Extraordinary Claims => Religion General Discussion => Topic started by: mainethinker on January 21, 2015, 08:41:33 PM

Title: the drunken peasants
Post by: mainethinker on January 21, 2015, 08:41:33 PM
Oh man I love the drunken peasants!
In this episode they completely demolish a theist by the name of G Man.
They had a very smart scientist completely destroy him.
The drunken peasants is a show with the amazing atheist in it I really like the amazing atheist
Title: Re: the drunken peasants
Post by: Munch on January 21, 2015, 09:03:44 PM
I love drunken peasants, it's my fav show right now, I love laying back and watching what antics TJ, Ben and Scotty get up to.

I've not seen this yet will watch the episode when it appears on YouTube, but the thought of someone destroying G-man makes me happy, I groan every time he's on the show, so will be great seeing someone slap him around.
I just wish someone would do the same to Brett Keen and the vigilant Christian mario, g-man might be an annoying little ferret, but those assholes are just mouths glued to shit, and that's all they can do, talk endless crap.

I seem to remember there was an episode where g-man said he didn't believe in starving children in third world countries, and because he didn't believe starving children were real, they thus weren't real.
Title: Re: the drunken peasants
Post by: mainethinker on January 21, 2015, 09:20:55 PM
Yeah I remember that too that was a classic episode
Title: Re: the drunken peasants
Post by: Munch on January 22, 2015, 01:34:42 PM
Ok I watched it. As usual, aside from being an erratic, rude little dipshit that has to talk over everyone, G-man also played his usual game. He pretends to take in what someone else is saying for a time, when really he's dismissing it right off as a defense mechanism (he really just wants to mouth off endlessly instead of having a conversation), he then tries to make every conversation turn about to make his opinion the only correct one, even when he's attempting to reverse the basis of the argument.

When he kept saying how science has no proof of evolution or the big bang, despite the scientist saying the proof comes from study of current findings of the universe and evolutionary studies of species, G-man keeps saying unless you see it happen before your eyes it has no proof. And yet, when asked for him to present proof of god, which he has none, he either pulls out the bible, or tells us one of his stories about how god gave him money, but doesn't present any actual proof of god existing.

G-man is the best example of how a christian mind works, who is contained in a bubble because thinking outside of it is so intimidating, he has to fight against anyone who would even try to draw him out of that bubble.

The basic difference between a scientist, like the guy they had on, and G-man, is a scientist doesn't have all the answers, but they are open to studying and discovering the answers to the world and the universe around us, while someone like g-man will never open to that way of thinking, study or education, and always be contained in his bubble.
Title: Re: the drunken peasants
Post by: mainethinker on January 22, 2015, 01:42:24 PM
Totally agree with everything you just said