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If God were proven....

Started by Insult to Rocks, December 30, 2013, 01:08:30 PM

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Insult to Rocks

One of the most common things I hear atheist speakers say is that if God were proven, they would believe in him. Reasonable, but I'm more interested in whether or not you would worship him. This is a question that is fundamental to my identity as an atheist, and it was the first real one I asked myself. And my answer was no. I would never worship any God, regardless of the dogma associated with it. Religion and gods go against everything I stand for, and if my punishment for standing up for morality is eternal torture, so be it.
Whoa, that got heavy there for a bit. Sorry. Anyways, I wanted to know how the people of the forums responded to the question, so.....Good people of the atheist forums! If God existed, would you worship him(or her, or it)?
"We must respect the other fellow\'s religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart."
-- H. L. Mencken



No never. If I heard what he has done and the fact that he has more personaliltys no just no

Insult to Rocks

Quote from: "the_antithesis"What does worship mean?
Worship as in to follow his commands, assume every thing he does or says is right and holy, assume that he is the perfect being, and willingly sacrifice yourself for his vision.
You know,typical fascist devotion.
"We must respect the other fellow\'s religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart."
-- H. L. Mencken


Depends on the measure of its power. Taking the state of the world and how nature is structured, no, I would not worship this being.


Why would an all-powerful, all-knowing, creator of all, eternal supreme being care whether we worshiped him or not?
Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room! -- President Merkin Muffley

My mom was a religious fundamentalist. Plus, she didn't have a mouth. It's an unusual combination. -- Bender Bending Rodriguez

Insult to Rocks

Quote from: "aileron"Why would an all-powerful, all-knowing, creator of all, eternal supreme being care whether we worshiped him or not?
Very good point. He may desire to not be worshiped, or he may not care. However the question is more, would you worship him, not if he desires to be worshiped.
"We must respect the other fellow\'s religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart."
-- H. L. Mencken


Quote from: "Insult to Rocks"
Quote from: "the_antithesis"What does worship mean?
Worship as in to follow his commands, assume every thing he does or says is right and holy, assume that he is the perfect being, and willingly sacrifice yourself for his vision.
You know,typical fascist devotion.


Since the fall of George Lucas, I can't do that for anybody or anything.


"Human history is a litany of blood shed over differing ideals of rulership and afterlife"<br /><br />Governor of the 32nd Province of the New Lunar Republic. Luna Nobis Custodit


If there was no doubt God existed, I would no longer worship him than I would any other thing that created life with pain and suffering, old age, and finally death, that could send me or loved ones to hell for eternity, than I would for any  other mass murderer or a person that refuses to help when he has the power to do so and does nothing while hiding from view or existence.   :roll:  Solitary
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.


If God were proven with proper evidence, I would give it the proper amount of respect it deserves, as I do with everything and everyone else.

But as of now, there is zero evidence of a god, and it's become evident that there is less and less room for evidence in its favor.

Hijiri Byakuren

Proper respect, yes. Worship, no. Worship is an act commanded by narcissists and egomaniacs, and is not something any sane person would do except under threat of force.
Speak when you have something to say, not when you have to say something.

Sargon The Grape - My Youtube Channel


Quote from: "Hijiri Byakuren"Worship is an act commanded by narcissists and egomaniacs, and is not something any sane person would do except under threat of force.

Or as the result of mental conditioning known as abuse, which is what religion upbringing is.

Hijiri Byakuren

Quote from: "the_antithesis"Or as the result of mental conditioning known as abuse, which is what religion upbringing is.
As I said, threat of force.
Speak when you have something to say, not when you have to say something.

Sargon The Grape - My Youtube Channel


It would be highly problematic for a god to prove itself, simply because there are so many gods and their aspects are often very similar. A Christian god appearing would have to wade through the muddle of different sects, conflicting beliefs and whether discarded beliefs were valid. Is it a Neo-Baptist Free will god or a Pentecostal speaking in tongues and rapture god or whatever.

Based on end times scripture if a christian god did appear, it would be too late anyway, because that would be the judgment. If it appeared merely to identify itself and cause people to worship, it would be in violation of scripture. I don't personally know of any god or scripture that states god will one day show up and say, yo- I'm here. Worship me. Back later. Most religions are based on a judgment cycle; worship this way or else whoops, too late. Assuming the religion were true, we'd be screwed anyway.