Arts and Entertainment => Tell a Joke or two => Topic started by: stromboli on January 25, 2015, 03:33:38 PM

Title: "If God Had Wanted Me To Be Accepting of Gays........" The Onion!
Post by: stromboli on January 25, 2015, 03:33:38 PM,11500/

I don't question God. The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall put none above Him. Which is why I know that if it were part of God's plan for me to stop viciously condemning others based solely on their sexual preference, He would have seen fitâ€"in His infinite wisdom and allâ€"to have given me the tiniest bit of human empathy necessary to do so.

It's a simple matter of logic, really. God made me who I am, and who I am is a cold, anti-gay zealot. Thus, I abhor gay people because God made me that way. Why is that so hard to understand?

Here, let's start with the basic facts: I hate and fear gay people. The way they feel is different from how I feel, and that causes me a lot of confusion and anger. Everyone knows God is all-powerful. He could easily have given me the capacity to investigate what's behind those feelings rather than tell strangers in the park they're going to hell for holding hands. But God clearly has another path for me. And who am I to question His divine will?

Compassion, tolerance, understanding, basic decency, the ability to put myself in another person's position: God could have endowed me with any of those traits and yetâ€"here is the crucial partâ€"He didn't. Why? Because the Creator of the Universe wants me to demonize homosexuals in an effort to strip them of their fundamental human rights.

I'm sorry, but you can't possibly ask me to explain everything God does. He works in mysterious ways, remember?

Try to understand. If I were capable of thinking and acting any other way, then I'm sure I would, but God seems to be quite adamant about this one. He's just not budging at all. So unless our almighty Lord and Savior decides to change His mind about my ability to empathize on even the most basic levelâ€"which I find highly unlikelyâ€"then everyone is just going to have to accept the fact that I'm going to keep on hating homosexuals. And I know that He will fill me with the strength to remain mindless and hurtful in the face of adversity.

Which isn't to say that my faith hasn't been tested. Believe me, there have been times when I've drifted from the bitter and terrified life God has chosen for me. When my younger brother told me he was gay, it shook my faith to its very core. But here I am, 27 years later, still refusing to take his calls. Just the way God intended.

It's actually pretty astonishing how many complaints to the school board you can make regarding the new band teacher you've never met when you are filled with the Light of Christ and devoid of any real kindness or mercy toward His other children.

At the end of the day, I'm just trying to lead a good Christian life. That means going to church on Sunday, following the Ten Commandments, and fighting what I believe to be a sexual abomination through a series of petty actions and bitter comments made under my breath. Sure, I sometimes wish God would just reach into my heart and give me the ability to treat all people with, at the very least, the decency and respect they deserve as human beings. But unfortunately for that new couple who moved in three houses down, He hasn't yet.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have God's work to do.
Title: Re: "If God Had Wanted Me To Be Accepting of Gays........" The Onion!
Post by: Solitary on January 25, 2015, 03:48:17 PM
I guess he forgot that God made gay people also then. Nothing like using God for your phobias and hatred of anyone different. If I met this asshole I would have to show him what real hate is all about.  :axe:   :wall: Solitary
Title: Re: "If God Had Wanted Me To Be Accepting of Gays........" The Onion!
Post by: stromboli on January 25, 2015, 03:56:11 PM
Lol. first of all the picture on the website is a woman, and secondly it is The Onion, a satire website.
Title: Re: "If God Had Wanted Me To Be Accepting of Gays........" The Onion!
Post by: Solitary on January 25, 2015, 04:11:26 PM
I should have know being the onion, but the fact that it doesn't surprise me say a lot about how stupid religious people are. You got me!  :fU: :biggrin2:
Title: Re: "If God Had Wanted Me To Be Accepting of Gays........" The Onion!
Post by: SGOS on January 25, 2015, 08:28:48 PM
I love the Onion.
Title: Re: "If God Had Wanted Me To Be Accepting of Gays........" The Onion!
Post by: stromboli on January 26, 2015, 03:16:44 PM
This particular one I found on an exmormon website. The large majority of them are atheists.