Once Again- The Rapture Is Imminent!!!!

Started by stromboli, April 20, 2015, 08:59:47 PM

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QuoteIn an interview with End Times broadcaster Jan Markell that was aired this weekend, former Rep. Michele Bachmann said that people should “not despair but rejoice” that the world has reached the “midnight hour” and that “we in our lifetimes potentially could see Jesus Christ returning to earth and the Rapture of the church.”

The former Republican congresswoman from Minnesota said that President Obama’s policies, including support for marriage equality and nuclear negotiations with Iran, are to blame for the world’s imminent demise. “We need to realize how close this clock is to getting towards the midnight hour,” Bachmann said. “Barack Obama is intent, it is his number one goal, to ensure that Iran has a nuclear weapon.”

Bachmann made similar comments in the first half of her interview with Markell, which aired last week, insisting that Obama’s presidency will bring about natural and economic disasters along with the arrival of the Last Days.
After Bachmann said that Obama intends to “lift up the agenda of radical Islam,” Markell added that legal abortion and marriage equality for gays and lesbians are bringing about divine punishment on America.

“You are right,” Bachmann responded, lamenting that God will soon lift His “hedge of protection” over “pagan” America “and we will suffer the consequences as a result.”

“That’s why so many Christians I think are sad and despairing because we know what the word of God says,” she said. “But it is also a chastening as individual believers for our good and that, to me, is extremely exciting.”

Once again Michele Bachmann- our one woman brain trust- is totally on top of the situation. so we need to get busy and alert all our Christian friends in order to get those car keys and deeds to the houses. Time is of the essence, my friends.  :naughty:


I can't wait to laugh in these idiots faces when nothing of the sort happens. What utter nonsense!


Does somebody coach that Bachman on how to be a feather brain?

Mike Cl

Quote from: SGOS on April 20, 2015, 10:17:06 PM
Does somebody coach that Bachman on how to be a feather brain?
Going to church every week can do that.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?


Faith: pretending to know things you don't know


So much for keeping church separate from the state. :=/
The only lasting beauty, is the beauty of the heart. - Rumi


I've survived many of these "raptures". Does that make me stronger than god?


Quote“That’s why so many Christians I think are sad and despairing because we know what the word of God says,”
Or they could be upset that their group has waning popularity, commands less respect from the public, and can no longer dictate public policy.

Secularism will do that.  As will being driven into the ground by nutcases desperately trying to make religion relevant again by announcing doomsday at the drop of a hat.  Which is funny, because that's exactly how you get more and more marginalized.


You know what.. Fuck it.. I'm tossing my money down on the cunt that's gonna save my motherfucking soul. I don't know about you cocksucking atheist fucking badtards, but the fucking cunt Michelle Bachmanne has  my motherfucking back! 

Or maybe not.. I mean she is a bit of a twat.. :think:
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


I hope this is real, my mom woke me up to read the news.
A dark cloud looms over.
Festive cheer does not help much.
What is this, "Justice?"


Quote from: dtq123 on April 21, 2015, 01:12:05 AM
I hope this is real, my mom woke me up to read the news.
Ye shall go to H E double dirty Qtips.. After you did post here..
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


You know what amazes me more, it's how you would think these people would turn to science to try and find reports of suggested natural catastrophe scientists have suggested will happen in the future, like a super volcano exploding, or fault lines shifting, or a comet landing, and use that as their end of the world 'predictions'.

But no, since science is the enemy of God, it has to come from 'gods own word' spoken in tongues
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin

Green Bottle

People who spout this rubbish should be punched in the face, :shifty: now that alone probably wouldnt bring them to their senses but it would be good to see..Now i dont usually advocate violence but some deserve it, :axe: ok mibbe not a punch, a wee slap now and again...  :wall:

God doesnt exist, but if he did id tell him to ''Fuck Off''


I love it. Preach on Michelle, the rest of american is just mouth agape thinking, "what the fuck is this cunt on"?
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


That woman doesn't make any sense even in her own point of view. What is she trying accomplish is beyond me.

And something I am curious about. How on earth all religious freaks some how manage to catch the same kind of tonation and diction in their speech?! I mean, this is same about muslim nuts and christian nuts. (Don't know much about other kinda nuts) You can classify them according to their genders. Muslim and christian women and men would be in seperate gender groups, but not seperate religion groups. I have been aware of this for sometimes in 2 languages and I find it very interesting. I wonder if it is the same in let's say Spanish or Arabic? It's really interesting. Certain norms of preaching in voice are universal? Eww.
"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp