Science Section => Science General Discussion => Math and Computers => Topic started by: Baruch on September 24, 2018, 08:42:18 PM

Title: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Baruch on September 24, 2018, 08:42:18 PM

Your code is good, not because it is good, but based on the degree of oppression virtue signaling you can muster.

If this is good for other endeavors, it must be great for activities that are very dominated by White males in particular.

The Hispanic surnamed, African descended, gay trans-sexual programmers will rule the universe!
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Baruch on September 24, 2018, 09:25:05 PM
More on the same issue, and how it goes deep into NSA, Microsoft, current espionage ...
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Mr.Obvious on September 25, 2018, 01:41:19 AM
Could you be bothered to Explain just what is going on, in clear terms, an preferabely not too winded, before i even concider watching these.

I know that's asking a lot of you, baruch :p
But do me a solid? Thanks.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Sal1981 on September 25, 2018, 02:32:20 AM
SJWs King Midas touch seems to have turned Linux slowly to shit like everything else.

Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Baruch on September 25, 2018, 06:44:23 AM
Quote from: Mr.Obvious on September 25, 2018, 01:41:19 AM
Could you be bothered to Explain just what is going on, in clear terms, an preferabely not too winded, before i even concider watching these.

I know that's asking a lot of you, baruch :p
But do me a solid? Thanks.

Under the new EU law, just cross-posting these videos will be a felony.  Any crosslink to any Internet content.  So you will never see or read what a third party wrote, but just my opinion of something you will not be allowed to watch or read.

They got to Linus Thorvalds finally (governments and Uncle Toms like Bill Gates hate him).  Also Sargon of Akkad.  The SJWs are poisoning the Linux project by injecting liberal politics into it (a kind of meme virus).  The Linux programmers are threatening to take down the Linux project by pulling out the code they already wrote, which they have a legal right to do.  With that, the Internet will be dead, because much of it runs on Linux.  The SJWs (as agents of tyranny have already compromised other open-source projects) are like Taliban in the 1980s.  SJWs are Antifa, minus bike locks.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Baruch on September 25, 2018, 06:46:31 AM
Quote from: Sal1981 on September 25, 2018, 02:32:20 AM
SJWs King Midas touch seems to have turned Linux slowly to shit like everything else.

Exactly.  And not a bug, a feature.  They have already compromised much other programming, including EFF, just in the last year.  Probably just told the opponents of tyranny ... you will be hiding in the Ecuador embassy next, unless you become our bitch.

Of course China loves this, they want an Internet of the Chinese communist party, by the Chinese communist party, for the Chinese communist party.  The people who have been supporting the Chinese communist party for the last 30 years loves this too, including the EU and the many quislings throughout the West.

The Linux kernel is the most important bit of code on the planet.  And the NSA wants to put back doors in it.  Linus Thorvalds refused.  And hardware is being compromised too, Intel is putting back doors into their on-chip firmware.

How did SJWs infiltrate a young-white-male bastion?  It started with Gamer-gate 4 years ago.  But I wasn't a gamer, so I did nothing ...
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Baruch on September 25, 2018, 07:20:52 AM

Liberals, can't beat communism, so since 1972, have joined them.

Utopia, in the Gulag, for everyone.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: SGOS on September 25, 2018, 08:31:15 AM
There is a wide and vast Linux conspiracy.  A CONSPIRACY!  Those Linux developers should be brought before a senate committee, and forced to give the names of people they work with or be sent to jail.  "Have you ever downloaded Linux?  Did you ever think about downloading Linux?  Do you know anyone who has?
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Baruch on September 25, 2018, 01:03:53 PM
Quote from: SGOS on September 25, 2018, 08:31:15 AM
There is a wide and vast Linux conspiracy.  A CONSPIRACY!  Those Linux developers should be brought before a senate committee, and forced to give the names of people they work with or be sent to jail.  "Have you ever downloaded Linux?  Did you ever think about downloading Linux?  Do you know anyone who has?

