UK pub with sign saying fuck off to muslims

Started by Munch, August 25, 2015, 06:43:29 PM

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Quote from: GSOgymrat on August 26, 2015, 10:30:18 AM
"MUSLIMS. Are you unhappy with our countries? Are you offended by our culture? Would you prefer to live under sharia law? Then we have a simple solution for you. Get the f**k out of our countries and go back to the monstrous s**tholes you came from. You can live under Muslim rule there and enjoy it as much as you like.!"

"MEXICANS. Are you unhappy with our country? Are you offended by our culture? You want to speak Spanish? Then we have a simple solution for you. Get the fuck out of our country and go back to the monstrous shitholes you came from. You can speak Spanish there and enjoy it as much as you like!""

"ATHEISTS. Are you unhappy with our country? Are you offended by our culture? You don't want to worship God? Then we have a simple solution for you. Get the fuck out of our country and move to fucking Russia. You can study your evolution and have abortions all you like!"

It's a very versatile sentiment.

Why can't I go to a shithole like everybody else, why do I have to go to Russia? That's prejudice that is!


Quote from: drunkenshoe on August 26, 2015, 10:25:01 AM

Also what is so disturbing here is that your implication of that racism is limited to a blatant call for to kill some group of people. But if you are getting your direction from Pat Condell, it might as well be.

I really wasn't implying that, and I'm sorry if it came off that way, I was using the most extreme of examples, but I know full well racism is not just people saying to kill one group but a huge variable different attacks against one group of people.

I will say I count Muslim as i count Christian, not a race but a belief. but even then if I saw it regarding an entire group of people based on belief systems blatantly, like Jews were by the nazi party, telling them to fuck off for just being muslim, then yeah I'd agree thats just ridiculous.

I just happen to be someone who hates seeing extremists from another country bringing that extremist view over to a country like the uk and expecting those views to be adopted here, or for new laws to be made that contradict the laws in place here. I am very liberal minded to people of all races and creeds, and to some extent their beliefs. I just am completely against those wanting a progressive country to bow down to their backwards ways from a country they left, or one they think should have backwards laws implemented in if they were born in it.

This is why this thing caused such a varied view, because it can be seen as racism, but it can also be seen as making a point against extremism. And for a gay group to be the same, you would need a militant gay group running around raping people who were all positive and spreading HIV by force. If such a group existed then yeah I would want those kinds of people to fuck off too. But its not the same because there hasn't been a gay group thats done that, not in the uk I'm aware of. There have however been plenty of militant sharia followers in the uk cutting off peoples heads.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin


Quote from: GSOgymrat on August 26, 2015, 10:30:18 AM
"MUSLIMS. Are you unhappy with our countries? Are you offended by our culture? Would you prefer to live under sharia law? Then we have a simple solution for you. Get the f**k out of our countries and go back to the monstrous s**tholes you came from. You can live under Muslim rule there and enjoy it as much as you like.!"

"MEXICANS. Are you unhappy with our country? Are you offended by our culture? You want to speak Spanish? Then we have a simple solution for you. Get the fuck out of our country and go back to the monstrous shitholes you came from. You can speak Spanish there and enjoy it as much as you like!""

"ATHEISTS. Are you unhappy with our country? Are you offended by our culture? You don't want to worship God? Then we have a simple solution for you. Get the fuck out of our country and move to fucking Russia. You can study your evolution and have abortions all you like!"

It's a very versatile sentiment.

Never met a mexican that wanted to impose a style of government that is different from ours, seems like the ones I have met actually like it. Don't know any atheists demanding a different style of government not already existing. I suppose you could say it was a nice try, but I wouldn't say so. Trying to demand a government that holds women to be no better than pigs is a somewhat a large step from demanding the existing constitution be followed.
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Quote from: Munch on August 26, 2015, 11:40:29 AM
I really wasn't implying that, and I'm sorry if it came off that way, I was using the most extreme of examples, but I know full well racism is not just people saying to kill one group but a huge variable different attacks against one group of people.

I will say I count Muslim as i count Christian, not a race but a belief. but even then if I saw it regarding an entire group of people based on belief systems blatantly, like Jews were by the nazi party, telling them to fuck off for just being muslim, then yeah I'd agree thats just ridiculous.

I just happen to be someone who hates seeing extremists from another country bringing that extremist view over to a country like the uk and expecting those views to be adopted here, or for new laws to be made that contradict the laws in place here. I am very liberal minded to people of all races and creeds, and to some extent their beliefs. I just am completely against those wanting a progressive country to bow down to their backwards ways from a country they left, or one they think should have backwards laws implemented in if they were born in it.

This is why this thing caused such a varied view, because it can be seen as racism, but it can also be seen as making a point against extremism. And for a gay group to be the same, you would need a militant gay group running around raping people who were all positive and spreading HIV by force. If such a group existed then yeah I would want those kinds of people to fuck off too. But its not the same because there hasn't been a gay group thats done that, not in the uk I'm aware of. There have however been plenty of militant sharia followers in the uk cutting off peoples heads.

Munch, do you actually believe that extremist islamists are a real threat to change the regime in the UK and install Sharia? Please don't give me series of irrelevant fantasy examples. Just give me an answer.

Are you aware that those people who travel to the ME to join ISIL include white European born people out of muslim groups? How are you going to explain that?

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


QuoteMunch, do you actually believe that extremist islamists are a real threat to change the regime in the UK and install Sharia?

Of course not. but I don't like the idea of them trying to bring it over here by example either, which has been happening a lot lately. The UK making it clear that sharia law is not welcome here doesn't stop those following it trying to implement, when they behead people or make women into slaves, in this country.


The report shows how the increasing influence of Sharia law in Britain today is undermining the fundamental principle that there must be equality for all British citizens under a single law of the land.

"I feel betrayed by Britain. I came here to get away from this and the situation is worse here than in the country I escaped from." â€" Muslim woman interviewed for the report.

The report concludes by calling on the British government to launch a judge-led inquiry to "determine the extent to which discriminatory Sharia law principles are being applied within the UK."

"The government's response will be a litmus test of the extent to which it genuinely upholds the principle of equality before the law or is so dominated by the fear of 'giving offense' that it will continue to allow these women to suffer in ways which would make our suffragettes turn in their graves." â€" Baroness Caroline Cox.

QuoteAre you aware that those people who travel to the ME to join ISIL include white European born people out of muslim groups? How are you going to explain that?

I'm very aware of it, which is why I say a stance against extremism is needed, regardless if people come over to the uk with it, or live in the uk and promote it. Race doesn't factor into it, belief does, and messed up beliefs like those following Isis or other extremist groups isn't something that should be tolerated.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin


Quote from: aitm on August 26, 2015, 11:42:02 AM
Never met a mexican that wanted to impose a style of government that is different from ours, seems like the ones I have met actually like it. Don't know any atheists demanding a different style of government not already existing. I suppose you could say it was a nice try, but I wouldn't say so. Trying to demand a government that holds women to be no better than pigs is a somewhat a large step from demanding the existing constitution be followed.

You never met any muslim that wanted to impose a style of government that is different from yours too. You are just reading colourfully painted the news how islamist extremism is about to swallow the earth for almost 13 years now. It's become a 'fact'. And it pays a lot.

There is no threat to anyone -except us here in my country- in the UK or Europe or the US involving a regime change from sharia supporting groups. It's fucking ridiculous.

Thinking something like that is equally stupid to thinking the satanist-muslim Obama is going to send drones to kill christians in Texas ffs.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: drunkenshoe on August 26, 2015, 11:59:39 AM
You never met any muslim that wanted to impose a style of government that is different from yours too. You are just reading colourfully painted the news how islamist extremism is about to swallow the earth for almost 13 years now. It's become a 'fact'. And it pays a lot.

There is no threat to anyone -except us here in my country- in the UK or Europe or the US involving a regime change from sharia supporting groups. It's fucking ridiculous.

Thinking something like that is equally stupid to thinking the satanist-muslim Obama is going to send drones to kill christians in Texas ffs.

Until you see that there is a deep problem behind closed doors here in the uk.

QuoteHaitham al-Haddad is a British Sharia court judge, and sits on the board of advisors for the Islamic Sharia Council. Regarding the handling of domestic violence cases, he stated in an interview, "A man should not be questioned why he hit his wife, because this is something between them. Leave them alone. They can sort their matters among themselves." (Image source: Channel 4 News video screenshot)

We have laws in the uk about domestic violence, but people like this want to forgo the law in this country and make up there own.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin


Quote from: drunkenshoe on August 26, 2015, 11:59:39 AM

There is no threat to anyone -except us here in my country- in the UK or Europe or the US involving a regime change from sharia supporting groups.

:think:    Martin Niemöller :whistle:

A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Quote from: aitm on August 26, 2015, 11:42:02 AM
Never met a mexican that wanted to impose a style of government that is different from ours, seems like the ones I have met actually like it. Don't know any atheists demanding a different style of government not already existing. I suppose you could say it was a nice try, but I wouldn't say so. Trying to demand a government that holds women to be no better than pigs is a somewhat a large step from demanding the existing constitution be followed.

Notice I used the word sentiment. This note isn't about the reality of what any minority actually wants or has the capability of carrying out but what the person posting the note perceives as a threat. The sentiment is "you are challenging of values of our group and we want you out." Whether or not the reader of the note agrees with the sentiment indicates whether that individual perceives the minority group as a threat.


Quote from: GSOgymrat on August 26, 2015, 12:18:27 PM
This note isn't about the reality of what any minority actually wants or has the capability of carrying out but what the person posting the note perceives as a threat.

From what I have been seeing and reading, there is a very real threat that Muslims in the UK are working to install Sharia law at the least within the confines of their neighborhoods. This certainly would be more than a mere "sentiment".
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Quote from: Munch on August 26, 2015, 11:58:09 AM
Of course not. but I don't like the idea of them trying to bring it over here by example either, which has been happening a lot lately.

You realise that sentence suggests some groups are using Sharia laws in the UK, right? And if they are and the state/government; the law is not doing anything, don't you think there is something else wrong with this?

However you look at this, this sign you enjoy is a very poor way of trying to solve anything and it is radicalising, sparking hatred and racist. Islam isn't have to be a race to call this sign racist, because xenophobic sounds light right now. The jews example stands. But then nobody is thinking about a white muslim having a beer, now are they?

Also there is something you keep avoiding in my posts and that is the general extreme hatred of immigrants in your country and it is a culture of it sown coming from a moe ancient one. I have been seeing this as long as I have known myself and started to know British people and culture. It results from the 'natural' cast system of British culture against eeach other under English rule and others. So before muslims there has always been this hatred culture and with growing demography and American poltics, it targets a certain group.

For example, in my mother language there is a word for British, but it never gets used, because as that culture took root here addressing Brits, it is always English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh. If you call any of those 'British' they would correct you. They even tried to make me memorise the whole set of offensive names they call each other so I could understand what was meant and I haven't even visited UK yet. 

QuoteI'm very aware of it, which is why I say a stance against extremism is needed, regardless if people come over to the uk with it, or live in the uk and promote it. Race doesn't factor into it, belief does, and messed up beliefs like those following Isis or other extremist groups isn't something that should be tolerated.

OK. Another question then. How is that people who were raised in a far more liberal and comfortable culture with more opportunities get to be islamist extremists and decide to travel to the ME to fight for ISIL? They are young. Have their whole life ahead of them. 

What makes these people so open and prone to become terrorists, ready whackos to cut people's heads off or be concubines for those who do? Why do they hate their own culture that much or think it is the wrong one to live in? Because we are not talking about just 1 or 2 or 20 people, Munch.

Could it be the structure of that cultural hierarchy? That everyday there are less young people who can find a place to themselves in UK society without being pushed around starting when they are very young. 

Could it be that when we are talking about failure of integration and assimilation of Europe's muslim minorities, we actually miss that may be they should start to assimilate their own in the first place?
Something is not working is it? And it looks very simple and easy to chalk that up to a religion.

This is not just something that could reduced to a nutjob belief system. People naturally desire to be content and try to do the least possible amount of job to reach there. Starting with their own. Traveling from Europe from that life -even when you are homeless underthose laws that they can find  alotof things to dı- to the ME to fight for an army bent on annihilating whatever is on their way suggests more than a few Quran verse convincing people for world cihad. Esp. if you consider they are not really friendly to each other either and that there is no guarantee for anything.

So let's think about from that angle for a moment...

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: Munch on August 26, 2015, 12:04:22 PM
Until you see that there is a deep problem behind closed doors here in the uk.

Munch, I KNOW about that.  :sad2: And I wrote several times that there should be laws made to deport these people. I wrote that they didn't do anything about extremist schools in the name of freedom of religion although they knew what has been going on. They knew about the birth rate in European countries and in muslim groups 40 years ago when they took all those people in.

They need to deport those people. Will they do it?
"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: aitm on August 26, 2015, 12:24:28 PM
From what I have been seeing and reading, there is a very real threat that Muslims in the UK are working to install Sharia law at the least within the confines of their neighborhoods. This certainly would be more than a mere "sentiment".

It's more than a sentiment, however it is very wrongly done. It's a fucking pub.

They need to get in to those 'behind doors' and deport those people. Make laws to arrest them.

What would happen in the States if that was the picture? (Well suppose that something like that happened.)

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: drunkenshoe on August 26, 2015, 12:48:20 PM
It's more than a sentiment, however it is very wrongly done. It's a fucking pub.

They need to get in to those 'behind doors' and deport those people. Make laws to arrest them.

What would happen in the States if that was the picture? (Well suppose that something like that happened.)

I am not sure of the question, there are indeed many places in the US that most likely have signs similar to that. Shit like that is all over FB here in the states.
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust