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da History Quiz Thread

Started by Cassia, March 18, 2021, 10:44:11 PM

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Could be fun and instructive even to have a history quiz.. Here's one for ya
Who is this hot guy and what happened to him?


Lincoln assassination co-conspirator Lewis Payne.  Hanged to death.

Clarification: his target was US Secretary of State William Henry Seward, whom he wounded but didn't kill.


Quote from: Hydra009 on March 18, 2021, 10:45:52 PM
Lincoln assassination co-conspirator Lewis Payne.  Hanged to death.
Wow..impressed. Yes !!!


I am in no way an expert on the English language, but I have an observation that there is a transition in English into gender-neutrality in the use of adjectives. But still there is no consensus in the English-speaking world about the standardized form.

In the historical English when you say men, you mean all the people in the world including men, women and even gays... and when you say mankind, you mean humankind or humanity...

and for about 3-4 decades there has been a trend to avoid using his or her, but using their is the pronoun of preference even if you indicate a singular person.

now quiz, who is the name of the feminist person who claimed that the word " history " is actually the phrase "his story", to prove that the society is actually patriarchal? Because even the history of mankind is the history of man! can you believe that, it's his story, bro!? :)))))


Quote from: SoldierofFortune on March 19, 2021, 12:11:36 AM
I am in no way an expert on the English language, but I have an observation that there is a transition in English into gender-neutrality in the use of adjectives. But still there is no consensus in the English-speaking world about the standardized form.

In the historical English when you say men, you mean all the people in the world including men, women and even gays... and when you say mankind, you mean humankind or humanity...
??  To the best of my knowledge, gay men are still considered men.

And english is only partially gender-neutral.  Policeman/postman are being phased out, but there are a bunch of gendered words that aren't going anywhere:  actor/actress, waiter/waitress, host/hostess, tiger/tigress, hero/heroine, and blond/blonde.  Ships are female (and handsome) and all dogs are, without exception, good boys.  Just the other day, I was reading about a female comedienne and practically did a double-take because I didn't even know there was a gendered version of the word comedian.

Personally, I try to avoid gendered words when possible for simplicity and convenience.  Everyone's a hero (in their own way), actor, comedian, etc.  Because I find the idea of having to look up their gender every time I refer to someone exhausting.  It's like french counting or imperial units of measurement - there's no real reason to do it and you're just making more work for yourself.


What the heck is this and who the heck is that..?


The first US Treasury Note. Secretary of the Treasury Salmon Chase.
Save a life. Adopt a Greyhound.


Quote from: PopeyesPappy on March 19, 2021, 07:34:46 AM
The first US Treasury Note. Secretary of the Treasury Salmon Chase.
A "George-less" dollar. Imagine that. A worker would be doing well to get two per day for their wages in the 1790s.


Who was this, and what was his mission?

Mike Cl

SGOS--are you MAD????  One of my all time favs.  Mad magazine was a staple growing up.  And Alfred E. Neuman was THE best nerd of all time!  If I remember right, Sick Magazine came out soon after I discovered MAD.  That was followed by one later called Cracked.  Loved all three.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?


Quote from: Mike Cl on March 19, 2021, 12:37:05 PM
SGOS--are you MAD????  One of my all time favs.  Mad magazine was a staple growing up.  And Alfred E. Neuman was THE best nerd of all time!  If I remember right, Sick Magazine came out soon after I discovered MAD.  That was followed by one later called Cracked.  Loved all three.
I always got MAD confused with National Lampoon. My brother used to have them around with some Playboys in the middle of the stack. Geez we used to get 'Life' and National Geographic delivered. So cool.


Quote from: SoldierofFortune on March 19, 2021, 12:11:36 AM
I am in no way an expert on the English language, but I have an observation that there is a transition in English into gender-neutrality in the use of adjectives. But still there is no consensus in the English-speaking world about the standardized form.

In the historical English when you say men, you mean all the people in the world including men, women and even gays... and when you say mankind, you mean humankind or humanity...

and for about 3-4 decades there has been a trend to avoid using his or her, but using their is the pronoun of preference even if you indicate a singular person.

now quiz, who is the name of the feminist person who claimed that the word " history " is actually the phrase "his story", to prove that the society is actually patriarchal? Because even the history of mankind is the history of man! can you believe that, it's his story, bro!? :)))))

Next time you post something so off-the-wall, please put it in the "random internet dafuq" thread lol

Mike Cl

Quote from: Cassia on March 19, 2021, 02:04:38 PM
I always got MAD confused with National Lampoon. My brother used to have them around with some Playboys in the middle of the stack. Geez we used to get 'Life' and National Geographic delivered. So cool.
Somehow I missed National Lampoon.  Don't think I have even seen a copy of one.  I do remember my grandpa and great uncle (lived on the same farm) having Popular Mechanics and Popular Science around.  And my grandpa subscribed to Fate and Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Mag.  Fun reading!

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?


I was visiting my cousin in Texas one time, and seeing the sites we ended up one time in a nostalgia shop, which is not quite an antique store, but on the counter there was a stack of very old Mad Magazines.  I think they were being sold for a reasonable price of $1 each <collectors copies?>  I was overcome by a wash of old memories, but I'm not an impulse buyer, so regrettably, I didn't buy them.  I wish I would have bought the whole stack, even if it turned out that I no longer thought Mad Magazine was the end all be all of literary publications.  It would be nice to just have them around.

Mike Cl

Gonna have to dig out my old Sick--dates from the 60's I think and has a picture story featuring Tom Poston (remember him???).  I found Sick to be almost as good as MAD.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?