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Started by witness1615, February 23, 2015, 01:32:08 PM

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Christian, Theist, and Young-Earth Creationist, who is doing a talk in 2 weeks. So I came here to ask some atheist some questions. Informal Debate, "On Rules".


Quote from: witness1615 on February 23, 2015, 01:32:08 PM
Christian, Theist, and Young-Earth Creationist, who is doing a talk in 2 weeks. So I came here to ask some atheist some questions. Informal Debate, "On Rules".

Hello, and what questions do you have? Ask them here.
"My only agenda, if one can call it that, is the pursuit of truth" ~AoSS


ooh, this should be interesting...

Trust me, we're all looking forward to this! lol

-=The Believer is Happy; the Skeptic is Wise=-


Quote from: SNP1 on February 23, 2015, 01:33:33 PM
Hello, and what questions do you have? Ask them here.
Well, first off, is there some way to reply to someone rather than having to keep quoting them? But otherwise, I'm under informal debates, on the topic, "On Rules".
I hope y'all can answer my question, cause the last atheist I talked to just quit e-mailing with me.


Quote from: witness1615 on February 23, 2015, 01:39:52 PM
Well, first off, is there some way to reply to someone rather than having to keep quoting them? But otherwise, I'm under informal debates, on the topic, "On Rules".
I hope y'all can answer my question, cause the last atheist I talked to just quit e-mailing with me.

Just the quote stuff (kinda sucks).
Also, can you just post the questions here? And be specific on your questions.
"My only agenda, if one can call it that, is the pursuit of truth" ~AoSS


Quote from: witness1615 on February 23, 2015, 01:32:08 PM
Christian, Theist, and Young-Earth Creationist, who is doing a talk in 2 weeks. So I came here to ask some atheist some questions. Informal Debate, "On Rules".
lol That's funny. All of it. You being a christian, you being a young earth creationist, you thinking there is a need to state that you are a theist after saying that you are a christian.... all of it. :lol:

Tell us; why did you come to an atheist forum to learn about (and going by your second post in there) seemingly debate about why there are rules.

I'm just going to get to the point. Is there any reason you, a christian... and a young earth creationist came to this forum for other than relay false claims, tell us that evolution is wrong, and tell us we need to accept Jee-zuss as our savior otherwise we will suffer for eternity?

I haven't seen any of that yet, but let us know ahead of time so we know what to do with you.... or ignore so we can insta-ban you


Go on then.  I'll take the bait.  What's your talk about witness?

I'll answer all your questions if you agree to answer mine.
Winner of WitchSabrinas Best Advice Award 2012

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real
tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. -Plato


Quote from: PickelledEggs on February 23, 2015, 01:43:10 PM
lol That's funny. All of it. You being a christian, you being a young earth creationist, you thinking there is a need to state that you are a theist after saying that you are a christian.... all of it. :lol:

Tell us; why did you come to an atheist forum to learn about (and going by your second post in there) seemingly debate about why there are rules.

I'm just going to get to the point. Is there any reason you, a christian... and a young earth creationist came to this forum for other than relay false claims, tell us that evolution is wrong, and tell us we need to accept Jee-zuss as our savior otherwise we will suffer for eternity?

I haven't seen any of that yet, but let us know ahead of time so we know what to do with you.... or ignore so we can insta-ban you

Okay, you are right, maybe a little over kill. lol. But the reason I came here is to ask a question, which still hasn't been answered. I'd like to believe that atheist are reasonable, rational and consistent. But you will only prove my point by banning me, and showing that you won't answer questions, and will ban me for an arbitrary reason.


Quote from: Jason78 on February 23, 2015, 01:43:19 PM
Go on then.  I'll take the bait.  What's your talk about witness?

I'll answer all your questions if you agree to answer mine.
Love to answer you questions, but could you answer mine first?


Quote from: witness1615 on February 23, 2015, 02:05:28 PM
Okay, you are right, maybe a little over kill. lol. But the reason I came here is to ask a question, which still hasn't been answered. I'd like to believe that atheist are reasonable, rational and consistent. But you will only prove my point by banning me, and showing that you won't answer questions, and will ban me for an arbitrary reason.
Way to assume.  You know, we have theists here who we have never banned.

Anyway, I see you have asked one question about responding without quoting, and someone promptly answered you (and politely too!)  Your next statement was to say you basically already know we will be jerks and not answer you and ban you for no good reason.  I see why you are a creationist, you presume a lot without any evidence, and so far even evidence to the contrary!  That's not very nice, you know.

You've already made your mind up about us and, IMHO, are clearly just here to troll us and be a jerk so you can get the reaction out of us you want, then you can pat yourself on the back, confirmed in your belief that all atheists are irrational a-holes. 

Sounds like the way a typical creationist goes about reasoning things out.  Conclusion first. Then cherrypick evidence to fit conclusion.  If evidence does not fit pre-conceived conclusion, ignore it, or "make" it fit.

Enjoy your stay!
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory.  LLAP"
Leonard Nimoy


Atheists are an extremely diverse group. All atheism refers to is a lack of a belief in a deity. That's it.

This means that an atheist could be:

Rational or irrational
Part of a religion that does not focus on a deity or not part of any religion
Spiritual or non-spiritual
Scientific or believe in pseudo-science
Liberal, conservative, or part of any political group
A good person or a bad person
Believe in conspiracy theories or does not believe in conspiracy theories
Etc... etc... etc...

Imagine grouping people based on the fact they like the colour red. You'd have people from every walk of life with all kinds of viewpoints. That's the way atheists are.

ETA... Damn they get themselves banned fast. Oh well... Leaving this here anyway.

Quote from: Jakenessif you believe in the supernatural, you do not understand modern science. Period.


Ok witness, Hi, and lets reset the thread and start from scratch. Welcome to the forum, now given its often worth an open debate on questions, between people of two very different beliefs, it all comes down to the question itself.

I assume the question you had wasn't just based around about if you can have an informal setup, must be more to ask here then that, so ask away.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin

Light Craftsman

Bit late for that, Munch. The OP has been banned already. Bummer. I was hoping to find out the question.
You cannot have a rational discussion with someone who holds irrational beliefs.


Better idea….let's complete his op:

I am a …..

A humans desire to live is exceeded only by their willingness to die for another. Even god cannot equal this magnificent sacrifice. No god has the right to judge them.-first tenant of the Panotheust


ooh right, didn't see that part.

I thought maybe he'd be someone who was curious on the difference between his theism and atheism and how the structure works. I'm often hopeful for people of that persuasion that maybe they might still see their faith and what its really based on instead of whatever their priest or religious head tells them it is.

Thats why I think its always worth giving someone a chance to ask a question before seeing if its just trollbait or not.
'Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners' - George Carlin