who else is afraid donald trump will get elected?

Started by doorknob, November 29, 2015, 10:37:14 PM

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Quote from: Jack89 on December 08, 2015, 04:33:43 PM
No kidding, I thought I selected the wrong thread there for a minute.

Ok then, back to Trump.  I'm not afraid of Donald, I'm actually kind of warming up to him.  I like his pro-American attitude ("Make America Great Again") and agree with some of his policy stances.  He's unapologetic and thinks America comes first.  If you're going to be the US President, that kinda makes sense. 

I'm not surprised he's doing so well. 
Unfortunately, I am also not surprised he's doing well.  He's xenophobic and racist, which is what much of America still secretly longs for.  And he's not so much "pro-America" as he is "anti-people different than me".  He's also full of shit, too stupid to not make idiotic claims and WAY too stupid to back down on a claim once it has been proved idiotic.  But I don't think he's a stupid man.  I think he's trying like hell to self destruct (I don't think he wants to be president any more than he did last time, he's just having fun) and laughing his ass off that it only makes him more popular.  He probably laughs himself to tears after every speech.  He'll either finally manage to self destruct or get bored and walk away again.
This sentence is a lie...


God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman


To be honest, I haven't been following the news much lately, so really don't know what you mean when you say he's racist. Are you referring to his strong stance against illegal immigration, or his anti-Islam views?


Quote from: Jack89 on December 08, 2015, 05:08:42 PM
To be honest, I haven't been following the news much lately, so really don't know what you mean when you say he's racist. Are you referring to his strong stance against illegal immigration, or his anti-Islam views?
Well, Islam isn't a race, so obviously not that.  And his "stance against illegal immigration" (specifically Mexicans) sure makes it sound a lot better than some of the things he's said about it.  Here are a few quotes for you.

QuoteWhen Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
QuoteLaziness is a trait in the blacks. ... Black guys counting my money! I hate it.
QuoteThe only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yamakas every day.
QuoteThere were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations. They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down.
QuoteOur great African American President hasn't exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore!
QuoteI have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks.

QuoteYou know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.
QuoteLook at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?! I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not s'posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?
QuoteAll of the women on The Apprentice flirted with meâ€"consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.
QuoteShe gets out and she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions. You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.
QuoteAriana Huffington is unattractive, both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man â€" he made a good decision.

Just stupid
QuoteI will build a great wall â€" and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me â€"and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.
QuoteOne of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace. Good people don’t go into government.
QuoteYou take this little beautiful baby, and you pump â€" I mean, it looks like just it's meant for a horse and not for a child, and we've had so many instances ... [in which] a child, a beautiful child went to have the vaccine, and came back and a week later had a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic.
]quote]There could be some man-made something. But, you know, if you look at China, they're doing nothing about it, other countries are doing nothing about it. It's a big planet.[/quote]
/quote]It’s freezing and snowing in New York â€" we need global warming![/quote]

And with that I'm sick of looking up Trump quotes.  I'm pretty sure there are a ton more, but I'm literally tired of copying and pasting them.
This sentence is a lie...


Quote from: widdershins on December 08, 2015, 12:29:27 PM
You see, this is why I can't take you seriously.  Unless you have my voting record right in front of you then you can't possibly know that.  It's just one more wild claim without the slightest backing.
I'm Canadian and you are American, right? I'd say it's pretty unlikely you vote more liberal than I, but please do tell, who are you voting for that's more liberal than Liberal Canadians? I didn't say that to brag either. I'm just pointing that out to show your tactics. It doesn't matter if you're arguing with someone who jerks off to Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin, or someone like myself who has voted for a freaking Liberal Muslim multiple times. Your whole argument is nutjob this and nutjob that. Common sense this and common sense that. If I was doing a drinking game while reading your posts and seeing the phrase "common sense", I would have taken probably twenty drinks already lol. Good thing I don't drink.

