Extraordinary Claims => Religion General Discussion => Topic started by: frozenframe on October 06, 2014, 09:51:39 AM

Title: Age of Reason episode 4
Post by: frozenframe on October 06, 2014, 09:51:39 AM
Episode 4 of our show is just up. We talked about pseudoscience, alternative medicine and bible fallacies.
Title: Re: Age of Reason episode 4
Post by: Drummer Guy on October 07, 2014, 11:34:40 AM
I couldn't watch more than 5 minutes...sorry.  I would suggest that if you're going to make a broadcast show that you take some lessons on public speaking.  I'm sure the content of your show is top notch, but it was really painful to hear you say something slowly, with a lot of "ums" and "likes", and after a minute you said something that could have been said in 15-20 seconds.

It's meant to be a constructive criticism.
Title: Re: Age of Reason episode 4
Post by: frozenframe on October 07, 2014, 12:38:28 PM
That's a bit nitpicky. Sorry not to be up to your standards.
Title: Re: Age of Reason episode 4
Post by: Ferrin on October 07, 2014, 03:26:03 PM
It's a valid criticism. The more information you can transfer to your viewers within a smaller timeframe wins time for the viewers. Doing so clearly means they're more likely to understand or remember it.
Title: Re: Age of Reason episode 4
Post by: Munch on October 07, 2014, 04:50:26 PM
A good method to try, which many youtubers do both on camera and with charactertures of themselves (the armored skeptic, runescapemusicman2, nostalgia critic for example) is to just plan out what you want to say beforehand, record it and listen to it, even have someone else to listen to it before it goes on your channel. I've got a problem with speaking live, but doing it in segments helps.

You have a good show going though, I would suggest breaking down the intro to a lot shorter, since its into its forth episode people want to get into the subject quick without a long title intro, so maybe take what you made and cut it down to like 10-12 seconds
Title: Re: Age of Reason episode 4
Post by: frozenframe on October 08, 2014, 08:09:15 AM
Fair enough, that would work for a scripted show. We're live and recording but live nevertheless and I try to add spontaneous comedy in some parts. The point is not to have a super scripted show but rather a show where people will see that we're just regular folk.

I've watched it again and yep I agree there was too much of that in the first ten minutes and it dies out beyond that as we go into the material.

However, a lot of my co-hosts are Japanese and even though they speak English, it is unlikely to satisfy people who are asking for perfect English and timing. The intro seq is too long? Well it's actually for the timing on YouTube Live. I need some kind of visual reference, given that the stream is extremely delayed.

Oh you mean the actual first few minutes. Ok gotcha! We were off for a month that's why this show in particular was regular length+ some compensation.