OK! Not All Stupid ******* Are in the US!

Started by Flanker1Six, July 25, 2016, 08:04:29 PM

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Are we supposed to be shocked that other countries have stupid people as well?
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Wow. My first thought was that it was going to be Chinese... and then it was.

The Chinese, by far, are worse than your average American... the horror stories you can find of Chinese tourists just doing the most stupid of shit or vandalizing expensive shit is painful.

Seriously, if you have never had to deal with a Chinese tourist, I envy you. Look up Chinese tourists on Google and YouTube and prepare yourself to question how once the greatest civilization in the world now produces such huge numbers of the most uncivilized people you have ever seen.

I don't even think it's cultural per se, they are just not educated on how to behave in society. I can't believe in China mobbing over a buffet or shitting on public sidewalks or in subways is considered acceptable, but once they are in another country it's no longer their problem.

Also, see how they treat animals in their zoos and malls and prepare yourself for the feels. It is borderline barbaric.
"A little science distances you from God, but a lot of science brings you nearer to Him." - Louis Pasteur


Americans get an unfairly bad rep about being stupid.. or as you'd probably say there "dumbasses".

You should try walking around where I live in England, we have a seemingly endless supply of complete fuckin idiots! 

Most of them are found in Parliament!!

Get busy living or get busy dying.


A subsequent article the incident was precipitated by a verbal dispute in the vehicle with the wife being the woman who got out.  She was also ID'd as the injured (easy to believe) woman, and her mother (the second woman out of the car) as the fatality.   


Apparently this isn't the only incident at this park: "The park near the Great Wall has seen animal attacks before. In March, an employee was killed by an elephant, and a security guard was killed by a tiger in 2014, The Times reported."


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