Another pointless rant but I need to get it off my chest anyway

Started by Nopejustnotinterested, December 30, 2023, 09:35:58 AM

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"Something I don't understand is why most people don't exercise on a regular basis. Besides the points of not having enough time or being tired or outright major injury. But at least on the internet it feels like everyone got an excuse.

-With the sheer amount of benefits of it it should be and a no brainer specially on this sub, it's like not eating fruits and vegetables.

The key is to find an exercise that you enjoy, for example I enjoy strength training, but running, I hope my legs break instead."

"Exercise is for health, deficit is for weight. I want to BE healthy and fit."

"You do you, but there's more benefit than just size. Bone density, better hormone profile, brain health, better insulin sensitivity, and so on.

One could argue a little bit of exercise now can make life significantly more enjoyable down the road. That doesn't mean you need to go to a gym and grind. It could be as simple as finding new places to walk and explore, and building upon it.

Or be a bump on a log if that's what makes you happy. If it did though, I don't think this post would exist....something to consider? 🤔"

"Also heart health. The goal isn't to be skinny, it's to be healthy and fitness is essential for health."

I am absolutely sick and tired of all the constant guilting of fitness culture telling me that I need to exercise more and I cannot hate exercise and that I need someone who can change my mind. I am also sick and tired of people trying to convince me that exercise and eating right is a huge factor of being healthy and fit and if I do neither of those then I must be a lazy and selfish person.

Another thing I hate is that they think if I think exercise and "healthy" eating is garbage, then I must think that it's ok to get sick by eating unhealthy and sitting on the couch all day. Also I hate the notion that people are just choosing to be lazy and it's simple to lose weight.

And hoo-boy, I cannot stand the food labels. "Chocolate is sugar, and it's BAD", bro, everyone has to have a little sugar in their diet, and pretty much a lot of foods (except protein) contain sugar, so f*** off and let me have my chocolate! "You're not eating enough fruits and veggies, that's why you're gaining so much weight", apparently picky eaters are just SO selfish and Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (in which I've struggled with for a long time) is not a thing.

"Exercise is not overrated. You just gotta stop being lazy and choose to be more active. Think of all the benefits your body could get: heart health, bone density, better hormone profile, brain health, better insulin sensitivity...", major red flag buddy, my bones are already healthy because I consume a lot of milk. Physical activity actually makes my brain and hormones worse than before, and I get more relief when I'm resting. And my insulin is pretty much dead right now, so there's no hope in bringing it back to life. And to top it all off, try living your life constantly body shamed and growing more and more depressed to the point where you feel so exhausted and unmotivated. That's moderate to severe depression, my friend.

Finally I want to conclude, I want people to stop telling me to exercise and eat "healthy" when I hate exercise with a passion and I'm struggling with ARFID. I am too overwhelmed to even think these days, and I just want to be left alone in the public.

Thanks for reading my dumb rant.