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Started by ferdmonger, September 08, 2023, 08:39:23 PM

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Is there any chance Biden gets re-elected?

Surely if you go by "mainstream media" news and reports, they are saying that Biden will very likely lose badly to Trump in November.

Which is ironic, given that Trumpists and conservatives in general are very fond of attacking "the press" as being somehow Left-leaning most of the time (lol...).

Dark Lightning

I (obviously) don't know the details of Hilary's reputed classified holdings. I will say (IMO) that the only likely way they got to her servers was from people who transcribed classified info onto another system and sent it. Doesn't excuse her flippant responses, though. I voted for her in spite of these allegations...the alternative being voting for an obvious lunatic. I know people who voted for the chump only because of this issue. Most of them really regret it. Comey got played, in my opinion- and he even admitted that, later.

Dark Lightning

Quote from: Susan on March 14, 2024, 10:50:22 PMIs there any chance Biden gets re-elected?

Surely if you go by "mainstream media" news and reports, they are saying that Biden will very likely lose badly to Trump in November.

Which is ironic, given that Trumpists and conservatives in general are very fond of attacking "the press" as being somehow Left-leaning most of the time (lol...).
Ain't over 'til it's over, and I'm hoping that the press is whipping up "all those libs" to go and vote against the asshole. As for reviling the press, most chump worshippers have their noses pressed firmly into his ass crack, based on OAN and Faux News.


Quote from: Dark Lightning on March 14, 2024, 10:57:29 PMI know people who voted for the chump only because of this issue.
I bet they were outraged when they found out that seven high-ranking Trump admin people used unsecured email addresses for official government business.


Quote from: Susan on March 14, 2024, 10:50:22 PMIs there any chance Biden gets re-elected?
Of course.  Did the Republicans do well in the midterms?  (the Republicans did gain a few House seats to narrowly gain a majority in the House, which did have some serious consequences very recently under Johnson, but the Dems gained a Senate seat and two governorships) Are the Republicans doing well now?  Put it this way, do you think Trump is a more potent political force now or in 2020?  Is Biden a more potent political force now or in 2020?  (imho, he didn't make much of a splash at first in the primaries, only cementing himself after almost all the other candidates dropped out and endorsed him.  And in the general election, there was a lot of talk of an "enthusiasm gap" between Biden and Trump)

QuoteSurely if you go by "mainstream media" news and reports, they are saying that Biden will very likely lose badly to Trump in November.
The media loves whatever gets clicks and often times, that's fear.  So fear-inducing stuff gets magnified.

QuoteWhich is ironic, given that Trumpists and conservatives in general are very fond of attacking "the press" as being somehow Left-leaning most of the time (lol...)
They only say that as cover to smear stuff they don't like and to legitimize their attempts to create a "fair and balanced" media environment where facts war with alternative facts and the general public can't tell the difference.  Dismantling/degrading journalism is a great way to weaken a democracy in advance of trying to end that democracy.


So I must've missed Katie Britt's kitchen speech (man, the Republicans sure love women in the kitchen) but did she seriously say that the American Colonists overthrew the British Empire?

QuoteNever forget, we're steeped in the blood of patriots who overthrew the most powerful empire in the world.
I have a few notes (imagine me saying this in John Oliver's voice)

1) The American colonists absolutely did not overthrow the British Empire.  They became independent from it.  The British Empire still very much existed for quite a while afterwards.

2) the emotive "steeped in the blood of patriots" is an unnecessary and overly dramatic way of saying that "our ancestors gained independence from the british".  And guess what?  64 other countries did the exact same thing.  Granted, it was an unusually bloody affair for us, but bloody or not, "gained independence" is still the linguistically correct way of saying it.

3)  "Overthrew" is a bit strange and misleading way of putting it.  If I were to say to my mates that Australians overthrew the British they would look at me as if I had gone barking mad and ask me what I meant by that, if I thought the Australians burned down Buckingham Palace and guillotined the King.  And of course, I'd say, no that'd be silly, what I obviously meant by "overthrew" is that Australia was no longer a subject of the Crown and they'd sigh and say I'm a bit daft for phrasing it that way.  It's gained in-de-pen-dence.


The religious are predisposed to eat up historical falsehoods and mischaracterizations. They are very much like children, but not nearly as cute.

My cohort "Generation Jones, AKA late boomers" has grown-up to be, on average, awful. We are very different now than when we were young and hopeful, but to be honest, the greed was off the charts even back then. I was so scared of being poor. Hardly ever took my vacations. Ten-hour days. 

It seems Gen X are much the same. Cynical of institutions and experts but still that (less committed) belief in Jesus. I remember one guy who was addicted to right-wing radio playing in the lab all day. Talk of immigrants taking benefits and jobs away. His face would turn red, his vessels in his head bulging. He died very young.


Quote from: Hydra009 on March 15, 2024, 03:07:37 AMSo I must've missed Katie Britt's kitchen speech
I did too, but the part shown in that clip was actually funnier than Scarlett Johansson's parody on SNL.


Quote from: SGOS on March 15, 2024, 08:27:47 AMI did too, but the part shown in that clip was actually funnier than Scarlett Johansson's part in the SNL parody of the State of the Union.


Quote from: Susan on March 14, 2024, 10:50:22 PMIs there any chance Biden gets re-elected?

Surely if you go by "mainstream media" news and reports, they are saying that Biden will very likely lose badly to Trump in November.

Which is ironic, given that Trumpists and conservatives in general are very fond of attacking "the press" as being somehow Left-leaning most of the time (lol...).

I'd say there's every chance Biden will win again.  Simple logic and math.  If you didn't vote for Trump already, you will not vote for Trump.  Trump garnered every vote he could back in 2020, and still lost.  He is gaining no new voters, even if his voters show up en masse.

Sane America shows up, and the trials after his defeat are going to be a delight. 


Quote from: Susan on March 14, 2024, 10:50:22 PMSurely if you go by "mainstream media" news and reports, they are saying that Biden will very likely lose badly to Trump in November.
Polls are usually right, but not always as 2016 clearly showed. Hell, even Trump was surprised by his win. But since there is no exact correlation between prediction and outcome, our only hope is to suit up for election day and vote. As I understand it, Trump turned out a record number of voters in 2020, and still lost. I assume Biden must have also turned out a record number too, although I have never read that.

Today's political atmosphere is entirely new in the US, What happened in past elections can't be used to predict outcomes anymore. Pollsters talked about correcting their methods after 2016. They openly admitted they got it wrong, and said they were changing their algorithms. However, I have not heard word one about what they changed. I doubt they are any better today than before. Still, I think they are more right than wrong, but don't use so called predictions by polls to keep you at home, or Trump will win for sure.

That would be critical. I don't view this election as Trump vs Biden. I see it as Trump vs Not Trump.


The only poll I consider valid is the one that takes place in November.
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman


Quote from: ferdmonger on March 16, 2024, 12:04:28 AMIf you didn't vote for Trump already, you will not vote for Trump.  Trump garnered every vote he could back in 2020, and still lost.  He is gaining no new voters, even if his voters show up en masse.
Yep.  And not only does Trump not have new voters, he lost a lot of voters during the covid crisis he exacerbated.  Plus, a few can't vote due to being felons now.

But what matters is how the base of each party votes.  As we saw in the primaries, a significant minority of Republicans aren't happy with Trump while Biden is pretty much accepted among Democrats - things were the other way around in 2020.  If even a small percentage of Republicans stay home or swing towards Biden, it's game over for Trump.  He needs everything to break his way or he'll lose enough swing states to lose the election and I don't think everything will swing his way like it did in 2016.

Still, we shouldn't get complacent.  As we saw during the 2020 nailbiters, every vote counts.


Trump unable to get $464 million bond needed to halt proceedings while he appeals

QuoteTheir efforts, including "countless hours negotiating with one of the largest insurance companies in the world," have proven that "obtaining an appeal bond in the full amount" of the judgment "is not possible under the circumstances presented," the filing said.
Trump reportedly said "This damn gecko has had me on hold for hours!  ME!"

QuoteWhile the filing says Trump can't afford the bond, it also argues that the attorney general doesn't have to worry about being able to collect her judgment.

"Defendants' real estate holdings — including iconic properties like 40 Wall Street, Doral Miami, and Mar-a-Lago, — greatly exceed the amount of the judgment.
Good.  Sell 'em.


You'd think that all those billions of dollars Drumph has bragged about would be plenty to pay such a measly sum. It should be chump change for Chump! 🤣
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman