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French Elections

Started by Hydra009, July 07, 2024, 07:30:09 PM

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It seems that the left beat out the far-right (earlier articles raised the prospect of Le Pen's far-right pro-Kremlin party gaining a majority, which was distressing to say the least)

QuoteNational Rally leader Marine Le Pen, thought to be eyeing what would be her forth run for the French presidency in 2027, said the elections laid the groundwork for "the victory of tomorrow."

"The tide is rising," she said. "It did not rise high enough this time."

"The reality is that our victory is only deferred," she added.
Rising tide?  More like a stormfront is blowing hot air.  Also, she must steeple her hands like a cartoon villain when she says "our victory is only deferred".  'Cause that's a real Cobra Commander line.

QuoteJordan Bardella, Le Pen's 28-year-old protégé who'd been hoping to become prime minister, rued that the outcome of the vote "throws France into the arms of the extreme left."
That's a much more genuine reaction.

But who will rule?  What party or coalition of parties will take the reins?


Curses, foiled again! 🤣
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman


Quote from: Unbeliever on July 07, 2024, 07:35:58 PMCurses, foiled again! 🤣
I'll get you next time, Gadget!


Hmmm...I wonder why Russia cares 🤔


Looks like New Popular Front and Ensemble Alliance are going to have to form some sort of coalition government.  Best case scenario, it's a Chacotay/Janeway sort of situation.  Worst case, Eddington/Sisko.

New Popular Front policies:
Quotescrapping the 2023 French pension reform law, increasing public sector salaries and welfare benefits, raising the minimum wage by 14 percent, and freezing the price of basic food items and energy. This would be funded by reintroducing a wealth tax, cancelling many tax breaks for the wealthy, and raising income tax on the highest earners. On other issues, such as foreign policy and European integration, the Front's policies are closer to the centre-left.

Ensemble Alliance: (Macron's party)
Platform: ???
Political positions of Macron

Dark Lightning

^ Must be a movie reference? I don't recognize the names of the people in those alliances.


I think those are Star Trek Voyager and Deep Space 9 references, but I could be wrong.
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman


Quote from: Unbeliever on July 08, 2024, 12:33:14 AMI think those are Star Trek Voyager and Deep Space 9 references, but I could be wrong.
Correct.  Maquis/Starfleet working together.  The first example is a professional and mutually-respectful relationship.  The second example is ego-driven and stubborn and confrontational.


Redcaps are outraged, allege cheating because that's what they do now when they don't like the results.  Heads, I win.  Tails, you cheated.