QuoteThat wasn't specifically aimed at you, and if it came off that way I apologize.  And the term was "nutbag", not "nutjob".  9/11 "truthers" piss me off.  It's a slap in the face to the victims and survivors of that terrible incident and to those still suffering today to get a boner over some wild conspiracy involving our government doing it on purpose.
Oh, so you're a sensitive Suzy, eh? Do you know anyone that died on 9/11? No. Being a pussy that's afraid of hurting any feelings is never the way to go. You can choose to tuck your dick between your legs and go lock yourself in your safe space, and that's fine, but you shouldn't expect others to do the same just because you can't handle seeing the questioning of the American government's official stories.

QuoteWe know who's responsible.  They took responsibility for it.  They bragged about it.  And to propagate wild conspiracy theories for your own self-amusement disrespects those who were hurt by it and puts their very real pain second to the "truthers'" need to feel important by having some "secret knowledge".  It's nothing more than a religion without a god.
Your complete trust in George W Bush and Dick Cheney (you at least have complete trust in them concerning the day that 9/11 happened) is worse than a religion. You do not know what went on behind the scenes any more than I or any one else does, and it's a joke for you to pretend that you do. I am agnostic about the event, personally. Neo-Cons outright said they needed a Pear Harbour to accomplish their goals in the Middle East. They got their Pearl Harbour. I, and you, have zero reason to assume that the Administration didn't want it to happen, or that they weren't high fiving as the towers fell to the ground. You are completely assuming, and that's called faith my friend. I have no reason to think the US wasn't absolutely overjoyed by the 9/11 attacks, so I stay on the fence and don't believe one way or the other. I think there's a great chance Bush and Cheney were thrilled about the attacks and would happily have them happen again if they could go back in time, but I can't prove this (and you can't come close to proving this is not the case), so officially I stay agnostic.

QuoteI'm going to stop there, because I really don't know what you're talking about.  What is an "anti-government person"?  Someone who is arming themselves in case the government attacks?  Yes, THOSE people are too nuts to have guns because their too nuts to know that if the government ever did attack there is nothing you could do about it and too nuts to know the "government" isn't this hive-mind of officials and military personnel which will do whatever "it" wants.  We are talking about individual people being ordered to fire on individual people and choosing for themselves whether this is right.  "The government" is not a big, all powerful black box with a single mind.  It is millions of individuals.  Yes, some are corrupt and power hungry.  Yes, some would follow if ordered to attack their own.  I would bet that most would not, and yes, I would bet my life on that.  People, in general, are good, not bloodthirsty.
If we're talking about gun hoarders with doomsday bunkers, I don't know that I disagree with that.
What is an anti-government person you ask? Someone who calls out the government for their bullshit. Someone who doesn't trust the government just quite as much as you seem to trust them. I could be called anti-government because I'm against C51 and our bombing campaign, but I still consider myself loyal to Canada, just like plenty of the anti-government Americans love the United States because it is their home.

So the truth comes out... You are just a super paranoid quack worried about white anti-government terrorist attacks and the like, meanwhile cows are responsible for more deaths than terrorist attacks by these people. You want these people to be completely disarmed, not later, but NOW, because they don't agree with your politics or have as much trust in government as you do. Wow. You are something else. You are worse than probably 90% of the anti-gunners on here. At least most of them are not arguing for completely disarming gun owners who don't share their political views.

QuoteIt "could be"...so let's act like it is!  This fear of the "mainstream media" is very Limbaugh of you.  You do know that the Internet lets you get a lot more information, including information from other countries, right?  American media is less information than, say, the BBC on some issues.  That's why you go to a variety of sources.  Hell, I don't even bother with The Huffington Post anymore because, while the news is accurate and informative, it is very left-leaning and I don't want biased news, I want news, which is supposed to be impartial.
Yes, might be. I try to never speak as if I'm certain about something if absolute evidence is not there just yet. The demonization of anti-government views is clear though. The words conspiracy theory are now being used to label any views that question politicians or government. You ask what Hillary Clinton was trying to hide by trying to wipe clean and blow up her email server and Hillary will respond by calling you a partisan conspiracy theorist. She's not trying to hide anything, right? Those are just conspiracy theories, right? It's completely normal to blow up your email server, right? You say that it looks like the US wants to see ISIS succeed and that's another conspiracy theory, even though it's pretty darn clear at this point that the US is the biggest terrorist in the world, trying to knock out Assad and being responsible for the shootdown of Russian aircraft. Does it matter if 9/11 was an inside job, or is that debate just a distraction at this point? You can say the Bush administration had nothing at all to do with 9/11, but that doesn't change the reality than the US is the biggest terrorist on the planet. With or without 9/11. 9/11 is beside the point, and I know you like to whine about the big old meanie truthers hurting feelings, but I think you need to grow up and grow some balls.

So now you don't just want to ban the assault rifles? Now you want to ban all guns that are used to kill people? That's not what you said before. Why did you leave that part out of your argument before? You just got done saying it's such "common sense" to take the assault rifles. Is Obama arguing that it's common sense to ban all guns that kill people, or just assault rifles? I've just seen him talking about the assault rifles lately, so what he's calling for is not going to accomplish what you want to see accomplished. He just wants to take the guns that are a threat, for now. That doesn't mean they won't try to take the handguns later though.

To sum this all up, I think you are far worse than those that are absolute supporters of the Patriot Act and stop and frisk. You are far, far worse because you want people's rights taken away because they have a different political mindset than your own. That really is a disgusting position to hold. I would never argue that you should have this or that right taken from you though, because you have a different political mindset form myself.


Quote from: FaithIsFilth on December 08, 2015, 05:35:42 PM
I'm Canadian and you are American, right? I'd say it's pretty unlikely you vote more liberal than I, but please do tell, who are you voting for that's more liberal than Liberal Canadians? I didn't say that to brag either. I'm just pointing that out to show your tactics. It doesn't matter if you're arguing with someone who jerks off to Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin, or someone like myself who has voted for a freaking Liberal Muslim multiple times. Your whole argument is nutjob this and nutjob that. Common sense this and common sense that. If I was doing a drinking game while reading your posts and seeing the phrase "common sense", I would have taken probably twenty drinks already lol. Good thing I don't drink.
"Pretty unlikely that..." is a far cry from "I voted for someone far, far more liberal than who you're going to vote for, Widdershins, or who you'll ever vote for..."  I can't tell you who I'll vote for in 2032.  What I can tell you is your crystal ball doesn't see that far.  You are very confrontational.

Quote from: FaithIsFilth on December 08, 2015, 05:35:42 PMOh, so you're a sensitive Suzy, eh?
Historically, no.  But I'm trying to do better.

Quote from: FaithIsFilth on December 08, 2015, 05:35:42 PMDo you know anyone that died on 9/11? No. Being a pussy that's afraid of hurting any feelings is never the way to go.
And once you turn total prick, I'm done.  I'm not even reading the rest.
This sentence is a lie...


Quote from: widdershins on December 08, 2015, 05:52:25 PM
And once you turn total prick, I'm done.  I'm not even reading the rest.
Don't worry. You will be safe. Safe, away in your safe space, from meanies and nutjobs like me.


Quote from: widdershins on December 08, 2015, 04:45:55 PM
Unfortunately, I am also not surprised he's doing well.  He's xenophobic and racist, which is what much of America still secretly longs for.  And he's not so much "pro-America" as he is "anti-people different than me".  He's also full of shit, too stupid to not make idiotic claims and WAY too stupid to back down on a claim once it has been proved idiotic.  But I don't think he's a stupid man.  I think he's trying like hell to self destruct (I don't think he wants to be president any more than he did last time, he's just having fun) and laughing his ass off that it only makes him more popular.  He probably laughs himself to tears after every speech.  He'll either finally manage to self destruct or get bored and walk away again.

Interesting angle - a political troll so to speak? I don't like to give him credit for being intelligent - maybe because of how much I can't stand the guy. Sounds possible tho.
I have a conspiracy theory angle - he's being used by others far more intelligent than him, allowing him to be as outrageous as hell to drag, pull out, and expose those that think like him. Many must crawl from caves - not having seen the light of day in years. Now we know what you think and where you live.
Q for theists; how can there be freewill and miracles? And, how can prayer exist in an environment as regimented as "gods plan"?

"I'm a polyatheist, there are many gods I don't believe in." - Dan Fouts


Quote from: FaithIsFilth on December 08, 2015, 06:11:00 PM
Don't worry. You will be safe. Safe, away in your safe space, from meanies and nutjobs like me.

Voted for PM Justin Trudeau?  Seems very young and very liberal ... like Gov Moon Beam (Jerry Brown) during his first term as Cali governor.  But now Moon Beam has become an old fart, he is pretty conservative.  Maybe if you live long enough, you will find a future PM Justin Trudeau is just another Stephen Harper ;-)

Political faith isn't a religion, it is an ideology.  Like religion, but without the funny bits.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


I feel like most white people are still racist. I feel like it's those same backward thinking mother fuckers who are going to vote for him. Too many of those where I live.

My own family is a bunch of racist bigots. And half of them aren't even religious so I don't get it. But these are the fools voting for him.

I'm not sane as it is. Don't blame me when this country is finally run into the ground with it's final nail in the coffin I'll be getting high and committing crimes again. Much better than dealing with that reality.


Quote from: doorknob on December 08, 2015, 06:43:31 PM
I feel like most white people are still racist. I feel like it's those same backward thinking mother fuckers who are going to vote for him. Too many of those where I live.

My own family is a bunch of racist bigots. And half of them aren't even religious so I don't get it. But these are the fools voting for him.

How to develop empathy.  Get into method acting.  Try to inhabit the life of one of your backward relatives, on a mental plane.  Then you will know why they are the way they are ... sort of.  Of course you might end up eating a lot of squirrel and possum ;-))
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Quote from: Baruch on December 08, 2015, 06:45:35 PM
How to develop empathy.  Get into method acting.  Try to inhabit the life of one of your backward relatives, on a mental plane.  Then you will know why they are the way they are ... sort of.  Of course you might end up eating a lot of squirrel and possum ;-))

that is probably the most scary suggestion I have ever heard of. I'm already narrow minded and a general asshole with out doing that!


Quote from: doorknob on December 08, 2015, 06:48:46 PM
that is probably the most scary suggestion I have ever heard of. I'm already narrow minded and a general asshole with out doing that!

Exactly!  Existential proof is in your emotional reaction ;-)  A leap of faith into the fan boat over the alligators.  To develop ... one must take up the risk of change.  To change, you have to look outside of your current mode of consciousness ... as a different person, as an animal (familiar) etc.  Looking into the Abyss (well) of potentiality, to pull out a bucket of new actuality.  But the Abyss is also plumbing your depths.  Que Alfred Hitchcock music ...

Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


I don't think Donald Trump winning the presidential election is as far-fetched as some would like to believe.

Poll: Islamophobia Fueling Trump NC Rise


A poll from Public Policy Polling released Tuesday revealed that Donald Trump has hit his highest approval rating to date among North Carolina Republican primary voters surveyed. He’s at 33 percent, largely fueled by the increasing Islamophobia in his rhetoric, according to PPP analysts. Of those polled, 67 percent indicated that they supported a national database of Muslims, 62 percent believe his claims that Muslims in New Jersey were cheering after the 9/11 attacks, and only 24 percent of his supporters in the state believe Islam should be legal in the United States.


Quote from: Baruch on December 08, 2015, 06:43:03 PM
Voted for PM Justin Trudeau?  Seems very young and very liberal ... like Gov Moon Beam (Jerry Brown) during his first term as Cali governor.  But now Moon Beam has become an old fart, he is pretty conservative.  Maybe if you live long enough, you will find a future PM Justin Trudeau is just another Stephen Harper ;-)

Political faith isn't a religion, it is an ideology.  Like religion, but without the funny bits.
I don't like Trudea, but what choice did I really have? All shit choices. I knew none of them were ever going to do anything about C51. They all love it, whether they admit it or not. They use the same BS "common sense" argument that you will hear from American politicians. I'm sure Trudea will continue being the United States lapdog in many ways just like Harper was, and I know very well that he's a huge liar like the rest of them. I really did not want to vote for the son of a former PM either, because he learned how to be dirty from the best. A former PM. My choices were pretty much conservative flavoured NWO or liberal flavoured NWO. I went with the liberal flavour, because at least they are going to do a better job helping poor people. I think he's more liberal than his counterparts in the States at least. You are right that I should be careful about overstating how liberal someone like a Trudea is, though.