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Tell a Joke or two / Re: Post your funny pictures h...
Last post by Gawdzilla Sama - July 26, 2024, 03:21:59 PM
At the time there was an absolute blizzard of dinosaur oriented TV shows. I was recording 4-6 hours a week of those for my paleontology prof. He tried to get me to volunteer to go to Antarctica for a semester, the bastard. Was NOT going to happen. 
Tell a Joke or two / Re: Post your funny pictures h...
Last post by Blackleaf - July 26, 2024, 03:09:32 PM
Quote from: Gawdzilla Sama on July 26, 2024, 10:12:50 AMThe feathers could have been introduced by a single line "Further refinement of the raptor genes produced a spontaneous reversion to their original feathered state."

The original movie already had the built in excuse that the genomes of the dinos were incomplete and had to be filled in with other animals. Why they chose toads instead of birds, I have no idea (other than plot convenience, to allow them to change sex). But corrections to their designs based on new information could have easily been justified this way. They just didn't, because audiences were used to the scaley dinos and didn't think they'd be as scary with feathers.
Religion General Discussion / Re: Best Travel Tools and E-Un...
Last post by PopeyesPappy - July 26, 2024, 01:33:15 PM
How is this not spam?
Tell a Joke or two / Re: Post your funny pictures h...
Last post by PopeyesPappy - July 26, 2024, 12:02:33 PM
Quote from: Cassia on July 26, 2024, 09:52:41 AMHell, I know people that think dinos and people lived at the same time. I brought my 6" megalodon tooth to my dentist's office. Thought they would marvel at it. Instead, half of the staff said it was fake. I bought for cash it right off a dive boat on the Savannah River. Dumb-ass Christians get their zoology lessons at church.

Tell me about it. I once posted an image that showed Huntsville, where we live, almost dead center of the bible belt. There are 7 churches, a synagogue, and a mosque within a mile of our house. We are about 100 yards from a Church of Christ, and a few extra steps on top of that to a Korean Methodist church. The Baptist church about half a mile away has congregation that numbers in the thousands. The mosque down the road is in the same building as a massage parlor, lol.
Political/Government General Discussion / Re: Election Thread 2024
Last post by Hydra009 - July 26, 2024, 11:56:48 AM
I already fell for the solar powered pogo stick.

You don't fool me twice.
Religion General Discussion / Re: Best Travel Tools and E-Un...
Last post by Mr.Obvious - July 26, 2024, 11:48:14 AM
Yeah, not pressing those links.
Religion General Discussion / Best Travel Tools and E-Unicyc...
Last post by LewisVot - July 26, 2024, 11:42:02 AM
Yea... That shit ain't happening.

Edited by Pappy to remove spam.
Congratulation on being the lesser of two evils
