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Looking for a 1-on-1 discussion.

Started by redsoxfan77, September 29, 2014, 02:49:57 PM

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There's really no defense for the Catholic Church.  You can brag it up all you want, but it's vile and corrupt, a rotting fish that contaminates our society, and the people that see it as a force of good are woefully lost in a brainwashed denial.  Most are beyond help and will not find their way out.  They have been blinded by authority.


Discuss what? Religion is mythical BS foisted on mankind for purposes of control and indoctrination. Half or more of us here were all members of different religions and know everything you know, so what are you going to discuss? How many little boys have been buggered by how many Catholic priests for how many ceturies? Why Mother Teresa was sainted after abusing women and making them suffer for decades while she stuffed millions in a Swiss bank account?

Or how brain dead theists can keep believing when the evidence continues to mount that their vaunted gods don't exist and their savior was a myth invented after the fact by the Romans? Or how they are so buried in denial thay they can't see truth when it slaps them in the face?


I for one am terribly excited about another debate about everything we have already debated 132,938 times already. I am especially excited about the fact that........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust

The Skeletal Atheist

Quote from: aitm on September 29, 2014, 10:29:39 PM
I for one am terribly excited about another debate about everything we have already debated 132,938 times already. I am especially excited about the fact that........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Be nice, he might present new evidence!
Some people need to be beaten with a smart stick.

Kein Mehrheit Fur Die Mitleid!

Kein Mitlied F�r Die Mehrheit!


QuoteNow and since the late 90's and early 2000's there has been increased scrutiny in an effort to keep this from happening. 

Largely irrelevant.  "Confession" is not real life.  You don't get to say "sorry" to a non-existent god and pretend that everything is alright.
The Christian church, in its attitude toward science, shows the mind of a more or less enlightened man of the Thirteenth Century. It no longer believes that the earth is flat, but it is still convinced that prayer can cure after medicine fails.

-- H. L. Mencken


Anti_thesis still up for talking?  If not choose a person to take your place for the one on one. 


Quote from: Hijiri Byakuren on September 29, 2014, 07:43:52 PM
I'm game. Will it be a formal debate, or just a publicly-viewable discussion?
I say formal debate. Because we all know the level of 'evidence' he's going to come up with. A general discussion would be too easy for him to get away with it. At least with a middle man not in the debate, we can make sure he stays on point and legit without everyone jumping in and telling him how off he really is.

Sargon The Grape

Quote from: PickelledEggs on September 30, 2014, 02:00:48 AM
I say formal debate. Because we all know the level of 'evidence' he's going to come up with. A general discussion would be too easy for him to get away with it. At least with a middle man not in the debate, we can make sure he stays on point and legit without everyone jumping in and telling him how off he really is.
I'll have to sharpen up a bit, then. It's been a little while since I did the suit-and-tie version of my usual routine. Should be interesting, though!
Speak when you have something to say, not when you have to say something.

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Quote from: redsoxfan77 on September 29, 2014, 02:56:17 PM
Other Atheist forums were angry and I found that this forum was more respectful.

I take offence to this!  We're just as angry and disrespectful as any other atheist forum out there!
Winner of WitchSabrinas Best Advice Award 2012

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real
tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. -Plato


Welcome back Redsoxfan77. Perhaps, before requesting a debate, you should make clear what you will be debating in favor of or against. What specifically do you think and what aspects of religion do you wish to talk about.

Actually, just a tip to the both of you, redsoxfan77 and Hijiri_Byakuren, be sure you agree on what subject specifically you wish to focus and be sure to stay focused on that part.
The formal debate with Casparov, I feel, suffered greatly from our not managing to discus what we said we'd discus.

Looking forward to reading your debate guys :)
"If we have to go down, we go down together!"
- Your mum, last night, requesting 69.

Atheist Mantis does not pray.


Quote from: Jason78 on September 30, 2014, 04:31:43 AM
I take offence to this!  We're just as angry and disrespectful as any other atheist forum out there!

Hear, hear!


Quote from: Mr.Obvious on September 30, 2014, 05:51:18 AM
Welcome back Redsoxfan77. Perhaps, before requesting a debate, you should make clear what you will be debating in favor of or against. What specifically do you think and what aspects of religion do you wish to talk about.

Actually, just a tip to the both of you, redsoxfan77 and Hijiri_Byakuren, be sure you agree on what subject specifically you wish to focus and be sure to stay focused on that part.
The formal debate with Casparov, I feel, suffered greatly from our not managing to discus what we said we'd discus.

Looking forward to reading your debate guys :)

I know I said that I would only respond to anti_thesis, but I guess this needs to be addressed as well.  I actually came to this discussion board simply because I was seeking to prevent a bombardment of comments/questions from a whole host of other commentators.  Not that the comments aren't worth while for the most part because they are, but because the majority warrant an adequate response that would require more time than I could put in.

Secondly, I came basically to answer questions about my faith and to clear up a lot of misconceptions that people have about Catholicism/Christianity.   No specific debate was intended, though I expected some issues would evolve into debates about a particular topic.

Finally, still being new to this type of thread I was trying to figure out how to decide whom to talk to.  Anti_thesis was the first to respond so I intend the discussion to be with him.  If he doesn't want to he can choose anyone else on here to talk in his place.   The question I have is how long do we wait if he's absent for an extended amount of time before I choose the next person to talk one on one with?  Is there a local rule on this?


Quote from: redsoxfan77 on September 30, 2014, 07:52:24 AM
Secondly, I came basically to answer questions about my faith and to clear up a lot of misconceptions that people have about Catholicism/Christianity.   No specific debate was intended, though I expected some issues would evolve into debates about a particular topic.

So you're not here to debate at all. We have no questions for you, actions speak for themselves.


Gee... To bad I can't resurrect my grandmother who at 94 had finally had enough of being scammed by the Catholic church and told them in essence to drop dead.
My mother wasn't to keen on the church either after when my sister died the church wouldn't so much as step foot in the grave yard because she was buried in a 'pagan' graveyard then had the guile to tell her that she and my dad would have to live as brother and sister and sleep in separate beds from then on out..
Wanna guess how strict of a catholic upbringing I had after that?

Hey, I'm not saying catholics are full of shit, but.... Oh wait.. Yes...yes I am saying catholics are full of shit..
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Quote from: redsoxfan77 on September 30, 2014, 07:52:24 AM
I came basically to answer questions about my faith and to clear up a lot of misconceptions that people have about Catholicism/Christianity.
Great.  You have come to the right place.  We are glad to help and will clear up your misconceptions about Catholicism/Christianity.  There is a wealth of experience and knowledge here.  Most of us are former Christians and/or Catholics.  We have made critical appraisals of religious belief systems including our own former religious beliefs, and have accepted the fact that they make no logical sense.  You certainly can benefit from your stay here.  Welcome to reality.