No doubt Sen McCarthy was just fronting for some industrial interests (as this is), and using patriotism (or feminism is this case) as a cover for special interests.  Lincoln was just a shill for the railroads too.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Cavebear on October 01, 2018, 09:33:33 AM
Quote from: Sal1981 on September 25, 2018, 02:32:20 AM
SJWs King Midas touch seems to have turned Linux slowly to shit like everything else.

All products go to the price-range norm, and quality follows.  Nothing really good can survive the marketplace.  So if you like something new and different, buy fast. 
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Jason Harvestdancer on October 01, 2018, 09:45:10 AM
Let me know when a compiler can tell the race/gender/sex/orientation/etc of the person who wrote the code.

The reason STEM has so few SJWs is because in STEM, results matter.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Cavebear on October 01, 2018, 09:54:12 AM
Quote from: Jason Harvestdancer on October 01, 2018, 09:45:10 AM
Let me know when a compiler can tell the race/gender/sex/orientation/etc of the person who wrote the code.

The reason STEM has so few SJWs is because in STEM, results matter.


I am (apparently) a SJW (just by politics and a hope for future humankind).  But, in my day, I was a hell of a good programmer.  I typed a shoebox full of cards to make the computer make 3 legitimate moves when my Professor said it couldn't be done.  I was the class expert in debugging Fortran and Cobol and ruining classmates' programs with tests they didn't expect. 

Politics has nothing to do with programming.

But I will grant that the programming didn't seem like the best career path in 1969... so I changed to Govt&Politics.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: SGOS on October 01, 2018, 11:20:41 AM
Quote from: Cavebear on October 01, 2018, 09:54:12 AM
But I will grant that the programming didn't seem like the best career path in 1969... so I changed to Govt&Politics.
Yeah, who would have thought?
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Baruch on October 01, 2018, 12:52:42 PM
Quote from: SGOS on October 01, 2018, 11:20:41 AM
Yeah, who would have thought?

He was a White male, but since he had his species change he now ticks more checkboxes ;-)
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Cavebear on October 01, 2018, 01:20:59 PM
Quote from: SGOS on October 01, 2018, 11:20:41 AM
Yeah, who would have thought?

Well, I COULD be here talking to all you being a billionaire...  Or I could have become a Senator.  Instead, I just live pleasantly and happily retired.  I think I got away lucky.  And besides, those grapes were probably sour anyway...  ;)
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: SGOS on October 01, 2018, 01:31:34 PM
Quote from: Cavebear on October 01, 2018, 01:20:59 PM
Well, I COULD be here talking to all you being a billionaire...  Or I could have become a Senator.  Instead, I just live pleasantly and happily retired.  I think I got away lucky.  And besides, those grapes were probably sour anyway...  ;)
That's the ticket!
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Cavebear on October 01, 2018, 01:44:16 PM
Quote from: SGOS on October 01, 2018, 01:31:34 PM
That's the ticket!

Things could be worse.  I shook hands with Ted Kennedy once.  And 2 different Representatives offerred me a district manager job (I used to have a gummint job supporting Congressional offices with furniture "and whatnot".  But I escaped into genteel poverty as a telecomunications project manager.  Much more fun and a very much better retirement package. 
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Plu on January 26, 2019, 02:46:28 PM
+Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+Our Pledge
+In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
+contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
+our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
+size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and
+expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality,
+personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
+Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
+* Using welcoming and inclusive language
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+* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
+* Focusing on what is best for the community
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+Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
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+* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
+* Public or private harassment
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+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
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+Our Responsibilities
+Maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior
+and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to
+any instances of unacceptable behavior.
+Maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
+comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
+not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any
+contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening,
+offensive, or harmful.
+This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
+when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
+representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
+address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
+representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
+further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
+reported by contacting the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) at
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+appropriate to the circumstances. The TAB is obligated to maintain
+confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.  Further details of
+specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
+Maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may
+face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the
+project’s leadership.
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4,
+available at

So... this is the actual Code of Conduct and I'm not sure what all the fuss is about? This thing looks about as generic a CoC as you can create. They couldn't have made a more boring setup if they tried and there's nothing whatsoever that I can read as "controversial". It just says "don't be a dick to people" in legalese.

Maybe I'm just too easy going, though.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: drunkenshoe on January 26, 2019, 05:33:01 PM
Let's say, you are well adjusted.

I haven't seen the thread before, but reading this and giving a reaction as if it's something bad going on requires anger. Anger towards what? Anything in general I guess. We all get triggered.

Or may be white males in certain cultres do not consider themselves included in any of the categories mentioned in the first paragraph? :p
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Baruch on January 26, 2019, 07:23:17 PM
Yes, you are easy going, PLU.  The original fear being ... we have to have a programming team, regardless of ability that meets PC requirements.  Seems like the Soviet Union all over again, to me.  Of course a woman or a minority might be a very good programmer ... Indian men in particular.  Women not so much, because they don't hail from the autistic hacker culture.

We must Lysenko anything that isn't actual politics.  Either you can pass Cisco, Comptia etc or you can not.  And when are we going to have a quota for retarded folks ... if 1/3 are functionally illiterate (lower sigma) such that they are unemployable even by the government, then we must simply make 1/3 of all positions at all levels, open to them?

Drunkenshoe ... if it were recommendations, there is no problem.  Where it becomes Ontario law (see Jordan Peterson) or just HR dictatorship, then not so good.  Unfortunately these always turn into unrealistic quotas.  As it turned out, the Linux build folk, did nothing.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Plu on January 27, 2019, 03:37:39 AM
QuoteThe original fear being ... we have to have a programming team, regardless of ability that meets PC requirements. 

Yeah, I understand what some people were afraid of. It's just that it seems based on nothing, given that the community is still going to judge the viability of all new commits regardless of who's sending them. The only thing that will change is that the responses should be free of BS that has no place in a software peer review anyway. Anyone in breach of this CoC in past comments was a dick back then, and is apparently bothered by the fact they can't be a dick to other people anymore. Being good at software is no excuse for being bad to your peers.

It seems like nothing bad could possibly come of this CoC, unless you are the kind of person who can't support a project if you're not allowed to harass other people, in which case... that seems totally fine with me. It doesn't matter how good you are, if you're poisoning the team and the community, you need to go. Any software engineer who has ever worked on a team knows this.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Halkenburg on January 27, 2019, 04:49:00 AM
I was really bummed out when I heard about this. I thought that Linus would be the last person on Earth to cave in to the SJW crowd. FreeBSD made a similar move and was burned badly by it. Let's hope that the same thing won't happen to Linux. My heart couldn't bear that after IBM bought Red Hat last year.

One thing to note is that the creator of this CoC has violated it themselves in the past and one of the first instances I've seen of it being applied was some SJW trying to get the maintainer of a software removed from his own project because of things he said about trans people on Twitter. I really don't like these recent developments.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Halkenburg on January 27, 2019, 04:53:02 AM
Quote from: Plu on January 27, 2019, 03:37:39 AM
Yeah, I understand what some people were afraid of. It's just that it seems based on nothing, given that the community is still going to judge the viability of all new commits regardless of who's sending them. The only thing that will change is that the responses should be free of BS that has no place in a software peer review anyway. Anyone in breach of this CoC in past comments was a dick back then, and is apparently bothered by the fact they can't be a dick to other people anymore. Being good at software is no excuse for being bad to your peers.

It seems like nothing bad could possibly come of this CoC, unless you are the kind of person who can't support a project if you're not allowed to harass other people, in which case... that seems totally fine with me. It doesn't matter how good you are, if you're poisoning the team and the community, you need to go. Any software engineer who has ever worked on a team knows this.

