probably yes.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on November 10, 2023, 03:27:03 PM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on November 10, 2023, 03:24:00 PMWell, I know, but they weren´t the only people involved in making the original. They are not the end all of the discussion.

Now look: it may yet flop big. Very good chance of that.
But... sofar, on the very limited data, it looks pretty damn nice.
If one piece can do it, it must technically be possible.
Will it be better than the original? Probably not. Am I going to give it a chance. Probably yes.

Wasn't the author of One Piece heavily involved in the creation of the live action show?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on November 10, 2023, 03:38:29 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on November 10, 2023, 03:27:03 PMWasn't the author of One Piece heavily involved in the creation of the live action show?

Yeah, but again, they aren´t the end all of things.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 10, 2023, 09:42:18 PM
Well, Loki season 2 was certainly something.  Not quite sure what, but definitely something.  They certainly have the timey wimey stuff on lock, though the plot is such a tangled mess that I'm not quite sure if it'll ever become perfectly linear again.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on November 11, 2023, 12:27:18 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on November 10, 2023, 03:38:29 PMYeah, but again, they aren´t the end all of things.

Maybe the involvement of the original authors isn't required for a good remake, but it's definitely a bad sign when those authors are there, and they end up leaving because all of their input is ignored. If the people making the show were actual fans, they wouldn't be using the original creators as figureheads.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on November 11, 2023, 12:49:50 AM
So, I just finished re-watching Space Academy

A show from the mid-seventies that I haven't seen in forty years. It was kind of fun seeing what scenes jogged an ancient memory, but overall the show is dog shit, but kind of interesting dog shit. It has rather impressive effects for a mid-70's children's show, but it's still obviously low budget.

Space Academy stars Jonathan Harris (Lost In Space's Dr Smith) as Commander Gampu. I think somewhere I'd read that his character was originally going to be "grandpa" and a patriarch of a spacefaring family before the concept changed.

The only other noteworthy actor that I'll cover here is Pamelyn Ferdin as Laura. She has a voice that's like a white hot poker right through my skull, but familiar. Where had I heard that voice before? Then I remembered, the episode of the Brady Bunch where Jan gets the brown wig. Jesus christ, how did I remember that? She was also the voice of Lucy in several Peanuts specials.

The shows are kinda like Star Trek where they start in a typical day and then they encounter something and then have to solve the problem. It is low budget. They have, like four sets? I think? The bridge with hallway, the planet soundstage, maybe one or two more which is probably the bridge redressed. One episode had aliens that were flashlight spots on the wall. Another tried to pass off smoke from a smoke machine as some kind of alien force. The show is heavily plotted as solutions seem to come out of nowhere for no reason. It's written for children, but it still doesn't gel. In one episode, character made note of the lessons they learned, and they got none of that shit from the plot.

Overall, it's pretty cringeworthy. Sadly, it only lasted 15 episodes. The real mystery is why when Harry Potter was big and every imaginable school setting was being greenlit that Space Academy wasn't rebooted? Guess no one else remembers this shit.

But this isn't the end of the Space Academy. Oh, no. There is a spin-off that I'm rewatching now...
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on November 11, 2023, 03:32:14 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on November 11, 2023, 12:27:18 AMMaybe the involvement of the original authors isn't required for a good remake, but it's definitely a bad sign when those authors are there, and they end up leaving because all of their input is ignored. If the people making the show were actual fans, they wouldn't be using the original creators as figureheads.

True, and that is by and large not a good good thing.

But i´ve watched the teater. Don´t know if you have or not. And for now, it does look good.

I reserve all rights to later hate it and want to kill it with fire.
But on this first step, they have not faltered.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on November 14, 2023, 12:13:47 AM
Aw Jeez, the latest episode of Rick and Morty was one of the most action-packed of the whole series!

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on December 01, 2023, 03:53:36 PM
We are rewatching stranger things. Slowly. In part for freshening up by the time the final season finally gets released

Just finishing up season 1 right now. Love the show.

One thing that never bothered me, but perhaps it should have, is something regarding the demogorgon.

Spoiler warning

The demogorgon seems impervious to bulletfire. Yet hitting it with a spiked bat in season 1 or cutting it with a sword in season 4 can inflict massive damage.
It hardly flinches from handguns or half a dozen smg's or ak 47s going full throttle.
Yet when they take it on with a melee weapon, it clearly hurts the beast.
In season 4, this seems to due to it being weakened by fire beforehand: perhaps burning away some protective substance on its skin or something
But in season 1, bullets still do jack shit after the demogorgon gets set ablaze by jonathan.

I've heard people call bullshit on this. And depending hoW the showmakers tackle it in the final season, the critics may be right.

But my headcanon has always been this:
The demogorgon comes from a different dimension. One where obviously the laws of physics are slightly different to ours. See no further than number one's first journey into the proto-upside down.
In this place, higher velocity impact does not lead to higher damage, due to this 'upside down physics'.
The monster either isn't weak to the high impact damage due to this, AND/OR it warps the physics in our world as it traverses into our world.
We see how the upside down infects and alters our dimension, in season 2, after all.

I dunno. It makes sense in my head.
But i never have seen someone make the argument.
And i love the show, so the less i or anyone else gets stuck on what could otherwise be a plothole, the better.

I just hope they don't ruin my heacanon in the final season.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Gawdzilla Sama on December 02, 2023, 09:14:38 PM
Monarch, Legacy of Monsters, epi. 1. Seems to have potential. Up to Epi. 4 on Apple +. 

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on December 13, 2023, 05:33:31 PM
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 12, 2024, 08:48:19 PM

I really really want to like this, but it's a bit late for comeback.  15 5 years too late.  I'm not super happy about the setting, either.

Supposedly, while most people are struggling to survive on a tribal level in shanty towns or prisons or basically medieval hilltop communities - there's an enormous community near the Great Lakes and miraculously, still with modern amenities.  Imho, it's far too clean and modern for the setting, which is gritty to the point of being quite literally centered on Grime.  The internal logic doesn't make much sense, either.  For example, how tf do you get a combat helicopter supplied and airborne and engaging targets with rocket pods in a setting where they obviously can no longer be supplied or maintained?  Bear in mind that in this setting, people are using horses because cars no longer function because gas is too scarce and/or the gasoline has gone bad (this is a real thing), farming their own food, sewing their own clothes, and making their own bullets, which aren't very good (guns have largely been supplanted by arrows or knives or good ol' fashioned spears and clubs)

This unbelievably modern community transparently exists only as a quick-and-dirty way to wrap up the series and it will likely serve the same function for the TV audience.  Imho, it should have been Grimes' community gradually reclaiming and rebuilding, but that would realistically take a long, long time.

I'll probably check it out, but I'll be amazed if they can pull this off in a believable, satisfying way.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cassia on January 13, 2024, 09:28:25 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 12, 2024, 08:48:19 PM

I really really want to like this, but it's a bit late for comeback.  15 5 years too late.  I'm not super happy about the setting, either.

Supposedly, while most people are struggling to survive on a tribal level in shanty towns or prisons or basically medieval hilltop communities - there's an enormous community near the Great Lakes and miraculously, still with modern amenities.  Imho, it's far too clean and modern for the setting, which is gritty to the point of being quite literally centered on Grime.  The internal logic doesn't make much sense, either.  For example, how tf do you get a combat helicopter supplied and airborne and engaging targets with rocket pods in a setting where they obviously can no longer be supplied or maintained?  Bear in mind that in this setting, people are using horses because cars no longer function because gas is too scarce and/or the gasoline has gone bad (this is a real thing), farming their own food, sewing their own clothes, and making their own bullets, which aren't very good (guns have largely been supplanted by arrows or knives or good ol' fashioned spears and clubs)

This unbelievably modern community transparently exists only as a quick-and-dirty way to wrap up the series and it will likely serve the same function for the TV audience.  Imho, it should have been Grimes' community gradually reclaiming and rebuilding, but that would realistically take a long, long time.

I'll probably check it out, but I'll be amazed if they can pull this off in a believable, satisfying way.
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 12, 2024, 08:48:19 PM

I really really want to like this, but it's a bit late for comeback.  15 5 years too late.  I'm not super happy about the setting, either.

Supposedly, while most people are struggling to survive on a tribal level in shanty towns or prisons or basically medieval hilltop communities - there's an enormous community near the Great Lakes and miraculously, still with modern amenities.  Imho, it's far too clean and modern for the setting, which is gritty to the point of being quite literally centered on Grime.  The internal logic doesn't make much sense, either.  For example, how tf do you get a combat helicopter supplied and airborne and engaging targets with rocket pods in a setting where they obviously can no longer be supplied or maintained?  Bear in mind that in this setting, people are using horses because cars no longer function because gas is too scarce and/or the gasoline has gone bad (this is a real thing), farming their own food, sewing their own clothes, and making their own bullets, which aren't very good (guns have largely been supplanted by arrows or knives or good ol' fashioned spears and clubs)

This unbelievably modern community transparently exists only as a quick-and-dirty way to wrap up the series and it will likely serve the same function for the TV audience.  Imho, it should have been Grimes' community gradually reclaiming and rebuilding, but that would realistically take a long, long time.

I'll probably check it out, but I'll be amazed if they can pull this off in a believable, satisfying way.
All this killing of zombies is unacceptable. They are people too. They have rights and feelings. They just need affordable housing, education and health care. They are not even allowed to vote. Their leader, Jesus needs to get back down here ASAP.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on January 13, 2024, 09:38:24 AM
I feel like something would change a decade or so of zombies. We've seen that they do decay over time. The zombies don't last forever. And with fewer people around to become new zombies, that should mean fewer zombies overall.

Additionally, the survivors must have figured out systems that work in keeping themselves alive, so the biggest threat would be people inside the camps dying unexpectedly.

Lastly, if this zombie outbreak has affected every human on Earth, one has to develop a natural resistance to the virus eventually. That's just evolution. So eventually, you'll be left with a mostly empty world to be repopulated.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 13, 2024, 10:26:32 AM
Quote from: Cassia on January 13, 2024, 09:28:25 AMAll this killing of zombies is unacceptable. They are people too. They have rights and feelings.
Hershel, is that you?  (The Whisperers take this position to the extreme, not only accepting undeath as a different form of life, but attempting to coexist by disguising themselves as zombies)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 13, 2024, 10:43:15 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on January 13, 2024, 09:38:24 AMI feel like something would change a decade or so of zombies. We've seen that they do decay over time. The zombies don't last forever. And with fewer people around to become new zombies, that should mean fewer zombies overall.

Additionally, the survivors must have figured out systems that work in keeping themselves alive, so the biggest threat would be people inside the camps dying unexpectedly.
All this is true, though somehow zombies collect in herds and it seems like while their numbers do decline overall, when they do attack they attack in force.  So things don't really get easier for a long time.

QuoteLastly, if this zombie outbreak has affected every human on Earth, one has to develop a natural resistance to the virus eventually. That's just evolution. So eventually, you'll be left with a mostly empty world to be repopulated.
Well, if it has infected absolutely everyone on earth, there is by definition no natural resistance.

And if the only harm done is reanimation after death, then there is no mechanism for evolution to work.  The main way is for heritable traits to pass on at differing rates because people with certain traits are more likely to have kids than people without such traits - but the zombie virus only takes hold after they die, long after they've already had kids.  So there's no way for the next generation to be any different from the previous one.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on January 13, 2024, 10:45:27 AM
Yeah, Bill Murray tried disguising himself as a zombie. Didn't work out very well.  🤣
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on January 13, 2024, 11:34:01 AM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 13, 2024, 10:43:15 AMWell, if it has infected absolutely everyone on earth, there is by definition no natural resistance.

And if the only harm done is reanimation after death, then there is no mechanism for evolution to work.  The main way is for heritable traits to pass on at differing rates because people with certain traits are more likely to have kids than people without such traits - but the zombie virus only takes hold after they die, long after they've already had kids.  So there's no way for the next generation to be any different from the previous one.

Well, the virus is kind of odd because it behaves in two different ways, depending on how you're infected. First, everyone is infected by it because it is airborne. But when infected that way, it remains dormant until the host dies. On the other hand, if you're scratched by a zombie or something, and it gets in your blood, the virus takes effect within hours of being infected. It's almost like there are two completely different zombie viruses.

Since being bitten or scratched results in death 100% of the time, that does put a lot of evolutionary pressure on developing some sort of resistance. Zombies are the number one concern for humans everywhere, so natural selection can't just ignore it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 13, 2024, 01:05:06 PM
Like you said, it's 100% lethal every time.  If it weren't - if some people react differently than others - greatly delaying or resisting zombification - then that'd be something for evolution to act on, but there's no natural resistance.  No natural reistance, no evolution.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on January 13, 2024, 01:31:03 PM
Life is 100% lethal every time, so we should try to avoid it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 18, 2024, 08:49:21 PM
Well hello there you wayward sinners!  Do you like blood, violence, and depravity of a sexual nature?  Of course you do! That's why you're in hell!

But what would you say if there was a place to stay that had none of that?  Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, a misguided path to redemption!

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on January 20, 2024, 12:25:59 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on January 18, 2024, 08:49:21 PMWell hello there you wayward sinners!  Do you like blood, violence, and depravity of a sexual nature?  Of course you do! That's why you're in hell!

But what would you say if there was a place to stay that had none of that?  Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, a misguided path to redemption!

I feel like it's a mistake to label the episode after the pilot "episode 1." How many are watching the show, without having seen the pilot, and they're missing the context of the actual first episode? Excluding the pilot from the episode count only makes sense when you're starting over when you start the show in earnest. The pilot doesn't seem to be on Amazon with the rest of the episodes.

That aside, I just finished episode (ugh) "1," and I liked it. I have an idea of where this series is headed already, but we'll see. Man, I'd love to see a Faux News host react to a show about souls in Hell trying to eacape, where angels are portrayed as total dicks. A show where Lucifer is shown in a sympathetic light and Lilith exists. They might just die of a heart attack.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 20, 2024, 01:54:55 PM
The pilot isn't normally supposed to have so much plot stuffed into it and you're right that it's a mistake to not have that as the first thing the Amazon viewers see.  Hopefully, they'll see the youtube channel soon or already have.

I didn't particularly like the first episode, especially the voice change for Katie Killjoy and Adam's seemingly flat and revolting depiction, but it was okay.

However, the second episode was much more like what I'm used to and had some truly touching moments and great songs.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 21, 2024, 01:48:48 AM
While I'm enamored with this show:
It's no secret that I'm going to the big ol' double hockey sticks, so I might as well.

My OC (don't steal) Ebony Dark'ness Dement-

Imagine a humanoid alligator - two legs, two arms, scales, big ol' U-shaped snout with a pair of spectacles resting precariously on beady little eyes.  Kind portly and awkward.

Two snakes coil around his torso, resting their heads on his shoulders.  The pair give unsolicited/unwanted advice and always differ and can never agree on even the most basic facts.  (not true)  One will always trust, the other will always distrust.  (for good reason)

This character is ever the seeker of knowledge, a book devourer in a quite literal sense.  Down the hatch and most of the knowledge is slowly absorbed, but some is always lost.  And more and more difficult to recall over time.  His time spent in hell is a seemingly endless quest for books of all shapes and sizes and the secrets held within - ultimately destroying that which he cherishes the most.  This hunger drives him towards what passes for libraries and private studies in hell - books are fairly rare in the pride ring, good quality ones rarer still.

In some dank dark cellar, he devours what could have once been a treasure trove of learning - but was now a damp and mouldy collection of tomes from some old minor noble who was nowhere to be found - exterminated or simply gone, it made no difference.  For weeks - or perhaps months - he sat in the cellar in stupor while a delirium of words and images danced in his head - half-remembered lessons on various arcane arts and demonic summoning circles.  Fascinating, but too fragmentary and indecipherable to be of any real use.

After clearing the cellar of its last word, he shambles out into the world in search of a new meal.  From the look of things, not long after an extermination.  He sees crowds gathered around the television (a noisy and worthless idiot box) pointing and jeering at a princess of hell.  Not surprising, everyone claims to be something, some lord of this, lady of that as a way to look important.  But just as he grows disinterested, she says that there's a way out of this hellhole.  Now that gets his attention.  Redemption?  Impossible.  Pure fantasy.  But...maybe she's partially right.  If there's a way in, there's a way out.  And if she knows, then it must be written down somewhere, some spell or contraption or something to tear a hole between worlds.  If only he could find it, his torment would end at last.  His life has meaning again.  Purpose again.  He would break the crimson sky into shards and use them to claw his way up to new heights - heights where he could face his accusers from a position of power.  Oh such vengeance he would unleash...

