Cop: "You're Recording Me? I Will Pull My Gun On You."

Started by Shiranu, March 23, 2016, 06:00:03 PM

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Quote from: josephpalazzo on March 24, 2016, 07:12:11 PM
Some people just don't get it - there are 300 million guns out there. A cop automatically assumes anyone he will approach most likely will have a gun. Standard procedure: take your fucking hands out your fucking pockets, or else I'll see you at your funeral...

Some people just don't get it... there was NO REASON FOR THE COP TO APPROACH THE GUY. Standard procedure: don't start fucking harassing people because you have a badge and can get away with it.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Quote from: Shiranu on March 24, 2016, 07:15:29 PM
Some people just don't get it... there was NO REASON FOR THE COP TO APPROACH THE GUY.
...AAAAANNNNNDDDDD ONCE AGAIN!!!! You know that how exactly. Be specific. I'm waiting.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false and by the rulers as useful


Quote from: Johan on March 24, 2016, 07:27:06 PM
...AAAAANNNNNDDDDD ONCE AGAIN!!!! You know that how exactly. Be specific. I'm waiting.

How do I know a cop shouldn't approach someone for a reason as trivial as, "He was recording me?". Common sense, something that seems to be lacking. If the cop had a reason, he would have stated it... that's kinda, you know, what cops do. Oh, wait... he does state the reason... "You were recording me, so I'm going to record you to." Oops.

Of course, coming from the guy who has defended cops guilty of crimes even worse then this, I am sure that won't be enough.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur



-Ignorant jack ass notices cop patrolling his neighborhood, decides to fuck with him, makes big show of videoing him, flips him the bird, grabs his crotch and pretends to jack-off to the officer… officer stops, gets out of car, and walks toward ignorant jack-ass who starts screaming like a bitch-girl, "you don't touch me, you don't touch me…"

-Pussies lose their mind at the audacity of the cop while making an internet hero out of the ignorant jack-ass, forgetting all the while that if the ignorant jack ass did NOT want a confrontation, he would have just kept washing his boat.

-Internet tough guys point out how civil other cops are in other countries where citizens don't actively hunt and kill officers…wonder why this countries officers can't walk around without guns and hand out lollipops to street thugs…

-people pretend that they could easily do a cops job…do much of a pussy to actually do it.
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust



Okay, if you are content with a broken system that is your prerogative, as well as committing victim blaming. It's a shitty one to hold, but your free to hold it and put others down for not sharing it. It's not like actual people suffer because of it. Oh wait...
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur

The Skeletal Atheist

Quote from: Shiranu on March 24, 2016, 07:01:47 PM

-Intimidation with a gun is acceptable. As good Americans, you should know this... you DO NOT upholster and flash your piece unless you intend to pull the trigger. Period.
No, intimidation with a gun isn't acceptable, but in Gunmurrica you don't know who has a gun, so preparation is acceptable.
Quote- You also only pull a gun out when there is clear and immediate threat, which even if You want to say comes from the hand in the pocket... this is a situation the cop actively engaged in. And what about once he emptied his pockets? What was the justification then?
The man approached the car with his hand in his pocket, but yeah, let's totally disregard that. Also emptied his pocket? I'm sorry, but unless you check the pocket in question you have no way of knowing if it is empty. Conceal carry is a thing in Gunmurrica, and it's a thing that's led to the death of a lot of cops. Also did you know you have an awesome superpower here? You can instantly tell, without visual evidence, that a man's pockets are empty. Shit, you don't even have to know what kind of pants the man has.

Quote-A cop is justified in confronting someone because, "it's their job", and they "might" have drugs or something in their pocket because they have their hand in their pocket... all without giving any clear reason as to why they are needlessly leaving their vehicle and escalating the situation.
Being approached by a man = needlessly leaving the vehicle.
Quote- If you record a cop, you deserve to have a gun pulled on you because you are "antagonizing" the officer... even though that recording doesn't mean Jackdiddily shit and poses zero threat to him.
If you record a cop, while approaching his vehicle with your hand in your pocket, you might seem threatening. If, after the cop asks you to take your hand out of your pocket, you initially refuse, you might seem even more threatening.

I've been searched by police before. Shit, I'll even say that the reason I was searched may have been suspect. You know what I never fucking did though? I never kept my hands in my pockets because I realize that in a country where guns are plentiful such a thing might be a red flag.

Quote- If you don't handle the situation in a way you approve of, then you DESERVE to have a gun pulled on you and the criminal is excused. Just like if you wear that dress tonight you are ASKING to get raped and can you really blame the rapist?
Nice comparison, but no, it doesn't work like that. If he were only recording, that would be one thing, but he approached the vehicle with hand in pocket and initially refused to take his hand out of his pocket in a country where guns are plentiful. For your comparison to work the lady would have to throw condoms at a known rapist while screaming that she's horny.

QuoteI wonder how many civilized countries have issues like this... Oh, right, in civilized countries beat cops don't walk around with guns, have protections when they abuse their power and shit themselves over people daring to record them.
In "civilized countries" guns aren't so common that literally anyone can have one.

QuoteAnd then we wonder why the civilized world thinks our police culture is a joke...

Our police culture is a joke, but in this situation you're the one joking. Knowing nothing from the cop's perspective, you instantly condemn him for what appear to be steps to protect himself in case the man had a gun. I don't like defending the police, I have posted several threads about police abuses, but in this case I can't blame the cop for pulling his weapon, especially if he's been out there for a while. Cops have been killed over less, so taking an abundance of precaution when dealing with a man who refuses to take his hand out of his pocket at first isn't some excessive judgement, but rather an attempt to ensure his own personal safety.
Some people need to be beaten with a smart stick.

Kein Mehrheit Fur Die Mitleid!

