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Christian Persecution Complex

Started by Munch, August 16, 2015, 06:38:03 AM

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This is something thats probably been touched on before but I felt like its something worth discussing.

Before anything else, yes, I understand that in some parts of the world, there are places where christianity is persecuted by more dominant religions of those regions, as is the nature of such things where anything is more dominant then another.

But this is about how in western society, where the vast majority of belief is that is Christianity, the mega cult that has spread across the western world and now dominants all other beliefs and non-belief, in america alone around 80% of the population of that is christian based in one form or another, around 60% of the uk, and other countries in europe vary between 50-90% of the population, based on polls.

Christian persecution complex comes from what the bible tells Christians about 'the end times' where at one point people will look at christianity and persecute against christians for their beliefs, making them think they will be singled out and surrounded by all other deviants that don't believe in god.

Its one of these things that just adds to the reality of how withdrawn people are from reality. The kind of shit they talk about now, in a time where we can look online at research, find online census and look at percentages, and yet still, you will have christians standing up in front of there own trying to convinced them they are a persecuted lot.

This really is one of those things that I just find unforgivable when it comes to this cult. I could look the other way if someone was touting their beliefs on a soap box in a street, yelling gods name to people in church, and even telling children bullshit stories to pull them into their cult. But when you have a christian yelling that he is persecuted for his beliefs, that is the breaking point for me.

In the last few centuries of history, in the west, one of the biggest causes of persecution against gay people, black people, the advancement of medical research and medicine, people of any other minority, has come from christianity. The very nature of political parties like conservatives and republicans comes from christianity, in them wanting to keep only one standard, their standard, of the nuclear family as the 'norm'.

And yet, despite them being the greater percentage of all beliefs in the west, you still have cunts like josh feuerstein yelling into his cheap camera about how christians are being oppressed by everyone else.

Its like.. if we knew someone with this kind of persecution complex in anything else, we would put them on medication for it. But because it comes from a place of belief, they are allowed to rambled on with this crooked delusional sense of reality? 

'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin


Not unique to Christians. Exactly the same with Jews and Muslims. Different worlds, the same benefits and profits.

Just the skills of making that persecution politics successful change according to those 3 groups.

-Traditional Jewish and Israeli policy are the best. They also have the best materials; a real genocide to squeze, money.

-Muslims suck very bad, but I fear they are learning. The moment they learn not to be 'offended', we are screwed.

-Christians in the US need to change tactics, because they started to look like clowns.

But they all have their audience. 

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp

Cocoa Beware

I didn't expect to see the UK at 72%; Germany, Russia and Ukraine are even more surprising.

I find this to be very discouraging news, much more common then I would have guessed.


Generally religious statistics are overstated ... for polemical reasons.  Christian belief in GB is no way that high.  The best statistics are weekly church attendance, not nominal membership.  In the US weekly church attendance is quite high, but very low in GB.  In Germany you must declare a church membership for tax purposes (used to be everyone had to be either Catholic or Lutheran).  Russian Christianity has had an understandable upsurge, given the previous suppression.  Christianity in modern times has only been oppressed three times .. under the French Revolution, under the Russian revolution and subsequent USSR/Warsaw Pact ... and under the Chinese Revolution and subsequent PRC.  Christianity has never been oppressed in the US.  Earlier oppression of Christians in variant sects in GB, is part of the reason for British colonization of N America ... exile.

Similarly in Israel and the US, Jewish religious belief is quite low, sometimes only reflecting holiday attendance (in synagogue you must tithe for an entire year, or you are not allowed in for the holidays!).  The weekly attendance in synagogue is quite low, particularly in Israel.  Actual ultra-orthodox Jews in Israel support Hamas and oppose Israel ... and this was the norm for orthodox Jews in general prior to 1950.

Not all Jews support Israel.  Though I am not orthodox, I oppose its policies.  Though its existence is a done deal.  And yes, not all Jews are moneylenders!

The End Times persecution excuse is ... an excuse in the US.  I know adults who are convinced that zombies are real, because they saw it on TV.  The adult White male Anglo-Saxon Protestant has been losing his grip for 200 years.  Though among Christians, Episcopalians (aka Anglicans) have the highest average social class and income.  JEB Bush is slumming by who he married, in the eyes of the New England elite that his father comes from.

Actual persecution by Christians against others is happening in Africa.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


I am well aware that there are many jews who don't suppport Israel policies. I have learned most things about Israel policies from Jews. It's obvious what I mean up there. There is no need for an explanation.

If you are supporting Israel policies, you are blatantly supporting genocide.

The more you talk, the more it becomes obvious that you are a fake, esp with most sticky candy sentiments you express here and there. Snake oil salesman. Everything you keep saying about war, religious wars, not demonising the enemy, the ugliness of human condition, not liking politicians...etc. You are hiding behind a commonplace rhetoric, but you seem to be OK with every kind of ugliness, as long as it doesn't touch you. I also doubt if you know anything real about the world more than what you can quote from a few outdated classic book.

You are perfectly in sync with those politicians you keep saying you detest. You should write speech texts for them.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Drunkenshoe - I accept that is your opinion ... though it is yours, not mine.  You really don't want my "real" political opinions (on a bad day).  And yes, I do prefer to keep ugliness off of me and mine.  It is my duty to do so.  But do not ask for whom the bell tolls ...
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


All I can say is the bell keeps ringing.  :biggrin2:
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.


Quote from: drunkenshoe on August 16, 2015, 07:02:27 AM
Not unique to Christians. Exactly the same with Jews and Muslims. Different worlds, the same benefits and profits.

Just the skills of making that persecution politics successful change according to those 3 groups.

-Traditional Jewish and Israeli policy are the best. They also have the best materials; a real genocide to squeze, money.

-Muslims suck very bad, but I fear they are learning. The moment they learn not to be 'offended', we are screwed.

-Christians in the US need to change tactics, because they started to look like clowns.

But they all have their audience.
Yes, as the people who the Christians hate so much, Christians have proven so much their willingness to emulate the Jews when they find it convenient.
There are two types of ideas: fact and non-fact. Ideas which are not falsifiable are non-fact, therefore please don't insist your fantasies of supernatural beings are in any way factual.

Doctrine = not to be questioned = not to be proven = not fact. When you declare your doctrine fact, you lie.


I don't know how it is in all churches, but in mine, I was taught I would be persecuted for my beliefs.  I remember being told that.  I remember Christian comic books and stories that featured kids struggling with persecution for their Christian beliefs.  Then there's the whole feeding Christians to the lions thing.  I'm guessing Romans would have fed just about anyone to the lions for a few laughs, but Christians latched onto it and like to pretend being fed to lions is their cross to carry.  Of course no one feeds Christians to lions anymore, so they have to make do with being persecuted by gay couples wanting them to bake wedding cakes.

It's hard being a Christian.  "Oh woe to all us poor Christians denying ourselves the pleasure of sin, while everyone else enjoys themselves like filthy hedonists.  However, when the end comes, we will be laughing our asses off as we watch everyone else burn in fire.  It's going to be really great."


"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: SGOS on August 16, 2015, 01:03:52 PM
I don't know how it is in all churches, but in mine, I was taught I would be persecuted for my beliefs. 
IT has been over 45 years since I was  "member" of a church but where I was from, we had no such idea that we would ever be persecuted. WE did the persecuting. No black or people of any other color was allowed in my town. We had two native Indian families and we made sure they stayed right where they belonged!
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Quote from: SGOS on August 16, 2015, 01:03:52 PM
I don't know how it is in all churches, but in mine, I was taught I would be persecuted for my beliefs.  I remember being told that.  I remember Christian comic books and stories that featured kids struggling with persecution for their Christian beliefs.  Then there's the whole feeding Christians to the lions thing.  I'm guessing Romans would have fed just about anyone to the lions for a few laughs, but Christians latched onto it and like to pretend being fed to lions is their cross to carry.  Of course no one feeds Christians to lions anymore, so they have to make do with being persecuted by gay couples wanting them to bake wedding cakes.

It's hard being a Christian.  "Oh woe to all us poor Christians denying ourselves the pleasure of sin, while everyone else enjoys themselves like filthy hedonists.  However, when the end comes, we will be laughing our asses off as we watch everyone else burn in fire.  It's going to be really great."
Oh, I remember all that nonsense throughout my childhood, and all I could think was "where are all these persecutors who are burning Christians at the stake, and if that's wrong then why did Christians do that to those who disagreed with them?" The important difference between the violence against Christianity which Christians squeal of and the violence by which their religion came to wield its influence in this world is that the latter is all very real.
There are two types of ideas: fact and non-fact. Ideas which are not falsifiable are non-fact, therefore please don't insist your fantasies of supernatural beings are in any way factual.

Doctrine = not to be questioned = not to be proven = not fact. When you declare your doctrine fact, you lie.


Two points:

Used to be that Catholics did persecute Protestants and vice versa.  They still hated each other prior to say 1970 in one little town I once lived in.

There is a theology, such that if you are really for G-d, and the world is really for Satan (this is a gnostic view) ... then if you are doing things right, the majority (who are going to Hell) will chase you thru the streets with torches and pitchforks.  And at times this has happened, say in Spain with Christian monks, after the Muslim conquest.  Martyr complex existed among Jewish people after the Maccabee revolt, before any Christians followed it.  I find the whole thing paranoid ... though I do believe in the existence of evil.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


You know. .too bad there isn't a really bad NFL team called the Persecuteds and every Sunday they had to play the Detroit Lions. . I'd pay for a ticket to that. .
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


"Persecuteds."  :rotflmao:  You are a wasted talent.
"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp