Marxism 101: Socialism and Communism

Started by etienne, March 10, 2017, 05:50:59 AM

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Quote from: etienne on March 12, 2017, 02:24:01 PMThat map would make good tp.  Really, who composed the map, the U.N?

But more importantly, it contradicts your claim - so naturally, it's false capitalist bullshit (as opposed to pro-communist goodthink)


Quote from: Hydra009 on March 12, 2017, 05:13:13 PM

But more importantly, it contradicts your claim - so naturally, it's false capitalist bullshit (as opposed to pro-communist goodthink)
The US has ~1000 military bases/installations spanning the globe.  Does Russia?  No.  Does China?  No.  The DPRK has ZERO bases outside it's border.  Cuba?  No.  Iran?  No.  Shall I go on?  The world is afraid of the USA imperialism, for good reason, they DO it!  USA, #1 in State sponsored terrorism(imperialist war) throughout the 20th century until now.  #2 is barely on the radar by comparison.
The Revolution does not fall like an apple when it is ripe:  you have to MAKE it fall...


Quote from: etienne on March 12, 2017, 05:30:37 PM
The US has ~1000 military bases/installations spanning the globe.  Does Russia?  No.  Does China?  No.  The DPRK has ZERO bases outside it's border.  Cuba?  No.  Iran?  No.  Shall I go on?  The world is afraid of the USA imperialism, for good reason, they DO it!  USA, #1 in State sponsored terrorism(imperialist war) throughout the 20th century until now.  #2 is barely on the radar by comparison.

Mike Cl

Quote from: etienne on March 12, 2017, 02:55:33 PM
Thanks.  Well, if you don't view the 1st 4 short vids I posted then you will most likely continue to not understand what so-comm is, like everybody else here not named "etienne", and how it has been and currently is practiced in various countries.  That's why I posted them so I don't have to keep explaining terms and concepts over and over to every single American, and otherwise, that comes along.  Ain't got time for that. I can't make it easier for folks.  If a person isn't interested in learning, they aren't interested, but then their opinions are not based in fact and they remain ignorant on the subject.

For e.g., I have said repeatedly that capitalism and socialism are antithetic which they, in fact, ARE.  They don't mix, oil and water, there is either one or the other. It's about which CLASS controls the means of production.  Socialism is the replacement of capitalism and vice versa.  Tax redistribution within the capitalist system is not socialism.  And I'm not going to repeat that anymore.  That is called "democratic socialism", and if people would watch just one of those vids I kindly posted, I wouldnt have to keep going over it and they would sound more intelligent when they spoke.

Alright, mean when I tell people to define what they are talking about, and then they do, I need to pay attention and read the definitions?????  Well, shit.  Do as I say and not as I do--remember????  Alright, one of these fine slow days, I'll watch those videos.    If I can read three Ayn Rand novels, I guess I can watch a few video's. 

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?


Quote from: etienne on March 12, 2017, 02:27:24 PM
Marx wrote of the "primitive communism" of hunter gatherer societies that existed for millenia.
Sure, and that might work among a small group of closely related people. The problem is, Marxism does not scale well to the level of a nation state.
Click this link once a day to feed shelter animals. Its free.


Quote from: _Xenu_ on March 12, 2017, 06:19:42 PM
Sure, and that might work among a small group of closely related people. The problem is, Marxism does not scale well to the level of a nation state.

I have yet to see the nation State, as more than a liability, but it certainly works for people who depend on the State for their livelihood.  But then anyone not in food production, is a parasite.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Quote from: Baruch on March 12, 2017, 07:30:49 PM
I have yet to see the nation State, as more than a liability, but it certainly works for people who depend on the State for their livelihood.  But then anyone not in food production, is a parasite.
You can bash the idea of government all you like. That doesn't change the fact that its proven to be workable, unlike Marxism.
Click this link once a day to feed shelter animals. Its free.


Quote from: _Xenu_ on March 12, 2017, 08:13:04 PM
You can bash the idea of government all you like. That doesn't change the fact that its proven to be workable, unlike Marxism.

I didn't realize that Marxist were anarchists ;-(

And I have worked with the US government for 30 years, half my life.  Great for me, bad for you ... well bad if you think you should have government benefits without paying any taxes to pay for it.  Given employment, I am proud to pay taxes, unlike Mr Trump.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Quote from: Baruch on March 12, 2017, 07:30:49 PMI have yet to see the nation State, as more than a liability, but it certainly works for people who depend on the State for their livelihood.  But then anyone not in food production, is a parasite.
Historically, only States could support many people who do not produce food.  Agricultural communities, which later became States, could support a wider range of professions than nomads.  That's a big part of the reason these communities were able to become the norm rather than the exception.


Quote from: _Xenu_ on March 12, 2017, 06:19:42 PM
Sure, and that might work among a small group of closely related people. The problem is, Marxism does not scale well to the level of a nation state.
You're not very good at this, are you?  Just can't stay away from the intrigue of socialism, can you?  Admit it. 

Uh, he kind of did.  He wrote a couple of books, maybe you've heard:  "Das Kapital" and the "Communist Manifesto".  He also was a prolific journalist on the subject in "live time events" back then.  There was this thing called the "First International".  And isn't it odd how the USSR, based off of Marxist Leninism, to "scale", went from a backwater feudalistic country owned by Csars, to beat the big ol' bad ol' USA, who had been at the industrial game for a few hundred years, putting a man in space.  And the USSR did it "w/o intellectuals" as the other guy claims:

QuoteThe competition began on August 2, 1955, when the Soviet Union responded to the US announcement four days earlier of intent to launch artificial satellites for the International Geophysical Year, by declaring they would also launch a satellite "in the near future". The Soviet Union beat the US to this, with the October 4, 1957 orbiting of Sputnik 1, and later beat the US to the first human in space, Yuri Gagarin, on April 12, 1961.

And somehow, again "w/o intellectual" engineers, Marxist socialists were/are able to build modern cities:

Wasn't the Marxist USSR considered the 2nd Super Power in just 30 years time?  Yeah, they were.  Problem is:  socialism works, that's why the capitalists keep fighting it.
The Revolution does not fall like an apple when it is ripe:  you have to MAKE it fall...


Quote from: Hydra009 on March 12, 2017, 11:51:36 PM
Historically, only States could support many people who do not produce food.  Agricultural communities, which later became States, could support a wider range of professions than nomads.  That's a big part of the reason these communities were able to become the norm rather than the exception.

Why is it a virtue to have more people instead of fewer?  No, agriculture requires villages, it doesn't require cities nor states.  States came about because of psychopathic village elders (see story of why the gods created Enkidu).

Etienne .. Earth First wannabes defaced one of the Trump golf courses, digging a message in the turf ... "NO MORE TIGERS. NO MORE WOODS" ... today's Sans Cullottes are so scary, I am just triggered!
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Quote from: Baruch on March 12, 2017, 11:10:22 PM
I didn't realize that Marxist were anarchists ;-(

And I have worked with the US government for 30 years, half my life.  Great for me, bad for you ... well bad if you think you should have government benefits without paying any taxes to pay for it.  Given employment, I am proud to pay taxes, unlike Mr Trump.
Xenu can sign over his Social Security checks over to me anytime. :biggrin:  US Social Security, brought to you by US Communists.
The Revolution does not fall like an apple when it is ripe:  you have to MAKE it fall...


Quote from: Baruch on March 13, 2017, 06:37:02 AM
Why is it a virtue to have more people instead of fewer?  No, agriculture requires villages, it doesn't require cities nor states.  States came about because of psychopathic village elders (see story of why the gods created Enkidu).

Etienne .. Earth First wannabes defaced one of the Trump golf courses, digging a message in the turf ... "NO MORE TIGERS. NO MORE WOODS" ... today's Sans Cullottes are so scary, I am just triggered!
People like "nice things", modern things.  No, we're not going back to hunter gatherer, unless the psycho imperialists nuke the thing--for profit, of course.  And good for them, any destruction of Drumpf property is a 'yooge' good thing.  I am disappointed in the anarchist assassins, though, about now.  Probably will have to take one for the Team(humanity) and do it myself.
The Revolution does not fall like an apple when it is ripe:  you have to MAKE it fall...


Quote from: Baruch on March 12, 2017, 07:30:49 PM
I have yet to see the nation State, as more than a liability, but it certainly works for people who depend on the State for their livelihood.  But then anyone not in food production, is a parasite.
Well, you kind of have to have people that know how to, you know, build things.  I'm not living in no dadgum teepee(no wifi).  There are legions and legions of parasites, however, they wear suits and have little colorful leashes around their necks.
The Revolution does not fall like an apple when it is ripe:  you have to MAKE it fall...


Quote from: etienne on March 13, 2017, 06:47:12 AM
People like "nice things", modern things.  No, we're not going back to hunter gatherer, unless the psycho imperialists nuke the thing--for profit, of course.  And good for them, any destruction of Drumpf property is a 'yooge' good thing.  I am disappointed in the anarchist assassins, though, about now.  Probably will have to take one for the Team(humanity) and do it myself.

Why do assassins today wait for a R politician, not a D politician?  See Ford, Reagan.  And why do they miss?
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.