The Myth Of The Tiny Radical Muslim Minority

Started by stromboli, October 24, 2014, 11:55:47 PM

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Hakurei Reimu wrote:
QuoteSeriously? You're playing the 'Politician X is a secret Muslim' card?

You need to go back to your cage.



QuoteAbedin, Huma: Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
* Abunimah, Ali: Vice president of the Arab American Action Network
* Al-Hibri, Azizah: U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
* Al-Mansour, Khalid Abdullah Tariq: Patron of Obama during 1980s
* Al-Marayati, Salam: Representative of the U.S. government at the annual Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe conference
* Alikhan, Areef: Department of Homeland Security
* Arab American Action Network: Received money from Woods Fund when Obama was board member of Woods Fund
* Barack H. Obama Foundation: Headed by President Obama's half-brother, who oversees the Muslim Brotherhood's international investments
* Asbahi, Mazen: National Coordinator for Muslim American Affairs (during 2008 presidential campaign)
* Elibiary, Mohamed: Homeland Security Advisory Council
* Husaini, Minha: National Coordinator for Muslim American Affairs (during 2008 presidential campaign)
* Hussain, Rashad: Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference
* Khalidi, Rashid: Professor of Middle East Studies at Columbia University
* Magid, Mohamed: Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Countering Violent Extremism Working Group
* Mattson, Ingrid: Invited by Obama advisor to work on the White House Council on Women and Girls
* Mogahed, Dalia: Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
* Obama, Abon'go Malik: the older half-brother of Barack Obama
* Patel, Eboo: Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
* Said, Edward: Professor and Arab activist who was keynote speaker at 1998 fundraiser attended by Obama
* Shora, Kareem: Homeland Security Advisory Council
* Shora, Nawar: Senior Advisor to the Civil Rights and Liberties Office of the Transportation Security Administration

Muslim Brotherhood organisations in America

QuoteIn 2004, federal investigators discovered a Muslim Brotherhood memorandum during a search of a northern Virginia home. The memorandum, written by Mohamed Akram for the Muslim Brotherhood’s Shura Council, described a “civilization jihad” aimed at North America. It stated: “The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.” This explanatory memorandum also included a list of 29 Muslim Brotherhood connected organizations in the U.S. The memorandum was entered into evidence at the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial in 2007-2008.
Dismiss the "sources" all you want. Truth is still the truth, even if you don't want to believe it.

Here is something else to downplay, whitewash, or simply ignore.


Quote from: stromboli

Can you say "rank and file?" Poo poo all you want, call me an Islamophobe, but I think I'm justified in saying that all of Islam has the potential for being dangerous and that a significant minority, if not a majority, of Islam is at least sympathetic to the terrorists.
Great post.

As Sam Harris once put it, how many Christian Palestinians are suicide bombers? Now compare that to the number of Muslim Palestinian suicide bombers.  Most Muslims are no different than the Christians in the Bible belt.  They support their crazies, or at least sympathize with some of their actions and ideologies.  At least in the West, Christianity is somehow kept on a leash, possibly via mockery (freedom of expression), which is virtually non-existent in most of these areas for some reason.  As Bill Maher says, they still whack you for being an apostate, and a significant minority (possibly majority of Muslims in some of these countries) are ok with that.  You just have to look at how conservatively they vote.  Hamas in Palestine and not too long ago, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt are/were in power.  Some may argue that 50% of Americans vote conservative as well, but here they're kept in check, by a combination of comedians, laws, world opinion (NPR, BBC, etc.) and some Liberal politicians.


Quote[Christians] they're kept in check, by a combination of comedians, laws, world opinion (NPR, BBC, etc.) and some Liberal politicians.
Really? That's all it needed? Why doesn't this work with Muslims?

Why we don't see Christians rampaging all over the planet raping, looting, beheading, enslaving, mass murdering non Christians?

If all religions are the same, then every religion would behave like Islam does. But they don't.
So all religions are NOT equal. It doesn't need a genious to work that one out.

Hakurei Reimu

PR, this is a free country. Legitimate citizens can participate in our government even if they're of a religion you don't like.
Warning: Don't Tease The Miko!
(she bites!)
Spinny Miko Avatar shamelessly ripped off from Iosys' Neko Miko Reimu


U.S. military ordered to hide identities, change routines to avoid terrorist attacks
QuoteThe agency in charge of protecting the Pentagon has sent out a warning that “ISIL-linked terrorists” want to attack employees and is urging them to change routines and mask their identities.

The Pentagon Force Protection Agency, citing intelligence reports, says members of the Islamic State terrorist group, also known by the acronym ISIL, may use knives, guns or explosives.

“Recent threats, revealed through various intelligence and law enforcement sources, indicate that terrorists, directed or inspired by the Islamic States of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), view members of U.S. military members and law enforcement officers as legitimate targets for attacks,” the agency warns in memo that The Washington Times has obtained.

I find this report rather odd. There are maybe only 6 or 8 "radical" Muslims in America, if that.
Why the warning to the military?

For "radical" read devout, practicing his religion according to the scriptures and emulating the perfect man Al-Insān al-Kāmil, aka Muhammad.

Nothing wrong or radical, terrorist, extremist, militant, [enter your favorite label here] about practicing freely one's religion.
Well, unless they are Christians.  That really is beyond the pale.


Quote from: Hakurei Reimu on October 30, 2014, 09:19:14 PM
PR, this is a free country. Legitimate citizens can participate in our government even if they're of a religion you don't like.
Islam with divinely mandated slaughter, rape, plunder, misogyny, child molestation, bigotry, racism, built in megalomania, whats not to like?

I know it is uncomfortable to acknowledge but Islam is at war with the rest of the world since 622 CE.
It's called jihad or holy war. It is in full swing everywhere.

Surely someone must have noticed by now?

Foreign Fighters Pouring Into Syria Faster Than Ever

QuoteTop U.S. and British counterterrorism officials said Tuesday that the growing number and variety of foreign fighters streaming into Syria is unprecedented in recent history.

“The rate of travel into Syria [by foreign fighters] is greater than we saw into Afghanistan prior to 9/11,” Randy Blake, a senior strategic advisor in the U.S. Office of Director of National Intelligence, said Tuesday during a panel at the annual International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) conference in Orlando, Florida. “It’s greater than anything we’ve seen into Afghanistan, into Yemen, into Somalia, into Iraq, or anything that we’ve seen in the last 10-year period.”

Blake said the number of Westerners heading to Syria to fight has risen so rapidly in recent weeks that a new law enforcement video shown at the four-day event is already out of date.

“The video said there are somewhere around 12,000 foreign fighters in Syria. We would update that number to about 16,000 foreign fighters who have traveled to Syria from over 80 countries,” Blake said, adding that roughly 2,000 of those fighters hail from Western countries -- including "at least 500 from the U.K, 700 from France, 400 from Germany, and more than 100 Americans [who] have traveled, or tried to travel into Syria.”

What’s more, authorities have found it nearly impossible to create a demographic profile of these Western volunteers.

It must be socio-economics. Certainly nothing to do with Islam.

"ISIS is not Islamic". - Barack Obama



We can't consider all 1.2 billion Muslims as radicals. What would you do? Kill all of them?!? The West has to worry with only those Muslims who are eager and willing to carry terrorist attacks. Those Muslims who have chosen not to engage with violent activities for whatever reasons, we must let them live their own lives. Does that put a lot of burden on our shoulders? Of course it does. That's going to test our resilience and our effectiveness. On a military level, we must be ever ready to fight back. But you have to consider that there are many Muslims who are now talking back to those who are violent, and many Muslims have been and still are cooperating with Western authorities at great peril to their lives. At another level, we can only win if we stick to our values - which is life, liberty and freedom. This lets those Muslims who are sitting on the fence to compare. In the long term, I believe that our values will prevail.


 josephpalazzo wrote:[/]
QuoteWe can't consider all 1.2 billion Muslims as radicals.
Certainly not. I have never stated that.
QuoteAt another level, we can only win if we stick to our values - which is life, liberty and freedom.
That is being eroded, see here: MESA and IIIT: Islamists Infiltrating Academia

Islamist "donate" millions to universities, with strings attached.
QuoteOn a military level, we must be ever ready to fight back.
Really? Like this?

And there is Afghanistan. 11 years, nothing to show for it.
The US Marine became a social worker for ungrateful Muslims who do not want them .
Iraq is worse than ever. Then there is Syria, Libya, Egypt to mention a few.
Foreign policy is in shambled in the Middle East.
Not looking good.

Nonetheless, I like your optimism.
Looks like the Americans put all their hopes into the "moderate Muslims".
What else do you have? Just in case the 1.2 billion moderate Muslims don't want to fight their brethren and die for the kuffar.  Could happen.


Quote from: pr126 on October 31, 2014, 12:13:38 PM
josephpalazzo wrote:[/]Certainly not. I have never stated that.That is being eroded, see here: MESA and IIIT: Islamists Infiltrating Academia

Islamist "donate" millions to universities, with strings attached. Really? Like this?

And there is Afghanistan. 11 years, nothing to show for it.
The US Marine became a social worker for ungrateful Muslims who do not want them .
Iraq is worse than ever. Then there is Syria, Libya, Egypt to mention a few.
Foreign policy is in shambled in the Middle East.
Not looking good.

