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Is Pedophilia a Choice?

Started by Sargon The Grape, April 14, 2016, 10:45:23 PM

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Quote from: doorknob on July 08, 2016, 03:45:48 PM
Seriously a teenager doesn't want a 30+ year old man. That is the old mans ego/fantasy. FYI it's wrong to force your self on some one and, that is the case with these types of men. Maybe in an extremely rare case will a teenager fall in love with a 30+ but that's extremely rare. We shouldn't be opening the door for these pervs to be molesting and ogling young teenage girls for something so ridiculous as a true love between teen and old man.

So yes you are supporting the predators. What's the matter did I burst your fantasy of getting it on with a 16 year old? Fantasy is one thing but reality is a totally different thing. The reality is teenagers do not fucking want you! You have no business flirting with a 16 year old that IS common sense. If you are that stupid then you deserve to go to jail and worse.
Where did you get this nonsense? Routinely, teenagers have crushes on teachers, actors, Rock stars, doctors, etc, all of whom are above 30.


Quote...and it will be glorious/ beautiful.

I have no words for how disgusting this is.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Quote from: marom1963 on July 08, 2016, 11:31:15 PM
Where did you get this nonsense? Routinely, teenagers have crushes on teachers, actors, Rock stars, doctors, etc, all of whom are above 30.

I'm getting my information from experience and directly from a 16 year olds mouth.

Where are you getting your info from? And it's rare that any of those crushes are on men over 30 more like in there 20's.


Quote from: Shiranu on July 09, 2016, 02:52:20 AM
I have no words for how disgusting this is.

I think you misunderstood, or you do not understand the implications of what I posted, or do not want to understand. Pedophile acceptance does not mean lowering the age of consent. It doesn't mean that you become like Iraq and it's culturally acceptable to fuck little boys. Nope. Nothing like that. All it means is that you will see less bigotry, more pedophiles that need help will be getting help, and children will be safer than they are now. I don't see what's even a little bit disgusting about making children safer, but then again I don't the problem of emotion coming in and overriding logic.


Quote from: FaithIsFilth on July 09, 2016, 01:59:13 PMPedophile acceptance does not mean lowering the age of consent. It doesn't mean that you become like Iraq and it's culturally acceptable to fuck little boys. Nope. Nothing like that.
Umm...isn't the desire to fuck little boys and girls pretty much the definition of pedophilia?


QuoteI think you misunderstood, or you do not understand the implications of what I posted, or do not want to understand.

Oh, I think I understood it quite well. There is very little way to misinterpret this...

QuotePeople better get ready to be extremely disturbed, because it's coming and no one can stop it. Those standing with the pedophile will be the ones proven to be on the right side of history, and what a victory it will be.

You want to keep on hiding behind, "Oh the children will be safe! Oh, I just want pedophiles to be helped!", and yet you proclaim that people who want to fuck kids who haven't even hit puberty yet are on, "the right side of history"? Those two statements are completely and utterly incompatible; you cannot protect children AND accept that people who want to fuck them are "right".

If you only mean helping people with pedophile tendencies, then your movement is not even remotely comparable to the LGBT movement[/size],[/size] which fights for equal rights and the ability to love who they want to love (between two consenting adults). You cannot claim your movement is comparable to the Transsexual-right movement unless you also admit you are fighting for the same thing; the acceptance of your sexual attractions and gender roles.[/size]
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Quote from: Shiranu on July 09, 2016, 03:18:48 PM
Oh, I think I understood it quite well. There is very little way to misinterpret this...

You want to keep on hiding behind, "Oh the children will be safe! Oh, I just want pedophiles to be helped!", and yet you proclaim that people who want to fuck kids who haven't even hit puberty yet are on, "the right side of history"? Those two statements are completely and utterly incompatible; you cannot protect children AND accept that people who want to fuck them are "right".

If you only mean helping people with pedophile tendencies, then your movement is not even remotely comparable to the LGBT movement[/size],[/size] which fights for equal rights and the ability to love who they want to love (between two consenting adults). You cannot claim your movement is comparable to the Transsexual-right movement unless you also admit you are fighting for the same thing; the acceptance of your sexual attractions and gender roles.[/size]
Your mind went to a dirty place when you saw "pedophile acceptance". That was you. Not me. Anyone who hurts someone who is under the age of consent should be thrown in jail. When I said people better get ready to be disturbed, I meant that they would be disturbed and outraged, but unjustifiably so. When I said standing with the pedophile, I certainly didn't think people would see that and think that I'm ok with people under the age of consent being harmed in a sexual manner. The pedophile acceptance movement and a movement to lower the age of consent are two separate things. Very, very different things. If you say "stand up for black lives", yeah, you'll have some racists say "what do you mean? Stand up for criminals and rapists and deadbeat dads?" If you say "stand up for Muslims who deal with a lot of hate crimes", you'll have PR respond with "What do you mean? Stand up for those who oppress women and want to kill the kufar, and chop off thieves hands, and cut off clits?" Of course I didn't mean stand up for abuse. Again, your mind went there. You should know better than to think I'm some sociopath who would stand with those who would like to do harm to children who have not yet reached puberty. If that were true, why do I bother to defend Muslims from all the hate they get, and speak out against the wars started by the West? Is it all an act I'm putting on?

All I've defended in this thread is liberalism. The idea that the most liberal countries in the West have an age of consent closer to 16 than 18, and you can draw your own conclusions about why that is, but things are clearly this way for a reason. Yeah, it's 18 in a lot of States, but you guys are so far behind that you don't even have universal health care yet, and you've got two Republicans running against each other in the General Election. If someone is living in a place where the age is 18 though, then that person better follow the law and stick with people 18 and up, or their dumb ass is going to jail. The law is the law, and people need to abide by that and not step outside of the law.


Quote from: FaithIsFilth on July 08, 2016, 05:44:49 PM
Yes, that was me Shoe, and it's a beautiful thing, and if people could just get past the ick factor, they would see that it's better for me to be obsessed with an actress living far away from me in Hollywood, protected by bodyguards, than it is for me to try to bottle things up and possibly develop a crush on a little girl in the real world, in my own town. Would you prefer that? No. Of course not. I don't let myself fall for any young girls in the real world. I'm smarter than that. That little dancer you are talking about dominates my thoughts when it comes to girls, which in part stops me from thinking about the young girls around me in the real world. When I go to the store and see an attractive young girl on my way, I get back home, throw on one of her dance videos, and then I don't even remember what the girl I just saw on the street looks like, and she will be completely absent from my thoughts. Isn't that a good thing? I would think so. So yes, that little dancer brings emotions out of me that no one else can, but me watching her videos all the time and having such an obsession is actually a very sensible thing, as it is keeping real life girls around me out of my head. Isn't that what I should be striving for? To think about the young girls around me as little as possible? I've achieved that, so why is this not a win for everyone?

Actually I quite agree with this. It is the best case scenario, a person who gets turned on by a younger person but who does not act on it instead using the imagery. If only more were like that like.
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Quote from: doorknob on July 09, 2016, 01:11:10 PM
I'm getting my information from experience and directly from a 16 year olds mouth.

Where are you getting your info from? And it's rare that any of those crushes are on men over 30 more like in there 20's.
as a former 12,13,14,15,16,17 year old I can say that as a male I would willingly dive into the arms of many of my teachers who were over 30,,,,and as a male also, I have experienced many 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 year old girls/women willing to dive into the arms of a much older man and as a willing participant for many of them, (only one case that could be considered illegal, but hell, I met her in a bar with a drink in her hand, so…) and as a 45 yr old who had a wonderful 4 yr relationship with a 22 year old, I can say that yes……be careful of the blanket you throw, it does not cover everyone.
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Quote from: Hijiri Byakuren on July 06, 2016, 02:15:26 PM
No they're definitely brain-dead.

Fair and balanced (like Fox News).
Between the sudden burst of responsibilities (not as much as a full-fledged adult, but still a huge spike of them, in comparison to what they had), in addition to the raging hormones, yes. They are spacey and brain-dead. lol


Quote from: Hydra009 on July 09, 2016, 02:26:23 PM
Umm...isn't the desire to fuck little boys and girls pretty much the definition of pedophilia?
Nope. Desiring something means you wish it to happen. F'ing little kids is the last thing I wish for. Really. It's hard for me to read stuff about young people being sexually abused, and it makes me feel ill. At a certain point I just stop reading.


Quote from: doorknob on July 09, 2016, 01:11:10 PM
I'm getting my information from experience and directly from a 16 year olds mouth.

Where are you getting your info from? And it's rare that any of those crushes are on men over 30 more like in there 20's.
Let's clarify matters first. I'm 52, and I wasn't interested in teenagers when I was a teenager, so we're not talking about my twisted fantasies. Let's have that clear to start.
But, just because you and your 16 year-old pal have some sort of ick-thing going on w/the above 25 crowd doesn't mean that other teenagers do. Plenty of teenagers - especially girls but boys, too - are interested in older lovers, older being a fossil somewhere about 30.

