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If God were proven....

Started by Insult to Rocks, December 30, 2013, 01:08:30 PM

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Quote from: "Jason78"
Quote from: "Insult to Rocks"One of the most common things I hear atheist speakers say is that if God were proven, they would believe in him. Reasonable, but I'm more interested in whether or not you would worship him.

I think that if God was proven, most religious people wouldn't believe in him.

Religions tend to be reflections of the people that claim belief.  Have you ever noticed that interpretations of holy books tend to back up exactly what the religious person wants?  

Homophobic? (to pick a topic at random)  The religious person can say "It's not my fault, it's what my god commands."  I doubt they would give up such a way of thinking easily.

I have indeed noticed how "God" seems to always agree with the people claiming his existence. The very same people claiming his existence always seem to believe that "God" agrees with everything they say and do, and the stench of arrogance that comes off of them implies that they had to really self-convince themselves of their beliefs before they "went public" with them.

But I'm just an Atheist heathen, so what do I know?

Hijiri Byakuren

Quote from: "Jason78"
Quote from: "stromboli"In my case, the proof would have to be pretty overwhelming before I'd even consider it. In an age of CGI and ultra realistic special effects, the proof would have to be extraordinary.

If he was all powerful, he could just make you believe :D
But what if he does so selectively just to fuck with us? :shock:
Speak when you have something to say, not when you have to say something.

Sargon The Grape - My Youtube Channel


I remain unconvinced by any claims anyone has ever made about the existence or the power of a divine force operating in the universe."
-Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Rex Rgis Verum

Believe - I'd have to if there was empirical evidence.
Worship - Neither my ego nor my code would allow it.
Why anyone would desire eternal life is beyond me. There's no fun in forever.


Quote from: "Insult to Rocks"Good people of the atheist forums! If God existed, would you worship him(or her, or it)?
I would fear him, if he was as described in the buy-bull.
I might respect him, if he were as Odin is described in the Thor movies.
I might even like him and go out with him to the local mead hall to hang out, if he were as Thor is described in the Thor movies.

Worship? Never!
"We should admire Prometheus, not Zues...Job, not Jehovah. Becoming a god, or godlike being, is selling out to the enemy. From the Greeks to the Norse to the Garden of Eden, gods are capricious assholes with impulse control problems. Joining their ranks would be a step down."

From "Radiant" by James Alan Gardner


If God were real I would do whatever it wanted because I wouldn't have choice. You can't have a being that controls everything and knows past and future and believe you have a options. Anything less would not be God.

Insult to Rocks

Quote from: "GSOgymrat"If God were real I would do whatever it wanted because I wouldn't have choice. You can't have a being that controls everything and knows past and future and believe you have a options. Anything less would not be God.
Another good point. What I have been seeing is that the definition of God is far to abstract and ill-defined to make a very effective judgment regarding it's properties or desires. Sounds like a good forum project maybe. Voting on what the forum considers to be the definition of god in terms of general religion. I know I've seen many accomplished speakers and writers struggle to define it.
"We must respect the other fellow\'s religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart."
-- H. L. Mencken


> I have indeed noticed how "God" seems to always agree with the people claiming his existence.

'You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.' — Anne Lamott



I would never worship the God of the bible. These knees shall never bend.
"The only way you can be certain that there are good people in the world is to BE one".
-My mother

Morality is doing what is right, no matter what you are told.
Religion is doing what you are told, no matter what is right.

The Skeletal Atheist

Quote from: "baddogma"I would never worship the God of the bible. These knees shall never bend.
:D Haven't seen you post in a while! You must have a life or something.

If God were proven to exist he would have to do some major explaining, especially any the Abrahamic God. Otherwise no, I couldn't worship him and feel like an ethical person.
Some people need to be beaten with a smart stick.

Kein Mehrheit Fur Die Mitleid!

Kein Mitlied F�r Die Mehrheit!


Quote from: "Insult to Rocks"
Quote from: "GSOgymrat"If God were real I would do whatever it wanted because I wouldn't have choice. You can't have a being that controls everything and knows past and future and believe you have a options. Anything less would not be God.
Another good point. What I have been seeing is that the definition of God is far to abstract and ill-defined to make a very effective judgment regarding it's properties or desires. Sounds like a good forum project maybe. Voting on what the forum considers to be the definition of god in terms of general religion. I know I've seen many accomplished speakers and writers struggle to define it.

That'd be pointless since we don't believe in that god anyway. Any god we define would be rejected by the religious, who don't want their god to be defined because anything defined can be torn down.

Insult to Rocks

I mean just for reference in the forums, so that when we bring up the general non-denomination god we have a unified definition. It kinda causes a lot of problems. Lots of people still think Einstein was religion because he used the term god, even though it had a completely different meaning to him.
"We must respect the other fellow\'s religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart."
-- H. L. Mencken


"I am an agnostic; I do not pretend to know what many ignorant men are sure of."
? Clarence Darrow


Someone mentioned a couple pages ago that you can't prove your great great etc grandfather existed? Well, sure you can. All the evidence you need is that you exist. You need a female's egg and a male's sperm to make a fetus, without one there will be no life. If you exist, you most definitely had two parents. If they exist, they each had two parents. So on and so forth. Logical proof.

Also, if god existed as some living being, extremely powerful compared to us but still limited in all aspects, I think he would be worthy of admiration, but certainly not worship. I like that approach towards god, rather deistic. Like, he's out there somewhere working hard every day to keep the balance of what he and maybe his society sees as good and evil.
Quote from: \"sweetjesus\"you cant push a dog into a pond and it turn into a fish-- evolution is rong. Why we still got monkeys?"?
Quote from: \"GurrenLagann\"Can\'t handle criticism? Find another species. \":)\"
"The catholic church is not a force for good, and fuck you for saying so." - Matt Dillahunty
"The holy spirit can\'t hold a pen." -Russel Brand


If a god of some sort revealed itself to be real, I would acknowledge its reality, but I don't see why it would want to be worshiped. I think that idea evolved from ancient kings and emperors who demanded the undying adoration of their subjects, who would be put to death if they didn't comply. They couldn't imagine the ultimate authority figure, God, being any different than earthly rulers.

Skeletal Atheist, I love your mummy facepalm avatar! :lol:
"Now we see through a glass dumbly." ~Crow, MST3K #903, "Puma Man"