The problem, from what I can see, is that people try to get programmers kicked off of projects for saying things that aren't politically correct outside of the context of the project, e.g. on their website, Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook page.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Baruch on January 27, 2019, 05:07:56 AM
Quote from: Halkenburg on January 27, 2019, 04:49:00 AM
I was really bummed out when I heard about this. I thought that Linus would be the last person on Earth to cave in to the SJW crowd. FreeBSD made a similar move and was burned badly by it. Let's hope that the same thing won't happen to Linux. My heart couldn't bear that after IBM bought Red Hat last year.

One thing to note is that the creator of this CoC has violated it themselves in the past and one of the first instances I've seen of it being applied was some SJW trying to get the maintainer of a software removed from his own project because of things he said about trans people on Twitter. I really don't like these recent developments.

All software development, not controlled directly or indirectly, by GCHQ, NSA etc can't be allowed.  There must be back doors, and not just to benefit Microsoft.  Microsoft avoided anti-trust by completely caving to the authoritarians years ago (hence their crappy software).  Back doors were originally just to benefit Microsoft, Apple etc ... but in fact Unix is a part of hacker culture and free software culture, something the computer majors and the governments hate.  TOR was I am told, originally designed to disguise the identities of online nation-backed hacking and other agent communications.  The Internet is for fighting WW III against Russia/China.  Of course the Chinese are localizing it into dystopian control.

The primary back doors aren't for breaking encryption, but for key logging just before encryption or just after decryption.  Anyone aware of intel will realize this.  And of course, as was revealed in breaches of security over the last 3 years, it is for doing stuff and making it look like the other guy did it.  That is more of a CIA/MI6 thing.

If people weren't assholes, we would die of constipation.

Once upon a time, I used a German browser, for this exact reason.  Just as today, if you have any bill, greater than $20 in your possession, you are assumed to be a drug dealer, so in the near future, anyone with a rogue Unix, will be presumed to be a hacker.  One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.  Same as suppressing pirate radio, or pirate parties.

True skepticism says, that all opposition groups are cat's paws for the Establishment anyway.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Baruch on January 27, 2019, 05:09:32 AM
Quote from: Halkenburg on January 27, 2019, 04:53:02 AM
The problem, from what I can see, is that people try to get programmers kicked off of projects for saying things that aren't politically correct outside of the context of the project, e.g. on their website, Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook page.

Selective targeting of people who won't cooperate with the "authorities".  Better than a bullet into your Tesla, that catches fire and burns you to death, right?  SJW is a meme created by the police/intel.  Neurolinguistic programming ... its people.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Plu on January 27, 2019, 05:22:09 AM
Quote from: Halkenburg on January 27, 2019, 04:53:02 AM
The problem, from what I can see, is that people try to get programmers kicked off of projects for saying things that aren't politically correct outside of the context of the project, e.g. on their website, Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook page.

Then those people should really read the CoC, since the CoC doesn't say anything about contexts outside of the project. Only if you're officially representing the project, are you bound by it.

Of course, easily offended people trying to shut up other people is nothing new, and also really dumb. Let people shout their racism and bigotry out into the world; makes it easier to see who is or is not worth dealing with.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Halkenburg on January 27, 2019, 05:24:11 AM
Quote from: Plu on January 27, 2019, 05:22:09 AM
Then those people should really read the CoC, since the CoC doesn't say anything about contexts outside of the project. Only if you're officially representing the project, are you bound by it.

Of course, easily offended people trying to shut up other people is nothing new, and also really dumb. Let people shout their racism and bigotry out into the world; makes it easier to see who is or is not worth dealing with.

I sure hope that it will be enforced that way going forward.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Baruch on January 27, 2019, 05:46:49 AM
Quote from: Halkenburg on January 27, 2019, 05:24:11 AM
I sure hope that it will be enforced that way going forward.

I find politics to be obnoxious.  Less so than fisting.  So when shall I turn you all into the thought police?
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Halkenburg on January 27, 2019, 05:48:38 AM
Quote from: Baruch on January 27, 2019, 05:46:49 AM
I find politics to be obnoxious.  Less so than fisting.  So when shall I turn you all into the thought police?

You'll never take me alive! ;-P
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Baruch on January 27, 2019, 05:50:21 AM
Quote from: Halkenburg on January 27, 2019, 05:24:11 AM
I sure hope that it will be enforced that way going forward.

Not the point.  You still think you live in a free society.  Never has been such a thing, but it is good propaganda for the proles.

Make everything illegal, but don't enforce it, except selectively.  That way you live in constant fear of the knock on the door at midnight.  Authoritarians are sadistic bastards.  !984 is a plan, not a warning.  So is V For Vengeance.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Baruch on January 27, 2019, 05:52:18 AM
Quote from: Halkenburg on January 27, 2019, 05:48:38 AM
You'll never take me alive! ;-P

I am from the SW US.  I find a shootout in the street to be more honest and fair.

Even if the numbers are not in your favor.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Halkenburg on January 27, 2019, 05:53:29 AM
Quote from: Baruch on January 27, 2019, 05:50:21 AM
Not the point.  You still think you live in a free society.  Never has been such a thing, but it is good propaganda for the proles.

Make everything illegal, but don't enforce it, except selectively.  That way you live in constant fear of the knock on the door at midnight.  Authoritarians are sadistic bastards.  !984 is a plan, not a warning.  So is V For Vengeance.

I am much more optimistic about the future than you. I don't know if it's naive, youthful optimism vs. experienced, jaded pessimism, but when I learn about new technologies and see what is being worked on right now, I feel incredibly hopeful for the future. The terms DNSSEC, DNS-over-TLS, DNSCrypt and ESNI promise a future without mass surveillance, free from the spying eyes of the NSA and all the other security agencies around the world. Trust me, oldtimer, things are looking up for the future.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Plu on January 27, 2019, 05:54:18 AM
Quote from: Baruch on January 27, 2019, 05:46:49 AM
So when shall I turn you all into the thought police?

Do you have magic conversion powers? You're free to try and magically change me into something else :wink:
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Baruch on January 27, 2019, 05:57:00 AM
Quote from: Halkenburg on January 27, 2019, 05:53:29 AM
I am much more optimistic about the future than you. I don't know if it's naive, youthful optimism vs. experienced, jaded pessimism, but when I learn about new technologies and see what is being worked on right now, I feel incredibly hopeful for the future. The terms DNSSEC, DNS-over-TLS, DNSCrypt and ESNI promise a future without mass surveillance, free from the spying eyes of the NSA and all the other security agents. Trust me, oldtimer, things are not looking so bleak.

Tech opens doors, tech closes doors.  It is a constant challenge, for young people ;-)  But can you control the Internet backbone (AT&T) or the main nodes?  But if you keep off any network, it isn't too bad, until they only allow computers that are "domained".  That is how we roll in the military.  And not trust other government agencies.

Think Soviet Union, with all copiers and typewriters strictly controlled.  We are moving from low-tech dystopia to high-tech dystopia.  This is the specialization of an ecological niche, until one is so specialized that a black swan takes out the whole biome.  In short, you don't control all the OSI layers, and eventually like with Minitel (France) it will only be a public utility, and you will control nothing.

Nobody makes news or commentary, unless authorized ... aka official journalist, official newspaper editor ... all licensed by the government.  People a generation from now won't even know what happened, down the memory hole.
Title: Re: SJWs attempt to destroy programming ...
Post by: Baruch on January 27, 2019, 05:59:06 AM
Quote from: Plu on January 27, 2019, 05:54:18 AM
Do you have magic conversion powers? You're free to try and magically change me into something else :wink:

No, turn you into a giant Rabbi by mistake ...