Rate the latest movie you've seen.

Started by GalacticBusDriver, February 16, 2013, 12:37:09 AM

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McCanik 7/10  Pretty good. David Morse a corrupted cop trying to off a kid he framed years before.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Shoulder Arms (1918) -- 7/10.

Charlie Chaplin's always funny.

Mad cow disease...it's not just for cows, or the mad!


Little Moth (Chinese subtitles) 8/10  On Netflix. If you want a good reason to think the world sucks shit watch it. About an impoverished couple who buy a disabled 11 year old girl with plans of making her beg on the streets for them, but plans don't work out and the girl needs her legs amputated..  Fuck, I'm really glad I don't live in China.
All hail my new signature!

Admit it. You're secretly green with envy.


Billy Jack. 5/10 Made in 1970. Watched this movie with short hair while wearing my Navy peacoat in an east coast theater full of hippies. the whitest white guy on planet earth playing a half-breed native American who is adept at karate, natch. Short squat guy with a taller skinny Korean stunt double. Shit gets kicked, punched, lots of bad slo mo; hot hippie chicks getting felt up, hippies and indians getting beat up by bigoted rednecks. Best seen while high, preferably on Peyote. Unfortunately I wasn't.

What was even weirder is that I was probably the only person in the theater who had ever even met an indian or knew anything about their culture. And all I got was dirty looks.

Trial of Billy Jack: Don't, just don't.


Cheesy fun. a let's-ride-the-starwars-bandwagon sci-fi remake of the seven samurai, courtacy of Roger Corman and James Cameron.
No religion for me thank you very much; I 'm full of shit enough as it is.

Being flabbergasted about existence never made anyone disappear in a poof of flabbergas, so nevermind why we're here. We ARE here.


Lucy - It was way inaccurate but it was fun.

Grade: B-
Poster formerly known as Sky;Walker.

His life rushes onward in such torrential rhythm that only angels and devils can catch the tempo of it.


The Cabin in the Woods (2012) -- 8/10.

Mad cow disease...it's not just for cows, or the mad!


Quote from: Nam on July 29, 2014, 05:31:38 AM
The Cabin in the Woods (2012) -- 8/10.

Yeah, it picks up points for being unique.


Joss Whedon has always used humor and horror well.

Mad cow disease...it's not just for cows, or the mad!



Quote from: SGOS on July 29, 2014, 01:04:27 PM
Yeah, it picks up points for being unique.

But loses all points for being unfunny and feeling like an over log episode of the Twilight Zone.


Going to see Sharknado tonight and Sharknado 2 tomorrow


Quote from: Naru on July 31, 2014, 11:32:52 PM
Going to see Sharknado tonight and Sharknado 2 tomorrow

You poor sap.


Only watching it because my girlfriend wants to see it. She loves B movies. The worse B movie she made me watch AHHHHH Zombies. Omg it was the worse thing I have ever watched.


But Sharknado is not a B movie. A B Movie is when they try to make a good movie but go utterly wrong somewhere, usually due to the budget. Sharknado was made to intentionally be bad. I find the lack of sincerity is such product to be unpalatable.