Doomsday Minister Harold Camping Dies

Started by SGOS, December 17, 2013, 01:47:36 PM

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SGOS ... 43203.html

This is the guy that predicted the end of the world back in 2011.  He got it wrong, and revised the date for 5 months later, then revised it again, and finally got out of the prediction business.  He spent millions on billboards.  Some followers sold all their belongings and waited for the rapture.  Why sell all of your belongings before the rapture?  Do you lose your material possessions except for your money during the rapture?  I don't think these people thought this through very well.

He was 92 years old.  He lived longer than most of us ever will.  Other than a bit of possible embarrassment over miscalculating the date of the rapture, he raked in a pile of money.

It's kind of funny and sad at the same time.


He made it good on PT Barnum's "there's a sucker born every minute."


You would think if he could have at least predicted his own death correctly. :shock:  :roll:
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.


May he be resurrected as a case of flavored condoms in a gay boutique.


Another religious clown gone. Too bad hell doesn't exist. The perfect place for this people.
Religion is Bullshit  . The winner of the last person to post wins thread .

Hakurei Reimu

I stand by my rule: If you make a prediction at the end of the world and you're wrong, you're to down a bottle of strychnine immediately. That way, you're either right, or you die in shame. Forgive me if I think the end could not have come too soon for this guy.
Warning: Don't Tease The Miko!
(she bites!)
Spinny Miko Avatar shamelessly ripped off from Iosys' Neko Miko Reimu


Holy shit! Who will tell us when we're all going to die and burn in hell for eternity? Oh wait... lots of dumb assess will.
Faith: pretending to know things you don't know



I think when you die before the rapture, you just kind of rot away for awhile until the rapture.  Then presto changeo, you're back to normal, and up you go as kind of a semi transparent apparition straight up into the air with a look of smiling wonder on your face, while your feet dangle and flap as you accelerate ever faster.  Everyone is standing there on the ground waving, and then <whoosh>!  and you're gone.  Yep, it's going to be quite spectacular.  This is the often talked about mysterious purpose God has for you.  Some Christians will no doubt gloat and give all of the rest of us slime balls left behind a final parting, "Fuck you, Suckers."  I'm not sure if God will approve of that, however.  I'd try not to be so rude, less I find myself suddenly released and end up as an enormous splat on the ground reminiscent of a giant bird dropping.


They started rapturing people one at a time? I thought it was supposed to be a big group thing.

Hijiri Byakuren

Quote from: "PickelledEggs"They started rapturing people one at a time? I thought it was supposed to be a big group thing.
Bandwidth cap. St. Peter's a cheap bastard.
Speak when you have something to say, not when you have to say something.

Sargon The Grape - My Youtube Channel


Quote from: "Hijiri Byakuren"
Quote from: "PickelledEggs"They started rapturing people one at a time? I thought it was supposed to be a big group thing.
Bandwidth cap. St. Peter's a cheap bastard.
Bandwidth issues eh? That must be why it even took their lord and savior 3 days to respawn. That's more lag than dial-up


Quote from: "PickelledEggs"
Quote from: "Hijiri Byakuren"
Quote from: "PickelledEggs"They started rapturing people one at a time? I thought it was supposed to be a big group thing.
Bandwidth cap. St. Peter's a cheap bastard.
Bandwidth issues eh? That must be why it even took their lord and savior 3 days to respawn. That's more lag than dial-up

They're gonna rapture people one by one? Now where's the fun in that?



Quote from: "Gerard"They're gonna rapture people one by one? Now where's the fun in that?
It has a theatrical value that offers tension to increase the drama.  You get watch others being raptured, while you wait your turn and start to worry.  <zoom> There goes Ron; <swoosh>There goes Irene,  OMG, maybe I won't get to go. Look at Frankie over there.  He doesn't have a snowball's chance. <zip>  Holy shit.  There goes Frankie.  Maybe, I didn't understand the rules.  How come I'm not being picked?  Crap!  This is just like grade school.  No one wants me on their team.


I can't believe millions of Christians believe in this rapture horseshit.
Religion is Bullshit  . The winner of the last person to post wins thread .