Why is God such a punk ass bitch?

Started by Atcherkeet57, June 09, 2021, 01:23:04 PM

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God always annoys you, puts you down, and embarrasses you. Why does he do that?


Quote from: Atcherkeet57 on June 09, 2021, 01:23:04 PM
God always annoys you, puts you down, and embarrasses you. Why does he do that?
Please explain because I don't have that problem.

Mike Cl

Quote from: Atcherkeet57 on June 09, 2021, 01:23:04 PM
God always annoys you, puts you down, and embarrasses you. Why does he do that?
God has never annoyed me, or put me down or embarrasses me.  The people who believe there is a god(s) sometimes annoy the hell out of me.  I never worry what a fictional character will or will not do to me. 
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?


Yeah, never had that problem either.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


I haven't had that problem since I left the Catholic church, which is a mental chamber of horrors all unto itself.  I certainly didn't have that problem while I was a practicing Wiccan since the general conception of the Pagan gods isn't about humiliation, guilt and other forms of psychological abuse.

And now the problem is non-existent!
"My faith in the Constitution is whole, it is complete, it is total, and I am not going to sit here and be an idle spectator to the diminution, the subversion, the destruction of the Constitution." -- Barbara Jordan

Sargon The Grape

I've never been religious. What's a god?
Speak when you have something to say, not when you have to say something.

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Quote from: Atcherkeet57 on June 09, 2021, 01:23:04 PM
God always annoys you, puts you down, and embarrasses you. Why does he do that?
Are you the person I approved that put your reason for signing up as "I hate god" or something like that?

Would you like to discuss your belief in god and why your belief in god is troubling you?
You surely aren't an atheist.


God's just pissed because Firefly got cancelled. That movie that hastily wrapped up the story did very little to satiate his fury.
"Oh, wearisome condition of humanity,
Born under one law, to another bound;
Vainly begot, and yet forbidden vanity,
Created sick, commanded to be sound."
--Fulke Greville--


Because the person(s) that invented your god and wrote all the bat shit crazy stories about him were bullies and never god laid...hence so much hatred for women as well.
A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


How do you qualify God as having the attributes of a girl who is bitch together with being a punk ass?

Do you have any direct or indirect contact with her?

Mike Cl

Quote from: SoldierofFortune on August 05, 2021, 07:23:24 PM
How do you qualify God as having the attributes of a girl who is bitch together with being a punk ass?

Do you have any direct or indirect contact with her?
his assessment of god is just as accurate as any ever made--after all, god is simply a fiction and can be described any way one wants to.  One description is as accurate as another. 
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?

Greatest I am

Quote from: Atcherkeet57 on June 09, 2021, 01:23:04 PMGod always annoys you, puts you down, and embarrasses you. Why does he do that?

Tough love.

You do not like the predation God does to man because you do not see it's worth.

Think coral reef inhabitants.

The stress of shark/God predation greatly improves the productivity of the reef.

How can God make man better?

By challenging us in some way.

All living organisms and species seem to stress themselves somehow, as well as suffering the stress imposed by other predations.

In the case of atheists being told they are immoral for not kissing a certain God's ass, perhaps that stress is what has helped made you guys more moral, peaceful and law abiding than the brain dead supernatural God believers. 

Take a bow for catching up to Gnostic Christians now that atheist chgurches are opening up.


Greatest I am

Quote from: Mike Cl on June 09, 2021, 02:44:26 PMGod has never annoyed me, or put me down or embarrasses me.  The people who believe there is a god(s) sometimes annoy the hell out of me.  I never worry what a fictional character will or will not do to me. 

I have to worry as the fictional Gods we have invented have caused, and continue to cause, way too much homophobic and misogynous harm.

Worry makes good people voice their decent and dislike of such unjust practices.

My one and only encounter with what most would call God, was rather pleasant, even as there was both pleasure and pain.

It is a shame that theosis and apotheosis cannot be proven to be real events.

Perhaps when they can initiate telepathy, all will know if such things are possible or not.

What embarrasses the hell out of me, and should do the same with all moral people, is that I do not seem to have the whit to convert the genocidal and evil God lovers over to my loving and sane God.

All moral Christians will be Gnostic Christians.

The bible was intended to have people hate Yahweh. Not love the genocidal prick.


Greatest I am

Quote from: Shiranu on June 09, 2021, 04:54:33 PMYeah, never had that problem either.

I offer my sympathy, in the spirit of what I put in post 13.