Paradox of bad research v "faith"

Started by AllPurposeAtheist, May 13, 2014, 02:25:48 AM

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This video deals with the 90's fear of "Super predators", how bad the research was at the time, harsh sentencing for juvenile offenders and *choke* "faith based initiatives".
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. I don't care what race, or what age, unless it's under 12 years old, they should be put away for life when they kill and rape to protect society. This idea that they found religion in prison, and "psychiatrist" say they are no threat after they have shown with no doubt they are not fit for society, keep them in prison. I think the death penalty is too easy for violent crimes like murder, forced rape, and torture. I have always thought that if you are a criminal you loose your right to be in society, only lawyers would think otherwise. Also putting people in prison for victimless crimes, or only because of race, is insane in my opinion. Solitary
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.


It seems the "super predator" propaganda had an effect on you. People do change. Kids especially change and tend to change quickly often from very violent to very decent citizens so because of that it's ludicrous to lock up 13-14 year old kids for life. That's saying they made tragic mistakes as children and therefore will never have any redeeming qualities no matter how long they live. Why don't you advocate just hanging kids? Putting them in prison for life is far crueler.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


I'm sorry, I don't think rape, and murder, are just tragic mistakes for anyone over 12 years old, unless they are mentally ill or mentally challenged, and even then, society should be protected from them. Most mentally ill or mentally challenged are not a threat to society, but when they rape and murder they are. Tragic mistake is being a teenager that gets drunk  and drives too fast and causes a death. And I don't put date rape in that category, I'm talking about forcible violent rape. Name one child rapist, or murderer that was ever cured and didn't do it again, adult or child over 12. I'm sick of how many times I see violent rapist and murderers go that are said to be cured and then let out to do it again when they find religion, or are determined to be cured. How just talking to someone determines if they are cured, a threat or not is beyond me. Solitary
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.