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The Refugee Crisis

Started by stromboli, September 01, 2015, 11:58:48 AM

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Quote from: pr126 on September 17, 2015, 12:40:34 AM
Josephpalazzo wrote:Not just in Europe. This is all over the western world, America, Canada, Australia, and it is too late now to change.

When you have millions of "special needs" opportunist immigrants / illegals used to get their own way by threats, whining or brutal coercion, even murder for so long, it cannot be changed.
Short of a military or civil war, this is it. Your goose is cooked.

Besides, politicians do not want to change anything, they have no will. Most of them have been bought.

This will not end well.   

Muslims don't get to practice their Sharia law in the US, nor in Canada... don't know about Australia. I believe the big difference is that Europe is new to the idea of accepting new immigrants while the US and Canada are countries made up of immigrants, and therefore here there is peer pressure or an unwritten rule for any new immigrant to integrate in the melting pot.


Some of you are under the mistaken impression that most of the Syrians and others involved in this refugee crisis are Muslims. That is not the case, some belong to ancient Christian traditions, so belong to ancient Gnostic traditions, some are Mandaeans and some are Yezidi. One Chaldean archbishop (yes the Chaldeans still exist) is worried that this crisis will deplete the Middle East of it's ancient Christian population. These are ancient cultures that have connections to much of history. Some of you might hate religion and want it to become extinct but I respect these cultures especially the Gnostic, Mandaean and Yezidi cultures because they are very close to my own. I feel it would be a tragedy to see these culture die out.
“Rational thought is a failed experiment and should be phased out.”
 William S. Burroughs

حسن اÙ,,صباح - Ù,,يس هناك Ù...ا هو صحيح ØŒ ÙƒÙ,, شيء Ù...سÙ...وح به


@  CrucifyCindy

see here


Quote from: pr126 on September 18, 2015, 04:29:47 AM
@  CrucifyCindy

see here

You realise that she is talking about the general profile of the whole refugees, right?
"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


A friend of mine posted this from the Duffelblog today. Bear in mind the Duffelblog is like the Onion for military news.

QuoteWorld Begs U.S. To Use Military Force in Syria So They Can Bitch About It Later
NEW YORK â€" World leaders met at the United Nations today to beg the United States to use military force to stem the ever-growing humanitarian disaster in Syria, knowing full well they will then turn around and blame the US shortly thereafter.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said, “We call upon the world’s greatest nation â€" the United States â€" to help bring peace to this terrible civil war, because, fuck it, none of us want to.”

“And the best part is, when this whole thing goes to hell in a handbasket â€" which, quite frankly, happens almost every time you intervene in a multi-sided civil war in a God-forsaken third-world country â€" none of us are responsible for it!” Ki-Moon added.

The “Blame America First” policy is a time-honored tradition in international relations, dating back to the outrage over the US Air Force’s targeted bombing campaign against the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, followed by consternation over America’s idleness while the same Khmer Rouge murdered millions of their own countrymen.

“It’s pretty shameful, but hey, it got me a Pulitzer prize,” said Sydney Schanberg, whose two-faced coverage of the war in Cambodia in the New York Times inspired the Oscar-winning film, The Killing Fields.

“Amateurs tend to blame America first and then they’re done with it,” said anti-war MIT Professor Noam Chomsky.  “Just this past week, Vox’s Amanda Taub blamed the U.S. for the entire Syrian Civil War instead of blaming, well, the Syrians themselves.”

“But that’s the type of ‘Blame America First’ coverage that gets you a few thousand clicks at best,” Chomsky continued. “If you really want Oscars, Pulitzers, and charity donations, you have to sucker the US into intervening, then blame America!”

“Just look at Somalia: Send the U.S. military to help deal with a famine, then, boom! A firefight, a downed Black Hawk helicopter, and before you know it, a blockbuster movie from Michael Bay!” he concluded.

Schanberg pointed to the fact the “Blame America First” strategy hasn’t always mired America in pointless tribal conflicts.

“We thought we had a real winner with the whole ‘Stop Kony’ campaign, and even the whole ‘Bring Back Our Girls’ thing. But the US just responded with a whole bunch of Twitter hashtags,” Schanberg said.

“Which just goes to show you, for Obama, black lives just don’t matter, I guess.”

British Labour Party candidate Jeremy Corbyn had already prepared a statement denouncing U.S. actions should it, indeed, be suckered into sending military forces to resolve the Syrian refugee crisis.

“The U.S. has flagrantly placed its flag all throughout the world: invading Iraq, Afghanistan,” Corbyn said. “Just who do they think they are? Us?”

Read more:
How can you be sure my refusal to agree with your claim a symptom of my ignorance and not yours?


Draconic Aiur



Immigrants cause problems everywhere, this is caused by political-economics.  Xenophobia is the human norm ... not a nice norm, but it is the norm.  I wish Europe could be invaded by well cultured sharp dressing Italians ... oh, that already happened ;-)  Y'all could have avoided this, if you had skipped Nato and just allied with Stalin and the Warsaw Pact.  Too bad Stalin ruined the positive reputation of Russia, and wasn't even Russian ;-)  If America isn't involved, Europeans start world wars .. if the US is involved ... so far so good, barely.  The Atlantic Ocean can be useful keeping out boat people.  This will cause non-ME folk to move out of Europe to N and S America (like the Pope's Italian ancestors, and before that his Spanish ancestors).  America will benefit giving the entire technical staff of Europe an H1 Visa ... to match the ones already being given to Asians.  Unless of course y'all want to go eat ice cream in a blizzard in Moscow.  If Europeans are smart, y'all will burn up all the W European energy sources, and then scram.  Let the ME folk have the clinkers of your dead coal fired power stations.

Totalitarianism is normal in modernity too.  Soviet Union and Nazi Germany had the standard hard kind.  GB and USA have the inverted soft kind.  Murder Inc vs KGB.  It takes power to stand up to power, and it wasn't democratic propaganda alone that did it, but Anglo-American our-evil-is-better-than-your-evil.  As the production of power becomes more diffuse ... solar for domestic and nuclear for industry ... it will be necessary to deploy greater soft-power against the citizens.  Hard-power is so ... 20th century ;-)
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Immigration has always been taking place - the hordes of barbarians invading the Roman Empire, the Mongols with Genghis Khan, the Europeans taking over the Americas, and so on. Human have been living dangerously, before Nietzsche said it.


Quote from: pr126 on September 29, 2015, 12:23:48 AM

It's a false debate that is presented in that video. The premise: are people responsible for the actions of their government? After some predictable arguments, it's a resounding no. Lots of misconceptions: as in, let's have a referendum on accepting refugees, and only those who say yes pay for the cost. Never going to happen. The video is attempting to place the notion, Accepting refugees or not, on a moral basis with dubious arguments. First, it's not just a moral question, but more of practicality and geo-political concerns. Secondly, it's a test of our values.


"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur