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Election Thread 2024

Started by Jason Harvestdancer, January 06, 2024, 10:51:18 PM

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That damned "uniparty establishment"! 😵
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman


I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the fact that entire states are actually going to vote for Donald Trump for president.  What the actual fuck.   


Quote from: Unbeliever on May 11, 2024, 05:33:16 PMThat damned "uniparty establishment"! 😵
Yeah, that uniparty establishment that abruptly changes policies every 4 or sometimes 8 years.  "The Man" just loves change, I guess.


Got 18 holes of golf in and just walked in the door.  I hope Cohen put a hurt on the orange stain today.  I'm sure cross examination is going to be a bitch.


Thanks Obama: 17% of Americans mistakenly believe Biden ended Roe VS Wade abortion rights

Trump appointed the Supreme Court justices who ultimately denied millions of Americans abortion access (while calling Roe VS Wade "settled law"), yet Biden gets the blame.

QuoteTrump supporters and voters with less education were most likely to attribute responsibility for abortion bans to Mr. Biden
*draws Venn Diagram consisting entirely of a single circle*

Quotebut the misperception existed across demographic groups. Twelve percent of Democrats hold Mr. Biden responsible
Yikes.  The Dems obviously need to improve their messaging before the election.  Large numbers of asleep-at-the-wheel voters may be fine for the Republicans - essential, even - but that's intolerable for the Dems.


Why are the Democrats so bad at messaging!?
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman


Is 17% thinking it is biden's fault is a messaging error?

The other dude brags about being the one who did it.

Those 17% are willfully ignorant.
"If we have to go down, we go down together!"
- Your mum, last night, requesting 69.

Atheist Mantis does not pray.


Quote from: ferdmonger on May 11, 2024, 08:36:43 PMI'm having trouble wrapping my head around the fact that entire states are actually going to vote for Donald Trump for president.  What the actual fuck.   
Yes, from the New York Times, the information I'm getting looks like it's going to be Trump for another four years, and I'm curious what kinds of shenanigans he's got in mind to get another four after that. I don't believe a conviction for any crime is going to affect his chances.

Supreme Court Justice, Alito, is flying a flag upside down and has some kind of a "Stop the Steal" slogan on display at his house. So much for impartial justice in our legal system.


Quote from: Hydra009 on May 17, 2024, 12:35:57 PMThanks Obama: 17% of Americans mistakenly believe Biden ended Roe VS Wade abortion rights
Other than pay lip service to protecting women's rights, the Democrats have done little to protect a woman's right to choose. But given our polarized leadership, it's doubtful they could have. This is a the work of the Supreme Court, and I'm guessing Democrats are happy to have it out of their hands. Although, leaving it to the court system appears to be biting them in the ass. So it's back to dark alleys and coat hangers, probably for a long time.


Maybe not for not too long.

While it remains a divisive issue (chosen by Republicans for precisely that reason, as a sort of wedge issue for religiously-minded Democrats and a way to rally their own theocratic base) pro-choice is a popular position - especially among democrats - while illegal-in-any-cirumstances has nose-dived.  Additionally, corporate interests are taking note that their new hires don't want to relocate to forced-birth states.  And as we have seen, it's possible for Democrats to run on abortion and win.

So I wouldn't say we're stuck with this anymore than we're stuck with gay marriage bans or the anti-net neutrality fiasco.  But it will take a lot of effort and lot of time to restore abortion rights.  Meanwhile, red states are trying their hardest to get people to feel used to varying levels of theocratic rule (that's not hyperbole - anti-abortion law is literally justified with religious reasoning) and powerless to do anything about it.

As always, it's a battle of hearts and minds as well as a battle for the ballot.  Everything may change depending on which faction out-mobilizes which.

Though I agree that leaving it up to the courts was a huge mistake and Democrats made a huge tactical error in being too slow and ineffectual in appointing judges.  This left powerful court positions to far-right activists.  And we're going to be stuck with that problem for a very long time.


If Christians would read their Bibles they'd see that Adam didn't become "a living soul" until he could breathe.
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman


The party of grievance will not stop  It's victimization and projection, and it's disgusting... and working.  Donald Trump is to this day getting away with treason because of a DOJ lack of effort. I've said it before... ten count of obstruction of justice outlined in the Mueller report allowed to whither on the vine. It's why we're still dealing with this orange stain.   


If only our system of justice would have afforded, finally, a chance for Donald Trump to take the stand and once for all put this witch-hunt behind him and us. Shucks. 


Not the slightest bit surprised

This authoritarian nastiness is not confined to their dealings with others, but is often how they deal with each other as well.


I remember Zorg being VERY DISAPPOINTED, didn't turn out well.
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman