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The Harmful Effects of Masturbation

Started by MagetheEntertainer, October 30, 2015, 08:48:15 PM

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Quote from: doorknob on November 01, 2015, 05:55:09 PM
popular does not make truth sir. Remember when the popular belief was that the earth was flat?

There are plenty of OTHER papers and reports, studies what have you to the contrary of those findings or at least admitting that it's not straight forward and it's hard to pin a woman down.

not going to go on a siting frenzy though. Just food for thought.

btw you link takes me to a random political article


Quote from: mauricio on November 01, 2015, 06:07:53 PM
Mmm what? I just said it would be easy to find in google because it is popular nothing else.

Well obviously this topics are never straightforward because it depends on your definitions, yes there's probably more nuance to sexuality. But about the specific definition they used:

As we understand the term, the sex drive refers to
the sexual motivation, usually focused on craving for
sexual activity and sexual pleasure. Desire is probably
the most precise rendition. A person with higher sex
drive would be one with more intense or more frequent
desires, or both, for sex. To be sure, one can profitably
make finer distinctions. Hill (1997) observed that people’s
interest in sexual activity can have multiple
sources, such as desire for relief from stress, desire to
procreate, or enhancing feelings of power. Our analysis,
however, focuses specifically on the desire for sex
for its own sake, and therefore a desire for sex as a
means toward procreation or toward other nonsexual
goals is not part of our concept of sex drive.

The sex drive is best understood in terms of the frequency
and intensity of desire. The question of gender
differences in sex drive thus refers to whether one gender
desires sex more than the other.
The question of gender differences in sex drive may
be best approached by stepping away briefly from gender
and considering how two people of the same gender
would be observably different if their sex drives
differed in strength. In other words, in what specific
ways would a woman with a strong sex drive differ
from a woman with a weak sex drive? On an a priori
basis, one would expect the difference in motivation to
be reflected in desired frequency of sex, desired variety
of sex acts and partners, frequency of fantasy, frequency
of masturbation, number of partners, frequency
of thinking about sex, willingness to make
sacrifices in other spheres to obtain sex, and the like.
We shall therefore examine evidence about gender differences
across this range of relevant variables. Probably
many single findings would be subject to
alternative explanations instead of pointing unambiguously
to differential sex drive. It is therefore necessary
to find convergence across many studies and many
operationalizations to rely on the rule of parsimony for
drawing conclusions about the strength of sex drive.

I would be very surprised if you could find studies that point out that actually the male frequency and intensity of sexual desire is lesser or equal to that of the women on average.

oh really?


Quote from: doorknob on November 01, 2015, 06:17:03 PM
oh really?

ok now if you could cite a paper which shows those measures like "desired frequency of sex, desired variety
of sex acts and partners, frequency of fantasy, frequency
of masturbation, number of partners, frequency
of thinking about sex, willingness to make
sacrifices in other spheres to obtain sex, and the like."

being higher or equal to that of males males that would be useful. Cause that was an article about a journalist's book about research and it does not really address what I said. 

They can claim things like this: "Bergner profiles the work of a series of sexologists, all of whom have, after a series of fascinating studies with animal and human subjects, come to what is essentially the same conclusion. Women want sex just as much as men do[...]''

But what paper are they talking about, they don't say nor do they reference the page of the book from where they got that which I would hope would cite the actual primary source: the paper.  What type of definition are they using. Is it the same one as the Baumesiter meta-analysis? Yes? then you got a point. No? Then what is this really telling us in synthesis of both papers?


When a new thread suddenly explodes from one page to four in a few hours, you know it's been derailed.

"Oh, wearisome condition of humanity,
Born under one law, to another bound;
Vainly begot, and yet forbidden vanity,
Created sick, commanded to be sound."
--Fulke Greville--


Quote from: mauricio on November 01, 2015, 06:50:39 PM
ok now if you could cite a paper which shows those measures like "desired frequency of sex, desired variety
of sex acts and partners, frequency of fantasy, frequency
of masturbation, number of partners, frequency
of thinking about sex, willingness to make
sacrifices in other spheres to obtain sex, and the like."

being higher or equal to that of males males that would be useful. Cause that was an article about a journalist's book about research and it does not really address what I said. 

They can claim things like this: "Bergner profiles the work of a series of sexologists, all of whom have, after a series of fascinating studies with animal and human subjects, come to what is essentially the same conclusion. Women want sex just as much as men do[...]''

But what paper are they talking about, they don't say nor do they reference the page of the book from where they got that which I would hope would cite the actual primary source: the paper.  What type of operative definition are they using. Is it the same one as the Baumesiter meta-analysis? Yes? then you got a point. No? Then what is this really telling us in synthesis of both papers?

Since that statement of ''come to what is essentially the same conclusion. Women want sex just as much as men do[...]'' and similar ones are not  actual quotes of the book or any paper they seem rather dubious. Do this studies referenced (well mentioned since there's no actual citation reference) actually make this claim? Can you produce them?


Quote from: gentle_dissident on November 01, 2015, 02:38:32 PM
Masturbation is necessary if we're going to pair up. The male of the species has a long and constant sex drive. He is driven to propagate the species. The female's desire is over pretty quickly, for she just wants a baby.


Quote from: jonb on November 01, 2015, 07:36:25 PM

so did you actually read the paper ( ?

And now have something meaningful to contribute or just more dudebro highschool level rhetoric about the speaker's sexual experience?


Anybody who has had more than one sexual encounter with one of the sexes will know there is more diversity within either sex than there is a difference between the sexes.

If you are seriously lucky you might find yourself part of the way towards finding that out.


Quote from: jonb on November 01, 2015, 08:09:42 PM
Anybody who has had more than one sexual encounter with one of the sexes will know there is more diversity within either sex than there is a difference between the sexes.

If you are seriously lucky you might find yourself part of the way towards finding that out.

Yes and a few limited, uncontrolled and non-methodological experience trumps research that indicates on average trends in multiple different population samples. You are not even trying man. Go home you are drunk.  Also the point was never a contention between there being more/less differences between individuals of a gender vs differences in average trends between the 2 gender's populations. That's just a stupid strawman.


Copying and pasting from one download does not an argument make.

PS; My uncontrollable laughter is not through drink your remarks alone are more than a sufficient cause for my merriment.


Quote from: jonb on November 01, 2015, 08:39:25 PM
Copying and pasting from one download does not an argument make.

PS; My uncontrollable laughter is not through drink your remarks alone are more than a sufficient cause for my merriment.

you are moron go fucking google that shit It's original just for you, as to educate your ignorant ass. Now you can go fuck yourself.


Yes and that is the subject of the thread and I could if I so wished, but unlike yourself I have other opportunities that are available.


sweet dreams


Quote from: jonb on November 01, 2015, 08:45:03 PM
Yes and that is the subject of the thread and I could if I so wished, but unlike yourself I have other opportunities that are available.


sweet dreams

''YO bitch i get muh dick wet! fuck your research yo.''

That's literally your intellectual level.


Quote from: jonb on November 01, 2015, 07:36:25 PM

I haven't known many lesbians, so I can't comment. I was only able to comment on the male homosexuals I've known. Perhaps the lesbians have acquired a male's voracious desire to reproduce the species. I don't know.


Quote from: doorknob on November 01, 2015, 06:08:07 PM
you make an excellent point that I was going to mention but forgot to. Animals infact do masturbate therefor it is natural to masturbate. Female elephants have been seen masturbating each other. The list of animals that masturbate is actually longer than one might think. So I guess he was wrong. Also showing how uneducated on the subject he is and how little time thought or effort put into his arguement.

  Bonobo chimps and very well known for it , dolphins are as well.
Termin 1:1

Evolution is probably the slowest biological process on planet earth, the only one that comes close is the understanding of it by creationists.