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want to see insanity?

Started by Goon, May 19, 2015, 10:04:11 PM

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ask a christian to explain the 50+ million miscarriages globally a year. I seriously feeling like lighting myself on fire. How is this defensible in their minds? "His plan isn't inaccurate." I don't even know why I made this thread. I just fucking think I've had enough of trying to figure out how to solve christianity. I know now it's stupidity I'm trying to fix. Does that make me stupid? Desperate? Both? lol
You evolutionists are spoiling our fun!


Quote from: Goon on May 19, 2015, 10:04:11 PM
ask a christian to explain the 50+ million miscarriages globally a year. I seriously feeling like lighting myself on fire. How is this defensible in their minds? "His plan isn't inaccurate." I don't even know why I made this thread. I just fucking think I've had enough of trying to figure out how to solve christianity. I know now it's stupidity I'm trying to fix. Does that make me stupid? Desperate? Both? lol
It's gods pissy plan to fuck with parents and test their faith by killing their kids before they're born... If you believe he killed them for any good goddamned reason then you get a free pass and never have to make sense about anything ever again..
As George Carlin said god must be a temp with a shitty attitude..
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Ask them why are they going to hospitals or birth clinics during their pregnancy or to give birth, but not just go on blind and have it whenever/wherever they are when the baby comes. If the child is considered in god's plan she/he should be born healthy without any complications under any circumstances. Otherwise how do we know who is included in his plan or not if we intervene? I mean, all this people survived complicated births by the help of modern medicine probably pissed the god off like you don't know what, becasuse they weren't supposed to be included in the plan. No wonder world is a mess!

I won't even mention the diabetic bastards dropped dead nearly a hundred years ago as they should. Now they can live a healthy long life, because of a two godless sons of bitches thought they can do better than god?! Can you imagine his wrath on this? 

There. insanity.

Good morning.

"science is not about building a body of known 'facts'. ıt is a method for asking awkward questions and subjecting them to a reality-check, thus avoiding the human tendency to believe whatever makes us feel good." - tp


Good point drunkenshoe!  :super: How anyone past 12 years old can believe there is a loving God after all the carnage that has been done for recorded history that is not anyone's fault but the universe itself is beyond me. Religion even stopped anesthesia because they thought it was against God's plan. Mother Teresa was made a Saint even though she thought suffering brought you closer to God---of course it does if you think He is real and will take your suffering away, but has it ever happened without death---See God is loving.  :eek: :wall: My brain hurts when I think like a theist.  :doh: :eyes: :sad2: Solitary
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.

Mike Cl

Quote from: Goon on May 19, 2015, 10:04:11 PM
ask a christian to explain the 50+ million miscarriages globally a year. I seriously feeling like lighting myself on fire. How is this defensible in their minds? "His plan isn't inaccurate." I don't even know why I made this thread. I just fucking think I've had enough of trying to figure out how to solve christianity. I know now it's stupidity I'm trying to fix. Does that make me stupid? Desperate? Both? lol
This is the key, Goon--you said...had enough of trying to figure out how to solve christianity. I know now it's stupidity I'm trying to fix.
You cannot 'fix' christanity.  You cannot 'fix' a christian.  All you can do is say what you mean and mean what you say--and say it with solid reasoning.  That's all.  Most of what you say will fall on deaf ears.  If you go into a conversation expecting to fix anything or change anybodies mind, then you will only frustrate yourself and that will only hurt you.  Only you can change you--and only them can change them.  Do the best you can, with no expectations and you will be much happier about life.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?

Feral Atheist

The answer is in your title.  Insanity
In dog beers I've only had one.


Quote from: drunkenshoe on May 20, 2015, 02:39:26 AM
Ask them why are they going to hospitals or birth clinics during their pregnancy or to give birth, but not just go on blind and have it whenever/wherever they are when the baby comes. If the child is considered in god's plan she/he should be born healthy without any complications under any circumstances. Otherwise how do we know who is included in his plan or not if we intervene?

I really loathe that 19 Kids and Counting show, but I heard recently one of their daughters had an emergency C-section. My first thought was, that's kind of stacking the deck in "God's plan" for your family, isn't it? Surely death in childbirth is fair game in God's plan, no?
How can you be sure my refusal to agree with your claim a symptom of my ignorance and not yours?


Maybe God's goodness can be seen by the fact that all the suffering in the universe happens only (as far as anyone knows) on this tiny planet, and the whole rest of the universe is free from pain and agony.
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman


Typical response: "God is GOD and can do whatever he wants!! If he does it, it's good by definition! After all, he works in mysterious ways and has a plan for each of us! HAVE FAITH!!!!!"
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful." - Seneca


Quote from: AllPurposeAtheist on May 20, 2015, 12:24:38 AM
It's gods pissy plan to fuck with parents and test their faith by killing their kids before they're born... If you believe he killed them for any good goddamned reason then you get a free pass and never have to make sense about anything ever again..
As George Carlin said god must be a temp with a shitty attitude..

And it has to be said, god is not above giving parents five or six years of a child's life and then taking it away.

Come let us adore him.


Let's see now..suppose you were god and wanted to test someone's faith.. How would you do it?

I know..make em pregnant and madly in love with the greatest man imaginable..Great job,  wonderful house and 3 other great kids.. Right before number 4 is born take the little ones brain and put it..oh..let's just say where the sun don't shine and his toes sticking out of its little ears..Let's also put its little heart behind one of his or her little knees and then let the kid live for about 5 years in complete agony with utterly no chance of survival and white we're at it lets cancel the old man's health insurance coverage and give him just enough of a raise at work so they don't qualify for public assistance....
That ladies and gentlemen is gods never ending love..
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Quote from: Atheon on May 21, 2015, 12:47:20 AM
Typical response: "God is GOD and can do whatever he wants!! If he does it, it's good by definition! After all, he works in mysterious ways and has a plan for each of us! HAVE FAITH!!!!!"

Yeah, cause it must have been God that gave my mum and dads first son before I was born terminal cancer and die an agonizing death at age 12 while mum could do nothing, leading to her almost committing suicide from the misery it caused her.
Yeah, if I had a Christian say it's gods will that a 12 year old dies a painful death and his mother nearly kills herself, all because it's part of God's plan, I would kick the fucker to the ground and lay my boot heal in his nutsack, telling him here's your mysterious ways.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin


Christians and members of other monotheistic religions necessarily believe they live in an inherently moral universe. The universe however obviously doesn't know any morality. That's what gets them into troubles like these.



It isn't entirely their fault they're stuck in delusions such as this. When someone with rabies tries to gnash and claw their way through a pair of restraints, showing them the logical inconsistencies in their actions doesn't eliminate any traces of rabies, but is more likely to simply provoke them further.

Rabies victims are irrational in their later stages, and hardly coherent. We should be less focusing on attacking the religious and instead try to figure out the root of the problem to eliminate it from there.

Mike Cl

Quote from: AtheistLemon on June 02, 2015, 04:47:05 PM
It isn't entirely their fault they're stuck in delusions such as this. When someone with rabies tries to gnash and claw their way through a pair of restraints, showing them the logical inconsistencies in their actions doesn't eliminate any traces of rabies, but is more likely to simply provoke them further.

Rabies victims are irrational in their later stages, and hardly coherent. We should be less focusing on attacking the religious and instead try to figure out the root of the problem to eliminate it from there.
Ahhh, yes!  A vaccine.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?