Humanities Section => Political/Government General Discussion => Topic started by: Triple Nine on September 11, 2013, 07:41:37 PM

Title: For people not into politics...
Post by: Triple Nine on September 11, 2013, 07:41:37 PM
I do not agree with the general premise of the video, but I want your opinion on this.


The comment I made on the video as UltimateDarknezz999 in full:
Well, I knew this day would come, the day where I would disagree with a video you? made. Now I'm not going to go apeshit and unsubscribe or some bullshit, but think about what your saying here. First you suggest that you can't be involved politically AND help out locally. Then you make the assumption that people saying these comments aren't getting politically active by writing to their congressman or whatever, which based on the people I have met that's not true. To basically? give up on a political cause just because it "gets too hard" and "I'm too small" is to basically say we shouldn't get better anymore, let the people at the top do whatever with no accountability. Not even going to get to the Entertainment news thing, because that's a whole other problem I have that I can talk forever about, but staying informed and being active is the only way to change something that is wrong. No one said it was going to be easy, but many small voices together... ...can change things. Politics affects everyone and the easiest way to control the masses, or at least get away with whatever is to get people distracted. Again, local efforts are great and should be promoted, but to say you can't have a balance just isn't being fair. Yes, it can be frustrating, but look at movements like civil rights, did that stop them? I may be driving myself literally insane to change things but if? protests, calls, and whatever the hell else I do is necessary to say I did. my part, so be? it. Ok, rant over.

As you guys know, I am extremely liberal but also a pragmatist. However, over the last few months I have felt that you can be pragmatic while having ideals and still fighting the good fight.
Title: Re: For people not into politics...
Post by: Colanth on September 11, 2013, 11:11:40 PM
Let's vote for president, but let's not study the issues involved because we can't affect them.  That's pretty much what he's saying - vote for the guy with the best smile, or the one who was quarterback in high school, not the one who actually knows something about the issues.

And people who DO vote based on the issues aren't smarter than he is?  He's just not smart enough to realize how stupid he sounds.

He's right about one thing, though - a large percentage of Americans probably agree with him.
Title: Re: For people not into politics...
Post by: frosty on September 12, 2013, 12:00:48 AM
Well, what we should now know for sure is that two things don't work

1) Complaining about things on the Internet without having the physical fortitude to back up your words.

2) Voting for Y President as opposed to X President because he has a different letter in front of his name.

My own opinion about Obama is that his presence in office has definitely changed the U.S. but he seems to confirm the role that the President takes as simple window dressing. He's the face of the nation, he makes the speeches (even though someone else writes them for him) but his hands are tied by party loyalties, lobby groups, special interest groups, and the military industrial complex which is always pushing for the next good war. He may technically be different from Bush but even his own supporters are starting to compare him to Bush especially in terms of wars, the MIC, etc.

As for my 1st point, I mean that it's good to voice your opinion on the issues but if all you do is just tap your keyboard to complain about issues and not do anything about it then nothing will happen. Young people seem to have a very dangerous view these days that the idea of physical action changing something is "old", "for the old people", etc. and that is very ridiculous. Coming from a young person myself, we will be remembered hundreds of years from now as the generation of whiners if we don't change the path we're on.

Yes, what I am saying also applies to me, and yes I also realize the irony of using the Internet to complain about keyboard activism and apathy. But on the other hand I cannot make people do anything they don't want to do.
Title: Re: For people not into politics...
Post by: Triple Nine on September 15, 2013, 04:21:54 PM
We've been having a long PM talk over youtube. It seems to me like he has just given up because things aren't moving fast. I mean if you want to know "more" you can pm me. I mean I respect GI but his position on this seems more emotional than looking at past historical examples.
Title: Re: For people not into politics...
Post by: AllPurposeAtheist on September 15, 2013, 10:22:24 PM
One thing is fact in this world and it's inescapable. The billionaires of the world have eminently more voice in politics. That doesn't mean give up, but beware the odds stacked against you living paycheck to paycheck..