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Christian Victim mentality

Started by Munch, May 15, 2014, 07:19:46 AM

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Maybe its been debated already, but since I'm new here I wanted to open a discussion on a subject I've had with my friends and even family of what I've observed of late online.

Maybe its always been there, but something I can't ignore now is how much in the last year or so christian groups are really pushing the victim card for how they feel discriminated against by other people for there beliefs. Movies like 'gods not dead', and the newest one coming called A matter of faith, apart from these are a lot of low budget christian made and funded films, there just seems to be this sudden wave of 'Christians are innocents persecuted by outside groups'.

Now with the release of the movie Noah, while I find the idea of that movie ridiculous, I can at least say all noah is, is a representation of the fictional story of noah and god drowning the world, which just like every other religious themed movie like from back in the 70s, I have little problem with them making movie representations of the bibles myths, even if Christians believe them to be true, it can still be cast off as myth, the very same way star wars and lord of the rings can.

But this sudden influx of christian propaganda movies, its getting beyond the point of ridiculousness. Christianity, the fundamental religion has oppressed every kind of minority since its creation, has caused holy wars, has seen to demonizing gays and jews and every other minority, and now with the strong rise of atheism, and people backing it, they are so desperate to be taken serious still, they of all people pull out the victim card?

I can't decide if the irony of this is either delicious, or giving me indigestion.

Oh sorry, would help if I added the movies in question.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin


Yes, this topic has come up more than once in the last year.  Christians actually believing they are victims shows how stupid and ignorant they truly are.  They are clearly the aggressors condemning others.  But that is the nature of bigotry most of the time.  I get the impression bigots are unaware of their bigotry, because they see their bigotry as something so self evident that it represents a natural order that requires no thought.

Of course gays are immoral.  Everyone knows that without having to think it through.  Right?  150 years ago, just before the births of my grand parents, it was perfectly normal to own black people, and southern bigots felt they were victimized for defending the perfectly natural status quo of ownership of other human beings.  The next thing you know, Christians will be victimized for victimizing non Christians.  Christian bigots just can't seem to get an even break.  Even living in a free country like the US they still can't impose their will on others.  It's really hard being a Christian minority when only 85 percent of the population understands how you are being abused. :silenced:


I just wish they would make a movie based on the Old or New Testament that was as accurate as can be to show how idiotic they are. Make it very explicit and give it a XXX rating. Solitary
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.


I hate these movies they just egg people on. Especially people like my mom. She is so determined to make me believe again when the reality is I've been enlightened I will never "make believe" again.


Quote from: doorknob on May 15, 2014, 06:28:13 PM
I hate these movies they just egg people on. Especially people like my mom. She is so determined to make me believe again when the reality is I've been enlightened I will never "make believe" again.

you should present evolutionary documents to your mom from scientists. Though I know it can be hard to take pokes at your moms beliefs, honestly if it comes to it just tell her she's got her faith, and you have yours, and you are your own person.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin


Usually they start whining when some judge tells them they don't have the right to annoy the piss out of people who aren't interested in their bullshit.

Some real persecution is in order.
The Christian church, in its attitude toward science, shows the mind of a more or less enlightened man of the Thirteenth Century. It no longer believes that the earth is flat, but it is still convinced that prayer can cure after medicine fails.

-- H. L. Mencken


Quote from: Minimalist on May 15, 2014, 07:31:56 PM
Usually they start whining when some judge tells them they don't have the right to annoy the piss out of people who aren't interested in their bullshit.

Some real persecution is in order.

Its like the character of Malfoy from harry potter rolled into a collective of people, stuck up little shits who think themselves better then anyone else, and yet when fed some humble pie they never fair well at all, and act out of spite.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin


We need to build a big arena, get a bunch of pissed off, hungry lions and advertise for volunteer victims. If none of them are willing to be eaten alive to show their devotion the sign should say, volunteer to show your devotion to your faith or shut the fuck up about it.
Somehow I have a hunch that would be illegal, but it would be entertaining. 
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Quote from: AllPurposeAtheist on May 15, 2014, 10:11:08 PM
We need to build a big arena, get a bunch of pissed off, hungry lions and advertise for volunteer victims. If none of them are willing to be eaten alive to show their devotion the sign should say, volunteer to show your devotion to your faith or shut the fuck up about it.
Somehow I have a hunch that would be illegal, but it would be entertaining.

I'd just pull the satan card if you did that, claiming they can't because satan stops them from doing so. they'd then hire lawyers to make an appeal process to have the animals deported and claim it was gods work
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin

Mister Agenda

Christians are being persecuted in many parts of the world. What American Christians suffer is not always getting their way.
Atheists are not anti-Christian. They are anti-stupid.--WitchSabrina


In China, a Christian church was demolished. I don't see Christian churches being demolished in the States, unless maybe they've been condemned for disuse. In Muslim countries, Christians are a minority and always at risk of punishment for their beliefs. In Sudan, a pregnant Muslim woman is due to be flogged to death for marrying a Christian man. That kind of stuff is REAL persecution. When Christians in the States, the UK, Canada, or any other Christian-dominated country complain about persecution--when what they really mean is that someone disagreed with them--they are openly mocking those Christians who truly do suffer for their faith. It is insulting to everyone.
"Now we see through a glass dumbly." ~Crow, MST3K #903, "Puma Man"


They just want their disgusting Christian theocracy. Until then, they'll always feel persecuted.
... To teach superstitions as truths is the most terrible thing. The child mind accepts and believes them, and only through great pain and perhaps tragedy can they be in after years relieved of them. - Hypatia


Quote from: ApostateLois on May 18, 2014, 07:35:46 PM
In China, a Christian church was demolished. I don't see Christian churches being demolished in the States, unless maybe they've been condemned for disuse. In Muslim countries, Christians are a minority and always at risk of punishment for their beliefs. In Sudan, a pregnant Muslim woman is due to be flogged to death for marrying a Christian man. That kind of stuff is REAL persecution. When Christians in the States, the UK, Canada, or any other Christian-dominated country complain about persecution--when what they really mean is that someone disagreed with them--they are openly mocking those Christians who truly do suffer for their faith. It is insulting to everyone.

The irony being that both Christians and gays are persecuted and killed in muslim countries, and yet in western culture Christians have a war on against gays.
This is why its hardly to feel sorry for those christians who do suffer for real, because of the discontent ones in the western world bring up.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin


Christians whining about being persecuted is Argumentum ad nauseam.  It's nothing new.

Of late its been rearing its head slightly but hey, these things are always cyclical.  Give 'em all 6 months and the sheep will be side-tracked again with tele-evangelists and how to trick god into thinking that anal sex isn't actually sex.  :-/


Yeah, I'm starting to notice all this crap as well. The Abrahamic faiths have all had the "everyone's out to get me" mentality since time out of mind, and the stupidity of these movies just makes me happy.

The religious are always lamenting about how the new generations are becoming less and less religious over time. I won't lie their conservative anguish gives me an eternal stiffy.
It took science to do what people imagine God can do.

"The closer you are to God the further you are from the truth."
--St Giordano