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Dave Brat's "miracle" GOP primary win

Started by PringleTree, June 12, 2014, 11:58:38 PM

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1) Underdog Republican challenger Dave Brat wasted no time Tuesday night in stating that his upset primary win over House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was "A miracle from God".  This insinuates that God changed the minds of voters who were for Cantor and/or prompted people to vote who were leaning towards Brat but weren't motivated to make the effort to go the polls.  So, here we go again with a politician who believes his success is the will of a deity.  No matter what policies this guy comes up with if he wins in November and goes to Congress--ideas that I might agree with in some instances--his religious statement will forever force me to regard him with suspicion.

2) We hear time and again from the religious community that god doesn't intervene to prevent evil from occuring because free will for humankind means so much to him.  Per Professor Brat's statement above, an apparent exception can be made by God when an evangelical Tea Party candidate needs help at the polls.  I note that the very same day this week that Brat won his primary with the help of God, a 14 year-old high-school student was shot and killed in a school shooting in Oregon.  I can't understand the mindset of people who would celebrate a deity that would intervene to change the mindset of voters in Virginia, but not a 15 year-old gunman in Oregon. 

Okay, got that off my chest.
Most offensive speech heard in recent memory:
"I believe this country was started by Christians for Christians."
Captain Scotty Smiley, US Army, West Point grad, blinded both eyes in Iraq, remains on active duty
Mike Huckabee Show, August 2013
How sad the Captain has such un-American beliefs.


God fixed a flat on my brother's pick-up 20 years ago. A few years back he told me the story again, but included that his headlights also went out at the same time - and yep, he fixed them too. God only fixed the flat enough to get him home tho, by morning the tire was flat again. His god couldn't even get that right. I asked him how many people had to die because god was busy fixing his flat tyre? and if he thought that was fair? His reply was so lame I don't even remember it. I really don't get prayer, it just don't jive with free will.
Q for theists; how can there be freewill and miracles? And, how can prayer exist in an environment as regimented as "gods plan"?

"I'm a polyatheist, there are many gods I don't believe in." - Dan Fouts


As per my signature it's obvious Mr Brat had enough TIME on his hands to, conjure up this miraculous victory and if you watched Jon Stewart the other night it was at least 1000 times bigger than the epic battle between David and Goliath.  TRULY A MIRACLE! :biggrin:
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


I wonder since god deemed it proper to send him to congress will god make him a top fundraiser and give him the speakership?
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.

Poison Tree

Quote from: PringleTree on June 12, 2014, 11:58:38 PM
I can't understand the mindset of people who would celebrate a deity that would intervene to change the mindset of voters in Virginia, but not a 15 year-old gunman in Oregon. 
"god's ways are not our ways".
Seriously, though, you bring up a good point but one that you can't get through to the religious. They say that every good thing is from god, but all the bad stuff is our fault or maybe satan. It is just a word/definition game with them. All they have to say is that, by definition, god can't do anything bad and then he's magically off the hook.
"Observe that noses were made to wear spectacles; and so we have spectacles. Legs were visibly instituted to be breeched, and we have breeches" Voltaire�s Candide


Hey! Don't be raggin on no motherfucking god!* :eek:

*I have heard those exact words said directly to me in anger.

Another comment I heard which just filled me with the spirit: Yo, motherfucking god loves your motherfucking ass whether you motherfucking like it or not!
Praise be!
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Quote from: AllPurposeAtheist on June 13, 2014, 01:58:07 AM
Yo, motherfucking god loves your motherfucking ass whether you motherfucking like it or not!

Ah! So that is why god's mother raised him to be a sadistic asshole!
It all makes sense now.


Don't you know by now that God wants you to be a pure Republican/conservative? Cantor was 99.996% pure. Not enough. God punished him. He got what he deserves by embracing any form of immigration reform.  And let that be a lesson for all of you.


Good thing election ain't today. It's Friday the 13th AND a full moon! That hasn't happened in about 100 yrs and won't happen again till 2049 according to NPR. I wonder what evil is planned for today.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Quote from: AllPurposeAtheist on June 13, 2014, 12:20:26 PM
...I wonder what evil is planned for today.

Well, I got mustard on my shirt at lunch, could that be it? :shifty:
Most offensive speech heard in recent memory:
"I believe this country was started by Christians for Christians."
Captain Scotty Smiley, US Army, West Point grad, blinded both eyes in Iraq, remains on active duty
Mike Huckabee Show, August 2013
How sad the Captain has such un-American beliefs.


He teaches at my school, that's gonna be all over the place now
"Human history is a litany of blood shed over differing ideals of rulership and afterlife"<br /><br />Governor of the 32nd Province of the New Lunar Republic. Luna Nobis Custodit


Quote from: GrinningYMIR on June 13, 2014, 12:50:16 PM
He teaches at my school, that's gonna be all over the place now
No doubt about it. That's a mark of the beast. End times are here. Oh Manantha.... .or whatever the fuck Michelle Bachmann rattles on about..  :lol:

Oh wait.. Clicked the wrong quote.. I meant poisons mustard on his shirt.. But Brat teaching at your school is a mark too..  wanna bet he doesn't agree much with Paul Krugman?
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Grin...carry a sign around school saying Krugman is Lord just to see what happens (other than getting beat up)
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


We've also got an anarchist here, yaaaay
"Human history is a litany of blood shed over differing ideals of rulership and afterlife"<br /><br />Governor of the 32nd Province of the New Lunar Republic. Luna Nobis Custodit