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Is Pedophilia a Choice?

Started by Sargon The Grape, April 14, 2016, 10:45:23 PM

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Quote from: doorknob on July 10, 2016, 11:22:37 PM
That's nice.

I'm saying a 16 year old doesn't want a 30 year old. Now that's not to say when that same 16 year old turns 20 they may go for up to ten years apart. Maybe even more than that as age increases. As you get older you get less picky in some areas and more picky in others. And there is nothing wrong with a 20 year old going with a 30 year old. That's different because a 20 year old probably has enough experience to handle a 30 year old. A 16 year old does not. All other ages that are past 20 are fair game once it passes that point you're old enough to make that decision. But a 16 year old is still a child.

They do not have the level of maturity and self confidence that comes only with age.
Generally, I've not been talking about 16 year-olds because 16 year-olds are jail bait. You seem to think - as the law does - that numbers are magical in determining a person's level of maturity. They are not. At best, they are guides to averages. There are 16 year-olds who are more mature than 26 year-olds due to variations in life experience: one had to grow up quickly to care for younger siblings, for instance, while the other was pampered all the way into grad school. Only a fool undertakes a relationship w/anyone under the legal age of consent - but that is for purely practical considerations, not because an 18 year-old is magically guaranteed to be more mature than a 16 year-old.


Quote from: Hijiri Byakuren on April 14, 2016, 10:45:23 PM
This is one of those questions that tends to rear its ugly head around here every so often, so I figure a dedicated discussion is in order. I'll kick this off by trying to lay out some basic issues that merit discussion.

  • If pedophilia is a choice, why do people choose to do it?
  • Should pedophilia be considered a mental illness?
  • Is pedophilia a sexual orientation? If not, why should it be distinguished from sexual orientation?
  • What sort of carrot/stick approach would be best to prevent pedophiles from crossing into criminal territory? (Especially since current punishments don't seem to discourage a fair number of them.)

If I think of anymore relevant questions, I'll update this post.

Pedophilia is a choice and people choose to commit acts of pedophilia because they love their sin. They hate God but want his gift of pleasure, so they look elsewhere for this gift of pleasure and steal it from God by twisting it.

Pedophilia can only be considered a mental illness if alcoholism, drug addiction, homosexuality, adultery, etc... can also be considered mental illnesses.

What the heck even is a "sexual orientation"? There is only one way that God has given us the gift of sex and it is enjoyed only in marriage, outside of marriage sex is still physically enjoyable but it is an expression of your hatred and rebellion against God.

Not sure I understand your last question but the real isssue here is, assuming that you're an atheist by other posts of yours that I've read, why is it wrong for pedophile to molest a child?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I told myself I wouldn't touch this thread with a 10ft pole, yet here I am.  :/

Quote from: alexxmedeiros on October 14, 2016, 12:05:33 AMPedophilia is a choice and people choose to commit acts of pedophilia because they love their sin. They hate God but want his gift of pleasure, so they look elsewhere for this gift of pleasure and steal it from God by twisting it.
Lots of assumptions there, and nearly all are wrong.  I think we can safely dispense with the God talk without further comment (I would call that a point that's been refuted a thousand times, but that would be understating it), and it would be wise to look in exactly what motivates a pedophile and how much of this is deliberate and how much is compulsion without simply assuming the answers.

QuotePedophilia can only be considered a mental illness if alcoholism, drug addiction, homosexuality, adultery, etc... can also be considered mental illnesses.
Well, homosexuality definitely isn't.  It was dropped from the DSM decades ago.  Adultery is a social taboo, not a mental illness.  And alcoholism and drug addiction are compulsive, habitual drug use to the point of psychological/physical dependence.

QuoteWhat the heck even is a "sexual orientation"?

QuoteThere is only one way that God has given us the gift of sex and it is enjoyed only in marriage, outside of marriage sex is still physically enjoyable but it is an expression of your hatred and rebellion against God.
The institution of marriage is historically a pretty recent development as are the social taboo against sex outside of marriage.  Obviously, people were boning before the Bible existed.  Also, the "gift of sex" is most definitely enjoyed a variety of ways, not "only one way".

QuoteNot sure I understand your last question but the real isssue here is, assuming that you're an atheist by other posts of yours that I've read
A regular poster at atheist forums being an atheist would seem to be a relatively safe assumption.

Quotewhy is it wrong for pedophile to molest a child?
Because it's rape and rape is wrong in virtually any moral framework, including *gasp* secular morality.  You know, stuff like the golden rule and the harm principle.  But unlike our religious peers, atheists need not worry about the cosmic consequences of eating shellfish, masturbation, and desecration of holy crackers - potentially all at the same time.  All of the good and none of the garbage - a very attractive offer.  The only real downside is dealing with scowling from the devout.  But these days, they scowl at everybody.  One wonders if love of scowling is the main draw of religion and all this God stuff is just window dressing.


There are 2 aspects here; legality and morality.  Pedophilia is a legal term.  By definition, that is not up to personal opinion.

Morally, it depends on societal decisions.  Suppose "pedophilia" was defined as at age 18 or younger.  Or 21.  Or 30?  Obviously, there is some logical difference between law and logic there.  The law can be anything, logic suggests otherwise.  Pedophilia is a legal decision, based on social mores. 

IIRC, the original Juliet was about 14 and Romeo about a year older.  Do we view Romeo as a pedophile?  It would not be acceptable today (and I would agree). But it wasn't then for biological reasons.
Atheist born, atheist bred.  And when I die, atheist dead!