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new theory

Started by aetzbar, March 22, 2015, 04:45:34 PM

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Would address my post as painting
My painting is measured by the right or wrong
And not by the beautiful or ugly


Would address my post as painting
My painting is measured by the right or wrong
And not by the beautiful or ugly


Would address my post as painting
My painting is measured by the right or wrong
And not by the beautiful or ugly


Not sure why that tidbit of wisdom deserved three posts, but OK whatever you say.
"How long will we be
Waiting, for your modern messiah
To take away all the hatred
That darkens the light in your eye"
  -Disturbed, Liberate


well 6378 more precisely, but that is at the equator not at the axis its only 6375, so there!
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


How cute!   He looks like he's trying to re-invent Newtonian physics.

He's going to need a lot more maths.
Winner of WitchSabrinas Best Advice Award 2012

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real
tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. -Plato

Sargon The Grape

Quote from: aetzbar on March 24, 2015, 03:24:11 PM
Would address my post as painting
My painting is measured by the right or wrong
And not by the beautiful or ugly
Speak when you have something to say, not when you have to say something.

My Youtube Channel


A new physical theory belongs to the kingdom of stars. By Aetzbar -------------------- 1

The stars are moving and never stop.                                                                                                 
Stars move like a screw â€" turn and advanced. (Aetzbar's view)                                                     
   Each star is a central star and side star, at the same time.(Copernican view)           
The Sun is a central star for the Earth ,and Earth is a central star for the Moon.         
The Earth is a side star for the Sun, and the Moon is a side star for the Earth.             
Side star revolves around central stare, with lap time T                                                 
Let's say that the sun is a point and earth as a point                                                   
If we move away from the sun,the distance D will increase from zero km to infinity km
lap time T will increase (from zero hours  to infinity hours)                                           
If we move  away from the Earth,( D will increase from zero km to infinity km )           
lap time T will increase (from zero hours to infinity hours)                                           
The Sun has a unique fit between  D to and T.                                                             
The Earth has a unique fit between  D and T.                                                               
Each star has its unique fit between D and T.                                                             
Kepler fined the formula of all stars  D^3 : T^2 = P                                                     
P is a unique number of star, that represents a unique fit between D and T.             
How to get the P of earth ?                                                                                                                     
The earth is a central star for the moon.                                                                                               
Moon is far from earth D =  384000 km, and time it orbited the earth T = 672 hours.                 
P of Earth = 384000^3 : 672^2 = 1.25*10^11                                                                                     

A new physical theory belongs to the kingdom of stars. By Aetzbar -------------------- 2

Finding p of the Sun.                                                                                                                             
The Sun is a central star for the earth (with the moon moves around)                                       
P is obtained by the distance ( Earth â€" Sun) and time of 1 year in hours.                                   
P of Sun = 429*10^14                                                                                                                             
Newton's view                                                                                                             
Each star has its Material quantity  M                                                                                   
  Newton presented the relationship between M and P ( M1 : M2 = P1 : P2 )               

After P and M of star , reaches  ]T[ of star.  ( ]T[  is  Cycle Time of star)                                       
  Galileo introduced an imaginary experiment , in which a ball falls to the entrance of a           
Tunnel  that reaches the other side of the earth. This ball will illustrated a pendulum             
  Movement ( cycle time =  1.4 hours ) between the two openings of the tunnel.                       
Glileo's experiment  determines the Cycle Time of earth ( 1.4 hours)                                           
each star has its Cycle time.                                                                                                                 
Natural connection                                                                                                                                 
M of star  determines its  ]T[ , by the formula  M* ]T[^2 = K  (Aetzbar's view)               
Because  M1 : M2 = P1 : P2                                                                                       
We have the formula  P* ]T[^2 = K                                                                                                     
According to P of Earth and  ]T[ of Earth , K = 2.5*10^11                                                             
With the formula  P* ]T[^2 = 2.5 *10^11 can calculate ]T[ of Sun = 8.7 seconds                       

A new physical theory belongs to the kingdom of stars. By Aetzbar ---------------3

Predetermined distance of 6300 km , for   T  =   ]T[                                                                         
    The formula  P* ]T[^2 = 2.5*10^11                                                                                                     
is the formula  (D^3 : T^2)* ]T[^2 = 2.5 * 10^11                                                                                 
  The formula shows that the situation of  T = ]T[  appears at the distance of 6300 km, from 
the center of each star.                                                                                                                       
D^3 = 2.5*10^11                                                                                                                                     
D = 6300 km                                                                                                                                             
Why ?                                                                                                                           
Why 6300 km from the center,   and not  7214 km from the center ? The formula of
Kepler D^3 : T^2 = P  is also suitable for 7214 km ,  12879 km  ,  670 km , and so on
Why 6300 km ?                                                                                                             

There is no choice but to accept the next miraculous story.                                         
Kingdom of the stars chose a distance of 6300 km.                                                     
Then metaphysical law was passed,                                                                             
Equality  T =  ]T[ will only appear, within a 6300 km from the center of star.                 
Earth was chosen to represent the law.                                                                         
Radius of Earth is 6300 km and Cycle Time of Earth is 1.4 hours.                               
Satellite moves closer to Earth, makes a complete revolution in 1.4 hours.                 

Cycle Time of the Sun is 8.7 seconds.                                                                           
Suppose the Sun as a point, and a satellite around her ,within 6300 km                       
The lap time  T  will be  8.7 seconds.                                                                             

The result of unique P to each star, is due to the metaphysical law.                           


Quote from: Jason78 on March 24, 2015, 04:38:52 PM
How cute!   He looks like he's trying to re-invent Newtonian physics.

He's going to need a lot more maths.

Maybe he'll invent his own, like Newton did.
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman


I wonder how long it will take him to get to F = mg?
Winner of WitchSabrinas Best Advice Award 2012

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real
tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. -Plato


We see the OP, no need to repeat the OP.