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Started by PickelledEggs, August 26, 2014, 06:28:36 PM

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I've been catching up on The Boys today. Been enjoying it so far. Sometimes it is a bit on-the-nose with its parallels to real life, and it does have a bit of those awkward product placements.

"What is that? Is that a bloomin' onion from Outback?"

"Yeah. You want some?"


But other than that, it's pretty good, I think. I like this game of cat and mouse between The Boys and Vought. Although sometimes I wonder why Homelander doesn't just laser all the good guys to death. He's literally gotten away with murder plenty of times.

Also, goddamn is it gross sometimes. I have to look away for the frontal lobotomy scene.
"Oh, wearisome condition of humanity,
Born under one law, to another bound;
Vainly begot, and yet forbidden vanity,
Created sick, commanded to be sound."
--Fulke Greville--


Quote from: Blackleaf on June 27, 2024, 10:17:14 PMAlso, goddamn is it gross sometimes. I have to look away for the frontal lobotomy scene.
Same.  Too gross and gory, sometimes.  I miss the sneaky intrigue of season 1 quite a bit.

QuoteAlthough sometimes I wonder why Homelander doesn't just laser all the good guys to death. He's literally gotten away with murder plenty of times.
Ego, mostly.  Homelander is a lot like Gul Dukat (which makes sense, as they're both nazi allegories and both characters are driven by an sense of grandiosity)

Essentially, he wants to break the heroes, not kill them outright.  He wants them to worship him and value him, because without adulation, he feels worthless.


I'm rewatching Farscape.  That show was magical.  It's the odd mix of an adventure story, love story, space opera, and basically just going insane (or pretending to be insane).

So many mindgames and hallucinations and deceit and trickery, on both sides.  Oh, and it veered a lot into PG-13 BDSM.  And I do mean a *LOT* of BDSM.  It's truly a marvel what they got past the censors.  Such a weird, weird show.

It also had one of the most realistic depictions of the experience of being a twin in television.


I had a crush on that little chick with white hair. 😍
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman


Quote from: Unbeliever on July 12, 2024, 05:28:21 PMI had a crush on that little chick with white hair. 😍
Chiana.  She's trouble.  But she's so feisty and has an amusing body stance, partially hunched over and swaying.  Like she was always about to leap or run.


I just finished the Boys season 4.

It's about a malignant narcissist making a play for the Presidency with the possibility of authoritarian rule.  The writers must've really engaged their imaginations on this one, because it's way off from real-world events...

A solid season, but it seems like the writers really struggled with Frenchie, Kimiko, and Starlight because they spin their wheels through a large part of the season.  There were a couple loose threads, but not as many as I thought there'd be, as most stuff got tied up in a neat little bow towards the end.  And some characters behaved stupidly, though it largely made sense for their characters to do dumb stuff.

And on that note, I'll just say that the Deep's powerset is amazing - enhanced strength, durability, breathe/swim underwater, communicate with marine life, etc.  He probably has some other sea-based powers that are as of yet unknown.  And all of that is such a colossal waste because the guy spends most of his time at the office or in front of a green screen.  He could be helping ships in distress, busting smugglers and pirates, helping marine life, maintaining deep sea cables, tackling sea pollution, etc.  Hell, he could be living on a self-made island paradise.  Instead he's a glorified circus seal on his good days and a servile psychopath on his bad days.  What a waste of talent!

Pretty much everyone at Vought is a total waste of oxygen, and it's all because of corruption at the top.  Preoccupied with profit and ego and reprehensible ideologies rather than legitimately helping people.  People desperate to be adored without ever putting in the work to earn it.  Sad.


The gf and I are trying to watch up to the season 5 finale of handmaidĀ“s tale, before we leave for canada next week sunday.

Pretty good. Not always sold on the main actress, personally. And the plot-armor be incredibly thick. But great story so far.
We in the middle of season 4 now
"If we have to go down, we go down together!"
- Your mum, last night, requesting 69.

Atheist Mantis does not pray.


I read the book a long while back, that was enough for me.
God Not Found
"There is a sucker born-again every minute." - C. Spellman


So, after hearing about this Owl House series thing, I decided to give it a try.

And now I'm done with it.

A shame because it's gotten good reviews, but I couldn't stand it. It just felt like things were just being thrown at me until I found something else to do instead. I didn't find anything else to do and I still shut it off.

I'm not sure what it is, but I think it's the pacing of things. The timing just seemed way off. It occurs to me that this show is meant for children and I'm fucking old. Maybe to someone who grew up in this current media landscape, it would work, but I just found it too off-putting to want any more of it.


I basically watch most things on Netflix. Currently, slowly, making my way through Gray's Anatomy.