Where Do They Find These Nut Cases?

Started by Solitary, November 26, 2013, 04:56:55 PM

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QuoteTed Nugent as POTUS? Not in this reality. But reality holds no sway with the delusional Mr. Nugent, who will never be called Mr. President, except in his fevered dreams.

The newly shorn, washed up rocker told WCSX-FM that his Texas and Michigan supporters are urging him to run. Because everyone knows those states are bastions of democracy. Let's see, Michigan is the state where emergency managers pretty much have the power of God. In their wisdom, the Michigan.

 Republicans holding office decided the people who are elected by their constituents can be kicked out of office by the state if that particular locality runs out of money, even if the reason the locality ran out of money was because the state managed to set it up for a fall. And we all know about Texas and the war on its women, its poor and the voting population – the Democratic voting population, that is. If you're a white man in Texas, you are king. They love Ted. According to Ted, freedom is rampant in Texas. If you're a white man.

In the interview, Ted talked about his political aspirations with program director Jerry Tarrants.
I have threatened to run for office, because I have been prodded to do so, and pushed hard in Texas and other states, and here in Michigan. And I believe my sense of logic, my sense of common sense, my connection to people who are in the asset column of America. I believe that I would perform an enormous upgrade in returning to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and most important of all, accountability."
Tarrants, aka JT, was thrilled to have Ted on the show and thanked Ted for calling him a motherf–cker and pointing an assault rifle at him. Ted really enjoyed that and laughed and exclaimed, "Yeah! Wasn't that beautiful?"

My mother always told me that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but somehow, I don't think she had obscene language and weaponry in mind. But different strokes and all that.

Ted then went on to show off his assault rifle – an M16 automatic machine gun and told all who were tuned in that he had all the paperwork because the IRS was listening. While he was delivering this news, he threw the IRS the one finger salute and yelled, "Hey, eat shit and die Motherf—cker!" He then produced his Nancy Pelosi magazine. That would be a magazine of bullets, not the sort you read. Hilarity ensued. He then attempted to appear presidential but messed it up because, well, because he's Ted and he can't get through more than a sentence or two without dropping the F bomb. In response to the question of whether he was going to run for president, he answered with a glib, "Sure, why not?"

We all know Ted isn't really going to run because even Ted isn't delusional enough to think he could possibly win. I mean, come on! This is a guy who crapped and peed in his pants, didn't bathe or change his clothes for a month to avoid being drafted and serving in Vietnam. This is a guy who has threatened the life of the President of the United States (I still can't figure out why he's allowed to walk free), who has hurled despicable insults at our president, a man whose boots Ted isn't worthy to lick. He's the man who referred to Hillary Clinton as a "toxic c-nt." I would pay money – big money – to watch a debate between brain dead Ted and Hillary.

 She'd rip his right wing ass to shreds and not even break a sweat. Ted knows that the world stage is a lot larger than the small venues where he performs for his rabidly right wing fans. In the deepest reaches of his soul (if he has one) I think Ted is cognizant of the fact that he has never held a real job and wouldn't know what to do if he was ever expected to do anything of real consequence.

I know there are those out there who say I shouldn't waste time and energy writing about such a waste of space. There are people like Ted out there. We must never forget that, because the minute we do, we actually give them power. And the last thing any sane person wants is the likes of Ted Nugent with even a scintilla of power. No, we want to shine a big, bright light on the horrible things they say and do. Eventually, just like roaches, they will scurry and run to hide in the dark places that are their comfort zones.

And besides, bagging on Ted is just too much fun.

The Tea Baggers and republicans like this are an embarrassment to any adult that has an IQ above 60.  :roll: This is the best the Republicans can provide?  http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=ted ... E1376EC425  Solitary
There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action.


Ted Nugent:

"If Obama wins I will either be dead or in jail"

Not dead.

Not in jail.

You could launch a sailplane with this guy's hot air. As we used to say in the old days, put up or shut up. Fuck him.


Heh..maybe Pope Frankie will debate him. That would be interesting. :)
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Are you trying to imply tea baggers aren't as brilliant as they say they are?
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Quote from: "Solitary"Considering how many people support the Tea Baggers and would vote for the Republicans that have ran for office you have to consider whether it was all just a bad joke, or whether we are being manipulated by the media. No! They really are that out of touch with reality and stupid.  :roll: Solitary

Major problem:

CNN poll: Good news for Republicans in 2014 midterms


Hmmm..maybe the pope will advertise for democrats.. He sure ain't tossing rubes any bones.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.