Marxism 101: Socialism and Communism

Started by etienne, March 10, 2017, 05:50:59 AM

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Quote from: The Skeletal Atheist on March 13, 2017, 11:01:08 PM
When y'all planning to stab anarchists in the back yet again? Asking for a friend.
Y'all will have to refresh my memory of said alleged back stabbing of Anarchists.  I think they've dropped the ball bigly in not taking out Drumpf Nazi by now--that's my main contention with them as of late.  Well, they botched the Frick job back in the day, so I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up.
The Revolution does not fall like an apple when it is ripe:  you have to MAKE it fall...

The Skeletal Atheist

Does 1930s Catalonia jog anything to memory? Or perhaps the Ukrainian Free Territory? Or maybe Kronstadt? Generally though, tankies have a nice little habit of purging us or putting us in gulags when we're no longer useful.
Some people need to be beaten with a smart stick.

Kein Mehrheit Fur Die Mitleid!

Kein Mitlied F�r Die Mehrheit!

The Skeletal Atheist

As per Cheeto man, you try getting near him! Taking him out sounds fun but logistically it's a nightmare and it doesn't really accomplish much for the risk involved. Everyone in his line of succession has the same goals, the cheeto in chief is just a good distraction.
Some people need to be beaten with a smart stick.

Kein Mehrheit Fur Die Mitleid!

Kein Mitlied F�r Die Mehrheit!


Quote from: The Skeletal Atheist on March 13, 2017, 11:47:00 PM
Does 1930s Catalonia jog anything to memory? Or perhaps the Ukrainian Free Territory? Or maybe Kronstadt? Generally though, tankies have a nice little habit of purging us or putting us in gulags when we're no longer useful.
I can't disagree with ya too much.  Catalonia was a fairly complex dealio and the Commies did screw yo ass.  I like those Catalonian Anarchists, but deal is, anarchists, well. there's never enough of them on the same page to really challenge Power in a unified way with unified goalsBig probs for them taking over any industries, especially in a global economy.  Bakunin was heavily anti-semetic too, as was Proudhon, but that wasnt unusual in that day.  But, if I'm not mistaken, the Spanish Repubs and the Franco Algerian assisted Fascists took down your anarchist buddy ol' pals, I dont think the Commies did much the fighting, just didnt help out is all.   The USSR was protecting what few trade deals they had with Britain and France at the time--couldnt get mixed up with anarchists causes.  Shit is never easy as it seems on paper.

But dont get me wrong, if its a choice between anarchists and fascists, I'd join the anarchists everyday of the week and twice on Sundays.

You'll have to educate us on the other situations, but the reasons are probably about the same as I described.  So-Comms have hard enough time agreeing among themselves(ask Lenin/Stalin/Trotsky), let alone having to deal with a buncha of anarchists going in 50 different directions.

Anarchists never get the numbers, is the bottom line.  If and when they do, they can take Power.  Emma Goldman, for all her bluster and fame, really didnt do jack shit in confronting Power, when it came right down to it.  She and her BF failed miserably at assassinating Frick with that stupid f'ing pee shooter "gun" they scrapped together with their last $ between 'em.  He got hung and then they just deported her.  End of movement.

I like Bonanni and Gramsci a whole lot though.  ;)  Anarchism is essentially disorganized, ununified Communism.
The Revolution does not fall like an apple when it is ripe:  you have to MAKE it fall...

The Skeletal Atheist

Some people need to be beaten with a smart stick.

Kein Mehrheit Fur Die Mitleid!

Kein Mitlied F�r Die Mehrheit!


Quote from: etienne on March 13, 2017, 09:20:06 PM
Human "nature" is malleable, as per context.  You train people to be dog eat dog and thats just what they do, go fig.

Maybe you are a canine, I am not.  Don't bring a pooch, to a cat fight.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Quote from: The Skeletal Atheist on March 14, 2017, 12:02:17 AM
As per Cheeto man, you try getting near him! Taking him out sounds fun but logistically it's a nightmare and it doesn't really accomplish much for the risk involved. Everyone in his line of succession has the same goals, the cheeto in chief is just a good distraction.
So your saying that the world wouldn't have been a different place w/o Hitler, or Mussolini?  You take 'em out one by one, or in their little gangs.  Gotta get some training.  Here are your tools:

The Revolution does not fall like an apple when it is ripe:  you have to MAKE it fall...

