News & General Discussion => News Stories and Current Events => Topic started by: Green Bottle on October 04, 2014, 09:53:20 AM

Title: Danny Macaskill, Mad Scottish B*****d....
Post by: Green Bottle on October 04, 2014, 09:53:20 AM
Title: Re: Danny Macaskill, Mad Scottish B*****d....
Post by: Munch on October 04, 2014, 12:37:02 PM
wow, some of those scenes were nerve racking.
Title: Re: Danny Macaskill, Mad Scottish B*****d....
Post by: stromboli on October 04, 2014, 01:04:26 PM
Owned a Honda 125 Trials motorcycle back many years ago. Rode the piss out of it. Trials bikes, motored and man driven, are awesome to watch. Competed in a couple of local events and did badly. Mick Andrews replicas were the motorcycle to have, and they were awesome in the dirt. Rode one a few times. I had more fun on that Honda than on its replacement, an Ossa Stiletto that I rode motocross style. Too hyper for me. I'm a low and slow kind of guy, like to check out the scenery. Thanks for the video.
Title: Re: Danny Macaskill, Mad Scottish B*****d....
Post by: Solitary on October 04, 2014, 01:25:55 PM
Wow! Thanks for the video! When I was very young I did some crazy things and people would ask me why I did them. I would tell them condescendingly, "because I can."  But the real reason was always because I like the experience and it made me glad to be alive. They were always calculated risks, and not being a dare devil. If you had the skill this guy has on a bicycle it would be a calculated risk, but for me now, suicide.  :eek: To all you young people, don't waste your youth, it only comes once. You have to take calculated risks to be really be alive, and know how precious it is. Solitary
Title: Re: Danny Macaskill, Mad Scottish B*****d....
Post by: Green Bottle on October 04, 2014, 04:44:56 PM
I thought this vid was amazing the first time i saw it, and i still do.
I always loved bikes ever since i got my first trike aged 4 or 5 and all the bikes iv'e had over the years but i never had anywhere near the skill danny has.
I would say this is his best but if you want to see more of the same you should check him out on utube..
A class act.
Title: Re: Danny Macaskill, Mad Scottish B*****d....
Post by: stromboli on October 04, 2014, 05:52:05 PM
Takes unbelievable skill to do that. Saw guys on trials bikes hop from rock to rock and climb almost vertical slopes, but I was never anywhere near that good. Also takes incredible balance, which I also don't have.
Title: Re: Danny Macaskill, Mad Scottish B*****d....
Post by: Green Bottle on October 04, 2014, 06:24:13 PM
Quote from: stromboli on October 04, 2014, 05:52:05 PM
Takes unbelievable skill to do that. Saw guys on trials bikes hop from rock to rock and climb almost vertical slopes, but I was never anywhere near that good. Also takes incredible balance, which I also don't have.
I know what you mean, i always thought i was quite nifty on a bike in my younger days but after i saw that vid i was like fffffffffffk, i wish i could do half the shhhht that he can, i thot i was brilliant cos i could freewheel down my street with no hands......
Title: Re: Danny Macaskill, Mad Scottish B*****d....
Post by: SGOS on October 05, 2014, 05:54:43 AM
Good Grief!  That's gutsy.
Title: Re: Danny Macaskill, Mad Scottish B*****d....
Post by: AllPurposeAtheist on October 05, 2014, 06:15:48 AM
You know.. when I was a kid, about 19 i hitch hiked from Ohio to Montana in a blizzard and that was fucking stupid. I never once tried to ride a bike down a rocky peak and I gotta tell you.. it's also fucking stupid.. Pretty view? Sure.. Skillful? Questionable. Skills to me are things with actual practical uses like weaving a basket or fixing a car. Try putting that you once rode a bike down a rocky peak in Scotland on your resume to get a job flipping burgers at McDonalds.. That's the number one hiring criteria.. I guess you can call it entertaining, but for the rest of us it's not exactly a how to video or I would certainly hope not.. I hate to say it, but bicycles weren't really invented to ride down rocky peaks and tempt fate as a Road Runner/While E Coyote extra.. and that "spiritual music" in the background... STOP with the spiritual sounding shit!
All that said.. pretty entertaining, but no way in fucking hell would i even think of trying that..  :hand:  :eek: :snooty: :shhh: :rotflmao:
Title: Re: Danny Macaskill, Mad Scottish B*****d....
Post by: Solitary on October 05, 2014, 02:14:43 PM
I've seen guys and girls do similar on a unicycle.  :eek: Doing what he does on one like the video would really be a trick.