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Post your funny pictures here!!! part Deux

Started by Nam, July 26, 2014, 08:19:18 PM

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Dark Lightning

Quote from: Hydra009 on June 29, 2022, 10:51:40 PM

Oh yeah, that whole regeneration/telekinesis/gravity/electricity thing is just basic biology.  Anyone can see that.  Just yesterday, my cat used his gravity control powers to hover in midair all day.  So annoying!

It's also a well-known fact that if one straps buttered toast (butter side down) onto the bellies of cats and drop them, one has made a perpetual motion machine. :D


Quote from: Cassia on June 29, 2022, 11:39:07 PM2 possibilities:
(a) people are somehow stupider and yet more self-assured than ever.
(b) social media provides us exposure to how many people have always been stupid yet self-assured


Unfortunately, conviction doesn't necessarily increase with knowedge.  In fact, the most knowledgeable generally lack the conviction of the least knowledgeable.  As the saying goes, "the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt."

Experts frequently underrate their knowledge and hedge their conclusions (making it appear less certain than it really is to the general public AKA jury's still out syndrome), while idiots overrate their knowledge and tellingly make no provision for being wrong (making their conclusions seem more certain than they really are because of the mistaken public belief that lack of doubt is the hallmark of a sure thing rather than a true idiot)


"his philosophy was a mixture of three famous schools -the cynics, the stoics and the epicureans-and summed up all three of them in his famous phrase, 'you can't trust any bugger further than you can throw him, and there's nothing you can do about it, so let's have a drink.'" terry pratchett


It's still kinda the same though, no?
"his philosophy was a mixture of three famous schools -the cynics, the stoics and the epicureans-and summed up all three of them in his famous phrase, 'you can't trust any bugger further than you can throw him, and there's nothing you can do about it, so let's have a drink.'" terry pratchett


"his philosophy was a mixture of three famous schools -the cynics, the stoics and the epicureans-and summed up all three of them in his famous phrase, 'you can't trust any bugger further than you can throw him, and there's nothing you can do about it, so let's have a drink.'" terry pratchett

Dark Lightning




A pound of feathers weighs more than a kilogram of steel.



Dark Lightning

The person sitting on the couch is a male survivor of the Allied invasion on D-Day.