The Skeletal Atheist

Some people need to be beaten with a smart stick.

Kein Mehrheit Fur Die Mitleid!

Kein Mitlied F�r Die Mehrheit!


Quote from: Baruch on March 14, 2017, 12:28:33 AM
Maybe you are a canine, I am not.  Don't bring a pooch, to a cat fight.
You're contradicting yourself all over the place now, B.  !st you said you are a donkey, then a dog or something, now you say you arent a dog.  You've totally lost me.

People's brains are malleable, its a fact.  People go from believers to nonbelievers everyday of the week.  ETC, ETC.
The Revolution does not fall like an apple when it is ripe:  you have to MAKE it fall...


Quote from: The Skeletal Atheist on March 14, 2017, 12:31:56 AM
Nice try FBI.
Such are anarchists.  Stick to Starbucks' windows, k?  Fight your 'revolution' there.  Or maybe you can fight the fascists with your endless book fairs and rad art and punk bands.
The Revolution does not fall like an apple when it is ripe:  you have to MAKE it fall...


Quote from: etienne on March 13, 2017, 09:57:39 PMScatter plot of the population of North Korea, from 1980 to 2013.  The blue line represents the annual World Bank estimates, and the red dots represents the national census figures (1993 and 2008).

Geez, if so many millions of North Koreans are starving to death, why does the population keep going up?
Well look at that.  Suddenly capitalist sources are acceptable.

And for once, you're right about something: North Korea's population has grown.  But you're totally wrong in concluding that they're doing a-okay from viewing that statistic in isolation.  No doubt that oversight is due to deliberate self-deception.

Quote from: WikiDuring the 1990s, North Korea was ravaged by famine, causing the death of between 500,000 and 3 million people. Food shortages are ongoing today, with factors such as bad weather, lack of fertilizer and a drop in international donation meaning that North Koreans do not have enough to eat. A study of North Koreans in 2008 found that three-quarters of respondents had reduced their food intake. Extreme poverty is also a factor in the hunger faced by North Korean people, with 27% of the population living at or below the absolute poverty line of less than US $1 a day.

These food shortages cause a number of malnutrition diseases. For example, a 2009 UNICEF report found that North Korea was “one of 18 countries with the highest prevalence of stunting (moderate and severe) among children under 5 years old”.
QuoteA 2013 study reported that communicable diseases and malnutrition are responsible for 64% of the total deaths in North Korea.
Ironically, both the US and South Korea have historically donated substantial amounts of food aid to help ease the humanitarian crisis there.  But all the food shipments in the world don't matter when it doesn't make it to those in need.


The Revolution does not fall like an apple when it is ripe:  you have to MAKE it fall...


Quote from: etienne on March 13, 2017, 11:37:00 PM
Y'all will have to refresh my memory of said alleged back stabbing of Anarchists.  I think they've dropped the ball bigly in not taking out Drumpf Nazi by now--that's my main contention with them as of late.  Well, they botched the Frick job back in the day, so I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up.

The very first people the Cheka needed to shoot.  A woman anarchist nearly assassinated Lenin.  Not even the Czarists were that dangerous.  Keep your Czarists close but your anarchists closer (same as Hitler putting down the Brownshirts using the SS).  Dictatorship of the proletariat, and even syndicalist-anarchism, don't mix.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Well this part of China looks might fine .. they may all look alike, but they are all hot.  Political police unit I think.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Quote from: Baruch on March 14, 2017, 12:41:37 AM
The very first people the Cheka needed to shoot.  A woman anarchist nearly assassinated Lenin.  Not even the Czarists were that dangerous.  Keep your Czarists close but your anarchists closer (same as Hitler putting down the Brownshirts using the SS).  Dictatorship of the proletariat, and even syndicalist-anarchism, don't mix.
"Nearly" is the key word and pretty much defines anarchists:  NOT nearly enough.  Emma Goldman's BF nearly assassinated Frick, but he was such a hack he couldn't kill him at point blank range.  P.S, "dictatorship" of the proletariat is not just one person.  Think about it.  ;)
The Revolution does not fall like an apple when it is ripe:  you have to MAKE it fall...