Nonetheless, I like your optimism.
Looks like the Americans put all their hopes into the "moderate Muslims".
What else do you have? Just in case the 1.2 billion moderate Muslims don't want to fight their brethren and die for the kuffar.  Could happen.

I'm not defending US policies of the past as they have been disastrous. As I said in another thread, we have to be strong military but we need to develop other sources of energy so that we no longer need the oil from the ME. Cut their revenue, and it will go along way to stem out the terrorist organisations that are being supported  by the different Islamic countries.


I am not sure that other sources of energy will help.  If the US don't  buy the oil,  someone else will.
Besides,  if the US wanted other sources of energy,  they could have done it years ago.

I don't think that is a priority at the moment.

It seems that everybody studiously avoids to acknowledge the reason for the present predicament , which is the ideology,  Islam.



Quote from: pr126 on October 31, 2014, 01:47:40 PM
I am not sure that other sources of energy will help.  If the US don't  buy the oil,  someone else will.
Besides,  if the US wanted other sources of energy,  they could have done it years ago.

I don't think that is a priority at the moment.

It seems that everybody studiously avoids to acknowledge the reason for the present predicament , which is the ideology,  Islam.


If we develop new technology, these will spread across the globe. Yes, we have done little on that front, mainly because the oil companies have hamstrung research. In the US, there are conducting a full fledged war on climate change. Oil has made these companies and the Islamic countries strange bedfellows, but the reality is that as long as countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and others pull in billions of US dollars every day, the terrorists will get funded - this is all linked together. And the longer we do nothing or very little, the longer the world will see Islamic terrorism on the front page.

Ideology is annoying without funding, deadly with funds. Look at ISIS. It has huge oil reserve under their control, which they manage to sell on the black market.  As the old saying goes: follow the money.


Going off to a tangent for a moment about the global warming,  isn't it odd that we are prepared to use oil (fossil fuel)  until the last drop? It doesn' add up.


Quote from: pr126 on October 31, 2014, 02:31:28 PM
Going off to a tangent for a moment about the global warming,  isn't it odd that we are prepared to use oil (fossil fuel)  until the last drop? It doesn' add up.

It's basic economics. At current price, at the pump in the US, it translates to approximately one â,¬ per liter. It's cheaper than a liter of water. As long as prices are that low, there is little incentive to develop other sources of energy.

Hakurei Reimu

Quote from: pr126 on October 31, 2014, 01:18:56 AM
Islam with divinely mandated slaughter, rape, plunder, misogyny, child molestation, bigotry, racism, built in megalomania, whats not to like?

I know it is uncomfortable to acknowledge but Islam is at war with the rest of the world since 622 CE.
It's called jihad or holy war. It is in full swing everywhere.

Surely someone must have noticed by now?
Look, dum-dum, The US was once at war with Japan â€"I mean an actual, proper declared warâ€" and we put a lot of Japanese-Americans into internment camps because we feared that they would put the loyalty to the country of their ancestors over the loyalty to the country that they lived in. This was a mistake and a betrayal to everything that we stand for.

The rights and privileges of the US are available to all of its citizens, not all of its citizens except Muslims.

Now go fuck yourself.
Warning: Don't Tease The Miko!
(she bites!)
Spinny Miko Avatar shamelessly ripped off from Iosys' Neko Miko Reimu


Quote from: Hakurei Reimu on October 31, 2014, 07:44:57 PM
Look, dum-dum, The US was once at war with Japan â€"I mean an actual, proper declared warâ€" and we put a lot of Japanese-Americans into internment camps because we feared that they would put the loyalty to the country of their ancestors over the loyalty to the country that they lived in. This was a mistake and a betrayal to everything that we stand for.

The rights and privileges of the US are available to all of its citizens, not all of its citizens except Muslims.

Now go fuck yourself.
How does your post relate to the thread?
Did anyone here suggest to intern Muslims into camps? Or restrict their freedoms in any way? 
I don't think so. Looks like a strawman.

Using abusive language make you feel morally superior?
It only shows immaturity. 

While you so fervently championing for the freedom of Muslims in America, perhaps you can find some time to find out how Muslims treat minorities in Muslim ruled countries.
The copts in Egypt, or Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhist blacks  in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Turkey. Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, and everywhere Muslims rule.

But that means nothing to you. It happens far away in another universe.
If you think you have the moral high ground, you don't,  probably never will.

Furthermore, if and when they come to power in any infidel country, it could be even yours, the treatment for non Muslims will be the same,
"freedom go to hell".

That is Islam, the ideology, since 622 CE.

Ignorance is not always bliss.