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Started by ratzu, March 02, 2013, 03:27:42 AM

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Hello all. It's been a long time since I've been on a forum of any kind so this should be fun. About 2 years ago I turned away from religion and since then I've been trying to rediscover myself and find out what I'm going to do with the rest of my life. It has been rather difficult to associate with my family lately as most of them are christian and don't know yet (even though I have them as friends on Facebook and it clearly says atheist for religion.) So far the only ones that know are my two brothers (one is agnostic and one was wicken last time I asked) and my mom (though at the time I told her I was agnostic and since then she seems to have either forgotten or thought I was kidding because she never brought it up again.) Whenever the rest of them go towards the topic I change it to my goal to become an author as to avoid an argument. I'm not sure if this makes my just a pacifist or a strait up coward but I do hope to come strait out and tell them all soon. Maybe a funny Facebook post will lessen the blow. Anyway, I look forward to chating with people here and hope to have some great discussions. (btw in case you couldn't tell I do tend to ramble  :-D )


Welcome aboard ratzu! I don't think avoiding needless confrontation makes you a coward, nor a pacifist, it just makes you non-confrontational. If more people were like that, the world might look a bit prettier :P


Quote from: \"the_antithesis\"Faith says, "I believe this and I don\'t care what you say, I cannot possibly be wrong." Faith is an act of pride.

Quote from: \"AllPurposeAtheist\"The moral high ground was dug up and made into a walmart apparently today.

Tornadoes caused: 2, maybe 3.


Welcome. You live your life by your rules. Do what makes your life easier, and don't let others define what you are required to do or need to do. You don't have to declare yourself as an atheist if doing so causes problems. being on the forum will benefit you because you are exposed to a variety of viewpoints and ideas. Even if you don't post, lurk and follow discussions.


Quote from: "ratzu"Hello all. It's been a long time since I've been on a forum of any kind so this should be fun. About 2 years ago I turned away from religion and since then I've been trying to rediscover myself and find out what I'm going to do with the rest of my life. It has been rather difficult to associate with my family lately as most of them are christian and don't know yet (even though I have them as friends on Facebook and it clearly says atheist for religion.) So far the only ones that know are my two brothers (one is agnostic and one was wicken last time I asked) and my mom (though at the time I told her I was agnostic and since then she seems to have either forgotten or thought I was kidding because she never brought it up again.) Whenever the rest of them go towards the topic I change it to my goal to become an author as to avoid an argument. I'm not sure if this makes my just a pacifist or a strait up coward but I do hope to come strait out and tell them all soon. Maybe a funny Facebook post will lessen the blow. Anyway, I look forward to chating with people here and hope to have some great discussions. (btw in case you couldn't tell I do tend to ramble  :-D )
1. welcome
2. Your mom has the right attitude because stating your religion or nonreligion isn't necessary unless specifically asked.
3. Funny way to state you ambition to become a published author. Kind of slight of hand.
4. I don't get the Facebook thing. It seems to me people facebook to avoid personal contact. That is called passive aggressive. I understand Facebook for getting out information quickly to as many concerned people as possible, but to actually use it as the primary communicating method is in my mind somewhat dishonest.
5. Rambling is just fine, please ramble on! BTW, even if you completely disaggree with me!


You automatically fail and owe each forum member $500 for using the term, 'awsome' and another $250 for prefacing it with 'super' and a $10 fine for misspelling awesome.
Other than that welcome I guess..
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Yes my spelling skills are not the greatest. A few people pointed that out when I said I wanted to write for a living, but that's what spell check is for. Hopefully I can get to a point where I won't need to rely on it though.

Didn't even realize how slight of hand that was until you pointed it out mykcob4. that's what I get for not rereading what I typed.

I used to hate Facebook until it became the best way to communicate with most of my family. Now they keep posting a bunch of religious crap and I hate it again.