He turns the corner, nearly colliding with I.M.P.  "Hey, I'm walking here!"  Stupid imps, get outta my way, he thinks.  Can't they see I'm on a very important quest!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 26, 2024, 12:51:17 AM
Now that I've had time to see and digest the first four episodes of Hazbin Hotel, I'll give you guys my impression:

The episodes are very good, they're just a bit slower in pace and a tad disjointed because there's not as much focus in the show.  The pilot was pure gold because it had a clear focus - everything is through the eyes of Charlie.  It had a very limited budget so every second of animation was important, so lots of detail is crammed in, it had a fantastic manic energy, and it did a great job of balancing dark humor with serious drama.

The amazon series is taking a bit more time to breathe and we follow different characters around, sometimes even tertiary ones which is odd so early in a series.  It's a lot less jokey - in fact the last one had to have an advisory above and beyond the normal one, so you just know it's about to get into some very dark territory.  (Hooboy did I need an adult for that one)  It has a decent overarching plot, pretty good music (though imho, nothing comes close to Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow), and characters who might one day be dynamic.  It's just not as quotable or memeable as the pilot was.  Big things happen every episode, but it's not quite the wild ride it was before.  Still very much worth the watch, though.  And it's still very early into the first season and for many shows, that's when it's still at a rough stage.  So we'll see.

I will say that there are some very good theories floating around on the internet which explain stuff that otherwise might be written off as a coincidence or contradictory information.  Suffice it to say that I'm still very interested in what heaven is really like and in particular, the root cause of Adam's odious behavior and demon-like appearance.

I'm also very interested in how hell will develop, since apparently it is quite the hotbed of creative problem solving and it's regularly put through the wringer.  I foresee quite the arms race developing, something that was hinted at in Helluva Boss.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on January 26, 2024, 02:11:19 AM
Before getting into it, a YouTuber I watched said that all of the dialog was without character. That it's just people saying "fuck" every two seconds, and it could come out of anyone's mouth. Now that I've seen it, I'm like, what a bad take.

Yeah, people in Hell curse a lot. D'uh. They're demons. They're supposed to be violent, viscious, and depraved. For the most part. But to claim that the characters have no distinct character traits? What? Are we even watching the same show?

Charlie is the innocent/naive one. Even when she does curse, it comes off as feeling forced, like she's trying to fit in. She's highly empathetic. Since she's exempt from the yearly cleansings, she could easily just turn a blind eye to all the death and violence, but she instead tries her best to help people who don't even want help in the first place. We see brief glimpses of her in her demonic anger mode, but she's always calmed herself down before getting violent (so far). I wonder if she has some great power we haven't seen yet.

Angel Dust is seductive and egotistical, yet part of it at least seems to be a facade. He seems to be very loyal, sticking with those he considers his friends, doing them favors whenever they need it, though keeping them at an emotional distance.

Alastor is conniving and mysterious. His motivations are unclear. He's equal parts helpful and terrifying. Others warn against making deals with him, yet he's been very accommodating so far, even helping them make a commercial for their hotel, despite hating video as a medium. He seems to want to give the hotel every opportunity to succeed, despite expecting it to fail. Is he just bored? Is he secretly hoping it will work? Who knows?

Niffty is hyper and chaotic, reveling in violence, yet keeping it reigned in just barely. Sir Pentious is the nutty inventor. Husk is the bartender who's just kinda done with it all and isn't afraid to call people on their bullshit.

There is a ton of variety in characters, and reducing them to people who just say "fuck" a lot is disingenuous.

Also, I have predictions for where this show is going to go. Over time, the hotel is going to get more and more guests, and hope will grow that redemption will be possible. But somebody is going to find out that Charlie wasn't being totally honest about how her meeting with Adam went. They're going to find out that the angels have no interest in Charlie's social experiment, and that the yearly clense is a game to them that they don't want to give up. This will probably lead to the guests leaving the hotel. This is where I'm guessing season one will end.

Season 2, the guests of Hazbin will realize that even without the possibility of redemption, they are happier having worked on improving themselves. They'll end up coming together again just as the cleansing is about to happen. They'll defend themselves from an angel attack, killing the angel in the process. Something that is supposed to be impossible. The radio demon reveals a secret he's learned. Killing an angel is only possible if the demon is doing it to protect someone they love, something which was rare in Hell. Until recently. Armed with this knowledge, Hell rises up and drives back the angels. Maybe one important person from Heaven is taken hostage, and Heaven is forced to make a deal for the life of their hostage. The cleansings are ended, and Hell is allowed to thrive. Over time, it becomes a better place to live than the alternative, since Heaven is full of pricks with no desire or incentive for self-improvement.

There will likely be twists I don't see coming, though. It's odd that we haven't seen Charlie's parents. One of them being THE devil. The other, Lilith, has been apparently missing for several years. Don't know what's up with that, but I'd be shocked if neither played an important role in the story.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on January 26, 2024, 05:00:02 AM
Saw the full trailer for the netflix live action atla.

Second step is still good.

I remain cautiously optimistic.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 27, 2024, 12:06:14 AM
I just saw the 5th episode of Hazbin.  I take back 66.6% of the bad things I said about it.  Seeing old scratch was a real delight and I guffawed quite a few times that episode.

"Haha it was actually my idea"
"Hahaha well, it's not very clever!"
"HAHA...*beat* FFuuck.  You."

Flawless comedic timing.  Now that's the Hazbin I remember!
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on January 27, 2024, 10:09:04 AM
I was surprised to find that not all of the angels are complete dicks. Mainly just the psychopaths they send to exterminate the demons. Charlie's dad was not what I was expecting, but his design makes sense in the context of the show. Alastor also continues to surprise me. Still don't know why he disappeared for so long, but I suspect it's because he felt a lack of purpose, and Charlie's idea for a hotel to rehabilitate sinners gave him something to hope for.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on January 27, 2024, 11:15:44 AM
Quote from: Blackleaf on January 27, 2024, 10:09:04 AMI was surprised to find that not all of the angels are complete dicks. Mainly just the psychopaths they send to exterminate the demons.
The Cherubs in Helluva Boss were generally pretty nice - compassionate and trying their hardest to inspire hope.  But they're awfully judgy and have a hair trigger temper.  The other cherubs seemed superficially nice, but lacked empathy and harshly punished any rule-breaking whatsoever. 

I predict that Heaven is even more rule-heavy and close-minded.  Maybe not evil in the way that hell is - lawless and selfish - but still not a nice place due to being overly rigid and close-minded.

QuoteCharlie's dad was not what I was expecting, but his design makes sense in the context of the show.
His angelic features and apple theme are a nice departure from the standard cloven-hoofed devil.  I'm not sure why they made him short - but it's interesting that a guy who looks so unassuming is powerful as...well, hell.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on January 27, 2024, 06:30:35 PM
It seems like Emily will advocate for Charlie's idea from the other side of the fence. I'm also highly suspicious that the only reason Adam is so adamant about killing demons is because he feels cucked by Lilith leaving him for Lucifer, and the exterminations are a form of revenge for him. Just waiting for someone to call him out on it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on February 02, 2024, 12:51:47 AM
The finale for Hazbin just released, and holy crap. That was interesting. I didn't see those twists coming.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 03, 2024, 01:24:57 AM
Just finished it myself.  That was really amazing.  As cliche as this is, l laughed and cried.

So many Crowning Moments of Awesome.  Very unexpected outcome to say the least.  I would've gone a different way and been a LOT more brutal, though I think that would be a little bit much for this fairly wholesome and optimistic series.

I'm so glad this show got greenlit for season 2 (Viv said she's shooting for 3 seasons, though she could extend it if needed and they're already making some content for season 3 even though it's not yet a sure thing)
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: the_antithesis on February 04, 2024, 10:33:39 PM

The fucking fuck?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on February 05, 2024, 12:10:57 AM
I never thought about it before, but I guess Jack O'Lantern is of Irish extraction. 🤔
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cassia on February 05, 2024, 10:06:34 AM
Watching Larry David on Max. He just can't not call people out on the shit they do. He calls out a woman using "widow privilege" when Larry knew she was divorced from the husband years before he died, LOL. The thing is, we all know people like that. They continuously abuse the kindness afforded to them, or the system. I recall an engineer bragging about how he didn't marry the mother of his child because the state would pay all her birthing medical bills. Did he think we would admire him for that when he was telling everybody how "clever" he is. I heard others talking poorly of him after that. My policy at work was to never discuss personal matters and just focus on the work at hand. It was not in my interest that I was an atheist either. That was obvious.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on February 16, 2024, 01:29:02 PM

Oh my stars and garters!

I remember the original cartoon vividly and it was a core childhood memory.  Suffice it to say that I'm extremely nostalgic (not thrilled with the animation quality dip towards the end of the original run, though *slices off the top of a sedan in frustration to make it a convertible* )

So this is BIG.  Adult-geared animation has been flourishing lately, and yes, while yellow-blue spandex is a bit silly, the social themes of the 90s X-Men series are still very wise and unfortunately, still very much needed.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on February 16, 2024, 10:49:16 PM
Wow, I finally got to see the entire series of The Prisoner! I'd only seen a couple of episodes of it, decades ago, just enough to know it was interesting.
I guess it's about the most surreal show I've ever seen on TV. It was almost a bit boring at first, but it got better. The final episode was extremely weird!
I'm glad I got to see it, now for the next thing, but I don't know what that will be. Maybe some Farscape, that looks like fun.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 24, 2024, 12:35:43 PM
Watched the first ep of the netflix avatar show.

It is good.
Definitely not (yet) better than the original.
But slightly different, and good.
I can see it appealing more to those who'd let something being a cartoon get in the way of enjoying this story.

It has heart.

Hoping the rest will stay this well or get even better.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 24, 2024, 05:09:05 PM
The gf and I watched episode 2 too.

I´m not sure about this one.
Don´t get me wrong. It is definitely not a bad episode. And given that to retell the story they have to make changes, the ones they made, make sense.
If I uncouple from my knowledge of the original show, what I see isn't problematic. But I do know the original show by heart. And seeing that the changes in sequence of events and in characters, and in the characters of the characters... it´s got me slightly worried for some of the core beats down the Line.

Also the first live action episode spanned 2.5 episodes of the original show, plus an intro not shown in the original and some fragments of a future episode ´the storm´ plus a fragment of ´the waterbending scroll´.
Episode 2 of the live action spanned 1.5 episodes of the original, with arguably some fragment of another mid season episode, be it with a different past avatar doing the explaining and a tad from the episode 'the waterbending scroll´ as well.
But clearly less material covered in order to expand on the kyoshi warriors in general and suki and sokka´s relationship in particular.
And while I somewhat appreciate more screentime for suki and didn´t mind sokka's better attitude as much as I might have thought I would, the flow of the show did kind of miss a beat here. It was a bit too slow and clunky.

No kataang moments in episode 1 nor 2 either. Where there was a clear interest from the get go from aang´s point of view, in the original. But... that is fine. I honestly think if you find a way to get around one obstacle in season 2, you don´t really need kataang to have a worthy retelling. It was cute in the original, but romance has never been the forte of ´avatar´.

So, over all: Still liked it. The fights look good. (Not a big fan of everybody being able to actually fly effortlessly all of a sudden, in this retelling though.) Aang isn´t only mopy, he tries to be a happy child. Most of the actors do a good job.  The heart is still in the right place.
But... pacing is mostly what worries me now.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on February 24, 2024, 05:25:06 PM
Still think they should have done something new, with a previous avatar we know little to nothing about. When you do a remake, everyone watching it is just comparing it to the original, and it's almost almost impossible to live up to that.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on February 25, 2024, 04:32:06 PM
There is something to be said for that. For sure. Doing a kuruk or seconds prequel show or something.
Szeto´s show could be a mixture of atla, the office and game of thrones. As he was an avatar burocrat who unified the fire nation´s clans.

We saw episode 3.
This took from, if I am not mistake, ´the king of omashu´, ´the northern airtemple´, ´jet´, set up from ´the winter solstice´, a Dash of ´the waterbending scroll´, a hint of ´imprisonmentn and provided a new introduction to three female characters more linked to season two and beyond in the original show.

I was happy to see them pay homage to the running joke.
Great actor choice for the mechanic.
Not sold on the actrice and direction of azula though. She seemed more bratty than calculating sociopath.

More source material helped the flow of the episode. Though it wasn't flawless.
Dialogue a bit on the nose too.
But again, overall, pretty good.
Does make me long to watch the original show again, though.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Mr.Obvious on March 03, 2024, 05:23:36 PM
Episode 4 of the live action.

Jumping into original season 2 territory.
I respect that much, in and by itself. Always said, I don´t want a shot for shot retelling.
And yet...

There was a lot to like here. Most of which, the relationship between iroh and zuko and the fight scenes.
Especially liked the ´new´ zuko and iroh scenes.

But there were some misses too.
If you are not going to have kataang, you don´t really need the cave of two lovers. I like the hippies and all, but their inclusion wasn´t worth a basically timewaste. And while the badgermole looked cool and all, making it ´see´ emotions, didn't really click for me.
They see through earthbending, and yeah that is kind of a fundamental aspect. Especially for toph´s whole deal.

I saw two friends yesterday. They already watched the entire season. They too are big fans of the original. I asked them what they found of the new show and they asked me what I found so far.

We come to the term ´serviceable´.
And I stick by that for now.
Not as good as I had hoped.
Much, much better than I had feared.
Different enough to keep me watching.
But so different that while I am glad it might pull some people who would never watch the original otherwhise into the fray  I also find it sad to think this will be some people´s first introduction to the world of avatar.

And I find myself truly not minding so much that the story is different.
But I do notice I need to actively remind myself that the characters are different too. And that I can´t expect them to be characters I love so much.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 07, 2024, 12:57:07 AM
In a complete lapse of judgment, I decided to watch The Walking Dead spinoff with Andrew Lincoln as Rick "Stuff 'N Thaangs" Grimes.

Not half bad.  Well shot, well paced, I dunno if the worldbuilding internal logic holds up (I'll get to that later), but decent action scenes, nice character motivations and character arcs (man I miss those).

Brass tacks: it looks good, interesting stuff happens, and people act like people.  Worth a watch.

What I don't like is that apparently vast parts of the US went virtually untouched by the Z-apocalypse and the reason is that the US military had a stupid scorched earth policy to fight the zombies (aka Operation Cobalt) that didn't work (hence the show) and the reason this part of the US is relatively unscathed is that a few people intentionally stopped that plan and spared the city.  Evidently the plan wasn't necessary (scorched earth is usually a desperation tactic, so the fact that it was unnecessary is a damning revelation with all sorts of implications) and the US military didn't make a second go at it before the government collapsed.  That's more than a little suspiciously fortuitous, imho.

Also, while I get the writer needing to create a sort of Expansion Zone - something new to show the viewers who had gotten used to the rustic life on the farm, it clashes with the plot and themes of the show.  For starters, it takes us away from most of the characters we've grown attached to.  Second, Rick is the main hero and his heroic task of rebuilding civilization and it kinda takes the wind out of his sails when there's already one ready to go (Alexandria was a bit like this as well, but it's small potatoes compared to this)  Third, it's pretty clear that the zombie apocalypse was so severe that almost all communities near the East Coast collapsed with only a scattering of people left.  Atlanta is a pretty big city and we haven't seen all that many Atlanta survivors, most of which we met in season 1.  We see less and less survivors in general as well.  Presumably, most of the surviving communities collapse within a few years.

So it's very, very odd for hundreds of thousands of people - spread all over the Midwest to Pacific Northwest - to miraculously have been spared that struggle.  What did they do differently?  Cause there's a lot more to it than just avoiding a scorched earth policy.  The sheer amount of food they go through alone...  The only way I can see this working is through a big barrier, preferably a natural barrier.  And while they do have some walls and a portion is protected by water, not all their territory is completely enclosed.  It's too large a territory to ever be completely enclosed.  And also far too spread out for the three cities to reliably come to each other's aid or even stay in touch, so the reason for the alliance in the first place is baffling.  There's just way too much going on that requires too much luck and logistics and industrial production for it to be plausible.  And while every Savior having an AK with unlimited rounds was equally implausible, even that wasn't as insane as this.

I guess they got me, because I find this stuff very compelling for some strange reason.

*Edit - I liked the second episode even more, though it was kinda a breather episode.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 21, 2024, 01:55:16 PM
I'm watching Angry Joe's review of the X-Men series and they have Alex, the harsh critic of the bunch, talk about some of the "controversy" surrounding Morph.  Apparently, some people got their Depends in a twist about Morph changing into women and men, which is about the most petty thing to get offended about.

Alex had a really good comeback:  "If you're looking for a reason to get upset, Morph is a perfect opportunity to feel like a victim today and cool, you did it, you got mad at something on the internet.  But I would recommend you grow the fuck up." 🤣
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on March 24, 2024, 11:20:56 PM

Yeah, this pretty much validates all the skepticism I had towards the show ever since the original creators bailed. They leave no room for character growth, because they can't stand to let the good guys have any flaws.

Can't wait until season 2, when we learn that Toph taught the badger moles how to earth bend, invented metal bending when she was a baby, has no insecurities or family issues, and also isn't blind.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on March 25, 2024, 02:40:59 AM
Telling instead of showing and exposition dump are sadly two very common flaws in adaptations.  And they both have the same solution - make the characterization and plot flow organically instead of stopping the narrative to tell the audience.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cassia on March 27, 2024, 05:14:43 PM
It has been decades since I have seen an episode of what was my favorite series..Northern Exposure.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Cassia on March 31, 2024, 09:43:43 AM
Never really watched "The Nanny" before. Boy, that Fran Drescher can act; very funny. Accent just like my mother, who was also from Queens.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on March 31, 2024, 05:00:19 PM
I think Northern Exposure is the best thing that's ever been on TV! 👍
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 01, 2024, 02:09:00 PM
I just finished The Ones Who Live.  It's really good - solid 9/10, so all 100 remaining Walking Dead fans are in for a treat.

Surpringly hopeful ending given the norm for The Walking Dead shows.

My only regret that it's too much of a neat and tidy ending.  I like it when things are left more open-ended so that you can add onto it later.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 10, 2024, 11:52:00 PM

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on April 11, 2024, 12:03:47 AM
Well, that was very...informative... 😱
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 11, 2024, 10:33:25 AM
That video gives you about as good an understanding as the Fallout characters get.  :P

Those old timey songs casually referencing nuclear war are scarier than any horror story I've ever read.

Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Unbeliever on April 11, 2024, 10:41:04 AM
Well, that's a...catchy tune...😱
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 11, 2024, 11:36:50 PM
I just finished rewatching the first episode and man, it's so true to the source material that it's unreal.  Almost everything is spot on what you would see in the games - the vault suits, the pipboys, the stimpaks, etc.  Even metal is suitably rusty and some clothing suitably worn and tattered.  The wardrobe and setwork is excellent - 12/10 chef's kiss, no notes.

I was pleasantly surprised to see some Brotherhood of Steel doing Brotherhood of Steel things.  Everything was very much in character for them.

I won't lie to you guys - if I was in this setting I would be 100% on board with the Brotherhood.  I don't know if I'd be as opposed to outsiders, but on the other hand, I wouldn't want to get the Brotherhood entangled in tribal squabbles.  I'd try to focus on acquiring knowledge and retrieving high tech in the hopes that its removal stops tribals from unleashing another high-tech war and allows the Brotherhood to pool humanity's greatest technology into the seed of a new civilization so advanced that they'd be able to both cleanse the wasteland and enforce their will as worldwide hegemon.  An end to war and an end to the environmental devastation of the great war.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on April 14, 2024, 09:39:57 PM
I just finished binging the Fallout Series. 10/10 best game adaption ever - even better than The Last of Us, which sounds crazy but it's true.  The most Falloutiest Fallout thing I've seen in over a decade.  Two big ol' Vault Boy thumbs up.

I'm not entirely happy with their decision to release the whole season in one day - I'd prefer a little puff of Jet every week than to be forcibly dunked into a bathtub full of Jet, Psycho, and Turbo - but there are worse ways of doing things *cue montage of Wandavision's infamous "Please Stand By" abrupt episode endings*

Great scifi action, good social commentary without being too terribly blunt, good characters (all three main characters embody different strengths and weaknesses and may even mirror the three different approaches players take in the games), and an okay plot that mirrors the games maybe a little too closely.  The dark humor is great and I laughed out loud more times than I care to admit.

The show successfully borrowed from all the games quite well and did their own thing on occasion.  It was somewhat unpredictable and people's actions made sense with their beliefs.

That said, there were a couple moments that struck me as overly cartoony - a character walks through the wasteland for days and is experiencing foot pain so he takes his sock off and his foot is halfway gone.  Obviously, not super realistic.

Or that stupid action movie trope where a character gets shot in the arm/shoulder and they say it's just a fleshwound and walk it off only for another character to dramatically reveal that their clothing is soaked in blood.  Like The Shining elevator scene amount of blood.  Stupid.

Oh, and they did this thing were two characters are whispering about other people who are like 10 feet away and in movies, 10 feet is some sort of soundproof barrier.  Even worse, halfway through the hidden conversation, one character loudly says that they're NOT THINKING ABOUT LEAVING, which you'd think would immediately throw suspicion on them, but apparently, everyone around them is deaf so it's no problem.  Hollywood and its stupid tropes.  Feo forte y formal.  You just know some dumb, tone-deaf executive came up with that one.

Also, like everything good released in the past 5 years, there are stupid internet commentators declaring that the show is "woke" which is a frustratingly vague accusation.  Apparently, this is just a bigot's buzzword to claim that a show is a bad because it has a couple non-white characters.  The horror.  Patrolling the comments section almost makes you wish for nuclear winter.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on April 29, 2024, 09:01:06 AM
I loved Fallout. I wasn't expecting this, I'm happily confused.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on April 29, 2024, 09:03:30 AM
Quote from: Cassia on March 27, 2024, 05:14:43 PMIt has been decades since I have seen an episode of what was my favorite series..Northern Exposure.

Haahaah...It's brilliant.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 30, 2024, 11:48:57 AM
I got my brother hooked on the Amazing Digital Circus, but he still dislikes Murder Drones.  :(

I'm still not a huge fan of the circusy aesthetic (though that's what it says on the tin) and the lolrandom humor, but once I figured out that this show is essentially Five Characters in Search of an Exit (, I started to like it more.  Plus, most of the characters are endearing in being psychologically damaged and traumatized yet still soldiering on.  I've recontextualized the art style as a sort of prison dressed up to look "fun", which makes it even more sinister.  And the bad jokes as an AI trying - and failing -  to cheer up its charges.  Basically, this show is the Matrix but the imprisonment isn't malicious, just necessary for some unknown reason.

In contrast, Murder Drones is incredibly dark - literally and figuratively - and it's not so much psychological horror as it is body horror and nods to a bunch of horror movies.  It also has some genuinely hilarious moments, which hit even harder because you don't expect it in such a bleak setting.  It's full of mysteries and blink-and-you'll-miss-it moments, which fuels endless theorizing, which I thoroughly enjoy.  Plus, I just really like robots.

He might come around eventually.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on May 30, 2024, 04:57:35 PM
I love the theme of existential horror in The Amazing Digital Circus. Its characters are diverse and entertaining, and I have to wonder what happened to Jax that made him this way. The animation is top notch, especially in episode 2. They start with 2D drawings, act it out with 3D models, and then stretch the proportions to match the 2D artwork. It's brilliant.

Murder Drones...I don't know. It just didn't grab my attention as quickly as TADC.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 30, 2024, 05:16:00 PM
I have a theory...a film theory...that Jax is secretly an NPC.

He's the only one who loves violence and engaging in the narratives (though Ford from Westworld would say that those are precisely human traits).  He also is the only one eager to eat (a trait he shares with Bubble, an NPC) - digital food has no nutritional value for humans and humans do not feel hunger, yet he says he's hungry.  He is also the only one to avoid the funeral.  And in that scene where someone is falling into the pit and everyone reaches in to lend a helping hand, he's conspicuously absent and the only one absent.

Cain's human/npc confusion heavily implies at least one previous incident and we know he can't harm humans, so the big money is on an NPC that successfully pretended to be human, at least for a while.  It's a helluva checkov's gun and Jax is the only odd one out in the core cast of humans.  It's possible that he just has different coping mechanisms, but it's still strange that everyone else is noticeably fraying but he's seemingly unflappable.  A telltale give-away for NPCs would be the lack of mental anguish, as displayed by Bubble but none of the main cast except Jax.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on May 30, 2024, 08:10:52 PM
Quote from: Hydra009 on May 30, 2024, 05:16:00 PMI have a theory...a film theory...that Jax is secretly an NPC.

He's the only one who loves violence and engaging in the narratives (though Ford from Westworld would say that those are precisely human traits).  He also is the only one eager to eat (a trait he shares with Bubble, an NPC) - digital food has no nutritional value for humans and humans do not feel hunger, yet he says he's hungry.  He is also the only one to avoid the funeral.  And in that scene where someone is falling into the pit and everyone reaches in to lend a helping hand, he's conspicuously absent and the only one absent.

Cain's human/npc confusion heavily implies at least one previous incident and we know he can't harm humans, so the big money is on an NPC that successfully pretended to be human, at least for a while.  It's a helluva checkov's gun and Jax is the only odd one out in the core cast of humans.  It's possible that he just has different coping mechanisms, but it's still strange that everyone else is noticeably fraying but he's seemingly unflappable.  A telltale give-away for NPCs would be the lack of mental anguish, as displayed by Bubble but none of the main cast except Jax.

I've seen other people suggesting this. I kinda doubt he's an imposter. While Caine dropping that line about forgetting "who is human and who is an NPC" does feel like a Chekhov's Gun, if there is a secret NPC, I don't think it's Jax. I think he's a human who probably lost someone to abstraction in the past, and he is dealing with the pain in a very unhealthy way. We'll likely learn more about his backstory in a later episode.

While he doesn't attend the funeral, you can see a quick look of sadness in his eyes when it's mentioned, before his face quickly turns to anger. I think he just hates feeling vulnerable, so he didn't feel comfortable being there. Anger is a common coping mechanism (especially for men). Some people are more comfortable being angry than sad. It helps them focus outward instead of inward.

As for his hand not reaching out to help Pomni, that's just because Pomni doesn't see him as a friend. It's a visual representation of her relationship to the other characters. She's seeing how they're holding each other up, and feels hopeful knowing they will be there for her too. Jax is excluded from that visual because he's an asshole. lol

IMO, I think the big twist will be that they are ALL NPCs. They have real human memories, but the humans who put on the headset took it off and went home as if nothing happened. The characters in the game are just NPCs implanted with the memories of those humans. There are no bodies waiting to be returned to. There really is no escape. The only difference between Pomni and Gummigoo is that Pomni's memories are based on a real human's memories, while Gummigoo's memories are all made up to serve the story he's in.

Maybe it's part of an experiment. Maybe the humans didn't know what was going on. Maybe the game malfunctioned, and it was supposed to be a regular VR game? Who knows?
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: drunkenshoe on May 31, 2024, 06:35:16 AM
Has anyone looked into Baby Reindeer? I couldn't watch it. Apparently, it is real and happened to the person playing the male lead. He made the series.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 31, 2024, 05:31:50 PM
Quote from: Blackleaf on May 30, 2024, 08:10:52 PMIMO, I think the big twist will be that they are ALL NPCs. They have real human memories, but the humans who put on the headset took it off and went home as if nothing happened. The characters in the game are just NPCs implanted with the memories of those humans. There are no bodies waiting to be returned to.
While that's an interesting idea - that's not new territory for Glitch so I assume they wouldn't rehash it.
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Blackleaf on May 31, 2024, 06:21:04 PM
Title: Re: TV Series Thread
Post by: Hydra009 on May 31, 2024, 11:02:39 PM
"Hey!  Wake up, asshole" 😂