Terrorist Attacks In Brussels

Started by drunkenshoe, March 22, 2016, 05:58:11 AM

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This is highly likely about that waste of carbon arrested on Friday. Salah Abdeslam. He is the head behind Paris attacks too.

Brussels attacks live updates: ‘Around 23 dead and 35 injured’ after three explosions around city


Quote'The thinking here by everybody is that it is some kind of terrorist attack although that hasn't been verified by anyone here at the airport'

Around 23 dead and dozens injured after three explosions heard around the city
Two of the blasts hit Brussels Airport
Third explosion at Mallbeek Metro station
One of the explosions is feared to be the result of a suicide bomb
Terror alert raised to highest level and Metro shut down entirely
Cause of the blasts unclear
Video shows people fleeing the terminal building
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said it was "an attack against democratic Europe".


Brussels attacks: were they revenge for Abdeslam's arrest?

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


All depends on if the terrorists are taking orders from Langley and Riyadh ... as they were before.  Are they actually independent?  And what to do with Erdogan's support for ISIS oil deliveries?  We don't know what happens in the halls of power ... though I suspect they are up to no good.

It is a fact that a faction of the Elite despise the EU and want to see it destroyed, like they are doing to N America and China etc.  Who gave the orders for killing the Archduke?
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


It's more compilcated than that Baruch.

Abdeslam was arrested on Friday. Today is Tuesday. When he was arrested, there was also a lot of heavy weaponry found. I am saying this as he was behind of Paris attacks- considering how that was carried out, probbaly they were planing something much bigger of the sort. With mass execution. (Some perpetrators of the Paris attacks were from Belgium.) But when he was caught, any other available cells just bombed around as in "we are still here"? Well, I don't know. 

There is no need for long detour connections to ISIL or other soources. Everything was apparently already ready for another big attack. They actually just crushed an important attack of a storm chain. Probably more people would have died in one location -possibly the capital if they didn't.

Brussels is the center of fight against islamic terrorism in EU. The capital of UN-EU relations. It's highly symbolic too. 

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp




QuoteBelgium is paying an incredibly high price for the calculations it made surrounding terrorism and fundamentalists, who over the past two years have built the network of safe houses and militants that are now bloodying the heart of Europe’s capital. It was completely mistaken to think that militant jihadists would give Belgium a reprieve in exchange for the tolerance and indifference that intelligence and secret services displayed when dealing with the neighborhood on the outskirts of Brussels, where terrorists recruited their soldiers and stockpiled weapons and explosives.

This much was perfectly clear immediately following the January 2015 attacks on Charlie Hebdo, when logistical collusion between the attackers and the terror cells hidden in Belgium emerged in full. There was further confirmation of this in August, with the failed attack on the Amsterdam-Paris train, fortunately (and fortuitously) prevented by three passengers. It was clear on November 13 after the Paris attacks on the Bataclan, the soccer stadium and in the streets of the city, when all evidence pointed to maneuvers organized along the Brussels-Paris axis amid the foolishness (or worse) of secret services in Belgium, who perhaps could have avoided that bloodbath.

Now, after a four-month-long, desperate and, in many ways, inconclusive manhunt for Abdeslam Salah, who was hiding just a few meters from his home in the heart of the Molenbeek neighborhood, the Belgian intelligence services hoped they’d laid to rest the threat that hung over Belgium and the rest of Europe. Once again, they were wrong. Once again, they miscalculated, as the reach and violence with which the Jihad that has nested and grown inside the Belgian capital exploded in all its vengeance. After the attacks in Paris, terrorist experts had estimated that at least 30 to 40 people were involved in the network responsible for the chain of attacks. Today it’s clear that this estimate will have to be revisited.

Considering today’s attacks as simply a hot-headed vendetta for the capture of Salah Abdeslam does not help us get a grip on the size of the monster that Belgium has let grow and expand inside its borders. These were not improvised attacks, but a preordered plan; one that requires a mind and many arms. Let us all hope that this, yet another tragic lesson, convinces the intelligence and secret services around Europe (and those in Belgium first and foremost) that in order to combat terrorism by Islamic fundamentalists, we need to move beyond nationalist egocentricity (as well as cowardly calculations about one’s own neutrality) in order to activate, starting immediately, a true, open exchange of information and a strategy that reaches beyond the borders of each individual country.

So much for reasoned and restrained response. Expect a rise of nationalism/Christian conservatism and even Nazism in response to this.

All the warnings of allowing Islamic refugees into Europe have fallen on deaf ears for decades. Cue the debate between "good" Muslims and "bad" Muslims. 8% of the population of France is Islamic, beginning with Algerian refugees that were allowed in for cheap labor to stomp their wine grapes. Now you got yourself a developed infrastructure of Islamic people not just in France and the Netherlands but throughout Europe. And literally millions of Muslims to choose from, good or bad. Better start the vetting process.

Carry on.


How cute. An American -stromboli- who defends the invaison of Afghanistan and Irak proudly, sitting on his ass and posts a nicely penned bullshit drama and bitch about taking refugees in Europe and writes a post in a 'scolding' manner about a discussions of 'good' and 'bad' muslims he likes to contribute in this forum by bullshit himself. Give me a break.

American drama at its best. I like it how he puts a "Carry on". As if the mainstream knee jerk bullshit he put actually contributed the news of the death of 34 people.

Nobody 'hoped' they put anything to rest. Nobody miscalculated. Without the arrests leading to this bombing what was to come to Brussels probably would take far more , if France and Belgium didn't carry out a good job. It would be far more worse. There is a constant fight against Islamic terrorism and has always been for the more than last decade AFTER American Bush admin. screwed up the area, since the first bombing in Europe.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: drunkenshoe on March 22, 2016, 01:49:44 PM
How cute. An American -stromboli- who defends the invaison of Afghanistan and Irak proudly, sitting on his ass and posts a nicely penned bullshit drama and bitch about refugees in Europe and writes a post in a 'scolding' manner about a discussions of 'good' and 'bad' muslims he likes to contribute in this forum by bullshit himself. Give me a break.

American drama at its best. I like it how he puts a "Carry on". As if the mainstream knee jerk bullshit he put actually contributed the news of the death of 34 people.

Nobody 'hoped' they put anything to rest. Nobody miscalculated. Without the arrests leading to this bombing what was to come to Brussels probably would take far more , if France and Belgium didn't carry out a good job. It would be far more worse. There is a constant fight against Islamic terrorism and has always been for the more than last decade AFTER American Bush admin. screwed up the area, since the first bombing in Europe.

First of all I have never said that I supported the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. And what I made was a comment on the situation. I did not vote for Bush and I did not support the wars, either one of them. If you want to call it bullshit, be my guest. Since you have gone out of your way to attack my post as "bullshit" (that seems to be your standard response to most things on here) and the scolding manner is your interpretation.

My son served in both Iraq and Afghanistan and I have commented on that. He also suffered PTSD and was medically retired from severe injuries he received in the process. Wouldn't call that a reason to support. I have also made derogatory comments about the VA and general shitty treatment he received.

I don't respond to your posts anymore. This is the first one in awhile. And this is the reason. You come across like a shrill old woman shaking her finger and giving a scolding to the bad Americans. If you want to color me with the same brush as what you think is the American viewpoint, be my guest. All you have done is give me another reason to ignore your posts.

Carry on. :biggrin:


Quote from: stromboli on March 22, 2016, 11:39:53 AM


So much for reasoned and restrained response. Expect a rise of nationalism/Christian conservatism and even Nazism in response to this.

All the warnings of allowing Islamic refugees into Europe have fallen on deaf ears for decades. Cue the debate between "good" Muslims and "bad" Muslims. 8% of the population of France is Islamic, beginning with Algerian refugees that were allowed in for cheap labor to stomp their wine grapes. Now you got yourself a developed infrastructure of Islamic people not just in France and the Netherlands but throughout Europe. And literally millions of Muslims to choose from, good or bad. Better start the vetting process.

Carry on.

European countries are democratic, and as a democracy, each country must protect its minorities, otherwise it's no longer a democracy. And so the terrorists are exploiting this. They can easily infiltrate under the cover that they are part of a minority, and then target anything they want. It's already a humongus task to defend against that as anything can serve as a target - buses, shopping malls, subway stations, any building you name it. And Europe, unlike America, doesn't have an ocean to separate them from the source of these terrorists. And so the task of defending against terrorist attacks is gargantuan.


Quote from: stromboli on March 22, 2016, 02:02:38 PM
First of all I have never said that I supported the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. And what I made was a comment on the situation. I did not vote for Bush and I did not support the wars, either one of them. If you want to call it bullshit, be my guest. Since you have gone out of your way to attack my post as "bullshit" (that seems to be your standard response to most things on here) and the scolding manner is your interpretation.

My son served in both Iraq and Afghanistan and I have commented on that. He also suffered PTSD and was medically retired from severe injuries he received in the process. Wouldn't call that a reason to support. I have also made derogatory comments about the VA and general shitty treatment he received.

Yes, I am talking about that. You have witten many bullshit along with that in those convos and I know what you wrote. I didn't go out my way to write a post to you. We are in the same thread. I write to everyone, ignoring me or not.

Yes, mainstream American view point and comments on the subject is mostly standard bullshit. As it is one of our main subjects, I get to write a lot of "bullshit!" Like you are doing with resident believers in a different way. :biggrin:

QuoteI don't respond to your posts anymore. This is the first one in awhile. And this is the reason. You come across like a shrill old woman shaking her finger and giving a scolding to the bad Americans. If you want to color me with the same brush as what you think is the American viewpoint, be my guest. All you have done is give me another reason to ignore your posts.

I really don't care if you respond to my posts are not, strom and you know that. You are not different than pr126 to me. If you see me as 'an old shrill women shaking a finger to bad Americans', why do you even talk about me brushing you with 'the American viewpoint.' My viewpoint is that I don't respect your opinion anymore. Simple as that.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: stromboli on March 22, 2016, 02:02:38 PM
First of all I have never said that I supported the war in Iraq or Afghanistan. And what I made was a comment on the situation. I did not vote for Bush and I did not support the wars, either one of them. If you want to call it bullshit, be my guest. Since you have gone out of your way to attack my post as "bullshit" (that seems to be your standard response to most things on here) and the scolding manner is your interpretation.

My son served in both Iraq and Afghanistan and I have commented on that. He also suffered PTSD and was medically retired from severe injuries he received in the process. Wouldn't call that a reason to support. I have also made derogatory comments about the VA and general shitty treatment he received.

I don't respond to your posts anymore. This is the first one in awhile. And this is the reason. You come across like a shrill old woman shaking her finger and giving a scolding to the bad Americans. If you want to color me with the same brush as what you think is the American viewpoint, be my guest. All you have done is give me another reason to ignore your posts.

Carry on. :biggrin:

Yeah dunno what the fuck does being american has to do with anything. Your post is pretty common sense. If your post was so blinded by chauvinism she could easily show it's logical flaws and innacuracies but she just makes the accusation without explaining anything just denying as if that serves any purpose. It doesn't. About the huffpost article comments on the belgium intelligence service i like how anyone affirms anything as a matter of fact either way when we do not know shit about the specifics of their operations and how exactly did they fail to stop this.


R E L I G I O N    O F    P E A C E



Cue in Pr126


Quote from: josephpalazzo on March 22, 2016, 02:10:20 PM
European countries are democratic, and as a democracy, each country must protect its minorities, otherwise it's no longer a democracy. And so the terrorists are exploiting this. They can easily infiltrate under the cover that they are part of a minority, and then target anything they want. It's already a humongus task to defend against that as anything can serve as a target - buses, shopping malls, subway stations, any building you name it. And Europe, unlike America, doesn't have an ocean to separate them from the source of these terrorists. And so the task of defending against terrorist attacks is gargantuan.
Basically this combined with the short sightedness and selective morality of certain individuals who allowed or advocated for a mass of immigrants to come through the borders with no effective vetting process and longterm integration plans, they just caved at the pressure of them knocking on their doors and pictures of drowned children. Feeling good they let those poor people in. Confusing the feeling of empathy with doing actual good. Just letting them in is not the good action here, much less when it's done is such disorgnized way like it happened in various of the EU borders. The actual good is preventing the ethnic war between the EU facists and the jihadists and islamists we all knew it was inevitable shitheads would start killing each other. If you did not know how to stop it and create a functional multicultural society maybe you should have not felt so good when you opened the floodgates.


Quote from: mauricio on March 22, 2016, 02:28:45 PM
Yeah dunno what the fuck does being american has to do with anything. Your post is pretty common sense. If your post was so blinded by chauvinism she could easily show it's logical flaws and innacuracies but she just makes the accusation without explaining anything just denying as if that serves any purpose. It doesn't. About the huffpost article comments on the belgium intelligence service i like how anyone affirms anything as a matter of fact either way when we do not know shit about the specifics of their operations and how exactly did they fail to stop this.

I was refering to a series of his posts written some time ago; him telling me that how proud he is of his son serving in Irak and Afghanistan, because I defined active combatants in American force abroad invading as mercenaries in uniform. Mercenaries get paid to kill people. Nothing changes when you put them in uniform and give them a flag and convince pople that they are keeping them safe. It's a fucking lie.

See you don't have it both ways, kiddo. You don't see participating in mass destruction as a proud job and and then shit on its consequences by accusing innocent people running away for their lives, swallowing every fucking piece of shit British media creates for just more money and bargaining human lives they screwed up. And then go with 'I didn't vote for Bush and I didn't support Irak and Afghanistan invasions', something that has completely changed our lives here. My life.

Oh of course you can, but don't get pissed off and strike an attitude if someone reminds of you that.

So Yeah, in this case, a certain American view point; being an American has to do a lot with making certain comments on taking refugees and islamic attacks in Europe.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: mauricio on March 22, 2016, 02:56:05 PM
Basically this combined with the short sightedness and selective morality of certain individuals who allowed or advocated for a mass of immigrants to come through the borders with no effective vetting process and longterm integration plans, they just caved at the pressure of them knocking on their doors and pictures of drowned children. Feeling good they let those poor people in. Confusing the feeling of empathy with doing actual good. Just letting them in is not the good action here, much less when it's done is such disorgnized way like it happened in various of the EU borders. The actual good is preventing the ethnic war between the EU facists and the jihadists and islamists we all knew it was inevitable shitheads would start killing each other. If you did not know how to stop it and create a functional multicultural society maybe you should have not felt so good when you opened the floodgates.

Most of the terrorists commited the attacks in Euorpe, are people WHO WERE BORN in Europe.

Who are these EU fascists? And what is this Ethnic war between them and jihadists?

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: drunkenshoe on March 22, 2016, 03:24:12 PM
Most of the terrorists commited the attacks in Euorpe, are people WHO WERE BORN in Europe.

Who are these EU fascists? And what is this Ethnic war between them and jihadists?

The fascists are the worst elements of the alt-right that grows and grows with every attack. They are the people that burned immigrant shelters, commit hate crimes and prepare themselves for the race war. They are the golden dawn party in greece which gains more and more votes the more the economy goes to shit and the more immigrants crowd their streets. And other similar parties across europe have also grown in this last years. The ethnic war is what could happen if this back and forth of violence continues and the fascists sects become as violently effective and as big as their jihadists counterparts. WW1 broke out with just one terrorist attack in a tense political climate. As you yourself said in another thread. What would happen if someone killed trump? What if he was a jihadist? What if the jihadists had managed to kill hollande in that stadium in paris? What if this leads to street fights between the natives and the immigrants?


Quote from: mauricio on March 22, 2016, 04:05:57 PM
The fascists are the worst elements of the alt-right that grows and grows with every attack. They are the people that burned immigrant shelters, commit hate crimes and prepare themselves for the race war. They are the golden dawn party in greece which gains more and more votes the more the economy goes to shit and the more immigrants crowd their streets. And other similar parties across europe have also grown in this last years. The ethnic war is what could happen if this back and forth of violence continues and the fascists sects become as violently effective and as big as their jihadists counterparts. WW1 broke out with just one terrorist attack in a tense political climate.

marucio, please do not forget that following British -American media is like having a facebook account with 6 friends and one feed.

What you are describing up there has already been going on for a long time. Fascist groups always attack and we almost never read about it. If you look for it, dig it, it is there, but never on the surface.

The media campaign about refugee crisis, pouring gas on all over is about a specific event in Bristish -American media. After UK voted EU and according to it's result, you'll see that specific media coverages will 'suddenly' disappear. Well I don't know what kind of a peak it will have or if it actually had it. But if any social explosion occurs in due time, it is even better, because then it means they can declare state of emergency; at least take drastic measures or enforce extreme policies.

This is about controling a certain political flow; making changes and making proift along with it. Like, "You want us to be included in your game? This is going to cost you money and politics." As simple as this. Exactly like the sham deal done with Turkey about taking care of refugees in exchange of certain rights or deals...etc.

:arrow: The real crisis is this: What is the best bargain that can be made out from the status quo. Everything will start to go down when this is resolved who is getting what with policy; money, perks, roles, politics...etc. However, random terrorist attacks is the biggest problem anchoring it down and they need to make a big progress with it to push this process. It's a gargantuan thing as joseph said. In any way and level.

I don't think there is a ground to brew an 'Ethnic War', anything more than what it already eixsts, but another media campaign like 'Nazism on the rise' after an event with a death toll would actually benefit EU politicians. IF they can agree on who is taking what piece from the cake, it would be the perfect breaks to CALM the shit down.

Other than that an Ethinc war of its own breaking out is a low possibility. If there weren't random terrorism attacks, I would look at differently to this. But that's not the case. Then those attacks are thought the cause, but how will the conflist occur in practical terms? Who is going to attack whom in what way? Anyway it doesn't fit in my opinion.

QuoteAs you yourself said in another thread. What would happen if someone killed trump? What if he was a jihadist? What if the jihadists had managed to kill hollande in that stadium in paris? What if this leads to street fights between the natives and the immigrants?

I wasn't thinking a jihadist shooting at Drumpf when I wrote that. I was thinking a Christian background American shooting at Drumpf and believe it or not that has worse consequences for the US.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp