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Election Thread 2024

Started by Jason Harvestdancer, January 06, 2024, 10:51:18 PM

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Quote from: Hydra009 on May 25, 2024, 01:17:46 PMNot the slightest bit surprised

This authoritarian nastiness is not confined to their dealings with others, but is often how they deal with each other as well.

Nasty is as nasty does.  Hatred of the other works until it hits too close to home.


Maybe I was too hard on Libertarians

Though kicking a wannabe dictator while he's down is hardly an act of courage.  Maybe next they'll do something really difficult like ask a major corporation not to despoil nature to the point of human extinction.  Politely, of course.  We must act our rank, after all.

Quote"The fact is we should not be fighting each other," Trump pleaded. "If Joe Biden gets back in, there will be no more liberty for anyone in our country. Combine with us in a partnership – we're asking that of the libertarians. We must work together. Combine with us. You have to combine with us."

The appeal went down like a lead balloon as delegates booed, jeered and shouted insults.
Okay, now I see his misstep.  The party of book bannings and forced childbirth and going after "illegals" and shooting protestors (not hyperbole) talking about how pro-freedom they are.  Give me a break.  Thankfully, some libertarians also picked up on that.

Yeah, I know they don't love us center-left folks, but sheesh, pick your battles.  It's a not-great status quo VS an existential danger to American democracy and associated freedoms.  It's no secret that Trump is keen on becoming dictator (and republicans are in on it) and curtailing American voting rights - and if you don't have the right to vote and you aren't a billionaire, you no longer have a say in anything that goes on in this country.  If Trump gets into office again, it won't matter if you're a democrat or libertarian or republican - it's game over.


I'm not center-left, I'm about as far left as I can be without falling off the edge of the Earth. 🌎
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman


It seems like the former president believes that Amazing Grace is the national anthem! 🫡
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman


Spot the difference:


When all else fails, and you're feeling down, remember that as a veteran Donald thinks you're left-wing scum. Thanks Donald. Don't forget suckers and losers.

You're an idiot.  It has to be strange to have a cult instead of a platform.   


Consensual intercourse?  Not on my watch!

QuoteEven though the plaintiffs suing for the right to flunk female students for abortion include boilerplate arguments in which they feign concern that abortion is "killing," the legal filing makes it clear that what really outrages Bonevac and Hatfield is that Title IX prevents them from controlling the private lives of students. Along with their anger about abortion, they  grouse about not being allowed to punish students "for being homosexual or transgender." They also argue they should be able to penalize teaching assistants for "cross-dressing," by which they appear to mean allowing trans women to wear skirts.
Certainly casts doubt the welfare of the "child" being their primary motivation.  Rather, it seems to be more about punishing certain behaviors that they dislike, with women as their main target.


They can't help but tell on themselves.


Trump loves "the uneducated" so much because he can manipulate them so easily with emotional bullshit!
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman


Billionaires actually understand Donald has their interests in mind.  That his vacuous followers think there's anything in it for them is baffling. Extra-credit bonus question if you donated to Donald Trump after 34 felony convictions:

A) I'm stupid
B) I'm really, really fucking stupid

PT Barnum is laughing from his grave.



Upside-Down Alito describes the difficulty in living peacefully with ideological opponents (what would he prefer?) and his desire to "return our country to a place of godliness" (which means what, exactly?)

The guy is dogwhistling his heart out.

Whoever has the Presidency next year gets to decide whether to keep these sorts of whackjobs from infesting the Supreme Court or invite them in to stay for life.  Choose wisely.




Con men are trying to manipulate you.  They feed you the conclusion (in sound bites regurgitated by Trump 20 times a minute) and then give you highly misleading "evidence" in that direction and let confirmation bias work its magic, hoping that you don't seek context or have a critical eye.  And they do this because it's largely successful.


The republican party is devoid of any attempt at furthering America for all.  The party has devolved into hypocrisy, hyperbole, and hatred, with a generous dose of projection thrown in for good measure.