News & General Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: StupidWiz on February 27, 2013, 05:22:54 AM

Title: Heterosexual Awareness Month
Post by: StupidWiz on February 27, 2013, 05:22:54 AM
Here. (//

It's a page on FB that I just found. What do you guys think? I find it so... irritating, but since they have freedom of speech, so... yeah.  :-?
Post by: Atheon on February 27, 2013, 05:24:40 AM
Hey, there aren't many heterosexuals out there, so we need to make sure people are aware of their plight...  :rolleyes:

(It looks like parody to me, but then again... Poe's Law)
Title: Re: Heterosexual Awareness Month
Post by: Youssuf Ramadan on February 27, 2013, 05:28:21 AM
I'm heterosexual.  I need a pressure group so I can have an axe to grind, dammit!   :P
Title: Re: Heterosexual Awareness Month
Post by: StupidWiz on February 27, 2013, 05:32:37 AM
I really hope it's a Poe, but... it actually looks very real to me. It's kinda sad thing to see really.
Post by: Plu on February 27, 2013, 05:39:58 AM
I think it's half bigots and half people thinking it's a joke, judging from the comments.
Title: Re:
Post by: Youssuf Ramadan on February 27, 2013, 05:42:49 AM
Quote from: "Plu"I think it's half bigots and half people thinking it's a joke, judging from the comments.

That sums up much of FB very nicely IMO. :rollin:
Post by: NitzWalsh on February 27, 2013, 06:05:20 AM
I just want to know what struggles the heterosexual couples are going through.
Post by: Plu on February 27, 2013, 06:10:23 AM
Plenty, because most heterosexual couples are made up of one or more idiots and those are good at causing problems for one other people.

Unless you meant "struggles due to not being accepted in society", in which case I'd say... none probably :P
Post by: Mermaid on February 27, 2013, 07:14:57 AM
Oh, those poor, oppressed creatures.  :roll:
Title: Re: Heterosexual Awareness Month
Post by: Bibliofagus on February 27, 2013, 07:35:28 AM
That's no Heterosexual awareness site, that a Monogamy awareness site...

And to answer some questions: as a heterosexual polygamist I can tell you firsthand that not all heterosexual relationships are accepted by society.
Title: Re: Heterosexual Awareness Month
Post by: WitchSabrina on February 27, 2013, 07:45:59 AM
Quote from: "Youssuf Ramadan"I'm heterosexual.  I need a pressure group so I can have an axe to grind, dammit!   :P

Yep. This ^
Title: Re:
Post by: billhilly on February 27, 2013, 07:59:11 AM
Quote from: "NitzWalsh"I just want to know what struggles the heterosexual couples are going through.

You must not be married..................
Title: Re: Re:
Post by: WitchSabrina on February 27, 2013, 08:10:51 AM
Quote from: "drunkenshoe"
Quote from: "billhilly"
Quote from: "NitzWalsh"I just want to know what struggles the heterosexual couples are going through.

You must not be married..................

Then what does that have to do with being heterosexual,transgender or gay?

Probably nothing.  Pretty sure it's a married-people joke.
Title: Re: Heterosexual Awareness Month
Post by: StupidWiz on February 27, 2013, 08:51:44 AM
Reading all those comments on that page makes me wanna puke, ugh, I gotta stop reading it. :-&
Title: Re:
Post by: Fidel_Castronaut on February 27, 2013, 08:52:32 AM
Quote from: "NitzWalsh"I just want to know what struggles the heterosexual couples are going through.

All those gays hitting on me really annoys my fiancé when we're out. She gets pissed. Why can't they keep their faggotry where it belongs, you know, IN HELL!
Post by: The Skeletal Atheist on February 27, 2013, 09:59:42 AM
Eh, let the bigots have their bit of fun. To me it seems the same as any other stupid Facebook group. I've seen "White History Month" groups come and go, so this isn't surprising to me.

To me it seems like a sign that they're losing anyways.
Title: Re: Heterosexual Awareness Month
Post by: AllPurposeAtheist on February 27, 2013, 10:15:44 AM
Isn't there a rich, old, white guy awareness day with white wrist bands we can wear?
Post by: NitzWalsh on February 28, 2013, 05:30:10 AM
The number(not percentage) of divorces each year in Canada have dropped since 2006. I blame gay marriage.
Post by: stromboli on February 28, 2013, 10:13:00 AM
Site taken down for hate speech (

It's them damn homos agin  [-X
Title: Re: Heterosexual Awareness Month
Post by: widdershins on February 28, 2013, 01:08:59 PM
I'm pretty sure it was satire.
Post by: Youssuf Ramadan on February 28, 2013, 02:02:59 PM
We can live in hope....
Post by: Zatoichi on February 28, 2013, 04:16:20 PM
Mark your calenders for "Respiration Awareness Week."

We'll be passing out stickers to place over your mouths along with swimmers nose plugs to symbolize the plight and suffering of those who cannot breath.

Title: Re:
Post by: bennyboy on February 28, 2013, 04:51:59 PM
Quote from: "NitzWalsh"I just want to know what struggles the heterosexual couples are going through.
We have serious fashion issues.
Title: Re: Re:
Post by: widdershins on February 28, 2013, 05:10:15 PM
Quote from: "bennyboy"
Quote from: "NitzWalsh"I just want to know what struggles the heterosexual couples are going through.
We have serious fashion issues.
Speaking of, when we do the gathering for heterosexual awareness month the decor is going to seriously SUCK!  It's going to be all moose heads and shit.
Post by: Davka on February 28, 2013, 06:32:02 PM
Yet another First-World Problem.

Seriously, it's so difficult to be a straight white man these days! You can't even call someone a nigger or a faggot without them getting all offended. And don't even get me started about trying to get some bitch to make you a fucking sandwich!

Title: Re: Heterosexual Awareness Month
Post by: Remnant of Dawn on February 28, 2013, 07:13:02 PM
I think all these celebration months are ridiculous - black history month, white history month, gay awareness month, straight awareness month, etc. History should just be one thing-history-and it should include the accomplishments of people of all races. Creating a separate month for black history will only strengthen racial tensions and make whites feel threatened, thus trying to establish some sort of white history month, and furthering the racial divide. It's a similar thing with sexual orientation (is there even such a thing as gay awareness month? I'm not sure). Being proud of your sexual orientation is just as ridiculous as being ashamed of it.

And however hateful and bigoted the comments on that page were, I can't condone Facebook removing it. People need to learn to deal with nasty comments on the Internet. I'm sorry, but if you're getting offended by pixels on a screen, you shouldn't be on the web to begin with. The Internet should be a place for people to freely express ideas and opinions, whatever these might be.
Post by: stromboli on February 28, 2013, 07:49:59 PM
And just where is "fat middle aged medium income white guy month?". Seriously, I feel so left out.

Remnant said:
QuoteAnd however hateful and bigoted the comments on that page were, I can't condone Facebook removing it. People need to learn to deal with nasty comments on the Internet. I'm sorry, but if you're getting offended by pixels on a screen, you shouldn't be on the web to begin with. The Internet should be a place for people to freely express ideas and opinions, whatever these might be.

In this case, I agree. I don't think this necessarily crosses the line into hate speech. its almost worth the lols to have it on there.
Post by: mnmelt on February 28, 2013, 07:50:04 PM
Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid!  

The german band or the more gramatically correct
Kein mitleid fur die mehrheit
"No pity for the majority"??
Title: Re:
Post by: The Skeletal Atheist on March 01, 2013, 08:55:53 AM
Quote from: "mnmelt"Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid!  

The german band or the more gramatically correct
Kein mitleid fur die mehrheit
"No pity for the majority"??
The German industrial band.
Edit: Edited signature, now both are in there to further confuse people.  :mrgreen: