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The growing DNC civil war

Started by arch warmonger, April 18, 2021, 04:59:09 PM

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arch warmonger


Democratic strategist James Carville says that "wokeness" is a problem, and that the jargon-y language they use alienates working class people because it signals that they intend to talk around them. Left-wing agitators have used "wokeness" to disempower the working class and to give themselves power, and this has created a widespread opposition to them. Even more insidiously, it has become a tool amongst wealthy elites to disempower the working class and to keep them in a state of fear.

tl;dw Bernie Sanders' campaign staffers almost went on strike weeks before the caucus. They came to a deal, but Sanders sent down a directive to stop hiring activists and only hire people who want to do the work. The "us" in the slogan "Not me, us" meant "All 9 billion people on the planet", not "A small cabal of activists who want to hoard all the resources for themselves and self-actualize and other millennial bullshit." Exacerbating the problem is the hard fact that far-left campaigns offer far fewer opportunities for long-term political employment than more centrist campaigns, meaning that the potential opportunity cost from a labor battle is a lot lower.


Attacking the left after four years of that orange anti-science douche bag doesn't really resonate with me. Fact, I expect the POTUS to be able to express more than a reduction of everything to 'great' or 'terrible'. Trump makes Bush Jr seem like a Nobel Laureate in contrast and we are talking about a guy who attacked the wrong country because he "prayed on it" and gawd told him to (and all them nonexistent WMDs.)
I remember when conservatives could muster up some folks with a little brain power, William F Buckley comes to mind. Those days are gone and all that is left are chinless suck-ups like Moscow Mitch and Q-assholes in Viking hats breaking into government buildings and killing police officers. Yeah, if that make me an elitist, the fucking bar to way too low.

arch warmonger

I don't make the news, I just report it. I'm not the one threatening to scuttle Bernie Sanders' campaign, I'm not the one trying to make everybody say "Latinx".


Quote from: arch warmonger on June 01, 2021, 10:22:21 PM
I don't make the news, I just report it. I'm not the one threatening to scuttle Bernie Sanders' campaign, I'm not the one trying to make everybody say "Latinx".
In the big picture...this is nothing. We have had decades of conservatism. The results: We see what big oil or coal and big religion and low taxes does for the "working class" in places like Louisiana and West Virginia. We see what our wars in Muslim countries have accomplished. Death and destruction, ISIS and endless Jihad. We see 600 thousand dead Americans despite scientific warnings about pandemics and idiotic arguments about vaccines and masks. We see a heating planet dying. We watched corporate America sell us out for cheap labor anywhere else but here, leaving us a shitty gig economy as financial criminals just walk away scot-free. Yeah, we are probably too stupid to survive. We like stupid.

Mike Cl

Quote from: arch warmonger on June 01, 2021, 10:22:21 PM
I don't make the news, I just report it. I'm not the one threatening to scuttle Bernie Sanders' campaign, I'm not the one trying to make everybody say "Latinx".
Yeah, right!  Like Faux News.  After all, Carlson and Hannity simply report the news.  And Trump never lies. 
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?


arch warmonger

Your own party hates you. All the people with real power in the DNC want you gone. The president you put in office said that "We need a strong Republican Party." What does that say to you?


Quote from: arch warmonger on June 02, 2021, 09:41:02 AM
Your own party hates you. All the people with real power in the DNC want you gone. The president you put in office said that "We need a strong Republican Party." What does that say to you?
It says nobody cares about the value of your Russian rubles. Just another itty bitty gnat hanging around Putin's bunghole, LOL.

Mike Cl

Quote from: arch warmonger on June 02, 2021, 09:41:02 AM
Your own party hates you. All the people with real power in the DNC want you gone. The president you put in office said that "We need a strong Republican Party." What does that say to you?
Better be careful what you post or your wannabe dictator will throw you out of the white nationalist party; I know you believe your leader speaks only the truth--he is still president; better not say otherwise.  And I have so much power that 'I' put him into the office of the president? 

What does the word 'strong' mean to you?  Being the white nationalist you are, most likely you are thinking of physical strength, not moral or compassionate strength.  You seem to love to roll in trump's shit because he tells you to.  That isn't strength.  So, a strong Republician party would stand for something other than keeping trump and his minions in power.  You seem to be a trump monkey, one of the weakest, stupidest, blindest people to ever exist.  And I would be willing to bet you are also a christian.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?

arch warmonger

I was talking about Biden, he specifically said we need a "principled and strong" Republican party.

tl;dw Scott Stringer was a left-wing, pro-union front-runner for the NYC mayoral race until he was hit with a sexual harassment allegation from Jean Kim, represented by Patricia Pastor. Many aspects of her allegations were soon debunked, but this was enough to crater his campaign.

What's interesting is that Patricia Pastor is a lawyer for a network of NYC construction companies that are rabidly anti-union and more specifically anti Scott Stringer. What's also interesting is that the businesses she worked for were infamous for viciously lewd behavior towards female employees, behavior that Patricia Pastor has never condemned publicly. If nothing else this episode shows the ease with which sexual harassment allegations can be falsified and weaponized against left-wing politicians even by people who don't care about sexual harassment.

arch warmonger

tl;dw A new report from a centrist think tank blames the woke left and their taking minority votes for granted for the DNC's underperformance in the 2020 House and Senate elections. To add fuel to that fire, a border town in southern TX, normally a (D) holdout, voted for a Republican mayor, a sign of Hispanic distaste for the DNC and its brand.


Krystal and Sagaar keep pleading for Americans to focus on economic issues that benefit the working-class but voters are like, "I'm voting for Biden because I'm tired of Trump's tweets."

arch warmonger

Not the voters. It's the politicians who always want to keep the culture war going so nobody talks about the money.


Quote from: arch warmonger on June 07, 2021, 04:49:03 PM
It's the politicians who always want to keep the culture war going so nobody talks about the money.

Are "the politicians" responsible for you coming to a forum about atheism and making every post about the culture wars? Have you made any posts on atheism? It's one thing to discuss atheism and religion then expand into other topics but politics seems to be the only reason you post. I'm not criticizing your politics but your lack of participation in other topics.

I admit my dissatisfaction isn't really about you but the decline in discussion of atheism, religion, and philosophy.

arch warmonger

Hahaha I guess you could call me "atheism minus" as opposed to "atheism plus". And if you don't "break the buck" first, then the activists will just infect everything with their bullshit again, make everything about grabbing pie for themselves instead of increasing its size.