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I'm offended by this and I'm a guy.

Started by PickelledEggs, February 22, 2014, 04:26:46 AM

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Quote from: "YouCanCallMeDave"
Quote from: "SilentFutility"
Quote from: "YouCanCallMeDave"I do believe that with virtually every Single Man,  he sees Women as falling into one of two categories :   The 'Goodtime Girl'  where he can readily get his sexual needs met upon short notice....and..... the potential   'Marriage  Girl'   who has the inner character , good self esteem,  self control    which earns the Mans respect of a lifelong Partner to end up with ---------- would you agree on this delineation ?

I believe that you're utterly wrong when you think almost 50% of the world has the same simple-minded thoughts as you.

This IS the way the Humanist Male views women by and large, when the men are in their 20-30's .  Ive been told this repeatedly by such Males .  They want to sow their wild oats for a time...then when they start tiring of the game , they start looking for women who have some class, dignity, and self respect as a prospective committed Dating Partner leading to marriage.     Yes, I believe it is sexist also...but this philosophy is not my personal philosophy .

If this is true, you've been hanging around with assholes too much. We see the world through the eyes of the people we hang out with.


Quote from: "YouCanCallMeDave"
Quote from: "SilentFutility"
Quote from: "YouCanCallMeDave"I do believe that with virtually every Single Man,  he sees Women as falling into one of two categories :   The 'Goodtime Girl'  where he can readily get his sexual needs met upon short notice....and..... the potential   'Marriage  Girl'   who has the inner character , good self esteem,  self control    which earns the Mans respect of a lifelong Partner to end up with ---------- would you agree on this delineation ?

I believe that you're utterly wrong when you think almost 50% of the world has the same simple-minded thoughts as you.

This IS the way the Humanist Male views women by and large, when the men are in their 20-30's .  Ive been told this repeatedly by such Males .  They want to sow their wild oats for a time...then when they start tiring of the game , they start looking for women who have some class, dignity, and self respect as a prospective committed Dating Partner leading to marriage.     Yes, I believe it is sexist also...but this philosophy is not my personal philosophy .

You being told something by a few people you met is hardly sufficient evidence for us to make a sweeping claim about the psychology of just under 50% of the world's population.

Secondly, wanting casual sex does not necessarily mean that someone sees all women as purely sex objects and not as human beings. This may seem like an alien concept to you, but I am fully capable of liking sex AND making friends with people, and so are many other males in their 20s and 30s.
Not to mention that I've been in a relationship for a year and a half and I'm 22...


I'm actually slightly offended by this as well.. and woah... way too many guys making a really low budget music video in one frame there... Reminds me of 1D....

But to a point, I can actually agree with them. I do see too many girls desperately trying to find a guy to get married to at my age by dressing up with like... a tube top and a short skirt that doesn't even cover their whole ass.

I can understand some girls feel more comfortable that way, but I do know a good amount of them don't. They just dress that way because they feel like the media is telling them to dress that way, or they're trying to find a relationship, naturally, with the wrong kind of guy.

I'm 18, am an Uber goth, have blue freaking hair, and have been in an awesome relationship with my boyfriend for almost a whole year now. (May the 4th be with you.. yes that's my anniversary.) I've never actually tried to hurl myself at men, like some of the girls at my college, and have honestly been really happy with where my life has been going. That and I've found that the girls who dress more PTOT like tend to get into relationships with the worst kind of men you can think of. Usually they have a lot of money, from their parents' trust fund, and do a lot of drugs, or are just complete ass holes and treat their girl like a sex object. That and 93% of the time, the guy cheats on her, but never tells.

The reason why the "Friend Zone" exists is actually due to how girls imagine their relationship to be, even if it is complete shite. They don't become interested in you, mostly because they know you know her better than her boyfriend, or whatever you want to call him, does, or they feel scared to destroy what they've well... I guess "built up" in their relationships?

It's hard to get out of the friend zone :I but it can happen.


Quote from: YouCanCallMeDave on February 28, 2014, 10:31:19 AM
What I gather from the video, is that these Guys are making the statement that they are philosophically Counter-Culture  .... concerning how our current Culture has duped Women into needing to use their sexuality in an -in-your-face  kind of way  to hook a Guy.   I can see the positive message behind their lyrics  in that they are telling Women that they don't need to behave like Tramps and Sluts  and that they have intrinsic worth and dignity from just who they are  and that they don't need to bed a Guy  to earn his favor .     So...isn't this the real message they are trying to get across ?  It would seem so.     Another consideration is :  Its Women (for the most part) who govern the sexual climate of a Nation , for,  if they  were better at keeping their thighs closed...then Men might have greater respect for Women in general ;  I believe its within every Single Man to expect to work at obtaining a Womans trust and confidence in him and when the Guy doesn't have to work at it at all....then he develops an unfavorable view of the Woman .  She becomes 'an easy Lay'  way of thinking....what do u think ?  .   

I do believe that with virtually every Single Man,  he sees Women as falling into one of two categories :   The 'Goodtime Girl'  where he can readily get his sexual needs met upon short notice....and..... the potential   'Marriage  Girl'   who has the inner character , good self esteem,  self control    which earns the Mans respect of a lifelong Partner to end up with ---------- would you agree on this delineation ?
If you categorize all women in to 2 groups, you have a problem.

On top of the fact that you are over-negatively-generalizing women, even if a women is an "easy lay"... why is that bad? Who cares? It doesn't make her a bad person unless she is being an asshole about it and being deceptive. Some women, like some men, just want to get laid. Nothing wrong with that. Just put a glove on and don't make the other person think it's something it's not.