It doesn't matter what you have to say to say about it - it is so; evidence of it is all over the joint, just open your eyes. A 30 year-old might have some money and a car and doesn't have to listen to mommy and daddy - real attractive to a teenager, real attractive. And 30 year-olds aren't wrinkled and bald and fat yet. They still look young and cute. So, that's icing on top of the cake.

You've got a wide World full of 30 year-old men w/18 year-old girl-friends. And a growing World filled w/40 year-old women w/22 year-old boyfriends - whether you like it.


Quote from: marom1963 on July 09, 2016, 09:59:10 PM
Let's clarify matters first. I'm 52, and I wasn't interested in teenagers when I was a teenager, so we're not talking about my twisted fantasies. Let's have that clear to start.
But, just because you and your 16 year-old pal have some sort of ick-thing going on w/the above 25 crowd doesn't mean that other teenagers do. Plenty of teenagers - especially girls but boys, too - are interested in older lovers, older being a fossil somewhere about 30.

It doesn't matter what you have to say to say about it - it is so; evidence of it is all over the joint, just open your eyes. A 30 year-old might have some money and a car and doesn't have to listen to mommy and daddy - real attractive to a teenager, real attractive. And 30 year-olds aren't wrinkled and bald and fat yet. They still look young and cute. So, that's icing on top of the cake.

You've got a wide World full of 30 year-old men w/18 year-old girl-friends. And a growing World filled w/40 year-old women w/22 year-old boyfriends - whether you like it.

UM I'm 36 so I don't know what you are talking about. And no 30 year old men aren't wrinkled and bald yet but still not good looking (with the exception of movie stars maybe). You nailed it on the head when you said car and money. But I don't think a teenager being attracted to those things is quite the same as a teen truly having an invested relationship with a 30+ year old. Other than you breath air and have eyes what do you think you even have in common with a 16 year old girl? Are you just now getting your drivers license? Are you still living with mom and dad? whoops maybe you are.

young and cute my ass! Sorry to break this too you but even I don't think 30 year olds are attractive except in very rare cases and I'm 36. The difference is I'm realistic and I'm not invested only in looks. Wake up and smell the roses. 16 year olds don't want you! Stop trying to prove you still have something you probably never had from the start.


Quote from: doorknob on July 10, 2016, 10:40:24 AM
UM I'm 36 so I don't know what you are talking about. And no 30 year old men aren't wrinkled and bald yet but still not good looking (with the exception of movie stars maybe). You nailed it on the head when you said car and money. But I don't think a teenager being attracted to those things is quite the same as a teen truly having an invested relationship with a 30+ year old. Other than you breath air and have eyes what do you think you even have in common with a 16 year old girl? Are you just now getting your drivers license? Are you still living with mom and dad? whoops maybe you are.

young and cute my ass! Sorry to break this too you but even I don't think 30 year olds are attractive except in very rare cases and I'm 36. The difference is I'm realistic and I'm not invested only in looks. Wake up and smell the roses. 16 year olds don't want you! Stop trying to prove you still have something you probably never had from the start.
Whoa! I began by stating clearly that I myself am not interested in teenaged lovers. I didn't find teenagers attractive when I was a teenager, never mind now. My father was 26; my mother was 16; they were married for 50 years, separated only by death. They adored each other. My mother's brother - whom I saw only yesterday - has been married for 55 years. He's 80, and my aunt is 72. 80 and 72 is not much of an age difference now, but 25 and 17 was a big age difference then. Clearly, there was much more between these couples than looks or possessions. You're making assertions that are not statistically born out in the wider society; statistically, most couples have an age difference, with the male being about 5 years older than the female. Why? It comes down to the fact that females mature at an earlier age than males. There is parity between a 25 year-old female and a 30 year-old male.


That's nice.

I'm saying a 16 year old doesn't want a 30 year old. Now that's not to say when that same 16 year old turns 20 they may go for up to ten years apart. Maybe even more than that as age increases. As you get older you get less picky in some areas and more picky in others. And there is nothing wrong with a 20 year old going with a 30 year old. That's different because a 20 year old probably has enough experience to handle a 30 year old. A 16 year old does not. All other ages that are past 20 are fair game once it passes that point you're old enough to make that decision. But a 16 year old is still a child.

They do not have the level of maturity and self confidence that comes only with age.