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The Refugee Crisis

Started by stromboli, September 01, 2015, 11:58:48 AM

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Quote from: SilentFutility on January 12, 2016, 06:08:28 PM
Yay integration, yay tolerance, and three cheers for multiculturalism.

2015 will be looked back upon in 100 years as a key year in the gradual erosion of Europeans in Europe.

Europeans are hybrids anyway.  Think doing the boggie with Neanderthals ... but that was before the Indo-Europeans got there.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Quote from: SilentFutility on January 12, 2016, 06:08:28 PM
Yay integration, yay tolerance, and three cheers for multiculturalism.

2015 will be looked back upon in 100 years as a key year in the gradual erosion of Europeans in Europe.

Hmm... for some reason a European crying about their ethnicity being eroded just doesn't hit me. Guess it's probably karma for hundreds and hundreds of years destroying any non-white culture that just makes their "plight" hard to sympathize with. Shit... Europeans destroying each other's culture all the time (to this day)... see the Sami or Basque people.

White people here in the states cried the same thing; that the immigrants were going to destroy the TRUE American (WASP). They are no longer the majority... but they still seem to be doing quite well for themselves despite the end of the world cries.

Same shit different day... the "poor criminals" are invading our country... raping our women... bringing violence and a culture completely and utterly incompatible to ours with their foreign religion and radical ideologies. They are terrorists! Anarchists! Communists! Socialists! Islamists! They will take our jobs and out populate us! They are the biggest threat the world has ever seen.

I think only some Asian countries like China and Korea have the WASP beat in racial insecurity. It's like people collectively cut off their brains in history class. Whites (sorry... "Europeans") won't be going the way of the dodo any time soon.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Shiranu wrote:
QuoteWhites (sorry... "Europeans") won't be going the way of the dodo any time soon.  - Unfortunately.
Fixed it for you.


Quote from: pr126 on January 13, 2016, 01:24:16 AM
Shiranu wrote:Fixed it for you.

Like whites are some separate being? Are the whites going to be killed off? Are they going to be put in internment camps because of the colour of their skin? Will they be forced to be slaves because they have blue eyes?

Whites are human just like everyone else. If they "die off" it's because enough people with white skin had sex with people with brown skin and now the mean is somewhere in between. Whites don't have some inherent monopoly on civilization or culture. A baby born with white skin is not somehow different from a baby born with brown skin because he was born to a "European" and the brown "a Middle Easterner or African".

The fact that you even think in terms like that... that the "Whites" (True Europeans... like there aren't any black or brown Europeans) are going to decline and this is somehow a good or a bad thing... tell's me that you really need to take some basic biology. We are the same species. Sorry I know how that must disgust you. But we are.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Quote from: Shiranu on January 13, 2016, 02:02:57 AM
Like whites are some separate being? Are the whites going to be killed off? Are they going to be put in internment camps because of the colour of their skin? Will they be forced to be slaves because they have blue eyes?

Whites are human just like everyone else. If they "die off" it's because enough people with white skin had sex with people with brown skin and now the mean is somewhere in between. Whites don't have some inherent monopoly on civilization or culture. A baby born with white skin is not somehow different from a baby born with brown skin because he was born to a "European" and the brown "a Middle Easterner or African".

The fact that you even think in terms like that... that the "Whites" (True Europeans... like there aren't any black or brown Europeans) are going to decline and this is somehow a good or a bad thing... tell's me that you really need to take some basic biology. We are the same species. Sorry I know how that must disgust you. But we are.
You are misreading posts. Again. Go on, get some sleep.


Quote from: pr126 on January 13, 2016, 02:31:06 AM
You are misreading posts. Again. Go on, get some sleep.

QuoteYay integration, yay tolerance, and three cheers for multiculturalism.

2015 will be looked back upon in 100 years as a key year in the gradual erosion of Europeans in Europe.

Tell me... what part of that isn't implying that the "rise" of non-Europeans (see: Non-whites) migrating to Europe is going to destroy "Europeans" (See: Whites)?

Complete open gate? I don't think it's going to work and is not a great idea. But even at the rate they are going Muslims (which let's keep it real is the group in question... so not all immigrants) will only make up a grand total of 8 percent of Europe's population in 20 years. So in a hundred? Impossible to say because the world changes so much in that time. I mentioned it in another thread; my dad would be over 100 years old. I grew up with someone who was around before basically the entire modern world was even a dream... who saw (and fought) in the rise of one of the most "evil" governments in human history and watched the isolationist America become an empire that rivaled the greatest. In my life time the world has become linked in ways that even 10 years before I was born it was the stuff of science fiction.

So I don't pretend to know the future... all I can do is look at the past. And the past tells me that for all these cries that our way of life is on the edge... and soon the end times of this grand civilization will be upon us... that these are just the scared rumblings of people who see hard times and lack the historical vision to see that everything will come and everything will pass. Good people will never be destroyed by destructive ideologies or evil men. And as education and standard of living becomes more and more widespread... good people become stronger than ever.

I just refuse to live in fear of boogiemen. Even if I hadn't grown up a descendant of two cultures that were the "evil destroying our civilization" of the day... I can look at history and see the cyclical nature of the rhetoric you preach.

Your fear mongering will not take our civilization into a better place; America did not progress because of McCarthyism or internment camps... nor did civilization collapse when African Americans were "raping all our white women" and destroying the "Good ol' American way of life!". I don't believe America is any different than any other country in that regard.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Quote from: SilentFutility on January 12, 2016, 06:08:28 PM
Yay integration, yay tolerance, and three cheers for multiculturalism.

2015 will be looked back upon in 100 years as a key year in the gradual erosion of Europeans in Europe.

Didn't you just get your 'knickers' in a twist because a Scottish poster made his flag a signature very short time ago? Although you have worn union jack -nothing else, but just avatar + sig bright- for a long time in the forum?

Myeh. You are not a healthy candidate to attest for "the gradual erosion of 'Europeans' in Europe". 

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


A word about the Europeans not reproducing.

With the world population is now over 7 billion and rapidly rising, the scarcity of fresh water and food among other dwindling resources, not reproducing like "fruit flies" should be not viewed in the negative.

Further more, some Europeans are aware of the enormous cost of raising a child, if the parents want a decent future for them, and not just pumping out children for the numbers.

In other part of the world these things doesn't matter, because some god or allah will take care of them. So they hope.
Meanwhile they are dying because lack of food and fresh water.

In the not too distant future there will be wars started for resources such as water.
Every day I see ads on the TV to donate money for starving children or water aid foR Africa.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth.


Quote from: pr126 on January 13, 2016, 03:09:31 AM
In the not too distant future there will be wars started for resources such as water.

Will? Not too distant future?

FFS, do you actually know anything about the Syrian crisis you keep ranting on?

Your head is so far up your ass, you'll literally suffacote one of these days. :sad2:

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


And. Looks like you have a mild case of Tourette's.
Have it seen to before you will become antisocial. Or is it too late?


No, I need an eye doctor. Reading your posts is a natural cause for reflexive heavy eye rolling.
"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: Shiranu on January 12, 2016, 09:33:15 PM
Hmm... for some reason a European crying about their ethnicity being eroded just doesn't hit me. Guess it's probably karma for hundreds and hundreds of years destroying any non-white culture that just makes their "plight" hard to sympathize with. Shit... Europeans destroying each other's culture all the time (to this day)... see the Sami or Basque people.

White people here in the states cried the same thing; that the immigrants were going to destroy the TRUE American (WASP). They are no longer the majority... but they still seem to be doing quite well for themselves despite the end of the world cries.

Same shit different day... the "poor criminals" are invading our country... raping our women... bringing violence and a culture completely and utterly incompatible to ours with their foreign religion and radical ideologies. They are terrorists! Anarchists! Communists! Socialists! Islamists! They will take our jobs and out populate us! They are the biggest threat the world has ever seen.

I think only some Asian countries like China and Korea have the WASP beat in racial insecurity. It's like people collectively cut off their brains in history class. Whites (sorry... "Europeans") won't be going the way of the dodo any time soon.

The entirety of human history is full of bloodshed, perpetrated by people of all continents.

On an unrelated note to what you said about how much white people suck, taking in massive amounts of new arrivals, many of which are 18-24 year old men, is going to cause social problems in any society. There have been social issues due to a lack of integration of migrants for many years in a lot of western countries, and they are now increasing significantly.

Massive skewing of the gender ratio is not good for a society, massive amounts of young men with little prospects is also a huge contributor to social problems such as crime and anti-social behaviour, forced "integration" destroys areas, people who saved their entire lives to go into debt to buy houses have had them plummet in value due to huge camps on their doorsteps, children are going to school where their school halls are camps and they are going to school with large groups of anti-social young men hanging around. This is not to mention larger events which have occurred like sexual violence and the fact that among innocent migrants searching for a better life there are also those who wish to carry out acts of terror.

Providing better aid and better peacekeeping and actually tackling the crises that are driving people from their homes would have been far better than the response from Europe's leaders, which has effectively been to throw bombs at it and hope that it goes away.

Obviously all the people who were sexually assaulted in Cologne on NYE were just at the recieving end of karma due to the colour of their skin weren't they? You are actually so racially biased against white people it's honestly a bit amazing. I made a comment on the fact that integration is failing and that Europe won't have many natives left in the future and you launch into a tirade about how bad white people are? That's the equivalent of someone saying how bad the Syrian civil war is and someone else launching into a racially charged rant about how they deserve it due to what brown people did. It's simply absurd and illogical.

FYI I share none of the sentiments in the pictures you posted, but you apparently still think that because I'm white I'm somehow complicit in racism that occurred before my birth?! Get real.

Stick your fingers in your ears and deny that there is any problem whatsoever with the biggest refugee crisis since WW2, and the massive scale of human suffering all you like, because never mind all that, it's a good opportunity to say that white people suck.


Some years ago I wrote about "Eurabia" which is the transformation of Europe into an Arabic [Islamic] continent.

This was then summaraly dismissed as a conspiracy. Scorn and derision.
It looks more realistic now.

The book contains plenty of evidence in documents, minutes to meetings, links to web sites.
But who could be bothered to read and confirm the veracity of it all?

Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis
QuoteThis book is about the transformation of Europe into "Eurabia," a cultural and political appendage of the Arab/Muslim world. Eurabia is fundamentally anti-Christian, anti-Western, anti-American, and antisemitic. The institution that has been responsible for this transformation, and that continues to propagate its ideological message, is the Euro-Arab Dialogue, developed by European and Arab politicians and intellectuals over the past thirty years.

MEDEA The Euro-Arab Dialogue

QuoteThe Euro-Arab Dialogue as a forum shared by the European Community and the League of Arab States arose out of a French initiative and was launched at the European Council in Copenhagen in December 1973, shortly after the « October War » and the oil embargo. As the Europeans saw it, it was to be a forum to discuss economic affairs, whereas the Arab side saw it rather as one to discuss political affairs.

There was a need for innovation as the Community and the League had at that time very little experience with structured dialogues with other institutions. Thus the main bodies of the Dialogue were created: the « Ministerial Troika », « General Committee » and working committees.

The Troika which has entered into normal Community practices with non-member states was initiated to assist the country in the Presidency of the Council for matters of Political Cooperation and to ensure continuity. For the Dialogue, the Troika consists of representatives from both sides from the current, previous and next presidencies.

The composition of the General Commmission, central body of the Dialogue, is left to the discretion of the two sides. It is thanks to this so-called « Dublin Compromise » that the PLO has also been able to take part in the Dialogue.

The activity of the Dialogue was suspended in 1979 upon request of the League of Arab States, following the Camp David Agreements, after only four sessions of the General Committee. With the Venice Declaration in June 1980, the Community decided it was time to work on the political aspects of the Dialogue and organized a preparatory meeting for the General Committee in Athens in December 1983. Egypt’s conspicuous absence due to its suspension from all activity of the League of Arab States was enough to prevent full resumption of activity.

Following Egypt’s return, there was a further attempt to relaunch the Dialogue in December 1989, once again following an initiative of France â€" who held the EC Presidency at the time â€" with a Euro-Arab Ministerial Conference being convened in Paris. The Conference was followed in June 1990 by a meeting of the General Commission of the Dialogue. The Gulf Crisis and the Arab splits and differences which followed have blocked the Dialogue in the meantime.
The EU has aspirations to become another Roman Empire.
But it will be destroyed by the barbarians even before it is started.