Kein Mitlied F�r Die Mehrheit!


The man approached the car with his hand in his pocket, but yeah, let's totally disregard that.

After the cop stopped and confronted him, which renders anything after what you just said irrelevant. But yeah, let's totally disregard the cop's roll in the situation.

QuoteBeing approached by a man = needlessly leaving the vehicle.

Needlessly stopping the car, pulling out a camera and "counter-recording" the guy, then deciding to get out = needlessly leaving the vehicle. Drive. Along.

QuoteI've been searched by police before. Shit, I'll even say that the reason I was searched may have been suspect. You know what I never fucking did though? I never kept my hands in my pockets because I realize that in a country where guns are plentiful such a thing might be a red flag.

So more victim blaming. Great.

QuoteNice comparison, but no, it doesn't work like that. If he were only recording, that would be one thing, but he approached the vehicle with hand in pocket and initially refused to take his hand out of his pocket in a country where guns are plentiful. For your comparison to work the lady would have to throw condoms at a known rapist while screaming that she's horny.

Again implying the cameraman provoked the cop so what was he to do? You know what he could do? Move. Along.

QuoteOur police culture is a joke, but in this situation you're the one joking. Knowing nothing from the cop's perspective, you instantly condemn him for what appear to be steps to protect himself in case the man had a gun. I don't like defending the police, I have posted several threads about police abuses, but in this case I can't blame the cop for pulling his weapon, especially if he's been out there for a while. Cops have been killed over less, so taking an abundance of precaution when dealing with a man who refuses to take his hand out of his pocket at first isn't some excessive judgement, but rather an attempt to ensure his own personal safety.

You know what else might protect the cop? Not engaging in a needless confrontation.

I am 99.99 percent sure people here have argued that before, that if people didn't want to get shot they shouldn't engage in a pointless confrontation, but suddenly when the guy has a badge HE is the victim. Right. Sure. Okay.

Af logic: You recording me? I can threaten you with a gun cause' I'm scared in this situation I escalated! God damn America, you scary.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Also; Saying that the cop shouldn't engage in a meaningless fight = internet tough guy behaviour.

That logic doe.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur



Quote from: PickelledEggs on March 24, 2016, 08:13:16 PM
(you assume so)

Considering the cop never stated one, and played along with the guy for a bit, that is a safer assumption then, "OMG THE COP IS INNOCENT PLZ STOP U HURT HIS FEELINGS :*(."

You know what cops do when they stop you for a reason?

They say something along the line's of...

"Do you know why I pulled you over?"
"Sorry to bother you, we are looking for..."
"Hi, we received a complaint about..."
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Quote from: Shiranu on March 24, 2016, 07:59:15 PM
as well as committing victim blaming.

Tell ya what Shir, tomorrow, go find yourself a cop sitting in his car. Jump out and start to video, go ahead. You have a real good chance that nothing happens. You also have a pretty good chance that something might happen. But do you know why I know you won't fucking have the balls to do it?

Because you're not an ignorant jack-ass, Shir. You don't decide to fuck with the police and video it so you can make a name for yourself. You don't fuck with anybody because why? Why would you? Who the fuck goes around fucking with people? Apparently that jack-ass does. I don't mind your cause, just pick better people to champion.

Yes there are bad cops, we get that, nobody is objecting to that, is this guy one? Maybe. But not based on a jack-ass who sets out to piss him off.
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust

The Skeletal Atheist

Or maybe the police might have an obligation to investigate suspicious activity. Maybe, you know, a legal mandate? But please, I'm victim blaming here because obviously the cop should have just moved on. Let's disregard that though, and let's say the stop was erroneous: what logical reason did the man have to keep his hand in his pocket at first, and then to refuse when asked to remove his hand from his pocket? Why should the cop assume at that point that the man was unarmed?
Some people need to be beaten with a smart stick.

Kein Mehrheit Fur Die Mitleid!

Kein Mitlied F�r Die Mehrheit!


QuoteOr maybe the police might have an obligation to investigate suspicious activity.

The suspicious activities of attaching a boat to a trailer, being on your property, having your hand in your pocket and having a camera. Wow, we are fucked if that is the criteria of "suspicious activity".
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Quote from: Shiranu on March 24, 2016, 07:37:15 PM
How do I know a cop shouldn't approach someone for a reason as trivial as, "He was recording me?".
Cops have every right to stop and approach anyone anytime they fucking want. The same way that you or I or any other fucking person on the fucking planet has every right to stop and approach anyone anytime they fucking want.

When a cop does stop and approach someone for reasons neither you nor I can possibly know from the video posted, that cop gets to tell the person in question to take their hand out of their pocket exactly once. If the person refuses, then yeah the cop gets to draw his or her weapon which is exactly what happened. Why? Because cops that don't do that can and do end up dead. In a word, duh.

Are all cops good and ethical all the time? Absolutely fucking not. Do they overstep their bounds sometimes? Of course they do. Is that what happened in this case? Can't tell because the video doesn't tell the whole story. But what I do know is this. When a cop tells you do something, wait scratch that, when a cop tells you to do ANYTHING, you fucking do it. If the cop was inappropriate or over the line, you do it anyway and then you sort it out later with a judge. That's how it works. Because being right and refusing and then ending up dead still means you end up dead. Again in a word, duh.
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false and by the rulers as useful


Do you realize how irrational you sound? Jeez...

If a cop feels a reason for caution (eg. guy approaching his vehicle with his hand in his pocket) he has every right to get out of his car, ready to pull his gun. In fact, the cop is obligated to for his own safety. After the boat guy started yelling at him, he pulled his gun from his holster. How is that hard to understand? It's baffling that so many of you are so irrational with this situation. Yeah there has been a lot of cops in the news because of abuse of their power, but this is not an instance that power abuse happened.