Dr. Ruth: being naked with a man is like playing in traffic.

Started by Valigarmander, June 10, 2015, 05:16:06 PM

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Quote from: the_antithesis on June 14, 2015, 06:37:11 PM
Then do not say things like "Simply put, when 20% of women have faced being raped, that is a rape culture" because it muddies the waters. It does because you then said that your quoted statement is not true. Simply put, the percentage of women who've faced being raped does not mater. Do not use percentages, then unless you want to confuse people if they focus on that part of your post. And if you think people won't or shouldn't, welcome to dealing with human beings. We fucking suck.

No, otherwise rational people intentionally trying to weesle their way around an issue fucking suck, and that is not the average person.

If we took "AND the fact that rapists get away scott free the majority of the time" out of the post, does that mean it's no longer a rape culture?

What you just said is that if you take something out of the equation, it doesn't matter. So let's take that one above out... wait, look, it's still a rape culture!

I don't get why people are playing intentionally dumb as a bag of shit in this thread, but it's getting really old, really fast. The percentage matters in that, the higher it is, the worse it is (obviously). But even if we got that percentage to near zero, the culture itself is still a rape culture for all the reasons I posted and then some. But just like if you took rapists having custody of their kids out of the equation... that doesn't mean that it was therefor never an issue because it didn't fix the problem itself. Just like getting the percentage to near 0 wouldn't mean that it was therefor never actually a problem... IT IS ONE PART OF A FAR BIGGER PROBLEM.

This is why I have been trying to avoid this thread... you people are acting like a bunch of 10 year olds or Kirk Cameron or whoever defending their faith... just mental gymnatstics, and "NUH UHHHH, YOU DUMBIE HEAD LOLLOLLOL!".

It's getting really fucking pathetic, and you know what... if it was over what someone's favourite movie was, or is there a god, whatever... who the fuck cares? But over the fact that we live in a culture that is tolerant of people being fucking raped? Grow the fuck up. When I of all people am having to tell people to act like adults... jesus christ.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


You first, kid. I mean, you are still posting in this thread, aren't you? I am as well but I am bored and uninterested in being a better person.

I think my main beef is with the term "rape culture." It's kind of like calling a cell phone a "brain tumor generator." As if this topic isn't emotional enough, we need a term like that meant to provoke. Not enlighten. Not educate. Not illustrate. Just provoke an emotional reaction. Because that's what we need. It's fucking helpful.

I don't know why this ballooned up to nine worthless pages or why Dr Ruth's original comments seem to be so controversial.

"I am 100% against rape. I do say to women if they don't want to have sex with a man, they should not be naked in bed w/him.

That's risky behavior like crossing street against the light. If a driver hits you, he's legally in the wrong but you're in the hospital."

I think the last sentence says it all. You can bang on for the rest of your life about rape culture if you want to, but you still have to live in the world that exists. Which means that if you do not want certain things to happen to you, you should modify your own behavior accordingly. If you don't want to get a sunburn, you don't sit out in the sun without wearing sunscreen. I don't see how this translates into blaming the victim unless someone is a complete narcissist. "But I don't want a sunburn." Then you should wear sunscreen and get some shade every once in a while. "But I shouldn't have to wear sunscreen. The sun shouldn't burn me." Rape shouldn't happen, but should's are a lousy form of protection. A guy should stop when a woman asks him to, but should's remain a lousy form of protection.

That and everyone is way to sensitive when it comes to sex. I mean, is rape the worst thing that can happen to a person? If so, then thank goodness my niece is dead from cancer so that will never happen to her. For fuck's sake.


Right, well, I see you have missed everything said in this thread so far since you are arguing about something that was dispelled on the very first page.

Have fun with that then. I don't know why, when it comes to race, rape or gays... all of the sudden perfectly reasonable people throw all their brains out the door and becoming raging assholes and go through so many mental hoops to avoid grasping even the most basic of concepts, but every time one of those gets brought up here... bam, suddenly it's hard to believe certain people can walk and talk and become raging assholes in nothing flat. It's almost impressive, if it wasn't so depressing. If you really don't grasp how...

QuoteA guy should stop when a woman asks him to, but should's remain a lousy form of protection.

... is not victim blaming, saying that it's her fault for being so lousy at protecting herself and defending people who took it ever further than that, then whatever. You are part of a terrible fucking problem with society, but at least you're not alone... even here, where self-proclaimed rational people who are so smug in how much more reasonable they are than believers throw all that reason out the window and act like a pack of creationists defending their position when it is something they disagree with it... be it gun control, race issues, feminism, rape or what have you, what ever the flavour of the day is.

QuoteThat and everyone is way to sensitive when it comes to sex. I mean, is rape the worst thing that can happen to a person? If so, then thank goodness my niece is dead from cancer so that will never happen to her. For fuck's sake.

Yes, how dare people be sensitive when it comes to being assaulted and molested. What a bunch of fucking pussies. Expecially when nearly half a country of 318 million people will face it in one way or another.

QuoteI think my main beef is with the term "rape culture."

Seriously, why the fuck is this so insulting to you, and several other people here? I just don't get why the fuck you take this so personally. There is nothing provoking about it, it is saying that rape is a problem in our culture. Are you a rapist? Do you believe rapists should be defended? If no and no, then there is no reason in all of fuckity fuckland this should be provocative to you. And then you follow it up by saying people need to be less sensitive... I just really don't grasp this. This is exactly what I am talking about... one second you are saying people need to be less sensitive, after you just got done saying the term is sensitive and shouldn't be used because it hurts people's feelings. "Reason and rationality ----> door ----> bye bye!".

Fucking stay consistent, or just stop.

Quote... and uninterested in being a better person.

That's a real shame.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Quote from: Mr.Obvious on June 14, 2015, 04:01:31 PM

When person A asks person B to stop doing something and person B refuses, after being informed to stop, person B becomes responsible.
This is where I suppose your equation/percentage game comes in, as you bring up percentages again. But if 90% of the sex was consensual before it became nonconsensual, B isn't only responsible for 10% of the actual crime.
My friend, I believe we have take our respective metaphors completely in the wrong sense. My entire argument, that has remained the same since my first post, is, once again, while is is expected that a man will stop copulating when asked, there is a very real chance that this will not happen, and to that, it would be wise, and the good Dr Ruth suggests, to consider that the man won't stop, thus saving us all a lot of problems. The point here being that sure we get drunk and stoned some times and do stupid shit like invite some stranger to fuck us and then demand they stop and now somehow proclaim a crime has been committed because, " I was drunk and stupid and did something stupid, but the other drunk and stupid should have stopped when I asked him too, therefore lets throw him in jail for 10 years and ignore the drunk and stupid I did."

QuoteAlso, to the other comment in which you say Drunkenshoe had sex with a woman and I haven't (because I'm counting myself as a regular poster in this thread). Really?
For the life of me I don't know why, aitm, but I thought you would be better than mudslinging.
See you are projecting, I did not suggest in any way this as an insult only that I am more familiar with Solitary and APA's history therefore was sure they had sex with a woman and I thought for sure a few years ago that shoe said we was bi- so I missed that. You took that as an insult towards you but it had nothing at all to do with you. Frankly for all the time you have been here I do not recall any of your posts talking about your personal life in regards to whether you were even hetero which until now, I really did not know.

As to my metaphors, they are really quite simple. Suggesting that because something is against the law is, as I sure fucking thought everyone here would recognize, is no guarantee that people will respect the law and not run you over, continue to fuck you or break any and every law simply because you don't think they should.

But really I want to get back to the percentages because I find your view rather interesting in that you seem to think that a person who initiates sex with a person has absolutely no guilt if the sex does not turn out satisfactorily. In this thread, satisfactory seems to be an immediate cessation to the act of sex which the first person initiated.  I cannot do that. I hold each person responsible for their own behavior, and I have pounded this into my daughter heads as well (to what avail yet, I do not know) That some people believe a person responsibility to initiating something that does not turn out to their liking is therefore not responsible for any part of the act is rather stunning.  You know in your first metaphor with the guy giving the other person a ride and having the other person take over….lets make it a little similar. The person stops the car, tells the other person how great the car is and invites the person to take it for a test ride and tells him to "put it through the mill". This is a little more similar to our scenario I think.
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Quote from: Shiranu on June 14, 2015, 05:40:45 PM
I cant speak for Belgium, but coming from the country that exports more "culture" than anyone else, and is talked about more than any other country in the world... yeah, the United States definitely has a rape culture and I can see how we would make it seem like it's a huge problem in the West. I don't know the numbers for Europe so I cant speak for how prevalent it is or isn't over there. I can only speak from my experiences and use examples from people here...

I will use a couple of quotes from this article...

Thanks Shiranu. I'll be looking into that. I found the original report over at http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/nisvs/summary_reports.html. It, being over 120 pages long, might take me some time to go through it. (We were taught never to just acccept statistics you see in articles, and if possible always go back to the original.) But I do plan on doing so. I'll give your reply a more propper reply then. Just a heads up because it may take a while.

Thanks again.
"If we have to go down, we go down together!"
- Your mum, last night, requesting 69.

Atheist Mantis does not pray.


Quote from: the_antithesis on June 14, 2015, 07:34:46 PM
You first, kid. I mean, you are still posting in this thread, aren't you? I am as well but I am bored and uninterested in being a better person.

Simply put, noone is interested in you being uninterested or bored. Noone gives a fuck how unhappy and disappointed you are with your life is. We ALL are in some way or another. THat doesn't give anyone some special position on spewing bullshit down their high horse. You are posting in this thread, right? 

This is your fucking pride talking. Yes, that thing you come up with to slap every religious retard come to this site. Your pride. There is a serious world issue half of the world population HAS to deal with every day, everywhere and it is not going go away OR treated to be with less importance, just because you and majority of the het men in the world are too stupid to get it, uninterested or bored with it.

This is about supporting men's rights too, but as almost all men in this forum -save a few- not even in the first beginner phase to get what's going on, that's over your current civilisation level. We'll skip that.

QuoteI think my main beef is with the term "rape culture." It's kind of like calling a cell phone a "brain tumor generator." As if this topic isn't emotional enough, we need a term like that meant to provoke. Not enlighten. Not educate. Not illustrate. Just provoke an emotional reaction. Because that's what we need. It's fucking helpful.

Yeah, they sit down around and think of terms that will provoke emotional reactions about rape. Just like the religious people think what scientists do with evolution and global warming I suppose.

That is the probably the most stupid example I have heard about the subject. Trust me, republitards in your country have come up with better ones.

You don't know anything about rape culture, you don't want to know and you just talk out of your ass. Rape culture is not some fancy made up term, a bunch of angry 'feminazi' came up to express their 'hate' towrads men. The bullshit category it relies on DEFINED the relationships in your life too. It's in all of our lives.

QuoteI don't know why this ballooned up to nine worthless pages or why Dr Ruth's original comments seem to be so controversial.

Yeah, you don't. Because you are too fucking angry AND that makes you very fucking stupid. Angry generally with life. With people. 

Quote"I am 100% against rape. I do say to women if they don't want to have sex with a man, they should not be naked in bed w/him.


Since when you are supporting polictically correct bullshit, anti? Saying there is a rape culture is 'emotional bullshit', but that^ statement is explanatory, is that it? Call a spade, a fucking spade.

I am prescribing a good, big 'go fuck yourself' to the doctor and anyone who support her. She is a senile dinosaur defending a rape culture BY VOICING THIS BULLSHIT with NO biological or physiological base behind it.

QuoteThat's risky behavior like crossing street against the light. If a driver hits you, he's legally in the wrong but you're in the hospital."

I think the last sentence says it all. You can bang on for the rest of your life about rape culture if you want to, but you still have to live in the world that exists. Which means that if you do not want certain things to happen to you, you should modify your own behavior accordingly. If you don't want to get a sunburn, you don't sit out in the sun without wearing sunscreen. I don't see how this translates into blaming the victim unless someone is a complete narcissist. "But I don't want a sunburn." Then you should wear sunscreen and get some shade every once in a while. "But I shouldn't have to wear sunscreen. The sun shouldn't burn me." Rape shouldn't happen, but should's are a lousy form of protection. A guy should stop when a woman asks him to, but should's remain a lousy form of protection.

That and everyone is way to sensitive when it comes to sex. I mean, is rape the worst thing that can happen to a person? If so, then thank goodness my niece is dead from cancer so that will never happen to her. For fuck's sake.

Listen kiddo, rape is NOT an accident. How most men choose to act under some circumstances we have been talking about here is just a CHOICE THEY MAKE during a ONE on ONE action and relationship, right and there. Something they do because they see themselves entitled to do it, bercause of their gender, their sexual orientation. That is a result of rape culture ALONG with many other. 'Victim blaming' and 'victim shaming' for example are part of rape culture. They are as old as rape. Are you going to claim that they are invented to get emotional reactions, too?

Whenever a woman is raped the first thing people question is,

-what she was wearing
-at what time she was out
-she knew the man who raped her?
-did she date him before or was dating him when the rape occur
-was she drunk
-did she dance with her?

Any women who was raped under these circumstances is 'ASKING FOR IT'. Don't come to me with 'I personally don't think like that'. 

This only goes for women. ONLY. Because patriarchal culture recognises ONLY heterosexual male sexuality as the defining one and the rest is forced to accomodate and serve it. Every other sexuality is 'limited' and defined according to that. This is the idea that lies behind of usual, common het men behaviour. It's NOT A CAR ACCIDENT. It's a fucking choice. It's one gender exploiting, oppressing all the others.

-Homosexual men are 'unnatural perverts', because they are NOT heterosexual men.

-Lesbians are 'unnatural perverts' because they are seen as 'playing the het men's role' or having some sexual relationship without men, which is not defined as 'sex' in the common bigotry

-A transgender woman or man is at the bottom of the food chain, because one 'chooses' to be a 'woman' something 'less' than what he started with AND other is trying to be something 'more' than she is.

You understand ALL the bullshit that we struggle because of the religious, tribalist, backwards social norms and roles that are constantly forced on us AND you don't understand this?!

Do you know what does 'she is asking for it' mean or 'this is the reality, deal with it' mean? It means THAT under certain circumstances determined according to the male culture RAPE IS A REALITY APPROVED BY SOCIETY THAT WOMEN HAVE TO ACCEPT, because they are women.

Same with getting naked with a man in bed. If the woman stops giving her consent, doesn't like what is happening anymore, she is TO BLAME. That's a reality. And when people CALL THAT REALITY as if there is unstoppable natural phenomenon behind it, it becomes RAPE CULTURE. This is not an accident or a natural disaster.

Your niece's death, or an anology of a car accident HAS nothing to do with cultural, social norms that has been nailed in to our heads that we are suffering from.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Quote from: aitm on June 14, 2015, 08:08:12 PM
My entire argument, that has remained the same since my first post, is, once again, while is is expected that a man will stop copulating when asked, there is a very real chance that this will not happen, and to that, it would be wise, and the good Dr Ruth suggests, to consider that the man won't stop, thus saving us all a lot of problems.

Why isn't the doctor saying out loud that 'MEN can stop and so should STOP' when they are told to stop in that position, but 'we should ALSO always be careful' ? Why is her 'warning' is based on heterosexual males being some sort of mindless animals with a 'natural' right to not to be denied their way at that moment?

Because we shouldn't 'berate' men. We 'shouldn't' bruise their egos or their manhood. If a woman stands out and expresses these facts loudly in media, she would be LYNCHED. Esp. if is she was a young woman. The rape threats would fly over her head. How does she dare to berate men?! Like What happened with Rebecca Watson or Anita Sarkeesian with sceptic, free thinking, atheist het men.

'Warning' people to consider to be careful while deciding to have sex with strangers IS COMPLETELY DIFFERTENT than telling them 'BEING NAKED WITH A MAN IS LIKE PLAYING IN TRAFFIC'.

She is not making a 'warning'. She wants women to accept that they should accept to be raped when they are in a certain position with a man. That's NOT a warning. That's telling women 'take that and deal with it'.

She gives a green card to men to go on as they like because that's fucking 'legitimate' when it is a man.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


So Shoe, what then is the punishment. On one hand, most of us, surely all of us, agree that battering a woman and fucking her against her will in a parking garage is rape. And for the sake of argument lets say this is an automatic 20 years. What is the punishment for a man whose 44th thrust during consensual sex is legal but the 45th is now rape?
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Quote from: aitm on June 15, 2015, 07:43:38 AM
So Shoe, what then is the punishment. On one hand, most of us, surely all of us, agree that battering a woman and fucking her against her will in a parking garage is rape. And for the sake of argument lets say this is an automatic 20 years. What is the punishment for a man whose 44th thrust during consensual sex is legal but the 45th is now rape?

That is the problem. You think that rape has some rare special circumstance crime that occurs with 'extra violence' commited by some 'monster', one of those serial rapists, sexual psychopaths or sexual sadists we find often in tv series than real life. That's also one of the reasons men jump at most cases with 'false blame' and with 'aah there is no evidence of violence, see'.

How do you even ask a question like this to me? Have you ever been curious what I think about the punishment must be for murder? Or for petty theft? Or genocide? Don't play games. How can I know and what does it even matter if I give you a number?

You haven't once acknowledged the fact that there is a green card given to heterosexual male on 'how he can act' if he wants/chooses and that woman is supporting this with her so called 'warning' AND you are asking me what should be the punishment?

You don't even openly say -like most het males here- what you perfectly know about how 'male culture' rules on almost everything with women and their sexuality -not to mention other genders and other sexualities- hell, you have lived through 70s, 80s and so on which was far worse, while you keep indicate nothing will change on 'how men will act'. But you can't just say it out loud. Instead you keep banging, beating around the bush that 'what a man is likely to do' and how that is reality.

You keep talking as if there is NO connection with this and the whole male culture we live in. It's a fucking car crash to you. And as I am the master 'evil femicunt' hating all het men in the world, I probably thought a good vengeful punisment, didn't I?. Because if we can't slice something that can be measurable in our 'perfect' laws made by our 'nothing wrong' with patriarchal human culture, it doesn't exist. It's not an issue. Sorry, 'drunkenshoe program against all heterosexual men of the planet earth' doesn't have an answer. /Sarcasm. Heavy one.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


I have several times agree that a person should stop when asked, you never read that part. I then say, just because you think they should stop doesn't mean they will. You take that as I hold men have the right to rape women, which again I have not stated nor to I share the sentiment.

However, if you want to call rape on the 49th stroke after 48 consensual ones good luck with that, because that will never happen. You can call that a "male culture" if you wish, but I call it common sense. We don't send people to jail when consensual sex is not good enough, not long enough, or does not stop at the exact precise time you hollar stop. You can come up with another name for it, but standing a real rape victim next to a gal whose only  objection to the act was the guy coming in her is a farce.
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Quote from: aitm on June 15, 2015, 11:35:29 AM
I have several times agree that a person should stop when asked, you never read that part.

I did. And you also said this is where you stand:

QuoteYeah, sorry, I am one of those guys that if you say you got raped and you were naked in a bed shoving some guys dick into your snatch, I have a hard time standing on your side of the table.

QuoteI then say, just because you think they should stop doesn't mean they will. You take that as I hold men have the right to rape women, which again I have not stated nor to I share the sentiment.

Yeah, that is what I am talking about and keep telling you that people like Ruth, like you, majority of the world population, men and women; all the fucking patriarchal culture we live in is TELLING them that it is OK to NOT to STOP.


Yeah, so for the same bullshit that goes down there. 'Real rape' victim. When is rape real to you? Would it be real if your daughter lived something through like that and tell you that she made it perfectly clear that she stopped enjoying it after the 48 stroke, but that the man said 'Good luck, that won't happen'? Does that put things a bit a more clear perspective for you or am I just being a 'nasty cunt' as usual? Are you going to tell her that her objection was just to the act guy coming in her is a farce? Because common sense says, 'she shouldn't demand a stop and lie there and take it, because she is a woman'?

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Firstly, the only person who consistently calls you names is you. I haven't.

If you asked my daughter how I feel about this she will tell you exactly what I have told you. I will tell my granddaughter the same thing.

The only protector of your body is you. Nobody else is looking out for your welfare.

Maybe it is my idea of personal responsibility that you seem to have an issue with. If I fuck a gal and don't use a condom or if she is not on the pill, I am 100% responsible if she gets pregnant or if I get STD's. I am the sole protector of my body. If a gal lets a guy fuck her without a condom or she is not on the pill, she is 100% responsible if she gets pregnant or if she gets an STD. She is the sole protector of her body.

I have been using this as my main defense for womens rights for 40 years. It's her body her fucking choice! She is the sole protector and warden of her body, men don't have a fucking say in the issue. Period.

And because of that, if you do stupid shit and stupid shit happens quit fucking blaming other people for your stupidity. Pull a knife out of the sheathing to see if its sharp? It's sharp you moron, why are you suing? Walk across the road without looking, get ready to get slamed, oh sure they are wrong but that's a fine blanket to lay on your casket you fucking idiot! Get out of the drivers seat of a motor home because the fucking button says "automatic control"? Of course you crashed you fucking moron. Climb into bed and start fucking some guy? Guess what? Good chance you're fucked.

Lastly your last sentence tells me that you are indeed, at least for that sentence, being stupid. Of course she can ask the guy to stop stupid, of course she should, I have said all along they have the right. Stop being so fucking stupid.  You would tell her "don't worry he will", and I am saying, "don't count on it. The only person looking out for your welfare is you."

Why must I be so rigid on that to my daughter and granddaughter? Because they are woman, and men are men and I know the difference.
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Quote from: aitm on June 15, 2015, 01:56:33 PM
Lastly your last sentence tells me that you are indeed, at least for that sentence, being stupid. Of course she can ask the guy to stop stupid, of course she should, I have said all along they have the right. Stop being so fucking stupid.  You would tell her "don't worry he will", and I am saying, "don't count on it. The only person looking out for your welfare is you."

For the 10th time, aitm. I have never said anything like this, I would never say anything as stupid as that to someone, neither I act that way myself. Stop putting words in my mouth!

QuoteThe only protector of your body is you. Nobody else is looking out for your welfare.

No, this is something beyond that. You are talking like half secularised muslim clerics.

QuoteMaybe it is my idea of personal responsibility that you seem to have an issue with.


QuoteIf I fuck a gal and don't use a condom or if she is not on the pill, I am 100% responsible if she gets pregnant or if I get STD's. I am the sole protector of my body. If a gal lets a guy fuck her without a condom or she is not on the pill, she is 100% responsible if she gets pregnant or if she gets an STD. She is the sole protector of her body.

Irrelevant. We are talking about something else.

QuoteI have been using this as my main defense for womens rights for 40 years. It's her body her fucking choice! She is the sole protector and warden of her body, men don't have a fucking say in the issue. Period.

No, you cannot defend women's rights just by telling one gender, only women 'NOT TO BE STUPID by her choices'.  Because this is something beyond about being clever or protect your own body.

Men need to acknowledge the general male culture and how does that cause men act in certain ways, doesn't matter how smart your pick.

This CANNOT be a one sided thing. You have to mess up with the other side. You need to educate men while you are tell women being careful.

Otherwise, it is NOT different than just trying to cover women and limit their interaction with men as much as possible. Do you think what muslims do relies on something different than the idea of "how a man will act"? Theirs is just extreme. The idea is the exactly same. The application is different.

You have to mess up with male culture. Teach men that they are not entitled. You cannot even say that out loud in an internet forum. You don't accept it. And then tell me that how it is being stupid for women act in some way...blah blah. 

QuoteAnd because of that, if you do stupid shit and stupid shit happens quit fucking blaming other people for your stupidity. Pull a knife out of the sheathing to see if its sharp? It's sharp you moron, why are you suing? Walk across the road without looking, get ready to get slamed, oh sure they are wrong but that's a fine blanket to lay on your casket you fucking idiot! Get out of the drivers seat of a motor home because the fucking button says "automatic control"? Of course you crashed you fucking moron. Climb into bed and start fucking some guy? Guess what? Good chance you're fucked.

This is NOT an accident. Same thing will happen doesn't matter how smart you fuck. You are the one who is blaming women for something that can happen, JUST because men think it's their entitlement. You only want to berate women, you need to do that to men too. You KNOW this, you perfectly understand what am I talking about you fucking hypocritical bullkheaded asshole.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


(snip)- reconsidered….simply not worth the effort…..

A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


Ah...that's rich.

Show that effort to understand that you are holding one gender, one side responsible for some thing that goes wrong because other side think it's his right. From victim blaming to covering up women and you thinking that this is about women's choice relies on the same idea. Part of the same pattern.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp