How do we determine the age of Fossils?

Started by Mousetrap, July 17, 2018, 10:53:04 AM

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Quote from: Mousetrap on July 19, 2018, 04:30:43 AM
I do indeed,
Do you realize that I expect you to be a honorable moderator that realizes that if he disallows a Christian to post his points of view, it is a display of just how bias
one can be against any criticism.
Never did I swear at anyone on this forum.
Never did I preach or forced my religion down on anyone.
All I did on your website is the following.

1. I saw how atheists demanded to have the total knowledge that there is no deity and thereby they degraded the Bible with silly and unfounded accusations with no facts at all.
2. I said very clearly that all I want to achieve is to show the atheists who does this errors, the simple yet fundamental answers to these so called contradictions with science as they supposed it should be, and not what the facts reflect.
3. I was happily accepting the atheist treatment of swearing, calling or personal names, accusations of ignorance, and I was even threatened to be shot for my points of view. etc.
Did I ever complain, no!
Why, because I accept the right of an atheist to express their point of view.
Guess what, I will even defend the atheists' view point to say what they believe in.

Now, lets' us see what your honor is all about.
You noticed that I was threatened to be shot. What did you say?
Now let us conclude on the situation.
Are you going to ban me to express my point of view of someone who simply entered this forum, where atheists were having a feast against the Bible and Christians where these atheists were living in a bubble, telling each other how clever they all are, and how intelligent Atheists are, and how stupid Christians are; and I placed my info on the table?

I can not prescribe any actions you think you should do, all I can do is to show all these posts to Christians in future, and show them how atheists fear a Christian once confronted with evidence proving the total ignorance of your brothers in the Atheist festival.

I am totally satisfied, and comfortable on any choice you make.
Banning me will be evidence of victory to the Bible.
Keeping me will be a continuation of the painful experience your atheist friends endured over the past few weeks.


Honorable moderator?


I think you overestimate my investment regarding your threads.
I glance over them; pop in from time to time. Kudos to anyone who wants to; but I lack both the interest and the motivation as well as the masochistic tendencies in going into a religious debate with you and reading the entire manuscript you've posted here.

Now, for as far as I can tell, in my limited point of view. People here are a dick to you. Is that cool? Nah. But you are also being a different kind of a dick, and I highly doubt you don't have the self-insight to know that. I won't offend your intelligence by pointing out how. Because I think you know exactly what you are doing. And you know what? That's fine too. That's fair, as long as you keep that shit to your own threads.

Basically, if you want come to a forum; expect dicks. Most people can be dicks. Especially online. This goes for you. It goes for your conversational partners. It goes for me. You'd do well to get over that, if you feel like you have a destiny in educating people online. (I mean, you say you do. Although I see a lot of whining now...) You're all adults, presumably, so handle it amongst yourselves.

Everybody puts their bar of freedom of speech on their own perceived level. For me: I don't think harsh language is necessary, but I also don't think it needs to be banned in an adult conversation. Rather the same, I don't think a conversation should be shut down because one partner doesn't treat it like a conversation but rather as a lecture or a speech with continued refusal to adress certain points and flaws pointed out by their conversational partner. I just don't think it makes the conversation itself productive. But in both cases, people should be allowed to talk.
I now spoke out because I saw talk of banning, not of harsh language. That's where I draw the line. You can go ahead and ignore what the other says and insult and throw hissifits over bad sience  and rip everything out of context to show how unfair everyone is, all you want. Go ahead, you have my blessing. And I probably won't intervene further. But if I happen to see talk of banning where I don't think it's justified; then I'll speak up. I don't ow you any more than that. And actually, I don't even ow you that much.
"If we have to go down, we go down together!"
- Your mum, last night, requesting 69.

Atheist Mantis does not pray.

Gawdzilla Sama

Did that dumbass actually think we could shoot him on the internet?

We 'new atheists' have a reputation for being militant, but make no mistake  we didn't start this war. If you want to place blame put it on the the religious zealots who have been poisoning the minds of the  young for a long long time."
PZ Myers


Quote from: Mr.Obvious on July 19, 2018, 05:00:01 AM
Honorable moderator?


...But if I happen to see talk of banning where I don't think it's justified; then I'll speak up. I don't ow you any more than that. And actually, I don't even ow you that much.
Outch, now your members have to contend with me.
..but a thumbs up for your decision...
Evolution, the religion whereby one believes your children more human, and your parents more ape, than you!

The Human Mind, if it has nothing to do with Evolution...What an incredible entity...
If it does, what a waste!

Atheism, what a wonderful religion, where one believe to believe is erroneous.


Quote from: Gawdzilla Sama on July 19, 2018, 06:41:57 AM
Did that dumbass actually think we could shoot him on the internet?

Is that what you wanted to do?
How can one shoot someone on the internet?

Evolution, the religion whereby one believes your children more human, and your parents more ape, than you!

The Human Mind, if it has nothing to do with Evolution...What an incredible entity...
If it does, what a waste!

Atheism, what a wonderful religion, where one believe to believe is erroneous.


Quote from: Mousetrap on July 19, 2018, 07:37:55 AM
Outch, now your members have to contend with me.
..but a thumbs up for your decision...

Do you think I'm an admin?
Would Explain a lot.
"If we have to go down, we go down together!"
- Your mum, last night, requesting 69.

Atheist Mantis does not pray.

Mike Cl

Quote from: Mousetrap on July 19, 2018, 07:37:55 AM
Outch, now your members have to contend with me.
..but a thumbs up for your decision...
No, we don't have to contend with you.  Unless we want to.  I don't read you any more--or rarely-- and your 'arguments' have simply shown how deluded you are--nothing more. 
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?<br />Then he is not omnipotent,<br />Is he able but not willing?<br />Then whence cometh evil?<br />Is he neither able or willing?<br />Then why call him god?

Gawdzilla Sama

We 'new atheists' have a reputation for being militant, but make no mistake  we didn't start this war. If you want to place blame put it on the the religious zealots who have been poisoning the minds of the  young for a long long time."
PZ Myers


Quote from: Mr.Obvious on July 19, 2018, 05:00:01 AM

I now spoke out because I saw talk of banning, not of harsh language. That's where I draw the line. You can go ahead and ignore what the other says and insult and throw hissifits over bad sience  and rip everything out of context to show how unfair everyone is, all you want. Go ahead, you have my blessing. And I probably won't intervene further. But if I happen to see talk of banning where I don't think it's justified; then I'll speak up. I don't ow you any more than that. And actually, I don't even ow you that much.
No one gets banned.  If they are excessively offensive trolls, they may get sent to purgatory.  I guess they're supposed to feel bad because they were sent to purgatory, but we still get message notifications every time they post.  It's like they get their own private forum section.  Maybe we can turn them off.  I haven't bothered.  I don't really care.

Like you I don't read Mousetrap's posts.  Although oddly, I read people's responses to him.  I have had a couple of brief spin-off discussions with some of Mousetraps respondents, so that's a good thing.  But I'm just too closed minded to listen to new spin on old nonsense, as if there were any really new spin.  It gets annoying listening to the same illogical beliefs for years and years.  I'm mean how long are people supposed to listen to redundant driveling of the tin foil hat crowd?  Is 50 years enough?     

I get a kick out of Mouse trap accusing atheists of being close minded when he has no idea how we arrive at the fact that we know nothing about what cannot be known.  Atheism isn't rocket science after all.  Although, I can see how one could get so self absorbed that they cannot stop trying to convince others that they have special knowledge about the unknown or reality or whatever they call it.

But to ban or not to ban?  It's pointless to discuss.  The moderators decide.  And with such an inactive membership as we have these days, we need people to talk to.  So we have to lower our standards, although there is also a downside to allowing to much delusional or offensive babble in any discussion group.  Where that line is, I don't know.  That's not a coin toss that I have much investment in.

Hakurei Reimu

Quote from: Mousetrap on July 19, 2018, 04:57:13 AM
I suggest you do some research on the Sumerian king list and learn that there are no evidence at all for the Kingship dating before 2500BC.
So? We have Sumerian pottery dating back 6500â€"4100 BCE. Someone made those pots, cupcake. You don't make pots unless you're living in more-or-less permanent settlements. Also, we have graves, with signs of social stratification as this culture developed. We have found no less than sixteen settlements from this period. It's a nascent civilization, not an empire yet, but on its way to getting there.

this is the same as the Egyptian chronology which was inflated by Manetho to impress the Greeks in 300BC.
So? We have rock drawings in Egypt that date back to 10,000 BCE. Someone carved them. We have the bones of a human that dates to 35,100-30,360 years in this region as well. Settlements dating back to 6000 BCE dot Egypt. People lived in Egypt. Again, not an empire yet, with dynasties ruling over Upper and Lower Egypt.

Someone was living in Mesopotamia and organizing itself into a large civilization quite a bit before God supposedly created the world, or as you suppose, just life. Egypt was already getting started itself as well. Not the Egypt of the Bible with Pharaoh and pyramid tombs, etc. or the Sumerian culture we're familiar with, but they were there.

And it wasn't just the Egyptians or Sumerians who were building up cultures:

So your counterargument fails. People and settlements dotted the entire globe around this time. And were already pretty organized even about this time. God couldn't create life or man at this point because they were already here, existing and doing impressive things already.

Did you actually think this quote about the Sumerians who was frightened when YHWH created the universe is a serious scholarly document?
No. It's from the Onion, a known satirist website. It's old hat to us. However, their articles are based on a grian of truth. The grain of truth here is that budding civilizations, based on farming and herding, succeeded the former hunter-gatherer tribes before 6000 years ago, when you suppose God created life.

Well, believe it or not, the Sumerian tablets on creation is one that can not be reconciled with science at all.
I will debate you anytime on these documents.
Who cares about the tablets? What about the fact that there were settlements and budding civilizations all over the world, proved by physical evidence we have dug out of the earth and through careful dating fixes them to around this time period? According to your interpretation of the Bible, the Earth is a barren place with no life on it before God wiggled his divine eyebrows. According to archeology, Earth was already flush with life, man had spread to all continents (except Antarctica) complete with farming, and civilizations were already building up to the greatness that we know.

"On this particular day, Sunday October 23, 4004 BC, no one alive would have believed that this was the first day, or that the Earth had just been created that morning." â€"Aronra.

An ancient earth demands equally ancient life and ancient civilization as well. You'll get no traction here, because even without radioisotope dating, the Earth, life, and civilization is extremely old and obviously so after any scientific scrutiny.
Warning: Don't Tease The Miko!
(she bites!)
Spinny Miko Avatar shamelessly ripped off from Iosys' Neko Miko Reimu


Quote from: Mousetrap on July 19, 2018, 02:51:47 AM
so you think the Sea of Solomon had no inner and outer diameter?
Where does it say it had a thick enough rim for you to make up a lie to cover the fact that it was written by innumerate nomads?  Show me the chapter and verse that says exactly that, or admit that the bible cannot be taken literally.

Quote from: Mousetrap on July 19, 2018, 02:51:47 AM
Another Straw-man argument.
Look closely, I said that Isaac Newton already answered your Straw-man argument, now you built another straw-man and think you will get away with your incorrect claim in destroying the second Straw-man, thereby destroying the second, the first and the incorrect contradiction.
You are really funny!
There's no straw man (seems to be your favorite accusation -- maybe you should look up another couple logical fallacies so you can mix it up a little; we already can see by usage that in Mouseworld, 'straw man' is your phrase for 'mousie can't answer that!!').

And you're dodging the question, as usual: who do you worship, your god or Newton?  If you're going with Newton's interpretation to cover what your bible does not say, you're admitting that your bible cannot be taken at face value, and again, once you start interpreting, you can't place a marker to say 'stop here'.  If your bible is infallible, it clearly makes the pi=3 statement.

Quote from: Mousetrap on July 19, 2018, 02:51:47 AM
Silly...the bible was written in Hebrew and Greek, (oh and some Aramaic)
the word Bird is English.
You should not get confused with chronology.
Dead Sea Scrolls=Hebrew=180 BC.
New Testament=Greek= 230 Ad
King James=English=1611 Ad
1800 years different!
Surely you're not going to claim you've read it in the ancient Hebrew.  EVERY translation that I'm aware of uses 'bird'.  That means it was the Hebrew word for 'bird'.

This is called being disingenuous, if not actually childish.

And of course it gives you one extra post to dodge answering a direct question and throw out more irrelevant stuff.  You haven't been studying Gish, have you?

Quote from: Mousetrap on July 19, 2018, 02:51:47 AM
You (Atheists) made claims that the Bible is non compatible with science and this is your evidence that the Author of the Bible should never be considered as the Creator of the Universe.
I watched this website for more than 2 years before registering, and eventually decided to just join and to test you to see if your arguments can withstand my simple observations. Well what I found is that all your reasons for denial on the Biblical scriptures, is not valid.
All your straw-man arguments is very flimsy, and I will be able to produce 10 times better arguments than what you think is solid evidence.
*psst* hint for you -- every time you start one of your lies with "You atheists..." that means you're about to deliver a real straw man argument.  Must be why it's your favorite accusation, you're so familiar with using the technique.

If you want to know why I reject claims of the existence of the divine, ASK me.  Do not tell me what they are, because you do not know.

The reason I claim there is no god is because there is no evidence of any, biblical or otherwise.  This goes for all claims of gods, not just your parochial little sky-daddy.  Your bible has nothing to do with it; has it occurred to you that if your bible is to be admitted as evidence, then you have to admit all religious scripture as evidence for their gods?  No, of course not.  You're locked in to your pre-determined answer, and you will allow and accept nothing that doesn't fit in with what you've pre-decided must be true.

That's not the way the quest for truth works.  If I saw evidence, I would change my mind.  If you see evidence, you either ignore it or deliberately misinterpret it.  You won't change your mind.  That makes you a dishonest debater.

And yes, I would describe your observations as 'simple'.  As in 'simple-minded'.
"My faith in the Constitution is whole, it is complete, it is total, and I am not going to sit here and be an idle spectator to the diminution, the subversion, the destruction of the Constitution." -- Barbara Jordan

Gawdzilla Sama

Tales told by illiterates sitting around campfires made from camel dung do not count as evidence.
We 'new atheists' have a reputation for being militant, but make no mistake  we didn't start this war. If you want to place blame put it on the the religious zealots who have been poisoning the minds of the  young for a long long time."
PZ Myers


Quote from: Gawdzilla Sama on July 19, 2018, 11:50:25 AM
Tales told by illiterates sitting around campfires made from camel dung do not count as evidence.
But, but... These were the ancients, who were inspired by god, unlike society today that has lost its way.  The Stargate series shows us that the ancients are no longer with us, but have elevated themselves to a higher plane of existence.  A few of the wisest ancients rebelled and left us the Bible, a legacy of the true depth of their ancient knowledge accessible to all who are open minded enough to realize these so called camel herders have a much deeper insight into physics, biology, chemistry, and cosmology than today's closed minded scientists who only see what they want to see and make up untestable theories that any child can see are wrong.  Let's not make fun of the camel herders by laughingly referring to them as simple goat herders (actually they herded many different kinds of animals).  These were insightful people who could see the truth in their spare time.  And they could do it all without an ounce of actual research.  They spoke not a word of useless rubbish.  They knew and understood all things without thinking.  They were capable of divining things modern man cannot, and they were doing all this before God even created them.  Without these rebel ancients who left us a sea of ancient knowledge, we would all be lost and would have no one to show us the way.  They were there when there when god created the heavens.  They stood by and watched Jesus have the shittiest weekend of his life.  They give us a first hand account that no one today has witnessed.


Quote from: Gawdzilla Sama on July 19, 2018, 11:50:25 AM
Tales told by illiterates sitting around campfires made from camel dung do not count as evidence.

Neither does e.e.cummings ... other than as evidence of poetry and the failure to use capitalization.  No more than that.
Ha’át’íísh baa naniná?
Azee’ Å,a’ish nanídį́į́h?
Táadoo ánít’iní.
What are you doing?
Are you taking any medications?
Don't do that.


Quote from: SGOS on July 19, 2018, 12:28:49 PMA few of the wisest ancients rebelled and left us the Bible
The Ori?  :P


Quote from: Mousetrap on July 19, 2018, 04:57:13 AM
I suggest you do some research on the Sumerian king list and learn that there are no evidence at all for the Kingship dating before 2500BC.
this is the same as the Egyptian chronology which was inflated by Manetho to impress the Greeks in 300BC.

Did you actually think this quote about the Sumerians who was frightened when YHWH created the universe is a serious scholarly document?
Well, believe it or not, the Sumerian tablets on creation is one that can not be reconciled with science at all.
I will debate you anytime on these documents.